It all started around 2000 AD, just right after the millennium bug had been crushed. A new era had just begun. With it came the beginning of what is known today as corporate prostitution. The telcos had just landed with their base stations with billions of dollars to spend. At a time when Plantashun Boiz ruled the 36 states and the federal capital territory was left for Age Beeka and his angel Angelica. When the Remedies was Hip hop and the hustle was done with pure zeal and autotune and Styl-plus were still in their mothers’ wombs. Now just a little more than a decade after, in the year 2014, the telcos and their billions have taken over. The whoring has finally begun. With the telcos unashamedly fighting over entertainers’ right before our very eyes, Saka will easily take home the award for the entertainment prostitute of the year. Having slept with two competing brands without any remorse, musically, Saka’s action is called a portamento. But do we expect Saka to be wary of jumping from one telco’s bed to another knowing that there are no sexually transmitted diseases involved in the act?
Of course, every Tom, Dick and Harry is hoping for a
whoring opportunity of such magnitude. Should we blame the entertainers
for not playing hard to get when the telcos flirt around them? When the
first and most important rule of any engagement, especially in
entertainment is “money for hand back for ground,” and we all need no
reminder of the current economic situation in the country. “Any revenue
is good revenue” has become the adopted mantra for every youth whether
in entertainment or corporate Nigeria. It is no longer news that the
telcos are not providing services commensurate with their subscribers’
When the telcos landed in Nigeria,
phones and sim cards were sold for 65,000 but today, they are freely
shared on the streets for everyone. How come the sim cards were not
issued for free at the very beginning? Should you endorse a brand that
has exploited your loyal fans who gave you the popularity for brands to
recognise you?
Now this leaves us wondering where the
allegiance of the entertainers lies. Is it to the brand or to their
conscience? As an entertainer, do you really love the brand you endorse?
Do you really believe in the efficacy of their products and services?
Shouldn’t this be considered before associating your reputation with the
brand? An entertainer who is asked to endorse a product of an oil
company, would you take into consideration the environmental degradation
caused by the activities of such oil companies?
Shyla Nelson, a renowned American opera
singer and environmentalist came to Nigeria in 2012 to promote her save
the earth campaign. She needed financing and support for her wonderful
world view project from top Nigerian brands. But she refused sponsorship
from some major oil companies because of the damage caused by their
activities in their host communities.
Back to the telcos, when the chairman of
a popular telco calls, very few entertainers in the world can say no.
In fact, most entertainers are lobbying to be called by the chairman,
even with the knowledge that endorsement deals are like prison
sentences. But it is a prison sentence the entertainers are willing to
serve because the “pay” is good. It is correct to say that the
conscience of every entertainer should be pricked before aligning with
brands. It shouldn’t be all about the money. You should also consider
how your relationship with these brands affects your image. There have
been instances where entertainers who have never tasted alcoholic
beverages before are compelled to consume such beverages because they
signed product endorsement deals. Do you really love the brand you
endorse? What would you say of the incident of Mike Ezuronye, the
popular Nollywood star who threw the Nigerian blogosphere agog recently
with his picture on instagram with MTN boldly written at a top corner?Posing with an MTN backdrop would have seemed normal for anyone else but
Mike Ezuronye who is an Airtel ambassador. It was an intriguing
spectacle how he was subpoenaed, tried and found guilty by the internet
court of justice (ITJ) for franternising with a competing brand. But the
good thing for Mike Ezuronye is that the internet court just like the
EFCC and ICPC, is a toothless bulldog. So, the case between Mike
Ezuronye and the olofofos of the internet was adjourned and the new date
for the hearing is yet to be communicated to us. Let us all rise as the
court goes on recess for now. But we will certainly resume proceedings
next week Saturday.
Dem hate money? Dem commit crime? Wetin make dem dey d business? You go put food for their table?
O! Pls shut up! Shey becuz dem neva call u? *rolling eye*
Words....the only pill for pain.That's all he can do,RANT!!!
Etcetera, just port into full time journalism and forget entertainment; your talent lies nowhere but at least almost anyone can write anything he likes.
Bia dis ectcetra abi question mark! Ur bad belle go soon bust one day shuu! Afo ojoo
Oh please!!!!....this hungry man should go and arrange several seats!...we dey talk #worldcupthingzzz....u dey talk opata!....if u need deal....beg Saka to show u the way...and u Linda..stop promoting this hungry man....If u really love him, support his hustle...give the brother some dough..na wa!
I didn't even read it self. Too long. What's the summary abeg.
He sure likes to make enemies this guy. Nobody likes to hear the truth especially a Nigerian especially from a guy who comes off as hypocritical.
This Etcetera guy is a good writer, his articles are always thought provoking. And just like his other articles, he's not far from the truth.
But I don't blame entertainers, if not for the telecommunication companies, the gap between the rich and poor would av been far stretched. Atleast they've helped in building a strong middle class for our country.
Let the entertainers cash on this rare opportunity.
I love u etcetera it high time we put value to what we do. We admire great leaders like Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou and the rest but the difference between them and most people is the values they hold. They are not extraordinary human being but they have learnt to place value and moral first over any other thing. In whatever you do as a human being have value and moral. Don't be like everyone else. Set the records straight. Do the right thing and if everyone else does the same naija will be a better place.speak up don't swallow it and take the money and pretend like you don't care then tomorrow you turn ur back and insult the govt when u act the same way like the govt. I love u etcetera. Keep being you
I know he is pained but at d same time he has his points...all dis pple knw is to pose n snap pix den tk money. No integrity whatsoever n is jst pathetic. Dey ll gladly jump into any bus wagon of endorsement, dey dnt even care what d product is abt as long as deres money involved. See dem desmond n monalisa d oda day in ph, am sure monalisa can't even xplain what d stupid job is abt,d man is a freaking criminal dt extorts jobless 9jarians. Our govt has failed us we say, bt dese yeyeebrities that can commond small change has also failed us. My hand don dey pain me.
Your comments upload a lot faster now. Good to know you listened. God bless
Nigerian entertainers are the most bad belle in the world thats why there is so much misfortune among them.
he is making a good point, because he isnt as successful as others doesnt mean we should tag him bad belle, we sign deals without investigation, we context for president ship ignoring the fact that our wife cant express herself properly....dere is god oooh
Its paining him as none asks him whether he deh sell or deh buy. Na his own prostitution he deh do as a writer naa... Onye ubom elughi, okuo ogene!.
Etc started on the wrong foot, not on this article of his but the first article he wrote for the newspaper he was made a columnist..
Then his other article, wrong too...well, according to people it is...
Now this...
Maybe if he had started well without stepping on anyone's toes, yes he will be loved BUT he won't be noticed.. Now all he does is for the controversy well, with truth in it just that because of the way he started, instead of having mad love, its now hatred and the most used lines he will get to hear or be told is HATER or a FAILURE...
What he wrote here made sense BUT we won't want to accept is because it came from him...
Though I don't like the part he mentioned names, he should have written it in a way without mentioning names thereby leaving the readers guessing and making the readers mention the names themselves...
Not withstanding, yes, entertainers are prostitutes, I still find it appalling why telecoms would spend so much money on endorsing musicians and actors as ambassadors instead of making their service better..
Using these people won't make me use their network if I know its crap..
Its like using the Nigerian network and switching to the yellow network because of the people used as ambassadors...
Its lame...
Yes he made sense,, we should learn to read and acknowledge what's good instead of being sentimental cause we don't like the writer...
This boy is just as useless as a harlot in her period,haba! You are always hitting pples success ogini? Pls go and get busy,wish them well n pray 4 ur sowie n lousy soul.mtcheeeeeeew
Ectra ectra!!watch ur tongue,those ar u colleagues
Etcetera abi question mark. Oh jus remembered its comma. . Mind ur business. . At a time I evn got tired of reading. He shld be talkin wen his mates ar makin money. Wat is d artist business on hw a company choses to run deir affairs.. Odikwa egwu. . Deirs natin we wnt hear
Etcetera or whatever you call yourself "SHUT UP" I said "SHUT UP". Why is it that every trash you write these days are just full of hate over your colleagues? This jealousy will take u nowhere, believe me. When u wish people well, same goodluck will come to you or you have never heard that? Why not write about your family too because am sure there are some contaminated members. Jeeeez! If u were this holy why didn't you become a pastor or priest long ago? You are such a bitter individual. Be happy for others so u die a happy death, of course I won't say so u get ur own endorsement too cuz u have proven u are allergic to it. Pls just stop this hate...u disgust me already!
Oh please shut up and take several seats
Mr Etcetera u really captured my attention with ur use of English...great figures of speech u used #doronice#
buh he is making a whole of sense
Bad bella go kill this man.
Good write up and thought provocating. Keep up the good works Etc
Etcetera, so you have finished with "second-hand-husband" and it is now "entertainment whoring" abi??? Your version of the "truth" comes out as an attack laced with such bitterness that no one is deceived. You can't rise on another's downfall...you are digging pits that ONLY YOU will fall into. How many of your entertainment "colleagues" (if they recognize you as such) have you called IN PRIVATE to advice/admonish? You get the revenge for your frustrations by embarrassing them abi? Sadly for you, people see through your gimmicks, the world knows you are just bitter about the outcome of your own efforts. emma agu like you!
But he's speaking the truth tho! These ambassadors should at least speak out on poor services. What exactly, apart from posing on billboards, are their duties?
Il love to read their contracts.
Etcetera Mbok take several seats!ur talk talk don too much. Bia Linda, u never post my comments. Do u have personal beef for me?.
honestly dis etc or whatever he calls himself seriously getting on my nerves..if ur Music not selling anymore wait a Minute cant even remember the last time i heard a song from him talk more of releasing a new hit just go suck a dick and be famous and stop being a hater and throwing shade at every successful celebrity. bitch nigga its only envious pppl will talk about someone whos grown more than ur bitchy ass nigga in d industry.. AGadi nwoke Baby... smh
i just feel like slapping u from my System reading dis bullcrap u always write in the form of voicing and lending ur lame voice..who cares? not like as if u are being called to be ambassador to BOBO drink u wont runn and collect the fat cheque.. Flips weave and cat walks back to my house..
Abeg he should shut up. Like if the telcos called him even now with a mouth watering contract he wouldn't jump at the offer. Dis one is the next Reuben Abati. Rubbish.
First off, WTF are u & who or wot do u entertain??? What exactly do u do & how long have u been doing it? Wots ur claim to fame?! In all honesty this is the 2nd time i've heard anything from or of u & here u are doing the same tin as the 1st time, BITCHING! I sympathise with u being a failure @ whatever u claimed u were doing for a living sadly u have now decided to make a career of bitching & hating! "We entertainers" No be only we, who knows u as an entertainer?! Dude get a life, all this hate ain't healthy 4 u as stupid as u are. Failure turned critic, soo cliché! "Saka will easily take home the award for the entertainment prostitute for the year" right after which u should receive urs for numbskull of the decade! Don't blame others for u being a failure & ur pathetic & sorry excuse of a life! You are so so bitter in & out...
Dis dude shld take a chill pill ok.......
Etcetera is just a hater-the difference between an objective critic and a hater is the manner of approach and tone. Haters name names, expose unnecessarily detailed failings-meanwhile no one is perfect-but critics just generally target societal ills without targeting personalities. Just like the case of Clarion Chukwura and Ibinabo, if Clarion had addressed the ills in the AGN without going after Ibinabo's personality or past mistake, no one would have known that the motive was jealousy. My people say that "he that does not want another's water to boil, his own water will never get warm"...
he said d truth.entainters lack integrity
Mtn come and console this guy abeg.....
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True talk Bonario,d guy is sure a good writer.
Nice writing...I wish you channel this skill to song writing cos last I checked you were more of a critic than a musician or 'entertainer' as you claim or better still become an activist so we can treat you as such. Your contemporaries are topping charts and producing hits and you are here hating...diaris God o
I dont know this Etcetera guy until i came across his articles,am a sucker for good constructed articles with some yummy figure of speach,am a big fan of this guy he always make sense in a controversial way,and BONARIO NNAGS
is the only sane and matured commenter here
No worry mtn go call you soon... U want part of the action.... Olofo
No mind the Bonga fish.....like say him no go sign if them caller him....
Spot on!!! He had valid points but didn't v to call ppl out, "Saka will easily take home the award for entertainment prostitute for the year". So so unnecessary! All of us in this failed zoo called Nigeria are hustling to make ends meet & live a better life! If he was offered 30mill right now to appear in an ad saying jonah is the best tin that has happened to the world, would he turn it down??? Just like footballers, every1 is on the paper chase! If another club offers 60% increase in pay to wot they earn they would try to take the offer na, for them it's career move! U work in a small company, a multinational company headhunts u & offers to double or even triple ur pay, would u say no, I am loyal to my current employer?! I'm sry but I don't blame the entertainers at allllll
Our society is infested with so many ills, but the majority of the citizenry prefare palatable lies,half-truth and fabrications. We let our emotions override our sense of humanity. The truth is not welcome here. God bless Nigeria
Abeg wetin tiwa do to this guy? Check this statement he made above "An entertainer who is asked to endorse a product of an oil company, would you take into consideration the environmental degradation caused by the activities of such oil companies?". This attack on her from this fool is too much
oga e.t,c u better mind ya bus, if dem call u uno go chop
people only criticise when they don't have d opportunity that others do.....Mr ETC, trust me u will do the same.....who dem put sugar for mouth go spit am out dey chop bitterkola?
And we wonder how Nigeria is this way? A man writes a sensible, thought provoking piece and you all bash him as a hungry bad belle? So all you well fed blog whores feel you're better than him? Keep deceiving yourselves. He never said the entertainers shouldn't endorse products, but see to it that the product is fulfilling it's service promise to consumers. This is a country where everyone lives to get rich with no thought paid to conscience! And the next article about GEJ, we'd all come running our mouths and insulting him! GEJ is a mirror image of all of us, so wallow in your poverty while you wait to hit it... as for you Linda, money is good but stop being so enslaved by it! We appreciate your rags to riches story, time to rid yourself of the poverty mentality
He is right sha lets say the truth. This is rarely done in advanced economies rather they spend money improvin their products not wastin it on celebs advertisin a very poor service or product. This days i dnt believe adverts anymore coz wot they claim to do are nt entirely true, they jst look for scape goats to get their products or use their service nd use celebs to woo these scape goats. Fallen victim so many times dts y i cn say that ecetera is nt far frm the truth with his write up. If celebs cn stand up to refuse what is not right then businesses wld serve us right rather than cheat. May i say its nt all the time abt money afta we cme naked and naked shall we go.
The good thing about Etcetera, is has good writing skills and has valid points. Everything is not all about money and just jumping on the bandwagon. Allow him to speak what many people are thinking but are afraid to speak out.
Though Bonario made a valid point as well.
Anyway I hope all these entertainers with endorsement invest wisely and have good health insurance because I am sick of seeing entertainers making appeals for medical treatments abroad. Most of them need to be educated on personal finance and investment. Save for the dry times and mitigate the risk of being at the mercies of others when sick.
Am beginin to luv dis Gu y, such α̲̅ wonderful writer,U̶̲̥̅̊ sound like som1 who wil always stand for d truth no mata d circumstances, U̶̲̥̅̊ stand and shout to d world what others fear to wisper in dere rooms, ride on broda dere re just α̲̅ few of us in dis country,pls throw more lit on d second hand marriage in nollywood
Good one etcetera always on point and hitting the bull's eye. Now brianless ones who can't face the truth and filled with bitterness will come here and be ranting. Juiist grow some brain pls and analyse this write up before coming here to display your lack of in depth analysis. Linda if you like hide my comment again.
Maybe u shld read with half a brain and analys the write up logically?
Good one etcetera always on point and hitting the bull's eye. Now brianless ones who can't face the truth and filled with bitterness will come here and be ranting. Juiist grow some brain pls and analyse this write up before coming here to display your lack of in depth analysis. Linda if you like hide my comment again.
My thoughts exactly Bonario.he is actually a good writer and this article also isn't all lies.its actually good if every1 puts integrity and value to whatever they do but with d society we r in 2day..there's no way anyone won't accept such deals.its jst wat it is
Etcetera sad to say has said it aptly. The truth is nigerians have lost their moral values and compasses, we have now become harlots in the debauchery of quick wealth. We elect mediocres to lead us and now our entertainers sell their consciences to the highest bidder. Including you Linda, I have heard you say thinvs on your blog that does not portray you as a good role model to the kids,you have subliminally promoted ostentatious living over hard work and patience. We have to retrace our steps back to the days of our parents mantra of right is right and wrong can never be right.
He uses very harsh language to describe some common concepts. This is an article about social responsibility but he's turning readers off because he calls it whoring. It's a great topic with bad delivery.
Mr. Etcetera the truth only multiply ur enemies...learn to let go..
All I can say is that your use of English is impeccable, shows your high level of education. Love the write up and the message in it. Narrow minded Nigerians will castigate him but this man speaks the truth. #nickyonika
This guy must seriously be sick... probably its cuz dey didn't call me.
I always look forward to reading his write-ups. Nyc use of puns n english. N he write the truth! A breath of fresh air indeed. Same with charles novia
But what happened to Etcetera?
He was a great singer but I'm sure many on this blog don't know him because most Nigerians don't appreciate good music like his.
And to Etcetera, stop attacking people and mentioning names.
Good one but change your motive.
Guy u just said my mind.... Ppl are rushing to call him names cos of his failed attempt in music.... Bt d guy jus said d truth.. Altho etc mentioning names made u sound pained sha o
Etc, I have a feeling you are in love with poverty...
Glad to see some peeps are seeing etcetera for who he is... Talented and thought provoking writer. His songs are/were mostly about the crave for a better society so I'm not surprised.
Truth is bitter, only the brave will dare swallow it.
But Ruben Abati was known 4 speaking d truth and was a social critic till ......... we all know wat happened.
I just hv a feeling dat dis guy is looking to be settled hence dis write ups. He said d truth sha but d question is: how genuine is dis guy, does he hv d courage of his convictions, what happens if he's called one side and offered something big? Dats my own ish. I'm yet to see a truly sincere Nigerian
They "change" we all clamouring for starts wid u and I, though The truth is bitter bur better Said + A gud name d Bible says is better Dan rubies!
Nice one etcetera!!
Mr Etcetera na! only U waka cum? Wat of two songs ..Etcetera? 2 song4rmurlbum to tell us ur fans ..u prepared for all dis insults 4 dis 9ja entertainment Industry ? You didn't come wit any? You were nt informed too? Ok... continue.. Now 'MTN project fame ,Airtel naijagottalent, Glo 9jasings even Etisalat Nigerian idol is callin you 2 come dat they wil hlp u find ur missing TALENT. Will u keep quiet?
LIBers chai,chai dairiz God oooo,dairiz God in anytin dat you are doin! On dis BLOG .All doze insults dat you are sharing upon ETCETERA (bcos he's saying d TRUTH) will answer . Dairiz is God oooo,dairiz God oooo.
Abeggi, dis etcetera guy is jes looking 4 awareness 4tm readers across d globe, tho thr's a point in his write-up but wats d essence wen we all 2 know 2 put food on d table is nt a easy task...
They "change" we all clamouring for starts wid u and I, though The truth is bitter bur better Said + A gud name d Bible says is better Dan rubies!
Nice one etcetera!!
They "change" we all clamouring for starts wid u and I, though The truth is bitter bur better Said + A gud name d Bible says is better Dan rubies!
Nice one etcetera!!
This is the smartest shit I have hard yet. Kuddos
There has to be a balance in everything. In soddom and gommorah will beome of nigeria if someone does say something
They "change" we all clamouring for starts wid u and I, though The truth is bitter bur better Said + A gud name d Bible says is better Dan rubies!
Nice one etcetera!!
Let us assume for two seconds that he's right about endorsement whoring, if he were approached with a multi-million deal, is he telling me he'd turn it down? With or without the faces of celebs on billboards, nigerians already know d specific problems of d various brands, so why blame ur colleagues who've been hired to promote them? Take my advice, homie, tighten up ur game and you just might gain some recognition because ife i na e kwu eba bu nonsense.
Let us assume for two seconds that he's right about endorsement whoring, if he were approached with a multi-million deal, is he telling me he'd turn it down? With or without the faces of celebs on billboards, nigerians already know d specific problems of d various brands, so why blame ur colleagues who've been hired to promote them? Take my advice, homie, tighten up ur game and you just might gain some recognition because ife i na e kwu eba bu nonsense.
Nobody's saying Etc entirely lied, it is the manner of his delivery which is obviously from a place of bitterness that is disgusting!
Etc welcome aboard...we can identify your posts on this blog!
Etc, FFK, Charles Novia, Dino Melaye, Emma Agu, Clarion Chukwura are all people who have a few things in common...and the best way they deal with it is by attacking people not issues. Make una pele, God will remember you, Amen.
So it was Tiwa that etc was referring to (oil company). How pathetic, how low can a man sink??? Do you know the definition of a hater? Since you are on this blog you will see what I am writing; attack the attitude not named people, no wonder you weren't blessed. As Tiwa would say "God don't like ugly".
Why people call this Etc a hater is because haters do their best to expose the weaknesses of the successful. No one is perfect, if anyone knew Etc and hated on him we would have had a picture of his own skeletons or is he perfect?
Mr Etcetera na! only U waka cum? Wat of two songs ..Etcetera? 2 songfrm ur album to tell us ur fans u prepared for all dis insults 4 dis 9ja entertainment Industry ? You didn't come wit any? You were nt informed too? Ok... continue.. Now 'MTN project fame ,Airtel naijagottalent, Glo 9jasings even Etisalat Nigerian idol is callin you 2 come dat they wil hlp u find ur missing TALENT. Will u keep quiet?
LIBers chai,chai dairiz God oooo,dairiz God in anytin dat you are doin! On dis BLOG .All doze insults dat you are sharing upon ETCETERA (bcos he's saying d TRUTH) will answer . Dairiz is God oooo,dairiz God oooo
Etcetera, nice article. I need to start reading your blog.
What us the artiste's business? Bee should sting d mouth of any of them that ever complains that network is bad or even praise it when it is obviously terrible...that is their business with how the company runs their affairs Doby Doby!
Etcetera or ETc, I have had time to read several of your articles unfortunately most of them smacks of somebody in pain to fight back his colleagues, as a matter of fact your topic always has something bad about an artiste, ... "Most Nigerian Male Artistes Are Gigolos" , "Nigerian gospel pastors and songs cannot lead you to Christ " , "Etcetera Tells Us Why Maheeda's indecency Is Okay, Says'Leave Her Alone", “Female Celebrities Prefer 2nd Hand Husbands” - all these distasteful articles from only you. it's unfortunate that the only time you commended an artiste was when u said Maheeda's indecency is okay. In real sense, I think you are the actual whore, the vindictive whore that will rather get paid by Newspaper houses so you can coin up something distasteful about an artiste and get paid in the same coins Judas was paid. I will advice you stay away from this wrong path you are threading. Better still you can try and devote your energy in resurrecting your career, else you may end up being dumped by those Newspaper houses when all your hate columns no longer sells. Just my candid thought for musician turned writer Mr Etcetera.
Dude, speak for urself! U may be speaking d truth but, who's to say u wouldn't fall over ur head and, trip on d hem of ur trousers if u were called by one of these companies? What I see here is someone motivated by bitterness to speak d truth. Maybe if u weren't so bitter, jealous and hate-ridden all d time, u would be given d opportunity to reject an offer from these companies. Shior!
Good write up my man. You hit the nail on the head. No need beating about the bush. Most commentators on this blog are intellectually challenged hence the lack of analysis. You are a breath of fresh air ,always saying it as it is.God bless you.....amaka
Linda is in love with Etcetera, she keeps swallowing my posts. Mtscheew!
Etcetera is gay...sorry for outing you bro-about time someone said it.
True talk.
you too dey talk non sense
Am agreeing with you totally this guy is intelligent, his a prolific writer so his point are quite lucid. Guys like this when given the right platform will defend this country at any level. Commenter are busy raining insults on him the truth is, there are few people here even the celebrities that can be this instructive and constructive. The fact still remains that some of the telecom industry are short changing, and those celebrities should not collect cheques but speak out for the mass. Thankyou.
failed musician now trying to pull other people down
Excreta be coming on this blog to defend himself under anonymous. Gay mofo.
Abi o! I quite agree! Reuben used to criticise the same government he now defends, Oshiomole also made soo much noise & took advantage of his popularity as NLC chairman to run for governorship! Segun Adeniyi did somn similar to Reuben, when he got a government appointment his r&b changed to hiphop! Mr Coma might this be ur strategy as well???
this etcetera guy no get work, what's he trying to achieve sef, na fame/cheap popularity im want. he's definitely on cheap drugs. make im jump n pass jor
this man is irritating. Oh I get what he means, the jumping around is not nice, but it's hypocritical because if his career was actually afloat, he wouldn't hesitate to jump into these "prostitution acts". He might argue that his career has nothing to do with the nonsense but we all know that it's the poorest man that sees the problems that lies in every act. Karl Marx was poor and see what he was able to come up with, he suddenly found there was a problem with capitalism because he wasn't doing well and he profounded a solution that thwarts the normal human attitude. The difference is what etcetera is saying is bullshit, we're all selfish and would do anything to thrive, calling what they do prostitution makes no sense, he should have simply pointed out the fact that entertainers have no resolution and should try to stand for one thing.
Yes, what saka did wasn't so good, but it is the situation that would make the cray fish bend.
Etcetera might be trying to pass a point, but he should try to sound less of a poverty stricken hater
Love your write up, comments should not bother you. Period!
You're right...
LOL @ EXCRETA!!! Don't worry my guy, your turn go come....ndo o.
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