Anyway, RMD has reacted to the rumours, saying he's better than ever.
"What else do you need? You saw me on stage, did I look sick? People are probably so disappointed to see me looking so much better they want the news to be true. Unfortunately for them, I am in the best shape of my life.
"Have you not taken photos of me. It amazes me how people cling to bad news. I am a public servant in Delta State, I go to work every day. I am not sick. I changed my lifestyle and lost weight and I am looking better than I have ever looked in my adult life. For the records, I am not on Facebook and my colleagues that they used their names as those who posted the stories have all denied it.”RMD told Weekend GrooveLeft is RMD at Amaka Igwe's Tribute night on Monday and right is RMD at the Delta Entertainment Awards in Asaba two days ago where he received a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Sowie bro....dis is naija...FRANKISE SAID SO
but for real no jokes a friend confided in me that he has ****** i swear it is true. Anyway....
The only difference I can see here is that he lost some weight,asides that he doesn't look sick to me.
He's on a Pharrel state of mind.
Linda, na lie you talk, I saw him at Dr Fasawe''s memorial service and he's looking sick, he has lost so much weight and his wife Jumobi was looking like a lion.. She has gained serious weight in d head especially..lol, he's no more handsome, compare him now to d RMD we all knew in Violation.
Nothing do you bro. Don't mind rumor mongers and haters.
#God answers all prayers#
Happy moments - Praise God, Difficult moments-Seek God,
Quiet moments -Worship God, Painful moments-Trust God,
Every moment - Thank God.
e come fine wella, pass as e b bfore, bad belle dem sha wan mke e sick by force..
But old age done dey show face. Obi is no longer a boy.
The man say en ney dey sick make una free the man na, hia I just wonder how people go just sleep wake up carry bad news dey waka hiaooooo. CHI.
He looks very smart nd fit.
Good to hear that
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Linda pls confirm keffee's death abeg! I don't want to believe d news @ all
is it true that kefee is dead. pls linda find out is all over bbm
Am sure if he grew plumpy people will still talk.Some people find happiness only in the misery of others!
He's not sick,he works out steady to burn fat..pple in govt house can testify.its only in naija pple term u ill wen u lost weight smh!
Happy to hear you're alright. That is what matters.
why are Nigerians Aggressive in everything cant he just reply to the Rumour in a very polite way does he need to be sounding this harsh on social Media. Please that is what it takes to be a public figure people re bound to say Negative things about u. SO no need to get to worked up about it just smile Drop a polite comment and continue with your life.
linda oooohhh,cant stop crying, i jst heard kefee is dead
Nigerians associates being fat to feeding well and being healthy!
may heis watchingis weight.... pple nd their bad mouths.....
Thank God.
People can carry fake news sha,bad belle people that don't like prgress,RMD you will live long!
Dis man is looking now..remember wen he was much much younger my sis used to like him alot..........................#KingOfKings
Mehn Nigerians,journalist n social meda sld jst tk a chill pill n let som of ds celebrities b.isit cos he lost weight?he's nt gettin any younger so he had 2 probably go n diet n avoid certain tins,instead of him bein fat n hvvin som health issues dt comes wit it,he decided 2 cut down oncrtain tins n ge slimmer.he wnts 2 age in a very gd way.dt ws how dey carried rumour dt Dora ws ead meanwile she wasn't n weeks later she died.u ppl shld stp carryin bad rumours abeg n let RMD be!!!!
RMD Dis pix says it all he looks sick. Oya follow me to see T.B Joshua. Your healing will be permanent
You look real good RMD
Guy u look sick! We'r ur fans and u don't look any better dis way at all. Pls go back to ur former look. Fits u better.
You look great RMD. There is no better time to look trim than now. Bigup
He sure looks good. The first time i watched him on screen while growing was in the movie "Diamond Ring" and i really loved his act. lol. Meanwhile, I'm impressed with his good & youthful look.
My regards to him Linda.
Stella I hope he is really healthy cos he looks funny. Anyway may the Good Lord be with we all. Just heard our branama delta born musicia. Kefee is dead. Pls confirm
You look real good RMD
He doesn't evn look sick frm d pics. . Didnt hear d rumour
Abeg oooooo, i dont know why Nigerians are secretive when it comes to health issues. I do hope he is well but oga if you are not take time off to get medical attention.
That's how they always deny and later concede to d truth! RMD ; pple love u and dats y they r concerned Abt ur new unpleasant look . If u say so God b wt u but pls attend to ur health if anytin is wrong we don't want to loose u now..
That's how they go about gossiping #bright bravo#
Read about rumours.... Maybe its d pics doe.. But my fada sure looks better at 59... Lol
bless him
If the above pictures are recent, then, oga RMD biko go for a full body health MOT.
Thank God Mr RMD still dey kampe, so paparazzi becareful! ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
People so want to sell they think about the way the person will feel,wish you better days
I tire for people o!!! They just love bad news! God forbid them! Only in this part of the world people see losing weight as a taboo! #Bush people!
Is dere a prob loosin weight? Nigerians sha abeg mk una free dis man jere....fat ain't healthy
I am happy that he said he's fine. My worry is most public officials are used to lying about EVERYTHING, especially their health. Still on still, make you go do check up for India o.
But why does he now look like Tony Elumelu? Is he trying to become a multimillionaire too?
Linda is it true that kefee is late..... Cos people can carry rumour!
I dont like this current RMD i prefer the former one abeg....
Nigerians love negative news, evil people.....hiss
He lost a huge amount of weight for an African of his age! That's astounding!
Well dts guds news coz can't afford 2 lose u O but why ya face cum fall like dz?possibly ur face is reacting 2 "sumtin" Long live RMD *fashionista LeonorA*
Linda ,I heard kefee is dead. She died in the states. Pls confirm
Linda pls hope what I heard about kefee is not through
Thank God he is sound and healthy........
Welcome to nigeria when losing weight means u are HIV positive!!
Linda Kefee's death is trending on twitter...bring us the fact pls.
RMD I feel u
He's current look is the result of too much banging when he was young. Bimpe
People's mouth...! God will not allow their evil wish come true! Always looking for the downfall of others.
Ok, noted!
He looks weird tho.
*My R1.50c comment*
RMD pls be well o,dat was wat dora said wen we got worried after she lost weight so much. Our heart can't take anoda sad news esp now dat we're hearin of kefee
Violated! Lol , not violation! Ha ha ha..
RMD is healthy joooor. He lost weight to stay healthy i guess.
CoolDiva speaks!
People and assumption sha
Am sure only him knows better if there's Something going on in his life. He looks pale to me. But pray he is ok. He is one good actor I admire so much those days...
Hes aging 2 nau. Its normal for peeps at his age to lose weight cus at dt stage dey r prone to lost of illhealth conditions, diabetes, cholesterol ishs. He mite be on strict diet. Who dosnt want to live long.
Nope, there's a diff btwn working out, and looking smart, and looking sick.. Fine, he works out, no doubt about it, but truth be told he looks sick! But since he's said he's not, I take it that it's either old age is catching up to him, I mean, he isn't getting any younger, or he's just getting older... Lol... But rumor mongers can like to quit! The sexy man said he is not sick, and he is happy, can't we all just be happy for him and leave him be? Sheese!
But d truth is his looking shrinked somehow,he doesn't look well..gym or no gym..finally dats he's personal tin.. But bcos he's a man of spotlit we must talk O! If ur fine nija go praise U..if u no fine..nija go stll wag tongue..dats d disadv of being a celeb..d truth is he's got a pale look now,compared to d RMD I used to see on TV.shikina!
Poor man...a lot of pple must be wishing him dead, just for his position...kelvincarez
Don't know why RMD had to respond to allegations of ill health. Since when has sickness become a criminal offence? He's not looking healthy.. So what! 4cking jobless, starving, poverty stricken Naija pple.
You are a political appointee and not a public servant! RMD,there are differences between the two.
Seriously the old RMD look better,more handsome and more healthy maybe its because he is ageing. #Glophil
He doesn't really look good. He looks like somebody suffering from a terminal sickness. Maybe he's diabetic. Only in Nigeria do people hide their sickness.
He doesn't really look good. He looks like somebody suffering from a terminal sickness. Maybe he's diabetic. Only in Nigeria do people hide their sickness.
Dear RMD. You may be in the best shape but definitely not the best health. You know you're terribly sick. It's written all over you; you look like a great grand father. I pray that whatever it is won't take hold of you.
It happens when someone gains weight and decides to shed people term it illness or sickness. Too much weight isn't too good for health. Nigerians should learn to mind their business. He is not sick period. Dobis112
He no fine like be4 again
Weight loss doesn't automatically translate to ill-health my pple! Bikonu! Leave this guy alone! I'm glad you are ok Sir! More healthy years to you I pray!
There are some certain issue dat shld be left alone.tho RMD has rily lost so much weight compaird to his former look and I guess it has to do wiv age.
He soooooo looks sick!!
RMD wouldn't loose this much weight for nothing! He's an egocentric African man and wouldn't care so much about his looks as to go through the suffering to shed this much weight abeg...
I used to like him before but no more, HUMILITY makes a TRUE star, he's lost all that! Guess that political appointment has gone to his head. #HisCupOfTea
He soooooo looks sick!!
RMD wouldn't loose this much weight for nothing! He's an egocentric African man and wouldn't care so much about his looks as to go through the suffering to shed this much weight abeg...
I used to like him before but no more, HUMILITY makes a TRUE star, he's lost all that! Guess that political appointment has gone to his head. #HisCupOfTea
This is not rumour ,he looks really sick but if he is saying his not he shd go n add up small abeg,we just lost kefee we don't wanna loose u abeg RMD
RMD pls there is no need living in denial, if you are sick, say so and get help. We've lost enough people through this denial, Dora just passed on we don't want to loose you
Well truh be told, he use to look alot better & handsome. I guess age is telling on him.
If he says he is fine, who are we 2 say otherwise. Make ur wife try reduce too. E go make sense.
Ok Bye.
Am not use to dis but d truth must be told.he is looking sick
He looks very sick
He looks very ill
Was this not how they all covered up and lied about Prof Dora. Whatever be the case, d Lord is with you RMD.
If he has......then you and your friend are also culprits. Or better still have the....... Ndi Ara
If you hide sickness,sickness will hide you! RMD something is not right! This is not the RMD we use to know.
Enemies of progress, dem no no say RMD is no longer dat young man in his forties? Beside man can not be of a perticular weight for ever. Please ppl should learn to love ppl naturally not bcos of how handsome,fat or slim dey look.
@tayhur,u must be out of ur mind.so u expect him to be d same Rmd of violation which he acted so many yrs ago?Abi dem no dey old for una village?or do u want to tell me u are still looking d same way u were 10yrs ago?Do u think RMD is Damon in Vampire Diaries?Nonsense Like u..
Nija una don cum again, pls u pple should leave RMD alone notin is wrong wit him he is probably on diet or so, dat is how u pple wil talk nd talk till u see him down completely. Can't u just wish ur fellow nigerian good for once? Haba! Lindodo post my comment o.
That's what they alws say. "I'm not sick" Then later we will hear that they've been battling with some sickness. Nothing wrong in admitting you are sick. You are human.
this is what they all say when they start loosing weight i am well i am well. abeg o make he go look after himself o cos life no get duplicate
Linda but we no good for this country we too wish our brothers and ssiters bad luck i av told u each time dey carry news about an individual with in a short time dat thing really happens to that individual natty of zebrudaya and rmd needs to start praying o
RMD you look very SICK! Stop denying! I don't understand Nigerians, is it a crime to be sick?
Nothing do you my STAR. You'll continue to live to fulfil God's plan in your life.
Oga this is not a good look oo...talk true now make we begin put u for prayers oo...The next thing now we go hear be say flown to India for treatment...
He actually has lost some weight. Maybe dats d way he wants it sha. And to u bad news carriers, repent for d kingdom of God is at hand
It is well with you RMD. The Lord will keep and protect you from anything that will cause ill health to you.
Loosing weight is different from looking sick. This guy looks sick. If na civil servant nko. He fit work pass Obama. Get well soon sha.
Na so them go dey deny till them die. I still remember him in my prayers any which way.
Dnt like his new look at all.....
Pweety ini says so
RMD, he realy look trimed but that doesn't mean that he is sick, pls hater should give pple spece
Hehehe. Ok he said he's not sick. We do not even wish him to be sick. But, trust me when I say, "His old look is preferred. I love that chubby nature he got before, fresh, handsome and cute. But now, gush, endward, fat head slim body. Nevertheless he's got my love all day everyday.
RMD RMD RMD how many times did I cal you?? Abeg we use God take beg you, please better be fine. Or do a check up even if you claim to be fine. We can't lose you please.
No be only violation lol
Dats nigerians for u. They use d fastest means to pull pple down. So sori bro
Mr Damijo, I wish I had ur personal e-mail add so I wouldn't av to comment here but that isn't d case. Pls check with ur doctor and don't feel bad or conquered by admtting to d truth. U look sick. My dad looked dis way b4 we finally discovered wat d problem was. I just feel concerned cos I know how it feels to be unwell.
Linda. You are looking for my trouble . U no dey gree post my comments ABI. Ok RMD like it or not u look sick. Thers a huge diff btw mere weight loss nd sickness eating u up. I believ u are in ur fifties nd cnt posibly look like RMD of violated but therz still a huge diff btw dis pic nd RMD of tinsel . Plz take. Care of ur health .
lol@ Damon- vampire diaries...
My dear I tire o! RMD ought not to have responded at all... I do respect him more when he avoids press gossips! ##BeckiOla##
Bimpe, I can see you've brought your madness here... Please go back to the dump
If he accept he's sick wat will u do?? Aproko!!! Just to post anoda comment.. " So sorri bro, get well soon?" God deliever naija.. Una neva cure una sicknz, una dey look for person own to sympathize.
If he were sick with AIDS, the most the public can do is pray for him and wish him well. His story could be a lesson to women who stay with men who cheat. These days, the infidelity doesn't begin and end with the indiscretion because some consequences are deadly.
Pple shld leave him alone,evn if he doesn't wnt to open up nd say he is sick,it's not ur biz...by d way,when we eventually got to know dat Dora was sick wat did we do except to use our mouths nd condemned her to death evn b4 she was really dead...did we do anytin special to help.No!....Rmd has said he is fine,most likely it was d pix dat made him look dat way,lets stop assuming and actin as if we really care when in r hearts some pple r wishing he was sick.....I jst hate wen pple assume nd condemn someone without knowing it...he Luks very well to me,anyone dats doesn't like his Luks shld go nd gud a transformer...he is taking care of himself for himself nd not for u......he has said he is fine nd he can't put on weight for u pple simply cos u said so when he doesn't feel it's healthy for me.....period!!!!
Dis nt d Rmd i do trip for bck den plz u look sick go for checkup plz
He really looks ill
Olllll boi! Even in his fine suit he still looks damn sick. Mehn sickness is eating this guy up inside. Its even now that's he's supposed to be looking fresher. U dnt loose weight and shrink abeg. Loose weight and remain fresh. Oga u r sick ho ha! I pray God heals u shaa...
I never believed it but its still good hear it hear from d main source.thank God. ;Lady Daisy
Rmd lov...u cn't loose weight nd say ur in ur bst shape,,ur soppose 2 be lukin fresher dan eva nnd yet ur on denial bout ur health condition...plzzz gt bak 2 d fresh cute handsome rmd I used 2 knw not nw...#I care
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