The two who have known each other for a while and performed together at the 2013 American Music Awards.
When asked what woman he would like to have one casual, non-televised dance with, Maksim said "I would dance with J.Lo. I would like to dance with anybody who actually puts in their resume 'can also dance' just to see what it's like. And she's single, so..." He said with a laugh...
Well, he's finally had his chance...if the reports are true. Maksim has dated quite a number of famous women including supermodel Kate Upton
mi likey J.L
VJ resting nd airin out. funny
I just tire for this babe
Linda i think its about choice most times. but she ought to chill all d same.
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J loo i dey feel u, fine girl.
Linda, leave her o. No b u talk say make our VJ dey work day and night and if possible, anytime in between? *eyebrow raised*
Good for her
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J-LO is known for "men overlapping"
She probably broke up with Casper because of Maksim....
j lo cannot stay for a day without a man..na wa
Lol Linsweet n her sense of humor...Well let her move on n live aftral most mens d**ks dnt rest. They won't dump u oo bt will date u n 50 others. Abeg who better pass----C21
Betting for 4 months
Good luck to J.lo on this one... For fact news please follow @timfact1 on twitter. Timfact.blogspot.com
Hello o?... Lol to the VJ stuff.
VJ na exhaust that vent smoke? You earlier said the chap is good to go day & night & in between!
Wats u guys P if she doesn't let her VJ 2 rest. Abegii!! Una own too much.
As in ehn! She doesn't rest at all. From one man to another within a vert short time.
Dis J Lo is one hell of a woman o... How many men has she dated? How many men has she not dated? How many will she date? Just dis one woman o. Lucky dude, dey do ur thin dey go jare, u av nofin to lose
To think people are always complaining about Kim K. This JLO is worse abeg
life iS short mehnn, no tym to waste. Onto de nxt d**k mehn. J.lo may God help u oo
Jennifer Lopez should give her PUSSY a break!
JLO and men...
This woman is doing the rounds in hollywood and the funny thing is that apart from MacAnthony; that one can be argued, the rest have being nobodys and she is still going! If it was Nigeria, she would have gotten a lot of sticks.
Good for her.
She's obviously using these young guys for jazz.in yorubaland,that jazz renews beauty.
Na wah o! Cougar on the loose!!
Linda pls relationship is not all about sex. Purge ur mind of that do you don't fall victim
That guy is bossy as hell on DWTS. He made Brandy cry.
J Lo carry go....Nothing do,men need more people like you..
J.lo,Angelina Jolie,drew Barrymore,Cameron Diaz,Heidi klum,all this ladies have had at one time or the other had back to back sex partners/husbands.jolie actually had two /three marriages and finally settling.hopefully.
Where am I going with this just?if its Kim now,the abuses Won't abate.
Dts where â„“̊ think G̲̅φδ got reserved witd oyibos.......marriage †☺ them is like industrial training , they hop in Ά̲̣̥πϑ out .....dis lady had practically married half a dosen menses sorry men .....
#borrow aleaf from Mariah Carey
She has said it several times that she hates to be alone. She said been alone is her worst fear.
Jlo has a thing for dancers..may b dey re very acrobatic on bed lol
Nigeria Blood flows in her vain
Mrs DAvido
J lo biko dem use dancers swear 4 u? Must u date all ur dancers? Smh kip jumping 4rm 1 dancer 2 anoda....beta respect ur age and settle with a more mature guy
Hi ooo! I know what the 'V' is,but what about the 'J' ?
Anything that makes yu happy abeg jLO...
Shes dating him doesn't mean she is sleeping with him. So d issue of giving her vj a rest doesn't arise
Aww, I was hoping he'd date Meryl instead.. Their chemistry is outta this world.. Jlo sef
Doro Jenny. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Linda better post my comment o.
vry soon una go hear say she don de date iyanyan.anyway na her lyf
Na wa for J-Lo! She doesn't waste time at all at all! The thing nor dey take break. Anyways, she already admitted in an interview that she is not the kind of woman to stay without a man. So, she's living her destiny which is jumping from one man to the next without even breaking in between.
Lol, he isn't dating J.Lo. He's actually dating Meryl Davis, a current olympic champion in figure-skating and his former partner in the just concluded DWTS.
Lol, he isn't dating J.Lo. He's actually dating Meryl Davis, a current olympic champion in figure-skating and his former partner in the just concluded DWTS.
Na waoo. Is it all men dat are around u dat sex u? Anytin dat makes her happy jare. Life is too short to be notin buh happy. Aunty linda, u self wen like sex like.... I hear say u no dey satisfy abi njoy sex b'cos u were circum.... True or false. If u like no post am. Chop am
Sometimes the way u Linda reasons ehn! So dating is all about sex 4 u? Shame!!
I thot Maksim was dating Meyrl the latest winner of DWTS..
Anything that makes her happy..let her do
JoL toto no dey rest
Oyibos and their ways sha. I wish her goodluck. Perhaps when she get the right d**k she will finally rest.
Why donot she have some confidence about her self why do she need men around her anyway it is her life
Shez obsessed with men
I dnt understand how Æ”☺ΰ people can be gullible to fake media in4. How many bfs has she had so far dt Æ”☺ΰ wnt let her rest. Dey rnt even up to 10 wc is less dn most girls half her age has had. Nd dnt compare her with KimK dts always falling inlove (1 night stands) it was shown dt she slept with more dn 3 pipu in her reality show after kris b4 she got togeda with Kanye. Jlo doesn't go around with any1 dt isn't her bf and I believe she gets married just so she could prevent 'living in sin' cos of her strong value. Its just dt she is popular dt y pipu always focus on her.
God bless u.. If na Kim now meanhile she never do half of weti other pple don do
Thank God d tin no dey read meter
Thank you.so much double standard.do men rest
She won show us ha tin?
I av always wondered why Jlo who goes in and out of relationships hasn't really gotten some stick for it, and still has impressive popularity, i hardly see her criticized for possessing male morals.
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