Sources tell Showbiz Spy
“Will and Jada are quite relaxed when it comes to raising their kids. But they don’t want Willow or Jaden doing anything that makes themselves or the family look bad. And these photos make everyone look bad."
“They’ve read Willow the riot act. They don’t think it’s appropriate for her to be so publicly intimate with someone who is so much older.Meanwhile, I'm going to be MIA for a couple of hours... I'm flying back home...so later!
And safe trip...
She is too young for that
She is too young for that
I never expected applause or encomium from them.They are parent!
Which parent wouldn't be upset??? She is 13 for crying out loud!
Yankee parents tho,trust my Nigerian parents to flog the hell out of her.
Will Smith or read the riot act,over here she'll experience the riot.
But De are just frndz na .... Lol , Dia rizz god sha ooo .. Hmm.
Fly safe o Linda. Buy gala n chin chin o. Lol.
Journey mercy. Love and light.
I said it's not appropriate,13? To bad fa
Safe trip Linda. Mr and Mrs Smith, please send Willow to that Jamaica woman who flogged her daughter for posting lewd pictures on facebook for some "child correctional activity".
If I were in there shoes, I would have felt same way
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Y r u always travellin up n down abi u dey push coke? Lol
why are they angry now? whose fault is it?
They have every right to be angry #bright bravo#
Ur girl think is normal time for her to be flexing around but, she is still small for that. Pls smith let her understand that. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Linda u re wrng dey are nt pissd mayb bfr u write sumtin bout westrn celebz on ur blog u shld check e news to confirm,dz pix re in no way embarrasin to d smiths nd I personali c notin wrng wif dem
Ok yeah it really shld get to dem...meanwhile,safe trip ma'am Linda
All this news aren't news. Bring back our girls. And take our runs girls. Period. Cheers. ENGR E
safe trip Linda. God be with u all d way...
Train your child.
I hope dey will monitor her well now.....*Amarachi*
will trash her ass
...Privacy infringement
Hmmm Linda na every week u dey go see dis ur boo? D guy dey try am shaaa.
Any/every concerned parent will be upset about tht, but, are they just concerned that it'll make them look bad?.....ohk
* My R1.50c comment *
Any/every concerned parent will be upset about tht, but, are they just concerned that it'll make them look bad?.....ohk
Safe trip Linda!
* My R1.50c comment *
She is to young for that
Hmmmmn dey should a good parent need to
bia linda....everytime ur flying up and down. and besides wts dis nonsense toothpaste that u put here as cusor.......mschewwwww.
Don't dey sell koboko around there?
Ya they need to b upset
Imagine this small willow don begin chop pekus and me wey pass 25 never start?!
Kids gone bad.Tell me why I shdnt beat d junk outta any of me wayward child.
U didn't inform us you travelled lindiway
Safe fly!
Mst u mk an annoucement anytime u travel out nd wen u want 2 cum bk, u really can't buy class linda.
I'm not surprised at what she did. Lil brat. I have always known her as a spoilt kid. I pitty her parents. Ajo nwa.
No Parents should be comfortable with dat any way........& d fact dey were so bold 2 put it up... Hmmmm. What I'm I even saying! Dis is US we re talking about here, so anytin goes.
I hear u Anty Linda
-wetin ever-
Who took the pictures?
Journey mercy.......
Work! work!! work!!!
nonsense she is too young for what i think it is!
Safe trip Linda bt don't forget to buy me somthing
Try to spell fully dear.
Oshisco wen d moda was posting her nude picture d orther time she doesn't knw wat goes around comes around d chiid only grab is moda message
Think it comes at a price the exposure to fame at such a young age. Can't eat your cake and have it....... but they are food parents and would pull your as a family.. together
........safe trip bk home n for the post ok!
Open a supermarket.
Ok safe trip
2 Young 4 what exactly? They just angry as every parent should be when they see their daughter near a shirtless boy. In african cases it would be wether shirtless or shirton...lol ---C21
But it's normal na..
Lindodo please don't tell me you were here in MIA which is airport code for miami international Airpor, and you did not check umuIbe your. Ring is waiting for you ohh, and
Abeg tell us more About one of the chibok girl that was killed today by those basterds BH
For 9ja dem go flog rubbish from your body...
#Via Smile 4G network
Will and Jada are not angry, infact Jada did not see anything wrong with the picture..checkk TMZ before you report next time.
Why are they upset? Didn't Jada publicly post a nude photo barely weeks back?
Any good parent shuld be angry at dat... I trust Will and Jada, dey ar one of d best Hollywood parents... And safe juny dearie
3:19pm who we ask naa?
E nor rhyme
Oloshi na ur mama them go 1st take.....how ur mama take born you if she no be olosho.gorilla head,na dat ur wretched balls dem for stone to death.zoo
Safe trip. LINDA. So you finally got your safe a private jet?
Americans n dir stupiD parental training....mscheeew like I care!
Am sure she knws hw to giv a blowjob by now
Am sure she also gets rimming frm d guy.....white kids wey dey spoil finish!!!!
Will smith shuld flog d hell out of her jare
Hw long does it take to post a comment on dis blog? I tnk linda is pretty slow atimes
Next please!!!!
Looking forward to all ma comments.....haters r definitely gona hate
Am bored people so suck it up guys n stay off!!!!!
Just passing
whose fault?
They should ask her what her problem is at is age.CHI.
#Mohahahahaha, in Rico's voice
Linda my mind tell me say ur boo dy mia dis one wey every small tin u r dia n d last u came back from ur MIA trip u were emotionally down n it affected ur blogging dat everybody started to complain . True or true
Rosie Said........I have a lot of love and respect for Will and Jada,and i still do but the way they raise their children brings no joy to me at all.Parents need to be parents,saying you let your children discover themselves and have their own experiences...........This is all part of her self discovery and experience,why are you upset now?
Safe trip ooO lindodo
They should stop pretending, she was brought up to be wild and they know it. The girl is gonna make Miley Cyrus look like a saint.....
Journey mercies Linda Robin Thicke’s Ex-Wife, Paula Patton Poses Topless For Vanity Fair Magazine
Yes ooo...take all the runs girls, prostitutes and husband snatchers. They will get what they are looking for & plenty of it!! Mo-1
Lindaaa oooooo. I just watchd a video of boko haram stoning one of d girls 2 death. I saw d blood oooo. I'm so not myself, I'm goin crazy here ooooo
Yimu..go and watch the video by Tmz where Jade Smith said you all are acting like closet pedophiles. Biko,.post the gist here oo !
The mother has been posting worse pics than that....Maybe she followed her. God help her to change.
They should be extremely worried!
~D great anonymous!
As in....flogging. Lol @ reading and experiencing the riot
Bia dis stupid faceless dead anonymous! Evry comment u wanna reply n curse to? U beta get an identity.......fool!!!!!!!
See ur spelling sef.......wether" seriously? Common crawl back to ur mama's womb! Worthless idiot! Ur gOod as dead.
Anon bastard! How's dat ur business? Mumu! Go push naa if e dey pain u. Onye ara! Enemy of progress! Common crawl bak into ur hole, its nt dry season yet!
Anonidiot 3:56. Tnx 4 correcting ur fellow anonilliterate! U guys are bunch of mongrels! Monkies!!!!!!!
Anonbastard 5:14 isn't it obvious u survive by standing on d road @ late hours. Runs fol! Why attack d commentator if u aint guilty. Onye ara!
Anon 3:19 pls I have brOomstick for cobwebs anytime u wanna dust there. Pig!!!!!!!
Abeg o! Leave the runs girls alone o! They r critical to a married man's sanity.
Why is it dat all d bad belle comments comes frm anonyfools? Anon 3:25 she no use ur muni travel, no die on top her matter! Tufia!
Why won't they be cos she's stl a young damsel
Bia dis fool! Did anybody say de did sometin? Biased corrupt mind. Mumu 3:27pm!
Taught Mrs dot not thought!
Pls she shud not post dat video here, am still puking! God punish dem aLl!
It's sad that what is important to them is how it makes everyone look bad. They don't seem to understand the real issue... Their 13 year old daughter took such an inappropriate picture with a 20year old. It looks like they just had sex. So are they saying that it's okay for their 13 year old to be having sex with anyone (no matter the age), or at least to be naked (to whatever degree, even if she only had her top off) in front of a 20 year old man?
Jada Pinkett Smith is apparently totally cool with her 13-year-old daughter lounging around in bed with a shirtless 20-year-old guy. TMZ caught an angry Mama Smith at the LA airport yesterday, where she explained her take on the controversial photo of daughter Willow with actor Moises Arias: "Here's the deal: There was nothing sexual about that picture or that situation. You guys are projecting your trash onto it, and you're acting like covert pedophiles, and that's not cool."
Arias is Willow's brother, Jaden's, "best friend and that has been true for a few years," a source tells Hollywood Life, calling the photo "extremely innocent." Arias "has been friends with the family forever as well and this in no way was meant to look or feel sexual." Dad Will is also OK with the picture, if TMZ's sources—who are reportedly "connected to the Smith family"—are to be believed. Will and Jada think Willow is "very mature" and can make her own decisions, for the most part. In the case of this picture, they see it as—TMZ's words—"an expression of art." Click to see the picture and decide for yourself.
Next pls.
Ofcourse they are suppose to be upset about it
Na so
Safe trip aunty mi lindodo toh fresh and buy gala nd bobo come,you hear! Na there wahala be that NEXT!!! #PEARL.
The (sex) video will surface when she turns 18. Its her guarantee to fame in case things don't turn out right
Do they care about their daughter or their reputation?
Na wa o....13 biko nu! Chai! Chai!
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