Emily, who was about 2 months pregnant, said she could have swallowed an abortion pill instead of going in for surgery, but wanted to do the one that women were most afraid of. "I wanted to show it wasn’t scary - and that there is such a thing as a ppositive abortion story. It’s my story."
In the three minutes video, Emily is seen being wheeled into the operating theater before being filmed from the waist up as doctors remove the embryo from her womb. She remains awake throughout the procedure, numbed only by local anesthetic. After the procedure is over, Emily excitedly says 'I'm done. Yay!'
The video has disgusted many people, especially pro-life campaigners who are asking her bosses at the Cherry Hill Women's Center in New Jersey to sack her.
"I got... "You deserve to die", "you killed your baby' but I don't feel like a bad person. I knew I wasn't ready to take care of a child. I knew what I was going to do was right - it was right for me and for no one else,' Emily said. Watch the video after the cut...
The evils of social media
Oh my God what is dis world turning into lord have mercy the child some people are using billions to find is the one u are throwing away God dey oo
Tinz r happenin!!!God hav mercy on us.Lilybabe
Evil has many faces and this morone had the balls to flaunt it publicly all in the name of freedom! I weep for the next generation
Coonett Live from WEF
What an anathematous disdain! What a deprecable descent from the sublime to the ridiculous
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Public display of Insanity is not from the mentally deranged. This lady is another insane person acting sane.
CoolDiva speaks!
First †̥☺ comment: she is a devil.
Na wa o
She really don't care that she was about to take a life,sounding so happy and all,Lord!! some people have got no conscience
Nonsense pls Linda have u read about Gov akpabio's outrage in the current chibok gurls kidnap
May GOD av mercy on her...
I pity your soul...And to my nigerian ladies,i hope you realized that THE d & c was handled by trained experts without complication but you could not be that lucky....#SAYNOTOABORTION
White pple and their way of life!!
What a disgusting scene ...!
Ders notin wrng wif wot she did,dts y its kold unwanted
With her fish brain so most she video herslf for the world to see?like she did the right thing abi..olodo
Hey Lin,Did u say it happened in d usa?? Oh pluzzz! I'm Not surprised
Wonders will never end. Just when you think you have heard it all new ones surface!!! Next!!!
#Via Smile 4G network
What's a SIN is when u know what you doing is WRONG and you go ahead doing it or you CLAIM that you are RIGHT ... That is the kinda SIN God may not FORGIVE... I did commit an Abortion once, and the thought of it makes me sick to my Stomach. Still praying for forgiveness.
D woman is sick
Joyc teddybear
Linda pls I wanna c desmond eliot
Pregnant by mistake?
Many are mad but few are on the street.. I hope she dies and go to hell.....
Screw your story. you did for no one else except you ba. Nor worry, one day you go talk whether na you get yourself.mtsheeeeewwwwwwwww
If na nigeria this thing happen just tell husband bye bye bcos nobody go wan say hy or marry herself.....
But why post it seem she's proud of what she did or something.
Nawaa! Whites are just crazy and she's proud to show her face. Hmmmm
Wot is this world turning to? Yes we all sin but its not somtin to be proud of na. And those people saying she should be sacked, are they better than her. LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN BE THE FIRST TO CAST A STONE. Patti labelle has
Dis oyinbo pple dey kolo @ tyms sha!
Stupid idiot
Nope. Won't watch it. The story is disgusting enough.
God of mercy
na waaa oooo!
Na wa o. Insanity has grabbed this one.
There's nothing fun about having an abortion.its traumatic.and this lady is so insensitive.
Nothing person no go see 4 dis world o,God were re u.
She's Crazily Stupid...said Oga at the Top
U knew u wrnt ready to take care of a child and u were not taking any preventive measures. Fool!
Can't possibly watch this., so I can comfortably have my dinner.. White people can be flactulating sometimes.. SMH.,
Deirs natin we wnt hear in dis world. . So shes proud of wat she did.. I tink shes possessd
Hmmm e get wetin person no go see for this world?O Lord have mercy on your people #Cherry
I'm pro choice abeg.. good job Emily! Better than bringing a child u can't care for into the world. It's her life. It's her choice! Shikena!
Endtimes! the world is definitely coming to an end.
Well for a woman like me who struggled to concieve I find the disgusting but eh it's her life
God forbid!me watch the video,for what nah? Linda,y wld u ask us to watch that kind video sef?
Is her life....
If you see nothing wrong in what she has done then,you can't be normal, go check yourself because there's something definitely wrong with you. Oniranu
emily fool ursef in the name of freedom. Arrant nonsense, gals dont copy dat, if u make mistake try and give babies like dat most time are great, God knows everytin
I dnt like dis video @ all. Linda pls ur beta off dan dis naa.. Hw cld u post dis kind tin here? Rememba dt is sum pple wil chiken brains wil b influenced by dis video & dt means u helped 2 giv satan a soul. Pls b guided.
Linda; this Lady may have not even done any abortion like she claimed but only trying to promot the EVIL whom she's in for
This world is full of evil and its agent are every way trying by all means to promot their evil
Yes o. Abortion is very good. If your mother had aborted you she would have saved us the heart ache of reading your comment
Hmmm!!! Emily, Chai! Chai!! Chai!!! Diaris God O!
Hmmm!!! Emily, Chai! Chai!! Chai!!! Diaris God O!
Linda no well nau..
nothing do u girl... show us more
more hot news and gists here
Attentn seekin murderous bitch.Next!
I pity you.may you not look for children and if you already have may your children not look for children. What the girl did is not new but having such casual approach to such an act is what is surprising! Like I said may you or your children not search for children because you would regret what you just said.
Which mumu story is she sharing? D abortion is bad enough, why show d procedure? Doesn't make any logically sense to me. Cant judge her 4 having an abortion, but I'm so pissed she is sharing it.
Funny enuf some of u dt r critizing her may hv indulged in d act even more than once.
Hmmmm! Who is that man or woman that doesn't know that the end time is here already? Pls reach for God o, u need him more than u have ever needed him. For those of u who dnt see anyth wrong wif what she has done, I pity ur soul, if u dnt wnt to bring a child dt u cant care for to this world can u pls consider zipping up till u are ready, and dnt forget we are Nigerians and we v got values so dnt be stupid!
The video didn't show any part of her procedure. It gave a narration of how she feels about deciding to have an abortion. There have been confessions from LIBers admitting to abortions, so they they happen in Nigeria too. Her story will resonate with someone who's experiencing the same situation or who's been in her shoes.
In two months of the pregnancy, there's no child developing yet. All she did was stop the process, did you see them bring out a dead child, would you rather have her deliver a baby she doesn't want and leave the baby to suffer or end up killing the child.. Abortion is wrong when you have a child developing already & abortion is the same as the 'morning after pills' they are doing the same thing.. Please educate yourself. It's not a good thing to constantly do, but once you've made the mistake learn from it
She acts like she simply got a root canal. Bimbo! Pray for her deceased child.
wonders shall never end
first time to comment
end time
I personally condemn the fact that this woman aired what was supposed to be her private affair, but I can swear that all the women condemning her on this blog have had up to 10 DCs and the. Men sponsored 10 also. I am pro-life but I respect her views.
I agree that she shouldnt have posted this online for everyone to see but what she did is not wrong. You do not know her situation and you shouldn't judge what you don't know and even if you do you still shouldn't judge its not your job. I wouldnt take the life of a child but that doesn't mean that other people don't have that choice. It's not against the law the only thing this woman has done is shared something she thought was important to others.
This is casual abortion! On demand, casual abortion. The kind many women have strongest feelings against. The kind most want to see less of, not more. She set out to do this, from what she says. Positive experience.???
She murdered a life. Hers was not in danger. Adoption could have been considered since she advertised she was pregnant! And anonymous your wrong, nobody had 10 DCs. Maybe you did!!!
Loll, u people r funny. Most naija girls have aborted like twice or thrice in their lives. Lairs, I hate nigerians and their fakeness. It is heart aching. Stop criticizing this woman
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