He actually made an ignorant statement (my opinion). While speaking at a campaign rally recently, Uganda’s President, Yoweri Museveni mocked
President Jonathan for accepting foreign assistance to help fight Boko Haram. The former guerrila
fighter said he'd rather commit suicide than ask the
international community to protect his people against terrorists
“I have never called the United Nations to guard us. Me, Yoweri Museveni to say that I have failed to protect my people and I call on the UN: I would rather hang myself. We prioritized national security by developing a strong Army, otherwise our Uganda would be like DRC, South Sudan, Somalia or Nigeria where militias have disappeared with school children.
“It would be a vote of no confidence in our country and citizens if we cannot guarantee our security. What kind of persons would we be?” He said
1 – 200 of 335 Newer› Newest»His comment is not only ignorant but stupid
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Old man...shut up!
He's right!! Dis is d kind of President we need! Not a weakling Dats allowing terrorists destroying innocent lives!!he has failed and shud resign! Dis country is a mess
baba u've just made d greatest mistake eva.
dats is opinion......nd thank God he is nt jona.... so let Naija be
This man is such a clown..
Ignorant or not..
He made a good point.
If the President aint teased and mocked constantly, he won't have the fighting spirit in him.
Truly, such a disgrace to the nation.
Yeah, and nigeria has the biggest economy in africa. Let tha idio shut his stinking trap! Only nigerians can talk about their presiden not a canibal like this imbecile!
I'd pardon hin becos he's bald.bald people are usually daft
Its ok to mock but the end justifies the means.
It is NOT an ignorant statement. UK will help and then take everything you have in a blink of an eye. In a world we live in today, why aren't soldiers being paid.
Wetin dey pain me be say! Next year pple go still go vote 4 ram!! I tank God since dey born me I never vote b4!!! If nig go agree make we no vote 4 dis our badluck
He speaks the truth. That a whole Nigeria, giant of Africa so to say, who led ECOMOG, and have fought more sophisticated enemies cannot now fight less than 5,000 Boko Haram however scattered everywhere they may be, and now even the international community cannot share intelligence directly with us because they believe we are compromised....shame on Nigeria joorrr... And by the way, first to comment!!!! Yaaayyy!!!
Dis guy smoke weed. As if any country is above terrorism. He shud just pray dat smtin bigger dan him shudnt meet him. Mtchwww. I'm just watchin him nd his country shaa.
We 're not d same! He 's not as brave as u are! more lyk a coward! But we gt no choice.. He cnt kip watching his pipu perish .. We nid support! It has gone byond his might
Who knows if ur country z d next.."Eni ija ode ba lo n pe arare lokunrin" dis myt b used against u in d nearest future!
He does nt knw wats gwan here dats y.Mariam say so.
Well, Mr Museveni , Joseph Kony is still abducting kids and turning them to child soldiers in northern Uganda under your nose. So shut your gob, mate!
Well, Mr Museveni , Joseph Kony is still abducting kids and turning them to child soldiers in northern Uganda under your nose. So shut your gob, mate!
Ok. Next
Wow dis sounds like a dynamite omg GEJ u are finished imagine a fellow African president blasting u, n it is kinda truth smh I'm awaiting on mugabe's statement too now I'm done
I no blame d man! Em fink say him country be like nig! Abeg we need oyibo help jare!!! Na me need am pass sef
Wetin dey pain me be say! Next year pple go still go vote 4 ram!! I tank God since dey born me I never vote b4!!! If nig go agree make we no vote 4 dis our badluck
Where is the ignorant statement? He is absolutely correct. Protecting ur citizens is Job 1.
U dare 2 mock my president Ogun ll blast ya irritating face just take a chill pill ur country ll b next,see his ugly mango head*fashionista LeOnOrA*
He has a point, in a way. We were relaxed and now these terrorism situation has gotten out of hand.
And uve a vulture head*fashionista LeOnOrA*
He nor Wise ,he Country Ugandan nor big pass Lagos,na him make he dey talk like that .He should come and rule Naija for 6Months he go go Mad Immediately.
Absolutely agree with him
I quite agree with him.
He just sounded like the next India Mean of Uganda...rubbish#lindaikeji post my comment ohhh
To be honest, he spoke the truth. A country seeking international assistance (not even fellow African assistance) means they are in deep trouble. It is a shame that the Nigerian Army can not defend its own people. Nigeria has turned to a mockery to the international world. What the country needs now is a military coup. How can you be a president and your citizens can not move freely or even sleep peacefully at night not knowing whether or not they will see the next day. This is a big shame on Nigeria.
first of all;
Linda there is sometin called d comment section, yea!
thats whr people with opinions write it k
who d heck is this ignorant fellow yanning dust?
terrorism is a global prob,he should just Tnk God dey ve not remembered his country n shut the Fuck up.
Linda post my comment!
All these airhead illiterate Presidents... Uganda presido is an example..
OGA we can't tackle this alone free my president abeg.
I don't know this man but I already support him. Its the biggest shame not to be able to defend oneself. On the other hand I'm just glad, Good luck has swallowed whatever pride left in him to request for international support cos at the end of the day its peoples lives on line.
yea...that show a man with daring commitment
not a clueless and shoeless man who lack direction and decision on all stakes
count me in, on supporting his view
There's nothing Ignorant in what he said. He's right IMO
It just tells me that to be a president, you need to have full-grown balls and not a bare footh.
.............LINDA'S CRUSH......
What is his biz if GEJ call for international assitance,this man should shut d f*uck up cus he has nothing meaning to say.
Linda pls help me describe dis man in one word
Yeye man
Dear Linda, the man is right, it's an issue of vote of no confidence if a govt cant guarantee the safety of it's people. No doubt we desperately need foreign help no as corruption has destroyed the structure of our institutions including the military.
I agree with him. GEJ has failed us. Instead of trading blame and all the political bruhaha, he do the honourable thing and resign. The next thing the US wuld be dictating to us, when the have both our balls firmly in their grip.
He is a MAN!!!!...a soldier!!!...but no be mouth o...if boko kom make he no run ooo
Not until they unleash terror in his domain!
you this uganda president go and sit down, our president allows democracy to rule, he does not impose his will and mafia on our people, every action he takes is well delibrated in the house before it is carried out, he rules by the people, with many assigned special duties on everything, he does not force his way on his people, adolf hitler like you. stop hating on him.
With no intent to be indignant or even to sound confrontational, I guess the assistance the US is providing with troops on the ground in Uganda for the search of the elusive Mr J Kony Uganda's BH..sorry LRA is hamlet assistance or maybe local at best?
Maybe he's saying this to win the next election.
Located in the Democratic Republic of Congo and established in 1938, the Garamba National Park was in 1980 designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. But what most people across the globe easily remember about the park is the 2008 US-supported “Operation Lightning Thunder”, an unsuccessful attempt by the Uganda Peoples Defence Force (UPDF) to capture or kill Mr. Joseph Kony, the Ugandan rebel leader who could easily be described as the number one terrorist in Africa. Dubbed by the media as the “Garamba Offensive”, the operation was led by the Uganda Army (with logistics provided by the United States military) who pursued Kony whose men had massacre several people, including 14 soldiers. At the end, they failed to get him even though the operation succeeded in freeing hundreds of children from his captivity.
Against the background that in October 1996 Kony’s LRA also abducted 139 female students from St. Mary’s College Boarding School, Apac district in Uganda, I am beginning to wonder if Boko Haram is not reading from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) manual. Therefore, as the United States, France, China, United Kingdom, Canada and Israel join our country in the efforts to rescue the more than 200 female students abducted from Chibok, Borno State by Boko Haram insurgents, there are lessons to learn from the activities of the Kony-led LRA in Uganda.
In the last few days, I have been drawing interesting parallels between the LRA and Boko Haram and other terror affiliates whose men kill in the name of religion as I read again “The Wizard of the Nile: The Hunt for Africa’s Most Wanted”, autographed for me by the author, Matthew Green, about four years ago.Green, a British journalist who had spent five years as the Central Africa correspondent for Reuters, was in Nigeria between 2007 and 2009, reporting for the Financial Times of London before leaving to become their South Asia Security Correspondent, where he is now covering Afghanistan and Pakistan.
In the introduction to the very revealing book, Green had written: “From our crow’s nest in Nairobi, the conflict looked like a classic tale of pointless savagery. The rebels had massacred villagers, mutilated hundreds of people and abducted thousands of children—all for the sake of one man’s ambition to rule according to his warped reading of the Bible.”
For those who may not be familiar with the LRA, it is not too different from Boko Haram except that the former claims to draw inspiration from the Bible while the latter claims to draw its own from the Quran. In the narrative of a dramatic encounter, Green reveals the mindset of the LRA leader: “I would like to declare today clearly why we are fighting,” (Joseph) Kony went on, reverting back to Acholi (his native language). “Of course our political agenda has already been explained. We are fighting for God’s Ten Commandments; we are fighting for God’s power. If you look at the Ten Commandments, are they bad? We are fighting for God’s rule because God’s rule is eternal…”
First b/4 u beat ur chest like a guerilla that are, u ve to 1st consider diff. in population, ethnicity n religion. Nigeria a country with over 400+ ethnic groups each with selfish interest n agenda, one can only boast only if he has successfully ruled a country with dynamics like Nigeria for years n kept it 2geda in peace n unity b/4 drawing comparison otherwise, shot d f***k up. SWEET ANONYMOUS.
I consider this a stupid statement. He's prolly working for Boko Haram sponsors. My opinion tho. Olamide
Linda! I do not think it's an ignorant statement. He has only highlighted the incompetence of Jonathan!!!!
What sought of nonsense is this and he should be made to give a public apology. Yes we knw jonah is confuse but that doesnt mean an outsider will insult him, that part is left for we nigerians alone.... Look at his ugly face, nansance....
As a person I have nothing against Gej but as a president he sucks. His easy-going persona is not what a country like Nigeria under this present precarious situation needs. Pres Yoweri spoke the truth, a country that cannot defend itself from internal problem is a shameful. Imagine if we were at war with another country, say US or Russia? I'm sure even Libya go level our defense as it stands.Other countries that spend billions of there revenue on security ate not stupid. Who's going to enjoy all the wealth they're busy amassing if push comes to shove? Just saying, misplaced priorities.
I don't blame him, talk is cheap. Na him get his mouth. He shld just pray that something bigger than him doesn't befall him. I blame boko haram for giving voice to the voiceless Nekwuonu Uganda kwa can now spite Nigeria. It's well!
Men who understand their responsibility and have courage to carry it out.Not Mrs. Jonathan
He is a fool,imagine uganda president 2 talk,God is not asleep dat is ma greatest hapiness n he watches over everytin.n 2 d stupid boko haram supporters nemesis wil soon catch up wit u all.
Correct Man
He is very stupid for saying such....
I no blame d dude sha! Our people say "na tree weh fall for road say make them use am for firewood" we budget over 1.5trillion fr defence n our armed forces still complain! Coz one greedy dude some where don "invest" the money fr oil! Check out all the countries that ve accepted military help from the US n tell me any one that is faring better! Abeg joor! Make una no de talk say them embarrass una! Ordinary Uganda de boast of military capabilities where our army de afraid 2 engage ordinary insurgents!
He should know already that our's is a different issue. In our case, even the ones who are meant to secure the nation are the ones causing the wicked act. So how else does he want us to stop the menace. Dear Ugandan president, an international assistance is what Nigeria need right now. I'll suggest u go rule over that poor country of urs.
O shut up already u old fool, let ur Uganda face book haram so u can commit suicide
Ha! Oma se o, bi iya nla ba gbe ni sanle ke ke ke a ma fi ni sele ya ! What a pity!
True Talk. All we know is embezzlement. Mtcheew. Security of the citizens should be top priority for any government. so disappointing and frustrating.
make yawa gas 1st.
May u never withness d situation Jona is now because if u do am sure u must have hang urself by now old fool.
you made a more ignorant statement by actually stating that he made an ignorant statement(my opinion)
He has the right to say that and belittle GEJ especially given that our defense budget for last year was $2.13 Billion (DOLLARS)yet our Army, Navy and Airforce are about the most ill-equipped now on the continent of Africa because the money was diverted to 'other things' read:private pockets...
She d Uganda president head like opioro mango..Nigeria has been helping other countries in times like dis and now we are in trouble we have to acept help from others too
The President of Uganda is making a lot of sense. Mr. Jonathan is not compitent to govern this country. He should resign and be banished to hell. QED.
Everyone's got their opinion.
GEJ is a good man, but, right now, we need a leader like Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe..a no nonsense character.
*My R1.50c comment *
Nothing Jona nor go see and hear for una hand #okoko
Linda u're stupid 4 saying his statement is ignorant. Did he lie? Meaning u believe dat our military can't do dis, so we shud call 4 international help? Let our government jst be serious 4 once & fund dis fight against BH to d latter & see wat we'll achieve. We're d best in Africa 4 Christ sake & we've gone on different peace-keeping missions & yet we're been doubted. Let d FG stop playing politics wit dis issue, fund us adequately & try 2 locate & remove some of our dubious commanders dat do not want us 2 strike BH...........WE WILL WIPE OUT BOKO HARAM IN 2 WEEKS.........#yeswecan
Yoweri Museveni or whatever you call yourself, President Jonathan is a human and not God.
He is not a superman.
I like that He has got no Pride.
He is the most humble president, Nigeria has ever produced.
We Love you President Jonathan.
God bless Nigeria.
Yoweri Museveni or whatever you call yourself, President Jonathan is a human and not God.
He is not a superman.
I like that He has got no Pride.
He is the most humble president, Nigeria has ever produced.
We Love you President Jonathan.
God bless Nigeria.
TRUE TALK - PLEASE TELL HIM, INSTEAD OUR PRESIDENT SAID WE should take our protest to boko haram instead of coming to him, no need to visit chibok since he was not there when the guys were abducted, Things Fall Apart season 1
Yoweri Museveni or whatever you call yourself, President Jonathan is a human and not God.
He is not a superman.
I like that He has got no Pride.
He is the most humble president, Nigeria has ever produced.
We Love you President Jonathan.
God bless Nigeria.
Is this one a good leader or what.he said he would rather commit suicide than to ask for foreign assistance has he forgotten his family and the country or what.Mr president is doing the right thing sha that will help us all
Professor caught abusing a female student in his office
This is is Exactly How Male Boss Molests their Female Secretary in their Office.
Assuming your girlfriend made this great mistake in Public, what will you do?
Omg! You wont believe what this girl is doing with her Ukwu
Sadly he is 100% right, part of the office of the presidency is the oath to protect the ppl of Nigeria, ppl are dying in the 100s from terrorist attacks and the foolish president has the guts to say he can't protect its ppl. GEJ should be impeached, this will not be going on in the US and Obama will still be president...ppl protest every time in front of the Whitehouse gates. Only in Nigeria will a coward president hide behind a fortress of soldiers, common grow a pair. #NAIJAIMPEACHGEJ
He has said nothing wrong! Truth is always bitter. He has said absolutely nothing wrong!!! Boko haram has succeded this far because of corruption! Uganda's president has said NOTHING wrong!!
Linda, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and so I respect your own opinion of saying he made "an ignorant comment" even though I think yours is the ignorant opinion here. That's how leaders should think. I bet you (Linda) barely know anything about how governments operate openly and covertly. You think international assistance is "love" abi? Okay, tell me which country in the world today has enjoyed this "love" and is a sane society. I laugh at us Nigerians and the stupid trust we put in foreigners.
Shit is about to get real and una go see say when you get problem, solve am by yourself. I just hope shit doesn't get worse than the slavery era.
you can c ow hungry d Ugandan president is looking.
No be true? na true now instead of our own gov to protect us with dere life all what's in dere mind is how to loot cash
My dear its not an ignorant statement. I'm currently in Uganda and believe me he's got this country under control.
YOWERI, You Are Just Being Stupid. I rather do call out to my neighbours For Help, than t0 take a knife and Kill myself coz my siblings are Fighting.
Abeg face ur country oooo....see his head
Close ya mouth.. im sure hes in support of apc..
true talk, a man of action, he knows wat he is capable of doing, cos he n his fellowers r not corrupt
Kai! I'm so ashamed.
As much as u would love to hate him he is right. Sad people that have worked with the nigerian govt have always said that security budget was known as dash money as the ogas always stole from it neglecting our nations security. Lets not forget that this guy was also campaigning and Uganda has its own share of issues + didn't he change the anti gay bill because of foreign influence.
I feel like crying o
His opinion is reasonable. He actually saying the truth after the huge budget allocated to the Army and no return at all. It
He speaks the Truth. nothing ignorant about it. any leader who fails to provide basic security for his pple should hang his head in shame. although im not against international aid, i feel like we as a people did not do enough on our own to solve OUR problem before running with our tails between our legs to beg for help. and even now that help has come, how far have we gone??? if our own soldiers are refusing to address the situation then what do we want international community to do? are we expecting USA, Britain, France et all to send soldiers to come and fight, and possibly die, for a country they have no business with? Nigerians put your house in order before you go begging for help!
Uganda! Tar shurrup! Small n broke Uganda compared to Naija. We all know goodluck is a weak president and not a guerilla or ex solider turn president.. he thinks before making moves, which Nigerians are not comfortable with.. we like it the Gra Gra way, which is action before thinking,. soft rulling has never been our past presido styles.... Look lets all face this fact it's not easy to Govern a country with almost uncountable ethnic group,tribes and language. There must be haters and pressure from every corner and people will always feel cheated, saying you are favouring your own people and deserting the rest. Naija no be easy country to rule. Not to exclude the fact that curruption has sucked it's way through our government... I still see the good in goodluck compared to our past presidents. If not for all these many recent kidnap n multiple bombing I would have giving him a 4 star for putting the country back on track... Pardon my typo, Uganda no get mouth to yan kor.
CHAI,Na only God go save us from this our MUMU president.but there is God sha.
Whoz dis maggot...mansions are talking,face me I face you is talking. Ull commit suicide very soon ugandan president.
He is right to some extent.but where a country lacks military power to fight terrorism,it is advisable to seek aid aswhere! Or would he rather watch us die??! Mr Uganda president pls go fuck yourself,your opinon doesn't count and its not need.#okbye
My dear Linda,he is not speaking ignorantly,he is right on point.If Nigeria had a strong functional army,there would be no need to stoop so low to ask the international community to squash a small group of people causing havoc.
The President if he has any shame needs to resign and go on exile...thats what leaders who have failed in their duties do!
Llke seriously!!! He should pray such a thing don't befall him, 4. If it happnx, only then will I remember dix his words 4 him
Why are stingy with posting comments linda?
No nation is an island and more over terrorism affects the whole international community. He should just be thankful to God that Uganda is not threatened by terror. BH is a group bn sponsored by those whom most of them are close to government intelligence sources making it difficult to be contained.
What a nerve! Dnt worry cos sooner or later, u guys re gonna b worst Dan us!
Ugandan president, well, what can we say, your people are enjoying all the benefits of democracy, good for you. Nigeria needs the international aid, and that is that.
My dear Linda, we can abuse all we can but Museveni is right
Museveni is right. ..
Chei! mogbe! na my country n president dem cum dey talk 2 like ds.ordinary u g a n d a? boko haram,he no go beta 4 una life.uganda president,no b ur fault ooooo.
this guy is very rude and arrogant..he came to kenya on invite for a national celebrations of 'kenya@50 and insulted kenyans on national and international media...you guys shud roast him alive like we did
This guy sounds dumb,arrogant and stupid at the same time.What is wrong in asking for help?Our president is a human being and not God.He is bound to need help once in a while.Mstchwwww
Yes,i like dat statement
I don't see any wrong with president asking for assistance.
OUCH...that hurts!-Dele
Yoweri is a stupid man. What do u expect? He was a guerilla war lord like Boko haram. Foreigners are in Afghanistan, and many other places. Terrorism is a global thing. Let him not forget that Joseph Kony is being hunted by America nd not Ugandan ragtag army.
Linda it is not an ignorant statement,d truth is bitter but it has to be said. I like the part where he said "We prioritized national security by developing a strong Army", that's what a reasonable government should do,instead they prefer to prioritise making their pockets 'fat'. I just feel pity 4dis country called Nigeria.
Linda...he is not ignorant at all, hes vry on point...has America ever asked for foreign assistance to curb domestic terrorism? Linda answer naaa... our military is all bark and no bite. Well said Museveni... and Linda plz stick to trust rather frm what u assume u might get supporting weak jona
The president has spoken the plain truth.
No dnt mind him, APC must have bribed him........(How Pro-Jonathan supporter think)
Nigeria don suffer. God help us remove this shame please.
Hammmmm. Exactly wat I tot
Is nt ur fault, ordinary uganda criticisin Nigeria. GEJ see ur life outside. Giant of africa turn to wowo africa. Resign GEJ. Mind u it'll nt better for any person dat vote for u in 2015.
Ewu! U can't even spell competent. Is terrorism a Nigerian problem alone? So Afgan president is also incompetent? And so iraqi and Yemeni president. When ur people are causing problem all over the world, u come here and talk rubish
frankly speaking, There's nothing ignorant about his comment, A country is supposed to be strong enough to handle its issues whatever the case may be and not involve a 3rd party. Any intelligent mind will see that this statement makes a lot of sense.
We'll he has made sense. I don't see what is ignorant about his statement. But like you say; your opinion
What do u mean by he made an ignorant statement? The man has voiced his opinion so do not rubbish it. Why does the country spend millions of naira paying ppl who work in the military, terrorists arise within and they cant protect the citizens. Now tell me what the military will do when Nigeria is attacked by a foreign army? Don't u know that's equal to the end? Please let's be intelligent in passing judgment. Thankyouverymuch
First learn how to spell then come back and criticise a president. Sit in your house and blab about how easy you think it is. Mtchew.
God punish your whole family
Choi, this is ignorance in the highest order oooh!!. Like seriously, you wouldn't invite the international community into your country, Mr. Yoweri Museveni? Woooow. African man's thinking. One could deduce from his speech that this is how some of our African leaders think and speak. They talk so carelessly and most often, not knowledgeable. Mr. Yoweri has soon forgotten that terrorism is a crime against humanity and as so, can not be condoned by the international community, for there's an international criminal law against it. This is not a one man's fight, it's a global fight against terrorism. Dear Mr. Ugandan President, we learnt you were once a gorrila fighter, right? Please sir, this is not that kinda fight. If you really know the meaning of the word Terrorism or Terrorist, you should be ashamed of yourself by now. Castigating President GEJ ain't a cool stuff to do by a fellow African leader. #GodBlessNigeria. Chantella
He is not making any sense@ anon 4:16 pm. He should thank his God that terrorism has not entered his domain.
Terrorism is like a canker worm. In china it has started happening. Yesterday there was a bomb blast that killed over 30 and wounded almost 100 civilians. When he talks about protecting his people, I just wonder. Uganda that has been bombarded with Oyibo people and is number one country in producing gay movies in Africa Becos foreigners (whites) pays their young boys as little as 10 dollars and ask them to make love with each other ie gay sex while they video them.
So, this man should go shut up and get a life.
Tru talk sir...
Banished ur father first, all of ur keep call jonathan jonathan just ask urself what have u or ur fathers done for ur town talkless of nigeria. U just open ur dirty mouth and talk
U are a fooooool, God will punnish ur useless mouth,idiot
Linda, he is tlking sense. If nigeria had a strng army wud dey avgone to beg for foreign assistance. If u luk at oda countries leaders, once dey fail dey tend to resign. Bt Johnathan has refused to do anything,nt even resign.
Linda,I think moseveni is Saying the truth here,this government has failed us.Nigeria ONI BAJE O
See insult,GEJ ntooo gi! Sebi wen he was contesing for election-i ll give my ppl maximum security,social amenties,electricity.this and that! O rue na-omume! Ngwa! Mtewwwww!
And you are "compitent"???
Exactly the point those of us in Diaspora have been trying to convey. Jonathan should be voted out or impeached. He can't protect his wards. He needs to go!
Oh plz just shut up ur stinking strap!
U lack brain my brother, go and gain knowledge before u come here to comment. Big fredo out
Anonisteewpid 4:16pm, just shuthop your stinking mouth. It's you and your entire generation that will be banished to HELL. Look at you talking to our dear presido anyhow. This freedom of speech eeh, even goats and nwankpi are talking to Gej the way they like. No bi una fault.
Com-PIT-ent..pit of life...pit latrine..pita Ejiofor..ok,bye.
Yoweri moseveni is absolutely right but truth is bitter....GEJ is slow even slow dan snail,the way we nigerian voted for him in last election dts d ways we will vote aginst him in nxt election,dts if he was adamant to content....GEJ those not want to step on toes dts y he is behaving lk MUMu.
Of a truth he's making sense! Nigeria, after saving some other African countries could not save her own.
Nigeria has drifted into a failed nation. Mr. President does not know that his paramount duty as president of a country is the protetion of lives and properties of the citizenry but rather he asked Nigerians to forward their protests to the terrorists. Has Mr President handed over the security of lives and properties of nigerians to the terrorists. Chei! Dere is God o!
Nigeria has turned into a laughing stock
Linda,I think moseveni is Saying the truth here,this government has failed us.Nigeria ONI BAJE O
Haba! Mr/Miss/Mrs anonymous 4:16pm, dat was harsh!
He should tank his stars DT terrorism hasn't befallen his country ....time shall come when he would lick back his words ...uganda isn't better of Nigeria , its S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ pathetic DT our situation has detoriarated to dis extent.
#ourhelp comes from d lord
You are not even "compitent" to comment! Ewu COMPETENT, thank me later.
That was trully ur opinion Linda! And ur entitled to it. Its a shame to have called on the international community to come to ur aid when billions of naira is being ditshed out as Secuirity vote on monthly basis. This man is making a whole lot of sense . A vote of no confedence ought to have been passed on him(GEJ) long ago. He has lost his vision as a president.
Hallelujah! Pls say it again. He should rot in hell for using our lives to play politics. Lousy man!
Kaguta Museveni, The Ugandan dinosaur and life dictator should be ignored, he is suffering from hubris. This is a man who was once quoted to have said "Whoever tries to cause problems, we finish them. Besigye [an opposition leader] tried to disorganize Kampala and we gave him a little tear gas and he calmed down. He didn't need a bullet, just a little gas". The senile old reprobate once also suggested that "The problem of Africa in general and Uganda in particular is not the people but leaders who want to overstay in power" and he's been in power for more than 27 years! The country has weathered a brutal civil war and an insurgency similar to Boko Haram is ravaging his country at the moment y'all. As we speak, the same Americans are hunting for the leader of the insurgency in Uganda for the crime of genocide. He has nothing to teach democratic Nigeria.He is in many ways like Dr Dumbo Joe...a clueless and feckless moron.
frankly speaking, There's nothing ignorant about his comment, A country is supposed to be strong enough to handle its issues whatever the case may be and not involve a 3rd party. Any intelligent mind will see that this statement makes a lot of sense.
Why canot people mind their business
Linda that is not an ignorant statement of any sort.
As bitter or insulting as it may sound to you Linda, dis dude just spoke d truth! I rily dnt understand how human beings will b missing for ova a mnth here in Nigeria n we dnt Av a clue as to where to look. To say its embarrassing, is to say d least. And to think dat in d midst of it all, BH s still terrorizing his citizens n yet, he still has no clue. Sometimes I feel lyk Jonathan doesn't listen or mayb he s just plain deaf! LINDA POST MY COMMENT!
Lolz @banished to hell
U re a very good fool @anony 4:16, do u no wht dat word govern means? Or u just wana make a head line? U and bonario Chinneke kpokwa unu oku der, 2 hell wit all d jonathan hater's ....,(nwa mummy says so)
You have teamed-up with the ignoramuses like Museveni, ranting shallow & thoughtless words just to gain attention. I don't envy you one bit.
I can't say I bleam him for such remarks, jonathan allowed d boko haram thing to run free for so long before doing anything. Now its too late to tame d big snake. God help us
Oh i see...
GEJ is not former military,he's core civillian. If OBJ was GEJ, he wud have blasted BH back to there he'll hole.
pls can you be our president. Nigeria has the resources and money i mean money to protect the nation. if they want to bring does idiots down in one day they will. the greed is too much am sure the soldiers they sent to look for the girls have not been paid salary. so why will they be motivated.
I think this is a very strong statement,anybody that is elected to govern a country should and must understand that his duty is to secure and protect lives and properties of his people...if he can't do that then he really needs to quit the stage...it's basically the most honorable thing to do...there is no sentiments in this business....Period!
You re a fool! Okpo
Te Uganda president should go and die.
wow! voice of dedication to service! Trying not to find pride in these words
He has a point. Jonathan's govt can't protect us so he asked for international help. I am happy that the U.S is assisting us becausr our govt is clueless, but it also shows the ineptness of our govt. Can you imagine the U.S, France, England, etc asking foreign powers to help protect their citizens? - lai lai.. Nigeria govt is weak. Our president just compared us to Pakistan and Afganistan so what do you expect?
Another moron talking!
No Linda, you my dear have made an ignorant remark. He makes sense in all sorts of ways. His point being While Nigeria has got no choice but to ask for help at this point, we didn't ever need to get here if we paid better attention to security. And for your information you Pro-US intervention folks....where has the US gone and not left a devastating aftermath? Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan are some examples. Careful what you wish for.
He is 101 percent right ,jona myt be a gud man bt he's not a leader .which sector has he attempted t improve since he became president 4yrs ago is it power,education,security infrastructure everytin has detoriated..pls linda I want u t post chimamanda's message t jonathan.unemployment,terrorism,poverty ,pollution all of dem is ond high increase and its as if we dnt hv a president.Nigeria is nw a no man's land where anytin goes.
That ballsy and that's what Nigeria needs; a ballsy President, not one that condemns from behind a mike and a podium. GEJ is a joke of a president the world over. Wouldn't be surprised if there was a coup soon, though our military have being neutered.
Honestly, he really need to resign, this man is causing hell in this country, our dear president Ebele jonathan Pls kindly resign so that peace can rain in this country Nigeria.
Ugandan president should SHUT the fuck up with his coconut head.
The Uganda president is talking trash, Lagos alone is bigger than Uganda, Nigeria as a whole has the responsibility of security not only the government, because this is not ordinary terrorist,it has to do with politics,by the time we got it right, then we will come out with better idea to solve the problem
4 saying president shuld resign u are a big fool
What is the size of Uganda?, Some people just make unguided statements. Unleash Boko Haram on Uganda and see if they can hold out for one week. Imagine someone saying Jonathan should be banished to hell, what a pity.
He makes sense. Vote of non confidence. Imagine equating us with war torn countries.
While I believe the current state of things call for international assistance, I would agree with the Ugandan president. If this Boko Haram threat had been nipped in the bud, then there wouldn't now be a need for foreign help. Look at Nigeria as a family, with President Jonathan as the head of the family... Seeking foreign help (while being the right move at this time) equates to telling the whole world u need help from other "heads of other families" to manage the affairs in your family... Think about it.
I have never for once commented on this blog. I couldn't agree more with the President of Uganada. I strongly concur.
The man makes a lot of sense.Jonah is too weak as a President of a complex country like Nigeria.A more experienced person could have been better.He is just a ceremonial Figure!!You can imagine a president of Nigeria,saying a particular region is the backbone of his government.That is a very childish and immatured statement.Does he meant other region re not important?So the Man is right 100%
Linda, I think the man is right, it is called taking responsibility for human life. How did we get here, why can't we solve the problem before we get to this stage. I honestly think that Mr President should resign.
I support the Ugandan Presidents views, Jonathan by inviting the UN has committed an impeachable offence, due to his inability to protect the lifes, dignity and property of Nigerians
Mr president should just take responsibility for what is going on in Nigeria. Whatever he's doing presently is not working and the Ugandan President is right.
I disagree with Mr Museveni. He lacks a good understanding of happenings in Nigeria were a group of Generals are arming and sponsoring terrorist to overthrow the government. Now that the Americans and the West are here, they will help unravel the mystery and the whole world will see it. Then Jonathan will be justified. Aside this, this country will be plunged into a religious war. Nobody wants to go this way. Do you?
That is the truth Jonathan should be ashamed of himself. Obviously the whole world sees how incompetent he is.
Kpowaiiii!!!!!! @ ur comment anon 4:16
Pray sir, that your country doesn't encounter such difficulties, if not you go kukuma kill yourself ooh. At times, when you people in positions talk, you weigh your words before spitting them out. Just pray you don't encounter terrorism in your country....your body go tell you wella.
As for Anonymous 4:16pm, you be aturu.
I guess ur dad wld be competent! Nigerians! We r always so quick to throw stones yet no 1 has come up with a solution to this Boko haram issue. The truth is it is bigger tthan all of us @ this stage and we actually do need intl help. As for Ugandan president, he shld try and see if his Ugandan army can handle Boko haram. Pple say a lot of things out of ignorance. I admit our president is confused but who are we to judge? Boko haram is our problem, u, me, him and every single one of us so instead of attacking him let's all come together and find a way to end this.
Aunty Linda forget o this foolish idi-amin brother of uganda dey make sense o uganda way no big reach port and lagidi plus aba put together dey yarn
oga jona fal him hand for God sake Nigeria has one of the best armed forces in Africa boko don turn dem to Man o war and boys scout tufiakwa.
chai diaris God o
wat jona should do is lunch a full offensive both with ground troop and aerial troop full scale offensive but like d jona dat we no he is a weak puppy patience would av done better in loking for dis girls
With all due respect Linda, your opinion is rubbish. This Ugandan fool actually made a lotta sense.
Its such a shame that mosquito-infested can brag about being better than us.
Dis man Ȋ̝̊̅§ Rit abeg,, somebody shud tell jona 2 resign ooo
So Linda, what is ignorant about the remark?
The president of Uganda is correct, Goodluck is incompetent and weak.
Please clarify why this is an ignorant statement...
@Anon4:16 you must be stupid. You as a competent person, what have u done to you nation. As if u can do better when given the opportunity to be the president. Just support him and remember him in prayers that's if u pray at all and together we can all make a change in our dear nation Nigeria. Think.
Mr/mrs/miss anonymous wat hv u bin able 2 do 2 stop d killing, or do u tink is jst d responsiblities of mr president 2 stop terrorism nd oda vices? @ dis point no time 2 point accusing figures on anybdy, evrybdy's opinions, prayer nd effort is nided.
Ur an idiot. Anon 4:16pm
Linda you are the ignorant one... your country is damned and you are there opening your mouth. Please stick to what you know. .. nigerias president is a wimp!
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