Dream denied ever touching her, claiming that Lydia, who is Canadian, was just trying to extend her Visa by filing a bogus criminal case against him.
Well, to prove she didn't lie, Lydia has produced receipts. She photographed her injuries immediately following the alleged attack and today she sent the pictures to TMZ . See more pics after the cut...

The complaint also alleged that when Nam tried to call 911, he violently twisted her arm and said he would kill her “like O.J. Simpson killed Nicole Brown."
Nam says she waited seven months to report the incident out of fear for her safety. The-Dream denies the whole thing.
ooopppppssssss. why shud anyhow assault a pregnant lady
Checkout this Nicki Minaj Shares More Hot Photos From Her Myx Commercial
Checkout this Nicki Minaj Shares More Hot Photos From Her Myx Commercial
Eh yah kpele......
Evil men everywhere! Wonder wah de derive in violating women.....
Shame on him if he actually perpetuated this cowardly act! A pregnant woman for heavens sake! #realmendonthitwomen
Meanwhile, Linda, you've been on a roll today, we appreciate your effort to make up for the drought you made us suffer while you were in transit. I give up chasing your series of breaking news, I'm going to bed. *bbm yawn face*
Babe ta Ni ko fe WA Oju lon Mon WA ! Living a fake life of celeb
Serious gobe.
He's in for serious trouble,coz they take it quite serious over there.
Really not fair,the bruises are just too much
Thank God she didn't loose the c
Dats d prize to pay for rolling wit a dope Nigger
Na gangstar luv na!pele o!
Sings like an angel, acts like a demon!
U wan kill her
All dis picture evidences self, thr is a limit to wich i trust dem. It culd be pland
This man wiked no be small, after all the beeting he still get mind stamp tmz for her body. I shure sey na iluminati thins. No be dere dbanj dey. Weather na inishiashon e take style givam. Na waa, people dangeros shaa.
Cud be mosquito bite and bed bug, d body nor swell now look am
U have lost a bolt upstairs.
@blogthug, stop talking like a fool! Ur name speaks for itself...dis is d kind of thing u can do. Ur foolish comment makes me wanna slap u fool! As far as I'm concerned, it is only cowards dat beat women...even in her pregnancy...HE should be d one receiving d treatment Chris Brown is getting now. Oloshi of a man! Mtcheeewww. DacDuchess!
@blog thug so u need to see swelling b4 believing. Goat better pass u
Injuries produced with everyday makeup kits..youtube don help her lies
Thank God my girl Christiana Mellian left him, coward!!!
This is serious.
Sorry for your Injuries
Anony 10:50 R U 4Real? Hahahaha Tell Me U R Joking! U mean U Really Think D TMZ Was Stamped On Her Body? Lol Chaiii
Is it he doesn't love u?
Chinekemeeee!!!!!!!! All dis dumb ass anony no go kill me wit laugh! Cnt stop laughing! Wah did u say again??????? Cum again anony! Dat he dis wah? Stamped TMZ on her body! Do u even know d meaning of TMX? Omigosh! Am outta here!
Haha so what do u ve to say now,a pregnant woman?u are really a wild animal
Asshole.shame no dey catch u? Go beat Mayweather if u dey find who u wan beat n not ur babymama. Okpoko. Make Chris come out make him yan u wetin dey happen for jail.
Na Wha Oº°˚˚°Âºo
Low life!
We have never slept since you were imposed on us, How can we? Your government has brought Nigeria to disrepute all around the globe, You legalized corruption, we watch as you granted "amnesty" to criminals who should have been jailed for kidnapping. you thought that was a wise decision and you suggested it to late Yar'adua, You did not stop at that, You appointed the same criminal as your representatives to watch over the waters, giving them several appointments, You made National honor so cheap and gave it to all the Ladies you lusted after before coming to notoriety, all you idols in the movie industries who are at best Academic double 007 with licences to libel were giving a type of honor when actually you were supposed to be working for the good of the masses, You allowed a criminal like Asari Dokubo to threaten the good people of Nigeria, when we demanded that you should declare your asset, Your response was "I don't give a damn" When you were exposed as a thieving President over missing 20 Billion, you sacked the whistle blower, Boko Haram under you killed the most innocent people while you dance at a party as a happy man who is so happy to have so many shoes that you never had. There has been no electricity in most part in Nigeria, It is even worse that you flaunted a Phd and you deceived Nigeria about a degree that is not evident in your carriage, We are really no longer dazed because you have failed. The Nigerian Army has become beggarly weak and incompetent as we have to rely on America to solve a Problem that Nigerian government looted the treasury to allow. You don't deserve sleep, why should you, We thought we had a President only to be made stupid by Your un-elected impostor of a wife whose many public appearance has reduced the image of Nigeria to nothing. it is obvious that she took all those step trampling on you because you are not a real man. You will sure be the last President of this mess called a country. I bet you. You will not sleep when you are out also
HIE, ODI EGWU.........
I hope this ain't true...its damn too bad
so sorry sweet heart.
All. I want to hear is that our girls a back. #bring back our girls# plsssssssss tears already.
Men r evil.....rubbish pple
lols!!! all this LIBers i tire for una and una comment oh!!!
linda tank you for giving some idle mind work to do.
via official intercom
Like joke?! Plsss what planet are you from? I guess he also stamped the TMZ on the phone she used in taking the pics....#InishiashonTins lmao!
But come to think of it, this is what u ladies get wen u date a so called Celeb! Cos they have no atom of respect for ladies. Ladies are at their beck n call. Sorry shaaaaa u called for it girlfriend, enjoy it while it lasts!
To even think she's pregnant..... I fear for nam
i live in america i dont even know who the dream is...
Oh pls, you sound so stupid using the word impose, because if u didn't vote 4 Gej others did. Y don't you assume the position of the presidency and see how easy it is to lead people,we've not had light in most part of the country since Jonathan came onboard, hasn't electricity been part of the major challenges we've been having in nigeria In the past years?, don't you know a house divided against itself cannot stand talk more or less move forward, how can there be any good things from a goverment that some people are bent on fustrating, you are not God that gives sleep so don't say like it's in your power, that he won't sleep. Stop Hating. you are Just so annoying......Mind u I'm not a Gej fan either
I wonder
@blogthug,u rlly need deliverance
This girl is lying!!
thats the problem with all these girls whose only come up is getting with a rich man instead of making your own millions (Like Linda has ;) and like I soon will be)... The dream isn't a good person plenty people know that.. he cheated on Christina Millian and alot of her omissions say he did more than cheated!! SMH girlbye- go to choll get a job we have Chibok girls to worry about
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