Angry soldiers from the newly formed 7th Division of the Nigerian
Army in Maiduguri today May 14th revolted against their General Officer Commanding, Major General
Abubakar Mohammed, shooting sporadically in the Maimalari barracks, which is also home to the Artillery Corps, the Ordinance, as well as army signals in Maiduguri,
Sahara Reporters reports
According to two soldiers who spoke with SR, emotions ran high
when they saw the bodies of their colleagues
ambushed and killed by Boko Haram men in Chibok, Borno state. The angry soldiers immediately started shooting into the air, complaining that their superior have failed to provide
them with adequate weaponry with which to fight the war against the
better-armed Boko Haram militants.
“We the soldiers don’t have the kind of arms and ammunition that [Boko Haram] fighters have. So everyday, they kill our men anyhow, but it is never published in the media,” said one source. The other source also complained that the commanding officers “are too busy ‘eating’ money. And they do not pay our allowances on time. And once [a soldier dies], nobody knows what happens to his allowances again.”
How would soldiers engage terrorists when they lack ammunitions and are frustrated? Our government should please do something
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Dis maybe so true
Nigeria is a useless place, I feel for this soldiers, this people put their lives on the line to ensure we are safe from boko boys, but no reward, if it was america, the soldiers are well respected and loved and taken care of by their government., somethings the people,even offer them free drinks if they go to a bar or free food or free anything,
God this is just unbelievable.... Why on earth will someone be wicked to his fellow man in this condition we are in nw in nigeria..... goverment should develop interest in this matter b4 this armies losses interest abeg....
Useless General,I don't Know whether they will catch the Boko Haram with bare hands.
Corrupt leaders will perish in their post.
*Yawns* Mehn am starvin, i need to bang a bursty white babe.
Jonah should start sacking some generals that dont knw there work....
Ah ahn! That's very bad. Of course that's even to show that most of these army generals have hands in this boko haram ish... Mtchwww naija.
That is not fair at all. Corruption every where!
linda dear, military dont revolt they mutiny. it gives your reporting a formal approach when you use terms related to a particular field. thumbs up, nice blog.
I don't blame the soldiers as they do have a point. The government is just stupid and idiotic. People elected you into office and the least they could do is gbagaun, scratch head and be "clueless" yet heartless about everything. Billions are allocated for security yet even the president had to admit that the armoury was archaic! So why in God's name is he the commander in chief of the armed forces? I just tire!
What is going on in this country. May God help us. How are they gonna fight with less ammunition, Nigeria Govt should do something fast.
So touching.......
We really need change in this country. Even d army!!!? Damn! Presido is really surrounded by dumb people. Pls wake up!
At last the Governor of Bornu State as been vindicated, he mentioned sometime back that our soldiers do not have the kind of weapons those bastards have. The president threatened to invoke full curfew on the state now we know better.
Na wa corrupt officials everywhere only in Nigeria.
Lol Nigerians am sure this soldeirs are just dere doing nothing
This is the highest level of indiscipline and lack of human feeling on the part of the army generals to their boys no wonder the fight has no direction but a lot of distractions. Nigerian army is unable to contain BH because the so called generals are making fortune from the crisis and do not care about the poor soldiers who are wasted on daily basis. If I were Mr president i will ask all the generals to lead the battle and see whether BH will not disappear immediately.
It is so alarming and need I say nauseating how Nigerians attack,abuse and debase their country by way of debasing the highest office of their sovereignty. I just read a post about Mr president being mocked by a London news outlet and a lot of you young ones and even old people found it very amusing and right!some even made comments like *see una president like they aint nigerian,some said they should do mama peace own! Oh my people why do you people revel in SELF HATE! A mom with an Austic child who joins the peers of her child to chide him and make caricature of him shouldn't complain when people treat her wit disdain because she has indirectly invited it! You think that the mockery is for GEJ and not you,you lie!wake up from your illusion because you are Nigerian and cant change that! It hurts me because I do not like the way I get treated like a leper in a foreign land because my country to them is a joke and the worst country in the world!and I ask where did they learn this,the answer oh your people dont even deny it,u know they are very vocal about it.go online and see how they display that fact. Nigerian isn't worse than Northkorea but north koreans get treated better. I have a lot pilled up in me to say but I cant express them in words for I have failed to understand why my people hate themselves so much! I can only say,do not complain when you get disparaged by other countries even your fellow Africans for you invited it. I love my country!I have no other to call my own and I pray that someday my people will learn to love the imperfections of a nation built on falsehood by the same people whom they try to impress with their diatribes on their own motherland!
Fellow countrymen, is this not obvious this is how the Major General Abubakar Mohammed has designed it? So that the terrorists camp which camp he belongs can easily overpower our people. The fire of God is coming
Na wah oo useless general, how are they suppose to catch this boko people, shey make dem use their teeth...
Lack of ammunitionz and governmentz are pumping huge sum of moni 2 security "NA WHO CUM DEY CHOP AM AN"
Only in Nigeria! GEJ should tackle this issue before it becomes the only thing the country will remember him by! How will the military not revolt, when they are used as pieces play in an elaborate game of chess.
Nawa ooooooooooo
Abi na net dem go use catch boko haram ?I'm sure money released was diverted n shared among the generals
It is so annoying the way you people hammer on fed govt over every thing! When budget is made and defence pple get their own money is it GEJ that will disburse the funds,will jonathan supervise the army chiefs,commandants,heads of units and all the chain of commands that are supposed to make sure that this money is properly disbursed and utilized! Haba you people should stop this annonying blame. There is a process of governance in a democratic state and the president does not take unilateral decsion neither does he have any right to waddle into the affairs of the millitary! Indeed where knowledge is lacking ignorance becomes bliss!my niegrian brethren try and educate yourselves on issues of democratic governace and seek knowledge pls!be more analytical! Enough of this GEJ dis jonathan dt!
This is very bad,i hope he gets a sack or probably his whole fam is ambushed and killed by bh heartless soul
Their commanding officer is a sponsor...
Now it's the government abi... Why not understand if the government gives the military what they need and know if the bulk of the blame should be towards the military?
Nigeria is a failed State.nothing ever works in the country. Corruption @its peak. God help us the citizens.
Nigeria is gradually becoming history.. our leaders have milked us so much and the common people are revolting..
How can this be true when citizens use stone and knives to kill over 200 boko haram, some of which are there prisoners now as I write bikes and cars taken from them it is either this story is false or the civilian militia group story is false... or both of them are false which simply means someone somewhere is still throwing dry wood into the fire.... People please think... also know that I am anti Jonathan so this is coming from a fair mind. somebody somewhere is playing with we Nigerians.
This is part of the things we're talking about. Can't wait to hear from conspiracy theorists.
There is a failure in the system,no need living in denial.
Nigerian military have not been this tested since after the civil war, the failure of combating Boko haram has exposed the rot in the system.
I could reacall when the Governor of Borno state said the Nigerian military are not well equipped to fight these terrorists,he was shouted down by presidential rotweilers. Scenarios like these buttresses his assertions.
God help Nigeria
I am tired of you Nigerians and ur ignorance!who told you that jonathan has power to sack military generals huh!why dont you people get informed properly for christsakes!the only people jonathan has right over are the service chiefs which he has changed!he just made a replacement of all the service chiefs cos that is a political appointment and that is where his power lies as regards the millitary faction of our country! Its jus like saying the head of service should sack a bank manager just cos he is head of service! I'm tired of this u people every problem is jonathan cause anthem pls! The millitary has a structure and the GCFR man has no constitutional right over them. We run a democray for crying out loud! Gosh nigerians ignorance that leads to misplaced blames and misinformation is the greatest problem we have in this country.
I am tired of you Nigerians and ur ignorance!who told you that jonathan has power to sack military generals huh!why dont you people get informed properly for christsakes!the only people jonathan has right over are the service chiefs which he has changed!he just made a replacement of all the service chiefs cos that is a political appointment and that is where his power lies as regards the millitary faction of our country! Its jus like saying the head of service should sack a bank manager just cos he is head of service! I'm tired of this u people every problem is jonathan cause anthem pls! The millitary has a structure and the GCFR man has no constitutional right over them. We run a democray for crying out loud! Gosh nigerians ignorance that leads to misplaced blames and misinformation is the greatest problem we have in this country.
Hnmmm very good..i have so waited for ds day to come...its not a jokin matter fa linda..where does all d money allocated for this cause go to..i have friends n loved ones. there and each passing day is dreaded,if not for God's grace..even their allowances are still cut down from what it's supposed to be,you put armless. Soldiers out to face these cannibals in human form..its the height of wickedness to your fellow man..feedin is a problem..so am still waiting and watching to see what.the so called senior officers will do or show when. The foreign helps are ready to work..there is. God oooo..they should keep feeding their pot bellies with cursed resources
His name even show that he“the army general”is one of the boko haram members.May God help our sodiers.
Linda pls be mindful of reports from Sahara. They are biase financed APC reporters bent on destroying GEJ's administration.
When somebody that governs Borno told us as it is, we grumble nd tied sentiment to our reasonings. We just don't appreciate truth when its told.Boko boys are better equiped, motivated than our Men. Its just d mercy of God that is winning and will win 4 us.
We are in trouble in naija already..let God help us
After you will start insulting dat guy in d UK for cartoon Jonathan. I see ur coment o. Na same u is sayin corruption every where. Nigeria own too much u see. U know d truth but hide it. Our pple too corrupt
I am not surprised, this is who we are! And the folks down there is no corruption, just stealing!
Nigeria is in trouble until we start behaving like sane people. The greatest threat to winning the war against the BH mofos is neglecting the welfare of the soldiers and not kitting them.
Nigeria I̶̲̥̅̊s̤̥̈̊ so corrupt,damn,I̶̲̥̅̊s̤̥̈̊ disgusting
.........Via LIB READER........
One word; beautiful!
God answers by fire. Now the soldiers revolt will expose many things. The selfish general will send the junior officer to da battle field while with his concubine in a hotel room.
Truth be told;Nigeria is fast slipping into a banana republic where 'anything goes' isn't it absurd that while the rank and file are paying dearly with their lives majority of the high command are feeding fat! Its high time Mr President understand that the issue of security should not be politiced, overhaul the entire high command of eveey security apparatus and put round pegs in round holes,set targets n time frame and most imortantly improve the welfare of the foot soldiers etc Godbless Nigeria
From my Nokia Lumia
Foolish you.
Dis is very bad, God help 9ja
Naija 4 life, and de want d army to end d BH crisis, and 4 all of yall saying d santity of d offix of d president shud not b disdaid, please tell me who is d commander in Chief of d arm force of d federation ...aabeg go boil chocolate make u eat. If he doesn't want to b mocked he shud uphold he's offix, and for mama peace she shud pleasssssssss speak our local dialect, she is not English she shud get an interpreter, non english speaking countries do it ...Charles says
Dts true, my cousin is a major nd has been escaping death for over 2 wks nw. He said dy attack dm on daily basis nd evn kill some of dm bt its nt alwys published. Besides dy dont ve d amunition ds boko haram pple ve so pls lets do sth
Weder we insult dis country nd gudluck d fact iz dat insult wil nt change anytin xcept we pray nd stop our own wicked nd evil 9ja wil neva change cus is eazi 2 blame d leader 4getin dat we also d poor also engage in briber,curruption,killin nd hatin 1 anoda
Weder we insult dis country nd gudluck d fact iz dat insult wil nt change anytin xcept we pray nd stop our own wicked nd evil 9ja wil neva change cus is eazi 2 blame d leader 4getin dat we also d poor also engage in briber,curruption,killin nd hatin 1 anoda
Govt shud do sumtin abt dis
Isn't it the federal govt's job to combat corruption. There's nothing stopping them from working at a system or policy that will ensure that money set out for the military are put to good use
It is very true, Nigeria Army is very corrupt I can tell u authoritatively bcos my husband is one of the officers on this operation and he complains about the corrupt attitude of their commanders and how they are enriching their pockets and not supplying them with sophisticated weapons and necessary medical supply, they loose officers and soldiers on a daily basis and keep their allowances to themselves, you can't imagine the trauma I go through daily thinking about my husband in that lions den. Linda, please reply me with ur email address so I can give u details of what is going on in this BH operation cos am sure the federal government does not know about how these army bosses are wasting their surbodinate and soldiers and using the operation to enrich themselves. I believe we can save their lives through this platform if we raise our voice like we did for the abducted girls. Thank you
I see your point but as you're praying for us to love our GEJ (who chose the situation - because I can't remember what he has brought to the table in his years if being in power - unlike the autistic child who didn't choose the situation) so pray that God touches his heart and the hearts of our leaders too cos God knows we want to be proud of our country
The Guvnor of Borno state said the same thing...the hawks in the presidency wanted to eat him raw.
In fact with all these going on GEJ should step down, do you know the amount we receive from the UK alone for defence? Yet our soldiers beg civilians for food. Mhen I'm vexed. If we had a better person in power I'm sure Nigerians won't watch him being mocked
If you're asked to go to war with stick, stone and kitchen knife whereas you know that the country can afford better defence will you keep quiet n match. Plz stop talking like you ain't human
Na 4 onli 9ja difrnt tinz dey hapen. Nigeria we hail theeeeeeeeeeeee..lol
True talk @ bonario..... May God help us in his infinite mercy and kindness
9ja ninjas lol
That's the truth. Monkey dey work general dey chop chop dey go The generals are busy dinning and wining choping our Naira. Who say they can run 2 kilometers?
Imagine dis! For heavens sake. How would d country not provide d neccesry weaponry plus gud living condition for our soldiers who time and again put thr lives on d line for d safety of dis country? And dey deny dem thr allowances? Chai! Diaris God o
What ever happened to the cache of arms seized from the Turks a few years ago? Just a thought. The fact is that the soldiers should not be starved of arms at all.guns are very cheap an Ak47 is just about $500 bullets can be bought by the container easily. If you give me $5m I will purchase enough arms and equipment to run Boko haram out of Nigeria
How can they have arms when are supporting BH n how will they be able to fight BH when they don't have arms...Naija!!!
Na Over sabi go kill u...since u knw better u teach pple who don't knw and not abuse them...idiot
This guys should resign before guardroom will be their names. Thank God it is not GEJ eating their money but their commander. May God punish whoever that says Nigeria will not know peace. $£.
These are signs of mutiny but I hope the worst will not happen....like the army getting divided along religious or ethnic lines.
If the story of Civilian-JTF killing scores of Boko Haram members is true, how come we didn't pictures of butchered Boko Haram members like we saw lying corpses after the Nyanya bomb blasts?
thunder fire that commanding officer this s one GEj should look into and not see in Aso rock and tell us nonsense equip these soldier if dey wont go in to war and roast boko.
dat commanding officer is heartless u put ur men in battle and yet the little moni released for their welfare u eat it up and stay in a posh hotel with a call girl heartless oga on top
These nonsense have to stop. The problem is dat ppl r not held responsible for their actions or inactions when things go wrong. How can we not arm n pay our brave soldiers on life n death duty very well. Ogas sit down in offices n merry while the subjects die in d hands of diz devil incarnates daily. Its not acceptable. Non performance n corruption is no more acceptable n we'll go to any length to prove it. God bless Nigeria
Keep quiet pls. Get off the blog if u r truly tired of Nigerians. ITK is very bad. You could have simply corrected him and not abuse all. Everyone doesn't have same level of knowledge about certain things. We r all on the media to be acquainted with information.
Am still commenting as Anon ...am a soldier,this is the truth...ordinary fuel we don't ve for our vehicles,the GOC of 7 div is very sympathetic to Boko haram...he is from Kano.BANDIT,as he is popularly called by his course mates is a devil incarnate,I wonder why the COAS gave him such a sensitive command.the authorities should be careful.....if the soldiers revolt against them in maiduguri heads will roll.....
This is just the beginning , more of such revolution to come . enough is enough . kudos to those soldiers .
What prophet TB JOESUAH said is cming to pass.soldiers will raise against officers.
Thanks. I just learnt something new!
I tot its only police that are corrupt oh so army self na d same ... Both police leaders and army are all corrupt leaders dey are d one that mae the junior once misbeaving , d leaders are d problem .
A comment made by a single Nigerian does not reflect the general view. Please note that Mr Anonymous 6:24pm and stop generalizing. That is also part of our problem in this country.
He sure has d influence to force a panel hearing,which wen found guilty he wuld b tried for treason
Bona, you're right.
Oga, your story is not complete. Even school fees is free from secondary school to any level of education. I'm a student in a US university.
You need not answer this illiterate mofo. He is a stark uneducated idiot.
E don dey tey wey Lindodo finish NYSC. She don forget all those things.
@Anon6:17, Reno, I love the way you do your job on LIB. Bravo!
Foolish idiot! Pick up ur gun, move to maidugiri and do something. Bastard
Shut the fuck up! Bastard!
The corruption and decay in this country had always been there. This is only exposing it. IBB brought corruption into the military.
Signed by one soldier boy.
Boy are you senseless. Being a general is not an elected post, therefore as the grand commander of the armed forces, he can sack any general. Have you forgotten when OBJ retired a bunch of army generals when he first became president?
We have failed as a Nation. How can a Nation rob those protecting her democracy and her territory? Shame on the corrupt Generals.
Is true ,my husband is a soldiers.
that is what happened when the citizens don't know what they want and elect people based on sentiment. Jonathan is not fit as a president simple. but the ethnic and religious sentiment will never allow us to say the truth. jonathan is not a leader but a drunker and such personally ain't rule a robust country like Nigeria.
people called common theft as corruption(jonathan 2014). imagine that, what do u think such human being can offer at this critical time where vultures re everywhere and the only thing they know is to embezzle public funds? and they re all welcome at the villa as long as they promise to work for jona coming 2015. jona is signing politicians now like man city and real madrid used to sign footballers
seriously, some element of truth here...just hope they are not toiling with the lives of our dear soldiers
Anonymous 6:24 u r d most ignorant & uneducated on ur specie whereva d rest r hiberbating.You knw absolutely nothing abt millitary practices & will never knw.Jst to help ur sorry case; From d post of Brig Gen. promotion is strictly political.The GCFR can phase out anyone dat attains dis position thru his service Chiefs.So get dat into ur skull MUMU!
Even you too!I actually thought you have depth of insight but you are as shallow and myopic as most nigerians on here. Where in the world does a democratically elected president sack military generals or heads of command eeh? Is it the federal govt that will disburse the money alloted to the military?is it mr president that will direct and man the military.why cant you people use your God given brain and make proper criticism to the appropriate persons concerned! Myopic gullible Nigerians!I blame the education system and the family structures that is hinged on a culture of hypocrisy,
Na now day break??? This is whole thing wouldn't have gotten to this level if Nigerian army were sincere
Thank God this is now in d open, my soldier frnd told me this and i couldn't believe it.
When the governor of Borno made the claim that our gallant soldiers are not well motivated , some people called for his head.Now the chicken has come home to roost !
As you all see, the soldiers know the source of their problem is their generals and not the president. The president is not omnipotent, he does not know what's happening in your home. We all may be shocked to know or find out that the weapon BH is using was purchased for our military but diverted and sold off. Crap. Most top officials have been bought over
As you all see, the soldiers know the source of their problem is their generals and not the president. The president is not omnipotent, he does not know what's happening in your home. We all may be shocked to know or find out that the weapon BH is using was purchased for our military but diverted and sold off. Crap. Most top officials have been bought over
I love you anon. Please educate them.
Shut the hoot up. GEJ has now become omnipotent right
Did you read everything well?? They had ammunitions and dug trenches?? Trust me anything is possible when anger motivates you....You can use a pen to kill twenty men!
Exactly the problem. GEJ is surrounded by criminals
Exactly the problem. GEJ is surrounded by criminals
May God use these tough period to expose the evil men ruining Nigeria.
The government has not effected any budget. Any rot in the country starts from the government and then trickles down.
Me too...blonde busty white babe
I don't understand all you Gej apologists. The country is crumbling around him and you guys are still saying its not his fault? The buck stop with him and if he can't fix the country let him give some other person the chance. As long as he remains the ceo of Nigeria, he takes all the blame and all the glory if any.
Nigeria is a great country. We have the Good the bad , the ugly and the fools. Our President has lost his job. He should just resign with honour now. He is always too fast to talk and he talks off point. He should be out of the picture very fast. I sure GED is not the best the Ijaw nation has...where are the good ones
In another words, the government has a hand in insurgency.. I never blamed the soldiers tho, because I knew that's what was going on, and my nephew complains about this a lot too... Nigeria still believes in you guys ..it's well..
Why will the soldiers not revolut? While all our generals are corrupt. This generals have embezzled the allowances of soldiers that went for united nation peace keeping mission in sudan and liberia. The soldiers that returned from this mission since last year have not be paid. Even the once that just returned from liberia this month have not be paid a dame. They keep telling the soldiers stories such as; your money is with ministry of foreign affairs,your money is with ministry of Finance, your money is with ministry of defence, your money is on transit etc meanwhile they have embezzled they money and they are now finding it very difficult to pay. Tell me why soldiers will not revoult.
God works in mysterious ways, he has vindicated the governor of Borno. Now am sure some pple will still say is APC that told the soldiers to revolt against the General. Is APC that told SR to say that. Na wa O. GEJ do something. U are failing us o.
Wake up. here in nigeria, we only see things on paper and hear them on news cast, but not real in the real nigeria
Wake up...foreigner. things are not ideal in nigeria, we see things on paper, hear things on news cast but u don't see them in the real nigeria
Point of correction to all who does not understand what Linda called APC it is not Political Party but Armored Personnel Carriers.
@Linda, Don't cause confusion on this blog, I appreciate your effort, but Please when you are reporting, make sure to explain in details, some people don't understand English.
Point of correction to all who does not understand what Linda called APC it is not Political Party but Armored Personnel Carriers.
@Linda, Don't cause confusion on this blog, I appreciate your effort, but Please when you are reporting, make sure to explain in details, some people don't understand English.
Point of correction to all who does not understand what Linda called APC it is not Political Party but Armored Personnel Carriers.
@Linda, Don't cause confusion on this blog, I appreciate your effort, but Please when you are reporting, make sure to explain in details, some people don't understand English.
Linda, l assume you are intelligent. This is the time to support our army and our government .
Let us all come together and fight this monster.
This is the time to be a true nigerian. God is on our side.
Stop abusing Our president for it is not easy. Let's support him and our troops.
Blog more on the sacrifices these soldiers are making so they can be encouraged to do more please.
And we should impress it on their GOCs to look after them and pay their allowances as at when due. Please let's pull together and we shall overcome. Amaka
@anon 9:33pm my thoughts exactly. Which they might even be a part of their intel the BH intel.
is it now dat most of u know dat our soldiers are dying evryday in d forest?...u sit in ur house, eat n sleep n expect d military to fight n attack and as well die,, as if dey dnt hv families n loved ones like u do.. i smile u most pple call GEJ in evry issue dat occurs in d country..my questn is....wat is d meaning of division of labour,,,y do u hv governors,,ministers,,senators,,law makers,,chief of army staff,naval,air marshals etc...is it still GEJ dat will order for weapons,,ensure dat d soldiers are paid n in gud conditn in their camps?..or is d budget ALLOCATED 4 security BEEN given to GEJ after approval?wat den is d functn of the chief of army staff n minister for defense,,,,its sad dat nigerians even u dat is reading my comment do not work in ur office as u ought to work because it is govt work...GEJ will still come physically to supervise u for nigeria to turn to london overnite..wen d citizens theirslvs dnt want to help their country to grow.,,,,
I don't think she has come into contact with that word mutiny before. She has the proclivity to force new words she just acquire down our throat.
Bonario tries too hard to make an impression.I won be surprised if you have a dictionary close to you as you.However you made a hash of your comment around the last line as your tenses were misplaced.
I don't think she has come into contact with that word mutiny before. She has the proclivity to force new words she just acquire down our throat.
Anon 6.17p you are either very ignorant or are trying to be clever by half. That is why the president is also the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces! He can 'waddle' into the affairs of the military, after all he just changed the top brass of the military!! So if he brought in incompetent people then he should be blamed. He has a right to ask for the head of any commander he feels is not doing his work. He who appoints can also dismiss.
BTW the rot in the military started long ago. During the Bakassi crisis the commander dared to complain than his men's allowances and feeding money were being 'chopped' by the senior officers in army headquarters. The top brass didn't take kindly to that. They decided to set him up for the kill (DIA) and when they failed they hounded him out of the army.
Anon 6.17p you are either very ignorant or are trying to be clever by half. That is why the president is also the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces! He can 'waddle' into the affairs of the military, after all he just changed the top brass of the military!! So if he brought in incompetent people then he should be blamed. He has a right to ask for the head of any commander he feels is not doing his work. He who appoints can also dismiss.
BTW the rot in the military started long ago. During the Bakassi crisis the commander dared to complain than his men's allowances and feeding money were being 'chopped' by the senior officers in army headquarters. The top brass didn't take kindly to that. They decided to set him up for the kill (DIA) and when they failed they hounded him out of the army.
Lazy excuse by lazy soldiers. The youths who killed over 200 boko haram members are not half as armed as you fools. Future Events Appearing Real (FEAR) that's what you all have!!!
And u expect dem to go and face boko with what now may the Lord help us
Pls our govt shld do something nd listen to dere plight. Its really unfair
I tot u ppl are enjoying d maltreatment melted at u by ur superior, so now dat u are protesting, i beleive u guys are now tired to be used as sacrificial lambs.
If u dont complain we will not know now, say it d way it is let d whole world know what our Army superior officers are doing.
When Gov. Shetima said Boko HAram are better equiped dan Nigeria army dey said hes is telling lies, is it not obvious????
The whole system is corrupt. I feel for the families of the milliary men that die fighting for the safety of Nigerians like me and you. Truly they should stop deceiving them by promising them courses and later dumping them in Maiduguri. This is so unfair. I still wonder if GEJ 'the commander in chief of [ARMY FORCES] ever takes his time to review the military amory' its not about security votes nor is it about moving 12 battalions which till date we barely know if close to 80 of them are alive to tell the tale, its about being involved, in situations like this I believe in looking at things from the root and not spending billions on "international aids", for goodness sake GEJ should ask himself " be it not these armies that are ranked as the worlds best land armies ?" What then is the problem, I believe in Nigeria, I believe in its people but I do not believe that when u push a door to open and u wedge against it with ur legs that it would open. God bless and help our boys.
God help us
This is really regrettable, Borno state governor was right when he said dat BH is better armed and mobilized
corrupt and coward leaders!
Atinuke listen to me very well... if you make such a stupid comment again, I will open your shirt and suck those your Big boobs.
when i say that they main boko haram are they once in power people do doubt me.....
how much are the soldiers being paid? do they get all thier benefits ? and is anybody checking the welfair of these soldiers? this is a big problem for the country. if somtin is not done immidiatly, i dnt knw what will happen ahead.
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