The upcoming stand-up comedy concert that is billed for Sunday, June 29, 2014
will feature special appearances by some of Nigeria's leading comedy
and music stars. And I hear a lucky person attending the show will
drive home with a brand new KIA car on that day. Continue to see more pics.
Whao! Dats very gud. Congrats Basketmouth
Damn! That's one sexy ride oh
Lovely car. Reaping the fruits of your talent. Nice!
congratulations !
We done hear next
Carry Go Ose!!!!!!!!
Even if you give me the 2020 model 'mba anaghim agba' I hate the company, is too local.
D motor fine shai? Na money be d tin? Abeg who go pay my ticket fee biko
them no dey open the car?
the rich are seriously getting richer
Upwardly mobile tinz
Congrats to him,he sure deserves it
It just keeps getting better for Nigeria's entertainers. Congrats Onu nkata!
Nice 1
Nice 1
Dis guy is nt lucky he's blessed...from unendin glo ambassadorship nw dis
good one baskethmouth
So sharp on point..nice ship
Seriously those in entertainment industry ar lucky tho its nt easy. Nice flashy nd classy car.. . Congrats basket mouth. More endorsement. .
Basketmouth is moving the ministry to the permanent site :)
So sharp on point..Nice ship
So sharp on point..nice ship
kai, money dey where e dey sha,,,,,d rich r rolling on
Congrats BM
Really nice car
Good for him.
Linda give us pictures from Brymo buffday today joorr ur nt updating us well.
He is always a lucky dude. Linda u don't want endorsement? I wanna see u been endorsed, anoda tin dat u don't like coming out so doz companies may not know u. Can't wait 2 see ur advert 4 ano endorsement say Amen 2 dat
congrats to big bros basket mouth. i tag dis blessing in a DORO style. Doroblessing
Ok, he's been flaunting d news on facebook. Had 2 come read it here myself. 9ce 1 though... Enjoy.
~It's me noni! Ur 1 n only Abbie~
I'm happy for him
Pls i need a bank account details were I can drop my little seed 2 support basketmouth# He is 1 I look up 2 in dis comedy industry#
Acknowledged.......... Linda plz update d latest gist abut d missing gals biko..........
Nyce one,basket mouth u a star happy for u
Congrats bro #bright bravo#
Congratulations to basketmouth all d way.d bad guy is on top of his game.
This is something else...I luv this car
I need to discover my comedy talent by fire by force.
When u're stupid and u're not been paid den u must be stupid-basketmouth.. When I hear him say dat I laugh...
Dis is a whip! Big ups man. Dr chris
Basketmouth Congrats oooo,I celebrate with u! may good tins come my way too ooooo! Amen!
QUORIS...HOW I LOVE THEE...well deserved Basketmouth, God keep blessing you boss...Lovely Machine...
The Rich are getting Richer...
I tap into dis blessing... Linda where is Ur offering box
Congratulations to u bro he no easy
it keeps getting better. nice one basky
The rich getting richer. Life sha. Kia shud giv cars to like other ppl who are not like rich or famous; for a good reason like a student with great engineering skills and we shuld see it like dis. M not hating but am sure m right
Ur right mehn
Kai dis kia Ouoris is my dream car, I saw it last year @ kia shop.pls someone should tell me wat to do to make dis money asap
God please i must discover my talent for something good in this country.this people keeps soaring higher.I tap into your blessing basketmouth.
Hoops dis is a blessin open door I tap it ooo GOD of favour remember me. Congrate
Congratulations!!! Basket mouth is unstoppable
Things like would make more meanings to ordinary like Nigerians like me. Still waiting for turn sha, but not forgetting to say congratulations to B. mouth.
Congratulation basketmouth.
Local like ur English
Which 1 u get self 2 local my foot
U don't say...that's very good.
congrats mouth. if u dash me one of ur rides i go happy wella.
Work hard and earn your fucking place in life and the world will reward you. Don't rely on pity.
My fav comedian! Congrats Basket mouth!
The KIA too get basket mouth o!
Abi its my eyes?
Good Did, Love D Company.
I love D Company
I dnt thnk u even worth a price of a kIA 1999 model.
Its a wantom of a car
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