Over the past few weeks, the abduction of the school girls at Chibok, Borno State has underscored the threat we have been facing as a nation in recent times from the actions of misguided persons masquerading as adherents of Islam.
Our hearts are with families who have lost loved ones in this cycle of senseless violence. We also empathize with the parents of children whose daughters are in the custody of a group of anarchists. Continue...That horrific video posted on the Internet is a clear manifestation of the mindlessness of the bigots. It shows them for whom they are, such men cannot threaten nor should they be allowed to violate our sovereignty. It is clear from what they profess that they are not followers of God. They do not mean well for our country and her citizens. I am a Muslim, I am versed in the teaching of Christianity and I understand both religions to seek peaceful co-existence of all humanity.
I wish to reiterate that there is no justification whatsoever for this unrestrained disregard for the sanctity of human life. It has no place in the Holy Quran and neither does it have a place in the Holy Bible.
Let these people know that the entire civilized world is united against their terrorist act. We are grateful to the world for standing by Nigeria at this trying time. We hope and pray that the young ladies will be reunited with their respective families in the days to come.
While the Federal Government and the nation’s Armed Forces are working to ensure citizens’ safety under the present situation, we believe that more could still be done to ensure the safety of Nigerians and the Nigerian nation. We are therefore glad that the Federal Government has accepted international support in the search for the missing girls and for an end to the insurgency in parts of the country.
I fought for a united Nigeria. In my old age, I want my grand children, your grand children, our youths and indeed all Nigerians to benefit from a prosperous and united country devoid of sectarian violence whether home grown or imposed on us from outside.
Now is not the time to play politics. Now is also not the time to trade blames and amplify our ideological differences. The unity of Nigeria is not negotiable and nothing should divide us as a people. I therefore urge all Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora to support the country in her effort to bring an end to this attack on defencelesscitizens and indeed a united nation.
We must put aside all other considerations and ensure that our country Nigeria pulls together now so as to recover our sovereignty. After all, we all know that Nigeria is the ONLY country we have that we can call our own.
God help and bless Nigeria.
Thank you.
May 8, 2014
1 – 200 of 239 Newer› Newest»Yimu.. please #divideNigeria
Sir, thank you for being patriotic this time around, that said, let's now forge ahead.
I read no more! Bin weeping all day having watched d video! Very bloody anD inhuman! Sure de posted d video to prove to those doubting dat they have d missing gals. JESUS pls where are u????????? We beseech u now! We need u now more dan eva! Help my country!
Mindless bigots? Is that the solution to the problem? Oga Buhari dia is God ooo.
hehe! now they started panicking! and denouncing bokoharam...
the chicken has come home to roost..
America hand don enter am .. This time wind go blow and foul yansh go show..
Sharraappp there. Terrorist oshi.
Too early for you to talk about this Oga Buari, u are Boko Haram sponsor-er, stop pretending sir.
Signed by Orobo.
Are u not their sponsor
And pls lin am sure u dnt want to post d video here. Pls don't and tnx......
God help and bless nigeria from this bigots and all Evil doers...... We need action not speech.... He has spoken well
~Beautiful lopez~
I dream of the day where islam will be banned in nigeria.
Dear LIB Reader u need to see this crazy nude of Maheeda....hit my name to see
And it had to take you 3 weeks to condemn their act.
U dis idiot, u better tell us where the girls are.
That is good
May thunder and lighting fire ur generations. AMEN
this man again, no matter what u say, forget 2015. please visit my fashion blog
That's great news, now let them put politics aside and work together to resolve the issue once and for all
hmmmm, well said, ive always liked dis man, may God bless nigeria,,,,,oya GEJ, make una join hand go fight boko haram sharply.....yaxx
Okay nice one
Joyc teddybear
Linda pls I wanna see desmond eliot o
I still maintain my stand as it pertains this issue.
Boko haram just like every terrorist organization,is a global phenomenon,and governments world over are using the resources at their disposal not sentiments they,could cash on to tackle this evil.
Our Govt should rise up and face their responsibility instead of dividing us along ethno-religious lines.
They should stop making us,feel its a ploy against the president coz he's from the southern part of the country.
They should confront this evil coz boko haram,was here before GEJ and would be here even after him if not well tackled.
Many of us have very good Muslim friends and it hurts when religious undertone is brought into issues like this.
Boko haram bomb doesn't ask for your ethnic,religious or political affiliation before exploding. The more reason we need the help our sleeping govt wakeup to their primary responsibility.
Nna mhen. I dunno whether he is saying the truth or is it that he is touched
Phewww...*lips sealed*
Intelligent write up. Not the foolish one made by Asari. Smh.
Nonsense,as if unre nt part of the book haram. I wonder what old men like you are still looking for in power. Pls my fellow Nigerians it is time we set things right ourself. Let nobody vote for any past president or governor. We need fresh blood. All our past leaders are d cause of Nigeria failure leaving no exception until they die Nigeria can't move forward. Power hunters
Good talk from the General
In other words " I no follow". Story!
Storry!!! Storry... We knws all ur plans okay
Na so. Since Boko Haram started, you have not called them out. It is now that the international community have focused on them and their barbaric actions that you remember that they are bad. God is watching you o. There is God o.
Good talk from the General
Well spoken! He has absolved himslef with this statement.How comes we've not heard anything from other norther elders.The likes of IBB,TY Danjuma,Bamanga Tukur and the likes?
As for Nyako and some northern elders whom have vehemently opposed US marines presence in Nigeria,we don't need anyone to tell us which side they belong to
Bring back our girls pls #bright bravo#
Nicely put.
Nicely put.
You just said it all Sir,“ we must put aside all the consideration and ensure our country Nigeria put together now so as to recover our sovereignty” May God bless you for this. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Yimu !!! Him and the IG are part of boko haram !!
God will gorge u.
Good talk,
Well said...
*feeling sleepy* yawns! next post please
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U ar right sir
Rubbish! May thunder strike of una wey dey sponsor BH. This man is the major sponsor of bh. If u knw d number of churches that were burnt down to ashes in katsina because he loosed out to jonathan 2011 u would believe me, still there was no news about it. I pity yoruba men wey dey form ally with am. Fuck PDP, Fuck APC
The hearts of men re desperately wicked indeed! Chukwu ma ndi ya! Ndi soro no okwu onu m, ma na eso la omumem.
Said well. please bring back our girls
Let him shut up his dirty mouth? I remember his treat like yesterday, why is he acting like he is not responsible. Isi ewu faggot
Well said... as a matter of fact, Buhari spoke like an innocent politician... but u n I knows that he is among the sponsors of Boko Haram. Because the international community are now involve, d Mallam wanna justify his innocent, but it will not work... I can't remember seeing buhari condemning BH until today.
So dis is now his morning, pretending like he has no idea of dis whole nonsense abi, cause de western world is now interested. There is God o, and he will surely judge u and people.
I dnt trust dis man period
I just wanna puke on this man's generation. Tuehhh
fool , does he think that we don't know he is one of their sponsers
This man is a joker. It's now u can come out and speak. Since the America have landed. GOD would expose you and all your followers. Bring back our Girls.
Pls. STFU!!!! Useless hypocrite! I dint even bother to read to the rubbish you wrote saw this earlier on sahara's site is God that would punish you and your generation if you have a hand in dis boko haram issue! What am I even saying wasn't he the same dude that said he'd make the seat hot for Jonah? Omo mallam jati jati may u rot in hell for all the innocent lives you have taken you and your men! Amin
Good one from Buhari, this is long awaited from you.
"The video flying around of one of our missing girls allegedly being stoned to death is as old as 2013 and considering the facts around the said video, much older. While the act is as despicable as it is condemnable, a 2008 BBC report shows that it happened in Somalia. Moments like these require the collaboration and focus of all citizens to our common goal - bringing an end to terror in Nigeria. I encourage all Nigerians to refrain from spreading information capable of inciting terror. Instead, let us #SupportOurSoldiers with valuable information that will help us #BringBackOurGirls. Cheers
buhari return those girls
Story I smell conspiracy infact nothing good can come out of northern Nigeria again
Stoooooory NA them. This one done backfire u know the bible ,u started it all with ur utrances. Nonesense. Ada Agulu said so.
Well said general sir..#plsbringbackourgirls#
Of course the subterfuge will not be complete if this megamind has not made his statement. i do not doubt president Jonathans good intentions but it is unfortunate that his enemies was able to find his one weakness;his weak will.
SMH, after three weeks, talk is cheap. All sponsors must be brought to book.
buhari just woke up from sleep,.. the good thing id American will do investigations trust them and all the people involved this one don pass politic so buhari after 3 week even on twitter i no see any of your bring back our girl hahaha
Of course the subterfuge will not be complete if this megamind has not made his statement. i do not doubt president Jonathans good intentions but it is unfortunate that his enemies was able to find his one weakness;his weak will.
Why did it take you so long to speak out? We are not mocked, you said you will make this country ungovernable for Johnathan so don't pretend or you didn't bargain for this much? Wicked man, just because the whole world have come out to fight you and your cohort, you are now showing your fake concern. We can read through you
I have been expecting your full comment on this abduction,boko,boko,lslamist.and you didn't disappoint me.in other part of the world,terrorist are known to be extremist and treated as such.but here our govt is politiciznn it bcos of their selfish ambition to continue to dupe this country.linda,let me ask you a question is Gej a christian?no,not at all,not born again.this boko insurgency has to be treated like others country treat it.pls tell to stop accusing bhr,ibb,apc.tnx. Tommie
Why did it take you so long to speak out? We are not mocked, you said you will make this country ungovernable for Johnathan so don't pretend or you didn't bargain for this much? Wicked man, just because the whole world have come out to fight you and your cohort, you are now showing your fake concern. We can read through you
I have been expecting your full comment on this abduction,boko,boko,lslamist.and you didn't disappoint me.in other part of the world,terrorist are known to be extremist and treated as such.but here our govt is politiciznn it bcos of their selfish ambition to continue to dupe this country.linda,let me ask you a question is Gej a christian?no,not at all,not born again.this boko insurgency has to be treated like others country treat it.pls tell to stop accusing bhr,ibb,apc.tnx. Tommie
I read no more! Bin weeping all day having watched d video! Very bloody anD inhuman! Sure de posted d video to prove to those doubting dat they have d missing gals. JESUS pls where are u????????? We beseech u now! We need u now more dan eva! Help my country!
talk to elrufai and his son to shut their mouth on twitter, ur their elder and malam, they are dividing Nigeria and pulling APC down
All of una knws bou it mate....so bugoff
Linda there re so many app about you in Android app store,which one is officially yours,and if none then when re we going to have your app as is more easier to read and post comment through there......sphinx
Me think he is now scared that power is about to depart from the North forever as its obvious Nigeria is about to split! And when this happens,no oil,no power,no Nigeria.Na now he know saw Nigeria is his country ba? What about his craze for sharia state?watin happen?Let's sit back and watch this interesting movie
I can see you smelling 201d
Nice one my General!!! Statements/Comments of these nature are really needed from great Men like u at these trying times!!!
He just realised that? When USA are about exposing him he nw want to condenm. We all know you have a hand in it, Buhari remember u said d gov will be ungovornably for Jona. Buhari shhh
Choiiiii,finally d evil man speaks!! We know all u APC's plans bt it won't workout 4 u people. This 1 na coverup,we knw evri bt all we ask u people is to #stop the killings and also #bringbackourgirls... Shikina!
In other news, South Africans together with us Nigerians who are here in SA legally joined forces and marched to the Nigerian Embassies both in Pretoria & Jo'burg to demand the return of the abducted girls despite the fact that this is election week. I knew this was not going to be in the news for obvious reasons.
We have heard u ur nosense letter after u have promise naija if u don't win u will make de county ungovernable..the country is already like dat wat u wish if chasing u na too..Fuck ur plea..hiss steadyman Say so..
Thank you General, for once I appreciate your true sense of statesmanship. God will see us thru; like u advised we shall remain united in this fight. Nigeria will come out stronger thereafter...Viva Nigeria!
chai...chai..Deris really God o..is this buhari..I am simply wowed by this...
chai...chai..Deris really God o..is this buhari..I am simply wowed by this...
God help us all
Words from a General indeed. Well spoken. God bless you n God bless Nigeria. Good people Great nation
Nonsense as if we don't know you are ther biggest sponsor..God will judge all of you at d appointed time.
Look at comprehensive statement and i was kind of suspecting this man... Seriously who is sponsoring this idiots for God sake..... May the souls of those gals killed in the video R.I.P....
God bless Nigeria..God punish Boko Haram.
@ last we r now speaking in one voice! Plz tel ur interim national secretary 2 stop trading blames datz nt wat we need nw!
God, i just wish i be superman this people for don be history by nw.....
A good one general
true talk baba.... u said it all. unity is the key naw
tnk u sir,hope dey knw d implications of wat dey are doing because their day are numbered
Na now all of una morning de reach!!! After four weeks, u re all crawling out now to lend ur voices. Northern leaders una try well well. May God save Nigeria, but before then #BringBackOurGirls.
Bt u said if u didn't win d last election there will be blood shed & u will make d country ungovernable.u didn't & now there is endless blood shed.Actually d country seems not 2 have a leader coz d president looks so helpless & clueless.So wat do u want us 2 believe...Well u all shuld no that there is actualy the Almighty God of judgment!
But you still played politics anyway...But Buhari you are the one who swore that blood will flow if you are not elected as President. The blood is flowing now..Hope you are satisfied. God will judge you all.
The General's comment on Boko Haram is long over due. Good enough that he's saying something now but I still wonder why not before now?
Well said General...
Kindly tell him dat we are nt deceived by his words. All we knw s dat #bringbackourgirls"
Story! Wen na him be deri main sponsor! Hypocrite! Shioooor
General you don surrender
is it because of us army
are you now saying that you will allow peace.but no sinner will go unpunished
Whao! Wat a nice and briliant writeup thr... Gen Buhari has just goten for himself a new fan
We don hr,u nt a suspect..thank u,we gree..u beg dem b4 u talk,abi u go beg dem leta?.......u don c mugu
Well said.
Thank you for speaking da truth, weda its from ur heart or not na u sabi. **Veecta**
Yippee , i'm the first to leave a comment. True talk bros Buhari. Let's hope other readers buy your tune considering your post election comments.
419 buhari. U write now cos the US army are about to fish you out. No going back Boko haram founder Gen Buhari. U are gone..... Cheers . ENGR E
If I hear!
Is it to absolve u of blame?
Wot happens to all d inciteful words used by u in d past??
Nigerians know d role ppl,of ur type are playing in Ds whole carnage!
We are keeping d records...
U can't fool ppl like us wt DAT release!
*****Brightest Lawyer*****
He is not even ashamed to date-stamp this his statement "May 8, 2014". Shameless so-called leaders. Can you just imagine! So he just woke up now to realise that our girls are missing. Oh! I see, because he heard Obama talked about it on radio and saw Michelle Obama carrying the #BringBackOurGirls sign, and that it has generated a lot of interest in the whole world. So, it took all that to wake up our dear General! He-goat! These men should bury there head in shame and save us from their smelling mouth! They should not even bother opening their mouth. I used to respect him a lot, now its politics and personal interedt over every other thing. Greedy bunch of old fagots! He has to quickly release a statement before the whole show passes him by, so he can quickly attract some credibility to his person, ambition and campaign, not necessarily to the struggle! I believe they did not know it will come to this when they created the monster! Now it has grown wings and hydra-head and its out of their control. They have to make solid consultation and seek approval from the same sect before they release their own statement so that they will save their he-goated face in the eye of the international community. Who is decieving who? It will take but one day, Nigeria will be cleaned and her dignity and destiny will be restored - either through revolution or spiritual cleaning - Nigeria will stand again! Shallom!
@@@ Uncle Ken @@@
Crap! So bcos USA, UK and China plus international celebrities ve thrown their weight behind this issue, u feel u can com nd yarn rubbish abi? I assume u were in jupiter all these while dt the girls went missing. Bc this is now extreme nd has attracted international attention nd sympathy, u feel like u can play on our intelligence? If u hav to undermine GEJ through these extreme means, pls b man enough nd stop behavin lik a coward. One thn is sure, u would av backd out frm d presidential race if u re not a boko haram supporter. I seriously doubt if any muslim can have d guts to contest if dt person is not in sync wt boko haramic beliefs. They would threaten d breath out of such a person, so pls, pipe low cos we already kno ur type. Once again, u wrote Crap!
HHmmm......na wa o....is true this is the time to fight...hhhhmmmm
Buhari shut that your f**king deceived mouth up,so much annoyed with you right now...how I wish Almighty God will strike you and your family to death idiot.why now ? After the blood shed and your policial ambitions,God dey sha.
All those people bringing religious and political matters here can like to chill pls and just pray for our country! And the fact that you dont practice a certain religion doesn't give you the right to disrespect that religion! Lets join our hands and pray for Nigeria
No ooo!!! some pple still have cameroon as their country
Please!please! just cos international bodies have decided to come our aid, you're now speaking put. God pls expose all Nigerian's enemy within and out. pardon my English and spellings.
D fear of international community is d beginning of claiming innocent of funding boko. Chai! Diarisgod O°˚˚˚ and America will know if u ar truelly innocent
Is this a sort of disclaimer to being linked to boko haram?#rme
Well said!!! May the mindless bigots roast in hell for unleashing terror on innocent souls.
God bless you sir.
Hehehe why now Buhari??? I know its because the Americans are now involved so all the politicians who are sponsoring Boko a Haram are scared that they will be fished out!
Indeed, so finally you speak, it is no longer kill and bury ? Cos you heard all the troops from the most powerful will be storming Nigeria, so you are afraid to die? Afraid of what they will find when they come ? It doesn't matter what you say now, you started it all and they outgrew you, they will be the death of you like pet lion that grew up and slew it's owner, they will come for you in due time
Yes sir.
Even the devil writes sympathy letters#cheEzyjayne
Taah, he shld gerrout, he started it, is dis d blood bath he predicted if he loses election? Northerners r jst evil, so is dia religion! Smh
Interesting piece!! It took this long to speak up!! Right after the US military has been deployed! Now he preaches peace and he is not focusing his anger on GEJ,How convenient,how very convenient,mtcheeeew,The Yanks dont play Alhaji,what has been hidden under the sun is about to be exposed! I pray it comes sooner than later
The best of comment ever from this man. I hope he is not trying to distance himself from his boko boys sah. Anyway, you spoke like an elder with dignity today, but I still have my doubts about your person and to an extend I feel u have some level of complicity in the whole mess.
Is this speech really from the dept of ur heart.cos u Hausa s I don't trust u pple at all.
Well said,I dey throw salute ur way,but why wait ths long to make ths speech.
Sounds like he z tryin to make sure we don't point fingers at him! Sir ur long sermon isn't needed. If u r payin dm,callin dm names is part of d bargain! I'm nt convinced u dnt knw whts hapning
This man would ve made a better leader than this clueless GEJ,no doubt a more grounded man in the area of leadership. God bless and save Nigeria!
Very well spoken
Nawa oo
oga you think nigerians are fools. you set a house on fire from the back and run to the front to shout for help. do not rejoice yet that you have made the country ungovernable. tears endureth in the night buth joy comes in the day. Gej and other non violent nigerians shall laugh last
We have been waiting for this sir, now u r talkn. #thumbsup#
Will come back to comment. Brb
Buhari I hope u don't think you can fool us with this ur fake write up. Just continue with sponsoring Boko haram, u and ur group. "All the blood u and Boko haram and patience are sharing at borno, chei chei chei God deyooo, God deyooo, God deyooo. Plincipa , u waka alone come, chei chei God deyooo
Stupid man! This fire u set up will burn u
Buhari's ingenuity is exceptional and I can't stop loving this him. Muah! ........................D Sista
We can't stand ur pretence Sir cos even a blind man can see d lies beneath ur atterance.u can't fool us cos boko haram came immediately afta u lost d election.all d innocent lives lost wil finish ur generatn n d ones unborn.ur sins wil leave afta ur generatn
Alex u just took d words right out of my mouth, for d five yrs dat boko haram has been terrorizing d north, this is d first time he is coming out to condemn the acts. God will punish all those involved in boko haram to d forth generation. All d innocent blood u all have been shedding r crying unto God for vengeance. God has heard n He has started His war on all of u. U all will die a very slow n miserable death.
Stupid man,u can't fool d whole world,u must be caught,God in heaven is not asleep he's watching, here u re after so many weeks trying to sound like a good man,it shall not be well with u and ur next generation,u won't go unpunished,u must face d wrath of God,No1 bh sponsor, u must be caught and dealt with accordingly devil!!!! Linda u better post my comment
May be after christainity is banned! All of una insulting Islam you better take ur time oo! You arr gettn on my nerves seriously
Dat video is old n dats Somalia, though it is still horrific
Air ur opinion n get d hell out of other ppl tots. Every body here is saying wat they think. Say ours n stop asking ppl to think d way u do. All I know is dat God will punish boko haram n it's sponsors.
The first time im replyn you Bonario! May God bless you for understandn what many Nigerians dont!
He shld be deceivin himself. . Im sure he is d main sponsor of bh.. wen he lost to jona in 2011, he bombed churches in d north isnt dat wen dis bh stuff started ..hes getting scard dat d nation wil divide.. gej pls divide nigeria. Let dem rule demselves. .
Time is up for the northern leaders, Foul nyansh don blow! I told you all to stop chasing Jonathan! Those of you sponsoring boko harram your time is up! Why did it take him so long to talk? ok, better late than never. I am still waiting for that dawrf, el rufai.
Hahahahahahhahahahaha u just said what I was thinking
Bonario always think b4 u write down something don't Jz comment. If Buhari had accepted defeat n not sponsored this terrorist groups from the beginning we won't be in this state. He has seen dat it has gone beyond mere politics the chicken has come home 2 roast n ur telling us it's not religion? The Muslims always feel they are superior they strive 4 the best 4 the North "one north one Nigeria like they often say. Joke wiv ur Muslim frnds ova their religion n find out how much they love. Or let there b a war btwn Muslim n xtians n see how much dey love u. The Yoruba Muslims can tolerate u buh the North never. It's cos a Southerner is ruling datz y we are suffering like this the North blive they own Nigeria. N as 4 dat idiot Buhari u can decieve others not ME NEVER. I use 2 like u a lot untill I read ur history n studied ur kind of person. Buhari ur a monster!!! The major cause of the tragedy dat has befallen this great nation. Now u knw BH has gone beyond u n ur scared. You'll know no peace till d day u die. Ur expectations shall b cut short. The blood of innocent Nigerians will continue 2 cry vengeance. Demon.
Buhari #bringback our girls# thatz the right thing 2 write down. Ur scared it's more than mere politics nau. The shallow waters have swallowed u up. U started it end it. If u had Nigeria @ hrt u wouldn't have cried n threatened the day u voted. Better call ur boys 2 order it's so glaring nau. We all knw the truth. #Buhari bring back our girls#
Buhari na only u waka come? Dere is God indeed.
That's a good speech. It is a pity and a challenge we must face. BH, your time is ticking.
The man of honour .it took you long to come out nd address d nation, anyway is beta late dan never. God. Bless naija nd d people. God punish BH nd it's mindless hegots
@ bonario dis d 1st tym am rplyn yhu, ur jst too much, bless u
@ anonymous 10:18pm thunder fire ur entire family... dem no born Una, if Una fit ban Islam 4rm naija make we see! shege
Common get outta here anon 12:45.........do u even have nerve????? Hidind under anony! Onye ara ukwu udara!
But he is the sponsor na.him,babang...,atik.,Sanus.,el ruf..,etc.
Your stupidity shines thru!!! Moron!
@Anon12:45am You are a bastard, oloriburuku somebody Omo ale. You go throw pass bomb? That's what your ilk have been doing. Ka da fun o laye.
Chi efogo (is it morning) Gen Buhari? Were you not the one comparing BH insurgency to Niger- Delta militancy? The chicken has come to roost. We are patiently waiting for the list of BH sponsors. Nkem says so..........
On your nerves?? You are such a fool!
Keep following blindly.
I always say dis. D problem got dis far bcos d muslims in d north did not disown BH from d start. All they dis was tell Goodluck to com an dialogue wit dem nd grant amnesty. Wen BH saw dat d Christians did not retaliate to muslims in general they den moved to mosques wich came as a surprise 2 dem. They didnt want to accept d fact dat they wer also a target so they didnt figth back immediately. Wen dey began 2 worry Goodluck ordered state of emergency in those states removing powers from d gov and d pple in general. Now dat dey ar in panic d dunce of a president stats publicising his dumbness nd is npw blaming opposition 4 inciting pple 2 "protest against his govt". Wat a joke. Pple ar busy callin d borno state gov wen he has not a single power over any form of security force. Mama peace cryin of tv because d wife of d borno state govs wife sent a representative to a meetin hosted by her(many think she is cryin about d chibok girls, news wich is is mis understood). D president naw usin chibok girls 2 cover up flawed "waste" of emergency in d north. Lets not forget, d nyanya blast took place at d seat of power. Why ar we nt callin goodluck. Some say being a president aint easy, nd so? Wat an excuse. Wen he was contesting did he tink it was for d post of headboy. My ignorant christians think dat division is d solution. Check countries dat have divided if dey av seen peace. Sudan nd Korea keep fightin within nd against dier divided selves. If der is division it is d south dat will suffer cos d notherners av a certain amount of unity among demselves wich is lackin in d south. We go kill ourself finish. In evewitin I hav said I tin is eminent, wich is When the head is bad nothing can save the body rottening. Our problem is corruption (mere theft). We call dis man bad, our vice is a muslim too. Evil pple wey quiet naim dey bad pass o. Majority here hate not bcos of wat he did bt bcos he is a muslim. Me no dey muslim christian matter o. If na ogun worshipper naim go mak naija progress y not vote am in. Let not forget, na inside bible dem write say "a good friend is better than a bad brother". D girls av been missing for 3 weeks b4 govt open maut. 3 weeks is too long a time. If dem go get dem atall dem no go pass 10 wey dem go find terrorists ar not fools. Dem go don scatter d girls all over d place by naw.
He needs to show or prove it by calling his Boko people back.
You need to read more listen more and in effect, talk less.
Oh! will u shut ur gutter mouth already? "Better Leader" indeed!
God punish ur generation for saying rubbish, evil generation.
I have noticed that Buhari never calls out Boko Haram. He calls the perpetrators anarchists, bigots etc but can not say Boko Haram even though they've claimed responsibility for these killings. Please can someone tell me why?
This guy and his cohort are behind boko haram. The truth will prevail and u'll never be the president of this country. God will kill u b4 that happens. Wicked man
Banning Islam ? My God ! You are so ignorant ! MaKe una no dey talk about issues that are far above ur intellectual capacity
yes 9ja should b divided make everyone go answer em papa name
Hmmm God save my dear country.we need peace
Confection tym cos Foreign army don enter de mater ......xoxo T.geh
General Buhari remains one of the few honourable men standing in this country and should be respected for that. Any contrary opinion should be justified rather than reacting based on sentiments.
Nevertheless, everyone especially we the governed are responsible for our own woes and the problem has degenerated to the extent that we can no longer manage it. My honest opinion is that the governance of Nigeria should be "OUTSOURCED" to U.K. Or U.S. We need a government that knows what it's doing, can enforce the law and will create the "right tone at the top".
He sounded different this time. Both the choice of words was well chosen. Am convinced it was composed for him. Seems he has repented.
Let all remove ethnic sentiment and fight for one common goal of United Nigerian.
Mallam buhari, just shut up! U and ur fellow aboki's have killed enough! And remember there is God and he is watching u. Now do us this Favour just bring back our girls!
There three ways to know a person, through what he says, what he does and what people say about him. Buhari wrote a more comprehensive piece two weeks ago rubbishing the activities of boko haram. Its not like he's saying it for the first time.... Buhari, going by his track records couldnt be associated with what is evil. Take it or leave it!
My dear plz dnt b misinformed, yes d video is pathetic,inhuman, evil n groosom. Bt dt video aint 4rm BH n nt evn 4rm NG. Dts a bk dated video 4rm somalia n thr own grp long time ago. Nw leme bk dis up.
1' BH wear camo, nt jes any cloth
2' All BH videos we v seen all v thr emblem on it ie d Qu'ran wt two guns by d sides, alwz @ d ryt top of d video. It wz nt in dis stoning video.
3' As an adopted gal, she shld v struggled a lil, dis videos shows a gal dt knws wot she hz commited n wz ready 2 b stoned. She knew wot wz cumin. She wz nt evn beaten, she jes obeyed. An adopted innocent gal ll atleast cry bitterly n must b forced b4 enterin dt hole. I cn go on 2 point wots wrong in d said video. Wot I v cum 2 blv abt all dis is dt some ppl intentionally hid these gals jes 2 frustrate GEJ. Y did d video cum out wen US army is already in naija? N mind U, BH hz no time 2 stonin any1 wen they cn kill 300 in 1min. Let them show a video wt them n d oda gals. Full Stop. Burahi u cnt kip decievin us. U brot out dis video 2 confuse us. We knw beta. Plz read dis wt an open mind.
Oyea fuck Islam.
How did you know he is a sponsorer? We use this medium to talk anyhow. Prove your allegations
I was so disappointed when I read some comments above.. what he said above sounds like a true elderstateman but some people here can't really read very to understand some reasonable points he has made..He has just lets set aside our differences and look for away forward of this country
is he talking now because ASARI DOKUBO accused them? THEIR IS GOD OH and he will disgrace everybody involed
Well orchestrated rebuke of Boko Haram and would you know it, just when the world has come to help? Wow!!! This people think we still have nipples stuck to our lips abi? Diaris God oh!!!
U and I know? Really? Speak for urself. And how do u know?
Is it not strange that all through this write up by Buhari, he didn't mention BOKO HARAM once?
I find it very very strange.
This foolish man writing story of his life......we know u are fulli behind boko haram so don't come here to chat shit with ur primary school sense God will punish u nd ibb and atiku with cancer, stroke and ebola virus...old fools #bringbackourgirls
Willie, you got a nice name so I would suppose you are not dumb! FYI that video was posted long ago by Al shabab. Please next time you see a video, verify it before you copy and send the it again on BBM! Y'all should be careful how you peddle fear and insecurity in a nation already on its knee. You think war will be started by the ogas at the top? No! It will be started by people like me and you who spread unverified rumors! So wipe your tears, that's not one of the Chibok girls.
Like GEJ too
Buhari is a Key player in the Boko Haram, i'm anti-jonathan, but this has gone too far. #insider
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