Explaining why he had to be arrested and detained when
it was his son that allegedly committed the crime, the Public Relations Officer of the Nigeria Police, Frank Mba said;
"We don’t run a system where the sins of the son are visited on the father or the sins of the father are visited on the son. The obligation of the father as at the time he took Sadiq on bail was to continue to produce Sadiq whenever he is needed until the case against Sadiq is finally disposed of. If he fails to discharge that responsibility, that on its own does not confer the status of a terror suspect on him. He has only breached the conditions of the bail and he will be brought to justice in accordance with the conditions of the bail. That explains why the DSS immediately took him in when he could not produce the son. And that is the farthest we can go. If he had signed a bond to forfeit a property or to forfeit a certain sum of money, he will be made to suffer the forfeitures but we cannot visit the sins of the father on the son.” he said
Sadiq, who was born in the UK, was
arrested on May 14th in Sudan. He is expected to be extradited to
Nigeria once the formal process for his transfer back to Nigeria is
May God help us...
Haaa ...God go catch u all
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The wrath of GOD will fall on d guilty
But considering the seriousness of the crime he was suspected of,I wonder how he was granted bail. The Judiciary is another organ that needs to wakeup to its responsibilities if this war against terror would have a happy ending. Now see catastrophic result his bail has caused.
While some people that stole #400 recharge cards are still in our prisons.
BH angels of darkness!
look at is eyes ike bomb
I wonder how d father feels knowing he's got a monster as a son...
You mean when the bounty of 25million dollars have been paid
Nice job, thumbs up.
Ok.. u pple shld do ya job well
Why is it now that you guys realised that the Father could not meet the bail condition of his Son since 2011,goodj job thou.
So he's nt even a muslim by birth! O ga ooo, son of a military man for dat matter!
Cursed father and son! Good 4 u.
The father should be detained and questione for not raising his son well. But since the father is not the suspect he should be answerable on the role of his son before he's realeased
Make ona hold d guy well o when dem extradict am com bck to naija ooo, I no wan hear say one die,2 break leg ooooo..lock d bastard immediately and extract informatns from him before removing his eyes with fork..thanks in olalenye adisa's voice
oh OK.next!
stupid son. he has rubbed the family name in mud. what a disgrace
Parent's suffer though.
From their surname "Ogwuchei" they're most likely Igbo,farthest Delta Igbo.
Your son changing his name to Musa Sadiq in this day and age new converts to Islam are mostly for terrorism purposes is enough to make you flinch.
That's why Papa Muttalab wld always have his respect.
It serves him right train ur child well so dat he will give u rest of mind, and nobody is above the law
What an awful whammy devastating setback.....he was born in the UK, but studying in Sudan. Now, the rapscallion will be sent back to Nigeria and straight to prison. It saddens my heart to see a terrorist from Nigeria.....this is one of the idiots that give us bad name in the outside world. He killed dozens in the bomb blast, l implore the Nigerian Police to do a thorough job this time, his partners in crime must also be arrested. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed.
We have a possible murderer here. Why let him out on bail in d first place. Stupidity. This dude now poses more threats to the society .
Nice one.jst stone dis beast to death.Devils workshop.................#King
Unless thr leader is captured/killed, Nigeria might just b beatin about d bush. Nice 1 tho.
God is watching everybody. They'll be the one to release them later or send them to Six months imprisonment.....
Well done sss, i hope the father also pay the price of bad parental responsibilty, like samuel and Eli did. That bastard put my precious Benue on the list
If they say illiteracy and poverty is the cause of terrorism, what do we call this? Born in UK, Army deserter, graduate. Same with underwear bomber Mutallab.
This Name "Agene Ogwuche" sounds like a typical Idoma man from Ogbadibo LGA of Benue state. this r peace-loving pple. To have a trait of terrorism beats my imagination. He must have been brainwashed b4 taking a Muslim name.
2baba, NA ur Bros oh!
This police dude are so dumb to grant this dude bail in the first place,na wa oh
So they knew he was a suspect and never thought to have him under surveillance? We are truly a failed state.
Ah Yes..they just found out since 2011 that he violated the bail obligations. Congratulations to our ever efficient security forces. Never proactive. Always reactive. SMH! Perhaps if you had picked up Poppadiddypop at that time, his son might have been stopped. But I guess those blown to smitherings will never know now....
That guy shld b questiond properly ,he knw sometins dey dnt #bebo#
Should a suspected terrorist be granted bail in the first place? Though I'm not a law expect but I think it's against common sense sef.
Bastard,son of a gun,thunder fire u oguche,u must die,foooool
In d same Sudan where people are being sentenced to death for apostasy of Islam? There he digested d acts of evil.
Gud 1
All these children that are nutured and trained with funds stolen off Nigerian coffers are now becoming more of a nuisance to the nation. Firstly, it was the potential bomber that was caught on an international flight (what's his name?), and, now this one.
What's he still doing alive?
Chai! Asory na the name of this country. Since 2011, its just recently that they remembered that he did not meet up with the bail condition? Are these people for real? So all these while, these people were freebirds and enjoying their powers? This country eh? Day just de break for these our security people. What a pity!
The father of a bomber a military personnel then its obvious sometime must be fishing.... Your online biz info just click my name
Thank God the dad is been apprehended and they should give him five yrs sentence for his crime.....
Father Lord help us to raise our children well in Your fear and favour in Jesus name, Amen. #ChomChom
see the bastard forehead as e black....Bloody fanatic...
Rich men children....hmmmmmm ( meemee ).
Igbo name and Hausa name only one man. Why was he granted bail and now they 're looking for him. He looks like boko haram member.
What a waste of sperm
Lyk father lyk son. So much blood on dz idlot boy head. You wil die lyk fly ur dead body will be no were to be found n so shall it be......
~CYNTHIA~ commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET
Ogwuche s kogi
How sure are we that his father is not amongst the sponsors. may Almighty Allah expose them all. They disguise and change their names to muslim name so they can destroy muslims and give a bad name to islam. Oh Allah please destroy them all. Couldnt have been blessed with a better religion.
Die in Jesus name.
I know his father a very good intelligent man,he is the chief security officer of my school ahmadu Bello university zaria.May Allah help him
tot they are fighting for allah,so allah cant expose dem plsss.
I still find it hard to believe that this kind hearted immediate senior of mine back in secondary school could do this.
This is too bad we need his son
Plz don't be stupid. He is muslim by birth see all the names given to him by his parents.. Doesn't mean cz they gave birth to him in the UK that he wasn't born muslim
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