“I am not on the same level with Ibinabo professionally, educationally or in any other form. I find that she is deliberately misleading the public and wanting to push the issues at stake under the table with her so-called open letter. I will not allow her to do that.
“Item ‘U’ of the electoral guideline of AGN disqualified her. No convicted person can stand for election in any post. She was convicted for manslaughter and she was given a jail sentence which she served. There is a court injunction stopping Ibinabo from parading herself as the AGN president. This is the copy of the judgment. I have it. Manslaughter has no option of fine. Her sentence was reduced from seven years to five years and we all know she went to jail. The judgment reads in part, ‘there is proof that she drove recklessly and caused the death of Dr. Sura Giwa contrary to the road traffic laws of Lagos State.’ She was drunk. How could this person be the face of AGN?” Continue..
“The court injunction of 2011 and 2013
was forwarded to the presidency. The criminal conviction of manslaughter
was sent to the presidency. The president is supposed to be a symbol of
the supremacy of the rule of law. He disregarded the law in recognising
Ibinabo as president of AGN. The president is now saying there is no
law in this country. So the AGN has become an ethnic grouping. This is a
professional body of actors. It is not a Niger Delta solidarity
platform,” she said.
The actress said she wouldn’t have joined
Ibinabo’s party to Aso Rock even if she had invited her, saying,
“Some actors have even explained to me why they followed her. They said they were taken there on a fraudulent arrangement for her to use and get what she wanted. Would she really have approached me for a thing like that?”
Clarion alleged that Ibinabo had been going from one state government house to another to “beg” for money.
“I have the data of every government house she has been to. No single chapter has seen a dime for running the guild. She went to Ondo State and she was given N500, 000. What chapter did she inaugurate in Ondo State? The guild wasn’t set up to go begging from one state government to another.”
Clarion said Ibinabo couldn’t have
clocked 40 years as she claimed in her letter because,
“In 1989 when she was running Pyramid Club in Lagos, she was 22. How can she say 25 years later that she is just turning 40? I have known her a long time. I know what I am saying when I say she is not a professional actor.”
When reminded that Ibinabo had featured
in some movies, Clarion said,
“That is not what makes you a professional actor. You have market women in the East who have acted in one or two movies; that doesn’t make them professional actors. I will be 35 years in this industry soon. This is the industry that has made me everything that I am. I will not stand by and watch it destroyed. People have placed their trust in me. I am an activist. People believe that I will bring justice to bear on this issue because I am afraid of nobody.”
Concerning Ibinabo’s allegation that
Clarion just registered as a member of the guild few weeks ago, the
veteran actor said,
“I joined the AGN in 2002. I was part of the process that brought in Zach Orji as the president of the guild and thereafter Ejike Asiegbu. When it was time for Ejike to leave, the whole thing degenerated. A caretaker committee was formed with KOK as the chairman and I as the vice Chairman. These are my identity cards. I even have a membership certificate which was signed by Segun Arinze who was the national president and Ifeanyi Dike as the BOT chairperson.
“I went to pay N5000 into the guild’s account as my dues for this year. She should provide any proof showing that I just got registered.”
Clarion also used the opportunity to fire
back at Ifeanyi Dike, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
guild who she claimed had maligned her in some publications recently.
“The BOT led by Ifeanyi Dike has been the same board since the incorporation in 1999. According to the constitution, they were to serve 10 years and leave for a new board to replace them. People had become aware that the BOT members are not men of integrity and the guild wasn’t moving forward.
“They refused to leave and a court injunction was obtained in 2011. I have a copy of the injunction as you can see. The court injunction prevented them from holding any election. But they ignored the injunction and allowed themselves to be financially induced by Ibinabo to run for the election.”
Clarion said she wasn’t attacking Ibinabo just because she (Clarion) wants to contest for the AGN presidency.
Culled from Punch“The first step is the dissolution of the BOT. When the time for election comes, there are several credible people who are prepared to run for the post. I will give my support to any credible candidate who wants the viability of every chapter. I will pass my plans and ideas to that person. It is not about me wanting to be president. I will gladly work and support the new person in an advisory role.”
Madam , what's ur own. Leave her and let are do the best she can do. Ex or no Ex. Those not mean she can disappoint
So clarion still doesn't want this movie to end in season 3, she is still producing season 4? ok we go get patience watch am finish
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Na wa
Hmm this saga is getting way outta hand.Am just learning Ibinabo is an exconvict.Linda this your blog hot o
Hian wahala! Ex convict kenan, man slaughter! Shwooo, interesting! didn't know that about ms fibbs.
come oo.. madam clarion.. what kind of jelousy r u displaying.. rnt u too old to b soo petty... is it ur business... u surely are an enemy of progress... its obvious ur jst trying to take her job.. God is watching u...#badbelle
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Waiting for Ibinabo's reply......this is a big fight!
clarion u re wrong for bringing dis up now. wen she contested for d position back den, why didnt u brng dis up to disqualify her? why now. i just dislike peeps like u. watever to u both. But i sincerly wishu never smell dat seat......... its obvious ur character in movies is same with ur real person....
Power tussle in the movie industry, God help us, little wonder we keep losin our actors nd actresses one after the other to the cold hands of death...
No organised place available make this two people digga am one on one neh...
Oops..if they like they should kill themselves...
Dis pple av tym. We ar talking about our abducted gals.. y is she bringing up ibinabos case of manslaughter.. lyk seriously dat wouldn't affect hw she rules
. It was jus a mistake. . I feel these 2 av deir personal beef nt jus dis..
She is not fit by your own estimation that is rubbish. People like clarion definitely never make good leader. If u don't see the good in others it's only because you are seeing a reflection of yourself.
Since when did acting become such a noble profession? I didn't get the memo. #girlbye
LinLin, instead of #BringBackOurGirLs" it's now...#FightOurMamas"...am not enjoying ds @all!
Desperate soul,,,, can see it in her eyes
Hmmmm o set.
I'll suggest they make a movie of this Clarion vs Ibinabo saga. Since they're both actors.
Its not hidden so tell us some thing more dangerous,the AGN member are very much aware and I know u do why did u use it befor he been elected so back out.
Have you heard Kcee has revealed why he denied being married
Lol @ ex convict, well b4 she entered office.....wre they nt aware she is an ex-con? Well frm my own point of view, dis two growna ass women behaving like kids can only tell what they quarrel is all about, I can assure y'all dat. There's more to it. Make una well done oh. Agadi na agwo ofe.
Getting nasty!!! Both are too old n matured for dis!! Dis is sumtin i expected d likes of tonto to do!!not clarion! Smh
Hm! Battle of supremacy
Clarion shukurat is frustrated jare, she shuld go nd die
And let the rift end now
Much as I do not support attacking Ibinabo's person in public in other to achieve her aspirations, I think Clarion Chukwura is talking some sense here. If the AGN's constitution prevents an ex-con from contesting for any of its offices then truly its a shame that Ibinabo was elected president of the AGN. If this was an oversight then those who have been backing her should advise her to stand down.
haaa! the rule is clear...go to jail, foget about contesting any election! the money involved must be hefty!http://jonchika.com/
Clarion should go and take her cloth were she took her bath and free Ibinabo.. Old Mama Youngy.. Mtcheeeww !!
these women are so pathetic
Hmmm observing the lady..
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In my own opinion clarion is right. Ibinabo is an ex convict and she should not be presido. Shes awack actress too. Pple shld learn to support those that deserve position instead of anybody.
I smell jelousy here 2say I used 2 respect this woman I really am shocked imagine what she is airing frm her mouth hw does her age affect d position she is occupying,ex-convict?prove it if u havnt had any bad reputation b4 be there judging,niger delta thing?dnt brng d presidency into this,am sure because u wernt invited to Aso rock u wan die others that went were practically forced lol this woman hs gone mad,I dare say ur a foolish old woman blinded by jelousy,who will never smell that position b beefing on another.
This is really disheartening especially when it is coming from you - Clarion. Leadership isn't a war contest. We all have our past and that doesn't rule out our abilities. You are bringing Ibinabo's past to play. What about you? Are you a saint. I can recall the many men you flirted with or married. That's also sickening. Yet, you were the vice chairman of the caretaker committee formed with KOK. Didn't members of the AGN knew her history before electing her as the President? Why all this.... Please join Ibinabo and work as a team for the progress of AGN if you feel you have got what it takes.
She's maaking sense, moreover Ibinabo hasn't contributed anything meaningful to the industry
There was a time when i didnt like this woman.. but right now, I LOVE ME SOME CLARION!
Eeeyaaaaaa....bitter Clarion, allow her to be.
Is ex-convict ibinabo fiberesima's baptismal name? Pls I need answers lol
Linda wen are u goin to post comments?abi u de kafachan?
Good morning y'all
Ah ah... See matured women behaving like kids. In as much as I have utmost respect for Clarion. They should settle this issue amicably within the guild; it's very childish that women of this calibre and age are being this childish.... Haba!
* My R1.50c comment *
I respected clarion more than this, but she just lost my respect. Her words are like words of someone with ulterior motive, I expected something classy from her than jealousy!
Old fox shut d fvck up..why are u pained..jobless woman...................#King
Dis Lady shld Shaaaaaarap Biko&So wat if she is an Ex-convit&so???afterall Nelson Mandela&OBJ were ex-cons&still dey lead a whole contry so wats AGN dat an Ex-con can't Lead???bia Clarion just so u Knw,I av Neva Liked u&ur actin 4a single Minit.act like a Responsible Lady&mother4 1s Biko #NneMums#
Life is too short to be angry with your fellow Friend. The AGN council reconcile both of them
Ms Chukwura fites dirty-poilitics evrywea.....
Clarion wit her wide mouth wouldn't go nd rest,na dz type dem dey call enemy of progress.God has blessed Ib wit d presidency of AGN so she should accept d fact or go nd die. C hw jealousy is making her to downgrade herself nd lie anyhow bsyds dose actors went on dia own will,ib no use rope tie dem 4 neck!abi she too bin dey hungry 4 d post nd dem no give ha,also 1 tin she shuldnt 4get is dat no 1 is perfect,so she should stop usin Ib's past to judge her. D fact dat shez an ex convict dosnt mean she shuld suffer! Abeg clarion take back seat cos if we start bringin up ur past naw,u wuld end up comittin suicide
My mother went to secondary school with ibinabo, they were classmates...My mother is 49ys old this year...there is no way she can be 40yrs....Clarion is right on this one.
I sense jealousy and envy. Attention seeker joor.
Good advocate! Wonderful diction. I love you ma. @nana sydney
This is going beyond the realms of mere politics, this is becoming too messy.
I love clarion,d lady is making so much point here,who be ibinabo 4 Nollyhood? I haven't seen her act b4.
Clarion please shut up and don't insult Jonathan for nothing.you are at fault.you that has married more than 5 husbands ,na you fit for the job? Hide your bad belle with some decorum please.old bleaching mama.
Madam Clarion, respect & hide yourself o, you too don't fit to be president cos as old as you claimed to be, you can't hold a man down for a decade cos of your waywardness, you will snatch the actresses husbnand & sleep with actors too!
#standing ovation
This is what I call a 'fire_back'
Clarion is my hero, anyday, anytime .
What a blast!
Waiting for a 'robust response'.
Clarion chukwura is a no nonsense lady... Am a huge fan of hers*** linda u don't post my comments ni
Clarion Chukwura is a classy bitch!
This woman is really a saddist!!
Madam Clarion...are you not supposed to be an older person to Ibinabo? why are you spreading your dirty linen in public? Why must you publicly call her an ex-convict and also write all this nonsense? Are you a better person than she is? When you were sleeping around with a Shina Peters when he was married who crucified you? Becos you wan do AGN president you are about to kill yourself. Leave the young lady the he'll alone. Do you think your son will like all these senseless stuff you are writing? Stop looking for cheap publicity. AjP 17 May 14
I agreed and undstand ur plight but My quesion is 'Where were you when Ibinabo was contestn for this post? Why is it now that you realised that she is an ex-convict
Is this whole thing a kindof movie scene or what? You two should go somewhere and sort your differences and let us be.
Is ds Clara sick upstairs or something?beefs all the way.old fool.make she allow d poor babe see road jare.
Is ds Clara sick upstairs or something?beefs all the way.old fool.make she allow d poor babe see road jare.
O o madam nw I see y dey give u role of thick madame in movies,mama action ,hope money to won't blind u if u get dere#bebo#
Ok..oya ibinabo step down for others..you have gained enough na..
Oya Clarion take the position now abi?
Am not in support of both ladies lashing out on each other on social media,but d AGN is not functioning properly please is dre actually a producers guide? Dis pple are messing up d industry, evry nonsense script is now a movie, must we stoop dis low , jst to make money, forgetting d very core reason's of venturing into movie productions ? Its been more than five years I and my family stopped watching nigeria movies , nt because we aren't patriotic,neither is it because we aren't proud of nigeria, but d crap dis movie producers ship out is annoying irritating, what morale lesson is d script "Baby oku in london? What about Skelewu? Asuu strike? Behind beauty?, not my money? Obi is a Boy, nkiti d village girl, and many more, enough of all dis rubbish, rome wasn't built in a day, but through dedication nd sincerity it was built, isn't it upto 50 years, how many years does dis industry need to change. Watching korea , chinese ,india, even Philippines movies is better off watching al dis crap nigerian producers force down our throat, movies like prison break , nikita, 24, tree hill, gossip girl, many more keeps u glued to ur screen,because dre hve a well scripted story line, Recently I heard of d movie IDEMILI, considering am from dis ethnic group dat doesn't harm d sacred python in Anambra state' d urge to knw more about d python, haven encountered it once ,on my first visit to my village,I purchase d movie, only to return it d next day,d script was messed up,Ernest obi messed up d production, it didn't even show d main reason's 4 not killing d python it swapped from on useless point to another. In all my growing up, a woman does not come close to a masquerade,even b4 my fore-fathers, but in dat movie Ernest Obi produced a part were d girl came close to d masquerade, d day igbo's learn to respect pple's traditions nd believe' nd stop being money conscience'..dat day dre'll b a UNITED Igbo race.. Ibinabo, please put ur house together, u can do better, because after ur tenure u'll live to regret not changing what you had d power to change. Thanks...
Madam, this one na long tori. Just admit that you want Ibinabos's post. Simple.
Ok we'v heard
Abeg let the truth be told. the truth is always straight.IB, cool down o!
Madam,"nwayo biko"you are not vying for the president of Nigeria.A whole 35 years in the profession ? Why are just waking up now,because a woman is occupying the position ? What happened to her was an accident,it can happen to you.If you think you have an educational advantage over her,she might decide to go back to school any day any time.Enough of this altercation & verbiage.You are allowing your instinctive reaction to control you.
Madam Abiola,peters,chukwurah etc. Jxt go nd ynash down. Why bringing d accident saga up now? U re jxt losing respect with all this talk I reply issues ooh! Besides na ur own past better? Sadist! Ibinabo abi na ibinAba achi chala kwo ka osi achii!
I Love dis reply God bless u my sister or brother 4 dis reply. I just Lost every iota of respect I had 4 dis woman. Why didnt she do all these b4 Ibinabo contested y now. Jealousy Old woman
I hope Ibinabo wont do her d honour of replying her
Madam Cla, abeg leave the girl alone. She's doing a fine job. No one will vote for you to become President. You always feel and act as if you are above everyone. This is a new world. Your time don pass.
Kween ın my lang ıs old wıtch. Thats what u re ın real lıfe. Shut d fuck up ıf u know nothıng. Clarıon dıd mentıon dat she ıs not after the post, so wats ur problm. Chıoma u re mad talkın shıt abt a woman dats old enof T̶̲̥̅Æ ̴͡ be ur mother. Chıoma ın my language means frog
Anywea women de,dey must show dia rubbish sef.wats ur on if she is Ex conv,jst judge her coz we al do mistakes.she was young nd careless doesnt mean she wil die fr t. Clarion y r u so paind?wats ur gain in diz?abi u want igbo pesin dia?mak una let d babe work na,na una bad belle too much. IB na fine nd ageless beauty,hw I wish she is ma frd.
Poor nigerians, they don't like the truth being told... how can it then set them free. Until we all stand up to fight evil, we will not be free..
- ShyGirl
Clarion leave IB alone! You are a jealous bitch! So she lied about her age and she is an ex convict, by the way IB look's 30 and you look 61. Loneliness has turned you to a bitter soul. Move on mama!!! Clarion is an enemy of progress.
WOW! SO Ibinabo Fibberissima is an ex-convict?!!! I did not know that. See how Nigerians sabi hide their past eh!
Clarion whateva be here disgracing herself. Am disappointed
Clarion na witch jare... I go call tb joshua for am
I do not think this has anything to do with Jealousy. Clarion wants to stand for the truth. You have a constitution which does not allow ex-convict to hold office, why is that constitution not complied with. Honestly, we play with a lot of things in this country and a little wonder why our integrity is always questioned.
If I were a member, I will either fight hard to remove her or delist myself as being a member. I think Clarion wants to set the record straight so that in the future, people of questionable character cannot come to the association and hold office.
The fact still remains that she is an ex-convict, her recklessness killed someone. I understand that Ibinabo wants to create change, she can do that by starting a "Dont Drink & Drive Campaign". We have a lot of crazy people on the road indulging in this act.
For the record - I am no fan of Clarion, no fan of Ibinabo, no fan of any person involved in the entertaining business. I just stand for what is the truth, what is fair, equitable and true justice. Let Ibinabo respect the court injunction if there is one.
Clarence Peters pls go and get your mum outta the way! Pls get her to keep quiet cos this fight aint worth it. She is ridiculing herself before her "fans". Btw we all have a past. Ex con or no ex-con. The guild was fully aware b4 they voted her in. So enough of the ranting!
I support clarion abeg, useless ibinabo not only ex convit plus prostitute ashawo dog
She's clarion chukwurah. Abiola Not Shukurat or whatever u called her smh
Me too, I love her...iron Lady.
Clarion pls stop being a hater. Stop antagonizing whom God has elevated. How many ex con do you see contributing positively to society , if not for the grace of God. Don't let God strike you, I advice you to retreat and retire somewhere. Why d animosity and jealousy ??? I befuddles me!
U are big bastard for making that silly comment....
Ignorant bastard....
U re wicked this crayon.Jealous fool.Dnt u ve work.Go an write it an produce it as a movie.Nigerian ll Watch it than blogging it.Ibi dance azonto for me!
Exactly...true talk
Dat was so harsh wow clarion u dey vex but my lady cool down for Jesus
sincerely uptil now i have never seen a movie done by ibinabor,, i dnt even know her until last year.. but y is clarion chukwura sounding so pained even refering to nigerdelta and indirectly insulting the president.. tribalistic Nigerians,, chweeehhhh
My brother no be small season three ooo.
But anyway even ex convicts deserve a right to make there life better again. She is not also the first Nollywood ex-con. Personally i feel Clarion is fighting dirty...not mature atall.
Is this not the same Clirion Chukwura that slept wit Shina Peters at the back stage of the stage show that lead to ClearancePeters? ClearancePeters, call ur mother to order!
Is this not the same Clarion Chukwura that slept wit Shina Peters at the back stage of the stage show that lead to Clarence Peters? Clarence Peters, call ur mother to order!
U're mother went to school late, pls dnt compare her age to ibinabo's own. Ibinabo is 40 yrs, if u dnt believe it, then go n mop Atlantic ocean
Lmaooooooo at shukurat!
When she said ex-con I expected to hear something like she killed her husband or child or something more B.haram like. An accident could just happen to any one madam, fine someone died but she no be crime na
Clarion is a jealous UGLY BITCH! She is on this blog actually commenting on the post. Sick hater; you can't do anything about the blessing on Ibinabo's life. Jealous, envious, bitter,frustrated, promiscuous, irresponsible, amebo enemy of progress. Ex-con indeed. #mumu
Nigerians never likes the TRUTH!..she says she is not interested in the position YET everyone here insults her.there's a law that needs to be adhered to.no one is laying emphasis on that issue.A guild where an ex-convict rules pave way for a killer to also rule..IB is a sweet girl..very friendly and warm hearted BUT she needs to obey the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT!!.everyone has a past-- so true.But we should acknowledge the truth and say it..the guild really havnt done much.very stagnant and highly racial...ALOT needs to be done..God will give the leader the strength to make things right..I love everyone...#bringbackourgirls #bringbackourdignity
Lol are you sure your in this country or probably you were to young to know this.
Madam Clarion, pls I want remind u dt Ibinabo Fiberesima is your president, dts is if at all uve revalidated ur membership in d Guild.. How can clarion take everyone as fools? Which court served d injucntion? How can any court serve an injunction when there is no such case in court? Who took her to president Jonathan to deliver d letter? Was d letter for d president or Ibinabo? I hold d same constitution, she did nothing criminal as constition states, she had an accident.. Pls let clarion state the day ibinabo served jail en d year she finished. Its a pity that clarion is such a clown, to evn lie on president jonathan shows her mental condition. Truth is Clarion I fighting a shadow, Ibinabo I busy with school teenagers.
Tell em
Who would believe that Clarion Abiola can pull a "Fani kayode" / a Kola Boof".... Her plain destructive criticisms portrays her as been immature and too jelly to handle...Now the only classy thespian/screen goddess for decades that I know and respect is "Joke silva"..... Dummy cLari!! Obama was a former weed smoker and a once upon a time friend to a terrorist,kini big deal? If you keep using people's past to mud bathe them as a bad person,it only prooves one thing- "that you are an unforgiving evil creature" that needs Jesus in her life..#cheEzyjayne
Abeg Clarion allow Ibinabo to breathe. Why do you want to pull her down? Agbaya. Mtschew.
Look at dis clarion dat was busy running from one man to another when ibinabo was busy making women to be recognised in AGN. If there's anyone who is not qualified, its u Clarion becos at ur age u don't have any man to call ur own. U bitter old mama youngee
Her past is not hidden- Ib is rather open about the incident, plus, everyone, or rather, ALMOST everyone who is really a protharcourt person knows the story.
So she wasn't exactly hiding the shaps she's passed through.
Nigeria Season Film titled'Who Is Worthy Of AGN Seat'••cant wait to see the part 4••#BluntIjebuGirl#
Ibinabo isn't 40years old she is 47years old like clarion said. So pls ladies stop now b4 it gets out of hand. Y'all too old for dis
I like her too. At least I know since ibinabo started all she does is go from one govt house to anoda begging for money
Huh! Ex convict ke?# Just learnt
Hmmm.. I concur wif u my dear. Nice one!
Clarion is evil and very soon she will visit TB Joshua to confess all the evil she has done to Nollywood people. She sounds like a wounded lioness and devilish. This is the type of jealousy that makes them kill themselves in Nollywood. No wonder people said that AGN is so filthy. I cover Ibinabo with the blood of Jesus. Why should she bow down to that bleaching cream woman with long nails like a witch #HATERSVILLE
Ibinabo isn't 40years old she is 47years old like clarion said. So pls ladies stop now b4 it gets out of hand. Y'all too old for dis
The problem with this country is we never choose the path of objectivity. In reading Clarion's response, I am inclined to think she is a lawyer. First, I grew up with Ibi. So I wish her the best. We went to Primary school together and we also lived on the same street in Old gRA. I have no beef with her. Also, I dont know Clarion and actually, she does not appeal to me one bit. Now, for the sake of argument, let us assume Clarion has slept with every married man on earth and we know Ibi went to jail for manslaughter. She is an ex-convict. Clarion has stated an Item U in the constitution of the AGN that prohibits ex-cons from contesting for the position of president. If this is true, Ibi should nto be the president. Is there an item prohibiting people who have slept with too many partners from contesting elections or pointing out what might be fundamentally wrong with their association? the answer from my view is no. So Clarion can contest any election she cares for. So let us leave sentiments alone. These sentiments are the same reason we say "everybody is worrying Jonathan, make them leave am jo". Same reason why that Abacha girl GumBat is always expecting her father's heinous crimes against humanity to be wiped away and sainthood to be vested on her father anytime soon despite his checkered history. Same reason why we justify jungle justice. Same reason why we vilify those caught in the act of jungle justice. For once, let us put sentiments aside and follow the rule of law, which means we need to follow the strict letter of the law or rules we have made via consensus and live with the consequences. Until Ibinabo proves she aint no convict and/or there is no item U, Clarion unfortunately wins this argument. Ibi, step down and find something else to do. You can contribute to society without being in the limelight like that. the public argument is not helping your dented image.
madam clarion,u are a disgrace to nollywood.ws ibinabo elected 2day?y didnt u cme up wit dis issue b4 she ws elected?ar u jealous of her or wot?since u peple elected her,so let her be.u r jst bhavin like a child,same way u bhave in movies.ar u a saint?hw many times hv u gotn married?shameless woman.u hav nt removed d wood in ur eyes nd u wnt to remove d tiny rope in anoda persn's eyes.enemy of progress.u beta seal dat ur wide mouth nd luk for smtin beta to do for dat ur fustrated self.agadi ekwe nka
Ppl like clarion can use voodoo to do anything petty jealousy name witch clarion is one
Like ur post.So people still watch Nigerian 'films'?Every sector of dis country is wack.You cant expect the film industry to be an exception.Nigerians want magic and miracles.shortcuts.They all want quick money.What do u expect?from what i am reading here,there must be alot of personal money to be made in that actor's guild.Everytime they are in d news its because of a power tussle.
Madam abeg keep quiet jor,were u nt thr wen she was elected??? Y dint u say all ds den,so becos she was an ex-convict means she can't do anytin good wit her life again.U are just a jealous OLD WOMAN get a life!!!
Who told u her past was hidden mumu,it was everywhere then,,mayb u weren't born..Get ur facts rite b4 u say trash abt people
What ar u saying. Pls kindly read aloud and listen 2 yourself. Thanks
Obasanjo and Nelson Mandela did not go to jail for manslaughter. Ibinabo killed a medical doctor, a bread winner, father, husband. She was drunk and was even driving a married man's car.
Ibinabo has wrecked many homes, remember the Fred and Agatha Amatas marriage breakup. At least Clarion married the men, Ibinabo didn't. Her moto, go in there and break up the home.
These are the things affecting this country!! We nigerians are so blind to the truth!!! U don't impose leadership! Let the pple choose there leaders, why will GEJ involve himself in this, really its not a Niger delta affair! Claron might have have personal issue wit mrs fibbs, but she just made some points, the earlier we start getting things right in this country the better for our generations.
@Apple. You NEVER make sense. Shameless BITCH! Fuck off!
No b small tin o,even God gives second chance,even if she's an ex convict,now is d time she needs 2 mak amends,plc clarion give her a chance
Ppl like u r d reasons Nigeria will nt grow....u forget d matter @ hand and speak wit sentiment...read dt interview again ode
Oh ......Nawa ohh
Am sure claron was a bit high while she was writing or sayin this. I tot she was matured, I nrv knew dat she could be controlled under useless personal issues wth d president. I expected likes of tonto nd others to behave this way. Settle ur personal issues wth her nd stop making matters out of nothing. ..
Shows you don't know anything
This two need ring
U just short up this is a case of murder not a freedom fighter.
What Clarion is saying is correct but I think it is too late for her to raise this issue.
Abeg mama clarence. Ibinabo go my school she was our games prefect in fggc newbussa former kwara state. She has never been my fan cos of her lifestyle but abeg on this aunty clarion. U r so wrong. Ib was born 1971 (confirmed)she s still very young and has time on her side so no vex. Maybe ur son can take over from lb. She never said she s 40. Leave her oooo. U don't need to tarnish her further to win. Ibinabo is already paying for her sins. Trust me. All this na bojuboju.
Moreover aunty clara abi na clarion u n ibinabo na d same 10 and 10 pence. U both change men like undies. Only u shina,abiola,and many more whilst ibinabo get three children for three different men so none of u shld be talking. U are both shemeless mothers not setting good examples to ur children n d nation.
but Ibinabo is over 40 nah......
This is the problem this country is facing. Loose structure in some areas and good structure in some. If there is a structure and law, it should be upheld, no amount of sentiment or emotions should becloud our sense of reasoning and approach towards the rule of law. Let us call a spade a spade. That is why we have so many injustice, unfairness, high unemployment rate because of lack of accountability. That is why there are so many corrupt leaders, see Ibori for example. We need more ethical practice in Nigeria.
Hmmmn u sure say Una never jam for one of dis money miss road men dat cause dis dispute between u 2
Just a mistake to drink and drive,that led to someone death? I pity nigerians reasoning.
lmao. Many kids on this blog that most of them were not born when Ibinabo was convicted. but mummy Clarion, allow the lady be. People make mistakes, there is also something called youthful exuberance. You make it sound like she put a gun in the man's head and killed him. Biko, it looks like you are the only unhappy one here. The likes of Genevieve, Ini, Uche look fine and supportive. You can be president after her.
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