A woman's support group provided the new home for Alexandra and Nixon after she publicly begged for help, explaining how she was forced to leave her home because she could no longer afford to pay rent. A judge had made it impossible for Alexandra to collect anymore child support from her baby daddy Matthew Knowles, for the next two years after slashing payments from $12,000 to $2,500 a month, due to his dwindling income.
Alexandra had earlier planned to move into a homeless shelter before the trailer was provided for her. See the pictures after the cut...
"I'm in the middle of a fight for my son's rights" To Matthew Knowles she said "Take accountability. Stand up, do the right thing." About Beyonce, she said "This is not Beyonce’s fault. I don’t hold her accountable. I hold the father of my child accountable. One article said I blamed Beyonce. Again, let me say for the record - it’s not her fault. I’ve never blamed her. I want the best for her. Everyone's in pain.'Alexaandra said Matthew has hardly seen his son. She told Inside Edition: 'You've seen more of my son than he has.'

Eeeyyyaaa, poor thing. Try and work ma'am
okayy. the little man looks like B a bit
Ok lucky her but Next pls.
Linda Try nd post Ay live Red Capet pic na
Good to know
At least now she has a home so she she get herself a job and shut up
Trailer houz be like Niger mansion.
She'll be alright. #idiot gold digger
We're still on this issue?? Thank God someone came to her aid.
She's right that it isn't Beyonce's responsibility so she should face the father of the child and get herself a job
She's just an idiot!! She can't pressure in beyonce to take care of her adultery!!!!DUNCE!!!
Haha see d boy ear! Na really Bey Bro lol.
Pls can this pple stop saying beyonce's brother and start saying Alexandra wright son
This lady should rest Abeg. Why not get a job and stop shopping for handouts? With this kind of attitude, which man wouldn't run from her? Sad part is that the Ode doesn't even realize it.
The federal government of Nigria cant help. sorry!
If she lik she shuld call NTA or Ltv....Beyonce no go giv am money. Mtshew!
Ok #bright bravo#
GET A JOOOOOOOBBB!!!! Typical black American. Always asking and never wanting to work. Child support is for taking care of the child, it's not for you to live off of. $2500 a month is more than enough to take care of a child. In America education is free so you don't even have to worry about that. Also their feeding is free if you can prove that you don't earn enough. She could even live off of $2500. Rent a nice comfortable apartment for $500 a month and GET A DAMN JOOOOOOBBB!!! I can't stress that enough. JEEEZ!
If I were Mathew Knowles I would file for sole custody and have her pay child support to whatever extent she can.
I know some people may not like this.
But Some women are really "GIRLS IN BIG BODIES"
Because I wonder why a grown up woman would get pregnant for a man she is not married to...and put herself in this situation.
Awwwww! I feel for her and her child.
Beyounce should at least do something for the sake of charity.
E concern her,, a very bad habit of d lazy, always blaming people for der misfortune
From the look of things this lady intentionally worked her way to trap mathew. ßut disappointingly she has failed.
I know some people may not like this.
But Some women are really "GIRLS IN BIG BODIES"
Because I wonder why a grown up woman would get pregnant for a man she is not married to...and put herself in this situation.
Much as I am trying not to be judgemental, I don't feel sorry for her. She knew he was married yet she allowed herself be used. Women should learn to respect the woman in the house. What was she thinking? That he would marry her? She should not even make the slightest reference to Beyonce by trying to be psychological. She should deal with her situation. She should convert 2,500 dolls to naira and do a research. Crap!!!
This woman sef.
This is leading to a disgrace to Beyonce...
check out my blog http://jatmajacobi.com
Yea I get the picture feminism has gone off the rails ,two consenting adults do their thing , an unwanted result comes up and the guy (your equal remember?) are to cater for every financial need of the 'result's'
.The good thing about this is that you (the mama) takes no blame of any sort instead publicise it and cash in if its of media value ,the much more modern paradigms are either make a sextape or make money by marrying the rich dude and divorce whenever your entitlements mature radical feminism at its worst you slap a guy and its all cool but the moment he gives you back he becomes a beast and risks going to jail for retaliating on an equal #iseey'allbitches
Linda u no de sleep
Get a life mama! Can't you work and take care of your son and stop making it luk lyk this boy is a bone in your neck. You aren't even ashamed of yourself, come to Nigeria, your mates are mothering and fathering 3 to 5 kids so therefore you don't ve any excuse. Stop upsetting pple with your life, if you like call the whole medias to film your life to d world,it won't change anything if it can't be changed. *Flora*
You see the disadvantages of being a glorified baby mama...especially for a married man!!! Why some women go after married men beats me cuz am sure she was expecting to continue living off a gold mine until Beyonce sacked her father manager. If it weren't for that poor boy who was forcefully born to this world, it serves her right.
This lazy, fame-seeking, good for nothing woman should just get a job, and take care of her poor son,who she's been exposing to unnecessary psychological trauma. She's d reason Bey and her Dad are in no good terms, which invariably is d reason he's getting broke. Her affair with d man, made him loose his job as his daughter's manager. She's waiting for manna to fall from heaven. If she likes, let her invite the Obamas, after all they r friends with d Carters. Mtccshew.
Wow! Aint got nothin' to say.
Lazy woman. Women are meant to be strong, i wonder why this one is lazing about looking 4 self pity.
Hisssssssssssssss... Home breaker! What was she thinking when she decided to sleep with a married man? She is so disgusting... Linda next story please....
Why do these gold diggers think that having a baby is a life long fat bank account? Go get a job lazy-attention-seeking-gold-digging-bone
I dnt knw wat else to say abt dis case... But what type of man dosnt take care of his family?
All this melodramatic BS. Inasmuch as no child should be abandoned, fact here is the boy is not biologically related to Beyonce at all.
Beyonce's mother married Matthew Knowles when she was 3yrs old, Mr. Knowles is not even Beyonce's biological father.
However a homeless child should be everyones responsibility but being desperately melodramatic as the boy's mom has been acting hardly pays off, she is not disabled so she should at least get a job.
Woman go and work and stop being a trifling. This kid though....
U need to b strong and gt a life o! All ds ur "pity me" faces nt workin!
@ Alexandra, and this is supposed to be news because there is a link to Queen Bey? Why inviting CNN to capture this whole madness?!
Go get a life Alexandra and stop being melodramatic.
Pls pls and pls for the Love of God is there no other way they could possibly report this without always having to mention Bey's name? When she was sleeping with a married man she dint know that karma would catch up with her abi?
Thirsty Bitch pls have some water...you are reaping d seed you sowed!
Well, at least you don get house now. Try find means of livelyhood. Na America you dey...land of opportunity.
Hmmm madam pity,, u again..
I wonder if there will be a rich man in heaven
God help us
Eyaaaa fa but madam immediately u settle down in ur new apartment ll suggest u get a job,over there its easy 2get a job unlike 9ja where u resolve 2 sell onion&tomatoes wt Royco maggi & salt *LeOnOrA*
The child looks like Marcus Houston...
Lazy woman...seeking for attention,go find a job asshole.
Beyonce's little brother y nt solange's bro or better still mathew knowles'son enough of this woman she seems lazy to me
I see dis young nigga growing up 2 be great like his step sis..
First things first, BITCH get a dam JOB. The world won't feel pity for you Cos u opened up ur legs to a married man. And they should stop referring to the kid as Beyonce Knowles younger brother. Ermmm she didn't knw the woman when her father was busy fucking her and she didn't ask for the woman to get pregnant and depend on welfare. She keeps making unnecessary headlines about how matthew isn't doing this or that. What has she done to help herself? Pls she needs to calm the hell down and figure out her life. There are so many single mom's out there making it work. In fact they are some doing better than the nit so single ones. So woman before u disgrace ur son and ur self get ur life togeher. What happened to all the big money u were getting from matthew when the going was good? What did u do with all the child support money? Fyi the media is not taking ur story to change ur life in fact they are laughing at u in 3D .
I just feel for the little boy...stupid women ruining people,s homes and useless men that can,t stay responsible for their families...my heart goes out to d little child though..
As you lay your bed so you lie on it. Mathew Knowles did not take advantage of you, you willingly gave in because of the wealth. If Beyonce was sleeping with her friends fathers or sleeping around, there will be no GREAT BEYONCE the world has come to know.
Bear your cross and stop trying to get sympathy, you are young and beautiful enough to make something of what is left of your life.
Well she got a home now, @least she is better than some persons out there. She should go and get a job and get a life. Am tired of this her story. @least if she is doing something for her self, everyone would understnad that her income is not enuf.
Good for them. I don't know why Beyoncé's name is being brought up every time they show this woman that couldn't demand a condom before she got laid. Smh. Beyoncé should not be responsible for her lack of self control.
Madam, go put your hands to work
Cute boy...kinda Luks lyk Bey
Cute boy...kinda Luks lyk Bey
I hate when the welfare of a kid is being played with.
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She should get a job and fend for herself and her son and stop begging for handouts from a man who wants nothing to do with her. Is she the 1st person to be a single mum? Why can't she take up the responsibility now that she's realized that she had a baby for a complete nincompoop.
This woman is an idiot! So she had d child for financial gains before. Cos I don't see why she's seeking pity frm the public and all this media attention
This woman is an idiot! So she had d child for financial gains before. Cos I don't see why she's seeking pity frm the public and all this media attention. There are lots of single mothers dat take care of their kids alone. She shld stop being a fool and get a job.
please go look for a job mam....
few words..OLE BARAWO ONYOSHI.....thiefff!!! haba why so greedy. I live in the US and some women with kids not 1 o 2 and more survive on less than 2500 a month. Take your child support, find a job and support you and your family. Useless goat.
Seeking for notice.
chaiii. how much is the money that queen b cannot pay....
causing this unnecessary drama, yet time magazine says she is the most influential personalty in the entire world...hiannnn
The Lumdy blog Review
she is such a useless woman. you shamelessly destroys some other persons marriage, ruin the man(good for him). and you cannot make a living for yourself! what sort of pest are you. now you are trying to make the whole world think that B is such a wicked person, imagine her calling the media to film her move into a free home shes been given! is this woman for real!
Non of Beyonce's business. Is she the first single mother in the world? Go and have seat.
Thats a beautiful trailer park.... shes lucky!! What if d father was dead. Will she not live? $2500 a month no do you. She should stop calling d boy beyonces half bro.. she no get name? Leave B outof it joor
The media @ it again blowing ordinary things up. If her child was not related to Beyonce you will not hear of it. There are countless women out there taking care of their kids with no support from the man. She should wake up from her dreams and stop using her child for her selfish interest.
U can now have peace.woman u should try and look for a good job that can help u and ur kid,u have ur 2 hand's,leg's so what else do u want.pls help ur self not minding anybody ok!!!
Hope she is enjoying the publicity? ...Owl
Who send her? You hear Knowles,tink say money plenty dem go share for you abi? OLOSHI! Linda why don't u post comment on Time, it makes ur boring, plus ur news are late! IMPROVE ABEG
If she likes let her go and live in pit of hell. She's a home breaker and deserves what she's going tru. She should get a life and stop all these drama already. What if Boyance is not rich and famous? There are so many jobs out there for citizens. She's just a gold digger. *stupid Bitch*
Attention seeking whore! get the fuck outta here skank bitch. Next time, close your legs ta married men bitch.
Low triffling bitch!
Biko this woman is just seeking for unnecessary attention jor! Is she the only homeless person in America. I just feel sorry for that poor boy
Linda enough already!!!!Dis woman Rily needs to go get a job nd a life-leave Beyounce out of it.She can call CNN to film her sorry life for all I care.
Can't Beyonce assist her in any way? Or do they have grudges?
may God help u woman so u cant work
She finally got what she wants,hope she's content
I hate it when they attach beyonces name to this woman, the title should read "Mathew Knowles baby mama moves into trailer park" Chikena!!!
Durh! Abeg dis woman shld go and sit down...all dis her tactics to get beyonces attention..wen beyonce don harden hasef kakaraka...na u follow married man,so wateva...
What is it with all the "beyonce's lil' brother" they are putting all over. Clearly the media wants Beyonce to do something as if to say: beyonce can u see this?... I mean she worked hard for her money!! It's her half brother...who told the dad to start what he couldn't finish anyways!! She has her own responsibilities too!! Rubbish!! Mo-1
This woman is beautiful. She could still remarry. And the boy,... Hez a small fine kid. Shouldn't be going thru all this but life z not fair.
Even if not for anyfin Beyonce should have a heart na! That's his little brother! I smell Ms Tina all ova this!!!
hez got beyonce's eyes
hez got beyonce's eyes
She dey craze 4 head mke she nor go find wrk ...stupid woman
And they keep referring to him as "Beyonce's little brother" nonsense!
She's a fool. What's she fighting for? She went o sleep with another womans husband, and she expects peace to reign?? This is what happens to you when you want to destroy another womans peaceful home. You get sidelined.!! You are the sidechhick!! No matter how Many promises the guy makes,he just ends up destroying your life.. So girls be wise!!! A relationship is for two and not for three I wonder if some girls don't know how to count. Money can't buy you happiness!!
U r not serious, its bcos of u dat d knowles family broke up n u expect bey's dad to care after u tore his family apart, y dnt u use condon or birthcontro,contraceptives while sleeping wt a married man? U dnt knw dat at d end of such tins its d woman ppl wud blame bcos na we go suffer d consequences pass,dats y u shd av applied wisdom.continue lying dat it wasn't beyonce n fame dt made u got pregnant for matthew
You are just a dramatic lazy woman,Lazy people make me throw up.Get a JOB!I'm 25 and have been working since 16.Get a job useless woman
Beyonce's kid brother! Oga o in a trailer park she needs to do smthing
This woman is simply pathetic.
Its well is all I can say,don't want to jugde anybody
So oyinbo sef dey behave like dis. Na wah o
This woman is just stupid,i mean why is she granting cnn to come interview her, is it because, it's Matthew knowles,and also what about her relations ?
Yes she is right it isnt beyonce's fault,but Bey can help so y hasnt she done anytin,it wont cost her @lest nt more dan $50k,2 buy a home 4 her.haba na wa 4 oyibo people sef,later she buy pacifer or toy worth $300k.am nt been biased but she shld give a hand @lest.
well i think it will be more better if she find something doing.
She should get a job and stop seeking cheap popularity. Ladies should learn to be independent,let the man see u as a valuable rather than a liability #thatsall
Attention seeker....that is wt dis woman is....she sud go n get a job n stop relying on pple 2 raise ur child
Must she call bey's name?n must dey tag dat photo *Beyonce's little broda? *
Good u have a house Madam biko pls Go get a job
What re you thinking when you re sleeping with a married man!
The house is way way better than some working class people's house in Nigeria sef. She shuld thank her God.
Keep begging! Work fo urself
Am glad dat she is finally getting her life back gradually
Shut up jor bukky luro,
Do u know what she's going thru?
Mtchew! Attention seeker. I like how God frustrates the hopes of homebreakers!
best believe if a man can make you he can also break you. get your own otherwise "you gon learn today"
Na wa o I thought beyonce's family is rich why let the poor boy suffer when u spend billions weekly if not daily self if the father is not caring @ least the half sister should be caring.
why is CNN covering this? If Mathew Knowles was not her baby daddy won't she work?
we know the real reason she has the child now, just has a tool to make money.
She should get a job as soon as possible. Life goes on.
Abi oh @ luro she's not making sense to me
Don't talk out of your arse spewing crap Bonario. Feel for her? Her trailer is probably in a better state than the one room single mothers to 2, 3, 4 and 5 kids sometimes live in, in Nigeria. The bitch deserves no pity, or charity from anyone. $2500 a month and she's still complaining. If na you, you go pay? Doubt it highly!
You date a married man knowing fully well he is married, you break his home you deserve what you are going through.
You are being paid $2,500 freaking dollars for doing nothing and you are still complaining. You are sure worst than a moron.
My sister that leaves in America makes $1,800 a month from her walmart job and she stays in an apartment that she pays $550 on rent then about $170 on utility bills, and she is ok.
You can easily get food stamp and education at this level is free for you child and also get yourself a job lazy moron, I guess you thought you caught yourself a big fish when you knew he was Beyonce's father, Ode is your middle name i presume!
Linda please i hope media take out will read our comments hehehe!
You date a married man knowing fully well he is married, you break his home you deserve what you are going through.
You are being paid $2,500 freaking dollars for doing nothing and you are still complaining. You are sure worst than a moron.
My sister that leaves in America makes $1,800 a month from her walmart job and she stays in an apartment that she pays $550 on rent then about $170 on utility bills, and she is ok.
You can easily get food stamp and education at this level is free for you child and also get yourself a job lazy moron, I guess you thought you caught yourself a big fish when you knew he was Beyonce's father, Ode is your middle name i presume!
Linda please i hope media take out will read our comments hehehe!
The house is way way better than some working class people's house in Nigeria sef. She shuld thank her God.
Well this is too bad.
The child is innocent. With all the money jigga n bey got this shouldn't happen to that young man.
What is in this life without a good lagacy.
Linda you as if trailer park is cheap/poor most of these trailer & mobile homes park are far better & functions better than all the rich men estate here in Nigeria like vgc put together & some are very expensive too! She is lucky to get a home there instead of homeless shelter.
Berrer post my comment Lin becos this few weeks u having been feeding my comments to ur dogs as breakfast! Lol
If u like go live inside gutter. Shameless slut. Was bey there when u were fucking her father? Dont go sort ur life out and get a job. Asshole. Shit head woman.
Chai! Why are u so dumb
Then u're just a dummy
Lazy woman, she work 2 make things happen than look 4 already made. Even nijia woman nor go behave like dis.
Exactly.she should go and work.
Lots of successful people have risen from less than a trailer home.she should also sell the material things she acquired with the $12k a month she was receiving.
This womans story makes my blood boil.deliberately destroying a womans home,(not excusing the dog of a husband),tearing apart daughters from their dad,using this innocent boy for your 2minutes of fame and you still publicly spew nonsense.
Seems like everytime bey is celebrated,you quickly remember you have something to say.
Get a life.
Go and work.begging and sob stories didn't get bey to where she is today.
Grace of God and hard work did.
Lazy bitch!
Its bn a while i read a dump comment from u Bonari . #disappointed
The way people talk.. How easily would you buy a house for the other woman who got pregnant for your father and broke your home
Really.?charity for someone on $2500/month with all the freebies in America.what was she doing before she went and co ruined someone's home.
Charity is for minus zero dollar people not someone with an income from doing nothing
and she still has money for makeup?
she go soon understand, if she doesnt get a job asap.
Pity the boy though
U guys should leave beyonce alone. Shebi she wan be baby mama 4 celeb abi?? As dis one don backfire now we no go hear word again
why is CNN covering this? If Mathew Knowles was not her baby daddy won't she work?
we know the real reason she has the child now, just has a tool to make money.
if they like they should enter inside the trailer o, beyonce is working hard for her money and fortunately she is a woman like beyonce,so she should work too.she should focus on the father of her baby and always beyonce because she's got money.smssssh
You are a very stupid, stingy, fool...
Homewrecker!!! You fit live under bridge for all anybody care! Born child for your age mate father smh some women are beyond desperate. You did this to yourself!
Madam abeg go look for work for the sake of your child
Shameless. She still has time to fix her hair? Oshofree.
Okay now that you have a roof over your head please lift those two hands and two legs and find work, I mean you are already famous even though for the wrong reasons use it as a platform to now do good. I don't condone having affairs with married men, but I do know a lil about forgiveness, all's well, take care of your son shikena, the very good part is that she is not expecting anything from Beyonce
this woman makes 400,000 naira a month, that is 4.8 million a year. that's more than an average woman makes in Nigeria with even two kids or more to cater to... shut up and stop looking for cheap publicity
Amen Amen and Amen.
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