0 year old Sophie Aldridge gave birth to her son in November 2013 and claims she didn't know she was pregnant until the day she gave birth because she didn't have a baby bump. When no one believed her, Sophie produced pictures she took during her pregnancy...and said if anyone had told her then that she was pregnant, she never would have believed it.
‘I know it might sound stupid to some people, but I had no idea I was pregnant. To give birth suddenly and without warning as I did was absolutely terrifying. I
didn’t have any symptoms. I didn’t get morning sickness. I was wearing
my usual size ten clothes. I had regular periods throughout the
pregnancy, and I didn’t have any cravings.’ She tells Daily Mail
Pic on the left is Sophie in the first month of her pregnant. Center pic is Sophie at 4months and right pic is Sophie at five months. So hard to believe but continue to read her story...
From UK Daily Mail...
Left: Sophie at six months and right Sophie at seven months
As for Sophie not knowing she was pregnant, this is something that sparks defensiveness. Which
is understandable, perhaps, when you consider that since her story
appeared in the Daily Mail on Wednesday, she has been labelled a
fantasist, a liar and even a benefits scrounger.
Sophie, a support worker for adults
with autism, retorts:
‘People are saying I’m doing it for attention, and
that Thomas is a burden to the taxpayer. But I was working full-time
before my pregnancy, and I’m going back to work.
really didn’t have a clue I was expecting. I’m not stupid. If I had
missed a period or had had any sign at all, I would have gone straight
to the doctor to have it checked out.’
as it seems, Sophie insists that her menstrual cycle was regular for
the entire nine months - though experts question whether or not this is
physically possible.
‘You can’t have periods during a pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can cause regular bleeding during the first trimester, which can be mistaken for periods,’ says independent midwife Nikki Khan.
And light bleeding - spotting - can occur throughout the pregnancy.
'But there is normally a cause for this, such as cervical erosion or a low lying placenta, and it should always be checked out.’
So can anyone really carry a baby to full term and not have a clue about it?
Sophie pictured right at 8 months pregnant |
widely cited study published in the British Medical Journal in 2002
found that up to one in 600 mothers-to-be don’t realise they are
pregnant until they give birth, or just before.
However, a large-scale Serbian study in 2010 put the number at as few as one in every 7,225 pregnancies.
Sophie herself admits: ‘No doctors have been able to explain it. They
are baffled. To be honest, it’s all been a bit of a blur.’
months on, she hasn’t quite reconciled herself with her sudden and
unexpected transition to motherhood. Still sleep deprived, her sentences
are half-finished, her hot drinks half-drunk, and her attention
distracted by the baby monitor at her side.
to think that little over a year ago, Sophie was relishing the myriad
freedoms of youth, with no plans to have children until she was ‘at
least 30’.
In addition to a
sleek physique, Sophie’s pictures capture this carefree spirit. At
three months, she wears a pair of dungarees that flash her tiny 26-inch
At five months,
she’s in a skin-tight boob tube most non-pregnant women would struggle
to get over their knees. At six months, she’s at a friend’s wedding,
quaffing champagne.
she was living - as she still does - with her parents in their spacious
three-bedroom end-of-terrace in Dover, Kent, and far too preoccupied
with her own life to entertain the thought of nurturing someone else’s.

is sketchy as to the father’s identity. When pushed, she admits he
works at a local hotel, is two years her senior and went to her school.
They had been dating for around six weeks when she fell pregnant last February.
‘Normally, I would use contraception but you make mistakes when you’re young,’ she says.
She wasn’t taking the Pill, so when asked if the couple were using condoms; Sophie said
was … most of the time. There was probably a one-off. I was stupid.
I’ve been brought up to know what’s right and wrong - but people make
mistakes. It’s just one of those things.’
They separated in May, for reasons
which Sophie refuses to discuss. ‘There was no connection and it wasn’t
working out,’ is all that she is prepared to say on the matter.
In the meantime, Sophie continued burning the candle at both ends - often juggling 12-hour days with her hectic social life.
With this, unfortunately, came drinking and smoking - both potentially damaging to an unborn child.
‘Of course I wish I hadn’t now,’ she says. ‘And, of course, I would never have done so had I known I was pregnant.
At an all-day
festival in July, I got through a crate - that’s 24 bottles - of beer.
I’d been smoking all day every day. I’d done none of the things pregnant
women are supposed to do. ‘Of course, the first thing I worried when I found out I was in labour was that there would be something wrong with my baby.’
good reason, given that foetal alcohol syndrome - damage to the feotus
caused by excessive alcohol consumption - is one of the most prevalent
intellectual disabilities in the Western World.
Miraculously, though, doctors say Thomas was not affected.
One theory put forward by sceptics is
that Sophie was in deep denial over her pregnancy - and simply refused
to face up to the truth.
She insists this wasn’t the case. It was just that she didn’t experience any of the normal signs of pregnancy.
breasts didn’t change size, my periods remained regular, and I didn’t
put on any weight. If I had had any suspicions, the first thing I would
have done is to have got checked.’
that this baby was so obviously unplanned, would she have considered
terminating the pregnancy had she had the opportunity? Again, she says
no, saying simply: ‘I don’t brush off my responsibilities.’
When she started getting sporadic cramps at 3 am on November 13, she put them down to a stomach bug.
couldn’t sleep and kept going back to the toilet,’ she says. ‘I thought
maybe it was something I ate. Next day, I had to call in sick.’
Her mum, Sylvia, a 48-year-old carer, suggested she take some paracetamol and have a bath. It didn’t help.
At 6pm, Sylvia called the
out-of-hours doctor service, 111. They told her to go to the chemist,
where she picked up some Imodium. It didn’t work.
‘The cramps became more regular and got worse,’ says Sophie. ‘I was rolling around in pain.’
In despair, Sylvia took her daughter to Buckland Hospital in Dover at 10pm to see the on-call doctor.
prodded my stomach and asked if I could be pregnant,’ says Sophie. ‘I
said no. He said I had a stomach bug, gave me some painkillers and sent
me home at 10.30 pm.’
midnight, her pain was so bad that her mother called for an ambulance.
The paramedics, who examined her stomach, drove her to William Harvey
Hospital in Ashford, Kent. Her dad Derek, a 47-year-old cleaner,
followed behind in his car.
On the journey, Sophie’s waters broke and she had an all-consuming urge to empty her bowels.
when her mother clicked. ‘I realised for the first time she must be
pregnant,’ she says. ‘I was shocked, and my first thought was whether
the baby was going to be born alive.’
ambulance activated its sirens and speeded up to 90 mph. Sophie was
rushed into Accident and Emergency - there was no time to go to the
maternity ward - and gave birth 15 minutes later in an empty cubicle in
the department.
‘Mum was
telling me to push and Dad was squeezing my hand,’ she says. ‘Everything
happened so quickly. I was panicked and confused.’
Midwives delivered her son at 1.35am and placed him on her chest.
‘I felt a bond straight away. As I looked into his eyes, I felt an overwhelming rush of love.
‘As terrified as I was by the speed of events, the moment I saw him I just couldn’t imagine my life without him.’
The next morning, her brother Andrew, 26, phoned Thomas’s dad.
‘He was as shocked as I was,’ reports Sophie. ‘He didn’t say sorry. He knew we were both to blame.
‘He came to see us in hospital. He’d bought vests and a teddy.’
boss - an understanding woman by the sounds of it - also visited them.
‘I’d only started my new job four weeks earlier, but she said I could
take as much time off as I needed.’
the time Sophie left hospital two days later, friends and family had
clubbed together to buy her a cot, buggy, baby clothes and a Moses
basket: ‘Until then, I didn’t have so much as a nappy to my name,’ she
Thomas was given his own room and the family attempted to restore a semblance of normality.
Source: UK Daily Mail
na her own problem b that.
Wao...wonderful!! But u knew your boo's sperm entered that day, ryt?
At the rate weird things keep happening,I wouldn't be surprised if some mothers claim they gave birth via the knee
Some stories are just so funny, she is taking cue from the reverend sister that gave birth also and claimed she never knew she was pregnant
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I Am pretty sure such rare conditions would be given this lady's name. Wow! One of the world's wonders we will never understand.
Linda na al diz finz u want make I read abi? Nawa fr u ooooo...... D pikin wise wela coz if 2 sey she kw den na abortion finz nd d boi no wan go
Wow! What an amazing story!
Also met a woman who never menstrated in her entire 50yrs, but have 7kids....I fear God o
«LIB addict»
Nawa o! U sur say no be anti christ she born so ??*mouth open*
Dis is baffling.......for real? Jeez! Nawa oooooo wetin person no go see under dis earth.God is awersome
i do believe her cos the same thing happened to me, i didn't have any symptoms nor pain until i was 7months pregnant when i felt something was moving in my stomach. i went to the hospital for a scan and den i was told that i was pregnant. i guess every womans body is different.
God u are 2much!
Yea bla bla bla , is there anytin impossible for God abeg congrats sophie jare
Mehn... this world is really changing, God always a way surprising us though... am sure if she knew earlier on that she was pregnant this child will be history......
kkk u are animal u are nor a hiuman being oooo
na wa sha
Imagine a guy that is not ready to take up a responsibility was to be the father... Mehn, the guy go confuse pass confusion itself..
I believe this story, because I have seen these cases before on medical programs. It sure does happen. The woman sometimes does not have all the symptoms of pregnancy and sometimes just thinks she has a flu or something.
Toooh.....Nkan Nbe. Strange but true? If this is TRUE then i will say its an EIGHT wonders of the WORLD.........
shocking i think is possible ..
Linda this is Hard to believe still can't believe it she did not know for good 9 months haba na.
Please Google cryptic pregnancy
Strange tho!
Hmmm, Anti christ things. #Nova
Well not in naija...mama ada and iya ronke would av smelt the pregnancy before there is a baby bump sef...btw dat baby is Adorable
Is dis really possible?
I believe the story....There is a show on dstv "I didn't know I was Pregnant" you ll hear more outrageous stories but are proven scientifically. Everybody's stories ain't the same ooo I know a friend who was pregnant but still saw her period occasionally although she had the baby bump....so the girl no dey lie
Very very possible. Watch "I didn't knw I was pregnant on TLC"
It really suprises me sha
Please Linda try to cut stories short.
It happens more among the white folks. Watch TLC 172 there's a programme dedicated to such women. Believe me it happens a lot abroad.
Possible bt truly very very rare !
There's a show called 'I didn't know I was pregnant on TLC. You'll be amazed to find out that she isn't the only one. I watched it yesterday and I was shocked.
There's a show called 'I didn't know I was pregnant on TLC. You'll be amazed to find out that she isn't the only one. I watched it yesterday and I was shocked.
There's a program titled '''I ddnt knw I wz pregnant'' on channel 172, DSTV. Plus my aunt abroad who's a nurse said she has had a teenager who came in flat tummies but pregnant
Wow lovely but confusing
D story just touch me, fit be say na true talk ooo, if u read d story well?pattluvz
Yes it's possible. There's this show on discovery Id it's called I didn't know I was pregnant talks about things like this
Some of the oddest people living the most unusual circumstances are in the UK. I knew this chick hailed from there by the title alone.
The Baby no kick at all ni?
Old news..
Really!! I kinda find it so hard to believe. Wonders shall never end tho. Akex2
She ιƨ lucky!
I absolutely bliv she had no idea she was preggers. Weird as it sounds, it does happen. Gud thing is she's happy 2 hav him n counts it ol joy.. Wish I cud hav a pregnancy lyk dis, hehehehe..
Wow.....I was reading this and crying,what a miraculous story.am touch by it
Miracle! Iyami!!
Yes it happen and I believe d girl bcos it happened to my anty wich she was a pastor daughter and also happen to a lady in my sch @ delta state university Abraka go to ufoma clinic @ d small market and ask it happen to a one student she almost ran away it was d market woman dat caught her, d market women also gave her hot water to bath she said d Baby was nt hers it was wen her breast started gushing Milk out dat was wen she beleve dat d baby was hers and
It's not strange on dstv 172 TLC there is a program they do "called I didn't know I was pregnant" Peggy for nine months and they don't know until in labor, even a woman delivered hers in the toilet. Biko it goes to show that God still dey.
Very hard to believe .
Wat about dis show: i didn't know i was pregnant on tlc. Is it fake?
Awesome God!
Anything is possible and nothing is impossible for God to do. It could b the lords doing.
Wat's d name of ds movie? Lool bt serzly is ds 4 real
What a cute story of love so touching and so much love at the end, i wish when am pregnant my size remains the same but at least i would want to be on the know dat am pregnant jorrr
Why's it so hard to believe? Linda don't you watch 'I didn't know I was pregnant'? Cases like this abound.
It's so possible. There's a discovery show like that on 'TLC 'I didn't know I was pregnant' and they interview victims and their family and bosses and colleagues, as well as the Doctors. They have crazy tommy pains, some of them even think it's a poop issue or something rigorous, then they (their families) take them to the hospital, then to the emergency wards, Doctors run tests and tell them they have to give birth immediately. Even the victims are shocked, as well as their families. They had NO signs of pregnancy. I used to watch the discovery show in 2012, there was a lady who was even told she could never give birth, one who always used condoms, all of them got pregnant, didn't know and gave birth. Astonishing!
Hmm unbelievable, wow wow, still on her period, no protruding stomach and even drank 24bottles of alcohol nd d baby is unexpected..anyway congrats to her...for Nigerian food recipe bbm channel C00219980
Linda! This is incredible.
touching story but still impossible to believe..
Hmmm..ds shd b d tenth wonder of d world! No pregnancy symptoms,n yet she gave birth 2 a healthy baby? N 2 think medicine cld nt evn xplain it W-O-W...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
I believe her story.
I know most people will blast this woman,however it is possible. As a woman in my church was pregnant and didn't gain weight and most people didn't know. And I've also heard of several cases like this.
Wait oh Linda do u expect me to read all these, oh no is too long
It happens to a lot of women. My friend brother was with this girl for years.. The girl got pregnant and did not know. He did not notice anything either except that she gained a bit of fat around the waist but it was really not a bulge and really nothing to worry about. Everybody who had seen her did not notice a thing. She went home to her parents and while she was there for Christmas, she started complaining about cramps. her parents took her to the doctor and she gave birth. He was still in Europe and in shock to hear he became a dad. Everybody was baffled! The dad thought they knew and that it was all a set up to hide things from him... He even accused the mother to be in as well. These things happen.
Where d baby com hide since....insyd her ribcage?
On a lighter note na dis type pikin no de gree abort,on top everything wey she chop n drink in d 9 mths
i like her atitude ,bt its still mysterious -c her waist
its posssible have you watch i didn't know i was pregnant on TLC network.
Wow!! Like 4 real?? I wish it cld b like ds 4 all women,especially ME..u knw,I wldnt av 2 go thru d rigories of pregnancy,nausea,dizziness n yuck! Jus wish it cld b lk ds 4 me..bt Linda,is it normal?? Getting pregnant without d regular signs..oops,jus can't get any xplanation 4 it
What a news,una sure say I don blive dis news yet bt wit tym,I'll believe. Congrats to d unexpected mum....... Apinex
Hmmmmmmmm. And d baby is big o.
Hmmmmmmmm. And d baby is big o.
End time tinz
Yeah,I believe same happened to my sis,until the 34th week of the pregnancy...when her tummy protruded and she did a scan to confirm,she was the normal girl,no sign of preg,till 8mths gone in pregnancy
Felt like I was Watching a movie the entire time I read this.
Na me wan read all dis long english...
of course it happens!! You people need to watch TLC more often!
I believe her. God of miraculous will bless me with a miracle baby too in Jesus name.
I believe her. God of miraculous will bless me with a miracle baby too in Jesus name.
I believe her. God of miraculous will bless me with a miracle baby too in Jesus name.
Its possible Don't you watch I didn't know I was pregnant on TLC ni?
Definitely denial. She didn't gain much weight but she put on some weight. Congrats sha.
Height of wonders..
How could she keep those pics of those months if she never know she was pregnant plz
It's naffin new.I usually watch a programme on TLC, on channel on Dstv Channel 172."I never knew I was pregnant".
Its a must watch programme for all females from Teen years. She's definitely telling the truth.
Most of them never even saw or felt the symptoms till they went into labour, only to be told they are in labour and abt to be delivered of a baby.
It's truly amazing.
Yea it hpens I hv cin sumtyn lyk d@ bt she's lst 4 6months(her period)...d@s y God is gr8....
Incredible. Am dumbfounded. 😲
linda its very possible.. watch [ I didn't know I was pregnant] on TLC,alot of cases like this..this is not new..the baby actually forms behind the uterus and they have no signs of pregnancy at all..it happens alot
pls approve the comment ...it is not abnormal at all..check tlc[channel 172]..it didn't know I was pregnant
Hmmm unbeliveable
dont people watch TLC's I didnt know i was pregnant. it happens and a lot too
Its possible,if think its a lie watch I didn't know I was pregnant on TLC
Hmmn! And the baby did not kick throught the 9 months. I hear!
It's indeed very strange. If na naija now, dey'll say dat d child is possessed
Its possible do y'all watch TLC's I didn't know I was pregnant show. So it happens
Wow! Wonders of d world. God is Great!
I don't know why people like seeking attention for no reason...you can even tell us that it was Immaculate Conception and NEVER had sex with a man. Nonsensical speech, I am doctor and I have been in Obstetrics and Gynecology unit for years...let me tell you that there's a lot of physiological changes in the body that occurs during pregnancy and hormone changes. Why not tell us that it was Immaculate Conception.
I don't know why people like seeking attention for no reason...you can even tell us that it was Immaculate Conception and NEVER had sex with a man. Nonsensical speech, I am doctor and I have been in Obstetrics and Gynecology unit for years...let me tell you that there's a lot of physiological changes in the body that occurs during pregnancy and hormone changes. Why not tell us that it was Immaculate Conception.
Linda, its possible that a woman can be pregnant without knowing it. Though this happens in rear cases. A frnd of my elder sister has been in this shoes before. A woman at the 46 searching for a child, the day she knew she was pregnant was the day she put to bed, then the husband ran with his mum buying baby stuffs. Dnt doubt it, its God for, beyond human comprehension.
Hmmmmm unbilievable
Aunty Linda this is no news. If u watch d show "I didn't know I was pregnant" then u would know that it's possible to carry a baby to full term without knowing u were pregnant. Bye
Weird as her story sounds, I believed her. Plus there are so many names mentioned that if called upon will collaborate her story. Strange though.
I also believe d theory put forward by d sceptics dat Sophie was in deep denial over her pregnancy and simply refused to face up to d truth. All d same congrats to her at least she have a child of her own now
That baby is blessing sha. Btws family love is all ooo. Chai they just accepted her back immediately. Family love over all. Anyday anytime
Never had of that before 9 month not knowing, strange.
Miracle baby
Its very possible nao...dnt they watch "I didnt know I was pregnant"on TLC?
Super story!
100 percent possible. I have watch similar story like this in discovery channel DSTV.
Waoooo. I've watched stuff like dis on DSTV but I don't know if it happens in nigeria. Na for abroad all dis kind tinz dey happen. God is still wiser than the wisest man, scientist and doctors put together. God is so big and can do all things.
Dis is a big miracle... Its so unbelivable, but I knw it culd b true all d same
Mmmm so hard 2 believe.....
The magic of the human body, even experts can't explain some of it anomalies. It could happen!
It's very possible, I once sawa whole documentary about this on discovery years back. There are lots of similar cases there, not just one or two girls! Amazing and the baby isn't even tiny!
strenge things are barnd to hapen in this word everyday so am not suprice.
Linda,I believe her. If you watch TLC on DSTV, you will see these kind of stories. There's a programme they do titled I dint know I was pregnant" . People's real life experiences
Wao!!!!!!!!!!! Really? Kanda sound weird to me hmmmmmmmmmmmm
Totally possible, things are changing everyday
Hmmm!...reali took ma tym 2 read dis 2 knw hw it actually happend...jst hup dis is real n she is jst nt seekin attention coz it sounds lik falacy.
Na wa o! People are doing night vigil and mountain top prayers for fruit of d womb, and this one wants us to believe she was shacking crates of beer and puffing cigars, then took.a 15 min break to deliver bonboy???
Na real wa!!..... Me Not believe at all at all .
Incredible!!!!!!! Lip sealed
Well not in naija...mama ada and iya ronke would av smelt
the pregnancy before there is a baby bump sef...btw dat
baby is Adorable
[Photos] From A High Class Lesbian Party
Lol. JbankzE u are so funny I swear. U get mouth die.
Wonders they say will never end!!!
Hmmm! If na for naija, only your forehead your mama go look and she go sabi.
@ Alloy chikezie, why refering to rev sister? I hope u knw dat her own issue is nt what we are discussing here? Eventhough u hate catholic stil give dem d respect dey deserve. I hv always like ur comment bt u fall my hand 2day. Lolo1
Am so happy dat nothing happened to the baby.
Sweetie its not wierd.its real.
Commenting twice on same subject can't give u 200k. U can only hope on d 100k from Linda. And pls, channel that effort in learning how to construct a good sentence and stop gallivanting in Jupiter.
This blog sometimes shows how ignorant Nigerians are. If y'all watched documentaries to educate yourselves more rather than African magic I'm sure you will know this happens too often when the baby stays closer to the spine. You should all get more educated. Education isn't just about going to school please. The comments made me cringe. Every females body is different
See everybody talking about the show... I DIDNT KNOW I WAS PREGNANT...I'm sure half of u re jst duen copy n paste.
Yes Lady Red said so!
Thank God we have some learned fellows, people with good example like u. Only event u never attempt u never or withness can seems impossible, but nothing whatsoever is impossible in a real sense. I believe Sophie's story and yours. Just that many are reading to bully and abuse others which is ridiculous. Congrat to both of yah ladies.
Its called cryptic pregnancy. Meaning hidden. Its real and it happens
It's very true. Some ppl don't have d expected symptoms. I tot I had malaria and a heavy period only to go to d hospital and find out I was miscarrying a 3-4 month old pregnancy. She's lucky to have a cute healthy baby.
Stories dat touch
Leaked Video of Lecture Doing IT with his students
the point you can tell she was lying is where a doctor first got involved this was heavy denial a case of lying to herself and hoping it's(the lie) true or hoping it would go away.
A whole 9 months? I'm not that gullible
Lwkmd,u are so funny.Can't stop laughing
Wat a miracle theres nothing impossible I hv seen cases like this thou.
That is to show the extent of how powerful,marvellous,wonderful αηδ unpredictable ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊ Almighty is!!! HE (ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊) does some stuffs that brings about "disbelief" among many human beings.Congrats to U̶̲̥̅̊ girl!
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha_smh 4u!!!
I think it's possible that bcos she drank so much alchohol during the pregnancy, that the baby was always wiped out so spent the entire time in a sleepy state so didn't move around too much. I believe the story.
Me too. I dint no I was pregnant but kept getting fat and eating. Until I was 4months, and felt sometin move in my stomach,
This is even Medically possible. No gravidarium symptoms, but there should be some degree of prolonged abdominal fullness or distension. God is indeed omniscient & awesome.
Na lie jor.
The most amazing thing is that she claims "people make mistakes when they're young" and was referring to the fact that she didn't use contraception as the mistake. In a sane world, having sex before being married would have been the right thing to call a mistake. The West is totally done morally, I hear soon they'll have "designer babies" where they can add several desired characteristics to make a baby in the mothers womb. And if you ask a Naija person, they envy the west. Some people should just come here and see whats going on. I know there's "development" in some areas oh, but they are morally corrupt.
As if you yourself sabi the show one thing sef...Abi no be copy and paste you sef follow do just now?
Linda I can't find my comment.
Its actually possible if you go by some documentaries from these foreign stations. We only sabi African Magic and Channel O stations. One was similar to this story and hers was risky cos she was an serious athlete/student. Till she entered labour and her friends had to take her home when she started having cramps and all. She had even forgotten that she had a one night stand that resulted in her pregnancy.
Who is talking about immaculate conception here? She didn't deny having sex. She just didn't know she was pretty cos of no obvious signs. Pls read well
There used to be a show on tlc called "I dint know I was pregnant", so it happens to people around the world.....I'm not suprised.
I see dis a lot on TLC on the show 'I didn't know I was pregnant ' so I kinda believe, although I don't know the theory behind it
Linda same happened to me.I even had a miscarriage before I became pregnant again and I didnt know! I thought it was my normal period but it was heavier and more painful than usual. I gave birth 16hrs after I knew I was even pregnant at all. I believe her. It happens!
Idiot.she just has pics like we all do.your phone camera will tell you by date.from her conception,she probably did the math.
Linda you really need to start categorizing your comments under foolish thinking people and learned minded ones.
And you have just publicly embarrassed yourself.thank goodness you didn't put your name.you must be a fake gyny.i hope you haven't tried delivering any babies.
You didn't go to medical school.you studied in your backyard.go to your neighbors house and go watch TLC (its a channel on what is called dstv.i know you don't know it but ask your neighbor.illiterate)
And you sound like ignoramus
Thank you very much.i have asked that Linda catalogue her comments.its really embarrassing to be commenting on the same platform as this people who have refused to improve on themselves.with a click on their phones they can access goggle yet they refuse to know anything that isn't about wizkid and olamide.
Unfortunately ZeeZee,you are very gullible.you might also want to add ignorant to your resume.
Lmao! Hilarious comment. D dude needs to be told.
Show yourself anonymous.. Let the boy talk... AMEBO #just saying#
For the love of God, keep the fact that you went to school a secret because the money spent on ur education obviously went down the drain. You should have typed your comment in pidgin English, that would have been much better...
Loooooool!!!! U funny die. True tho. Naija i hail thee
This happens! My aunt had the same issue. She didn't know she was pregnant until the due date. It was a miracle cos the baby was very big at birth. She and my nephew are doing well now although she stays in Australia.
God is great
All those insulting and doubting are just showing their ignorance...education is not about going to school only...Stories like dis have been existing 4 a long time...it is called cryptic pregnancy...there is a show on DSTV ( TLC) called I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS PREGNANT...I have even seen many cases where d lady gave birth to not just 1 baby but TWINS ...did u hear me ...I said TWINS ...even an advanced woman in my church Winners Chapel gave her testimony during SHILOH and in her own case she had TWINS...so u better stop doubting and know from today that it has been happening and still happening...at least the oldest story I know of this d baby is already 30 yrs old which means it happened over 30 yrs ago
Very very possible. Strange tins only God understands
KaY hmm...we knw u watch tv
ok ooo....
Awww. May God give her the strength, knowledge and wisdom to overcome the situation and bring her child up in the right way
@Anon...d Medical Doctor!! Such things happen!! Infact I hv witnesses d case of twins with a lady in ma church. It wasn't pretense or any of such sorts. Very much believable...
God is awesome....
@Anon...d Medical Doctor!! Such things happen!! Infact I hv witnesses d case of twins with a lady in ma church. It wasn't pretense or any of such sorts. Very much believable...
God is awesome....
it can happen that you didn't know you were pregnant my daughter went through it anyone ever hear of a Cryptic Pregnancy my question is what if you get a baby bump and bigger breasts and feel movement but the drs say your not this really effects a woman being treated ike this by drs
I'm q virgin and never had children. But I do know that my menstural cycles have acting very strange or odd. I get periods that have made me very sick or have the oddest feeling at times. Maybe there is a such thing a much deepest innermost secret or mystery even in virgin that isn't always throughly understood. I am 33 years old and I have never had relationships with a man. It might be very true that there is a such things the unexplainable or without coincidence. Something deepest innermost about menstural cycle that might not be throughly understood by medical doctors nor medical scientists that probably does exist. In a virgin that has never experienced sexual relations a woman's body remains a secret, a true guiune virgin is sacred when it came to her body. Something about periods that just might go beyond our recent knowledge is possible or true.
I don't have children of my own. But I do have very unusually rare or seldom question. I'm a virgin and never experienced a pregnancy before. I do know it might be true or possible that a virgins body remains a secret or mystery to when they never experienced sexual relationships. My question is about the menstural period alone itself. Are there things that medical scientists or medical doctors as well as people in society that might never understand the menstural period throughly themselves? Is there a such thing as something that goes beyond ones knowledge about the vwoman physical body alone itself? What if there is a such things as what one calls without coincidence that might be more than 75 thing we didn't know the menstural cycle? Maybe there is more to this issue with the menstural period than what is scientificly known.
With God all things are possible!
Praise Yahshua for little ones!
Wish more people would wait until marriage to do this though.Sex before marriage is sin!
1 Corinthians 6:9-11!
Jews for Jesus.org!
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