Emdee David tells a story of how security men assaulted his brother, James David with a machete in the early hours of Monday March 31st in their neighbourhood in Isolo, Lagos. Find the story below..
The horror and terror that befell me, my brother and the entire Franzaki Street in Bucknor Estate will forever leave us with physical, mental, and emotional indelible marks. The incidence happened on Sunday/Monday, 30th to 31st of March 2014. I was helpless as two untrained street security guards machete my brother, James David, with the intent to kill him.
A lot of things happened, but I will rather talk on, or start from where I got involved. That night, that should be around to 12 midnight or so, I was in my bedroom when all of a sudden, someone was scratching the floor with machete and later hitting my window and door with the same machete. Continue...
Then the person spoke….. “Oga,
come now now o, if not, your brother will be a dead man.” Then he left
immediately. I recognized the voice. It was that of one of the Security guys at
the street gate. I was wondering what could have happened. (one of my neigbhours
said she heard it, and while he was going out of our house, he said, I know he won’t
come out.)
I rushed out
but did not see the guy. I went outside our house gate, he wasn’t there, so I decided
to go towards the street gate. As I approached, I heard noises. I ran to them
and what I saw shocked me. The two security men were brutally assaulting James
David with a machete and a cutlass. His nose was already sliced into two and
blood was on his face. Then his wrists had been badly cut. I was terrified and I
started shouting on them. “What’s the matter….couldn’t you have waited for me? Then
one of them, the tall one who I later learnt is called Emmanuel Oliseh,
approached me with his cutlass and asked me to go back or he will cut me to
pieces. I ran backward, but I now saw the shorter one, Frank Oliseh, still
going after my brother with his big machete as James tried to move away.
Then Emmanuel,
the tall one who came after me joined his brother again and was shouting “kugbuoya…kugbuoya.”
I understand Igbo language and what that meant. He was saying, “’kill him’ (with
that machete”). The short security man was now “macheting” James David on the
head and on the neck. James was already weak and falling near a car that was
packed near there. The car had been there for about three weeks, I guess
faulty. I screamed for these guys to stop, but they refused. Then I rushed in-between
them and carried my brother and started walking fast away from them. They still
came after us, wielding their weapons towards my neck. I managed to dodge and
James fell from my hand. I screamed again for the residence to come out, but no
one came to help. Then the two female
wards living with me, Binta and Faith, were approaching, the security guys went
after them and told them to go back if they don’t want to die. So they ran.
They left us
for a while and were ranting. They were saying, “this street people never know
us o…James say we no be security people abi?....” and they said many things
about blood flowing. So I knew there was trouble. One house guard, a Mallam,
heard our voices and tried to open the gate….I didn’t know what later happened
but I later heard they chased him back.
I managed to
lift my brother up, carrying him towards a nearby hospital after our own house on
the street, then I heard the voices of one of the security guy, Frank. We fell
on the ground, and I ran away, ran into our compound and alerted my neighbours.
Three men came out, Alhaji Sallami, Mr Ben and Daddy Eni. Then Mr. Ben’s
brother joined later. We all went to pick James again to that hospital. Later Binta
and Faith came out too and stayed with James while we went to alert the
hospital. We knocked very hard but the hospital didn’t open. Then my sisters,
Binta and Faith, started screaming and running after us. We now saw the mad
security guy, Frank coming after them. The men tried to talk to them but he
told them they will kill them too. He started chasing us, everybody with the
deadly weapon. Two guys from the house before ours came out too and the wielded
the machete at them. As we were running towards our house, Emmanuel, the second
security guy blocked us. We were now in their middle.
They chased
everybody, saying they must kill, that we don’t know them. Mr. Felix, who lives
nearby came out thinking he could stop them, but they almost cut his neck. He ran,
we all scattered, while James was lying down soaked in his blood. He was
bleeding seriously. I started screaming…Franzaki People, come out o, your
security men want to kill people…. I did that many times and I am sure many
residents heard me. Then everybody ran sideways.
I hid in an
uncompleted building and started making calls. I called a former colleague
living in Estate, Mr Jacobs. I called a pastor friend, Pastor David Aya of ECWA
Church, who called a few people for rescue. I called a Police woman I have her
number at Okota police station. She couldn’t remember me but I told her what
was going on, but she cut the phone. I called Ibrahim, who is a CSO in one
Custom Bonded Terminal and he called another Police officer, Filibus, who said
he has alerted the police and they are signaling themselves to get RRS. But we
saw no police that night.
In desperation,
and as it was threatening to rain, I started sending text messages. I sent to
Ahaoma Kanu, a journalist, Barrister Monday Ubani, Chairman of Ikeja Nigerian
Bar Association, YAW of Wazobia FM. then I copied to Zainab, the police woman I
earlier called. Pastor David, Mr. Kanu, and Ibrahim were all calling back to
know the situation. But there was no police to our rescue. Where I hid I could
still hear the wild security guys telling some people to lie down. Then, one
man, Mr Bello opened his window from upstairs and noticed me in the uncompleted
building close to his building. He asked me who I was, I told him I am James’
brother and that James has been badly wounded, that I need to take check if he
is not dead so I can take him to the hospital. Then Mr. Bello rushed out with
his car key, took his car out. Then the mad security men came out with their
weapons and ordered him to go back or else they will kill him. He told them who
he is but they refused to hear or listen. His wife prevailed on him to return
to the house.
When he got
back to the house, he asked me to jump the fence and cross over to his house
which was more secured. I did, and from then he started making calls to other
security men. Not long after then, security men from other places came. They
subdued the blood thirsty Frank and Emmanuel Oliseh, who I later learnt are of
the same parents. Emmanuel ran away immediately but Frank was held firm.
We later
found James in the bush of the plot next to ours, almost lifeless. Mr. Bello
offered to take us to the hospital where James received urgent medical
attention and he survived. The doctors said he’d lost much blood and would need
blood transfusion. Two security guys from the other street were with us and
guarded Frank from running away. Later, Emmanuel was found on the street and also
driven to Ejigbo police station.
Now, I can’t
say what came over these security guys. They know James very well and his house
and that he is my brother. He was not an intruder, a thief or a trouble maker.
He is a painter and well known in the whole of Bucknor Estate.
But it was
much later I heard a lot of things about them. They had threatened to shed
blood because they were been owed two months’ salary. I learnt the Street Association Chairman told
them to stop working if they planned any kind of trouble on the street. But they
didn’t. Some residents had complained that Frank and his brother have harassed them.
A barber on the street, I learnt later, had complained that these two mad Frank and Emmanuel held him some
days ago and beat him with their cutlass. Some women also complained about
them. And I started to wonder, why should such bastards be retained?
I suspect
that Frank and Emmanuel must be up to something apart from security work. They
attacked James David with the aim of killing, because all the machete cuts are
on the neck, his face, and his head. The deep cuts on the wrists and arms are
as a result of his trying to defend his head. The car parked where I met them
assaulting my brother was stained with blood and I saw it on Monday when I came
home briefly from the hospital. My phones’ and camera batteries were down so I couldn’t
take pictures, and I really had to focus on keeping James alive in the
hospital. I said I would come back to do that but by Tuesday, I learnt the blood
had been washed off. By Wednessday, the car was towed away. But thank God, many
people saw the blood on the car and learnt it was blood from James’ body when
he was been brutally attacked by the security men employed by the street
My sisters
also said they heard him saying it is only one person they need, so someone
should volunteer and lie down, then others will be free.
Right now, Frank
and Emmanuel are locked up at Ejigbo Police Station, and James is still
receiving medical attention, very much alive, contrary to the rumour going
round in some quarters that he is dead. I will keep you all posted on this
matter, as others tell their own side of the story.
By Emdee
See pics of James David's wounds below...

Lord have mercy. But to think that just two guys could chase these other people that came out only with their Machettes is ridiculous. They are not with guns. Just two guys with two machettes. Anyway, thank God your brother is alive and they caught the lunatics
Something must have gone wrong with those boys......something strange
Y must dey b owl 4 2mnths..... Bt dat dos nt mean am suppoting dem... Well tankGod no life wher lost......
this is terrible! how can these beasts be called security men in the first place? they are plain murderers. things we see and hear in this country, only God protects us.
this is weird... what can we say, may God continue to be with us ooo, we don't know who is who......
Na wa oooo the way people take wicked ehn...God help us ooo
ÆћªΩќs U̶̲̥̅̊ baba GoD 4 keeping him alive get well sooooo
Its truly sad,my street is dele awelewa and its really scary sumtimes cos wit all the street security and your personal security plus dogs n all,u still sleep with 1eye @night,if dis robbers mean u dey will sleep in ur house after eating dinner n mk sure dey eat breakfast before dey leave cos deys no emergency system @ all.we r all in d hands of God n our own safety measures really
Ah! Dis is serious om those guy should remain locked up cos dey ar animals.
Nigerian police very sick people #bright bravo#
Y re human beings dis hrtless??
dis is big
Good grief! If this story is true, then the residents need to be extremely careful and monitor the case to ensure that these two hoodlums are not set free by the Police. The case must be followed to its conclusion. This is an attempted murder case and from the story relayed here, I doubt that they would be eligible for bail. We know the way our Police works, a little "greasing" of the palms and they are let go, to go and commit even worse carnage, so the residents must ensure this case is prosecuted to the end!
These security guards are the same everywhere. they get drunk and harrass people in different ways even worse than police men
Bastards,devil's incarnate.They shud be jailed.
Hmmmm...Igbos can kill for money.Don't even want to keep them as friends not to talk of doing business with igbos. Very heartless animals..i Hate them to my bone marrow. Idiot people.
OMG.....Man inhumanity to man...Linda haven't u heard that Jim Iyke lost his mum?????
OMG.....Man inhumanity to man...Linda haven't u heard that Jim Iyke lost his mum?????
Hmmmm...Igbos can kill for money.Don't even want to keep them as friends not to talk of doing business with igbos. Very heartless animals..i Hate them to my bone marrow. Idiot people.
Linda ooh, Thank God for James's life. that is now people die in d hands of all these so called untrained security man from madam Rich
i believe is time we stop employing this rascals to guard our street gates, come to Tali eyinola street in surulere and see what the guards do to us daily, most days the lock all street gates very early in the morning saying the street association is owing them money and even if you have paid yours they dont want to hear that until someone in the association come to verify, they have matchetes, charms, whips and i even suspect guns. who even employ them,i dont know
Ah ah are they cannibals. Where is the respect for human person.
Thank GOD he didn't die!
may God punish dem.
lord of mercy,this is total madness seriously, how can someone be treated this way by the people meant to secure his life nd properties?... God help us
what kind of heartless men or security is that, they have managed to damage this guy wrist for life. eish too bad maybe they decide since you guys dont money to pay them for there 2 month service, they shld just sacrifice one of the resident
can u imagine this security guards?...the painful part is after all this wickedness they will be set free and den go somewhere else to do worst....my advice #never have faith in nigeria police#
maybe they decide since you guys dont money to pay them for there 2 month service, they shld just sacrifice one of the resident
Don't even know what to say.
That they were being owed two months salary is not the fault of the community they are guarding. I guess something possessed them that night.
This episode can actually make for a very nice movie script; better than the usual nollywood rubbish.
How did the main victim's bro know the names of people called by the people he called to alert about the incident..
Wishing James a quick and safe recovery.
*My R1.50c comment *
This ιƨ preposterous! They should be jailed for an attempted murder.
God, I live on the same street and even though I heard noises and rancor but I never knew it was this deadly, just thought it was some boys arguing. Thank God they are in police net
Lord!!! Dis is horrible!!lord... I jst cant fathom d wickedness in dis world!! Lord!
Jesus christ! How can people be so wickedv and they are the ones employed 2 secure lives and properties. Its only God that can help us in this country where the police is so ineffective
These rascals shud rot in jail! Ow can u subject a human like u to such agony al in ur quest to fil ur blood thirst! If u we're so thirsty for blood, u shud av drank a FULL COWS BLOOD! Lunatics!
Weird story but there must be a reason behind this attack. Anyhow this is an indictment on our police departments in Nigeria and security as a whole.
This is seriously,Lord please have mercy.
God have mercy on us. why harm a fellow man i just wonder,may God heal the victim speedily. Pathetic
Omg wow nigeria
Only God will save us from brutality. These men deserved to be hit with the machete so they feel the pain. What a treacherous devilish act that was.
I sincerely hope the authority do something about those murderers.
wonders they say shall never end!!! God help us all
Thank God James is still alive. I wish him quick recovery. Residence should be careful when employing security guards, some are touts and lack work ethics.
All this untrained security men!
Jeez!!!! has humans suddenly lost d human feelings or wat? d brutality of pains nd torture pple inflict on fellow humans dis days eeh, odikwaegbu o!
Dis people ar heart less!like seriously,did dey want to kill him?!
This is terrible, infact, d security men must be killed for attempting murder.
The police woman switched off her phone - lmao. Priceless !
God, this people are no different with the boko harams we use to knw..... Thank God james later survived the whole brutality, all thanks to his brother though.... Nonsense security men..... They should just killed them bcos they harmfull to the human race....
Wincraft brothers....
Linda watz diz Disclaimer fr na,who sey na ur view...abeg commot diz fin..... Anywayz una go put pple wey don Mad bfr as security men nd fank God ur broda is alive if nt ur story fr change
why are people loosing their sense of humour? why are they becoming so heartless? please these wicked demons should rot in Gail. jay
dont know what to make of their intent. so, they wanted just one person to lie down and be killed by them to prove what?????
first off, the story is too shocking and that statement just blew me. evil in this world
Story story ... story!
Seriously this guy's darked lips makes him look suspicious. Besides where was he coming from at 12 mid night ... painting work?
Why wasn't anybody ready to assist you when you cried out? Apparently the entire neighborhood knows a lot about your 'brother'.
On a last note, the pictures do not correlate with the gory picture you painted.
Wat A̶̲̅ story!!! I wish him quick nd safe recovery.
AS FOR blood thirsty brothers,the only blood they will drink will be theirs.
Those men should never go un punished.and what was the so called police men doing all those while.
Had a disagreement with some opc guys guarding my friend's street,dey were high as fuck n going on about worshipping d devil.Funny thing's residents just stood outside deir houses n watched until 1 of d opc guys brought out an axe.Strangely he left me standing right in front of him(I was ready 2 kill or die) n chased afta d residents.
You just shut up your mouth if u no sabi talk before this type of thing befall you or your love ones, haba nothing justifies this type of thing abeg! Mumu like u
Good God, I stay on that street o,thank God they ve been arrested.The security men are very rude and stiff. In all God is the ultimate security cos if he does not watch over us the so called security men do so in vain.lin make i no find this comment o
This is strange
Single story... Dat dude does'nt even luk responsible
English u can't even speak gbagaun
Yorubas are worst,am from Kogi and Yorubas are the worst people ever,by the way Linda is from.Ibo and showed your comment and showed how stupid u are,fool
Linda Linda!!!!
I trust you.
I dnt get some people,u are supos to comment and feel pity for the youngman that was brutalised and condem the act not the tribe.rituals acts is everywhere now not only the Igbos.Am not an Igbo but when I here people like u speak it shows how mumuissh u are
Their Is more 2 dis attack tho...y only him...
naija police its a pity till tomorrow, i dunno if dey dnt watch foreign movies even if its just to learn. we import engineers to build brigbes y not for security training please .wat nonsense
@Anon 12:06....you bigoted tramp!it is not about tribe,its about 2 lunatics going in on people.i seriously doubt any igbo person would also want to be your friend.go drown in a well
Yorubas neva cease to amaze me, wen I was reading ur comments, I surely knw dat one hopeless yoruba fool will talk sometin bad abt the ibos concerning dis incident, the boys are stupid and heartless and deserve to be in jail but for the past 6months the Yorubas has been consistent in killing, rituals and stealing............dirty hopless tribe that smells like pig............DIAMOND
U are a fool for stating diz.
Nigeria is not safe. To the original poster. Please go and buy a gun. Only one gun shot in the air and evryone would have dispersed. Learn today. No police can protect you in Nigeria.
Its your kind that do the worst. Before you hating to your diseased bone marrow, pull your head out of your stinking arsehole for a minute. Anu mpama!
anonymous 12:06 u are very stupid by saying that Igbos can kill becos of money, u are an idiot, u mean no other pple kill for money only Igbos, all this killings happening everywhere u did it abi, even just yesterday a small boy kill his senior broda and they saw him carrying the part i knw u saw it on linda's blog, even all this rituals happening in ibadan oyu state even student that was kill in ghana becos of money, are they all Igbos, and who told u that Igbos want ur friendship next time if u want to say something like this dont hide under anonymous show ur self i will personal handle u olodo oshe, ewu dikagi. pls my broda thank God he's still alive.
If it was in the U.S. They would be answering to my Glock .40 S&W 15 rounds. In case you don't know what am talking about. It's a gun. Better believe that
Did u mean yorubas? Shebi, dey don find another ritual den for abeokuta, after that of ibadan.
You are the most stupid person I have seen this month...Idiot!! You gives A Rat ass about what you think of igbos? We rock!!!
See as MOPOL give this man a nose job without Anesthesia. Cheaper than a surgeon would have charged.
Thank God d guy didn't die oo...but this story ain't complete.why was he d one dey attacked?
Lekki phase 1 police men are slowing becoming violent . People have to b careful
I am not surprised. At Isolo area too especially at Ire - Akari Estate, these security men are the Lords. At Okeho Street, the ones will never open the gate till 7am on weekends cos people will pass through there to early Morning Mass at St. Mary's Isolo.
You will see them smoking India Hemp and there is a police post just 100meters away.
Thank God your brother survived. Am sure they may be released later and you will be at the receiving end. Try and park out from that area.
Hey gal, shut up if u don't knw what to comment. @bonita bislam
Ridiculous abi? Try n approach somee1 wt a machete wtout being skilled in hand to hand combat, 95% chance he'll slice u open 5% chance u'll mistakenly kill him
This is serious. This kind of thing can only happen in Lagos or Yoruba land. Two guys with just cutlass and no one can knock them down with a long stick or iron? It is just fear and nothing more. Even the guy with his car cannot knock them down. Agreed they might destroy his car but it is better than loosing a soul. By the time someone charge at them with stick or iron they will run too.
Cannibals roaming abt...Anuofias! Hope dey rot in jail
These so called security men MUST seriously be dealt with, cuz no matter what might av happened wasn't enough reason to attempt taking the life of a fellow human being.
I like ur comment
Millions of people walking around and they are INSANE,including some commenting on this blog.i try to avoid confrontation.know the warning signs of someone about to go mad!
Ow did it hppend
Wot killed her?
Ode. They live on d same street abi ma estate, so u wnt he kmw their names?
this people needed to be jailed for 25years
So why would a community employ two blood brothers to guard their street even if they are of the elite corp of the Marines? Don't they do due diligence? And why didn't James try to run away from these lunatics? Was he trying to test the sharpness of their machetes? Did they tie him up or something?
Dat man took some serious beating. On another note, why are men and women on the same hospital ward?
May justice be served
So sad those are animals n human clothings. There should rot n jail
Even if dey were owed 4 one year!! SO WHAT?? people are just wicked..Kai
D Anonymous FOOL dat expressed hate 4 Igbos....WE HATE U TOO!! IDIOT. See Mumu..Like we care...U just spit out trash out of ur stupid brain!!!
The sad part is where the police whose job it is fail to interveine - May the Lord who keeps us have mercy on us all!! Only Samaritans are reliable nowadays
This people are not human beings.. I felt like crying for my friend wen I saw him.. Dey won't go scot free. Bastards
This is so sad, have not seen James for like a year now, seeing him in this condition makes me want to cry. He is well known in Buknor. Am sure this guys know him very well too, people that's was meant to protect us are the one killing us.
I like ur comment
I like ur comment
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