One of the best brains we have in Nollywood would be Tchidi Chikere, a celebrated scriptwriter and movie director. With an impressive body of work in the past decade and a capacity to discover new stars or to enhance sagging careers of others, Tchidi is not a personality one can ignore in Nollywood.
I have known him in a professional capacity for close to fourteen years and I relate well with him in the few instances we have met and had discussions. Tchidi has a burning desire to make a change in Nollywood, to shoot movies which somehow should re-calibrate society’s moral journey. I particularly love some of his movies for the uncanny way he brings out everyday characters in simple lifestyles and turn them to complex evolutionary beings in complex situations. As a movie director and a scriptwriter, Tchidi is gifted. Very gifted. Take it from me.
In my usual no-holds-barred critique of his acting, I would be less charitable in my accolades. But I am not writing this to detract from his credentials as a celebrated auteur. I am writing this out of concern, perhaps more professional but with a huge personal slant to it as well.
It is a well-known fact by now that Tchidi got married to an actress, Nuella, a few days ago. First of all, Tchidi, I must congratulate you on that. Whatever the opinions people have, we must all respect the wishes of consenting adults when it comes to tying the knot. He made a choice and we should respect that, no matter how much the slanderous anonymous commentators on social media think they know.
That Tchidi got seperated from his former wife, Sophia who bore him three children is perhaps unfortunate but like I said, consenting adults take decisions which they believe is best for them at certain stages in life. Such decisions might come much anger and recriminations and would always leave scars in the hearts of both parties. Divorce or seperation are never pleasant.
My concern in this case has to do with the open fights between Tchidi and Sophia on social media AFTER Tchidi’s new marriage. On face value, it would seem to have started with Tchidi’s rant on twitter a couple of days back against his ex-wife.
The tweets were quite shocking and less than charitable, to say the least. Though from the tweets, one could psycho-analyse that Tchidi was really angry, hurt and perhaps deliberately hitting below the belt at his former wife. My first reaction when I read those tweets on a blog was one of shock. Those tweets were totally uncalled for. Totally. Granted, they might have been written in a miasma of negative volcanic emotions but total restrainst is required from a man in those kind of circumstances. And such restrainst is justified when the mother of your blood children is involved!
Sophia had a riposte which I read as well and she had a moral right to respond too. But something tells me that Tchidi would wish to fire another salvo at that response and thus start a social media bric-a-brac which would inflict more wounds on all parties. That is why I had to write this open opinion.
In Nollywood, and perhaps to a small extent the entertainment industry in general, most of the creatives tend to look away when acrimonious matters befall one of their own. First reactions would be one of aloofness, followed by private gossip in meeting places. Sometimes, colleagues and friends of such personalities would whisper malicious things about the subject in private while pretending to be all coy and concerned when they meet the suffering subjects in public. Oh Yes! My sector have some psychophants and pretenders as with politics but isn’t that how life goes?
Perhaps Tchidi and Sophia are being wrongly advised by masquerading friends? Or maybe they are not even being advised at all by anyone but are just ventilating on social media, giving bloggers more hits and the country one more piece of idle gossip?
Whatever the case, I will openly advise Tchidi to stop further tweets or replies on this matter. For the record, I don’t know Sophia or Nuella and haven’t met with any ever and don’t wish to. My concern, as a father, is for the kids from Tchidi’s first marriage and perhaps future kids from this new marriage. Do not celebrate your misgivings on social media. Sheath the swords. Think of the children. The children. The children.
Those poor kids are going through indescribable torture and pain already. You don’t need to add fuel to their discomfort. Angry words once written and published are hard to take back, even with the passing of time.
Celebrities are human too. That you see us on the screens or read about us does not make us less human than the other fellow. Fame and fortune only hide our foibles and finicks. But we are human. However, whilst we are human, there are expectations of decorum we all must adhere to. And if it is just for the kids, Tchidi and Sophia (and perhaps Nuella) must adhere to the dictates of decorum.
I am not writing this to take sides or blame any of the parties involved. I am writing this openly because whatever linens being displayed by all parties in the open should be brought down immediately.
May God help all parties pass through this period and bless them all as they move on to the next phase of their lives.
Am i supposed to read all that??
May God help them both #bright bravo#
That is it anger spoils things,deed has been done already,its sad
that is the way to go...
We need people like this. God bless Charles.
Charles tinks es God's greatest judge to humans.e never let an opportunity pass without him xpressing his opinion!!.. And Charles, uv never met nuella ??? Really?
Mchww,Linda Abeg we are tired of this money miss road peeps
tatafo Charles Novia needs to get a life and seeking recognition in the dirty linens of others.. Shut the fuck up and butt out. It's a trying situation in itself and the parties don't need your two cents.. Long hiss
A very well articulated piece. Whatever may have transpired b/w them is better addressed "off camera". I wish them all the best.
God bless you sir. Very matured statement, wonderful of you to have intervened. Thank you Tchidi for listening to the voice of reason by deleting your tweets. And may God bless Sophia and Nuella too cos i know they will never talk about this issue again. Its too dirty a linen, abeg. Everyone should move on with der lives and be happy.
Tchidi, sophia nd nuella, all ☀f U re just stupid. Keep washing Ūя̲̅ dirty linens in †ђξ market square. Is Twitter †ђξ best U can do? Go to radio/tv stations nd broadcast urselfs. Dnt go up. Nonsense
For the 1st time ever, I agree with u Charles a hundred percent.
1000000 likes 1 dislike & dat has to linda.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY
And here goes a lesson to us all.Linda,do your bit and stop giving this drama a platform.after all,you don't air tiwas dirty underwears.
Well sais...matured mind...
My problem with article is when he said celebrities are human and then went ahead to say "We are human too" "WE" as in he is a celebrity too? OK
Men should learn to bite their tongues before they talk. Be quick to think but slow to talk sorry tweet.
Charles Can be blunt sha...other celeb Wil read n enjoy buh he always comes out differently..kudos man...
This charles is one awesome writer and a truth bearer, he didnt side anybody but pointed out the bitter truth frm all the drama.... Tchidi twitter followers has greatly increased with a thousand folllowers, it seems like the whole saga has greatly gained him a very big firm and he took a nice step in dleting those things, if not for anything but for his children..... Niceone man....
Hmmm Nice piece of advice Charles,but I feel this advice would have achieved its aim more if u had used a more formal means,than posting it on your blog. I feel you should have tried reaching him directly. This polity is getting overheated with each passing day.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
It's just a pity,that when two elephants fights the grasses suffer.
My taughts exactly, Mr Charles Novia have spoken wisely, they should act matured and stop dragging their name in the mud, stop attacking themselves publicly all in the name of acceptance in the eyes of the public
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And We all hope they'll listen
This charles novia should write a book or something...... He is a verygud writer no doubt....
Advise that is coming from a matured man,may God bless u sir.Pls chidi be happy with your wife Nuella and stop answering Sophia cos of your kids
Well spoken by a matured mind. I totally agree! Kudos and God bless you real good! If you are married, may God bless your marriage, you are a wonderful man! God bless
Well written and a sound advice to both parties! I think both parties should say a gentle thanks to Mr Novia for having the cojones to wade in. On another note couldn't help thinking of Patrick Ogbahigbon as I read this, especially as I came up to the word 'miasma'. Okpokpo oyibo ana ri ebe ya enu!
Well spoken by a matured mind. I totally agree! Kudos and God bless you real good! If you are married, may God bless your marriage, you are a wonderful man! God bless
Well spoken by a matured mind. I totally agree! Kudos and God bless you real good! If you are married, may God bless your marriage, you are a wonderful man! God bless
Well spoken by a matured mind. I totally agree! Kudos and God bless you real good! If you are married, may God bless your marriage, you are a wonderful man! God bless
Those tweets are uncalled for...Thank God they are deleted...
Read on Some things the singles cannot see and the married are not telling them
Thank you jare...somebody that has sense can finally put a stop to this crap. Sophia has already blessed their marriage...everybody should rest biko.
#worstbehavior. ...for ur football betting tips Surebet001.blogspot.com. ....
Novia! Novia!! Novia!!! Hw many times did I call u?! Mind ur own business n dey ur lane.
Well said charles. Weldone.
This should serve as a deterrent to others in their shoes
Well said charles. Weldone.
Ha zuzuariwa there forgotten is like a norm among them: Tiwa, Stella nd somany among them are just breaking homes in name the of marriage... I wish them wot they have done to these women #samehrtbreak#
Well said. I jst imagine hw nuella or what ever she call her self will feel wen other actress start mocking her.
And arebu stylishly calling urself a celeb? U wish
For the first time Charles Novia kind made sense. I totally concur with you. TCHIDI Miyachi mma gi n'obo
and we all hope they'll listen.
well said charles novia
Well spoken!!!
Good one charles, but the point u said u dnt kn Nuella, as a Movie producer sounds very funny thou!
Nice counsel.
God bless you Charlse Novia! You have done well.
Tchidi lost his respect and sense of dignity by posting dose tweets. I ws so shocked. Silence's a deadly weapon. He shld hv just shut it up. Uv moved on. No one cares. U can nevr please all..
Actually Charles has said it all; both of them should just think about the children abeg. This marra sef don tire me, let them be jor...
This is an epic way to commemorate the marital pseudonym that permeates the euphoria of this issue.
I'm sure only you can understand this ominous brouhaha.
Thank you Sir and may God bless you too.
Matured mind@ Charles Novia,dnt mind Tchidi,so happy dat Sophia's kids are boys n even from our own Mbaise.he will definitely reap all he is sowing into dos young minds later.no kid likes a father who disrespects his mum.what he shuld try to do now is to build a gud relationship with his boys instead of creating rooms for hatred.and for nuella ,I pray u get ur own boys cos ,if u dnt d boys will throw u out one day wen d are men .for young ladies are out ,I beg of u pple to always think of d future not d present wen it comes to settling down or else NA early grave things.
God bless you! Only naunces appreciate conflincts in adults. You're so matured in ur diplomatic approach. Thanks for you concern
amen! well said .
Well said! They should both think of their children.
Thanks sir and God bless.
Tchidi was really childish. Like sewiously, who does such kinda thing to d mother of their kids huh! He shouldn't ve gone dat far really.
Charles the writer, why don't you email Tchidi or call him as colleagues instead of writing openly.
Husband and wife matter... Hmmmm.... May God help them. But truly, they should think of their kids before going public with anything.
CoolDiva speaks!
Amen! I still wish sophia and her кι∂ѕ the best! A̶̲̥̅m a married woman, who knows and understands the sores on my fellow woman. Αѕ long αѕ it ιƨ called marriage, its never always sweet. There are extreme bitter experiences. Exaggeration and mistrust are the murder of αℓℓ love.
well said!
Lol,aunty linda has put disclaimer o!.charles will always av sumfin 2 say.
Gbam.....Tchidi would av replied again....man with no brains....Sophia God is with u n ur kids....Amen
Onyeoma CY I'm sure they've heard. Some part of your post "I don't know Sophia and Nuella and don't wish to meet them". That sounds harsh and sentimental. I'm yet to remember what you even do but that apart, kudos for your concern on every celebrity matters.
thank you my brother, word of wisdom.
for ones i agree with this guy. these two should stop washing there dirty linen outside especially this tchidi of a guy. he did not behave like a matured man at all. i feel so bad for their children cos they are obviously going tru alot now.
I Just weep for their young generation..(Their innocent кι∂ѕ).
Wat's "Awww so touching" from wat I see Tchidi isn't ready to be quiet on this matter. Its just so sad there r kids involved. Rek1
Food for thought!
Charles biko God bless u cos i tire 4 two of dem oh, what is dis world turning to bikonu...chidi dint jst act matured he fucked up big time, he's happily married na so must u bring up d old pics dt sophia even posted on fb her!!! TUFIAKWA 4 both u,sophia including d MARRIAGE DESTROYER NUELLA cos she has a big contribution towards dis whole tin.....*shekina*
Well spoken, Charles, well spoken words, like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Thank you Charles Novia. I'm not supporting Sophia or Tchidi,but those tweets/pictures you he put up on twitter was the height of immaturity. Atleast Sophia never said a word to him or insulted him,but Nuella.I expected him to be a man and allow the two women talk their rubbish. But no! He had to prove to Nuella that he loves her by displaying his stupidity. He obviously doesn't love his kids,I just pity those poor kids,the trash they'll hear in school and from friends about their mummy/family. You disappointed me Tchidi. But the truth is,Nuella won't last. As a kid,I know how it feels when there's a new christmas cloth,it becomes the best/important cloth to a child, you can wash them and sit just to watch them dry,but can allow rain fall on your school uniform and even dump it anywhere. but then when school resumes,you must go back to your school uniform and of course it goes back to being the most important cloth because that school uniform is tied to something of unquestionable importance 'Education'. I hope you get the message. Nuella is that new christmas cloth,Sophia is that annoying and fuck up school unform and your boys,the education. Enjoy!
Pastor novia we haff hear!!!!
I wonder why Charles Novia also took to social media to pass his message to Tchidi, instead of telling him all this over the phone as a friend that he claims to be. This means more hype for the so-called rants. na wa o
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Bla bla bla , took him almost forever to nail his point, with his long epistle I think he has spare time !
May God bless u Charles for talking to Tchidi. I feel for d kid o!
He says he hasn't,or do you think cos they are all in the same industry then they know one another.
Secondly,his opinion is the best so far.better than yours or lindas.all parties should sheath their swords for the sake of their underage children like you.
C'mon get out idiot! Who's Nuella? For it 2 b mandatory dat Charles meets her monkey wen adults dey talk u sef dey commnt *Anuofia
He has a good command of diction and expression,nice article.
Gbam !!! Gud talk. Chidi pls listen nd stop for d sake of dose children, ignore sophia's commet pple dat really knw her , knw her so dnt comment again, nd u sophia shld repent nd ask God for mercy nd forgviness cus u knw urslf stp seeking for pity u are an unfaithful wife , kne u long bf I even found out dat chidi is ur hubby, if u hv throughly changed seek for hlp , pity nd intervention frm God to restore u to ur home , nuella no offence but u are really living in adultery cus he is formely married pls my dear I pray nd ask dat God wil gv u ur own hubby
@Onyx can u kip shut pls...mannerless idiot...can't u c he's mkin sense here...u jez a fool
U this rabbit...just shut up for once...ok?
for Charlse mind him don yarn abi......see who dey give advise wey bi say him own plenty for him body.
but wait lemme ask o...did Charlse Novia just called himself a celebrity??? who dash am?. does he know what it takes to be a celeb or who celebrities are?
Charlse has no achievement and either music or movie industry so he shouldn't count himself as one. thank you.
Na commenter lead them so you pepl shud shut up all your stinking mouths now, always taking sides metcheew I no blame tchidi na anger.
Sally p said this onyx guy...y not take a chill pill....wot is d difference btwn u n charles? Av u av passed up an opportunity to express ur opinion (mostly out of point).......my frnd learn to sharrap sometimes.....#ur yeye 2 smell#
wetin concern this charles novia..always pocknosing
wetin concern this charles novia..always pocknosing
Mr n Mrs tichidi(old n new wife).......... Keep mking urselves famous. U all are childish........... I mean d 3 of u. Foolish p'ple......... Linda keep updating dia gist n keep mking money.
Finally a Referee... Kudos! too much grammar tho
what a peaceful piece. very simple! God bless your heart
Mr Novia, I just love your sentence construction and your written language. Very educating...K.Z
Well said the best I have read so far may God bless you.
Charles,dis is well said from you 2 all parties involved.Tchidi chiken,pekere or woteva u are called, go and rot in hell wit ur pomo lips nuella.
Well said charles. But I hate that Nuella self with her big kanda mouth
Now watz ur own......busy bodi abeg mind ur life coz yall r Dogs.
When mature mind talk to someone misbehaving his/her will come down...and get back to normal..nice one charles you have spoken well
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He has said it all gbam
Bona God bless u!I tot so too!he's meant to be a learned person here,bt showed utter stupidity.Tchidi obvoiulsly had deleted hs tweets,meaning he doesn't want to be reminded,only for ds uncle tatafo,to begin anoda epistle! Am so certain Tchidi will hv a robust reply for him.
Well said! Ka chukwuna gozie okwu!!!!!!
For the 1st time,Charles Novia spoke witout criticism and I admire this piece.He's right all through.
From all experiences i ever have,being a second wife or a wife a to a divorved man is worst thing that can ever happen to a young girl.i pity for nuella or all the nollywood actresses can keep snatching people's husband.we are watching all u in 3D lens.funke will tell u guys better.when single guys full everywhere.my aunt always tells me that any girl can not hustle her single guy is a dullard.
Charles nice write up. But lately i think you are the biggest attention male WHORE of nollywood. I agree with all you have said and advice you gave to Tchidi (I am team Tchidi and Nuella - because i know the WHOLE story and details unlike most trollops commenting) - but honestly i think you charles love attention and should have picked up phone to talk to Tchidi himself if you claim he is your friend.
Stop being a media WHORE, you are a man, arent you?
So now its on LindaIkeji, i bet next person to post your comment is BellaNaiija. Thanks to these BLOGGERS you are becoming famous.
Pick up phone to call Tchidi, if you really want to get hold of him you can. Mschewwww
Nollywood's philosopher! Luv u bro..I op ds wld help settle d whole fracas,cuz Tchidi n company av lost it..
Man read ur english next tym be4 u post.linda don't u edit the english.infact u won't know even if u read judging by the number of mistakes u made
For you to say you 've not seen or kw Nuella.. That the best lie of the centuary!! OMG peo can lie for Africa.. Very soon you will say u dont kw the likes of Mercy J, Rita,Tonto D.. Mofo!!
u sound like a toddler
Bia this child always learn to shut up your mouth whenever you your brain is on leave
Celebrities are human too. That you see us on the screens or read about us does not make us less human than the other fellow. Fame and fortune only hide our foibles and finicks. But we are human.
He thinks he's a celeb! Charles utilize some seats I beg you!!!
u sound like a toddler
Wow! Wow!!!
Always been a fan of Charles! He can never do any wrong in my eyes...
Very sweet piece of advise...
Ermmm to the sadists that keep hating on Charles and never seeing anything good about what he does... Duhhh, get a life !!! Since the over grown adults took to social media to express themselves, why can't he do same???
Well, Tchidi!! № matter what, you still one of my favs in Nollywood, not in acting tho..
I sincerely wished you would reply Sophia..again!!!
Sadly, you won't...
The ROBUST REPLY from Sophia was irritating. So obvious Linda was and is still taking sides... Linda, fuck you!!!
For reasons best known to you, that story generated 1500+ comments...
You are the same person that uploaded pictures of Sophia and that very looking man.. So unlike you not to write a li'nk to direct people to that story.. So unlike you.. Partial...
Too bad..
Its so clear you got hatred for Nuella..
I'm № fan of Nuella.. Just gotta be truthful here...
Madam Sop was the first person to hit Nuella.. Oga Chidi replied and she's busy with the pathetic lame lines of self pity.. Wtff!!!
I can't fall for such..
How can your kids read rants on Twitter???? Hian..
Tired of typing.. You know what???
Sop.. Fuck you too!!!
Wow! Wow!!!
Always been a fan of Charles! He can never do any wrong in my eyes...
Very sweet piece of advise...
Ermmm to the sadists that keep hating on Charles and never seeing anything good about what he does... Duhhh, get a life !!! Since the over grown adults took to social media to express themselves, why can't he do same???
Well, Tchidi!! № matter what, you still one of my favs in Nollywood, not in acting tho..
I sincerely wished you would reply Sophia..again!!!
Sadly, you won't...
The ROBUST REPLY from Sophia was irritating. So obvious Linda was and is still taking sides... Linda, fuck you!!!
For reasons best known to you, that story generated 1500+ comments...
You are the same person that uploaded pictures of Sophia and that very looking man.. So unlike you not to write a li'nk to direct people to that story.. So unlike you.. Partial...
Too bad..
Its so clear you got hatred for Nuella..
I'm № fan of Nuella.. Just gotta be truthful here...
Madam Sop was the first person to hit Nuella.. Oga Chidi replied and she's busy with the pathetic lame lines of self pity.. Wtff!!!
I can't fall for such..
How can your kids read rants on Twitter???? Hian..
Tired of typing.. You know what???
Sop.. Fuck you too!!!
Nuella ( onu Ikpu ) seee what you cause if you keep your ikpu one place all dis things wlud happen did you sees it marriage breaker like you M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣ brother have fuck you many times and dump you marry hw many times and came out idiot.novie brother you don try oh god bless you. By name happy
And would have appreciated this reply if it had come earlier so as to save Tchdi's 1st marriage...its too late to cry when the head is gone. And as for the new wife, I can bet u r the fire behind tchidi's tweet. Weldone! "...same cane awaits you..."#temmy#
And would have appreciated this reply if it had come earlier so as to save Tchdi's 1st marriage...its too late to cry when the head is gone. And as for the new wife, I can bet u r the fire behind tchidi's tweet. Weldone! "...same cane awaits you..."#temmy#
4d 1st tym I aqree with Charles.
See this year charles novia, wet in concern u sef. How u go dey drink panadol for another man headache. See as u come spoil this better fight now, eh. Wet in concern u foe the Matt we u go dey put sand sand for our garri. Chidi, abeg, no listen to him ooo, make u fire another one, no jalosi dey worry am. How u go leave all the yeye thin we Sophia write. If na me, I no go gree laye laye. U hear? We dey waitiooo. Yeye charles, enemi of entertainment! Mtcheeeeew.
Truly boy,yhur comments are wack, lame and egregious in so many dull ways...come to think of it,aren't you supposed to be preparing for ya exams tomorrow abi yhu never reach to write am yet sef???
Charlie? Who calld u in2 dia matter? Douchebag!
Help me ask dis linda oo
He says he's never met her.i didn't know nuella till this drama and I'm a nollywood junkie
Do u even know what the word polity means? How's the divorce/bickering of two individuals heating the polity??? Olodo
Mr Novia celebrity In indeed, u know Tchidi buh dnt knw Sophia n Nuella, den y pokenose??? See kettle calling pot black... pls tek a broken seat or beta still, hide urself... U wan use us hype ur life small. #JudaslikeU
Very nice and objective advice. That's the way it should be. Thank you for reminding them this @CharlesNovia. The children do not need all this drama in their lives. Not having both parents together is already hard enough. Wishing them all the best.
See the ugly mofo named Tchidi. I wonder what all those actresses saw in him
Blessing u are just talking bcos u want to talk. The days are gone when people stay and die in Relationshis bcos of children. Tchidi is not d talking type, a lot of men go into other relationships bcos of the kind of women they married. I have a bro who is going through hell in his home as we speak,he does d cooking, leaves his office and pick d kids from school b/4 going back,does d washing and she don't care if he eats or not. If such a man leaves and marries another woman u will say he doesn't love his kids? Or is it bcos u people know Nuella? He only acted out of anger. Sophi knows she married a good man but she fucked up, u no know say fine de fade? Abeg
All.of u insulting dis.poor guy callin him gay n all d sort, u so dumb he aint gayu jus obligin a lil guy in seek.of attention, if e sure for una lock him in a room with ur mums and watch him make u a step son/daughter idiaaats agbayas
Charles Novia u b Correct Torzo...kpomo beta pass u sef call Tchidi 's number n stop using us to shine... Adviser Umuagbara , celeb my ynash
i've never commented on this blog b4 but dis piece from Charles brought tears to my eyes.biko sheath ur swords for the sake of the innocent children.this is a small world and i like the way God acts in His own time!it is well
I think this letter should have been sent to the parties involved not made public. I'm not sure Charles's intention is to make for peace between Tchidi and his ex-wife. I'm sure he's just seeking 4 attention...
Charles is a matured man. Chidi is a child.
@Onyx the bloody faggot.. I see you reason through your anus, same anus you use to fu*ck ur gay counterpart. I will expose you trust me. You see the way those gays were exposed in warri delta state? You will face same situation, you pass through my street every day, I see you fm afar n shake my head. Your cup go soon full. I will set you up. Trust me.
Who is askin Tchidi 2 stop talking? Mtcheeeeew! He is worth notin now as long as am concerned.He is a foolish man dt has no regards 4 his kids hoooo...haaaaaa. He can't change anytin again. D deed is done already. Foolish coward celebrity my ass... Fuck evrytin abt u Tchidi nwa ekwensu. U gat no conscience.
Y didnt Charles speak directly to Tchidi instead of letting d whole world know he's advising him. Hmmmmm! To show say e b reasonable man. Lol! Eye service things!
Stop showing your ignorance and stupidity....itii
Nice one bro. Bless ya.
Mouthpiece of the parties. ....Okpo
D cause of all dis problem is dis stupid Nuella of a girl. She wrote 1st 2 d public b4 Sophia replied. Showing her sef as if she is sumbdy. Dat ur married 2 Tchidi doesn't change any fuckin tin. Ashawo na Ashawo. U slept wit many married men so wait & c hw u go suffer 4 dis nonsense tin u pple did & calld it marriage. Tchidi Ashawo,Nuella Ashawo. Ashawo+Ashawo wil produce Ashawo pikins. Hehehehehehe. Rubbish. Make we hear beta gist Lindoooooo!
Best comment
Well sais...
Pls shut ur mouth whoever u r ! Reveal ur urself if u r sure of wat u r saying abt dat woman !! May d same b ur portion if u r a woman !Mean while tanks Chalse !
Is Linda bias. In dis ?
Omg oga charles how many days did it take u to construct dis vocabs n grammar lol biko jiri nwayo we knw say u be movie writer n director but thnx 4 passing the msg to them if they like make dem hear if dey no like then its their biz
Pls shut ur mouth whoever u r ! Reveal ur urself if u r sure of wat u r saying abt dat woman !! May d same b ur portion if u r a woman !Mean while tanks Chalse !
wasted generation!....
Good piece from a mature mind. Thanks Charles Novia for speaking my mind.
Wow! I like that expression.
Wow! charles wat a gd advice but Tchid nid 2 grow up.....
Pls u people should not be angry bcoz the tweets is still showing in my system but I will not show the children.. Lol
Word of Wisdom.....Great write up!
Word of Wisdom.....Great write up!
Word of Wisdom!
Thumbs up Charles
You sound dumb as fuck. What Zoo did you escape from? Diary of a frustrated woman #goat
Why did chidi delete his tweets. he was so jobless that he went to sophia'facebook to cut and paste those pictures. What did he expect when he is busy frolicking a strange woman whatever you call her, uella or what...
For me I didn't buy any of his tweets, he's just crying for pity. Sophia never commented on him yet or share any of his dirty play with just a friend, oh did she say she was never in the picture, na so,after all the denial now she's a 2nd wife, I pity her. there is repercussion o
Thanks Charles, really do not understand what point celebrities make by washing their linens in public. If they think it would make them famous then they must be in dreamland.
A word is enough for the wise.....
@julit, lmao... we celebs are human, lyk seriously. Hahahaha Charles who?
I really dunno who you are but mehnnn....anon 8:28 has just said it all.it's such a pity
Linda this is what you should have done, writing an article pleading with both parties for sheath their swords, rather u were busy making gists out of their fights and creating traffic for you blog, God is watching you on Plasma Tv. Oshi
Charles must talk about everything...yeah I noticed tchidi deleted his tweet cos am not following him but went to look for his tweess, was confuse wen I found known
its funny how charles Novia gets no comment on his blog for dis article and linda gets it all. lol
Drama.....drama...drama, really the drama in some folks life can make a very long soap..maybe Nollywood should consider cashing in on this and spice it up some more....lol..winks
Linda, he reads LIB too and he's keeping up with the gossip.
Drama.....drama...drama, really the drama in some folks life can make a very long soap..maybe Nollywood should consider cashing in on this and spice it up some more....lol..winks
Anon 6.23....what are men going thru in their marriages? Women deal with adulterous lifestyles of their husbands differently.Its not easy , it takes a woman that has a strong relationship with God to handle this.Chidi has been linked to so many ladies, its possible his wife could not handle it any more.Pls dont judge her if u re not walking in her shoes.
Great thought
Ojai says"@anonymous 6.10pm, u r just the biggest fool I have ever seen. U want then to contiue fighting as if if it were ur parents doing this on the media, u will encourage them to continue. Ewu. That is y u r a very bad friend. Charles is a very good friend of tchidi and u want him to sit back and watch him do this in public? Fool. I just hate u and u will be disgraced soon in public. Idiot. Ewu mpama.
God bless you Charles ... You are indeed a God sent. You spoke so well. I believe that Tchidi and Sophia will learn from this your great word of advice**Linda bikonu post my comment onmybendedknees**
@kk u are very stupid to say u will set this lil boy up. If u don't like his comment shut the hell up and mind ur business. That's y it's social media. I hate it wen people feel they can judge people,this is serious 'social media bully'. And u Onyx, continue showing ur self, u will soon get into serious trouble. Linda better post my comment
For the very first time Charles advises without criticisingnow we can all go and sleep peacefully....Pheeew
Nice piece. Tchidi hope you got the message. Now that is a man talking ....listen boys.
Kk, watch out oo. U be cyber bully? If anything happens to onyx, we go hold ur sorry ass responsible.
Who told this stupdi charles novia that he's a star, lind dont publish anything that he writes on ur blog again, hes using u to gain cheap popularity, we hate him
You are so pathetic. U are obviously writing for Nuella. If u say having an affair with a married man is so nice as to have his home broken. Then u are for EVIL and EVIL begets evil. U will encounter Gods wrath when he strikes. No matter what, there's no justification for Tchidi or whatever his adulterous name is called to trash his 3 boys becos of another woman. To madam Nuella" whosoever that cheats with you will definitely cheat on you"
Abegggiiii....Charles should bury his comments. Its so obvious on whose side you belong!!!
For once, I agree with Charles Novia.....
Tchidi Chikere has shown high level of Stupidity!! Nice he took d tweets down!! But d deed has been done. Kpom Kwen...
For once, I agree with Charles Novia.....
Tchidi Chikere has shown high level of Stupidity!! Nice he took d tweets down!! But d deed has been done. Kpom Kwen...
Mr Charles, u should have done this privately too. U definitely have access to Tchidi. I agree with the points you raised but using this medium is wrong.
Well said Mr Charles.....hope they tk to this ur advice o
Tchidi nchi ana echetara ita aruo.(grosscut they remind to bite) mtcheeeeeew. tired of this story NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
via officaial intercom
#facing my work jor#
guess all dis pple askin who is novia re below 20.
Good talk Mr. Novia. I beg tell them. As for those who say he shld have called Tchidi personally...did Tchidi call anyone personally b4 he disgraced himself and his wife on social media. The did was done in public..remedy will come in public. Hopefully, the nitwit Tchidi whose gonads have taken over his reasoning will hear word now and do the right thing for his kids. amazing how so many of our man have no clue what it means to be a husband or a father...or even what a marriage is or should be. Anyway, 2nd base jare.
Charles Novia, Thumbs up to you! Such fatherly advise to erring children! We need more reasonable and mature men as Fathers and Husbands!
Charles Novia is doing what he's telling them not to do- reply... No matter what way you comment on this even as a neutral party you are replying! Leave the situation alone stop trying to play the Saint or the Sinner hushhhhhh like the rest of the other celebritys except the foolish ones!
TCHIDI AND NUELLAS MARRIAGE IS ALREADY BUILT ON A SHAKING FOUNDATION FROM DAY 1. They both already knew what they are getting into from the start. So I pray they find peace and not become PRISONERS IN LOVE. cuz when the cookie crumbles. They will stay stuck init cuz of what people will say. And aTCHIDI then you will know what true UNHAPPINESS means.
Seriously all those insulting Onyx are all STUPID and frustrated...keep calling him a kid, you'll that are grannies what are you'll doing Herr? Ain't you supposed to be preparing for your death day? Mtschewwww...una think say name only una fit talk. Hana Linda enough is enough..ever since you displayed his pic the unscrupulous irresponsible idiotic animals on this blog won't stop fooling themselves and hide their hatred..if you don't like his comments...its not by force to read them... Abi una no sabi jump and pass? Ode oshi(s)...try saying jab to mr and you'll be surprised at the way I'll trail you and deal with you. And as for you Kk...BE WARNED( am also watching you)
Ignore my typos
Senseless article....He neither supports any party. If u cant speak the truth charles then u are a coward. Tchidi did evil to his wife and to his kids. He forgets one day the kids will grow up.
Words of wisdom
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