Now Nixon's mother says Beyonce hasn't lifted a finger to help. Alexsandra tells In Touch Magazine
“I can’t imagine how Beyoncé feels knowing she has a homeless brother. I know if I were in the same position, I would reach out. Maybe she is too busy.”
“Nixon deserves to know his family, and I hope one day he will meet his sister"Why not get a job instead of going to a homeless shelter? There are lots of single mums out there getting things done and giving their kids quality life. So if Beyonce wasn't his step sister, nko?
Stupid woman! She has squandered all that money. A smart woman would've saved up for her child but because she thought the money would keep flowing in, she wasted it. No sympathy.
what did she do with 12000 every month.........that too much a month
Hehehe .....go and look for job madam
Hmmmmm #bright bravo#
so this woman got pregnant just because of Beyoncé, ok don't go and look for a job cross your legs and wait for Bey I wish she doesn't lift a finger to help you. next time you will think properly before getting pregnant.
Gtfoh it's not beyonces job to clean up her fathers mess. She doesn't know them they weren't and aren't a part of her life. This woman should get off her ass and do something for her damn self
stupid lazy rat. wetin concern agbero with overload. beyonce didn't fuck her and o by the way, she was probably having a day dream when she thought she struck gold by meeting and dating Matthew Knowles. you've made your bed, now lay on it woman.
Wen u were busy "ooohing" and "ahhhing" wit a married man u ddnt tink of d consequences? I mean u broke beyonces family! Now ur expecting her to care for ur mistake n irresponsibility? Smh....
N am 100 percent sure if u wr beyonce u wld hve helped..love u linda..nw and 4eva
She is just a thief, was it beyonce that impregnated her?
Hear her saying "i hope one day he would meet his sister", has she forgotten that Matthew Knowles has 2 girls (Beyonce and Solange). Why isnt she saying Solange hasnt done anything too or why didnt she say "i hope one day he would meet his sisters".
As if.....o pls.She suld get a life.
#homelessshhelther#childsupport #theirissue.... Next!
lazy woman!
And linda u no suppose dz sign (') b4 nko..
Dis woman is a clown...abeg Linda ask her oh. yeye woman. Even my mother at her age is still working. Ur deal don knack na. u wan make quick cash from Beyonce by getting pregnant for her dad when u know fully dat he's still married to Beyonce's mum. Biaatch!!!
Linsweet pls stop saying this. Its anoying. Hw about calling him Alexandra's son or Mr Knowles son. Which 1 is Beyonces step brother. Pls if ur father cheats on ur mother n has a kid without marrying the cruel woman who dated a married man. Welcme them with open arms bt leave Beyonce alone. Mayb she has 4give bt she must nt b their provider there are many hmeless pipo in the wrld. The boy cn make a great future on his own bt Bey owes them nathin atal. They brke her family n caused her trauma so pls cnsider that b4 u start all ur goodie 2 shoes.. Bey is human----C21
The desperado of a woman intentionally got pregnant for the man so that she could have access to the Knowles family and eat Beyonce's money but then,Beyonce gave her A VERY BIG 'ELA OJUKAN' and she's sooooo disappointed.someone please tell her to find work cos she might not get the attention she is seeking from Beyonce,looser.
Some stupid story wey no make sense.abeg linda,i fit see u in person?,am dyin to meet u.plsssssssssss give a chance
if i slap the taste out of this woman's mouth ehn, she wont even be able to recognize her son. shameless!
Please stop mentioning Bey in this. The babies father is alive.
I wonder oooo!is she crippled? why cant she work,y she go carry when she no say e no go fit Provide for the poor child, BB oya nah u remember say blood is ticker than water abeg help ur little brother. GOLD DIGGER!
He's a replica of his dad
Dnt even pst stories about this Alexandra dsnt deserve the popularity..mtcheEew ---C21
DiS woman neva crious,mke she nor go find wrk mke she dey dere dey wait beyonce....mtcheew if she wz'nt a star nko...mumu woman...
this woman is what i call oniranu somebody. that is what happens when you want to be a baby mama. so all she needs to do is shut up and get a job like other responsible single mothers are doing nansense x 10. silly woman as if she is the one that makes money for bey abeg make she park well well for corner make i see road pass biko.
Queen B please help your brother Na
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Thank you linda,
All these heifer's that know a man is married with kids but throw themselves to these foolish men that pretend they are in love should suffer.
I don't blame beyonce for not bothering herself, AFTER ALL Tina born 2 girls why she no dey call Solange....Rubbish if the Knowles sister want to help fine but i don't see why this bitch should feel the family should help her when she clearly put herself in the mess she is in....
Go get a job gold digger
Has she thought bout Asking to So called Father to take care of his Child? Mtchewwwww! Lazy ass Babymama Tryna Reap where she didn't Sow! Leave Queen B biko
Nixon when u grow up, be sensible enough to know that yo mama was nothing but a gold digger
D woman is just lazy! Na only beyonce papa get d pikin? Meanwhile some countries don't legalise child sopot, ur lucky to hv been receivn millions f naira before
Nixons mum should shut up already.Is it Beyonces duty to cater for them.I expected plea coming from that her bucal cavity than accusation.I'm sure Beyonce will help out though,am counting on that!
Serves the foolish woman right. $144,000 each year for the last three years and she's going to homeless shelter?
WTF has she been using the money for? People survive on $12,000 a YEAR!
Jst one child n she's headed 2 homeless, laziness.
she didn't even say sisters..lol. so he shldt meet solange?
This woman is not serious. $2400 is enough for her and her baby to live in America. Whole families survive on that amount. She wants to drive around in Benzes and Bentleys that's why she's crying. Get a job to supplement your $2400 a month. It's more than enough.
She's crazy. What if beyonce wasn't popular or poor would Sђε̲̣̣̣̥ care T̅☺ know her. She's not even ashamed for breaking anoda woman home. Though d child Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇ innocent they can help him Α̲̅πϑ not get close T̅☺ d stupid woman! Whatever beyonce n her her family decide I no go judge jor!
I don't understand!! She thought she was getting big fish by sleeping with a Knowles. Eya she was wrong. Go and get a job and worry about the welfare of your child, stop worrying about Beyonce who also has a child of her own that she's working hard for.
Maybe dis lady is so stupid. Was beyonce dere wen she opened her legs for mattew knowels? Dis whore purposley tuk in for beyonce's dad finking shez gonna get close to bey nd jay. Am quite sure she knw about contraceptive etc.she shuld not only head to homeless shelter, she shuld hang herself. Did bey get u pregnant? Why callin her out? Dis foolish shag shuld get something doing. Lots of single mother out dere r taking gud care of dir kids without any assistance. Next time she shuld close her stinking legs.
D@z w@ you get wen you snatch someone else's husband. Beside, she should go nd work, *just saying*.
Leave idiot to dey talk nonesense. I'm sure she married Beyonce's father just so she can get close to Beyonce. Dreamer!!!
Some women sha,u fuck a married man,have a baby,destroy a marriage and home and expect his children to support you.
Next thing she'll expect beyonce to donate her organs
This woman is seriously trying 2 tarnish beyonce's image. So @ her age she's trying 2 say she can't take care of dat little child or what? What nonsense, everytym calling beyonce's name, is it by force 2 help? Or was it beyonce dat impregnated her? Little girls r taking good care of their children singlehanded nd she's there eyeing beyonces wealth. Buh beyonce ma get mind sha oo, evntho no b by force.
she is just an opportunist, its obvious Matthew's girls are so mad at him, they do not care what happens to the baby. She probably thought she has hit a jack pot by getting pregnant for Matthew Knowles but his girls were just fine for him, He is not a Nigerian from a certain tribe that would ditch his female kids cause he has an illegitimate son out there. Reality check...poor Nixon
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What or who ever made this woman think Beyonce should be responsible for her own ir/responsibilities. After causing the split between the knowles she expects to get help from Bey for being her dad's babymama? Delusional b*#$h.
This woman is an ape! Her type give women a bad name. Even the 2k4 dollars is a lot for crying out loud. In fact , they should take the child off her and get her to starve!
Linda am disappointed in u 4 saying such rubbish, do u know if she has been looking for jobs and can't find one, U beta stop judging people or circumstances wen u do not know d tinz dat surround dem #Lovi#
So na because of Beyonce make am carry Belle for her papa abi?E don Red for am,she nor knw say Beyonce na Nigeria geh?hehehehehehehehehehehehe
D woman is selfish and a thief. The $2400 is even too much for d boy in a month, y make so much noise. Wat if she got pregnant for sum1 else? She get a life and stop makin noise
Cant give a penny to my fathers whore…
What an idiot...I dont know why Beyonce hasn't helped??? Really?? Yes he's her brother but is she really obligated to give you money?
It's Beyonce's Dad's responsibility to cater for his son and now that the court is preventing excess money coming to the mum, why can't you just get a JOB. Sounds like a gold-digger to me. To prevent this mess, why didn't you insist on him wearing a condom
Why are u always lyk dis wit ur words
Isn't she lucky to have a homeless home? Funny lady
All dis akata women re full of shit.. my baby mama did same to me before I relocated back to naija last 2yrs.. 12×36= 432,000 dollars.. so dis baby finish dat moni in just 3yrs.. dis woman need to be stone to death.. wicked bitch.
Exactly !! Anon 1:56 u spoke my mind.
U squandered 323k$ in 3yrs. . Are u for real? U be idiot.
All dis akata women in usa re full of shit. . They wil wreck u with child care support. Same thing happened to me 3yrs back. How 3yrs old boy go chop 2m for one month?... 72m for 3yrs.. wtf...
I so much hate this black american women, they use this baby mama shit to exploit money frm their men.. Is obvious she doesnt love this boy but the money she is getting off him and if i may ask, what has she been doing with the $12000 mr knowles has been giving to her, i guess she has been using them for her personnal use... Her mates are working their ass off to see that their children have the better life but she choose to beg.... She should stop disturbing beyonce bcos jayz is not the father of that kid..... Lazy ass mother fucker....
Dont mind d Slut!!Gold digger!!!She was digging for Beyonce's gold &she thought she d money would fill everywhere by now!12k$ a month&she culdn establish herself&give hersel&son a better life???Som women r useless sha!Now she's lying her son is going to d homeless shelter?wit all dat money?Liar!Slut!
Dont mind her!D earlier we women realise dat we would always b at d recieving ends of wateva escapades,slutty adventures etc we do with married or single men d better for us!Society never curses d men but d shameless consenting women!We r d ones bearing d consequences&wit d baggage at d end of d day not men!we r so ready to ruin eachoda's happiness&peace without shame!den run out to say how wicked d men r after things go wrong.So pathetic,smh
Make she come Nigeria, she get homeless home she dey complain. Na Beyonce give am belle.
The woman is a bitch. is it Beyonce that got her pregnant?
Dnt talk 2 my linda any how idiot,if not i will come 2 were ever u are n break ur stupid head..faggot
Gold digger.
I noticed that too.
As if Beyonce was there when she was sleeping with her father without protection.
What i see here is loyalty. Beyonce and her sister are loyal to their mum and fact that their dad had the baby while still married to their mum makes everything worse.
Abeg get a job woman, No sympathy for you lady
So u done relocate 2 naija ba!! Just try get baby mama 4 here,den run 2 anoda country na jaz d yoruba gerl go use kill u idiot...
So u done relocate 2 naija ba!! Just try get baby mama 4 here,den run 2 anoda country na jaz d yoruba gerl go use kill u idiot...
Dnt talk 2 my linda any how idiot,if not i will come 2 were ever u are n break ur stupid head..faggot
Stop calling beyonce! It's not her responsibilty ma.
Wants to rip where she did not sow! Did beyonce impregnate her, she could give a rat's a** if he ends up in a shelter. But I do hope she helps the kid! Cos now he is just a pawn the mom wants to use to eat free food.
yimu 4 d woman joor
Tell her jare!this is what some single mothers do and they will be blackmailing anyone either close relative or not,take responsibility if you old to get pregnant
yimu 4 d woman joor
Y is she hammerinq on bey not supportinq her? If bey wasn't successful will she hv been callinq her name? Abeq make she qo find work take care of dat pikin n leave beyonce 2rest joor.
LIBers r just too much...can't stop laffing @d comments. I have nothing more to say as my ppl have said it all....see me laffing alone inside bank
she stupid, instead of working shes talking about living off someone else. and 2400 is a lot of freaking money
Oga ooooo....even tho' d baby mama is @ fault hia 4 misappropriation of moni, buh beyonce shld @least help her step bro prolly settin a trust fund 4 d boi wia d mum can't touch it.
~davidos gf
Abi ooo@Linda. It is so glaring that she was after the man's money
Beyonce is his half sister not step, step is when there is no blood relation, they share the same father, so that makes her his half sister. Thank you bye
This woman is very stupid. Is that why you got pregnant for him; so you can be chilling with Beyonce? Newsflash! it's not her job to takeover you and Matthew's responsibility. If you went out and got a job, $2,000 dollars a month in child support would be sufficient enough for you. After all, if you had a baby for a normal 9-5 person you wouldn't get that amount of money. Ratchett!
Linda, Beyonce isnt his step sister, she is his half sister, there is a big difference. Thank you
Guys relax...let's not make it about the boys mother, let's consider the boy, he is innocent in this matter... Beyonce shuld forgive and accept the boy as her bro biko...she has so much, God has blessed her so much, helping that boy wnt cos her anything...
if i were Beyonce, i will even delete any other contact i may have of this hustler. You lived a life of waste because you thought some other person will bear the burden for you? look around you in that same US- mothers are fending for kids without child support and without the blackmail of "we are family". my dear, if the old man you had this child with was not the father of a rich woman won't you raise your son? if you cannot join the queue for blood money, join the one that says "vacancy"... over 2,000 USD and you are spewing trash hiss.
Kai! Dis Toddler, u don spoil finish ooo
He's bitch made Dats y.
Go and work madam ..lazy woman she thot she had hammered with beyonces dad not knowing he is broke
Kai dis Toddler u don spoil finish oo
In the words of the elders: na person wey born wowo pikin go back am. no long tin.
Nice one
Don't mind the idiot! Go and work! If I was beyonce, i would rather throw the money inside ocean.
Linda u said it all, thank u
get a job? like seriously - u wanna tell me u dont know d akatas
she has wasted all that money now and she can even give some to her boyfriends.
that money is enough for a Nigerian mum to start a good biz to feed herself and her son for a veryyyy long time, but for d akatas, 'he wl pay into a/c at d end of the month, lets roll d ball baby'
She is stupidly stupid,so she cant work abi? when she dey open leg she no know.my dad once threatened to marry anoda wife, i told him to carry go since he isnt fine with me and my bro, but i told him point black no one will takia of d shits dats cums out of his not being contented. if i am Bey i wont look at all,let her learn. mind u its not wickedness, its doing d right thing,
or she can as well look for job,as a cleaner i guess.
So if Beyonce wasn't his step sister, nko? // Abi o!! Nonsense! She should go get a job jor..
Alexsandra go get a life! #brown sugar#
Because you were stupid enough to get pregnant for Beyonce's dad, she should now foot ur bills? Is Beyonce older than u? Never go hustle omo ole.
What has Beyonce got to do.
This woman should face the father of the child... She should get a job too
Haba! Any how we one look this thing, the poor kid is still her Brother. We fit call the woman anything, e no change the fact say the pikin na her blood. If na me, i go ignore the woman but certainly not the Kid - he is innocent in all this...he has nothing to do with the Mother's crimes. SHIKENA!
Thought she had a meal ticket messing with a wealthy married man. She and him are both fools. Poor child didn't ask to have selfish parents. May God strengthen him thru all challenges to be greater than them all.
Can u read at all? Na wa oh. This is how people fail exam.
O boy! I just did a quick calcution of that money and its N69,120,000!! Like seriously, this woman blew all that money in just 3years? Haba madam, even in America $432k is a lot. Go get a life and leave Queen Bey alone.
Lazy woman.Go n look for a job.
When you open your useless leg go fuck Beyonce papa knowing he was a married nah she send you
Beyoncé got nothing to do with that
She need to get off her butt and work
Stupid thief...what is Beyoncé 's own inside. She is working hard and you are heading to a homeless home so she can feed you. Goat. Go get a job your plans failed.
shameless woman was that y use got pregnant for him? Beyoncé no be woman like you ? go handle mic to sing so you see how easy it is to be successful. you are a disgrace to womanhood what were you spending $12000 on monthly?
Hey shut da fuck up stupid anonymous! This is the only sensible comment this guy has ever said in his life
"Beyonce avnt lifted a finger" mtcheww..she send u message?? Abi u no get hands ? Go luk 4 smthn 2 do opless woman,u r lazy dts y u r headed 2 homeless shelter! U go talk hw long u go dey dia
1.3 million naira per month and she's broke after 3 years? Even d $2000 per month is cool 4 a hardworking person. This is the one antique of the modern woman I hate. Gold-digging
. Hovafella
@2:26, I blame Linda ikeji, na she dey encourage am. Some of the grownup words coming from onyx' mouth makes me shudder. He uses the f word without recourse. Even me sef wey dey here don old wella wella, I no dey use curse words much less sexual inferences. Onyx, u don spoil, chai. Your mama no dey flog you?
she just want to leave a lavish life, $2,400 a month is enough to find her an appartment and food for the baby. And she can also do what other single women who are not getting child support. Look for a JOB.
Lol thought she was saying she wasn't needing Beyonce's help earlier?
Opportunist aye!
Take care of ur son and stop seeking media attention madam -___-
what did she do with all that money?, plus the benefits government gives.
And best believe, that money was just maintenance. he must have paid school fees and all.
$12k a month.professors don't get that amount monthly.the stupid gold digging lady deserves to be slapped for squandering away her childs allowances.she figured she had hammered.obviously hoping this will be her meal ticket for life.
Let no one here come and say crap about bey considering the child and not the Mom.its not bey that fucked his mom biko.
I don't understand why Bee name has to be brought up in this all the time....this woman was paid child support 12k per month in the past, the court later reduced the money to 2,400 k per month...the reason she is not getting any support right now is because she was overpaid with the 12k/ month.....how do you blow 12k a month on a toddler pls abeg make she go sit down...when they were sleeping together beyonce was not there so why drag her name...mathew knowles should take care of his business or better still this woman should go get a job...this is probably one of the main reasons why her parents filed for divorce so don't expect her to be happy about it....with time I am sure she will reach out to her brother
She is so annoying. So she went to have a baby with B's fathers so that Ms B will give her financial help. She squandered 12k in a hurry. Now she's using emotional blackmail on Ms B. She thinks money is easy to make.
This woman z getting me pissd off already. She shud sleep on d street sef since she can't find something to do, bartender, cleaner, nanny...they are all jobs she can do. She can even work shift too. All I knw z dat she z Lazy. So if Beyonce wznt there u'll not survive aii? Lazy woman. Nd pls Linda Tell her to learn how to manage nd she shud learn hw 2 spend like a mother.
This lady is insane. Like seriously. Did beyonce get her pregnant? She knew what she was doing when she got with a married man. I don't feel sorry for her. She a side piece. That's why she got with bey dad in the first place. She must be crazy to think that lady Bey is going to lift her finger on that child. I feel sorry for that innocent l child. Why can't she get a job like everyone else? Smh . The only reason why she keep mentioning Beyonce is becux she want bey to respond so she can get sum publicity. But bey ain't going to becux she a non factor in Bey life. Craxy woman I beg go and get a job and leave Bey alone.
Silly woman! Didn't she know d man was married b4 she became pregnant for him? I have absolutely no sympathy for her...I only feel so bad for d boy who has to endure d actions of a senseless, lazy woman who wants to sit down and cross her legs, doing absolutely nothing but waiting for manna to flow from heaven! My heart really goes out to d boy cos, have a son his age and, can't imagine doing dat to my son. Foolish woman! #soangry# DacDuchess!
Her target was Beyounce... lol
Opportunist.... Ole oshi....she dey find cash cow
so she was lavishly spending $12,000 AND sleeping with a married man AND now wants her son to meet his sister?! eschew
Linda, the BOY is Beyonce's half brother & not step brother like you wrongly wrote.
What a joke...Beyonce owes her n d boy nothing, abi na beyonce give am belly ni. So wen she was collectin the money, she was squandering it........lesson for life, learn to save. Get a job, women with more kids can manage to cater for dere kids, so y d hell not her.
You bullies should back off and let Onyx be! He is free to speak his mind and there's nothing wrong with what he said!!
Very funnyyy... wat concerns Beyonce and her boy? Abi was B there was she was aving an affair with a married man. Dis lady suld be ashamed of herself, bringing dis to piblic. Its obvious she is an opportunist, try to reap wat she didnt sow... beyoncy worked to get where she is today, if she needs cash den she suld make herself useful... I no fit laff
Go get ur fame and money and leave beyonce alone she owes u knw responsibility unless she feels like helping
Yes... Beyonce is busy
This woman is a master planner and manipulator. She thought she hit jackpot when she bedded Matthew Knowles and now she is realizing her mistake because the plan has backfired. This woman was a professional before she met this man. So what's the problem now, she can't work? Now she has one child and all of a sudden, work is beneath her. So if Matthew Knowles impregnates some more women, is Beyonce obligated to support all of them. I notice she said that her son Nixon deserves to know his sister. Funny, last I checked what happened to Solange, doesn't she count or what... doesn't she have enough reknown and wealth to count. Now here is the smoking gun: Before she claimed Matthew was not paying her the $12000, he was originally ordered to, but see this, if that was truly the case and he was not paid up, the judge would not have made the current ruling retroactive such that she will not receive payment till 2016. It means she quite possibly lied. Even at that, does it require 12000 a month to raise a small child and make sure he has his basic needs. She obviously was enjoying a bit too much, saved nothing and now has nothing.
It doesn't matter if she's doing it for attention or not. What is wrong is that Beyonce is letting this situation roll out to this extent. For goodness sakes, what's the point of having relatives that are not there for you.
So what's beyonce's excuse? Because the woman is not her mother or what? She has enough money to settle them for life. She shouldn't turn a blind eye cos' that's just WRONG!
Abeg mk I hear word pple lik u jst blab whereas u cnt giv ur own sibling money!its not beyonce's prob! Ds woman is doin it on purpose to get her attention!is she handicapped???she can't go and work she hs no pride no self respect @all.smh upon d $2k a month!dis woman na ole!!!!Beyonce luv kip ur distance run far away ds woman hs evil agenda...na she lik an her pikin!wen she dey miliky beyonce no dey der!!!xoxo Charmie
Anon 1:05 u are a fool. Keep waitin 4 wealthy relations to dash u money. Beggar like u oshi
Abeg. They should stop all this Beyonce brother talk. Was she there when the popsy was doing it ni? The man should live up to his responsibility and the baby mama should get a job.
Just less than a week prior to that there was a homeless lady arrested for for leaving her children in a car to attend a job interview. Trifling won't lead you anywhere, you knew what you were doing and that 12k where is it?, you were poor when he met you you could've easily survived on 12k for 3 years what you started living large.
She should not try to drag Beyonce into this irrelevant BS because no one is checking for her, she thought she would be on the map for messing with Beyonces dad? All these interviews she's doing with magazines pay so let her get paid and be quiet asking Beyonce to lift a finger to help is like asking her (Beyonces) mother to help the woman you where stabbbing behind her back. Beyonce can help charity and all other things but this lady should reach out to her personal family to help not Bey
That's why it's called blood money....how can u let ur mother and lil brother live in such condition? Spending money on shitless worthless shit....? All ya'll who commented on this....fuck U!!!
Gold digger.
"So if Beyonce wasn't his step sister, nko?"....i tire ooo...woman, get a life...it doesnt matter where you do that....Naija under bridge dey....mtschew...your child will have you to blame
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