I do not know you personally, but I admire your filial bravery - however misguided - in defending the honour of your father, the late General Sani Abacha. This in itself is not a problem; it is an obligation—in this cultural construct of ours - for children to rise to the defence of their parents, no matter what infamy or perfidy the said parent might have dabbled in.
The problem I have with your letter, however, arises from two issues: (i) your disparaging of Wole Soyinka, who—despite your referral to an anecdotal opinion that calls him as “a common writer”—is a great father figure, and a source of inspiration, to a fair number of us young Nigerians; and (ii) your attempt to revise Nigerian history and substitute our national experience with your personal opinions. Continue...Therefore, it is necessary that we who are either Wole Soyinka’s “socio-political” children, or who are ordinary Nigerians who experienced life under your father’s reign speak out urgently against your amnesiac article, lest some future historian stumble across the misguided missive, and confuse the self-aggrandized opinions of your family for the perceptions of Nigerians in general.
Your letter started with logical principles, which is a splendid common ground for us. So let us go with the facts: General Sani Abacha was a dictator. He came into power and wielded it for 5 years in a manner hitherto unprecedented in Nigerian history. Facts: uncomfortable for your family, but true all the same.
Now, for my personal interpretations: between 1993 and 1998 inclusive, when your dada was in power, I was a boy of 9 to 14 years and quite capable of making observations about my political and cultural environment. Those years have been the worst years of my material life as a Nigerian citizen. Here are a few recollections: I recollect waking up several mornings to scrape sawdust from carpentry mills, lugging the bags a long distance home, just to fuel our “Abacha stoves” because kerosene was not affordable—under your father. I recollect cowering under the cover of darkness, with family and neighbours, listening to radio stations—banned by your father. I recollect my government teacher apologetically and fearfully explaining constitutional government to us—because free speech was a crime under your father’s government. Most of all, I remember how the news of your father’s death drove me—and my colleagues at school—to a wild excitement, and we burst into the street in delirious celebration. Nobody prompted us, but even as 13 and 14 year olds, we understood the link between the death of Abacha and the hope of freedom for the ordinary man.
These are all sorry tales, of course. Such interpretations would not have occured to the wealthy and the privileged under your father’s government, but they were a part of the everyday life of a common teenager under that government. The economics were bad, but the politics were worse. And I am not referring to Alfred Rewane, Kudirat Abiola and the scores killed by the order of your father. Political killings are almost a part of every political system, and most of those were just newspaper stories to us. In fact, I didn’t get to read most of the atrocities until long after your father died. So, these stories did not inform the dread I personally felt under your father’s regime. And this was true for my entire family and our neighbours.
Instead, the worry over our own existence was a more pressing issue. Your father, Sani Abacha was in Aso Rock, but his brutality was felt right in our sitting room. We were not into politics and we didn’t vocally oppose Abacha, yet we just knew we were not safe from him. You see, unlike any dictatorship before or after it—your father’s government personally and directly threatened the life and freedoms of the average Nigerian. Your father threatened me. And if your father had not died, I am confident that I would not be alive or free today.
Think of that for a while.
Now, let’s come to Wole Soyinka. First: you can never eradicate the infamy of your father’s legacy by trying to point out the failings of another Nigerian. Remember what you said: A is A. Abacha is Abacha. And no length of finger pointing will wash away the odious feeling the name of Abacha strikes up in the mind of the average Nigerian. Second: Don’t—as they musician said—get it twisted: Wole Soyinka did not antagonize your father just because he was a military man—Wole Soyinka was against your father’s inhumanity. Your father was intolerant of criticism beyond belief.
Your father made military men look bad. Your father’s behaviour was so bad it went back in time and soiled the reputation of every military man before him. Your father, finally, made Nigerians swear never—ever—to tolerate the military again. Soyinka may have worked with the military before—but your father ensured that he will never work with the military again. Do you see? Three: Evil comes in many forms: there is no qualification by degree. There is no “good” evil thing. Sani Abacha, Boko Haram, Hitler, slavery—they all fit into the same category of misfortunes. Soyinka is right: Abacha was just as bad as Boko Haram is—deal with it. Four: Soyinka has been kind enough to limit his criticism to the unenviable awards this inept government has given your father. But, you see, in a saner political system, we wouldn’t just ignore your father, we would have gone one step further and expunged the Abacha name from all public records. Wiped without a trace. Abacha would forever be a cautionary tale against the excesses of political power. In a saner political system.
Abacha was brutal—and Soyinka was one of those individuals who gave us inspiration in those dark days. He was part of the team that founded the underground radio station to counter your father’s activities. Let me rephrase in pop culture language: Wole Soyinka was the James Bond to your father’s KGB. Most of the influential people either kept quiet or sang the praises of your father to stave his wrath. But a few like Soyinka spoke, wrote and even went militant against Abacha. But at the end, even Soyinka who never ran from a fight had to run from your father. That was how terrible things were. And now you want Soyinka to join the praise singers of your father? I’m not certain Soyinka has grown old enough to forget how he escaped your father,slipping across the border in disguise. You will have to wait awhile to get that praise from him.
Now, back to you. You have a deluded sense of your father’s role in the progress of Nigeria’s history. Nigeria has managed to be where it is today, not because of leaders like your father—but in spite of leaders like your father. This is a testament to the Nigerian spirit of resilience, and our unwavering optimism in a better future. You owe every Nigerian an apology for daring to attribute this to the leadership of Abacha. Those “achievements” you believe were accomplished under your father were simply all the things he had to do to keep milking the economy, and thereby perpetuate himself in power—they benefited Nigeria only if, by Nigeria, you meant your family and your cronies.
Your tone is that of a white master who justifies his oppression because he clothed and fed his black slaves. That is what your father did. The fact that we choose not to regurgitate, and reflect on that socially traumatic period doesn’t mean we accept it as your entitlement. We have not forgotten, and we will never forget. Sani Abacha raped Nigeria. Your father raped us. Your father raped us and then pressed some change into our hands. And he then tried to marry us forcefully, too. You may think all this is well and good—but then you’ve never been raped before.
But we now live under a democracy—the kind your father denied us—and so you are free to talk. And so you are free to insult the people who ensured that your father had sleepless nights. Had the revolution your father rightly deserved happened, you—and the rest of your family—would have been lined against a wall, before you could pen one article, and shot.
And we would probably have cheered.
But we live under a democracy now—a system of government where even the scions of former oppressors can talk, and write freely, about the benefits of dictatorship. That’s a democracy. A concept your father wouldn’t have understood.
Ayo Sogunro
1 – 200 of 558 Newer› Newest»Wole Soyinkananians or Soyinkanists are rising up to speak for the Master..."open letter of the Soyinkanist Season 2".
#Running to go get my dictionary joor
I read this letter till the end. Kudos Ayo!!! Shame on Abacha's family, they still have the mouth to talk after robbing Nigeria and all she had. Woe to the shameful Leaders past and present. Rubbish!!!
Well spoken. Very well spoken
well said!
Well deserved reply
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Na only person wey no get work go dey read all diz useless open letters..Linda u don convert all lib readers to be jobless,if not y all diz open letters things now..
well said!
God bless you Ayo! Abachas need to just lay low already! Such Guts!!!
May be this article will shut him up.
Biko... i was born in 1995 !av no idea wat all dis is about... hian !!am learning tho...
Thank u in a zillion way #Ayo sogunro# infact, chop KISSES of lyf 4 ds write up.. Aw dare dt abacha son compare death(abacha)to sleep#wole soyinka).. He must b madt infact KRAZYYYYYYY
Bravo!!!!! My thoughts exactly!!!
All of you! Both the writer and writee r jobless. U all lack work to have taken your entire years to draft pages of letter.....
Beautiful piece, well written Ayo!
Well said till d first few lines before headache set in. Too long, sorry.
Tell the idiot...God bless ur intellectual gumption bro...long live FRN
Well spoken Ayo Sogunro!!!Hope Sadiq Abacha got the message.He really need the tutor cos he might have been too blind or too young to know what Nigerians pass through during his father's regime.
I can remember so well all the hardship we passed through then.
Thank God we have been liberated.Thank GOD for DEMOCRACY!!!
Finally season 4 comes out. Hope the bastards abacha's Children ve got their copy. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
I knew it!!! knew this was coming. Now Sadiq read this, take your letter and shove it or should I say go with your letter to your dada's grave weeping. ignoram.....you know the rest cause if I type rest this will not be published.
Hnmmmm,mehn da was a strong disciplinary lettr 2 d so called abachas'
This guy go and find your level abeg. Men are talking and this one is opening mouth. If Abacha was still alive your slimey self would find another way to manipulate the system to gain relevance and fame...shit, you'd most likely would have joined the military instead of becoming an activist. You must think every Nigerian is stupid.
Spot on! you took the words right out of my mouth Mr. Ayo
There is nothing one wouldn't see or hear in this country. May God help us.
I didn't read sadiq's letter cos I kwn it will annoy me to the extent I will place a curse on the entire abaca family,but I took my time to read ds line by line,he cudnt av written it better kudos Ayo sogunro
I luv this piece.soyinka doesn't hv to fight his battle.he's got intellectual bulldog to fight for him.
Ayo Ayo! you are blessed.WHAT!!!!!
GEJ please give Ayo Sogunro Centenary award oooo... He has done this country proud. In your face Sadiq Mumu Abacha. Otonyo like you. I know you can't read this you malo! Ayo can you please have someone interpret this in fulani. Cos that cos won't understand. Thanx for doing us proud Ayo.
Officially,the season two of 'open letters has officially begun.The Abacha's,over to you.
Tell d idiot...God bless ur intellectual gumption bro.
Bravo!!! Arrant nonsense frm sadiq....lets see wat more he has to say....this should be enough to silence the Abacha families!!
Gbam! that's all and On point
damn!!!!sooooo on point...
Gbam! that's all and On point
Thank you is all I can say. Thank you very much. Nothing to add
No beef #bright bravo#
Gbam!!! End of discussion....
Omoh see write up o.this is just beginninng.i like this.
All these people writing open letters without proper facts but what was told to them. Fact: you were not old enough to know anything happening in Nigeria. Fact: abacha didn't threaten your life and you would still be alive today if abacha didn't die because you were and still irrelevant. Fact: if you are going to criticise one person because he killed someone you like but work with someone else who killed other people that's hypocrisy at the highest so your defence of wole doesn't count. Fact: abacha is dead and buried. Focus on the future stop living in the past. That's why Nigeria is still as backward as it is. Geez. Get over this. Abacha was a terrible president in terms of his killings.
This write up serves this young "Abacha Bastard" very well...
God bless you Ayo.
I'm really enjoying and learning from this. Let d letters keep coming.... Bt sth I knw is dat,saying Abacha did nothing won't be fair. He certainly did a little gud thing,which d son pointed out, bt they were all overshadowed n swallowed by the many evils he did...... Shikena!
Ghen-Ghen-Ghen! Action movie part two!! #DBattleOfWords#
Sadiq don buy mkt for this one. Pls lemme get back to my pen and paper to act my own scene in this movie, cuz dats all it takes on dis set. No auditioning!!!
Expect my own soon good pple!!! lol
Ghen-Ghen-Ghen! Action movie part two!! #DBattleOfWords#
Sadiq don buy mkt for this one. Pls lemme get back to my pen and paper to act my own scene in this movie, cuz dats all it takes on dis set. No auditioning!!!
Expect my own soon good pple!!! lol
nice piece am sure there will be more open letters soon let me do and write my own.....haha
True talk my dear,don't mind them,I was 6years then but can still remember vividly. Kudos man.
Choi! i call this, non-insulting finishing. WELL-SAID.
please tell the moron. I just blame Jonathan not them.
In saner countries, the likes of Sadiq should have been tried, in fact if the revolution Nigeria deserves occur, the likes of Sadiq should have been shot.
someone tell the man is father was a murderer.
AYOOOO SOGUNROOOO wole soyinka brought cultism into Nigeria oooooooooo so think before u crucify another bad man, I wonder why pot (wole) will b calling kettle(abacha) black.
Thhis Ayo Sogunro is an idiot, never a supporter of Abacha's regime but, 80% of what Sadiq Abacha said about Wole Soyinka are true and cannot be changed. He has made his point, Wole Soyinka is not a saint and he's quickly loosing his respect to some Nigerians that still respect him.
choii, what an awesome reply to the foolish son of a dictator.
... waiting for the next reply
Tell him sir how wicked his father was....u stil have d gods 2 come out ad speak....foolish sadiq
Nice one Ayo, nice one...kudos Ayo, kudos....
Gan gan war has started ok na. Gumsun and sadiq u r in trouble
This is really a well composed text and i really agree that the Abacha name should have been expunged or the Abacha story should be used as a cautionary tale on the excesses of power. I can vividly remember my reactions on the death of Abacha, I was in my hometown when the news filtered in, I was 12yrs old. The joy in the air was infectious as people screamed "Abacha anwula (Abacha is dead). It was a celebration. I really wonder what the award he received was for. Nigeria!!! My country.
Chei! This article is scathing, to say the least. Ewo! www.drnsmusings.wordpress.com
Thanks Ayo for diz.....God bless u....
That's right, even as a grown up now and a kid then, what abacha regime did to nigeria is unforgivable,why would goodluck even award him? Is it for the money he stole from nigeria they later discovered a little quantity or what? The name abacha is an abormination to this country..
Word for word, line by line, Ayo Sogunro made clear and straight forward sense.
You took every word out of my mouth to pen.
May the good Lord bless you Ayo for a wonderful piece.
I seriously didn't want to stop reading. Not only is this the best response possible but I also applaud the writer's choice of words... I think I admire ayo sogunro and if he wrote a thousand books, I'd read them all. Twice. Thanks ayo for this refreshing, illuminating and factual response. Love, ekem
Brilliant, In a sane society people like Abacha would be stripped of whatever honour they have even in death.
very well written @ayo
Please mail this letter to his address. He needs to file a copy
Amazing, well written.Nigeria was hell during Abacha's regime cos he was Satan.
thank you so much!
nice one, Abacha son needs to be educated, thank you for the enlightenment sir. Paulgreat
Well said.
let Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka contest 2015, i believe Nigerians will gladly vote for him, so that we can test the true nature of his ideologies/ criticisms ..... things are easier said than done, Nigeria is like soccer match where spectators plays more than people in the pitch , lets practice what we preach . what we need in Nigeria now is Solution not confusion or problem creators , we need result oriented citizens , we re tired of finding faults , think you know it all proffer solutions simple
Damn! This is a great piece..should be enlarged,printed,framed and put up on the wall..
That was a good reply. Many thanks Ayo!
I think someone just voiced out my mind
I have never commented on any blog before…but this here…is special. BRAVO! Ayo…great INTELLECTUAL response
Brilliant article, true to every letter.
Wow wow wow! Perfect reply. I couldn't have written better. I kept nodding to each line. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
Ahoy mates
Wow! Wow! Wow! Bravo!!! U hit d nail right on d head Mr Ayo Sogunro, u ar a vry brave man, I apreciate ur bravery soooo much... As hard as it is to bliv for d children of Late Gen. Sani Abacha, its true dat thr father was a dictator (A fact they must learn to live wit)
OMG I love this! Best write-up ever. Very explicit and true
I doff my hat for you Mr Ayo Sogunro cause you have shown this stupid dictator son {sadiq abacha} of a bitch what his evil father did to Nigerians.How i wish Nigeria is still operating military government i bet you your father successor would have collect every dime your father acquire with force from Nigerians.By then you will be able to differentiate angel from the devil your father is.
Ayo God bless you, tell dis fool when nor knw him self word nonsense.
hhehehe this is serious.Thank you Ayo. Oh My God I don't blame him. I remember that day vividly how we jubiliated in front of my mum;s shop in Akure June 8 1998 when the news came in Abacha had died. There is no one in the history of Nigeria who has had that record. Have the whole country jubiliate because he died!This guy obviously has delusions of grandeur!
For this man the so called abachas son to evn open his mouth to tlk,for him to evn have the mind to write an open letter shows how bad nigeria is,as a child I remember my father buying bottles of star for his friends to celebrate your fathers death.people jubilated rejoiced OMG ur father was a monster a devil in human clothing idot like father like son.
Well said bro ...
CHOI!!! Linda where is the love button? This is an article I will print and paste on my wall...to read every now and then.... The truth is a bitter pill to swallow... Shame on the entire Abacha family. Thank U Ayo 4 this write up.. Long live FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!
You hit it head on bro, you are on point
wow!!!!! Dis is a great response to sadiq Abacha's letter to soyinka. Ayo Sogunro may God bless u for dis....na d story wey sadiq wan hear make him write soyinka letter.
just shut the fuck up Ayo sogunro........
cant we just live in harmony let sleeping dogs lay....
i rest my case, if we dont start thinking positive in this country i bet one day it all going to crumble in our very eyes.
we need a way forward not fighting ourselves to the last.....
fist time comment
God dammit men!!! Ayo Sogunro killed it.. i think now, Abacha can rest in perfect peace.Amen
God bless you omo Sogunro
OMG!....I am just inlove with Ayo Sogunro...This is well written piece....The bastard needs some history lesson and he's gotten one...bravo!!!
Oh please enough already WOLE SOYINKA wins! Like it or not dear Sadiq. Recede quietly----C21
What a man proud to be a yoruba tell the idiotic nonentity
God bless u, Ayo Sogunro, wanna b a writer sumday too
Gbam! God bless you, Ayo!
Abacha was real bad then,no doubt abt that but Soyinka should just forgive and forget..All Nigerians were affected by his regime but God took him away,Sogunro and Soyinka,are u wiser than the God that took Abacha away??So,if God can forgive us,who are you both not to?Forgive and let go of the past,Its not easy though,but Thnk God u re both alive today,lets all cooperate to move Nigeria to a greater height and pray God should eradicate the remaining living evil in our country...But the fact still remain abacha wasnt the only bad head of state we had,he could be the worst though...
Gbammmmm! Well said
Someone should give this gentleman a National award for capturing our common sentiments so articulately.
You are indeed blessed Mr Sogunro and you are very correct in noting that the freedoms that we, including the deluded antagonist, would not have enjoyed the freedom of public discourse under his father's reign of terror. This reign was unfettered, unlike BH, by geography and was consistent with both spiritual and temporal atrocities supported by a combination of 'kill squads' and marabouts to perpetuate infamy in every known dimension.
That serves him right! Abacha's family should be eradicated from this country. Ur dad was a shamless military asshole who neva gave any one chance to say out his or her mind. Afta everytin wer is he now!!!!!!! Lmao!!!!!!!!!!! Abacha ma foot. Obasanjo will also end up like abacha..............DIAMOND
Exactly, Mr ayo well-done
This is a bomb to the Abachas'
The wounds are still fresh
The memories still linger...
You just jammed fire wall!
can they all shut up plz?how will this affect the Nigeria economy?nonsense.
Interesting! Linda if it abacha's regime now wr чσυ for dey??lol sadiq won se se bere ni oh....чσυ have bitten more than you can possibly chew....*dancing*
Yea true talk.. Pls help educate that foolish sadiq abacha..like father like s0n
Please tell him. Democracy is what is keeping his family alive. He shouldn't insult Nigerians.
I couldn't have responded any better. Let the young ones who only come to this site to crack jokes and gossip learn from what this young man has written.
Some young men and women have been recruited by agents of Government to crawl through the internet and abuse anyone who speaks up against the Government/GEJ.
Please stand up like this young man has and defend the honor and sacrifice of those who died under the brutal abuse of Abacha and his team of criminals.
It is because we are docile and flippant people that the elites have been able to 'rape' us collectively till this day.
We have all been abused and robbed. We can not allow Sadiq Abacha to leave with any form of satisfaction from this his senseless and ill advised foray into the public domain to defend this plunderer of a father he had.
Ayo Sogunro, God Bless you and your parents for given you an education that allowed you to so eloquently tell off this silly Abacha boy!- B.S.A
True talk Mr Ayo Sogunro. Abacha's family should cover their faces in shame.
Haba but fuel is still 2500 in my area. Lwkmddd. I'm dead. You girls that keep running from one prayer house to another for husband need to readTHIS
i honestly love this reply--the writer. so so on-point..really, i dont know the kind of audacity that the abacha's family have to come out and defend their father..what a shame!!!!!
Ayo Sogunro was the Chief Juror back then in Law Faculty. We used to call him Chief juror. daz all. Shout out to Momty, Jules, Lawls and Ojoms! Love you Funmi!!!! I hope I'm 1st to comment Linda :(
Hip hip hip hurrrtayy!!!!!???? Ayo u are toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much...may GOD bless you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANK YOU MY BROTHER.... TELL THE BASTARD LET HIM KNOW. I once said it that Wole Shoyinka don't need to reply this fools. we will reply them and that is what you have done Ayo by taking the lead... they should wait for my own reply too bunch of useless keys.
OMG I love this! Best write-up ever. Very explicit and true
3 Gbosas!!!
True talk! We have not forgotten and will never forget
#word. In the first place , I'm very disappointed in the fact that Mr Jona thot it right to award the centenary award to Abacha. So unbelievably stupid of him. As for his children sending open letters to Soyinka, I wouldn't blame their biased mind cos they r only defending their dad. We all know he was a tyrant (even them)
#word. In the first place , I'm very disappointed in the fact that Mr Jona thot it right to award the centenary award to Abacha. So unbelievably stupid of him. As for his children sending open letters to Soyinka, I wouldn't blame their biased mind cos they r only defending their dad. We all know he was a tyrant (even them)
The hunter is now the hunted.
well said
confam!!! well said!! clappin my hands. infact mre people shld reply dis stupid man. sadiq abacha, abi wetin be ur name, u and the rest of ur family shouldnt even show face at all, u should be ashamed. mtchew!
Ayo Sogunro....yio da fun e to po.
The best write up i ve eva read in my life,i had to google this guy immediately i finish scrolling my fone tank u sir that all i can say
God bless you Mr Ayo Sogunro may you write and prevail. May the wrath of God come to those who made this country a hell for every average Nigerians, they and their families dead or alive will never find peace in after life (Amen). God bless Nigeria! God bless the every common Nigerians!!
ayo sogunro well done!
Well written piece. The truth is often bitter to swallow. I for one will never forget how we rejoiced at the death of Abacha!
weldone Ayo...very well written. I wonder wether these children didn't see how people poured out to celebrate their father's death...i'm yet to see such happen in Nigeria again.
I wish the writer read Sadiqs write up before hastily replying immaturely, this kind of reply does not befit a well articulated logical and factual expression of Sadiq,
Love it! Need I say more...
Ayo, make sure you are properly guarded ooo, or else, please leave these people alone...
Ayo, This is a response out of grudge,witcrafty & sorcery.Sadiq made his points & offered solutions.He stressed the word 'solidarity & support' to the Nigeria project.Please if you don't have meaningful suggestions, Keep Quiet & wait for Your known it all government.
dis guy don finsh d Abacha family
It is not Abacha's son's fault to defend him, it is the present govt. that is giving legitimacy to Abacha. Tomorrow some offspring of Alams will lecture Nigerians on how clean his/her father is!
Gbam, Gbamer and Gbamest is all I can say.
God bless you Ayo!..let all know that the evil they do live after them!!
Dats it , d poor bastard u shuld go n fuck his father's grave , bloody fool of d highest order
Wow. Wow. Wow... well said and analysed.. i was born in d heat of d matter buh i cld picture d whole thin in my head..i op d abachas can shut d f**k up and stop yarning dust.. and thank GOd for democracy which is der saviour .. there is nofin dat can stand with a gud foundation and ur family is one of d reason naija doesnt have a gud foundation and can with hold all d calamoties befalling her no.. GOd is a ultimate judge .. u wld soon b served ur cake... spoilt retarded childreen.. c how is he forming english bcos he went to skl with d money his fada embezzle and killed for.. #Ayosogunro ... linda if u like dont post my comment u hear
Thanks for bearing our minds
That was an indictment of the Abacha regime. I know his family saw him as a great man but his regime was the worst. He turned our country to a Pariah country with misery and misfortune. People were living in fear with his frequent killings and his absolute disregard for anything good. As bad as Nigeria was before or now nobody except his family and benefactor would wish for an Abacha reign again. He was the worst thing to ever happen to Nigeria. You his family should cover your faces in shame. The writer was right, you should be thankful we are not vengeful people.
I hardly comment on posts! But DANG, this is some write up! I applaud u Ayo. Even though Abacha is dead, the name still scares me when I hear it. After reading Sadiq's letter, I definitely had to remind myself that a beast cannot give birth to a cute puppy! It is impossible. Thank God for the ashewo's that fed him apple.
We go see drama tire
nsogbu adigo now. too many letters and grammar, and YES i read it. this guy has tried too, a proof u all went to school. but i tire for drama.
Good one...ope abacha'family read dis and hide their faces in shame.
Mr Ayo hit d nails on the coffin well and appropriately. Well said and thank u.
Mehn see finishing..ride on Ayo,though he won't understand this but you just gave him a well baked cake he deserves.
Thank you Ayo for baring our mind
Wow! Just Wow!....a perfect reply to that son of a beast, Sadiq Mudafucking Asshole Abacha, who had the foolish guts to represent his devilish family to talk trash to Soyinka.
best reply ever!!!
Someone should give this gentleman a National award for capturing our common sentiments so articulately.
You are indeed blessed Mr Sogunro and you are very correct in noting that we, including the deluded antagonist, would not have enjoyed the freedom of public discourse under his father's reign of terror. This reign was unfettered, unlike BH, by geography and was consistent with both spiritual and temporal atrocities supported by a combination of 'kill squads' and marabouts to perpetuate infamy in every known dimension.
I think my brother has presented arguments that every Nigerian can agree with. As a Northerner, I feel like I am being constantly misjudged simply for being from the North. It is people like Abacha that have brought this on. But no matter which tribe one belongs to, fact remains that the Abacha regime was one of the worst regimes. We thank God that it is behind us!
There are times in the letter where I feel like my brother Ayo is personally attacking Sadiq. However, I can imagine how strong his sentiments are and I sympathise and understand why he would acknowledge Sadiq in that matter. My only wish is for Sadiq to set aside all the personal issues and consider these arguments as objectively as possible. Perhaps he would understand the situation a little more than his biased view.
Ahoy mates
Good feedback! Shikena
linda please post more of things like this for the young people to understand what they should stand for,not meaningless gossip that u post sometimes
God bless u Ayo Shogunro.
Oh My God! Bless you Sir for this reply! It's exactly how i feel! I'm printing out this letter for future use. Well done!
I am shaking with joy at this apt response by Ayo Sogunro... God bless you sir!!!! I remember clearly my neighbour watching the news with their generator and screaming on top of her lungs when Abacha's death was broadcast. She came out to the balcony and shouted the good news to all the neighbours... we all hugged and praised the God who killed Abacha without using sticks or stones. Everyone related to that man should be in exile!! *long hiss*
Sadiq u for done keep quiet..u neverthe last of this ur letter. U go hear ur papa story now bcos I knw say u be pikin when ur father die.
#nuffsaid. Well done Mr. Sogunro. How dare you Sadiq Abacha #nonsense #hiss #shior hope you get to read this!
Good reply from ayo sogunro .....u have spoken well leave d so called abacha son to keep insulting himself...all dis aboki children wey no dey get sense....
Mr Sogunro, I don't know you but wherever you are now may the good Lord bless you for articulating how strongly we feel about sani abacha and all the fruit of his loins. Our God is yet to completely judge them, hopefully it will start in this life and not just in the afterlife.
I have to say this is the best retort I have ever read from anyone to any of those bloody Open letters flying around the internet. Ayo Sogunro just said my mind... Its like this family Abacha left behind have chosen to 'forget' all the hardship Nigerians faced when their father was in office. Anyways, I blame Jonathan for trying to curry favor by giving posthumous awards to renowned dictators.
well said, or like the Americans will say ''WORD''
A beautifully replied on Soyinka's behalf piece to this delusional son of an oppressor!
The only person I blame in all of this is goodluck jonathan
wow good spirited defence in favor of the masses! the Abachas should enjoy there loot and leave Nigerians alone
Ayo Sogunro, You just said it all. History will never be forgoten no matter how much harder they try to tame our memories. You can never compare then(during Abacha`s regime) to now (under democracy). Sadiz Abacha, and all the other abachas need to shove their heads down their asses in shame. U guys are just a bunch of deluded dafts who see nothing beyond their selfish interests. #PatheticFamily
Young Mr sogunro that is a decent reply I hope sadiq read's it and understand the gravity of the abacha's regime I don't blame the child cause as you have rightly said he is enjoying the democracy and freedom his father wouldn't let us have and yes Sogunro you speak for people like me who did not verbally attack the regime cause I was too young then, but I felt the terror right in my sitting room as I have never celebrated someone passing on like I did abacha..#smartclown
Well said ayo sogunro
True talk, does people who insult wole soyinka in the 1st article are either children who were born after abacha or are just foolish. The abacha decentant shouldn't be heard at all... Nonsense. "Hiss"
Hahahahah dis one too mch o. If Soyinka come write unko, d sadiq guy go go kill himself
Message well delivered by ayo sogunro. Great write up
Are the abachas still talking in nigeria....so in years to come Al Mustapha supposed orphans would come out to flaunt d evil of their father
well, not their faults but that of the clueless one dat dashes out medals to woo d northerners that wud eventually usurp power from him..
Genius write up!
Thank you Ayo. Nigeria is proud of you!
Perfect peace??? Or you mean perfect pieces...
Where is the like button! Great write up , i want to shake Ayo Sogunros hand right now!
Wow this is EPIC. Such an excellent historical write-up on how Abacha almost exterminated our freedom. I hope this will silent Sadiq and Gumsu forever. Ayo Sogunro captured how we felt under your father's terror and rightly said, we will prefer his name is totally expunge from our history as a nation. He was a terror and a misfortune to us as Hitler was to the Europe(and the world). Deal with it and hide your face in the dust for being spun by Abacha. Olu, Atl.
Its "Let sleeping dogs lie." Nt lay and Letting sleeping dogs lie my friend is what has hampered this nations growth----C21
Ds ayo is 100% correct,i remember during does days when I was little, we have to go to d sawmill to pack sawdust,remenber one morning, dat day was enviromental my dad came out day morning to sweep,d army ask him to sleep on d floor n start rolling inside gutter, well ds sadiq I don't blame him maybe d boy is agric fowl he didn't notice his dad regime,his mum may tell him dat his dad is a good presido dat d pple wants to spoil his image,so he will just pick from dey,sadiq behave like a common person work down d street n ask pple abt abacha let dem tell u d history of ur dad,don't tink u will come bak alive,coz u will find d nearest pharmacy n buy poison drug? Patty
Ayo you will grow from strength to strength, God will bless, prosper and keep you. You said it all. My heart is full of gratitude to you.
If IBB could be honoured, the one whose regime killed Dele Giwa. If Abdul Salaami Abubarka could be honoured,the one whose regime killed Abiola. If Obj could be honoured, the one whose regime killed Bola Ige. Then i do not have any problem with Abacha being honoured. This is my own opinion
This is the best article I have read on this so far, Sadiq Abacha is actually really delusional smh
Ayo Sogunro, this is a masterpiece. U've said it all. Yes, Sadiq ur father raped us all. He was d definition of brutality. Go to some places & loudly say u're Abacha's son, u would not leave those places alive.
Ayo Sogunro may you live long. may you eat the fruit of your labor. i thought no one would come to the aid of my dearest wole Soyinka. my family live here in new york today because abacha wanted to kill my father whose name i withheld. i wont say im lost here in America but all the benefits of being a Nigerian there in Nigeria were denied of me. sadiq, i pray ALL you abacha children will reap the fruit of your father's act. if you were to be abroad, you wouldn't even have a say at all. you cant compare the no of innocent blood that your father shed to some other politician. there is God who will one day judge ALL your family act.
gaddamit!!!!!!!!!!!! shitt!!!!
writing my own open letter oooo
God bless u Ayo,dat abacha son no get one sence
Ayo you are wonderful.....God bless you. well composed.
I no blame u ...na those idiots wey include ur papa name na him I blame....stupid son having d guts to talk back at wole Soyinka u must be crazy.....
Thank you. Your grammar is enough to break the head of the useless Abachabachabacha guy. To hell with him with his father.
My question is has anything great or special happened aftr Abacha's death? Is Nigeria better? Y'all should pls shut ur mouth cos this open letter rubbish springing from every angle won't solve Nigeria's problem.. This man is dead and gone! I wonder when Nigerians would start writin open letters on how ds country would move forward.. There's scarcity of fuel everywhere and some of u are here criticising the dead! Like we don't av people dat are worse than Abacha in Nigeria today! Mtcheww.. Ayo and Sadiiq should pls do somtn more reasonable wt their time!
I love this guy, Ayo Sogunro. Thank you my brother, i am not a yoruba lady but i will call you my brother. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU.
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