From Star Magazine
Friends say that the duo are leading increasingly separate lives because they can’t stop fighting. “They have had some extremely vicious arguments, and every small thing is causing issues,” a source says.
“Olivier thinks Halle is spending too much time working and trying to lose weight and not enough time on their baby. Halle is tired of Olivier telling her what to do.
Both of them are very hot tempered and stubborn.
This is what gender equality causes. So she can't take to the hubbys advice bcause of films n weightloss? Stupid halle doesn't know what she wants
Third husband??? all these celebs are prostitutes....instead of getting married y not just date the men for as long as u want then break up with them...na wa oh,
Halle on her third? She's going to end up maybe with 10 men in her lifetime.
Working class mum my foot... Her priority should be her family them comes work....she just wants to destroy her family all by herself..... i pray the guy divorce her abeg....
God knw say i no fit marry this type of person bcos na die yu..... I hope she learns frm beyonce and change her path abi she work pass beyonce...
Well its always good for parents to spend time with their children, but lack of that from one of the parents shouldn't be enough for break-up, they could always talk and work things out, its all about understand and communication, I suppose their is more to the break-up
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Let dem go nd sit down joor. No one wants 2 bend 2 d oda. Foolish pple. Mtchww
See what Kim and Bey has caused
Ladies now trying to loose weight and post pix after child birth
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Hehe! She's nt even too big to be spending too much time trying to loose the weight she doesn't have! She shldnt hv given birth then since her body is so precious to her! Tot twas even for a more serious issue they're seperating! Mtcheeeeew!
I do not support divorce,but for a marriage to work,one of the couple should play the fool by being calm and polite all the time. Where this attributes are lacking in a marriage,then that marriage is headed for destruction.
This is bad
And that will make them less of a prostitute abi? Pele omo dada
I wonder ooo...oyinbo people a®Ãœ just behaving like an animal this days
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Matured ppl but have childish behavior smh
Why get married in the first place, i think this Halle Belle has issues. The best thing for her to do is just date them and when she is tired she can just work out. Women like her are way too exposed to stay married to one man.
I bet Olivier feels like a fool now. For years Halle Berry's ex's have carried foul of her nasty attitude and behaviour but the world (including me) was blinded by her beauty. I guess the truth is now beginning 2 reveal itself
When Halle's ex's all cried foul about her nasty attitude an behaviour, the world (including me) shut them down. Now the truth is begining 2 reveal itself. I bet Olivier must feel like a fool now. Hahahaha
All she wanted was the baby. I could have told him. She cares less if he wants to split as long as the child support payment is the mail every month. This women cannot stay in a marriage to save their life. In a few months, you'll hear she is dating someone else. Rubbish culture.
Linda today is my bday.......libers wish me happy bday
Well said
Raunchy Photo of Peter-Psquare with 17 yrs Old Model
Make Halle Berry forget all dis wahala men wey no dey fit appreciate her com dey wey wit me wey no mind date her even @ 60
Halle is a just a whore she doesn't deserve to be called a wife or mom
This lady's a poster-girl for 'beauty's only skin-deep'
it bad to brake up,i surgest they put in prayer.faith
Third husband 4 God sake & she can't still respect her self...#blackmamba
Hallw be fair. This is Oliviers first child, so if I were u I will take 2 yrs off just to concentrate on the baby. Its not like you need the money. Olivier is a millionaire from old money. #HollywoodNarcissistTinz. Its all about self. Drew Barrymore has now dedicated her 100% time to family. Family is more important that being famous , I was even shocked when I heard shed gone back to work so early. Tjat is one thing I hate too about guiliana rancic, the worse holkywood mom I know, crying about wanting a baby, God gave her one thru surrogate and in 2 weeks she was back at work. If you watch her reality show, bill rancic the husband is 100% hands on dad and juliana is so not connected. I hate her for that. God should a never given her that baby. Shes a narcissistic bitch who only cares about hollywood with her lizard ugly looking self. Halle mond ya self ohh, face your work (your family that is)
She no go settle down na nd b calm....3rd husband hmmmm she nor go gv hersef brain
"Marriage is not for everyone" . People need to realize it.
Dnt b too quick to judge. Not everything u read on papers prove to b true.
I don't believe in divorce but obviously it's clear dat there's no love btw these two. D husband being overly bossy n d wife not being submissive n too career driven. It take two to tango u know!
I see halle berry,as a very difficult woman, its rare 4 a man to handle her type!
Its well with both of them
Its quite unfortunate that she doesn't know what she wants. I pity her. She ιƨ fast becoming a super star @ divorce.
Who's kim compared to Halle? Halle ιƨ one time a bond girl. An award winning actress. Just that she ιƨ hardened and stubborn. A girl who refused to attend her fathers funeral cos he didn't play a good role to her growing up. Check your record.
First marriage,na divorce end am,second marriage dsame thg,nw third marriage again,,ahh ahh wetin.Dem swear 4 u,even if na swear,babe abeg jump nd pass.
To tink I used to like Halle like mad. Babe, get a hold of ur sences
Na wetin beauty and fame dey cause. 4rm liz taylo to jlo to kim to halle. Mk dem try.
Cat wmn! And she has this innocent look. Eyaaaa!!!
the rate divorce has taken all over the world calls for serious attention cuz with this i wonder what future generations will be
#milito da great#
And so they should split? white people and their silly reasons for breaking up.
Halle Berry genuinely want to be married but not ready to pay the prize. This is where Christianity plays a role in our lives. Before you do something bad you are already told that it is wrong. when you finish fooling around, you pick up yourself and do the right thing. People like Lopez, Madonna Berry and Kim, keep hopping from one man's arm into another, blaming the men for the split, not knowing that they need to fix their attitude in order to keep a man. Enough said.
Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.
Halle Berry genuinely want to be married but not ready to pay the prize. This is where Christianity plays a role in our lives. Before you do something bad you are already told that it is wrong. when you finish fooling around, you pick up yourself and do the right thing. People like Lopez, Madonna Berry and Kim, keep hopping from one man's arm into another, blaming the men for the split, not knowing that they need to fix their attitude in order to keep a man. Enough said.
Hehehehe.......next story plssssss
Dese people & dere disrespect 2 d marriage institution. Dey hop 4rm mariage2 marriage like dey r changing pants...
Any1 who need my nude pic click my name
Me like her shoe#shikena
Na only white d divorce? Even naija celebs ma don d copy dm. Luv n do tins unconditionally if u want ur marriage 2 work.
No recpect for husband again?????
Nawa oooo!!! Two masters cannot tun a home!
both of them are selfish and Need JESUS
Na only woman dey carry pikin.make the husband carry the baby, mtchewwwww. Why won't she loose weight?
If there is any truth to this story, I'd have to say that someone has to work in that family. Let's be real, when was the last time he was in ANYTHING? Maybe in France, but was it a major movie role? You all sit in judgement of Halle, never once stopping to think the situation through. This woman has two kids to feed and put through school, why should she sit at home, when she has to go out and work? Why can't he help take care of the kids, since he's not working currently? Ok, I get it, he's too busy chasing skirts. So, it's ok for him to bitch and complain about her, but she's the working one? Halle just got a show on tv, she has to WORK. America isn't Nigeria, women have to work. If his ass wasn't too busy fucking everything that moved, he'd have time to spend with his child, instead of making her look bad.
Also, so what she's been married a couple of times? You all act like fucking saints, on this board. What if she wanted to do the right thing and not have her second child out of wedlock? You'll are the same ones to crucify women for borning kids when they're not married.
People who are constantly judging others have the most skeltons in their closets. The men have disease carrying dirty dicks they sling around without condoms, and the women are common whores.
Halle, you need deliverance o! If your spirit husband is cast out, then you can see clear to settle with man o!
After 3 marriages n also bein hostile 2 d father of ur daughter. Clearly dis woman is allergic 2 longterm r/ship. Men shld stay away frm her she's 'pretty' poison. Just sayin...D Curious1
Wetin person no fit hear, ur weight more important than ur family. Are u alright
What will it profit her to loose weight and end up sad and lonely? Just asking.
Must she change 4 him? Must it b the woman who changes. Your nt in their marriage 2 know his own faults so pls SHHHH
Pls don't compare Halle to Kim n Bey
I think dat's wat dey realy nid, -Divorce! Since dey av a kid 2geda nd dat isnt stil enuf reason for undastndin... And u Halle Berry, it'd b beta if u dont bother havin any mor husbands since ur ethnocentrism wont allow u bend to his opinions nd wishes for d betterment of ur family... Just stay single dear, dats wat suits u
She's not like Kim at all. She's only loosing weight for her career not just for photo. Damn dat gurl @ 45 abi 46
So if u don't drop two comments at a times ur body won't be ok abi?? All for d 100k...smh #mumu
Na big lie. She just used the guy to have her children just the way jennifer lopez used mark anthony.
What a reason!
Lepa shany is back!
Halle berry is a bitch
u hav a large prob 2 hv related dis 2 genda equality. u blind ni say d 2 r sturbborn n hot tempered. take several seat jooh!
n d priority of a man is wah? lookin atnslimmer chicks wif bigger butts?
here you are linda,spreading rumours.there is no official confirmation of a split, just speculation. great journalism!
u guys comment shallowly! its not abt weda she works out too much or works too much! its d fact dt both parties r stubborn n can bend for demselves!!! we go c as u go take manage ur home wen u marry
Shut the f up! You chauvinistic bastard! It has nothing to do with gender equality, it's a personal/individual thing. Gender inequality won't make her see her child as a priority if it's not from within her. You're trying to sound like men know best in a family situation but they don't, take for example the scenario we discussed on this blog a while back where the husband wanted to circumcise the daughter at all cost in this day and age; as you have stupidly tried to make it look, gender inequality would ruin that child's marital happiness in the future. So what the heck are you talking about?! You better crawl back into that forsaken hole you crawled out from. Idiat!!!
really bad
Why must one always play the fool? Why can't they alternate it? It's only fair now. Abeg, nobody wants to be miserable for the rest of their life o! That's why there's something called sacrifice, one can sacrifice today and the other will sacrifice tomorrow. This one you're trying to preach here is called 'self-centered' attitude and no one deserves that. I've noticed you, so you can stop preaching to Nigerian women to be the fools in their marriages for it to work, ok?
From star magazine? That publication is sop base less as numerous times writes stupid Α̲̅πϑ unconfirmed rumours which always led been sued!!
Btw Halle berry has deep-rooted issues where she constantly in need of Α̲̅ companion †̥☺ make feel better...
Halle, won't your son welfare be top in your priority? I think u want to count hubby no 4.
Aunty linda where's my comment
Lol my dear,d thing taya mi 2.na 2 jst jump n pass.
Hahahhahahahahahahha @Anon 2:01 u're funny,I'm still laughing!
i love HB so much
Spanish men r very controlling. She better not give him a chance or she can go ahead with d divorce n fcking buy another lover
If its for these reasons alone then I think they can work things out
Anon 6:19 you're a stupid ass bastard... can't you make your dumb point without insults? Only goes to show you are a lowlife. Fucking retarded beast
My sister, that is what you will be told too oh, if you aren't already married, that is.
And you find that a lot of women have to bite their tongue and "play the fool".
I agree, it is frustrating but then, it seems to be the norm and a woman who deviates therefrom is not only considered a deviant but a bad wife who may finally get divorcved by her husband.
Its a cold, harsh reality.
I would more women would focus more on being career women than rushing to be homes- I mean, the women who actually have things going for them o- cos I've realised most women in marriage arnt able to leave because they totally depend on the man.
Biko mech'onu there! She can limit her work mode. Besides the husband has money so what are you saying? Btw, how do you know he's not working?all her ex's have complained bout the same thing-her attitude, so please ehn je ga nodu lani with this your essay.
Huh? See ur thinking. Chineke! So 3 husband mks her a prostitute? 20 bfs nko? Pls get lost!
U re such an ass. Moron!
Foolish idiat! What do you know about being a mum or wife? Ashawo indomie!
Abeg go back kitchen, dats where u belong. Sad n lonely ke!
This is sad sha but please all of you should sit down. The men here judging, you might not be divorced but your cheating, abusive behinds are still married because your wives probably have no means of livelihood. I am never one to listen to a man tell anyone about how dedicated a woman can be to her children. Are there bad mothers? yes but there are too many fathers who are lazy and all they do is complain. A good father would shut up and RAISE HIS CHILD. Women do it, 3/4 of the Naija men we have do not raise their children, they bring coins and call it feeding money while the women hustle to give their children a better life. Usually when people are shouting from here to Jericho, it is because they are trying to cover their own skeletons. I sincerely hope Halle is a good mother and working hard for a reason. Those of you saying, her husband have money can attest to the aka gum ness of men in general so please let us be realistic. Sometimes, a woman has to do what she has to do.
And what does she mean she is trying to lose weight, was it not the slim figure that attracted him? Mschewww men.
Hell's Bells!
If she's busy with work or at the gym, he should watch the baby. Was he this chauvinistic when he was step father figure to her older child? Same Halle but he flips on her after the wedding and wants her to give up her dreams. Dude's got plenty of time on his hands and barely still has a career. Split some of that time child rearing with his wife.
Halle's ex-husbands were skirt chasers. One was a sex addict who wanted it 24/7 and the other frequented prostitutes. Halle isn't perfect by any stretch, but I've never heard of her abandoning her daughter and I don't think that is what is going on here.
Oliver cheats, he cheated on his ex-girlfriend, the Australian singer, and left her when she was diagnosed with cancer. Halle is leaving him because he is a cheater. His people probably put that lie about her not wanting to take care of her kid, just to make her look bad. People don't care that married men are cheaters, they come down hard on the women, as is evident on this board.
Who cares that he comes from money, is that Halle's money? No work means no pay. He would not want to give her any child support if they were to get a divorce. He'd rather file for full custody, than pay child support. This is what men do nowadays, to keep from paying child support. Also, how would she be able to maintain the lifestyle she is used to? You all would tell her to get a job, right? Oh, ok.
I've been reading this board long enough to know that MANY African men, and women - to their own detriment, believe that all the responsibilities of marriage should fall on the woman. It's like it only takes one person to make a marriage work, according to many of you on this board. I guess this is a recipe for a great marriage...in Africa.
Anon 10/05pm you're the one that should shut up!! Not all her exes complained about same thin. Eric was a serial adulterer who kept sleeping around and getting busted and carried in the news etc whilst still married to Halle, she forgave him several times that people were starting to insult her. She got tired of him begging her and then going right back to cheat and get exposed in the papers and she finally divorced him. I'm not sure of the 2nd husband but you need to get your facts right and stop your typical 'blame and crucify the woman' crusade.
It takes 2 tango!!!! If dey r both hot tempered the marriage can not work
Maybe she's gunning 4 an elizabeth taylor
Maybe she's gunning 4 an elizabeth taylor
Honestly, I'd rather do like Halle does any day, than end with some kind of STD or worse, hiv/aids. There's no denying that she choices are wrong, but at least she's not humiliating herself by staying in potentially dangerous relationships.
The same Olivier Martinez that fought her ex-husband when he tried in vain to see his child abi? What goes around comes around!! Halle is a terrible person who just uses men as sperm donors, with no consideration for a father's feelings for his child! Martinez now put his mouth and fist in the last one's problem. Let's see if he will ever get to see his own child and he will known what's up? Idiot!
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