Susan Chanel Skin Beauty Line was initiated as a means to an
end for African Women Skin Disorder. The average African skin is posed to
different disorders and imperfection due to the nature of our weather, poor
diet, poor skin care routine and the quest for perfection with the wrong skin
product containing harsh chemicals that causes damage to the skin.
Susan is a graduate of psychology from the prestigious
University of Lagos, her quest and passion for the beauty and well being
prompted her to start her skin care line, to restore confidence and beauty in
African women. Continue...
At Susan Chanel Skin care we are not only interested in
making African Women beautiful, we are here to restore the confidence and pride
in African women. As we all know the skin is the largest and most fragile organ
of the body and should be treated with so much care and attention. A beautiful,
glowing and flawless skin is the true beauty of a lady.
At Susan Chanel we stock all range of Feminine Beauty wellbeing,
for that beautiful skin you truly desire and wish for and repair and
restoration of damaged skin. Our entire Product at Susan Chanel Beauty Home is
100% HERBAL, Yes!!! We Repeat 100% HERBAL, No side effects, allergies,
reactions, sun burn, stretch marks, dark knuckles, etc. Our Products range
from, Body Oils, Sea Salt Scrubs, Body Lotions, Herbal Bar soap, Liquid soaps,
Facial Cleansers, Massage Sponges, Anti ageing product, Acne Treatment package,
Face Masks etc. Asides the Skin we also stock herbal Teas and Capsules for feminine well being and
Wholeness. These herbal Teas and Capsules are 100% Herbal, made from pure
The Active Ingredients in our Skin care line are, Kojic
Acid, Glutathione, Giga white, Carrot oil, lavender, lemon grass, herbal
blends, spices, sea weeds and other natural skin treatment vitamins. At Susan
Chanel Skin Care Home Getting Result from Our Clients gives us so Much Joy and
Here is a list of our product and their functions.

Herbal Treatment Lightening Bar Soap: After the skin
has been well exfoliated to reveal new skin cells, the next line is using
treatment soap. Our herbal treatment soap cleans the skin thoroughly, brightens
the complexion, and clears stretch marks YES!!!
Clears stretch marks, fades face and body spots, clears black in between
thighs, black armpits, eliminates the appearance of pimples and acne, rashes,
eczema and evens out skin discolorations.
Liquid Milk Treatment Shower Gel with Kojic Acid.:
This is a skin lightening soap for ladies with sunspots, freckles, and other
forms of pigmentation on the face and body, this treatment soap work primarily
as a deep exfoliating treatment. The papaya and enzymes in contained in Kojic
Acid soap helps to break down the top layer of the skin cell and peel away
damaged skin, revealing the fresh and healthy skin cells underneath. This soap
can be used as regular bath soap all over the body. Using Kojic soap on a
regular basis helps reduce the appearance of age spots, eliminates freckles and
skin discolorations caused by pregnancy and strengthen the skin cell activity.
Talking Body Oil: The Talking oil is natural fairness oil that makes your skin glow. This magical
oil leaves the skin smooth, soft, clear, evens the complexion and gives your
skin that Healthy Glow without Stretch marks, dark knuckles, sun burns and dark
eye circle. It also contains a screen to prevent the skin form the damage
caused by harmful sunrays.
Stretch Marks Cream: Unbelievable But TRUE!!! The
solutions to those ugly and annoying stretch marks on the Breasts, Butts, Arms,
Tummy, Back of the Legs, Hips is finally here. Gain your confidence back ladies
by getting rid of those Stretch marks today. A trial of our stretch marks cream
will convince you today. We will be gladly waiting to receive your testimonies.
Facial Cleanser: Our
facial cleanser fights against oily skin, acnes, pimples, white heads, black
heads, patches on the faces, fades out acne scars, fine lines, premature ageing
and wrinkles and improves skin tones thereby restoring radiance on the face,
neck and shoulders.
Philippine and Spanish Oil: These oils are super fast acting
skin lightening oils, that helps restore a clearer and more radiant even tone
complexion while soothing out dry skin. These oils penetrate into the skin to
start working instantly to nourish and glow the skin in less then a week of
Acne and Pimples Face Cream: This 8 in 1 concentrated formula
Face Cream is specially formulated to clear and eliminate the reoccurrence of
acne, pimples, freckles, whiteheads, black heads, pimples, fine lines and acne
scars caused by past breakouts. It also helps in evening out that stubborn
discolorations and spots on the face.
Baby Look Cream: This product is a lightening
skin care with carrot oil extract, usage of this cream reveals a soft, fresh,
emollient , supple and glowing skin like that of a new born child. Our products
at Susan Chanel Beauty Home speak for themselves. We don’t need to talk too
much about them, as cliché as it sounds A
Trial Will Convince You!
Half Caste Cream: This product is specially
formulated to brighten and clear the complexion. The half cast cream brings out
the glow on the skin that has been damaged by harsh weather conditions, poor
skin care routine and the usage of harsh chemicals. It evens out the skin tones
thus revealing a clearer, brighter and smoother and radiant skin.
Knuckle Oil: The knuckle oil is specially formulated to
clear the damage of the skin caused by harsh products. It clears dark knuckles,
Dark knees, dark elbows and dark toes. It heals the damaged caused by product
caused by harsh chemical in skin care product. This product restores confidence
and beauty to the skin.
Sun Burn Cream: The sun burn cream is formulated
to rid damage on the skin caused by harsh weather condition this product
restores caused damage caused by the harmful sunlight rays. It clears sun
burns, dark spots, freckles and imperfection on the face, skin, neck and
Make Me White Cream and Oil: This magical cream and oil is the
ultimate product for that velvety smooth skin, bright cream, satin and glowing
skin. It restores shine and luster to the skin, this product perfects
imperfections on the skin, from the face to the feet and evens outs skin tone
for that beautiful and healthy look you desire.
You can contact us on susanchanel90@gmail.com,
+2348029557281. Our Beauty House is located in the heart of Ikeja Lagos
Nigeria. Instagram @susanchanel, to view testimonies’ from our new and existing
Susan Chanel Beauty Skin Beauty skin
Line All About Fresh Glowing Skin!!!
Pls show us d true colour of ur arm pit, all this studio pictures are fotoshoped.
Lmao Halfcaste cream??????
so cool
We don hear,cancer is real oo
Super razz pix,dencia don inspire this one
MRS PELA..hiss
KOJIC ACID is harmful to the skin.
that girl's fat,it would have been better off with a slim sized babe
Dencia, you have a partner in Naija. bleaching tinz mehnnnn
Hmmmm @the poses, just passing
Rubbish. Another way to exploit people. If you want good cream, drink lots of water (minimum 2l a day), eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, use sun screen and cleanse your skin regularly. Everything is bullsh*t!
Well all I can say is susan is naturally yellow lady...bcs I know her very well, she's very clean and natural. But I dnt know wat to say abt her goin into cream& oil line...
oops! all dis 4 us ladies, mehn women palava too much jawe
She ιs beautiful!
So na her creams go com bring perfection to d skins of African ppl, shey? Lol... Nice concept tho
Lmao! Y do all dis beauty skin care lines major on whitening whitening and whitening product?must u bleach all in the name of wantin 2luk fresh n clean?*black girls rock*
Ok oooh! Odiegwu.com Everything I see is white dis, white dat...must we all be white???
Admire ur entrepreneurship skill tho, esp considering d unemployment rate on naija naw
If ur skin is so fresh as a result of your products, y are ur pictures so edited.. testimony? Lol...
No be small half caste cream.
hmmmm, whiteiciouse number 2
Half-caste cream? Make me white? WTF?!!!!!!
So dis babe is Susan. She wz on my floor in final year den. She & her frnds were troublemakers esp 1 fat Bukky or watever she wz called. Goodluck in ur biz
At least this one looks like a legit business ...unlike that fraudster Dencia and her horrible website
See kokoma oo. This wasn't how she was in secondary school. Will hook u up o, gats get rid of pregnancy stretch marks
Kokoma na wa o. Check u out
Another bleaching things smh 4 naija girls
I use the talking oil, it's perfect
I need the knuckle oil.
And the baby look cream...hmmmn,I hope it'll work for me.
Nice. I love dis I'm ȿǿ interested
Call ♏є gbemmiesola
Bleaching things
This is the new yahoo things....exploiting people who are desperate to bleach. 419 things
Why Chanel though? Is that part of her name? Just saying.
This babe has the best products so far. Her product is perfect no side effect at all, she beat Dencia hands down.
Anoda dencia in the making.....(jennifer ojay)
Did I just see vaginal tighter cream? Hian!!!!!
Make-me-white cream and oil? Half-caste cream? Fine girl, better pikin, be like say......
Make-me-white cream and oil? Half-caste cream? Fine girl, better pikin, be like say......
I like me the way I am; natural and simple. .. Thanks but no thanks, plus I'm my hubby's stainless trophy.
*My R1.50c comment *
@anon 7:16 u r so ryt on dat, she doesn't have manner. I knew her way back.
All na wash!
I use her herbal soap and talking oil, love the result! Weldone dear!
Hmmmm... heard her cream isnt good @ all dencia tinz
Dunno y som pple ar spoilin d gals biz,if u can't afford it,shut ur mouth n allow d ppl dat ar interested 2 buy it.skin is differ 4rm skin,it may b nice on som pple n nt b nice on som pple so pls dnt try n spoil som1's biz its a bad habit.
De woman dey fine, linda work no dey gree me comment immediately recently dats why me dey always come late on ur blog these dayz
Cancerlicious Creams..
Susan chanel al d way*dancing*haters wil kip hating.....chikazo
How much hydroquinone has been added to those deadly products and what is NAFDAC uptake on this?
*eyes rolling*
Dear Linda,
This is coming from a fan and admire of how far you have come and what you have made of yourself. Please stop using your blog to promote and market bleachers. You now have enough fame, power and resources to stand for something use it for good. You need to graduate and evolve to a different level. A lot of your people read your blog and you do have influence on the youth, enough with these bleachers and posting naked pictures of hookers parading as actors.
When they call you to promote such things, ask them to send you the products so you can try them and then introduce to your fans. When they say a bought a private jet, ask them to send you a reciept. When they tell you they signed a deal, request for a copy of the contract. It they "am an actress", tell them to put their cloths on and sent you their resume.
It is time you start recognizing your power and start respecting yourself. A lot of people have had their lives changed, and have gotten medical care because you came on here and asked people to help. Victims have gotten justice because you gave them the voice and attention they needed. Toke wanted fame and all she had to do was mention your name and she got it. Dencia will be not where she is now without the publicity you have given her and that is just to mention a few. It is now time for you to creating your legacy and stop chasing stupidity. I am not saying no gossip, but my goodness you can do better. You are a smart woman and you know this idiot is bleaching, stop dumbing down yourself because you think everything on your blog has to be rachet.
It is time to take LIB to a new level. Your young and devoted readers deserved more that the same nonsense year after year. You have grown, help them grow. Linda you are now a pop culture Icon, PLEASE GROW THE FUCK UP!
Thanks, your fan
Coco - cocoirons@yahoo.com
Libers pls help a sis out Any one wit an idea of effective medications to boost fertility? I really need to get pregnant*sobs*
She is so Rude and like paro back then in unilag
Sure she's ur very close friend. So many pple av condemned her products on dis blog but u overrated it. Pls stop deceiving pple wit ur lies
Y didn't dey stress on d vaginal tightening cream...smh*am after dt nd nothing else..#SirJesus
Dis susan chanel abi koko chanel.She was on my BBM contact.I bought her stretch mark soup n cream,instead of removing it,it became worst.she's just here to steal people's money.idiot.
Bwhahahahahah Half Caste cream...what about Dark as night cream?? or Kunta Kinte cream??? idiot
Fertileaid women + u hv to go do HSG scan incase ur tubes are blocked. After that take the fertilr aid and u'll be preggy Asap. Thank me later
Her stuffs are nice , very gentle and works well, her talking oil is one of her best products. ......... Rock on girl Chanel for life
Hmmmmm, I used to know she and her friend well, 1 Nnena Chick like dat, dat 1 is d complete opposite of her, very humble and beautiful but her nyash no be for here.......
Her products will leave ur skin uneven...ur skin will be like that of pepper seller tryin 2 use fake creams to bleach . Complete waste of money! I spent over 50k on nonsense...simple bcos I wanna glow! now I'm spending more repairing my skin. Pls be warned and act wisely
U need to see a gynae...dont take or act on drugs dear. u cud develop cyst or any other cervical infection.
Extremely Rude!
Nothing works! Talking oil rubbish, knuckles cream rubbish. Its a waste of money plus a rude girl. No need.
see Dencia big time partner ..cool business for fake ladies who want to reap where they have not sowed
U sure say u no be susan urself, no form anonymous for us oo
Legit indeed. You no hear pple's experience? Half caste cream n everything else whitening things. Na same dem be. Seems Dencia's own is more legit sef
Went to her shop as she claimed and it was a building that looked abandoned in ikeja. I still don't believe her products tho
Lil her armpit look so fotoshoped.
I tot I was d only person tinkin d along this lines!hav posted comments but she never publishes!how can sumone wit as much as '4000 people traffic' still be posting this kind of things!Asking stupid q like I was fingered!Gosh!!I feel exasperated sometimes!no educational content whatsoever!I linda stop being a bimbo!some times ehh when I meet people in their thirties and remember linda is thirty ehh I dey shame for you linda!let some sorta maturity seep into this blog!
Try one of her products and be convinced,she is good at it,its nt all abt whitenin it depends on wat u want.
God bless you susan(kokoma)... the sky is not even ur limit. nice concepts... Dewunnmi Ewenla.
Her product is really nice.. but she really needs to work on her attitude, she is so rude.
I totally agree with u.
Shurup n face ur work! Remaining bonario,onyx,fase et al to get employed like u.
Hey you useless people that don't have any good thing to say or comment just shut ur mouth and stop spoiling the girls business why don't you go start up something you lazy tin, kokoma susan thumb up for you keep it up and dont listen to haters, everybody na king or queen for him lane
Talking oil rubbish!
Talking oil rubbish!
Linda sef
Sort out the way you spelt some words on your poster. That's the main eyesore to me.
I forgot to add, you need to manufacture a cream for your black armpits which you photoshopped.
U must be sick.ode,as if u r too blind to see d name after d comment.bad belle
Omg baby zombie must u comment?which one is paro kwa?swear u hv nt cheated on ur rltnship.lost biko
Very true I had bad acne scar, 3 litres of water, face scrub with glycolic acid and fruits solved it and the spots drastically reduced
U r so true' she needs to be hospitable... Her product re too expensive
Lol!!! I went dere too' it was her boyfriends house' rily abandoned building (all na packaging)
Just small improvement' waste of money especially on d strechmarks soap/cream
Fake girl' am sure u r d one wu wrote dis... Thief
She is a thief' it doesn't work
Wu does not knw dat she is a dirty bitch?
Now thso one that has bleaching cream you will not yab her O but if it is dencia now..you will abuse the life out of her.
n u think na only yoruba girls dey bleach...igbo girls na dem dey sell bleaching cream pass...go check them for yaba
You guys must v a snake skin for her product nt to work on u! Her customer from texas
Wat will u gain wen u try to run her biz? I guess u sale cream also.... stupid animal, kindly start smtin gud for ur lyf! Chanel alk d way!
U pple can't run her dowm! Her product her magical her client in abuja
Susan Chanel Beauty Skinline Products d best!!! Haters must always hate tho... it's just normal. Life's boring wivout critics anyway... if u don't like 2 improve ur skin... why discourage others though? Kudos 2 chanel! #gbam#
u and dewunmi are same person..so shut up
she is calabar
Long hiss!
Na cement skin them get no be snake skin, awon haters oshi lmao
I just luv dis young industrious lady! Nyc one
Dont buy her products oooooo.... ul just b wasting ur money.... God bless
Forgot to add.. that her stupid halfcast cream that costs 45k, its AMOS WHITE she mixed I recognise d smell anywhere.... Honest advice look for another skin therapist, her products na WASH....Also I feel that the testimonies she pasted on her instagram page are all bull probably begged her frnds to say those things... HIAN!!!!.Yes am very pained but its nt bad belle sha.... caveat emptor buyers beware!!!!!!
Her talking oil is the best ! I must be naked an confess that her talking oil is best of all her product !
Her product is the best
@coco or Wetin be your name ? Y u know write this kind letter to your local government make them give u work ! Miss over sabi
E pain u too much go start to mix your own! Jobless bitch trying to bleach u r skin in Oda to get parole...... her testimony r so real cos I'm one her customer
Lol y r so vexed? D more u kip writing negative stuff abt her d more she steps higher! Free d babe biko Dirty bitch wiv ur dirty skin! I guess u can't tell her on her face
Them force u buy am? Tell her to her face! Smelling pussy
If u like talk till 2moro. If no b chanel it can't neva b! Chanel d best.skin therapist of our time! May God bless ur biz Chanel
Her product r just d best for mi! Go nd check ur Pomo skin fool
Don't mind them stupid people with stupid comment I don't know if she forced u to get her product, she's very good with what she does, if they see her in nice car they will start calling her ashewo or runs girl, low mined human beings. #Ollyposh say so# teams chanel keep it up girl#
U must a be fool those that look black. Do u expect it to look just d same as the body skin
Ode u jus spoilt tins by sayin u r vexed.am so sure u r one of those susan's ex frnds she dumped.bad belle pls commit sucide.susan biko u rock.
every response under here is made by one person, from the way u typed narrowed down to the timing...smh except from anon 12:34...congrats suzie we see u..hail urself..gud stuffs doe buh ur attitude needs to be on strike hun.
well i haven't use any of her product but i have met with her and honestly she is the same as in the pictures she displyed. There is nothing like photo edit..no! But i agree when you say she has got an attitude, she really does and i felt its an act of over confidence of her product line. So Susan,if you are reading this.. i would advise.. be humble and friendly to people, it would pay you and take you far in life.
Her products might not be ok for you but please stop negative talk about ger business. I don't knw her , no interest to buy her products but I believe she's better than lazy girls who don't want to do anything rather than waiting for man to do all. If u are haters, beware coz God will surely george.
I have been using her baby look cream & talking oil now for like 2weeks and seriously must confess its giving me a glow with no stretch marks or knuckles...
Like seriously I wonder why people just feel happy in spoiling others people's business
You peeps saying negative stuff here about her should go get a life plzzzzz!!!
stretech marks removal delhiThank you very much for sharing these informative articles
Her pix re nt fotoshopped o,I ve used her product and I can testify 2 it,if u aint buyin,u don't nid 2 spoil her market 4 dose dt wil nid it.
Susan Chanel is so rude & arrogant! She really need to work on her character for good customer relations. Her manners are so appalling!
Susan Chanel is so rude & arrogant! She really need to work on her character for good customer relations. Her manners are so appalling!
What can I say...we are all different pple only God sees d hrt and can judge each and every one of us,try to b positive at all times and don't derive pleasure in spoiling people's effort.do onto odas what u want for urslf.an advise for alllll,thnks
Pple pls stop trying to ruin someone's business, stop hatin *biko
Lol lemme give u nafdacs number so u can call them and report...oshifobarawo. mumu. Suzzy pls go on with ur work. All them haters still picking isams ay their backyard.
Cocopops or coconut al these fake bitches..first of all wetin happen to name ur mama give u..coco? Iron? Is ur mother proud? Anyway are u d one linda hired to manage her blog? Im sure u are currently unemployed
and scouting urself.. try get small shame
I met her a couple of days back and i must confess she hard a bad attitude, an attitude of a street girl. She is white alright from head to toe, but you cam just see she is burned and washed out, i wanted to get something for sun burn and i had to change my mind there and then cos, i tot if she looks like this only God knows what she mixes, she has such a nasty arrogant attitude. As soon as i left the shop i went on IG and found another dem who does organic products and she was so nice and she even thanked me for choosing her I felt warm and immediately placed my order. I wish susanchanel well but she needs to humble and create a friendly atmosphere for clients. So many people on here don't ve nice things to say about her,i don't know if her products works cos i don't support bleaching your skin, so those who went there so they can bleach their skin, just be careful with what you put on your skin. Linda, i know it's business as usual for you, but you are at a place where this want make any sig diff in ur life. Please don't promote such things as changing your skin. You ve maintained this your dark complexion all along so plz don't put it on nigerians to bleach.
Susan Chanel all the way........ stopped using her products though! Cos of my skin type, but I must say her products works! It depends on your skin type, if you are black you can't turn white over night now! Now she's got a state of the art spa! Your negativity pushes her to work harder and become more successful! Her attitude may not be 100% but in business you have to be a little strict else they will run you down! Am sure most people saying her attitude is bad are worst! Or her past clients that still owes her! I know her well she can give you her cream on credit sef! And then pay later! She can be that nice!!! Depends on your approach tho! And lastly her skin is naturally flawless! #don'thate
She's kinda rude sha. Coz I called her while I was in the US about her talking oil. She was nasty. I kuku told her my mind and hung up.
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