If you want to think, speak and act logically then you should know all three.
1. The law of identity
2. The law of excluded middle
3. The law of non contradiction.
Now let's look at each one of these and see what they mean in practice.However, if you don't like the facts as they are you are going to have to put up with them, because facts are what they are, if it's raining on your golf day, get used to it! Because the facts are what they are and are often not what you want them to be, like if the traffic lights turn red when you approach, stop complaining! The law of identity means that you must adapt yourself to the facts and start your work from there, it implies that the facts will not bend to meet your expectations. You must first adapt yourself to what life is and then get to work changing and improving things in your life, be brave to meet reality as it really is and not how you would wish it to be.
1.The law of identity
The law of identity means that things are what they are, which at first doesn't seem very illuminating, but wait; it implies also the following, that things are what they are, whether you like them or not, it implies that things are what they are whether you know them or not, it implies that things are what they are whether you agree with them or not. Continue...
2. The law of excluded middle.
The law of excluded middle means that you should give a straight yes or no answer always and there is no middle ground. The law means that there is no kinda yes and kinda no, there is no ‘sort of’ being married because you are either married or you are not, you are either a thief or you are not, you are either on time or not, you are either living in Nigeria or you are not. The law is the idea that you should not try to keep all of your options open by staying in the middle or hedging, when it suits you, like when you accepted an appointment during IBB's regime as chairman of FRSC. I bet that was a military regime you partook in. Please pick one wife and state your claim 100% to her, pick one idea and go for it 100%! Decide and commit Sir! There you might find great power and self satisfaction in the doctrine of decide and commit. No half way measures, no middle ground, exclude the middle! Here! The law of excluded middle Sir.
3. The law of non contradiction.
The law of non contradiction says don't contradict yourself simple. If you say you will be there then be there. If you say you will do it then do it. Don't say or fight for one thing and then do the opposite. Don't say one thing and then later deny that you said it. Don't say one thing and then later contradict it. Be consistent in your thoughts and actions. Observing someone who was a socialist in the morning but then became a capitalist in the evening is a textbook on contradiction, these are two polar opposites, such a person is clearly inconsistent and is therefore considered a flip flop, confused, easily led or misled or at best a lunatic who has no clear understanding of the basis of either doctrine.
Apply these three logics to others with consistency and then you can ask for the same or expect the same from others, and then you can also ask for others to deal with facts not fantasy, which is the law of identity. Ask others to make up their mind to decide and commit. The law of excluded middle.Then ask others to follow through on the things that they say they would do. The law of non contradiction.
Sir, I believe brilliance is not perfection. I have grown and watched you criticize regime after regime and at that young and naive age I was thinking why wouldn't this man just contest to be president so that Nigeria can be saved, I would have defiantly voted for Mr Soyinka if it would have brought an end to Nigeria's woes. To my utter surprise, I heard about your FRSC leadership and how funds were misused and a great deal of it unaccounted for. "Oh my God! In the end he turned out to be just the same as everybody else" were my next thoughts. My hopes for you, all ended up in great disappointment.
Here I find myself defending my father 15 years after his death because some of you have no one else to pounce on, or rather, you have chosen a dead person to keep pouncing on over and over again when you have more than an array of contestants. A coward's act I believe. "A common writer" is what I have heard you being referred to lately, and I believe a mature mind would now agree to such referrals. With all due respect, there is a great challenge that faces the country, we have to put our heads together, rather than clashing, our collective ships must sail in the same direction, let us leave the ghosts of past contention and face the future bravely as one, criticizing the past does not help the present or define a path to the future.
You say, with the weight of your sense of history and the authority you possess on national issues that " a vicious usurper under whose authority the lives of an elected president and his wife were snuffed out" referring to my late father, you must be growing old, or you would rightly recall that that president elect you refer to did not die while my father was alive. Did you slyly change your facts to fit a history that would better serve your narrative, or are you just plain forgetful? Either way, it shows you are losing your grasp of reality.
Comparing my father’s leadership to Boko Haram's current reign of terror, is a rather cheap shot, you are in no position to examine, judge and sentence an entire regime based on the information you think you have, you are privy to almost none of the true facts, what is at your disposal is at best, hearsay, or were you ever minister of defence? did you ever sit in during security meetings, evaluate the facts and subtleties of national security? You remind me of Obama criticizing the Republicans before he became a sitting president himself, vouching to put an end to all American occupation, this all came to an abrupt end once he had access to the briefs and security issues, economic and political, facing his nation. Surely he did what he could, and history will judge him. To lead is not to be a rock star, and to be a Nobel laureate is not to be a an antagonist of this countries legacy..We are Africa's leaders, whether we like it or not, we cannot trivialize the centenary celebration, it happens only once, let us come together, if only for this one occasion and agree to disagree.
Open rebellion against the current government at this time, on the manner of the centenary celebrations, for whatever reason, is tactless, it is not about you, it is about our nation, our beloved country. There is a time and place for everything. My late father was a Nigerian, lived in Nigeria and died protecting our interests to the best of his ability, critiquing placing him on the honor roll, along with many deserving dignitaries is your right, you have the right to your own opinions, but you do not have the right to your own facts. Facts stand alone, regardless of who espouses them, let posterity judge, but you are clearly politicizing a dead issue, how could you not be? Having an issue with the naming of a hospital after the late General and leader? really ? Now ?
It almost seems as if you want to turn back the hands of time, what else would you like to undo besides the naming of the hospital, would you like to unmake Bayelsa state, Zamfara state or the others? What about the advances we made in commerce, reducing the inflation rate, what about security and welfare, how many projects, hospitals and schools were created? inflation went from 54% to 8.5%! my father oversaw an increase in our foreign currency reserves from 494 million dollars in 1993 to 9.6 billion dollars by the middle of 1997, that is unprecedented , 15 years after the PTF the benefits are still being reaped today in Nigeria, What of peace keeping and nation building, not just in West Africa but the entire continent, restoring democracy in Liberia and Sierra Leone, all these under my father’s leadership, are all these not laudable? Or would you like to undo them all. All this on 8$ per barrel of oil! You have to be kidding me.
You are a learned man, you would have to undo all your learning to knowingly wish to undo all these achievements! I will be the first to proclaim that my fathers leadership was not pitch perfect or spot free, that does not exist, maybe in utopia but not here on this earth, so let us keep our discourse set in the sphere of reality please, he deserves the award, and he did not campaign for it, let it go, Sir...and allow Nigeria to at least bask in our survival and endurance in our growing prosperity and development in these trying times. I have been accused of being an optimist, hence, I am optimistic that you will come around and accept that we can all come together and face the future together, forgive each other our wrongs while celebrating our rights, I am still an admirer of your works after all, however, I cannot and will not attempt to answer your every charge, this is not the time or place, this is a time for solidarity, if only you were wise enough to grasp this.
I applaud the patience of President Goodluck Jonathan and his composure and restraint in not having a knee jerk reaction at such a pivotal moment in our nations history, but you would mar the occasion, Sir, in the future, please pick your battles, and do better to safeguard your relevance, Enough Sir!
Sadiq Abacha.
1 – 200 of 451 Newer› Newest»All these open letters that noone can read.
Please send the summary lol
Toooooo long sha. I tot we were past this?
LMFAO all you nigerian girls going to prayer houses for husbands need to rad this LMAOO
I don’t expect a different response; of course Abacha was his father! Even if ur papa na thief, na still ur papa#bloodspeaking#.
However Mr Sadiq, it still doesn’t change the fact that ur father was a tyrant, a killer and a big thief! The worse time of my life, a time of untold suffering and hardship was during your father's reign. I remember how we used to take it as a serious prayer point during morning devotion for God to KILL ur father!! God indeed answered us!!! I have not seen the Nigerian people any happier, even when we won the world cup, like the day your father died. It was jubilation in its highest!!!!
Young man, we are really not supposed to be directing all of these accusations at you, but the fact that you dare to raise your voice trying to defend your father is sickening to me and a direct insult to all of us that were mercilessly downtrodden during his reign.
So plssss take my advice, park well and SHUT UP!! Make I no hear ur voice for media on dis issue again oooo!!!
I don’t expect a different response; of course Abacha was his father! Even if ur papa na thief, na still ur papa#bloodspeaking#.
However Mr Sadiq, it still doesn’t change the fact that ur father was a tyrant, a killer and a big thief! The worse time of my life, a time of untold suffering and hardship was during your father's reign. I remember how we used to take it as a serious prayer point during morning devotion for God to KILL ur father!! God indeed answered us!!! I have not seen the Nigerian people any happier, even when we won the world cup, like the day your father died. It was jubilation in its highest!!!!
Young man, we are really not supposed to be directing all of these accusations at you, but the fact that you dare to raise your voice trying to defend your father is sickening to me and a direct insult to all of us that were mercilessly downtrodden during his reign.
So plssss take my advice, park well and SHUT UP!! Make I no hear ur voice for media on dis issue again oooo!!!
See these Abacha Children think that their father is an angel. They should realize that their father is a Jerk. I Said in GUMSU's colum dat I heard that their father died at the hands of Prostitutes. and with the way their father treated this country, I think the Abachas should hide their faces in Shame. they are a Big disgrace to this Nation. blody A**holes
See these spoilt brats! Who gave them mouth to speak.
The dictator's blood runs in the Abacha children veins. What a shame!
Hmmm! And the literary war goes on. I await a response from the other camp.
Soyinka is always condemning pple, there is dis say "he who seek equity must come wit clean hand" pls oga white heir respect urself or I go tell nigerians weti u do wen u be FRSC chairman.
Oooooh! Gosh. Enraged I refused to read further.
Its not your fault Sadiq,its not your making we Nigerians tend to forget so easily.
Thank your stars u live in a nation where people forget and forgive so easily. What would av given the son of an evil man like you the impetus to challenge people when they talk of your fathers evil deeds while alive.
Your father was the worst thing that ever happened to our country asides corruption and bad leadership which could be traced to him too.
So u have the effpntery to confront Soyinka? May God punish you and entire Abacha family
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Them dey craze... Awon ewu gambia
Besides everyone saw Abacha as a bad person.
I recall neighbours rejoicing when he died. Not sure why his son is acting out like someone said something wrong.
I was young, didn't give 2 ****
I'm not even going to bother to read the piece because I doubt if there is any thing of worth this guy can say.
The truth of the matter is that his father should not have been honored. He was a dictator, a thief, and a murderer and in no way positive did he contribute to the Nigeria that we have today.
Rather than his silly son and daughter to bow their heads in shame, these ill mannered children have the guts to be writing open letter and whatnot. Its only in Nigeria that these sort of people can talk.
Shameless he and she goats.
Abeg Sadiq who write dis article for you?
Look at this dude o, ur popsy na real baddo and sharing award with soyinka, a man that made nigeria proud is a very big insult.....
See him ugly face..... Nobi only open letter na close letter...... Nansance....
1st time i read an entire piece as long as dis......sadiq really pinched pa sho in sensitive places....and i must say papa u cnt jus say u knw hw to speak grammmar pick up ur pen anytime and write as sadiq said.....its high time we stop condeming and pit our heads together share ideas to save our country nd put a stop to all dis insultive open letters syndrome its getting childish....thnks
Yeye dey smell, with all the above stated facts you left out somethings like "how many innocent lives your father cut short in their prime during his regime"
This poor boy has been fed a lot of lies about his dad being a hero.
Shut up! I don't even want to read it all because I might just hate myself for wasting such precious time and end up committing suicide as a purnishment for a mistake I did as reading this. As your a mistake of life dear Sod-head u'll try and of course justify your stupid existence as a blood relative of an evil creature that once walked on planet earth. Once again. Shut up! As e no go ever better for and your whole family that hail a man that carried hundreds of innocent bloods on his hands and also paved the way for other foolish idiots to continue the same trend. Just due to his delusioned radical behaviour of course due to his congenital disorders. Its all down to that and I can see you also acquired some and you have no point with all the dictionaries you and ur mumu hausa and niger brodas acquired to write that waste of time piece. Fools
Yawwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnn......abegi, next!!!
all these long boring epistle? i never read am sha, just came to book space, now will go back to read and make my original comment for d day. Linda how market?
Grammar!!! Grammar!!! Grammar!!! That's all I see!!
He couldn't have put it any better & he still spoke with respect. I love it
Abeg mak una 4 get mata na who dem catch be thief. Who amongs these people do you all think deserve it?
Shut up mugu sodiq all your family members deserve to go to jail for crimes against humanity
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They all shoul have been shot.mso they feel that have a say in naija Abi. Like father like son
He should shut up and not let Prof respond and send him and his sister into verbal coma. Shio. Didn't even bother to read what he got a professional to draft for him.
Shut up mugu sodiq all your family members deserve to go to jail for crimes against humanity, like father like son, tyranny runs in the blood
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the boy chop im school fees. poor english and poor manners. Soyinka should also rest plz
Ade, at 10.56. What's wrong with Abacha's dictator's blood? Is it really worse than the blood of many leaders etc since the first republic. This letter is very sound, calm, logical. I am a tremendous admirer of Soyinka's, but if I were Abacha's child, I would react. What about Shagari who led the dismal 2nd republic, what about IBB? Now we'll wait for the stream of abuse from Soyinka!
Quite a sensible piece.
Brilliant mind....i dont even know when wole soyinka's tot or opinion becomes important
dis sadiq abacha can talk sha !!!!!
Quite a sensible piece. I share a bit of the sentiments expressed.
Take a seat bruh.
We both know your dad was very very far from the saint you insist on retaining his memory as. Your wealth today stems from the money your dad stole from US.
Be mature here and shut up!
Well said Sadiq
Quite a sensible post; I agree with most of the sentiments expressed by Sadiq
This therefore brings us back to the era of "open letter". Sit back and enjoy your reading...
May the blood of all those who your wretched evil useless prostitute loving thieving murderous bastard father killed forever haunt you all future generations of Abacha family! May you know the pain and suffering suffered at the hands of your father by others too Amen
'..and died protecting our interests to the best of his ability..' is this some kind of joke??
Eloquent though I read several veiled(or not so veiled) insults.
Mallam Abacha,I am aware however that Prof soyinka resigned from frsc when he saw that it was an appointment given to buy him as against his desire to serve.we have evidence and facts of your late fathers misdeeds including looting like no other(some of these monies have been seized and returned to the FG) but please show facts of your accusations of embezzlement of funds by Prof soyinka from frsc.
While I applaud you all for standings up for your father(after all,our parents are our parents as we didn't choose them),it might be better if we see you the kids in action by DOING notable projects to soften the pains and memories of Nigerians.
You at least sound a lot better than your sister gumsu.
Pls leave Sadiq alone jor, Soyinka na saint? Who introduce cultism in Nigeria
I think he has forgotten abt his father's reign of terror. He said his father died protecting d interest of ds nation, when all his sadist of a father wanted was to kill all Nigerians.im sure he has forgotten how and where his sick father died. A man that was so evil to the extent of organising and killing the boy yhat calls him daddy (his step son) if I were in prof. Soyinka's shoes, I wldnt accept such award too.
Wow.... he almost made me like Abacha soo much.... To think I actually finish reading this... Interesting write up I must commend... very brilliant and articulate....
this guy is really intelligent, at least more intelligent and reasonable than his sister. he tried not to be vulgar, insult, or criticise, but pointed out facts. he stated matters or generalisation "humans have their flaws" and "African leaders have their peculiar flaws" but also pointed out the merits of Abacha's regime. he didnt also say that his father wasnt a tyrant. he was smart enough to avoid that.
my best quote "To lead is not to be a rock star, and to be a Nobel laureate is not to be a an antagonist of this countries legacy..We are Africa's leaders, whether we like it or not, we cannot trivialize the centenary celebration, it happens only once, let us come together, if only for this one occasion and agree to disagree."
No matter how you try to paint your father's portrait Sadiq, everybody knows that Sani Abacha was a dictator that should have died by hanging
So sad this a country wr every1 forgives & forget, the abacha family should have been wiped off long time ago! Prof pls ignore the mallam
Some people are just blabbing, do you know that Jonathan's regime is worst than abacha's regime?
Beholdly he speaks the truth and really sounds like a man trained in the military... "NMS ZARIA" its high time someone shuts Mr Wole Shoyinka's mouth up! Wole is guilty of stealing too... Nice one Saqid! Late General Sani Abacha really did well despite his short comings.
Good piece. Truth be told, lets talk about the future and forget the past. We need not cry over past injustices.
@ Ade,shutup wat do you knw....he made valid points...its not abt dictatorship here,rather its abt knowing & doin wgats right @ every given time... Abacha wouldn't b termed as the best leader or president,but he did better dan some ppl I knw abt too. The man clearly stated very intelligent facts & I tink he is right....its rather pointless antagonizing the dead when there are living ones to antagonize...I hate Abacha & all he stood for,but he is & I'll keep saying better dan all these clowns in authority. Therefore before you say anytin that d public will likely hear,convince urself strongly & never stop being consistent. Wole Soyinka asked 4 this tho....Last Duchess
you all see? logical, simple analysis with respect. Soyinka should be ashamed of himself. that is your son telling you what should be, baba agbaya nla.
forsake the past and lets move forward, but na lie typical vindictive yoruba man. i wish you were better. Linda, i know say if you de support person, dem tell the person truth, you no de post am. i beg o, post this one biko
Well said, I'm igbo but Late General Sani Abacha's regime is/was one of the Best in recent time. He was a dictator yes, but he was far better. Linda if u like use my comment drink pepper soup, atleast u go read am
Soyinka isn't a saint either.he owes this nation an apology for his acts during his young days.He brought cultism into d blood of nigerian youths with his pirates confraternity
Sadiq, I went to school with you and i make bold to say that, you could not construct a sentence free of grammatical pot holes and even presently anyone who knows you well enough, knows you are incapable of writing this piece. Stop being an idiot and respect Nigerians already. Your father robbed us blind and presently you still pilfer the coffers of this nation through various means. Abeg take back seat and wait for death to take you to join that tyrant of a father you so worship. #EwuHausa.
A fool will be a fool....I have refused to comment on all dis bcos politics makes me sick....bt I WAs in primary 5 or 4 when abacha died...and d relief and joy I saw on pples face shocked me...until I went home and I heard his gist very well...pple died of hunger...I don't wanna remember d rest...sorry to say even d Muslims were dancing...abeg abachas children it af do....don't allow pple to remember ur faces and just wipe u guys off...its okay...d pain is too much...shut ur fucking mouth....
Plz dnt defend ur wicked and hrtless fada! Who did notin bt to destroyed dis country! Foolish fada, foolish son!
Mallam sadiq how much did you pay the original writer???
Beholdly he speaks the truth and really sounds like a man trained in the military... "NMS ZARIA" its high time someone shuts Mr Wole Shoyinka's mouth up! Wole is guilty of stealing too... Nice one Saqid! Late General Sani Abacha really did well despite his short comings.
Stupid set of people
In fact I have never seen Hausa children that are ds ugly
So long a letter. *yawn*
Sadiq or whatever your name is. Your dad was a thief and we Nigerians won't forget that fact in a hurry. If Sharia law were to be carried out properly, the whole of the Abacha family ought to be amputated. Nigerians hate the Abacha family. Thieves!!!
gushhhhh....like the three rule...nice one
Oh meen!!! E don set.... The drums are drumming, and the die is cast, who will win the battle in this war of words?? Stay tune as more bullshit unfolds!!!
My 2 cents is this, the Abachas of this world will forever be remember by the character, personality and actions of one man, who languished the nations resources and wealth gotten for his own personal and selfish use. He cannot in any way be spoken of as a patroit, no matter how much golden pictures they are trying to sell us to think golden of him. He, General Sani Abacha, will forever remain and be spoken of as a rogue, a muderer and a thief!!!! Next time when opportunity presents itself to lead, one would do so with the goodness of his heart, knowing fully well that when posterity comes to judge, it shall never find you at fault. My name is Lucky
Its obvious ds man is of intelligent mind if he wrote ds piece himself! His father was d demon to other ppl, to him dt was his father, its normal to feel insulted n rply! But at d same time for how long are we Nigerians going to do dis! Fight d dead wen its d living we shuld battle! Hv we come together d way we do wen its time to abuse sani abacha n say no enough is enough to dis present day administration? Hv we ever come together and say we must get answers out of this leaders? No we raise issues, sweep dem under d carpet and come bac to sani abacha! Why cnt wole soyinka step up after all and lead! Why hide in d comfort of home and point fingers every time! When atiku was vice president what didi he achieve that will forever be remembered? Nw he is crying foul for any small thing! As far as m concerned ders no country called Nigeria anymore just a grp of ppl dt will take shit for administrators dey voted into power! And the administrators forgetting wer dey come from!!! Yemi Cray!
That's a fact.. The regime wasn't that bad as people picture it. Most of our judgements are based on hear say. Economy was stable, fuel price ok, forex was good. The things currently happening in nigeria are worst than abacha era. Nigerians said IBB stole 22 billion dollar oil windfall all thru his regime.. And under GEJ..20 billion dollars in a brief swoop by just an establishment.. Abeg let's call a spade a spade...The dude is right.. Check outh massive looting of the state's funds from 1999 till date and u will know abacha was a saint..
Facts be told. the dude made good point. there is nothing has been perfect. yes abacha was bad but he achieved what the present government cant. wole soyinka should go and rest.
they have their father's traits. wicked people
i wish this abacha children would just shut the fuck up have they forgotten who their father was.
I agree wit him, hw many poor pple died during his father's reign? D man only dealt wit d rich.but since then is it nt d innocent poor masses dat dey are killing
The Abacha family should not insult us further. Trying to garner support for their late patriarch just wont do. We all know and still remember well, his tyranny. To you, he was family, to us, the governed, he was a tyrant. Full stop, and end of story!
I won't bother myself reading this. Can Abacha kids just shut up FOREVER. Your father, a confirmed psychopathic tyrant/killer already stole BILLONS in all available hard currency. More money that your 5th generation won't and can't finish spending. If I were you, I'd shut up forever and enjoy my life somewhere in Bahamas spending the STOLEN loot.
I was also very young when Abacha died, but I clearly recall all the adults rejoicing that he was dead. It seems to me that his children are living in fantasyland, its high time they accepted the truth, that their father was a leech that sucked Nigeria dry.
Sensible piece I must say buh it doesn't change wat we feel abt ur father. ..
Beholdly he speaks the truth and really sounds like a man trained in the military... "NMS ZARIA" its high time someone shuts Mr Wole Shoyinka's mouth up! Wole is guilty of stealing too... Nice one Saqid! Late General Sani Abacha really did well despite his short comings.
Stupid son of a fool
i agree, wole soyinka wants to be relevant. he should go back to writing poems. He should shut up, he knows nothing
Gben gben!!!
Dis is season film.....
~ALATISHE say so~
Lmaoooooo. This is funny af all you nigerian girls going to prayer houses for husbands need to read this LMAOO
My simple question mr Sadiq Abacha is "why did Nigerians took to the streets rejoicing @the death of your father?" Why was there so much rejoicing at his demise?"
One word for the entire Abacha family " Go and hide in shame"
STFU Sadiq , your Dad was a wicked leader who killed any living thing in his way. Eloquence n essays will NOT make us forget. If d Nigerian govt was a serious one, the majority of your immediate family should be rotting in Jail!
Ok! Its war time. Soyinka where are your children? Its Dictator vs Professor.
You people should not allow sentiments to becloud your sense of reasoning. In as much the Abacha administration has it own short comings, on the contrary,it has recorded tremendous successes.With these views,it is crystal clear that most of you are nothing but educated illiterates and cheap opportunist.
Prof Soyinka clearly has his right to refuse the award and also his opinion of Abacha is just what it is ..his opinion!
However, I find great sense in the words of Sadiq. The man clearly admits his father was not a saint and we all know that no1 is ..You and I included
God bless you Sadiq Sani Abacha ..God rest Abacha!!!
True Talk Sadiq.
I must say dat I didn't even bother readin d piece of trash. Dis abacha ple r all dumbasses. Rubish.
Shut up dere,i know say na ur grandpapa him be! Idiot
Dats bcos u r senseless and used to being brutalized by such people fool.
I tot of dat myself.cos b4 he can approach Prof Shoyinka u hv to come to his level.who knw which Prof he paid. Laughing in calabar
Who d he'll is dis Manjaro nawaya. Are u one of them. How come book haram sef no go boom all of scanning abachas family sef. Thunder fire all of u
OMG!I weep for Nigeria. This piece broke my vow to never comment on a social blog. So speechless when I read this!what a country! what a shame!.....so an Abacha can still talk with so much effrontery and boldness?????hmmmm!....those who murder sleep will sleep no more!!!May the blood of the Ogoni 9,the Abiolas
,Pa Rewani and the likes continue to haunt u and ur family....
Brilliantly written!!!
Trash!!!! Mr Sadiq is high on Gum .... Intelligently written rubbish!! you know nothing about the pains of the ordinary Nigerian. Go and see Seun Kuti's new video (IMF)- That Drakula u see there, paints a picture of what Abacha was to Us.
......Living in Castles molded with blood.
is Abacha the only person that stole, what happened to the billions of naira claimed to be subsidy money. let the dead alone, you cant kill him again, face the living, you cowards. if i were Abacha, i would first kill all of you Libers cos it was your type he delt with, haterssssss.
It seems to me that not every tom, dick and harry should be allowed to write an open letter, they need to open an open letter application centre so nincompoops who have nothing useful to say can be rejected.
when u r not a bastard son,y won't yu av d effrontery 2 talk back in support of ur maxim. ruler dad whose death brought a sense of unity n celebration across d length n breath of Nigeria.son of a tyran n despot u will 4eva be.
Aboki dey write letter! Who thaught u English in d first place. I no blame u. Na d govt of d day dat gave ur dad award I dey blame.
I also share a bit of ur well articulated points Sadiq, but, know well that, over 80% of the populace in Nigeria Hate ur Father, cuz I also do, and will always do... Neeeeexxxxxtttt!!!!
I am not surprised that some people said they will not bother to read the write up. We have a culture maintaining our positions no matter what happens. Sadiq has written a good piece. I have read it and can see the point he is putting across. All this Abacha talk is because he is dead. he was not worse that IBB but today we are all dinning with IBB. If Abacha was alive will all these negative comments still be made? We play to the gallery a lot and that is why we are where we are.
The man died years ago and he had his bad side, but then who doesn't? Turning the Centenary celebrations into a beefing competition is really not the way to go. Whether we like it or not Abacha was Head of State of this nation. The states he created and some of the actions he took are still subsisting. We can't wipe them away and so we might as well let the past be. After all Buhari passed a retrospective law which resulted in the death of some Nigerians and no one is talking about that. Is it because he is still alive?
Its so unfortunate dat d bad of one day can destroy d good of many years and d reality of tinz is dat ur father did enuf bad to cancel out all his good deeds,if only one of his kids wld have enuf sense and come out to say"i knw my father did wrong but pls let bygones be bygones" maybe d story wld be ova by nw
Nobody ever pleads guilty even when they are caught re-handed.. Sadiq Abacha highlights his tyrant father's achievements in Nigeria like anyone commenting here nay millions of Nigerians enjoyed whatever that dividend was *smh.. Anyway, I don't blame him he's simply not trying to describe with his left hand his father's house.. Sadiq it doesn't matter what you say the Abacha house is tainted forever.. History is written already!
Sadiq....i repeat...fuck you...your mother..your siblings...your kids...and anyone affiliated with you. don't think u can come here and dazzle people with some ridiculous open letter using all sorts of big words so people can know where the money your father killed for went. The fact is..you are a seed of the devil. You guys really have a lot of guts coming here to defend that diseased frog/monkey hybrid you call your father. Nothing any of you says will EVER hold water anywhere in the hearts of the people..so sit your monkey ass somewhere and keep your opinions to yourself. Your dad was a bastard murderer and that's that. May he continue to rot in hell and rest in pieces. Fuckers! The lot of you! #devilspawn
Wetin this mumu dey talk,sharrraappp there. Your father is a camel.period
Sensible write-up. Makes sense. Sadiq well done.
No sweety, u do not want to read d article bcz u are.bias n wud rather hear frm d side dat suits u...bt having read it, it was a great piece, and he has a point, wether u read it or not.
Gej iz Cursed....Can u see wat he has caused!!! Diz Bastards who thir Father iz Notin bt Pains & Sorrows to Nigerians av d Audacity to Write Tales by Moonlight to Wole soyinka, Like Father Like Silly Dull Dumb Daughter & Twat of a Son. HELL AWAITS Y'all ....Ur Fuckin Father is a Fuckin Murderer n Loot who died in d Hands Of Prostitutes!!! Useless family Cursed Generation...THUNDER FIRE UNA FAMILY!!!
Idiot boy of a foolish leader!! If your father was Ken Saro Wiwa, would u pay someone to write this piece of jargon for you to praise Abacha?? Bastard!! Thief!! Omo ole!! Barawo!!
Kudos to whoever wrote this ridiculously long piece for Sadiq cuz we all know the nincompoop did not do this himself. The guts of these children. Yes I know abacha was ur dad and you have to support him but c'mon. Have you no memory? Do you not recall how almost the whole nation jubilated when he died? Do you not remember the horrible human right crimes he ordered and the numerous sanctions the western world placed on Nigeria cuz of him? And you have the effrontery to extol his non existent virtues. It's like Adolf Hitlers children should wake up one day and be praising their dad. See if the German government won't shut them down. Anyway it's not you peoples fault. It's that stupid Jonathan who caused this. Giving a murderer national honor when pple who have given their lives for this country go unsung. If they had any sense they would lock up the entire abacha family till all the funds stashed awah on Swiss accounts are recovered. Now shut your mouth and continue with your irrelevant existence. Oponu.
Your whole family should be in jail including your sisters
i believe you were probably outside Nigeria when ur tyrant father was traumatizing Nigeria,... you said he restored peace in Nigeria?? for where?? do you know the number of murder cases we had during his regime? assassination nko? all the $$$ he cyphon that swiss bank are yet to finish paying. How many people he killed, Come on dude, your father was a tyrant..lets turn back the hand of time and pls start mentioning the number of people your tyrant father killed and the amount he stole from this country..
Dear Sadiq Abacha, I know a lot about your father, he abused power as the HOS,he was a tyrant and a bigot who showed no mercy on human right, he denied millions of Nigerians fundamental and constitutional right,check ur diction what centenary award means, its a lifetime commitment you sacrificed being a leader ( martyr )e.g abiola, Awolowo,fawehinmi. Do u really think your father deserves this honour? well i blame Mr president because i am pretty sure if IDI-AMIN or Hitler were Nigeria past ruler , he will surely award them also. Just stay where u are and hide in shame, i am not saying Prof is holy, i really dont know much about his FRSC leadership but even FG are still trying to recover billions of dollars your late father siphoned. JESU SHI LOBA ... STILL
This man is only defending and protecting the image of his DEAD father as any son would. You Nigerians have billions of problems going on presently as we speak but you stupidly choose to do jack shit but sit up all day on the internet to either insult, accuse,complain or make empty stupid threats. The man is dead and there is nothing you can do about it, face your problems as youre walking on thin ice
Exactly I didn't bother. I don't blame him. Instead of thanking God that Nigerians didn't kill him after his evil father died like a rat, he has the nerve to come out and air his views alongside his daft sister. The sins of their father will be visited upon them if they don't shut up and hide themselves! Besides, was his father really Nigerian?? Mtscheeewwww!
An intelligent lawyer must have drawn this up for him. If only everything said here was true, the guy for make sense wella
I doubt you know the true meaning of sensible.
he has a point....very valid point...but the man was corrupt and wicked...he had his positive sides too
Excluded middle noni...these pple dont only knw hw to chop money...they can speak english too...I think it is high time I write my own open letter.*thinkin...to who?
I say big AMEN to this. Stupid boy. If u think nothing ll happen just keep on watch, ur family ll cry more than does families ur father killed peolpe. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Sadiq!!!!!!!!! Shut the fuck up! We all know u hired someone to write this for you. And even though this write-up appears to be the distorted rantings of a deranged son of a frog/monkey...we all know u aren't smart enough to write a paragraph. I know u well. So take several steps back and go fuck yourself. Ain't nobody tryna listen to you fool
Daddy's boy who is living on dad's stolen wealth and blood money.he is living on my money and he has d right to blab.did he work for d money he has.dis people are shameless. How many Nigerian cried wen his father died. Non.has he asked y?dat should give him d reason for Prof statement.
Hmmm...dese people get guts sha!and I think they want to stay relevant
Stupid family, thieves, murderers. God punish abacha n family idiots
Shut up asshole ur father was the worst thing that has ever happened to this nation just as boko haram are now ur father looted our nations treasure and here u'r trying to justify ur fathers incompetence fool u are may thunder blast u and ur family generation just be glad dat our nation is the type that forgives otule nwuru anwu.
#Milito da great#
For someone who can't even spell the word 'thought', I doubt I'll be trusting your opinion of his mind being brilliant!
Gobe remix by Davido to Abacha family....here it goes
Ur papa was a killer! He should be in hell fire, see gobe! Omo see gobe...
D way he killed and suck blood o! He must be a vampire...see gobe omo see gobe!!!!
Sadiq,why all dis long grammar?wole Soyinka knows the three already before the existence of immature imbeciles like u,therefore I put it to you that u know nothing as long as our noble prof is concern.And don't think because ur greedy and evil tyrant of a father like abacha left looted billions of Naira and properties to u and ur entire family,u can open ur evil mouth to speak back at prof wole Soyinka.why don't u hide your face in shame?,why don't u sit back and face the sins of ur father whom I know will continue to perish in d bottomless pit?The evil things ur father did before he went to hell will live with all his entire generation,till there'll be none of u left,afterall my bible made it clear.sadiq pls I'll advise u take several thorn seats,because the truth wll continue hunting all the Abachas.ESTANGEL
You would...you're probably a relative of his.
Sadiq. Or sadist watever ur stupid name is , take several seats abeg, ur generations need 2 be eaten up by wild animals , y"all dnt deserve any ryt frm our country , so 4 our prof 2 mention his name he tried sef, so chance biko
Manjaro thank you for that comment , a very intelligent pieces. Nigeria sometimes sit back and read then digest what you have read. Very good Sadiq.
I cant believe this mans children still hv d guts to show nd even talk in public. What a shame. Hv dey forgotten how a whole continent rejoiced at his fathers death I was in secondry school den. I remember pple screaming with much happiness.re they not aware of d evil thr father did. All d innocent pple he killed gush this familu is disgusting dey shuld hide thr heads on shame nd stfu.i wish all thr generation eradicated frm earth.he stole enuf for u guys to live in another planet
You sound learned, i am sure you didn't school in this country.. O well how could you, because they don't teach us how to write this brilliantly... But we know when its all bullsh#t dou...
Your father was a Bastard... He Stole our money and used it to pay for ur fancy english speaking A%$.... But History will always remember him as a Bastard... Deal with that Moron.....
remove the hatred from ur eyes, read the post, make ur own research, compare his achievement to others, compare his bad sides to others then maybe u will understand that abacha was not the worst thing that happened to nigeria. To me i give him kudos for increasing oil producing states resources control from 3% to 13%. its always good to make research my fellow nigerians
Do you now understand why celebrating the children of these people and publishing their weddings etc while they rub into our faces what could have ours I to our faces is a foolish idea? It is time to start attacking them on the street and burning down their homes. If you see them on the street SPIT on them. The day of reckoning shall come, it will come and it will be sudden. And there is no way you can hide. Be it Dubai or abroad, there are Nigerians everywhere. You shall not know peace, your children's children shall always leave in fear. Because it will come one day, slowly. You shall for ever be looking behind your back. Bastards-the whole lot. Children of prostitutes!
Brillant piece i belive nobody is perfect here and no single story is completely true so for me it is an issue of a 2 sided coin.
Shut up
Let me educate you.cults have existed as far back as the stone ages.
Prof soyinka registered a group with like minds and plans and named it pirates.they were officially registered and known by the school authorities which is why back in the days,they steered clear of mischief as the school had their data.
Having said this,I would like to categorize you under moron and stupid.so you want to equate cultism even st its worst to general abachas reign.?add very daft to your description.
Please everyone try to read the whole piece before making and comment. A very intelligent piece.
Nigeria that you have today? Take a good fucking look at the 'Nigeria you have today' and tell me if it is something to be proud of. Such ignorance
Quite a sensible piece though,Sadiq must have contracted someone to write this for him cos hausa man brain esp like that of abacha's son no go fit write this,sadiq ur dad was bad and i could recall how things were hard and tough during his regime but all the Same,Prof Soyinka should forgive and forget abt the past and lets focus on the present and future,thats how we can progress,moreover was it only abacha on that list that doesnt deserve it? Soyinka's reason is personal but we are talking of a nation here..Abacha was once our president,thats a FACT and no one"s personal opinion could change that.whether bad or good,his name would always be mentioned in Nigeria;s history...Abacha is dead now and let go off him, PRof, face the living evil to their face and let go the dead...
What's he saying? Can anybody understand him?
Hahahahahahah! This is hilarious! How dare you write an open letter????? Do u really think anyone want to hear anything you or your family of thieving murderers have to say? U lucky Nigerians are punk bitches..in other countries all your heads would be dangling at the strategic corners of the country to warn people of what fate awaits them if they ever mention the name Abacham GTFOH
Of course Abacha wasnt 100% bad but the fact remains that he was a dictator. Whatever good he did,had no direct impact on the majority populace. We lived in fear and terror. I remember i and my friends couldnt even hang out to have a drink and gist cos u will be picked up by the police to be interrogated. His death brought a sign of relief and jubilation which shouldnt be but thats what you get when the people you rule live in fear and terror under your leadership.
Sadiq Abacha....u forgot to mention the number of lives ur father wasted,,,and yes,,, u are right that ur dad died before MKO,,,but at least MKO's death was already planned before ur father's death.....U are not ashamed of urself,,,ur father died while serving and the whole nation went into serious jubilation and thanksgiving,,,that alone should shut ur mouth for life.....
the guy made his point. Agreed Abacha was a dictator/corrupt/killer etc. But if i may ask, how many political killings did we have after Abacha? (Ige, Williams, Dikibo etc) Up till date we r still screaming to high heavens about corruption. lets leave emotions and face facts. To move forward you cannot continue to dwell in the past.
@Ade ur very stupid, is Abacha our problems in this country?
AMEN, u said it all
So you all mofus have the gust to challenge sadiq when he is standing for his dead dad?! No matter what your dad did, wouldn't you defend him when he is no more?! Plus no matter what, Abacha deserve a bit of respect and for Soyinka to open his mouth blabbing nonsense is just lame!
d guy actually made sense. all dis our people r just fightin for dere selfish interest. apart frm d killings abacha's period was d best. discipline everywhere. @oye_ken
Your father!
truth be told, abacha bad shaaaa choiii...since abacha refused to hand over to mko, and kudirat and others died bcos of that mandate..sadiq common!u kiddin me?
Why won't u think its a sensible piece. See your name
I share same sentiments.
Nice one Sadiq...thats a good reply..obviously we all know that since the inception of nigeria as a country no better leader has evolved and Wole has no right to judge Abacha..Corruption started since 1914 and its still there till date...Abacha tried in his regime as a president because we were able to boast of billions in our foreign reserve and so many other...My Opinion!...
De idoit is just saying rubbish, lik fada lyk son!
Abeg don't mind this fool and I don't think is the 1 dat wrote this
Lols...definitely not Abacha!
Only if our president will call a spade a spade instead of being scared of people and what they will say. Y d hell would he give abacha an award and even babangida? Coward president!
Sadiq Abacha. The likes of Prof. Soyinka are Nigeria themselves. And u r just an ordinary citizen. As a Philosopher , I know a Philosopher wrote that for you. To d wrong person tho. #salute rich sadiq.
Mr Sadiq, You have the courage to write this Open letter simply because we live in a country where Evil is "Rewarded". The Money you & your entire family Flaunt about today is the Money your Evil Father stole from Nigeria. Your Father should not have been honored. He does not deserve that Award in any way! He was a Dictator, A Thief, A Murderer, A Heartless Blood Thirsty Animal and an Idiot Raised to power 10000000000. Your Father didn't contribute anything Positive to the Nigerian Economy and his Bad Leadership contributed in one way or the other to the Problems we have in Nigeria today: Boko Haram, Corruption, Unemployment, Bad Roads, ASUU/ASUP strike, Lack of Power, Invasion of Religious Fools like you into Nigeria etc. Bloody Fulani Cow.
but again thins wer relatively stable under abachas government shaaa..fuel was readily available..inflation was rock bottom its just the terror about him and his non refusal to hand the mandate to MKO dat was wrong...nigeria is wayyyyyy worse off now.people stealing money anyhow as if ther is no more GOD who will judge one day?its terrible.wer is the GOD of the old testament.......
Waoooo...blood is thicker than water....look @ this idiot ooooh...God punish u and ur family #ode
Did well ke? Are u for real?
Its good to know that part of the money Abacha stole was used to purchase good education. Its only sad that it could not buy common sense...That is a brilliant piece but to try to make subtle the evil that Abacha did to Nigeria is just daft. An Abacha descendant talking about Obama and painting his father as an innocent dead victim of people's criticism is simply insane
Seriously? Its only in Nigeria that people are this shameless.
Sadiq abi wetin be your name....go to hell.
Have you seen any of Babangida's children coming out to social media to talk nonsense? Shows the kind of training you have. Omo ale jatijati.
Why do I have a feeling that he googled his points about the positive achivements of abacha's regime.......someone please google abacha,check wikipedia,and read this write-up again
People lets take a breather and actually read what Sadiq has said,during Abacha era inflation actually came down to the stated figure and if you were not old enough during that period i suggest you don't post ''hand me down''information or curse out the Abacha family cos you don't know what it takes to manage a complex nation like Nigeria.
U ar absolutely not going to fool anione with dis piece of Shit.. it only shows how miserable shameful and pitiful u ar right now.. u and ur family shld pls stop boko haram since u no more abt dem bcos is ur trash shit u said wole only know little or nofin 'hearsay'.. so atleast if u can repairr ur destruction dont make it ani worst.. i really cant wait for pple like u to b served ur piece of cake.. thank GOd our lord is a patient one.. linda post it.. and if u dont.. na u sabi..
Law of identity..law of goat meat..law of Ewa agonyi..blah blah blah!!!...bitch shut the fuck up and stop trying to sound like u have any common sense. This idiot sef wan dey use literary euphemisms. Are u not the son of a murderous armed robber? So what makes u think any normal person will wanna hear what u have to say? Its like being hitlers son and trying to give a speech about world peace! Hahaha! FUCK OFF
Oh please sadiq spare us,ur father was a bloody dictator who did more harm dan any gud ever remembered 2 dis country,jst like Bonario said tnk God nigerians re forgiving pple,else u wuld nt b here spilling dis shit,pls take several seats joor.
Ade, pls lemme borow this space 2 tell Sadiq that Wole is far from a common writer----C21
I remember people rejoicing when your father died. You wrote a fancy piece no doubt a result of the education you received paid for by the Nation's wealth. You lived a life of luxury shielded from the reality of your father's regime. You obviously are still enjoying the proceeds of his loot. Those who really suffered will not forget. Those who were imprisoned and tortured and killed. Those who lived in an atmosphere of fear. I do not blame you...you did not experience all this. Increment of foreign reserve that was later stolen by your father. Sani Abacha was a tyrant and dictator that's why he was killed. Nobody will remember him otherwise.
Bigreachpromotions.....e be like say u join share in Abacha's loot???
Anon....it is u and ur lineage that are not just educated illiterates but retards too....
It's a two way tin here now,lets see wats hapenin from bot sides.we had sum major achievements during abachas tym even dou e wasn't a saint but still wale stink a suld calm n relax,e is not dat relevant in nigerias politics na.if he refuses d honour,its his choice n he's supposed to rain his abuses on Mr GEJ n not d late general abacha.or is it bcos e is dead?e get luck.
See gobe oooooo! Me sef dey dull wan begin dey read project wey this fool write. Abegi go chop shit! In the immortal words of governor oshiomole...GO AND DIE!
Dear Sadiq,
I took time to read your letter I must say am impressed. I understand how you feel, I can feel the expression of father/son love. However, the truth must be said my dear Sadiq, your father was an evil man.Your father held Nigeria hostage. I remember the day they announced the death of your father, I was still a teenager, I was in SS2. I can remember vividly, i was in my barbers shop in benin, when the announcement came in, on the radio. There was wide jubilation, a customer declared free drinks to all, people went to the street thanking God for the death of your father. That was the first day i tasted alcohol. And i still remember it to this day.
From your letter, i think part of your pain is that your father was not the only corrupt leader Nigeria has had, it is just because he is dead that is why he is been attacked. Well may be you are right, if he were to be alive, he might have been on the board of trustees of the ruling party , an elder states man etc. SO it pains you so much that Nigerians are keeping mute on the rest corrupt leaders. But may be you might take solace in this fact, don't worry, judgement day will come for the rest evil leaders like your father. Am really sorry how you feel about your father, but you see I think you and your siblings should learn from this. Your family's predicament (am sure your family shares your opinion too)is just a case of "THE EVIL THAT MEN DO LIVES AFTER THEM"...I would have love to say more, but i will stop here. But before I go, let me drop a piece of advice for you. Don't ever come to public light again, cos it will cause you more pain. Remain silent and enjoy the stolen money that your evil parents have stocked for you and it will be well for you....so long bro Sail on..Crux
English Language!
~D great anonymous!
Dude is so on point.... "Whoever has never sin should cast the first stone"..... nd besides the deed has been done... Nigeria needs to move on and not dwelling in the past.
Anonymous 11:10 its so obvious u r an ignoramus and obviously belong to the abacha clan. The abacha family have rilly got guts! We can neva forget their father's atrocities buh we wil blame jona for the foolish act he portrays as always.thank God he died wen he did he wud av bin worse off dan boko haram and his kids I wudnt blame can open their smelly mouths and talk since we live in a country dat celebrates criminals. smh for naija
Sadiq...quoting your own "law of identity"..you need to accept the reality that your father was a murderous thieving bullfrog and the world is a much better place without him. fuck your open letter bro.
Sadiq and Gumsu, let the truth be told, you are children of a thief. You people should just shut up THIEVES
All these paid goones, trying to write positive comments, we understand that the ranka dede mentality. We understand that you will not eat tonight unless you do as you are told. There is nothing and no amount of blood money can RECTIFY the crimes of one the most hated tyrants in the history of the world. Even here in Denmark ordinary people know him. He was more evil than the devil himself. One wonders even comparing Abacha with Hilter might not be too far. He was the devil's very own son and his children are beginning to show us the bloodline is very much alive. The ABACHA name is synonymous with EVIL. End of story, it is in every book all over the world. It is permanently etched in the memories of online data archives, it will never be erased. We shall pass down his story to our children and them to their children's children. His family and his haram and the prostiture he calls a wife that was imported from where? And the children she bore him will never know peace. Look at these bastard son of his trying to portray himself as an intellectual against one of the most celebrated intellects of our time. The worst of our nation trying to over shadow the best of the nation. LOL. Shame on you Abacha family. You should forever bury your faces in the plenty sand you have up there in desert. Bastards, the whole lot!
I challenge the writer of the open letter (Sadiq Abacha) to repeat the contents of the letter verbally on national tv. I guess he would not stand a chance.
A dog will always give birth to a dog according to your law of identity.
The venom you just spat is a reflection of an unrepentant son of a devil who has no respect for personal achievements which affects the image of the entire nation positively on the academic world map, i guess that's according to your law of excluded middle (you either appreciate the Prof's achievement or not).
Lastly, quoting a sentence from the third paragraph of your "your" third law, "A common writer" is what I have heard you being referred to lately, and I believe a mature mind would now agree to such referrals." and another clause from the second to the last paragraph, "I am still an admirer of your works after all", I think your third law applies.
Who is the confused fellow afterall? ..........
I love u sadiq! U r so right. Iv lost all d respect I had 4shoyinka. He totally dables in2 political matters n writes cheap lines. Lets go ahead nigeria n stop going round d past when it wont add a salt 2our future. No mata how bad d past has been... there was no excuse shoyinka! Shoyinka is meant 2b a father, bringing 2geda n not dispersing. Love not hate!!!
Well the thing is this history have thought us to always forget the past and look at the present, that is why most Governors, presidents don't go ahead to probe their predecessors, because you wouldn't know how your own would turn out, like not victimizing but now where sadiq is wrong and very wrong now is that he was not using metaphors in his letter he was making a vicious attack on a renowned personality, trying to compare and exonerate his father's heinous and inhumane crimes and attitudes to bring to ruin and impoverish our country, That's a NO NO. People like the ABACHAS', THE BABANGIDAS' may never vie for any political post and win.
Now i see where your dad spent all the money he looted...in your brians! Pls check the bible to see why people rejoice when a leader dies then you would know if you should have written this letter or not...our almighty God is the only judge of our tym here on earth. I still feel shame uand pain!
Sadiq or what the h**l you're called....you have to accept the fact that your father was so devilish that devil himself was afraid of coming near him. You have no right to write any unreasonable open letter to anybody or to defend your late dads reputation if he still has any. Why not write an open letter to all your family members and let them know you all deserve life imprisonment. Don't be a fool.
Wat a nice piece!but ur father ws a horror to Nigerians and for u wole Soyinka hw wish Abacha gav u a position u for take u wldnt be talkin dis trash condemning GEJ regime afta al u collect leadership frm Babagida wey be birds of sme feather!u cn criticise wen u knw u can't do btr if u were der..labotan.
I watched a film, american, in which the son was forced to eulogise his dead father, amidst whispering mourners who were shell shocked. Sadiq, your father is your father, even if he died eating forbidden apple!You just must face facts of history that he was a dictator. Remember when Fela died? His family shouted loud and clear that he died of AID. Live with facts if history that your father was a dictator . Soon, you will be telling us that he 'helped' Nigeria saved money. He was a grand thief, murderer and killer .
How do these three laws of yours change the fact that your father was a thief who should have been executed by firing squad?
Sadiq Abacha,
You’re guilty by association and by willful ignorance. Your father looted $210 Billion (Two Hundred & Ten Billion Dollars) from our government coffers and you're here telling us about "The Law of Excluded Middle"
Are you insane?
Such huge amount of money is more than enough to construct a 12-Lane boulevard across every state of the federation.
I am still struggling to understand your logic. Wole Soyinka may have been careless during his FRSC days but comparing him with a vacuous rogue like your father in terms of financial recklessness & misappropriation of public funds is sickening!
BTW, I know that your father (Sani Abacha) was a saint compared to our clueless & inept ogogoro master from Otueke!
Sadiq or what the h**l you're called....you have to accept the fact that your father was so devilish that devil himself was afraid of coming near him. You have no right to write any unreasonable open letter to anybody or to defend your late dads reputation if he still has any. Why not write an open letter to all your family members and let them know you all deserve life imprisonment. Don't be a fool.
Why are we always so eager to demonize the dead. Look at those who hold power now. They are still committing. Truly, that we know what they do and don't call any to book means we are complicit and our hands are just as soiled.
When the time comes, we will erase his name from all the streets that carry it, we shall delete or take back all the stupid awards, we shall freeze all the family's assets and take back the pension his family is enjoying. Then you shall be banished and sent back to chad or Mali or Niger or where ever the fcuk your family came from. If you are not careful, we shall give you the same treatment your father gave to Saro. Foolish bastard!
Sadiq, your father was a disgrace to the nation. A blood tasty TYRANT.
And El Mustapha was is parading himself as a Peace Officer was his Chief Agent.
Sorry, you cannot re-write history.
I beg to be neutral on this issue. yes i was young when Abacha died, but i can still remember how people celebrated his dead. i guess he was and still is the worst thing to have happened to Nigeria.
But in our Centenary celebration, i support Sadiq, he deserved a place. now am so fade up with Soyinka running his mouth everywhere he can. This is the future Sir, face it or leave it. Abacha is in the past, we're progressing and that's the fact.
Intelligent piece there by Sadiq. I enjoyed reading and learning new things. lol
Your sister, now you! Definetly, your mother will come out and tell us that Sulia that was shot in her private part, was not at her command. Family of vipers!
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