The boys destroyed school property, vehicles and vandalized their chaplain's home. While the students were on rampage, the school security personnel fled but the police was eventually called in to calm things down
"Bowenites live by rules, sleep by rules, and eat by rules, but not anymore" one student saidBowen University is a private university owned and operated by the Nigerian Baptist Convention
There is a limit to what students csn take.hopefully their grievances have reached the right ear
Una dooo. So its not just the public universities that riot. What you all will pay for now will be worse than what they would have increased in your fees. You guys should deal with it oh. It is a private university. Govt no go put mouth for una mouth. You all have succeeded in delaying yourselves.
I assume they agreed to abide by the rules of the school before they were admitted. There is a fundamental weakness in their screening system. Such students shouldn't have been admitted in the first place. They should seek admission in schools where there are no rules. A child in the womb cannot dictate to the mother!
All private universties live by rules. if u cant follow the rules den leave. feel free to visit a public skol if u dnt wanna be governed by too much rules.
See complete pictures from a bowen student's blog
It is bound to happen and it has happened
See complete pictures from a bowen student's blog
See complete pictures from a bowen student's blog
I think we need something like this in my own school oh, but it's the cso's cubicle that we should destroy!!! They want to frustrate us here, Linda
These guys think they r in a public school. Drop out if u don't like d school. Stop being animals
There's just riot and insurgence everywhere. The proprietor should be sensitive anyway. God bless Nigeria.
Well its a private university, and their services are no different from that of public university, so the students have an option
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I don t knw hw to say this but if thats the only way the student will be responded to, they should keep going with their actions bcos they must be heard after this...... no light no water and yu want the student to survive in what means....... Make una break things but just dont kill any one though....
Naija universities are so wack that no body will be proud enough to say he or she loves his school...... God save man pikin frm this bondage.....
So much for private schools being better than public schools in Nigeria.
Yahh*HAPPY* pple with liver are in dat school naw. .like seriously well done guys. .hope u guys taught those bouncers d lesson of their lives too very important
These students are funny sha. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Simple!
this one naa good Bowenites gone bad
Advanced secondary school Noni*
Lwkmd, they shd com to Madonna and see d father of Rules.
Local peepz...
Police wounded a slip over student and still arrestd him.they were shootin gun and. Tear gas.boys enterd girls hostel.y dont they allow us go to girl hostel at a time.but u wat release our boys police cus if evra n ken dudu n chale and d guy way una shoot wit odas una go see meme.arest all of us.police dey beat student dey wound us.
Silly people..... Very childish of dem.. Dere are beta ways to go about stuff.
How does dis solve the problem? People shld grow up... Why would private uni students pick d bad things to learn from d state n federal unis...what a shame
Sharply Bowenites have carried the news in to LIB, the riot is over as my sis told me last night, that New VC of theirs is their worst nightmare.
Exactly our guys are aving the courage already........Weve had enuff of d rubbish,we not prisoners abeg
It was gonna happen sooner or later....wow!!! Hope nobody was hurt though
Am proud to be a bowenite!!we rock#generation changers on point
I love what they they did, BIU should learn from them.I hope they dont end up suspendind them.
Security personnel fled ke...they should fire them wen dis is over.
Linda the riot was over increase in their school fees from 520k to 660k wtout even consulting any1 and wtout improving their standard of living!
linda...it was rilli a night to remember,d riot was rilli nided.
What type of role now?
proudly a bowenite#thumbs up to bowen unny student
That's how they want to operate and if u can't obey the rules find another university
even shit by rule,
Dey must stop d rules......we re tired of it.....bowen take tinz far.....dey re private for ntn.....oau get water nd lyt pass us....we pay high amount of money yet we xtill dnt knw d worth....d new vc de pass im boundary oooo
So destroying your school property is the best form of aggitating? Well this is Nigeria. If I'm to own a school and this happens, any scaped goat will repair all the damages and must still adhere to the rules of my school.
Eewo! Bowen students going outta control lol. U never can say,maybe protesting could solve the issue like it did lagos state university's...goodluck y'all protesters
So dnt lyk d@ skul! Very razzz peeps who lyk 2show emselves anywhere dey go. AUN still d best private uni eva n maybe covenant else head2a fed skul. Violence is neva d ansa
Most tymx I pity them cus I don't know if d na same uni wey most pple go dem dey.
Hmmmmm private university for dat matter. Well i dey feel d spirit of ur aluta. Aluta continua!
D rules r mad oo.every1 has 2buy a food flask nw cos takeaway plate is no more allowed.N many mre stupid rules
That's bowen university for you..I think those guys did the right thing.its getting too much,bringing new rules everyday and paying somuch money and still you don't get the necessary amenities.#annoyingitis#
Church university
Church university
Church university
this cannever happen in covenant university
Owk we don hear
this cannever happen in covenant university
Lool.... Covenant university students can u see this???... chickens!!
Their rules r just too much
Shit by rules too
Yh dats hw its meant to be ;)
Tot dey shuld av known dat b4 makin up thr minds to venture into dat type of skul... Protestin for lack of water, light nd skul fees increament is stil hearable. But for d rules, maybe dey shuld take a trip to covenant uni.
This would never happen in covenant university. How wild can they get. Can't they be civil and sit down and talk, in guess they have student council or union. Even a peace protest would have been better than burning and breaking and behaving like local touts.
So y the hell did their parents even send them to privates schools? I'm sure they didn't expect them to turn to touts like these. Smh
May God help us. See the "leaders of tomorrow"
Chai... Linda u cn spread gist oo... We dint vandalize chaplains' vehicle
Politicians watch! This is the same thing that will happen to Nigeria at some point. They can't keep stealing money and pushing us to the wall, thinking nothing will happen. One day, the masses will push back
I rep bowen university all day!
Well done guys.. Thats the only way you can get your message across to the power strickn heads.. #occupybowen
Nonsense!so this kind of bizarre act can take place in a"private uni"bowen uni is a local private uni..see d way their students r behaving,very local.tufiakwa!!!
O di egwu! Private schools are really grabbing this huge opportunity of our useless state unis.
Why d riot naa? U guys knew n met d rules wen u gained admission n u accepted to abide by it. So stick to it bcos its a private university dahhh!!!
Omo, the boys are not smiling!!! Looool. When the school is not a prison, ah-ah!!!
Kudos guys i like †Ñ’ξ protest D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ keep promising n fail Τ̅☺ provide wht †Ñ’ξ students needs Τ̅☺ b com4table in school upon †Ñ’ξ high sch feels D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ paid n D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ cnt get common water, dnt stop until D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ reverse †Ñ’ξ case.
This is just funny!!!see bowen students complaining...have u been to madonna university???basic amenities??we fetch water like we live in the ghetto..toilet is worst than ani toilet is the most rural area...abeg u guys r enjoying compared to us!infact na small London una dey sef!
Lol...Scape goats will be needed!An expulsion list is coming out soon!
ON 2 The Next!
I wish dis can happen in my skool too
Hehehe... Finally, boys have deactovated their mumu button...
why are they complainin ...daz wat d word'Private' is all about
Bowen sef,una rules too strict,,,ma frnd dia z studying Zoology,n shes paying 650,000,per semester,,,all dis skools owned by churches are nt being considerate @ all,all dey do is make money,ko da ooo,God z watching oo!!!
woah, private students are wising up. But the wrong way. lol, Sorry for them.
The students are sick. I believe they read and agreed to the school code of conduct and the terms of admission before they accepted the offer. That is to say they are going to "operate" by rules. BOWEN is a private university for that matter and this level of moral decadence is not expected from such school
Didn't they know all this rules before getting admission there.
Am ashamed! if olagbemiro was still dre!ds wnt happen.. Smh
Nigeria universities are frustrating places to study. Thank God am so tru wiv dem & by His grace, my kids to come wnt even study here.
They shud jus take several seats abeg...wer they blind wen they wer applyn to a church owned schl???? Ds schls r like higher secondary schls n in sec schlz u LIVE tru it by RULES...bt if u dn like it den chng schl...
oh wow...well this sure wouldn't happen in Covenant
if notthing the school has more than enough amenities and the chancellor would probably slap them all. lol
Enough is enough. Revolution Time...... we are not kids anymore na. wetin
Lobatan! Dem don vex
Its well oo,they should take things easy oo
Na wa o nigerians naw tink being violent is going to solve everything
Reason Why LASU Protested...at least ,now that private universities are now protesting,u can now see that its not about the student..its all about the f**king school body..
At d end of d day, dey will still pay 4 watever dey hv destroyed, so y do dat afterall dey knew dey were going 2 a private university
i was on top of that news. how will VC just come and make food time tabke rukes bot carinf when a student has class or not ..& after they complained, started narrating d story of hie he starved himself abroad ..who cares??
Hi..let me start by saying i'm a proud product of Bowen Uni...the riot was uncalled for if they're claiming its as a result of the rules because u get to know d rules before u get your admission letter.
If they are protest cuz of inadequate facilities & increment in school fee, i would have supported them but their violent move ruined a lot & the sad part of it is they'll PAY for all the damaged stuff. Some will even get expelled!
They made a very dumb move!
Wen will pple stop using violence as a means 2 settle issues..smh
what a pity
Why you students are so distructive?you shouldn't av done this grate damage of school property dat worth billions of nira,u should have wrote to them officially and not going to dis far of of distruction,well,its u students money that speakth
God help u all, IJN...
choi, this my alma matter sef. i suffered all this bowen wahala too.i dunno when the school will change
NA wa o.
Violence everywhere...
Dis new vc must b very useless. I grad frm dt sch n nofin like dis ever happened
I'm an ex-student of ds institution n Yes,I can boldly say dah if d sch authority had d power,dey wudda askd d student not to breath btw 8am n 3pm.....students pay to b educated n not to b enslaved!!
chei!!!! una don disgrace meeee ooooooo!!!! ex bowenite! pple go yab me die.
Lol den don para b d@ oooO
Mtcheeewww... if u cnt obey d rules, u leav na! na by 4ce? Mtcheeewwww... all ds youth of ds daiz sef. burnin sch props! U wl pay wv yhr moni eventually! Senseless boiz!!! Dnt learn wat u are asked 2 learn in sch, be riotin o! Ndi iberibe!!!
You were right Linda, that was the situation. My younger sister is an X student, and she heard the same story, from her junior
Right info Linda
Linda where is my comment.......welldone o
Writing you about Bowen university, just don't mind my spelling you can help out with the it's and is. I went to the school and it was like four years of wasted time! One lets start from where I can remember, if you don't get water friday nite or iron friday Linda you are in soup Saturday and Sunday cos no water no light then I was paying 350000 on Sunday morning we struggle to bath and we are chased out by 8am to go to church where the chaplain are bunch of hypocrites!! Awwww they disgust us really chaplain swearing and cursing in church, saying if you don't behave well you end up a loser, saying all sort, really am not to say who is lead by the spirit or not there is one pastor called pastor peace all bowenite knows she is a nightmare.
Am writing this for pple to see and know wt it takes to go to that God forsaken uni, there was this case of a lady confiding in one of the chaplain that she was pregnant you would not imagine the silly old woman came out to announce in the chapel that the lady was pregnant who got her into it, and at the long run got her expelled, we had this meeting where we were asked to speak our mind I came out to say what they did to the lady was bad, Linda omg if not for my stubbornness and been outspoken I almost got expelled. It's university not cage it's freedom of things not pain, after paying that much we pay to get drugs in our own university! There is this understanding that student have high rate to misbehave, you calling them to order is right, with comment so many Bowen student will say a lot.
Omg my vc can toast any female student, that's a fact! Yes there are rules which is normal going to chapel, dressing decent, some few ones. Which one is you controlling my life and making student forget who they are by living like hypocrite, just to fulfill things. Expelled for kissing, one month suspension for cooking indomie lol expelled for talking in chapel, expelled for laughing in chapel cos vc was sleeping! Can you imagine chaplains calling themselves mothers and father calling parents to them there child likes boys and sex.
Bowen university please don't make pple pay that much to become future hypocrite, they even fail student so they come for summer, after paying that much I still have to 150-200k, I saw burning of cars coming since 2012! But it's been done and the next thing is making does student sleep in cell or expelling them.
Please post this for parent to know wt dey spend for
Its time.... bowen isnt jst it and I dnt blame d students.....wish dis hapnd wen I was there..gud these ones are stndin for dem selves.... they increase d fees nd stil no change...
You were right Linda, that was the situation. My younger sister is an X student, and she heard the same story, from her junior
Yh am a graduate of dat sch nd I mst say I dnt blame the studnts...wen u get to hear pf those new rules I wld simply agree....wen u pay for somthing u shld get d worth of it but in BOWEN its diffrnt...
If they don't like their rules the should leave the school.
With dis one wey dem just do,their school fees will surely increase...wen una mates still dey hustle to put head for any school,una go dey mess up
I finished from d school. Der VC is a silly man. According to my sis der now, meal time was fixed, students were asked to be taking their coolers to the cafeteria, all students were asked to leave the dormitories by 6am and not return until 4pm even if they don’t have lectures among other rules that could inconvenience the students.so, do u think it is easy. I totally support. No free movements 4 dem n stil dey abide, not dey want to control t dey will eat .if not, u v not bin der, pls don't judge!..u don't knw ow frustratin it can b.
wats da name of the blog
u a fowl...u tink a covenant uni student wud riot nd go scot free....u dnt nid to b expelld buh papa dat is bishop himsef wud curse dem diiie....wch Cu studnt wnts to b cursed....fool
i guess they knew the rules before they got into the school
I wish dis can happen in stupid run with all new rules bout skirt
I'm a product of Bowen uni nd I can say it is1 of d best private uni in nigeria buh I am highly disappointed with wah I am seeing, riot is neva d solution a peaceful protest wud go a lng way in resolving ds issues..ds guys re razz
pretty strange...
Dz rules weren't der wen we came nd we didnt sign for dz. No water, no lyt, eating tymtable, wtf. it nt far. But our guys went a lil to far. dats d only truth. A common protestion cant do d work cos our v.c z damn stubborn. He doesn't care hw we feel nd pples opinion even wen our leaders go to talk to him. xo maybe dz was d only way I guess. But its a lil much dan wat we expected. But m proud of my skul guys thou
BIU students don't have the mind to do this...I knw my school well
All you bad mouthed people that are saying nasty tins abt bowenites without knowing wat we're going through,it is ur misfortune dat's affecting d way reason..."Poverty is really a disease"...anyway ,I jst wanna say dat we dnt mind paying any bill,we're jst glad dat dey knw aw we feel now and they'll av to start giving us d little respect we deserve
Am proud to be a convenant student,Bowen una fall my hand no be small.cant u b like lead city or even caleb?tueeeeh
its just so funi. with all d money thier is no light, no water, eating timetable and no proper facilities. And the new v.c is planning on increasing the school fees. how on earth is that fair. I support this riot but I must say our boys went to far. our v.c is so stubborn that he doesn't listen to other people's opinion. Even when our leaders go to talk to him. so this riot was the only solution I guess and he looks soo calm today like never before. I just wish it was just a dream though and we have to go home cause the damage is much. But if this is the only solution then to bring our v.c to terms with us then ........ I fully support. Am proud of my school and our students but it was too much I must say.
U better shut ur stupid mouth up,abi Una no get liver....AUN ko,NUA ni
All you convenant,babcock or whoever is sayin shit here should shut the fuck up...the las vc was here for 10 years and his did not happen and this man started doi g shit just in his first yea....the guys went to far cos im in my final year and they are asking us t go home but then one cant blame the boys...
Where my generation changers at
And this is a RUN student.haha my fellow brethren
Stop that,omo cu were did you get phone that you are commenting.Dont go and face your work
CHOI!!!!! my fav ride..... Prestige 406 BU 01 WWD! stupid children fucked shit up! we'll chop your money and send u home! den ur fada's will come and beg!
Majority of the comments here even from the ex students are shameful especially those so called and self proclaimed alpha set. They are also a disgrace and not a true representation of alpha set. The students have gained nothing engaging in this riot. Their school fees would still be used to conduct repairs, and some would be expelled for this, their colleagues would be delayed studies and its further bad publicity for the institution and its degrees. There are better ways to going about protest, more prestigious ways of being heard and obtain results and when that is being done, we should be better than the so called oppressors not behave like animals. Shame on these Bowen students that engaged in and those who encourage this.... '06 Bowenite
looll..... u dont v a say cuz dont knw anyfi. abt it u only read wat linda said.... i dont knw y pple act lk dz sef...
Ain't u rather stupid do cu students need phones to comment smh. I really was not surprised wen I saw this, it's in their blood, but extremely unnecessary
Sometimes war is needed to attain peace
wow>>.this bowenities have succeeded in putting themselves in more stiff corner without checking the consequences.
1.its a private school and they knew they are up for rules wen they signed for admission.
2.if the school insist on dat amount for fees nothing will change it + they are just gonna delay themselves
3.forcefully d school will definitely collect damages fees from dem.
and lastly the school will become stiffer on them so that such wont happen again,dey just could not learn from ACU abi.......looking out for episode 2 of their attitude.
Abeg confirm ur gist before u talk....the new vc came with new unbearable rules so dnt talk anyhow
Na u wan write am....make we catch u sec we go brk ur leg
Different reasons and views as to the remote and immediate cause of the unrest. Having read all the reasons given by all commentators eg no light, no water, too many rules, proposed hike in fees, etc., is the destruction of facilities on ground going to solve those "problems"? Is this how to effect a positive change? The new Vice-Chancellor being called all sorts of names relaxed some old rules and even went as far as relaxing the payment rules to accommodate students whose parents couldn't afford the minimum installment of their school fees. What happened in Bowen University should explain the sick nature of some families in given good training to their children. Sincerely and sadly, the future of positive transformation in this part of the world is bleak.
Different reasons and views as to the remote and immediate cause of the unrest. Having read all the reasons given by all commentators eg no light, no water, too many rules, proposed hike in fees, etc., is the destruction of facilities on ground going to solve those "problems"? Is this how to effect a positive change? The new Vice-Chancellor being called all sorts of names relaxed some old rules and even went as far as relaxing the payment rules to accommodate students whose parents couldn't afford the minimum installment of their school fees. What happened in Bowen University should explain the sick nature of some families in given good training to their children. Sincerely and sadly, the future of positive transformation in this part of the world is bleak.
Different reasons and views as to the remote and immediate cause of the unrest. Having read all the reasons given by all commentators eg no light, no water, too many rules, proposed hike in fees, etc., is the destruction of facilities on ground going to solve those "problems"? Is this how to effect a positive change? The new Vice-Chancellor being called all sorts of names relaxed some old rules and even went as far as relaxing the payment rules to accommodate students whose parents couldn't afford the minimum installment of their school fees. What happened in Bowen University should explain the sick nature of some families in given good training to their children. Sincerely and sadly, the future of positive transformation in this part of the world is bleak.
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