I shouldn't blow this up, maybe because he doesn't promote it publicly, but Jay Z and I are the same exact age. I will be 50 May 3rd. He and I had this conversation so all these, he's 43, 42...that's just media bull shit!" Star, pictured right, said.If Jay Z is truly 50, then he's the best looking 50 year old I've ever seen! He looks damn good for his age. Continue to listen to the radio conversation...
Starts from 16min mark...
*BURSTED* i hope jay z's goons wouldnt man handle him..... Lmao... So if this man marry early, e for don born person wey senior me by far......
Technically, jay z aged beyonce with roughly twenty something yrs.... This is really serious.....
He still looks very fresh for a 50 year old. Guess his money is working the magic. Weda na 50 or 43, e no matter as his cash still keep rolling in.
Is Troi Torain not looking good at 50 too? i believe Jay Z is older than 43. It's just like saying Don Jazzy is 31, can Don Jazzy be really 31?
Ok oooo
43 or 50....he still looks good !
this guy talks too much.
And so
If that is true, wow...... he is really aging gracefully. that is why he said he wants to live for ever young.
so white dey reduce age also. Naija don teach them
If jay is 50 then he looks amazing for he age
If jay is 50 then he looks amazing for he age
Bday buddy same as Genevieve...but seriously Taurus are not these loud,whats ur stress bro.....#SeunLondon
.....Searching for a fuck to give
what a blast
I smell jealousy.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
In Jose Mourinho's voice: Erm Jay Z I think U are 50...maybe 55 lol...Make una liv Shawn Carter alone o o o!!! If him vex, america go shake o.
if he is 50 or even 60, e concern d guy? mtcheeeeeew
if he is 50 or even 60 sef....e concern d guy?.......mtcheeeeeeeew
So oyibo de do official age too. Na dem sabi there.
Ds star guy is jt sufferin 4rm frustration.Jay Z is 50 n so fuckin wat?@least he's achieved a lot @his age n also very popular,as 4 d stupid star who knows him?he's jstlookin 4 cheap popularity.I dnt know y ppl r always stickin dere nose in ppl's biiz abt age.if dey r liein abt dere age How is dt ur biz. #rubbish
Linda ikeji nobody gives a FUCK bout ow old jayz is he can drop dead for all I care.Why avent u tried to address dis electricity issue is cos u aint in d country?Either way am sure it eats u up avin to buy petrol or diesel every other day.I haven't seen light in over a week nw n it aint like I live in d damn jungle.What is going on with our dear country Nigeria ? When d next Candidates emerge everyone will still troop out in number's to vote for these Fools yet we don't gain absolutely nothing from our own country.Its obvious d country is owned by certain people n we r jst living in it.Let em give us constant electricity cos even with all d Money,resources and man power Nigeria has never had constant electricity.The Nigerian Government is d SCAM while d citizens r d prey.Btw Fuck Goodluck Jonathan and all d top government officials.They can come get me @ ma crib just because
He doesn't look 50 anyway, He is 4eva young*smiles*
So jay Z as u old reach u still dey use football age abi,God catch u
Lenny Kravitz is the best looking 50 year old *wink*
Then he really looks good for his age...
Nt surprise cos I saw sumtyn lyk d@ in a mag lyk d@ bt u re rite linda he luks gud 4 a 50yrs old guy...
He still look good to me even if he is 50,so is not a big deal. Stop beefing.
Linda, Star looks better than Jay Z at 50. How can you say Jay Z is the best looking 50 year old guy you've seen? Do you have a crush on him too? I thought it was only Tyler Perry. Lol
Its only the poor and women that hide their age so if true whats the point? But come o...they de falsify age for jand too? I thought the stuff is public record documented at birth.
I agree with u Linda! He doesn't look 50!
Same way they rumoured Beyonce is 41/42.
Bottom line...He dey make him money...lol
Hmm..I guess money is the key factor to his looks.
You know, I always felt that guy looked older than 43!
Hahha.... Not a biG deal
Why is the roach ranting? *rme* he ( D̶̲̥̅̊ radio goat) looks like a drugged 50 year old alright...50 or 43 or 1000000000, jay still has it going for him-money, fame, Bey, blue....so sweeeerrrrrvvvveee mofo!!!! *excusemyfrench
Even d radio legend star looks good for 50...even better than Jay Z...
I kinda figure as much! I look at Jay Z, especially these days, and he looks older than the 42 or 43 that he keeps claiming. I have always thought deep down that he looks way older than 40's. Most entertainers lie about their age. And I don't think Jay is the best looking 50 years old I've seen. Even Troi Torain looks better and he admits he's 50. So.... Meanhwile,have you seen John Stamos? Now that's a fine-looking over-50 celebrity.
Soooooooo? Will this add zeros to your account balance mr trio...
B4 NKO............
hahahh,, funny,,,must you expose him?
This star sef. Amebor oshi. Tatafo. Was anyone complaining before? but that means Jay had his first child at 48? when his mates are grandparents already. Na wa o
Nd who cares if hov is rly 50 then I wuldnt mind lookin lik hov while I get to 50 !some broke frustrated f**l trying to get publicity off jigga's back
50 or 90, he'll still av more money than u can gather in 50 lifetimes. Me sef i'v had this conversation with myself- ANONYMOUS
Who cares any which way?
Sweet rose what an illiterate and blind bat you are. Who's white here?
Nice one linda, you just have to know that Jay Z "wants to live for ever young".
Naso bro the nigga be hustler now...jayz so be grandpa by now sef...but he choose another way...I think he ha§ his own reason of not getting marry early...he has already achieve a lot in his career right so haters should back offf
BURSTED! Muslim Woman caught her Husband in the Act with another Woman in the Middle of the Night.
Wife Caught Husband Red Handed in a Hotel with another Woman
Man begging after being caught in the hotel with a woman.
See How 6 Wives Gang-Raped their Husband to Death in Benue State
Jay Z Went to School With Biggie , Jay Z Was born December 4 1969 Wile Biggie Was Born May 1972 He's not near 50 The Dj Is A Joke ...
This guy dey vex o. How Linda wan take solve your electricity problems? Is she minister of electric affairs? I'm very sure if you see the oga of PHCN, you no go even fit yarn anything. Abeg free Linda.
2Pac was born in 71 or 72I think and JayZ is older than Pac and Biggie#Fact
Lmaoo,u crazy,yes o America go vibrate
Well one thing I know about Americans ,Brits nd European s is dt you can talk any age by mouth which really happens but you can't do nothing about it paper wise! They keep records! Even if you you loose ur original you can get a copy . Obama case is a typical example.
Do u knw if ur transformer is faulty b4 u startin raking and blabing nonsense frm ya mouth! U shd investigate and go to Phcn and see wt d matter is!Nepa mess up u blame Jonathan wat abt ur state Gov?
Hi Linda, I think u need to address more pressing issues on ur blog than that of the celebs. Like the issue of power for instance.
Since PHCN became privatized it seems to become more pathetic by the day. I haven't had power in my area for quite some time. Is a pity that in a land flowing with milk & honey like Nigeria, our national grid is our generator while PHCN is our back up power source which is hardly ever available.
I'm sick of buying fuel for power, paying bills to PHCN for services not rendered, lack of jobs, security and social amenities. These are the things this blog need to address and not whether jigga is 43 or 50.
Jigga ain't no kid , I believe he's 50 I mean come on what about D how old is Didi ? They ain't little boys , so all y'all that go about saying it's wrong to date older men now y'all can see even the queen b knows older men are the best lovers , husbands & fathers . I'm so into my older man , people say he is old enough to be my father & I say but he is not my father , if you haven't been with an older man then you wouldn't understand
You guys should contribute money in ur neighbourhood and buy transformer, there's light...stingy-ass mur'fuckers
Whatever abeg. Don't know why some people can't mind their gaddamn business.
Ontop all the News And Gist Going on in the country, "Nigeria" so this is all you can upload? Na wa o.. Not your fault shaaaa!
Seriously i don't know who is he
Don jazzy is 31, his classmates at govt college are same age group, why shld u doubt him?
hahaaha, football age nabi.?
Buh seriozly dis JayZ ugly Ooº°˚ ˚°Âºoo ,see d noze like tunnel for oyingbo d lips cum b like ballon
42, 43 or 50, he sure luks gud wiv a beautiful & Sexy wife 2 cap it all up. 'Star' face ur radio show ooooo
Who cares, it's like a trend everywhere. Guess the guy's trying to draw some attention to himself.
A happy sunday to you all!
*My R1.50c comment *
Star looks younger nd fresher dan Jayzee @ 50 even if Jayzee claims 43. D guy looks gud mehn!! Am sowy to say but no amount of money can make Jayzee handsome. Phew.....UCHE
Who asked this mo'fo anyways? And how does this add a penny to his bank account? I Love and respect Jay regardless....Bey does too so take a seat nigga..........
Even if he's 60, it aint gonna change the fact that he is an 'institution' as far as 'rap' and 'business' are concerned. He must surely be into some 'anti-ageing' therapy.
Dis guy no get work o, wat exactly was he tryin to preach? Wateva it was, am sory to say I dnt get it... Star is nothin but jealous
Spot on , could be true
Benue business man caught having s3x with secondary school girl in a bush
Jay z wowo sha o!
he is still richer than you. How can a broke ass be doing this. When you are richer than him you can do this. Who cares about jayz's age.
It doesnt mata coz he gat d sexiest wife evry man + woman (gay) wil dream to ba*g so Mr star abi moon,stop Trippin nd face ur damn radio show
Yea, me too
Linda, its official. Der are some crazy peeps on here. We dey talk jayz u dey talk nepa. Weyrey
Jay z is d ugliest looking guy in his 50s I have ever seen
Abeg what is the guys own, yeah they do hide their age in this entertainment industry so wont be surprise, aalthough to me jayz looks older than 43.
Y'll should keep quiet..there hasn't been light too in my area for a week..petrol is high and on top,no electricity!its not about transformer or BS u'll are yabbing here!!we only want linda to torch light this matter!it is sooo bad!!this is the worst administration I have ever seen!!jona is d president,he shld be blamed for all dese!YES,he shld be blamed!he is d person that appointed all dese people that murdered his administration!and if u have anything to say to me,its already noted in d trash!
Mr troi torain the hater..tell them
He look's great for a 50 years old.
I remember Nas's ETHER diss track to Jay-Z hmmmmm!!!!
What ever he looks good
Abeg oga sleep, age is just a number, that doesn't put food on my table, on a more serious note Jay Z remains the best rapper ever liveth
Please everyone says he looks good for his age...Abeg how does 50 look? They don't look old!! I know a lot of 50's and honestly it's the new 40....especially if you are black...
So stop saying he looks good for his age because so does most 50 year old!!
Don jazzy should be 32 or 33 this year. He was '98 set in Ijaniki.
he sure looks good for 50
Funny enough, he ιƨ not a footballer that his age should be any of his (star) business. Amazing enough its a plus on him, cos he sure looks good.
Funny enough, he ιƨ not a footballer that his age should be any of his (star) business. Amazing enough its a plus on him, cos he sure looks good. Learn to mind your business!
"Best 50 year old.."? No way, girl,I dont agree with you... perhaps you said what you said bcos its Jigga. If the "Star" guy is equally 50, then he looks better than Jay Z @ 50. 'sides there are very many other damn good 50 year olds I have seen
Even if He's 60 kini big deal? He remains Jay-Z. Star go get busy with something else .... BOOOOOORRRRRRRRRINNNNGGG!!! HAter!!!
oldie...he didnt marry early at all...but the Radio Legend star looks fresh tho
50 is the new 30 anyway.
Chuks Ene jus said ma mind.
Go gurl!
Bad belle. Which level. So what. JayZ still getting surf board action from Queen B. And she even sings about . Can't hear anyone singing about u..
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