Washington Post reports that some relatives said that they were getting ring tones and could see them active online through a Chinese instant messenger service called QQ. One man in particular claimed he could see that the QQ account of his brother-in-law showed him as online, but when he sends a message, he gets no reply. The calls have also not been picked up. This is scary!
This is an embarrassment to malaysian government #bright bravo#
I'm sure they're all safe where ever they are.
God, i dey really pity this family members.... They should track there whereabout with their phones since it is ringing.....
if that's the case then the passengers are still alive then, thank God for that, at least there is still a trace of green light
May God spare their life, I think they are being held captive
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I said it, the plane don't crash, Lord please save them wherever they are, bring them back home alive.
Ah! This is scary oh. Which kind wahala be dis na. God pleaseeee
Naso the yr wan take start neh....
Very scary. Bet wat could ave hppnd???
Asin so scary .
They might still be alive. whatever their loved Ines are the ones feeling the pain now. Thyeneed to know if they are still alive or not
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Nnkan be..
Bermuda triangle,God I rescure your children you love so much. Its scary Linda,its is.
They should put a satellite trace on it and trace the location. Simple as ABC! I believe the plane might have been hijacked. Cause if it disingrate as claimed then no phones would be ringing let alone showing online status. It's getting creepier
Wow dis is rily scary. It shows dey are still alive somewhere. God pls protect dem please! AMEN
Terrorist is involved
Olohun maje ka sirin o
this is so mysterious mehn what is really happening pls God save them is they are still alive.
#Milito da great#
Na wha o for this missing plane o. I know one big story ll still come out from this issue. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
This is truely scary
Nigeria Shocking News
dat is another hope to stick to, may God help them
Does dis signify Good news ehn linda????
shebi them talk sey, iphone users no fit hid?? time to use GPS to track them, oyaaaa
What if this plane is lost in another realm, like another world. Lost in a time warp?
God have mercy. This is end time, lets strive for heaven.
Hmm, nah wao!!!!
God have mercy. This is end time, lets strive for heaven.
Not being funny here but I'm beginning to believe aliens may have something to do with this!
Linda, I want to believe that the plane was hijacked and the transponder was destroyed. But if it were so, the hijackers would have stated their demands by now. So sad. Nothing about the plane has been found.
My God pls help dem
lemme go redo another research on bermuda triangle ish
This story is not funny at all. Dose pple are either dead or praying to die
Then there is hope that they are alive and not plunged into the sea. We pray for their safe freedom and return to there loved ones
Vry scary o,na wha oo,God help n guide our footsteps
Hmmm.This is really creepy.Pray its not flown into Bermuda triangle.
lost series in real life ....
Send me d number madam linda
Big fat lie. Otherwise technology would pinpoint where the plane/phones are ...
Send me d number madam linda
Very scary! Lord have mercy
Very scary!I feel for their relatives sha.I know God will surely intervene on their behalf.It is well!
Shuoooo!!!! Ds is completely out of place naa!!! Its like they are being held hostage somewhere, with their phones, ipads n all gadgets taken from them, Lord have Mercy. I jus hope my assumptions are right, if it is, atleast they are still alive somewhere.
maybe terrorists hijacked it plane and forced it to land quietly somwhere
Am still maintainin my claim abt wat happened in d LOST movie series, cos I hav no oda explaination 2 dis. Deyve searched on air nd on sea, no show. Mysterious island still screams in my head. God plss help.
Now am beginning to feel like ds is a movie when aliens abduct pple else how do we explain all ds?
Dis is sure Scary
This is serious
nawao this s spiritual o
Odikwa egwu, mean while why do medical doctors who are doing their nysc get special treatment. They treat them like special breeds, Infact they have their own special commanders including registration, feeding ang lodging. Hmnnn my child must be a medical doctor ooo. As in kubwa camp is really tha bomb, the queen is jst so bloody and once a medical doctor not vet doctor comes they jst get immediate attention.
This is really serious o. God , pls intervene
Starting to seem like the plane was hijacked. If its submerged in water or was blown apart mid-air there's no way calls would go through. I kind of hope those who hijacked the plane would come out soon and state what they want. Or maybe it crashed in a forest and passengers are lost. Sigh i'm just praying the news won't be that they re all dead
God pls save dem
This is called LOST
Aliensss. Aliensss. Aliensss.
I hope this won't remain a mystery...God help us
...Aliens at work. It is no longer fiction.
Na wa Oº°˚˚˚°ºO ,aeroplane don turn τ̲̅ȍ pin
What could have happened to them?
Very strange; i just hope dey re safe
this is gettin very very bad..God help the search teams.
Do I hear the series,"Lost"???
Sad incidence but this may be wishful thinking
I pray dai find dat plane
I pray dai find d plane oooo!
Scary is an understatement!
~D great anonymous!
the whole story is fishy! ah! Ki lo de? God protect us
Hmmmmmm!oye olorun
For Mobiles it is possible to get ringing tone even if its not connected with any network, because once its gets out of network tower ( Unlimited distance ) or entered into flight mode or moves to other country network then it will show us as ringing but if we check physically its not the case.
I came to New Zealand from India recently and my number was not connected with any international roaming network providers but I tried to check the status of my INDIA number from my new 'New Zealand' number and it was ringing.
Found out that "The network is searching for the phone. First based on where it last was, then it expands. Then if the network can't find the phone, the call terminates."
Apparently even if the phone in question is in airplane mode - or is off or terminally broken - it may still ring on the caller's end, despite there technically being no chance of it being connected.
Na wa o. God have mercy!
Quite scary indeed,sounding like the movies
Wow.. Mysterious indeed
OMG........This is Sad.God pls help
Dats a lie.since sat hw did dey charge der phones ?
Lost baby lost
Really scary, God please come to their aid
na the naija students wey dem dey maltreat use juju for the plane. I can't wait to know what's up with this plane. its like in the movies
This is the 21st century.if the phone lines are still going thru,their mobile carrier (network) can easily locate the phone by tracking the sim (or atleast narrowing down its location).and since their phones are still ringing it means they aren't far out of malaysia.it seems the plane was hijacked.I pray the plane is found soon.
Is there no way, the network provide can track where the phones are ringing.
God please protect them wherever they are.
OMG it's like a scary movie with no end... God pls intervene.... Earth is probably the scariest place to live this days :(
Abi UFO don carry the plane go space
Its simple the plane has been hijacked.....
VERY WEIRD INDEED...I watched the story on Richard quest, all the leads ended up being dead ends. No wreckage has been found. Bermuda Triangle tinz.
The authorities involved in the search should try tracing those said cellular numbers then, if this is true that is
It cud still be hovering in the sky.my naive opinion though
this is not funny at all, abi rapture don take place?
this is not funny at all, abi rapture don take place?
I don't buy this lies... even if they are somewhere else, their phones will never work there. Are they using turaya?
i hope so
Man dies during steamy sex wif popular Alhaja
@Anon 12:20 What do you mean by "embarrassment to the Malaysian govt"....?? Please stay quiet if you don't hv anything reasonable to say.
I hope they are fine wherever they are. Its really a mystery.
Ouch ...bad
i pray that this accident does not lead to the deaths of these people and subsequently return to their families alife.
My thoughts exactly.
Rapture things on point....Are you ready?
Na wan oooo.....it looks like the movies. what could have possibly gone wrong. I donno oooo. Baba GOD na ur hand we dey ooooo
In totally unrelated news, and pardon me for it, I feel beyonces end is very near. Been feeling this way since her I was here song. Listen to her song xo there was a verse she said 'kiss me before they turn my lights out'. I hope she doesn't die soon, love her so much
I consider this as another Bermuda Triangle but their phones still ringing is a mystery. May God interven.
They r buzy fustratin 9ja student... na God catch dem, any mama way u kill e pikin selt they cry...
Bermuda Triangle thingz I guess.........
Technology has been shamed!
lol @ lost in a time warp, u've seen 2 many science fiction movies-wake up joorr
Na bb everybody dey use?
hmm maybe they have been flown to North Korea
What a mystery I guess the passenger took a trip to mars lol
This might be UFO dat attacked them...chineke!!!
This news is trending on cnn now on cnn. God have mercy
Are you for real or are you one of those aliens from the galaxy?
My dear,Their phones can work else where,if it is roamed.
This is becuming more scary. I hope this is nt †ђξ series Lost season 6! There is stil hope.
Your child must be a medical doctor because of how they treat doctors in camp? Myopic idiot.
Same thing I'm thinking! They must on another realm/dimension
Nothing is impossible at this point!
I hope they ve not been abducted by aliens.
Anybody seen the movie titled Mark II ? so scary and apocalypse oriented something like this
Scary indeed!!!!! Lord i commit dem into ur hands ! IJN Amen
like a friend will say (this life is getting too hard )
Oh Walter Bishop of FRINGE serious I think am beginning to believe your theory of 2 existing universe. If dis plane didn't crash. Then it's in the other universe. So agent durham and peter pls do something
Dis is vry mysterious o... Am getin so confused abt dis saga
This is #LOST season12...it can't be rapture..or is it rapture..omg..I'm still pinging
Lord plss help dem.....make dem come out of dis alive plssss....thank u Lord for I know u've done it.
Badoo, I know for a fact that cell phones roam in Toronto.
Please dont cry oo.God is in control.He will find them, just pray and hold on to God, it will be okay.#sobbinghysterically.It will be alright ooo. Jehova is not sleeping.
OMG! Is dis LOST in real life? As in jack Kate Sawyer, sayyid,Locke, and d rest in real life!
Lol! Funny! So d plane went 2 heaven 2 abi? Yeye. Wen rapture occurs u'll def knw!
I tot dey say oyibo Na witch in everything (bekee Na agbara) Whts holding not to find out were they are, since they said there fones are ringing
Simple as ABC, you think that the people responsible for making a plane disappear are jokers? They have an end game dear, let's just watch as things unfold. S
Why are some people so dumb? Don't you know that a gadget or device like a cellphone can survive a crash? How can you say because the phone is not damaged and still receives calls then that means the owner is alive? Are their two lives connected? If one person survives an accident does it mean that everyone else does?
Linda wait ò..... What if the plane plunged into space.
Are d finders checking beyond earths surface. This plane missin saga in this technology filled century is real bizarre. #justAtot
Linda imagine they later found the plane in north Nigeria........ How many of us wil dis-own our country.......Loooolz #Transponder issh. Did the plane actually flew. . . . .am starting to doubt that too
No Not Yet
Bermuda triangle things..
Yomslaw ur head is correct oo.. bermuda ni oo
Read wat T.B Joshua said about the crashed plane. It's deep in the ocean. May there gentle souls rest in peace
then they are alive and somewhere around earth...Thank God!
Are you sure Rapture hasnt taken place
there must have made a wrong reading of the compass and as such entered into the BERMUDA TRIANGLE......knowing that this trinangle has a magnetic force tis must have caused it.
UFO abduction ..... Aliens are finally On Planet Earth
A dead man's phone might still be ringing. ..
@ anonymous, 10:44pm, u have just nailed it. That plane has been hijacked and they're just silent to create tension so that whatever their demand will be, the concerned government will be quick to respond. Let's watch and see
This is the real life series "LOST" in action. God have mercy and shine light on what is going on!!!
This is the real life series "LOST" in action. God have mercy and shine light on what is going on!!!
Hmmmmm this update contradicts T.B Joshua's prediction of the plane getting lost in the sea. i wonder what the next update will be?
Hmmmmm this update contradicts T.B Joshua's prediction of the plane getting lost in the sea. i wonder what the next update will be?
Jst feeling pity for diz family! God pls let dem b save Ooº°˚ ˚°ºo
am suspecting UFO!
i strongly belv dat dat plane don enta Bermuda triangle
i strongly belv dat dat plane don enta Bermuda triangle
Captivated by aliens................even my cousine's line is still going thru
Most of u guys funny sha, doesn't anybdy tink anymore? Some phones r waterproof n it ringing doesn't mean they r on land or sea or still in the air. #smh# yall need to spend less time commenting, so when u actually do, its meaningful. They cld be anywhere, let's find them shld be our prayers
This is another Bermuda triangle, detail exactly sound like what had happened in the past - www.artserv.blogspot.com
@ anonymous 8;50 thank you... Badoo pls think b4 u talk sir
Abi o? They should go and search North Korea. It looks like what they can do!
linda linda, pls help me ask dem if cell phones don't have gps anymore, dey can track dem 2 find their locations naw.... we readers re no fools plsssssss.
If the plane was hijacked, It's possible the passengers phone numbers were diverted to a phone number in order to set in confusion as to whether they are alive or dead. God please intervene, we can't help the situation.
Alien tinz……. 4400…. gehn gehn gehn then...
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