The former limo driver was stopped by US customs officials because of his lengthy criminal record which includes drug possession, card fraud and giving police fake name. He was jailed twice for the offences back in 2012.
Star Tribune reports that Barkhad now faces a hearing with Customs and Border protection this week that carries the possibility of deportation. However, a source told the newspaper said it was unlikely that the 28 year old, who is a permanent legal resident in the U.S, would be deported since customs officials usually only do that in the most serious cases.
Whites always hating on blacks for no just cause
America law self,maybe d dude don change na
The guy look like a criminal for real
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Sins of d past, u can never get away wit it... Pele my bro,face d law. ¤Su°cre®
No wonder, he played the role of 'Muse' to the heart...a very brilliant character
He sure looks like a criminal with eze ewu.
Its a pity.
Ciminal lindodo
Guess your past eventually catches up on you! That's quite a rap sheet.
this guy makes me so 'unproud' of my African and black roots whenever I see him. how can he after living in the USA for years still look like this. I'm so sorry, but his looks don't enter Hollywood. he still looks like any Somalian refugee
Past crimes..... This is really great if the crimes levied against him was actually committed by him......
I wish same thing will be happening in naija.....
Tats how it is...as far as ur black and ur from Africa,ur sins can never be forgiven
That hair cut tho!
Awww,,,its just a pity,but I guess he's no longer a criminal or however they put it...they should allow him be,,he deserves a second chance...
Omolomo, he didn't know he will act na, he was on hustle before, they should free him.
Come who you be sef am sure u ave not been to the airport before let alone enter plane so he shld go and bleach abi or take drugs to grow fat may be when u eventually enter yankee u will go for plastic sugrey to remove. That ijebu tribal mark ur face so no one will knoww u are a yoruba goat anyway jst so u know pple frm somalia always look that way cos that's how God created them and am proud of him
He's not black, the word black refers to west Africans or people known as congoid, he's East African.
Why are you full of hate? You need deliverance.
You are quite daft! So what is he? Caucasian? So a Caucasian looking at him won't refer to him as black??
How? Wth are you saying?
Atleast he's now acting and he's no longa a criminal.
The world lifts you up only to bring you crashing down...
Make the custom officials free Muse jare!
Anon 628pm you must be a self hating ignoramus. Get an education.
My roommate is Somalian, she refers to herself as black, so do her family members and other Somalian friends., Mr/Miss I-Too-Know
Give him time. Or how did p-diddy look before he attained all that fame and money? Lmao!! ........Just Saying
Tell that to the KKK and see if they give a fawk. East Africans think say cuz a lot of them get pointy noise and usually look thin and starved they are suddenly the oyibos of Africa. Gtfoh with that chit jare. This dude is black and every real African whether from east, west or wareva is BLACK! East African is not a race, so get a clue.
@6.28... Teacher Chike.... Since he is not black I guess he is yellow naa.
Lol. You are both ignorant.
Are u colour blind? The word black refers to people with black skin whether East or West African, black is black. I just hope you were joking.
Linda et all, I hope you guys have heard of double jeopardy. You cant punish him for a crime he has already paid for or served time in jail for. It is illegal to jail or sentence anyone, black white, green, blue whatever for a crime he has already paid dues to the society for. In addition, the customs is not a legal entity for jailing, they simply ensure all those coming into the US are legal and no illegality exist in what they possess. If anything wanting is found of this guy, he will be handed over to the police for prosecuting (its a federal issue at this level not state). To me, if anything, it may be that he broke his probation by traveling out of the country without his probation officers knowledge. You can be on probation after sentence served for a long duration of time, sometimes 10 yrs or longer. This is a misdeamonor" for some states" and does not require deportation. As legal residents, im sure no deportation here, maybe jail time or fine. Stop ruining his career with these negative report promoted by media.
Make dem free d boi. Folks from MSP dey for ur back. Let he who is without sin be d first to cast stone.
Awwww!!!! Quite a pity.
This guy can really act. I Love d character he played in Captain Philip.
Dis eDdreamz dey vex me pas for dis LIB. Must u comment two times? Notice me or I die. •ZorahJay•
Anon 6:28....You fall my hand. You made a very ridiculously unpardonable blunder. Where did you school?
If you can judge pple by their look then, UR BRAIN IS DAMAGED
Crazy peeps... Tryin to punish him twice for ofences he had already suferd thr consequencies. He already went to jail, howcom dey are talkin abt deportation now?
We are not black, we are AFRICANS please
The year oscars nominee and winners are just making waves on our Radar.. ''Lupita,the guy that said he looks like earthly Jesus nd now this Guy..
Lmmfao am annoyed too
Osun State Polytechnic. Lol
@ Anonymous 1.04, please dont make such dumb comments anymore.....we always have a way of letting people out there question our intelligence....You are BLACK and AFRICAN! Olodo
He look's like a cock.
"Ciminal Past" Linda can't spell again hahahaha
Funny how I told my colleague after watching Captain Phillip that the Barkhad looks so much like a criminal, jokingly said he fits perfectly well into the role he played..... Well, you cant run from your nemesis.
Dear Abdi, just one word for u "FOOD" jeez u need food, plus a lot of multivitamins *pharmacist's orders* lollzz, but really white ppl sha!dey can like to embarass someone! ... sugardelux
Anonymous 5:48pm,
Where has your look taken you to, not even on soap opera on local TV in 9ja...just thank God for you life let nothing set you back regardless of your look or race
Anonymous 5:48pm,
Where has your look taken you to, not even on soap opera on local TV in 9ja...just thank God for you life let nothing set you back regardless of your look or race
Anonymous 5:48pm,
Where has your look taken you to, not even on soap opera on local TV in 9ja...just thank God for you life let nothing set you back regardless of your look or race
There is no way he remains in the US. After a felony conviction, it's automatic deportation for a non US citizen. It's the law.
This is a calculated attempt to ridicule his rising image. Has not been in US all this while. Caucasians will not want to see colored people celebrated before them. God is with him on this.
Seriously if I met him in an alley, I would run for my dear life. He also looks hungry. Poor thing, I read in one of the blogs that he is broke.
From my legal background, I know that a person cannot be punished twice for a single offense. Since he was already arrested and served term in the past, why arresting him again? Anyways, racism I'd real in USA!!! Dasol!
Who made u all saints? u so pathetic
Wow, Somali people and drugs -_-
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