"I want to congratulate Evelyn Lozada. Evelyn gave birth to a cash register...I mean, a baby boy, with her fiancee, the $142million Carl Crawford. I didn't mean to make that cash register joke, but you see why it's easy to be said. Evelyn girl, congratulations!" Wendy saidHer audience found the comment funny but not Evelyn, who fired back with some news Wendy can use about her husband, Kevin. See the tweets after the cut...

The video below...Wendy talks about Evelyn from 6.00 mark..
This wendy of a woman seems she just love looking for trouble...... Is gud lozada stands for herself and tell her some piece of her mind..... Trouble maker.......
Ok #bright bravo#
Maybe she dey do all this things to pass OPRAH.....
Lool.. Serves her right she should Learn to mind her wazzy business old chit! *Nkey*
Dis is wat is called, trouble de sleep yanka go wake, wetin eh de find? Palaver#
Correct! Evelyn, chop knuckle abeg. Wendy idiot with her ape face
Pikin wey talk say in mama no go sleep, in ma no go sleep! Good for that artificial looking Wendy who just thinks shez it and doesn't know when to shut it.
YEPA!...lool....dis is wot u get for not minding ur business #Wendy,pele o...smh
Wait o! Is Wendy a woman? Thought she was transgender! Lol!
This is cruel! Serves Wendy right though! Waiting for the day somebody will tear Joan Rivers a new one. The old hag.
Ooooops,guess wendy crossed the line
Is a lie I can't bealif this, Sorry Wendy. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
High five Evelyn! Serves that plastic looking mannequin wendy right!
No b yanka o,na yanga #tnk me later.Lol .barryzno
Na dem sabi jhor
Frst to do no de pain ooooo,na second na em de enta blood wela.... #cntfityaff
@Hilary someone has actually abused Joan for her plastic face wit no facial expression n dat person is ♍ε bt she threatened to sue ♍ε. I no get $ to pay. In btw Wendy get bad mouth and she said dis on her ystdy's show. I watched it bt felt bad for d Evelyn girl. Was quite embarrassing honestly.
Seems u can only use twitter to speak out this days..lol
...My namesake! Wendy... U don wake trouble,pokenosing is a grt job anyway, jst dt u get lashed sumtyms,
Evelyn mouth bad pass moluwa drivers 4lagos
Love Wendy pls stop hating herb
And thats wt u get for buying ur mistress a shoe in ur wife's frnd boutique #SMH too bad wendy husband don hia wiennnnnnnnnn
God go help dem o
Wendy Williams says those nasty things u might b thinking in your head! Lol! #wicked!
Just like you are posting stupid and senseless comments on here so as to get noticed
Lolzzzzzzzz wendy got what she deserve.cash register hahahahah serious talk o.So Evelyn removed all atom of privacy & opened the can of worms lol.waiting for part 2
Wats d meaning of "btw"
Its funny how you people will praise linda but curse wendy. what is the difference between the two? bunch of misguided hypocrites
Wendy is jst a mumu!!! She wey b lik man! Nd her hubby wey lik transgender!!!! She's jst a cow!!!
That was deep yo ! If you live in a glass house don't throw stones
Is that all you've got Evelyn ?? Umm Wendy is a very tough woman that ain't gonna do it !!! BTW she's right !
WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!! lol so you all THINK this is the worst thing Wendy has been hit with??? Wait and you all think this will even cause a sweat drop from her temple? You must be joking... Wendy started her shit talk on radio before Evelyn knew what high heels were so sorry folks... Let Evelyn and Wendy have their fun, but this kind of come back is NOTHIIIIng hunney,nothing but a cheap way to get a gals feelings hurt...your man this your man that. Eheh?! AND?! Lets say it was true, does anyone knows Wendy's marraige arrangement. Any smart person would laugh, sigh and keep it rolling. Wendy is a veteran, come harder Evelyn, pull her wig off or sumthin!!!! lol
*Cherie boom boom*
Please stick to pidgin English. I understand you better!
Well.. that is what Wendy does on her show. She call it as she sees it. Oh well. Btw, my sister and I had just recently said that Wendy probably needs to check her hubbyy.. whoop whoop lol
This woman dey look for trouble sha
I knw dis isn't related to d post buh olamide is d cheap n hungry mofo wid d dumbest PR team. So I get d pics; his team put out d news n wen NetNG(d fools that cldnt react to d insults n denial) put it up, they ignored hoping d bigger fish would hook the bait n unfortunately Linda did n mofo olamide burst out jst to cause steer! Less than 30hrs later, he's dropping a new dance competition for his new signee! Smh Ola y create enemies n be uncultured jst for media hype! U fall hand gan and yep u r believing ur own hype! You stl a bloody ass noisemaker n tout! Reminiscence over ya Bariga ass!
But her bobby sha..."This is all I see..." In Olu Maintain's voice :)
Me too o! She looks like a man turned woman 2ru sugery..like I swear
Hilary, can't u see? I really do like u. 4 real
Boyy, u gat no sense! I swear down. U comment senselessly and d fact dat we have 2 read ur senselessness twice is just d worst torture ever! Go get some brains!
Like say u even knw any1, with ur fish brain
Ooops...omo dat reply na die oo...lol
Now this is hilarious. Watched that show and I knew immediately that Wendy over stepped its a baby for Christ's sake Don't hate all in the name of hot topics. Anyways Evelyns response is hotter than any of Wendy's hot topic right now. Lmao
She just got served. This Mumu wendy Williams . Self declared comedienne who I personally dont find funny. She likes to dig iinto people's skin. Oloshi
@hilary, u must have some gay tendencies in you to be following women issues like this, u even know joan rivers. Sish!!!
Wat A̶̲̅ response!!!
Go and face your studies this lil kid, stop hopping from one blog to another.
Wendy vs Evelyn, Linda ikeji vs Olamide... Ok oo. Jst passing #Ceejoe
anoza olamide....all this ppl wey dey use gossip make money..i envy una...linda am talking to u too
LmaOoO serves her right says LUCIANO .
That serves her right... She(Wendy) shuld learn how to mind her business.
Watin concern una with all dis oyinbo people...Linda abeg give us Nigerian gist jor...All this useless people wen no get work go just see something put their sour mouth all in d name of gossip blog. lols...insult me
she asked for it......that is the salary she gets this month, for not minding her biz..lol
if you cannot take insults, dont become a celebrity or a public face, cos once you do, your life becomes everyone's business.I love wendy and she says it like she means it not caring whose ox is gored.she also puts her business out there.if evelyn cant take insults she should take several seats, abi didnt she marry the dude for money self?
That Evelyn's responds is........CLASSIC!!!
Shebi na Wendy they find topic abi?
Now Wendy,....#putthatonhottopic#
Then I guess Linda u too are in deep shit, cos u neva mind ur business. Pple, its their job (d likes of Linda, Wendy and oda celeb gossip folks) if they dnt tlk dem, we won't knw shit, so u guys shudnt dog on Wendy (even tho she doesn't knw we exist)...love u Linda..muah!
It is bad when it's Wendy but your Linda did a similar thing the other day y'all were licking her butt calling it mature. Blehhhhh
She don open her yansh
Lol, Wendy ur hubby is cheating.
lol Wendy you really shouldn't say stuff like that, aint funny.
Calling a woman's new baby a cash register...not cool
Ode.well now we know where wendys husband dey shop.as she dey do aproko on top anoda girl Mata,her life don open naa.shebi na she good pass.o ya
But na true. The baby is a cash register, abi not be bcos of money she marry the guy. Anf besides na the same thing linda dey do.
He sure needs Linda's money. 100k will go a long way you know. Lol
Wendy's skin is tougher than this, that was nothing. She's been doing this since the days of yore and she's still going strong. #sayitlikeyoumeanit.
1billion likes
I thought same too!
No mind am na calabar boi yanka ke lmao
Pople wey never watch wendy show go use linda blog dey make mouth........dis is what gives her the rating she gets and more money so sisi talking about her husband u have just help in drawing more viewer dont forget ooo no body like d kardashians yet they are in d news......By d way amebo wor na same same oooo lindodo weldone
Eh yah! You are high on 'haterade' dear. Pele, oya take seat for stadium
@ anon 9:08am and anon 1:13am, chop knuckle, I like you guys for keeping it real!!! What is the difference between Wendy Williams and Linda Ikeji, they are both doing the same thing, except for the fact that one is using the TV,and the other is blogging!!!LIBers are a bunch of hypocrites!!!The truth hurts doesn't it, you better post this linda!!!whizman
Shiiiiiiittttt!!!! How you know Evelyn wins - the calmness of her stabs lol like stab *smile* dont worry i'll stab you with kindness
Mehn this guy Nawa for Oh. Do you gotta comment always and more than once? You ain't got nothing else to do right?
Linda Ikeji watch and learn... thanks Evelyn Lozada
@ anon 6:34am, so? So bcos of ppl like u who wld daftly jump to that conclusion, he shld not watch whatever he likes anymore? If guys don't watch or give these female oriented shows and activities a chance every once in a while, when/how are they ever going to learn some other things about women and the way they tick, think and relate with each other? A man following women issues doesn't make him gay, it might even help him understand and relate better with his woman, as the saying goes; men are from mars and women are from Venus
I am a big fan of Wendy but i hate when people talk shit about children. Wendy can be rude and she is a bully.
"Reality star Evelyn Lozada came for Wendy "
Love u to the moon and back hilary...
It means By The Way
at the end of the day, wendy is employed & evelyn (hood rat) stays sucking ballers dicks for a living. bloop!
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