Prosecutors say Zachary died on August 16th, 2012 of blunt-force trauma to his abdomen and a delay in medical treatment. According to the Associated Press, few weeks before the boy was found with abdominal injuries at a temporary homeless shelter, his mum sent a Facebook message to her boyfriend, 24 year old Brian Canady, telling him that she believed Zachary was going to be gay, and suggested he "work on" her son: “He walks and talks like it. Ugh.” Jessica wrote.
Canady (pictured above) was also arrested in connection with the boy's death. He pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter, and second-degree assault, after admitting to kicking Zachary in the abdomen while wearing shoes.
They are both on trial in Washington County Circuit Court right now
Fire on the mountain!
Callous Homophobia!
Awwwww!! Strange Things Are Happening, but what gives me a cause to worry is that people are begining to loose it.. I just wonder where forgiveness has gone to.
Awwwww!! Strange Things Are Happening, but what gives me a cause to worry is that people are begining to loose it.. I just wonder where forgiveness has gone to.. GUSH!!
That's a very wicked way to address the child's sexuality. he mite not end up being gay
Nawa oooo!dt boy is too matured to b 4yrs.Wch kind story be dis 1.a 4yr old boy wit moustache.hmmmm.
Still Mourning Zara, A Mother Is There Killing Her Own 4yr Old Son.. Crazy!!
Okay dat her boyfrnd.
Shouldn't have got to that extent though
Even d Whites hates gay pple... wer is dat Chimamanda of a woman dat always criticises Africa n esp Nigeria
Na wa oooo. Not in support of gays but this is way tooo much
So even in america they hate gays like crazy and i thought is only in nigeria that type of thing normally happens..... but why will she kill her own blood bcos she thinks he is gay.... Big fuck up i swear.... May the soul of the little man R.I.P.....
See her ugly face, thirty yrs shouldnt pass both of them by......
Too sad. RIP poor kid
Lmao thats her bf not her son!
RIP kid. Too sad
Jesus wept!!!!!!
Abeg u shd read d post again. D guy pictured above is her boyfrn n he is 24
Did you read the story to the end? Or you just jumped in to comment? your brain must be really slow missus!
I wonder hw sum of u read abeg
Dt guy is he boifrn haaaa n he is 24, pls read again
Abeg u shd read d post again. D guy pictured above is her boyfrn n he is 24
What does a 4 year old know about gay what what?
There must be an underlying issue...definitely nothing to do with gay ish.
In all, hate the act not the people.
*My R1.50c comment *
U blind ni or u np fit use ur brain to knoe say na d boyfriend be dat..
Wow, God help us to take the right steps, help our temper
What an inhuman act
Doubt if she ever loved her son
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Dats ha boyfriends pic dummys,d childs pic aint dere...try use brain no b evrytin dem suppose spell out 4 una! if na 2 curse ppl na brain go pick up!
Read wat linda wrote. He's her boyfriend
Wickedness of d highest order. She tort he was gay not even sure for a four yr old child.
This is bad... Lord of mercy... it is well..
Follow @toulsshogs on IG please
d pic is d woman n her boyfriend
Some women are just stupid. Just because of dick she's getting from that punk, she decided to kill her son just to please the punk.
Look at her stupid face.
Wicked woman.
Read read read and understand dats y u fail in school retard
mama and meetdrealevans, abeg no make me laugh. The picture of the male figure is dat of her boyfriend who allegedly kicked the four year old boy on his abdomen with his shoes on. sad news.
Weyrey, whr does it say dat dat's d boy's photo?
Can't u read dats her boyfriends picture. Nawa 4 sum people oo
Ahh she went too far joor. Make she too follow her son
Meetdrealevans dats the lady's bfriend not the 4 yrs old boy
Ppl re taking this issh too far, i met a gay frnd and after we got talkin i saw tins clearer, those two should be burnt alive 4yrs old Crase World
Meetdrealevans, that picture you see there is of her 24 year old boy friend, not the son.
People do evil with no reason
Olodo oshi
How cud she???very inhuman
Anon 8;55 na u blind. Wetin u dey talk? U no sabi read?
Wow,life is so unfair.
Good for her.
Strange. She gat ₪o love for dat child
Clap 4 urself.....
Seriously? A mother did that to her son? At 4 can you tell if a person is gay or not? Even if, if don't want him to be gay, do you think you beat the gay outta him? Stupid, stupid woman!
This is the wages of ignorance, ignorance is not bliss, no one chooses to be gay, people are born gay, in the same way this child didn't choose to be murdered by his mother, gay people around the world would never choose to be persecuted over being happy and looking forward to healthy, productive lives within their communities.
For everyone homophobe out there, this is what you permit.
She ιƨ a monster! What a callous act. A 4yr old? Ιƨ this fact right? Or A̶̲̥̅♏ i seeing a mother who ιƨ a disgrace to motherhood.
She must be possessed by a billion demons. Gay or not, dat was her child!
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How can she knw dat a four years old boy is a gay? Dat jessica really deserve to be purnish! I just pray u don't rotten in jail for dis crime u hv comitted. U don't really deserve to be a mother if truely u wasn't insane bf commitin dat crime! I can't believe dat a mother can kill a child she born after all d pain she may hv gone through! Sad story! Lolo1
Correction was the best but the whites no dey like listen
U cn kw wen a kid is gay @d age of 4? Diz madnx nd dey shuld burn in hell.ur nt a mother coz if u r,u wil accept em d way he is nd teach em a pact u want em 2 follow.
She must be really insane
I don't think she's d biological mother.
"He walked and talked like it" lol...walking talking Gay.
Just concluded dat der r a lot of dull ppl on dis blog! How come almost every1 is finkn d piX above is d son's pix? Pls let's try 2 read, read, read and understand b4 daring 2 comment! Sucks really 2 see ppl mis-yarning....
Hahahahahahaha,am laughing at the gross stupidity of these two.just like some dull chimps here in Nigeria that r of d opinion that Gays learnt to be gay...................hello........he is just 4.Now all ya r calin 4 their heads 4gettin aww mani gays u all sent 2 hell here with ur bully lines here.Seriously d sight of hypocrite is just frustrating.Anyways,I trust she won't get less than she deserve.RIP little man may u find peace in Abraham bossom away frm dis world where ur type remains endengered specie.
You saw things clearer as in its brain damage?? Cuz there's nothing sane about same sex sleeping together. While I don't justify what this lady did AT ALL. There's nothing spiritually, ethnically or logically right about being gay.
4yr old son or 14yr? Dis is serious@mercy
This shows being gay is natural. Who taught the 4 yr old boy gay life? When the church teaches hate the sin but love the sinner we feel we know more and say criminalize and kill gays God is watching
Only a stupid woman wil kil her son...
How did you "meet" your gay friend? Through sexual intercourse?
Oh! So now u know u can't beat the gay out of him but I'm sure u can imprison it out of him,right?
Bonario also said,she doesn't love her son. So they are worth loving abi? So,d ones y'all clamour should be stoned also have people who love them?
Double standards!
No,its good as he was killed naw,afterall he'd hav been imprisoned later
This kind of story is exactly why our law makers shouldn't have passed that anti gay law. Gays are hated by ignorant people already, the law will only give them reasons to continue this wickedness to fellow humans. Persecuting gays will not make life easier for straight people, it will only bring out the demons in them.
U no fit read English well? Read d write up again and stop harassing Linda for ur poor understanding
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