Haaretz.com reports that the man was convicted in October 2013 of intentionally attacking the girl after a love gone sour. Iran's high court wants the body parts the victim lost during the vicious attack to be removed from the perpetrator's body as payback and have defended their decision.
The national council said Iran's high court defended cutting off the body parts of those found guilty of a crime, and removing eyes, as part of the country's judicial system.
Who approves of this kind of punishment?
An eye for an eye! Good justice. Nigerians should also be doing this as well
Let dis serve as a deterrent!
I luv dat,so he wil knw how painful it is 2 hurt people #princess#
Good,very good.very soon people will think of judgement before they act.Do unto other what you wish them do to you.
so so harsh. feel for d girl though.
one thing is for sure...he wont do it again...im sure crime is low in those sort of countries, the way corruption is low in China
Chineke mee!!!
Good for him
This is nt funny @all. But it's fair enough, so that others planning to do this, will not go ahead with it.
An eye for an eye!!!!
He is reaping what he sow...that's all I can say!
An eye for an eye law.... hmmm
I so much agree wit d law,an eye 4 an eye,d man must be very wicked 2 pour acid 2 a human being,let him have a taste of his own medicine.
Serves him right.
I concur.... An eye for an eye,mosaic law is the way forward.#Cheezyjayne
wow,this is an eye for an eye... I am not cool with this and also not cool with what he did to the girl..... you see, its better to shot him than for him to go through pains... i am still against shooting though.... but sha those people who will punish this man get mind o....which kan law be this
I tink d man deserves it.
perfect punishment for the crime. we need such in nija so dat evil people will feel the pain dey cause others to undergo
Na wa oh.Eye for Eye, Ear for Ear, Skin for Skin. Lips Sealed
I agree actually! I don't consider myself as a barbaric individual, as seems the punishment, but drastic, painful judgments have to be made on any individual who in their right mind would pour acid on someone!
They can actually add more things to the cutting list.
Dats nt fair enof...dey shd include his dick
Proper eye for an eye.......
God have mercy #bright bravo#
I totally agree. Men their own too much. Wen u do not want them anymore dey start doin like a mini god. Yet dey hurt women every day n we do not do dem anything
Its islam law !its islam norm,its obviously babaric to we Christians but its nt to dem...if islam punishments does nt sit well wit u y practice it ?d man knew d consequences b4 e committed d crime !i support it myself! e deserves worse punishment
One would be right to say that Iranian authorities still live in the stone age. However,these kind of punishment will make people think twice before inflicting grievious bodily harm on some other person.
I concur. I approve. Gbam!
Harsh..but L kinda approve...acid wil not bring her back too u guys take not
@ Omotejowho
ME! ME!! ME!!! ME!!!, I approve 100%
Good for him, in his nxt life he will never try such again..... Let him feel wat d gurl is feelin.
Its not fair... They should also throw Acid in his face too...instead of that Punishment...*crying*
~Beautiful Lopez~
Vengeance is mine,says d Lord. Repay evil with good. Easy 2 say but hard 2 do.
yuck....so no one will admire ha ko since he cannot have her...na wa o
I rily support ur submission.
An eye 4 an eye nd a tooth 4 a tooth.
Hmmmnn, this is karma. I don't support what he did buh I don't support what they are about to do for him. A life in prison with hard labour would have been better. I mean karma isn't supposed to be done now adays right? Buh the man is truly wÍckÉd anÐ deserves this buh shouldn't we remember The words of God about karma?
Well said.
A member of executive cabinet in China committed suicide cos he was being probed 4 embezzling UD$100,000 . Equivalent to #17M wch a nigerian senator can dash his casual gal friend not even d mistress.
What a country?
He deserves it well wit a little JARA
Like amputating one of his hands.
Well said.
A member of executive cabinet in China committed suicide cos he was being probed 4 embezzling UD$100,000 . Equivalent to #17M wch a nigerian senator can dash his casual gal friend not even d mistress.
What a country?
I rily support ur submission.
An eye 4 an eye nd a tooth 4 a tooth.
That's just the sharia you ordinarily will kick vehemently against. Up Sharia
If dis is been done in Nigeria,, u will not be spared in Jesus Name
Onyx my man. Which dey be your b.day now? Make u let us knw so we go fit shout out to you, send linda ur pix wen d day comes.
Its a fair punishment an eye for an eye. I think it should be adopted by all law courts; am so dancing here wish I can witness d execution
He deserves it! That's what they should do to all these stupid murderers. Kill them the same way they killed their victims
They shud get acid n pour on him too nau! So he'd feel the exact pain! Wicked soul!
Shey you are too much of a man for someone to not want you anymore. This is not the best route to take but by God, it will be a deterrent for other men and women even. You are not above being let go o, men and foolish pride. As we always say women should get their self esteem up, I think men need to hear that message more.
very callous, IMO
Afrocandy shows goes topless,shows bo*bs Again
They shouldn't not just gouge out his eyes...They should please remove his dick...and other vital parts of his body.
Go n investigates n see, crime rates in those countries r very Very low, works 4 them
That's 35 to 65. 9ice punishment. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Great punishment, well deserved..my tots at first but after thinking of it..jezz thats crazy plucking out the eyes and cutting the nose, just shot, jail or pour acid on the person... anyway for his inhumane act he should bear it, he is as wicked as those punishing him now...mtschewwww
I concur
odikwa serious........ Dis is too much *Dudu on the blog*
@ Anon 6:37; Lol @ casual girlfriend,not mistress.
Lol..linda...is dt d guy's picture?
this guy is as good as dead na...al d spare parts have been removed naa
I thot y'all always advocated forgiveness. See people calling for blood now.in matterz of love,"common sense" is thrown out.anyways so its safe to assume u all are sharia advocates now.thank God.
Wowee!!! An eye for an eye inclusive of nose and ear. Very good. I wonder what punishment that will be meted out against rapists? Castration?
I support it so that the average person will think twice before committing any atrocity.
can you please put a caution graphic images warning...
Justice well served
That's terrible , I don't really buy that idea of cutting his ears and removing his eyes, atleast a life imprisoment will be better,
hmmm... straight judgement..see something like dis Here
An eye for an eye! Nose for a nose and ear for an ear. PERFECT JUSTICE!
We all have to control our emotions
Well that is what sharia and Koran says but it has to be with the girl's consent. If she says she forgives him he would be free. Just like the issue of killing someone else, if the family agrees to accept blood money, the person will be free if not he would be killed also.
I am wondering what will be going on in the man's mind right now. I guess he might be saying hard he know right now. So bad.
Slow internet connection can make you run mad, here is the only solution
I am wondering what will be going on in the man's mind right now. I guess he might be saying hard he know right now. So bad.
Slow internet connection can make you run mad, here is the only solution
Do un2 odas wat uu want dem to do to u.u can't mess up anoda person's child n go free.it is cald karma,u reap wat u sow,gud or evil.I'm 120percent in support of d punishment.d girl too na person pikin
Just kill him na, shuuuuppppsss!!!
An eye for an eye, acid for acid n fire for fire. Have nt bin myself since morning. Linda jst reminded me of aluu4. Those pple who killed d aluu 4 shud die d same way. Some of us are feeling unconcerner becos we were nt directly involved. I weep for d wasted destinies. Anywhere i c an ALUU indigene, i rili dont knw if i might b a murder. Frm children to old women. Nor b jokeoooooooo. My hrt bleeds linda
I really think d man deserves it and many more
Very good.
Before we throw our rant on the man and applaud the judicial system of iran, we need to ask these questions, where is this man coming from, what kind of environment did he grow up, what kind of physical, emotional or mental abuse did he pass through as a child, do they have any form of anger management therapy or class in the state, cus chances are that if those passing judgements where to pass through any form of these abuses, they may do or become worse than this man. Let's correct the wrongs of others but let us do so with love. My name is Lucky
... YIPEE :)
My survey shows most libers support the judgment,to your utmost suprise that's sharia law
Linda you haven't posted my comment.
Whatever happens to rapists? Are they castrated also? I support this punishment as people will think twice before committing any atrocity.
This guy life has just been destroyed in his face.... Sorry man, wahala dey slp u just carry ur hand go wake am....
I wish this type of punishment is been carried out in nigeria, i swear rape cases go reduce die..... He just destroy the gal career...
"An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind"Mohandas Gandhi. The man should just have been sentenced to life imprisonment, and not this barbaric treatment or cruelty you guys are calling justice here.
Which kain yeye islamic law,abeg talk wetin u know jare.
Na wa ooooo
I dunno if I should support this eye for an eye theory...it's a fitting punishment no doubt.... but mehn!
This ιƨ babaric! They would Have drained him of his assets. That's what i call justice.
Osas, which day u reach here??
Welcome tho
Yes I support dis, is very good, pls nigeria should sign it into law becos off all dose rapist.
the girl friends skin looks like one yoruba pepper seller.
I like this. Talking about the pain he will go through when they will be removing his eyes nose and ear; ilagine the pain that lady would go through every day of her life thinking she was once "normal" and somebody ruined it! They should do it to the rapist and pedophiles as well CUT THEIR DICKS OFF
Yes it is very good i upport dis, so dat all dose rapt should go nd have one hand, one ear.etc.
there is no better judgment than this I wish they had to pour him acid to suffer the same hurt and pain that gail went through
I approve it!
Don lucky biko kip quiet. I really can be ask with dis man. For u to pour aicd on a fellow humanbeing.kia dey should cut off his penic
Oju elegba tinz
Nigerians should emulate these people
Trust Arabs.
Poor judgment is one of causes increase crime rate in this country. Why can't they measure up the degree of crime to their punishment. For e.g, if you still any property in Saudi Arabia, you hand will be cut after several warnings which I don't know maybe 3 or more. This singular judgment makes crime rate especially stealing and armed robbery to be of minimal effect or non-exist within a certain period. Let think of it. Crime punishment need to review critically in this country. For e.g in UK, i read a story about a young guy who committed rape. The judgment was just a few prison term like 2 or 3 years. After serving his prison term, he went to commit another rape again and this one led to murder and that's the news I was reading. The final judgment, i don't know then but it might be some prison term again. Those in position need to look at these things critically. Some people deserve to be prison for life and not live in our community. Period. That's their destiny.
Lucky go to bed and stop chatting shit
Omg I'm speechless
For rape castration shld be the result
D way rape cases will drop eh.
In nigeria if properly convicted ,Rape/ Paedophila= Castration, cases will drop
why not cut off his head...he may use his one eye,ear & nose to pour d judge acid ooo,so cut his head den sentence d rest of his body to life imprisonment
Very good... He should know how it feels!
That is the sharia for you....practical justice! That is an aspect of the muslim judicial system I like...
Ok...fine,he did something bad.but sentencing his 2 this kinda punishment..mehn,dts jus too much.i wonder the stone hearted person that's goin to pluck out his eyes...Nawa oo
Pour acid?why disfigure someone? ha na wa o i don't know if i approve of the punishment but i guess the law has to take its cause.
he deserves it
@ anon 12;23 In law u should neva assume...each countries has their law governing crimes and punishment...thumbs up Iran..
If its an eye for an eye law, why not have acid poured on his face, targetting the said organs.
What will be done to rapist and armed robbers?
An eye for an eye, soon d whole world wud go blind
Am in total support of the judgement
Dats good justice ..
This is very sad in this our modern world. Jesus preaches peace
Lord will help us
perfect sentence
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