Speaking exclusively with LIB, Sophia said she didn't know about the impending wedding until she read it here. She also said she initially found the news hard to believe because she and Tchidi are not formally divorced yet.
Reacting to Nuella's comments that the affair with Tchidi only started after his marriage ended, Sophia says it's a blatant lie, that Nuella started dating Chidi long before their marriage ended, and actually blamed Nuella for the demise of her marriage that produced three boys.
This is actually the first time Sophia will comment on this issue since her separation from Tchidi in 2012. Find what she said exclusively to LIB after the cut...
"I swear with my life, my children's life and everything I have that Nuella started dating my husband before he left the marriage. But because I respect my husband a lot, the father of my three boys, I have kept calm and won't talk and comment because there is no need to wash your dirty linen in public. Tchidi is a wonderful husband and father and will always be.
But if Nuella opened her mouth and said that she wasn't dating my husband before he left the marriage, if she's lying let her not see anything good in life and if I'm lying let me not see anything good in life.
This question is for Nuella. Nuella since you broke my marriage, have I called you? Have I looked for you? No! After what you did, you still have the right to lie and say you were not in the picture? You want to deceive the public? But you can't deceive God. You put what God has joined together asunder and made my children cry to bed every night.
I keep calm and you have the audacity to say that you weren't dating my husband when we were together? Let the wrath of God be your portion. Now that you have taken my hubby and you are getting married to him like I heard, are you happy? Are you fulfilled? Let the Almighty God fight for me and judge you.
Let vengeance be of God who knows everything and sees everything. My God is able and he's not asleep. He sees. He knows. And he feels what I feel. He is the Lord who cares for me and my kids.
As for my husband, he is a wonderful father and I will never ever disrespect him"
Sophia and Tchidi Chikere's boys...
1 – 200 of 698 Newer› Newest»Lol she still wants to go back
Who should we bliv nw?
Mmmmm this is a serious mata o! Nuella u had beta return sm1's husband o! God doesn't joke with doz who put asunder in what He has joined,I pity cus ur marriage won't last cus dis woman can't be lying now after all dis curses she has rained upon her self and children.I really pity u, I wonder if there r no other men out der? Must it b sm1 else's husband.let d curses b upon u if ur guilty of this+d man sef is a useless man all this good for nothing dogs that call themselves men.
Hell knows no fury than that of a woman scorned.
Women should help fellow women by staying off married men.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Awww, Chidi pls reconsider and take ur wife back. She really loves u. Your kids needs u too to be around them.
Solid comments from a matured woman . She def respects her man. What could have happened. Something does not sound write!
So na that Tchidi wey face be like horse na hin dey make these women fight like this? Madam, leave them alone and face ur life. As for that Blubber lips Nuella wey no even sabi act well, ur day will come.
How can he leave a beautiful woman for a lizard with black lips. It must be jazz. Ugly girk with frogs eyes
Only in Nigeria. Smh
Awwwwwwwwwwww!!! I feel dis. Woman's pain! She stil luvs her hubby despite evrytin. Dis Is pure man's inhumanity 2 man. Nuella only God alone can judge u. D broom wer tchidi take sweep Sophia commot, na dsame broom go take sweep u 2. Shamless home wrecker!!!
There is no clean divorce! It is always a a tearing apart. The trauma of separation is not what anybody should pray for...Whenever there are issues, it is better to seek why it happened so that it will not repeat itself in new relationships. Hit my name for Today's Devotional exclusively for Singles and Married Couples.
Omggg..i just cried...please no1 shud ever watch nuella movies..boyscot her in everytin...fucking prostitute...this woman is farrrrr prettier dan her..londongal
If u really respect him lik u say, u shouldn't have said a word. Be mature.
Awwwwwwwwwwww!!! I feel dis. Woman's pain! She stil luvs her hubby despite evrytin. Dis Is pure man's inhumanity 2 man. Nuella only God alone can judge u. D broom wer tchidi take sweep Sophia commot, na dsame broom go take sweep u 2. Shamless home wrecker!!!
I feel the ex wife's pain but she needs to remember that her husband has made the choice to marry nuella end if story
Awwwwwwwwwwww!!! I feel dis. Woman's pain! She stil luvs her hubby despite evrytin. Dis Is pure man's inhumanity 2 man. Nuella only God alone can judge u. D broom wer tchidi take sweep Sophia commot, na dsame broom go take sweep u 2. Shamless home wrecker!!!
Words from a wonderful and Intelligent woman.She didn't stress her self much.... God Bless u Ma'am...Tchidi,are u really doing the right thing?
And he wonderfully left you and his kids to be with another woman.
Wow, only GOD knows. 'Sergio Frankie'
Ehya... If dis story is true abt Nuella, den she's indeed a home breaker. Claiming anoda woman's man despite d fact dat dey'v had children togeda
so angry
Wahala dey ooo, Mrs sophia please move on with your life and take good care of your children.
Nuella the husband snatcher,see ur pot of juju face with that ur makeup like an apparition,u no even fine 3quarter reach d real wife
Shit... Nuella, be guided. thats all i can humble said. in karma menu, you are served what you deserve. this woman has laid a curse on you ooooo
So continues the war and hatred between, which is not the best way forward
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N it begins! The husband snatcher n d wife!
Odi egwu! Why would any human being bring curses upon themselves. Both Chidi and Nuella have heaped and continue to heap misfortune on themselves. There is power in spoken words. The scorn of a bitter angry woman....na wa o! Sophie, do your best for your kids. In this life, we all have a choice. Your husband made his so you make yours. Ask for God's guidance and follow him. You and your children will never lack anything. Leave them
So continues the war and hatred between them, which is not the best way forward
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True talk...with mature mind...kindly leave them both to enjoy themselves...please take care of your childrens so that they can become a good leader in future...
OMG see what these uniben female students are doing in their hostel, shaking their bakassi
Woman beat friend for sleeping with her boyfriend
See How this Ashawo embarrassed her customer after he refuse to pay
See what this oyinbo man is doing to a naija girl
Eeeyyyaa if this statement written by Tchidi former or ex wife is true then Nuella u bera run faster than Usain bolt or chioma Ajunwa bcos dis lady sophia has released some kinda utterances which might come to pass awww may God help una Two beautiful ladies now fighting dis handsome TChidi Tchikere nna nawah
Nuella. I pity u oº°˚˚˚°º,with what this woman has said. I wish u luck in ur happy marriage,datz if u wud av 1.
Jesus! THREE Boys, oh no..... Abeg for the sake of the kids
Hmmmnnn...the lady sounds very sure of what she's talking about.
Wonderful woman! I said it yesterday after this rubbish girl nuella took to ωяιтє epistle. Anyways Ɠ♡D ιƨ not asleep. You claim to be a pretty girl, and yet you can't attract a bachelor. You are a heartless fool. Thank Ɠ♡D for LIB, who exposes your likes for the world to see that you are a mean muderfucker! Idiot!
Tchidi chikere is a stupid man...
Matured words from her.
Well,frank edoho did same and you all applauded him.
Tiwa savage did same and Linda refused to go get the other womans story.
Succulent news, well sophia i respect wt u jus said and the matured way you taking it, nuella watch out u sure gonna get yours no doubt!!
Madam I wish Nuella whatever you wish her! But why did you too not wait for your marriage to be formally dissolved before you started flaunting pictures of you and one ugly guy? That is what I don't understand. Can you address that too, who is that guy and at what point did you let him into your life? If you are in another relationship or have moved on after your separation with your husband, the face your man and leave Nuella alone for God to handle, don't make one more statement biko.
Na wa some guls are very bad to be with not to talk of listing,nuella if wot she said is true u will know dat u will not last in dat marriage,a girl once did ds to me,her name is cynthia amarachi,but tank God she didn't come in,sophia use all u get to fight her by prayer, den if u are telling d truth God will fight 4 u?
Amen. I absolutely concur. All dis ugly nolly wood mofo's be stealing married men...and leaving innocent kids fatherless. nawa oh. God does nt sleep nor slumber. My advide to d ex...nne u still so hot after 3kids. U got wat it takes. To even c wt ur hubby left u for is enough for u to gt ur shit 2geda n live ur life n kip trending in a positive way to make him jealous...for ur boys. Train dem in d way of d lord so dey don't tink all men r d same n in future leave dt example.a man dt had not one..bt 3 lovely boys. God will uplift u and put ur enemies to shame...Linda post my comment biko. Cos u neva do. @yvy57
Dis is serious oo is it that no single guy approach dis nollywood actresses, I'm still havin hope on tonto dike pls don't fall my hand I'm ur carbon copy but taller
Ooo so sad,realy feel for sophia,bt who r my 2 judge,let God be judge.
A big Amen to that.
Jeez! and sophia fine ass woman she looks like a mermaid, na tchidi divorce anyways is only GOD that will judge is who is right or wrong...but sophia is 1 million times finer than nuella oooo
Take it easy babe #bright bravo#
I just can't stand home wreckers! People coveting other people's spouses. May God judge u. BTW, first to comment!
She is really hurting....i understand d feeling. The lord will fight for u. Even if u want to date a married man u don't need to crash his home, u just needed to go look for ur own husband, he will leave you too for someone else.
Sophia don't worry d lord shall fight ur battle and u shall hold ur peace.. Nuella is shameless and wicked, she ia an agent of satan sent from d pit of hell 2 destroy marriages, she need deliverance very fast or she will meet her water loo soones. Sophia wipe ur tears, I understand what u are paSsing true, d wicked shall be consumed by their own wickedness.. God bless and protect u and ur kids
Wow!! I feel sad for her losing her hubby but then I guess life goes on...that's the problem with us me'n even in love we r still dogs that tin in btween our leg has refused to let us think straight!!God help us!!juhnior boi say so!
I like this Sophia, but she needs to wake up and stop saying her husband is wonderful. If he was so wonderful he would not have cheated on you and decided to marry another woman without formally divorcing you. I've always said some Nigerian men honestly have their brain between their legs! Instead of you to fight for something that is clearly worth fighting for, you're here sucking his ass! Wonderful ke, brilliant ni! I'm just happy she believes in God, because her heart must be broken in pieces right about now!!
Ʊ see,I knew sometin wasn't right. Anyways,watch out F☺я part 4
Woman - Your husband is an adulterer. He signed a contract with you. You should focus your anger and cursing on him and not only the other woman
story dat touches....but y ur hubby de live u go marry anoda woman as u fine like dat wit beautiful kids?...women, d key to a successful marriage is wisdom.a wise woman builds her home.nothing else abt a woman sustains marriage.BE WISE n ur husbnds will be wit u,even if he looks outside,he will not live u to marry anoda.as for pple wey de marry married men wit kids....na turn by turn o.NIGERIA PLS help enforce laws dat protect women.how can a man get married again wen he is not fully divorced wit his wife.
Jeeeeez!if this is true then nuella is a harlot like mercy johnson and all these nollywood husband snatchers.
Some will tell u, u know keep ur man well all are bullshit,when d medicine done enter d man eye na anytin she tell d man,d man go do?just pity 4 ur children
Cδ♍ε̲ to think of it, men can be foolish ooo!!! Compare and contrast these two ladies. He choose to be with this big lips. Foolish decission. Don't worry nuella, he left her for you, he wil still leave you for another.
Hmmmm, Dis is not fair, men don finish? Kai, so his beautiful wife, must actresses marry sumone's husband? Like Mercy Jonhson, she will come out and claim she didn't know he was married, SHM
Nuella fear God.
going after some ones husband loi...
abeg let her fine more sense
Hahahahahahahahahaha. Sounds like a Nigerian movie. So sowie 4 d kids
Nuella, better return that man to his wife.
LOL. Nuella dey sleep ontop bike.This curse go hold am! Shebi na anoda woman tin dey hungry you. make we dey see.
Wonderful woman! I said it yesterday after this rubbish girl nuella took to ωяιтє epistle. Anyways Ɠ♡D ιƨ not asleep. You claim to be a pretty girl, and yet you can't attract a bachelor. You are a heartless fool. Thank Ɠ♡D for LIB, who exposes your likes for the world to see that you are a mean muderfucker! Idiot!
Let God be d judge, his will shall be done
Na wao, God dey
Phone repairer leaks customer's secret Nakid pics after refusal to pay..
Let God be d judge, his will shall be done
Men are pigs,who wud leave such a beautiful woman wt 3 soldiers 4 this Nuella wt kpomo lips? Na wa o! All dz desperate ashewos masquerading as actresses shud leav ppl's husbands alone! Nuella! If tchidi left his wife 4u,he will definitely leave u 4 anoda woman! Guys neva finish na! Why snatch anoda woman's own! Those children's tears will haunt u day and night if u dnt knw!
Wow! I love sophia's calm spirit, hold on to God cos b4 him u are stil his legal wife. Wat going on is just a reflection of a beta beginning of ur marriage with ur hubby. Remain calm n watch d scene, it wil definitely work out for ur good. For NW, give ur kids ur love n attention, for der are ur only consolation for now. Lots of love n be full of courage.
Wow! I love sophia's calm spirit, hold on to God cos b4 him u are stil his legal wife. Wat going on is just a reflection of a beta beginning of ur marriage with ur hubby. Remain calm n watch d scene, it wil definitely work out for ur good. For NW, give ur kids ur love n attention, for der are ur only consolation for now. Lots of love n be full of courage.
But I saw a post that says this lady has moved on and has a new lover who she flaunts everywhere.
Na wa some guls are very bad to be with not to talk of listing,nuella if wot she said is true u will know dat u will not last in dat marriage,a girl once did ds to me,her name is cynthia amarachi,but tank God she didn't come in,sophia use all u get to fight her by prayer, den if u are telling d truth God will fight 4 u?
A man left you for another woman and u say u respect him? A husband will never leave his wife and children for anoda woman... Stop cursing/swearing with d life of th innocent children and deal with you 'cross.'
If we would have scored you 9/10 it is 2/10! If had set out to maintain calm, u should have continued being calm. This rattling you are doing now even when we have seen your picture of obodo oyibo based tout is uncalled for. From all indication it seemed you have moved on but this berating is suggesting otherwise. I indulge you to run to God really not the one you are talking here. Hold unto Him and see what he can do! As for Nuella, if u consider what you have done right, go on with it. The truth is, there is a reward for every work of man! Whatever you sow, that will you reap!
See Gobe! This marriage is doomed before it has even begun. Onijekuje ole. With all the single girls out there, its someone else's hubby you desire. May it not choke you.
Y all this anger towards her wat about the stupid man .yet u still call him my husband. I will not disrespect him . like seriously he disrespected u the moment he started sleeping with her and even till now.wake up from ur dream.like if u really want God to judge her definitely God will judge ur ex husband. Stop calling him ur husband cos his no more ur hubby .his now ur ex.am not in support of wat the prostitute did but a little anger towards d stupid man will do.
Y all this anger towards her wat about the stupid man .yet u still call him my husband. I will not disrespect him . like seriously he disrespected u the moment he started sleeping with her and even till now.wake up from ur dream.like if u really want God to judge her definitely God will judge ur ex husband. Stop calling him ur husband cos his no more ur hubby .his now ur ex.am not in support of wat the prostitute did but a little anger towards d stupid man will do.
So dis girl did not see another MAN to marre? And how are u sure dat another girl will not come and marre dat MAN??? #i rest my case#
pitful !
Madam Sophia,cry not! God is not asleep,vengeance is of the Lord. Nuella shall reap whatever she has sown.
#Eya....buh na wa oo....oya madam nuella over to yhu.
Home breaker
since u respect ur hubby alot as u said,y not submit urslf totally to him so as to repair ur marriage.As far as i am concerned,women ar de home builders.Evn if he dates her,u wouldnt hv quited being aware of d impendn danger ahead of u.WOMEN,,BE SUBMISSIVE TO UR HUSBAND.PERIOD.chima
Wow! This lady is deeply hurt. God will guide u and ur kids and as for d 'celeb' turned hubby snacher... wat goes around surely does come around!
Too bad of u Nuella for breaking ur fellow gal marriage.
Hhmmmmmmmmm Kai nuella don't be a source of sorrow to dat woman n her kids, obviously she still love her husband I am nt married bt I feel her pain, dnt let her curse u dear cos it will follow U
I can feel her pain from what she is saying, what shameful lives our celebrities keep on living. Snatching a husband and father of 3 kids, nuella or whateva they call u, u will not know peace indeed untill u retrace ur steps.
I know how it feels to be a single parent... Hold unto God, and he will fight your battle for you!
hmhmhmmm. Nuella! Nuella!! Nuella!!! hw many time did i call u. but wat is it dt mke celeb go for second wife? God is watching nd listening to d cry of d wife dos dey snatched or put asunder in their marriage like did dey actually got married.
As usual,we vindicate the man and blame only the woman.
Pity!if a man cheats on us,we blame ourselves or the other woman.
If he beats us,we blame ourselves and the devil.
If he isn't responsible at home,we blame everyone else but the irresponsible asswipe.
Sophia,it takes two and even if na jazz,my sister wetin he find go where jazz go catch am.
A responsible"husband and father" will not walk away from you nor his kids.i see frank and Tchidi have a lot in common.three kids each.
Do you think the ekeindes no get issue.with all the rumors flying around them.
It is well with you but please from one mother to another,NEVER EVER swear with your children's lives again.the man ain't worth it.if he was as great as you portrayed him,he would have been the one to break the news gently to his kids and you.
God will help you heal.
Hmm...am dumbfounded,sophia acted matured anyway...what's up with this Nuela of a gurl self,guys never finish for town,go get ur own man
I would have expected he to find someone who' looks different. The 2 women can pass for relatives. Now we know what his specs is . Wife no 3 begin to prepare ,your turn will come
God will happy u my dear
Go on ur knee my dear, he will surely come back, he's nt in his right senses now jst keep praying he will come back....God be with u nd ur kids.......
Oh my God...wat do single ladies see in marid men..well sometyms its d fault of we men @times, pls ladies deceit 4rm marid men pls, linda biko post commentimu biko..atala ya ka azu
All τ̲̅ђe useless prostitutes whit smelly vagina in Nollywood would not stop destroying peoples marriage.. These young boys will grow and believe Me they will surely make life miserable for Nuela or whatever she call herself.. Some1 is in pain bcus U broke her marriage and U are happy U are getting married to some1's hubby. God will punish U.
This is not good at all. Three boys growing up without a father coming home at night is really sad. God will surely be the judge.
Dis gurl she very stupid and silly dating a man dat already have three kids can she luk for normal single guy..she we really see de wrath of God causing pain to dis woman nd her kids nd monkey guy tchidi is biggest fool of de highest other I just dislike both them I swear..Steadyman Say So...
I couldn't hold back tears as I read this from Sophia. I am a married woman with four kids and will feel the same if I am in her shoes. I did not know what happened between Tchidi and Sophia but all I know is that Nuella is such a stupid, aimless idiot, If she believes that problems in marriage should not be fixed , then any misunderstanding between her and Tchidi will also lead to separation and divorce. Nuella is an agent of the devil but I promise her her reign won't be long. As for Tchidi I think he is not man enough to handle issues, all he knows is movie industry and cannot think or reason beyond that scope. I don't think Nuella will respect and adore Tchidi as much as Sophia. Anyway let God be the judge.
God bless this woman! Filled with dignity and wisdom. God will fight your battles, my love. Keep your head up and keep carrying yourself in this dignified way. Your children will be great. It will be well with you.
God will happy u my dear
Oya now.......is this another movie by Tchidi Chikere or what?
NUELLA....respect yourself....with all the young unmarried guys everywhere...hiankwa
Men are funny o! His ex wife is a lot finer than Nuella.A woman gives you 3 boys.what else are you looking for.Nuella should know that she can never find peace , if she had a hand in wrecking his marriage. What you sow, you reap!
What could have caused a man to leave his very cute boys and not bad looking wife for another woman? God alone knows... take heart...it is well..
Amen to your prayers . My dear a man that will run off with another woman is not worth fighting for. You just wait and watch to see what will happen. As for nuella she's a desperado .not confident enough to get a man of her own . It's such a shame. My dear just move on with your life Abeg.
Jeez! and sophia fine ass woman she looks like a mermaid, na him tchidi divorce, anyways is only GOD that will judge who is right or wrong...but sophia is 1 million times finer than nuella oooo
Hmmmmmm , things de happen ooooo , no girl de mind this days oooo , the ex- wife fine pass nuella naw , DERA MI
I feel for this woman.
May the Almighty comfort you.
Take heart and remain focus
My Dear....fight your husband not Nuella...he left you over her.
Hmmm, picks up mic.
Madam sophia u r willin to fight another woman bt not ur husband. Bitch pls! Did ur hubby go to fetch firewood or was he jujued. Take time o. The 3 of u av a part to play in dis mess.
Ladies b fightin ladies. Shit!!!
Ghen ghen! All snatchers beware!
This is serious, I can feel the pain. na Mr mister casanova be the Bad man Not u, not Nuella. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Nuellaaaa fear God oooo
Amen to every prayer u have said. The almighty God will fight for u
na wa o. Wives hold unto your husbands in the best way you can ooo. GOOD MEN ARE SCARCE COMMODITIES
And the fight begins......grabs popcorn and soda
I can,t hold d tears dat came down frm my eyes after seen d three wonderfull children dat GOd had given to dis family jst for another woman to come and distroy their happiness and i ask myself what do sm women derive frm breaking pple home,can,t they look for their own husband this so sad.nuella pls leave dis family alone for d sack of dis children pls.
Sophia y not grab ur husbands heart at first, knowing the danger ahead. blame urslf bc i think u tried to equate urself wt ur husband which lead to ur divorce. Now u ar crying while u ddnt manage ur home well..Eze
How wicked are some young ladies of nowadays? Nutella I pity you, what goes around comes around and it's usually worse
GBAM!!!!!!!...tell her word jare..Husband snatcher....actress la ashawo...my sista@sophia as she put ur marriage asunder,thunder nd lightlening go strike am...idioto. ***UWADIEGWU****
But nuella , to be honest you no try at all, a lot single guys dey now n you have the money why not leave dis happy family naw, girls get mind ooo all in the name to get married chai. And to married women na una de cause am if una marry like this una no go let single girl hear for una just like omo T, that is y I will always love you "aunty genny" always on her own . DERA MI
Wonders shall never end,but I wonder wht my hubby wil do to me dt I leave his home or when I know dt another woman is involve atleast my aim wil b a do or die thing dt I wil never alloww her to take my hubby away frm me,I can't b weak,but I still pray dt d grace of God shall always b sufficient enough for me,marraige no easyoooo,NB my luv is a wonderful n lovely husband,nnam I wil always luv u
My question is wat kind of parents does nuella have?
Wat kind of father will collect bride price from such a man?
*wipes tears* It's owk darling, the Lord is your strength, As for Nuella, return that lady's pennis oo, you husband snatcher before calamity visits you!
Please aunty Sophia,do not swear with your kids.these men aren't worth it according to my mom and for the sake of your children,do not grant anymore interviews.blogs,mags,tv n radio stations just want to sell.they are not really interested in the truth or your welfare.borrow a leaf from uncle frank edohos wife.heard she even regretted the one she talked years ago when it happened the first time hence her reason for keeping quiet with the one that finally broke up the marriage.for your children's sake,let it be
Hmmmmmm , things de happen ooooo , no girl de mind this days oooo , the ex- wife fine pass nuella naw , DERA MI
The cry unto zion for vengeance.
Run Nuella
Honestly I fear wedding pass anyfn. Its only God that helps. Why do luv fades? The person that loves you today myt nt tomao, this wife is so bitteer, hw I wish the husband can jst go bak to him and settle things, was he blind wen he started with her? Whe blind wen they were having kids? 3boys? We guys sef, nawa us o, hw many we wan enta sef? Well, some av crown and no head while some head and no crown.Help me Lord
So shall it be unto her Ma'am!!!!the fight is of the Lord's says the Lord of Host!itz well with you and your lovely kids.
so sad.Why break someone's marriage tho
All these marriage breakers and husband snatchers pls don't near my home. And Nuella let me tell u what u may not know, Tchidi is married and with kids, nothing can change that bcos God has join them together. U are only going to have few minutes of fun b4 another woman will take over from u. And after the Merry go round, he will go back to his wife. shakina
So touchin....Nuella lev Sophia husband alone oO...Ashawo geh....Sophia dnt wori God wil fyt 4 u
Awwww....this is so sad. But madame are faithful throughout your marriage too, because your looks is like a runs girl.
Na wa o. D lady is even finer that d Ashewo nuella. May God help girls of these days, instead of u to go look for ur own husband it's someone else's own u'll be running after. I'm pretty sure she jazzed d guy if not y would he leave a pretty lady like his wife and follow an ugly duckling. Men, always parading their useless dicks looking for God knows what!
Why do women do this all the time? U r cursing the woman who snatched ur husband yet u r full of praises for the man who left u n let himself be snatched. The person u shud be attacking is the one who claimed to love you but left u n was sleepin wiv someone else behind your back.
Dis shud b a seasonal nollywood movie,I don sit down nd waitn for d final episode.#gbam#
God dey ooooo
Orue na omume, onye agba na oso. Nuella why did you break somebody's marriage? Ihe onye metalu onwere isi ya buru. Sophia dear, just take care of this lovely kids of yours, trust me tchidi will come back.
Incase I am the first to comment, I want to send a shout out to my family, friends and enemies, even those witches in my village, thnks for supporting me throughout the year for trying to be the first to comment on LIB.
Hmm! Looks like she still want her man back....... nuella nuella nuella, how many times did I cal you? Please go and look for your own husband b4 d wrath of God comes on you. ....
Abet jor. You have just disrespected your husband by publicly abusing his girl friend . Nigerians too like its me or no one else if you break off with me I will show you attitude! Pretty girl you will find someone else. Move on it takes two to tango. Nuella did not break up your marriage your "wonderful" husband did!
BLOG ANALYSER: hmmmm life is not a bed of roses. I wish them luck
God will surely purnish dat useless nuella!what a shame
No comment biko!! Dz tchidi's wife is so cute bt I av learnt dat love and marriage isn't abt being pretty or handsome!! There is more 2 marriage dan having a cute face dats y most beautiful girls r single or dnt av a lasting relatnship bt d ugly girls r getting married evry saturday
I cannot just believe this... . This lady brought tears to my eyes this morning. Kai! Some people in this world are so cruel. May God have mercy on his children.
Tchidi is a cool boy while we were in UniCal so I find it hard to believe that he will leave the side of his wife and three cute boys but.., nothing is impossible.
Nuella...Nuella...Nuella...hmmm! How many times did I call you? Leave somebody's husband alone. You are a beautiful girl and will get your own man like... fiiiiiiam!
The home wife is finer and prettier than this nuella..some Men sha.,
Girl,the lord is your stength.You said it well.He will fight for you and be with your kids.keep been strong,and pls don't realse any statement again.
I always knew dey will part 2 of dis series,Sophia don't worry God knws everything,as 4 nuella wit ur kpomo lips I hope you u knw wat u re getting into because marriage is nt d ultimate,and d measure he used in dumping his 1st wife will also be mated unto you,I dnt knw ur prblms walai,is it dat u cnt get ur sef a sweet single guy or wat?is nt 2 late u can quit NW.a word is a enuf 4 d wise.
May God reward u,nuella or watever u cal urself
Nuella is so shameless, ashewo
Nah wah Ooo! Y are women so wicked to der fellow selves. Upon dat she still 4gives d husband knowing dat he is also @ fault 4 cheating on u in d first instance.
Nuella ko,llaenu ni,Husband snatcher.Ugly girl with Big lip
Owk she was dating your man whilst you were married, from your statement doesnt seem like its the man's fault he left you.. Women can be difficult, i guess your pissed cause she's also an actress not cause he's happy with someone else.. Silly if i may say...
I'm even uncomfortable with d marriage (jst quoting Tchidi )
Curse her more!!!!! My dear wipe ur tears..... We are here! We'll see how it ends. Nuella onu ikputu! Onu kanda! Onu kpomo! Ashawo! Shey u don abort ur pregnancy just deceive pple. Nollywood know ur story joor! Make I no expose u shaa! God punish u! Bleachers club!!!!!
Nuella my God will punish u out of all the men in dis world,it sm1 husband u saw, useless she goat
Even after being treated badly by her husband, she still didn't speak ill of him. Now that's a wife. As for nuella, we'll let Jesus christ handle your matter.
Some men after,after dey wil say women r too promiscious...if he can leave his wife for Nuella,its shows he can still leave Nuella 4 anoda woman...wot goes around comes around....useless man!!!
hummmm! very hot
I understand ur pain. The Lord of host is ur strength. Karma is a bitch like dey say. But. I hope u didn't contribute to making ur husband run off to anoda woman? #justasking
The babe is really pained......almost all her sentence ended with words of vengeance
Tchidi you are a fool to leave ur beautiful children for that ugly woman nuella. Some men are stupid. Nuella is getting old and could not find a man, so she decided to snatch another woman's husband. God will judge u Nuella. Big mouth Nuella
Aiya for her, girls and dia thing......
nuella........i hope u know wat ur doing cos for this lady to open her mouth to God and to say all these in truth mehnnn u gat to think straight
Nuella beta leave that marriage cos it won't last!!
Such is life....
Such venom. Better call off the wedding cos the forces are with the ex wife
Nuella Nuella hmmmmmmm
Nuella, I hope u read this. U'll end that ur relationship with Tchidi chikere this very moment if u have the fear of God. A word is enough for the wise.
Why would a young lady want to break into another woman's home to steal her husband's heart? Would such a lady expect fulfilment in such marriage? Nuella are u not beautiful enough to secure a full-fledged bachelor for a husband? Better look for a fallow ground to till and grow ur garden, instead of harvesting in a fellow woman's garden. Remember God is watching, and whatsoever you sow, same will you reap.
Y disrespect Nuella n not Tchidi. Sorry for ur pain. Just move on
Mennn sef after 3 luvly kids, n his wife is beautiful more dan dis actress sef. Na only God no d truth of d mata.
Awww so touching. Shameless actress! Dunno why some women take pleasure in destroying their fellow women's marriages.. Mercy Johnson did the same too. Dat guy sef is an irresponsible man! Hian! No worry Sophia God dey!
I know the first wife personally and I'm still in shock as to y her hubby left cos she's beautiful, friendly,blunt and generous I rili wonder how he wud pick nuella over her ....I belive dis is not ordinary o.
Something bad will definitely befall Nuella for this. Sophia seems to know how God works...#iDeyWatchDeyGo
Nuella u hv 30secs to leave someone's husband..in big brother's voice
Nuella hmmmmmmm I no dey ooooooo
I might nt knw d real gist, bt blaming some one for ur falls is never an excuse to me
Nuella is shameless. I pity u cos u lie as if there is no tomorrow. Husband snatcher. God will hear the cry of these little boys. you will always be with guilt, u aint seen nothing yet. Ashawo.
Omg leaving all that for nuella !! Hmm
That's serious o to invite wrath of God!
Law of karma will surely visit her
Mehn!!!! Some guys actually think with their balls...after 3 wonderful Children????.....#SeunLondon
Oh nooooo! I felt dis.....
Taaaaaaaa! !see dis Sophie o! So she misses her husband.i tut she was forming Aving a boyfriend and doing just fine.Leave chidi alone biko!
Awww so touching ...but believe me there is more to what she has said. She refuses to see anythn wrong with her hubby. The question is why will a man divorce his wife even considring the fact she has children for him? I knw ibos value their homes. Its either nuella jazzed him (which I don't believe) or their is something sophia aint sayin.
I try to be rational, forget sentiments n look this well.
Nuella if he could dump his mother of 3 kids what more u # smiles. Let's watch and see
I don't get women. We are the cause of our own problems, I get Nuella ruined her home but what of the husband that left you with 3children? Now u are rendering abuses on Nuella, yet Tchidi is a saint. I get u are bitter but it takes two to tangle. The man who treated you like crap deserves the abuses your rendering on Nuella. Both of them did you wrong
Nuella.................... Wot made u tink dat ur marriage ll last? Wot made hm throw out d wife n 3kids ll also mk hm throw u out even with pregnancy........... I hv no right 2 jugde u but let God who is d greatest judge advocate 4 d original wife n kids. May God be dia father
Seems her so called husband is blind too me there aint no way in hell am leaving dis pretty damsel fr a fake actress lik dat.madam God in heaven never sleeps wat goes around comes back arnd he will surely fight for u sweet.
a wonderful father indeed....you respect him but he dint respect you enough to be faithful to you when you were married....funny how shez cursing out Nuella and praising her estranged husband, madam open your eyes cos he never has respect for you. except there's something you are not telling us.
wonderful father indeed...i laugh in Spanish....
Wait oh! Chidi left that beauty for nuella?!! Hmmm not that Nuella is bad but haba that woman fine die!!! Well let God fight for you or karma anyone.
This statement is annoying.!
How can she rain so many curses on this woman and say only wonderful things about her husband!
Why do women behave like this?
Your husband is a cheating he-goat and u call him a wonderful husband and father?
Why are women so daft?
Did nuella force him?Doesnt it take two to tango?
Why are women like this for goodness sake?
God bless you 4 this Sophia, well said.
Sophia don't cry too much I dey ur back,ur too gentle kai, oh God why will u allow onu kanda to snatch chidi from my lovely Sophia after three children? Chidi if am sophia I will arrange kidnappers to destroy ur life.God forgive me I will kill nuella and kill myself.chidi heartker,dnt u have sisters,where is ur heart,dnt u go to church? U think u have heart,it will never be well with u and onu kanda in Jesus name.AMEN
Foolish women, fighting over a DOG!!. How can she 'take' your hubby? is he an item? He is a human being, an adult with his own thoughts and decision to make. Blaming the other woman for your broken marriage is completely classless. I think you are better off wityhout that dog of a husband. Your children will get over them. God will be their Father. LEave the man to go his way. . . . And NO, he's not a 'wonderful husband and father' . . else he would never have cheated on you and abandoned his children. Stooopid Nigerian MEN!!!
from ur response, I can say dis woman never made her husband to cheat on her as some of u libers claimed, bt its in d man's nature. madam God ll sure fight for u. cheer up
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