February 20 was no doubt one of the saddest days for the family of Mr Fred Awogbo. Their son, 18-year-old Godwin Awogbo, was brutally killed. His body had been found with some his internal organs gorged out, with his hands and legs tied.
Godwin Awogbo’s lifeless body was reportedly found on the school campus. For days, everyone seemed to be clueless about what could have prompted such a brutal death. While the thoughts of Godwin being a cultist came to the minds of many, his friends, however, were quick to assert that Godwin was a cool-headed person with no such connection.
It would be recalled that Godwin Awogbo’s death made it the fourth Nigerian student to lose their life in the space of four months in Ghana. This has not only posed the question of how safe Nigerian students are in the Gold Coast, but it has also raised the question of how much university managements take an interest in the well-being of their foreign students, most of whom are teenagers.
The first death case was reported in October 2013 of a 15-year-old Nigerian, by the name of Master Austine Chukwuebuka Ogukwe, an SS3 student of Ideal College, Community 5, in Tema, who was reported dead under the watch of his house master amidst mysterious circumstance.
The second incident happened in November 2013, barely 26 days after the first death occurred. Two Nigerian students, Eddy and Charles of KNUSford University in Accra went for an excursion to the Volta region, under the guidance of school representative(s), but died when their canoe capsized.
Meeting with the father of the victim, Mr Fred Awogbo and some of his relatives at the Nigerian High Commission, emotions flowed freely.
Mr Awogbo’s eyes were swollen, obviously due to prolonged crying. He expressed many regrets as regards why he had not listened to his late son’s proprietor who had suggested that he should send his son to Canada to further his studies or better still, allow his son to weather the storm of strike actions often associated with Nigerian universities than losing him in Ghana to the cold hands of death, where he thought he was safe and he would not lose him to strange culture.
Sharing how he got to know of his son’s death: “It was my wife that actually called. She received a call from the Nigerian High Commission in Ghana that our attention was needed. When I called the embassy, I was first told an incident happened in his school and my son was missing. I asked if there was a riot, they said ‘No’ and promised to get back to me.
“So that prompted my curiosity to find out through my contact in Ghana on what actually happened. I called the driver that I had handed over my boy to and I asked him if there was any problem in the school. He said he was not aware of any but promised to find out after sharing what I heard from the Nigerian High Commission’s staff. A few minutes after, he called back to confirm that there was a problem, but he refused to say what exactly happened. Rather, he asked me to come over to Ghana.
“I was still ruminating over what could have happened to my son when a doctor friend of mine from the northern part of Nigeria called and informed me that his wife told him of the news of my son’s death. That was how I got to know about it. So on Monday, I left for Accra. We arrived at the Nigerian High Commission and with some of the staff of the High Commission, we went to meet the Vice Chancellor. The meeting was also witnessed by the Police and all Nigerian community leaders in Ghana.”
The Confession
“At the meeting, the management asked some of his friends and roommate to say what they knew about his death. Meanwhile, while I was in Nigeria, I spoke with his roommate, a Ghanaian, who told me that my son had withdrawn some thousands of dollars meant for his school fees, but had lent the money to some students. When he requested them to pay back, they started threatening his life. It was after the threats that he heard about his death.
“Unfortunately, after everyone of them had spoken, not even the roommate mentioned the issue of those my son lent some money and how they threatened him. So, I told the school authority and the police right there to ask him to tell them how my son was threatened. It was when he started talking that we realised he (the room mate) was the one who borrowed about $4,500 from my son, thereby denying my son the opportunity of paying his school fees on time. When my late son started worrying him, he set him up. So, after the police took my statement, they promised to arrest him.”
Speaking on what kind of child his son was, he said, “My son was brought up in the church. When he was still in secondary school, he was being addressed as ‘Dr Pastor’ because he was active in church”. Appreciating the efforts of the Nigerian High Commission, Mr Awogbo said “The Nigeria High Commission in Ghana really surprised us with the amount of effort they have put into this case. They have promised to make sure the killer is brought to book.”
Mr Awogbo stressed his regret of sending his son to study in Ghana “Honestly, I regret sending my child to study in Ghana, because if he had gained admission into higher institution in Nigeria, this would not have happened. The reason I sent him to Ghana was to avoid the issue of strike action in Nigerian higher institutions. Even his mother and proprietor wanted him to go to Canada to further his studies. They really persuaded me but I said ‘No’, because I didn’t want to lose my boy.
“I have been traveling to Europe for more than 20 years and I know what happens in such developed countries. At a tender age, I thought if I sent him there, I might lose him; he might not even want to come back home.
“So I decided that after he’s through with his degree, he would go and do his Masters in Canada, but here we are.”
Advising parents who are yearning to send their children to Ghana to study, he said. “As for now, I cannot advise any Nigerian parent to send their children to study in Ghana; a lot of them studying here are teenagers and the stress is too much for them. Coming here myself has made me know that, in addition is the fact that the money we are paying is too much, compared to what private universities are charging in Nigeria.”
Source: Nigerian Tribune
There was a country where youths did not have to travel out for further studies. Thereby preventing their unfortunate death
Awww, the father is really pained. May God console him
Quite heart rending.
That his room mate is not worth living among humans.
He's pure evil. After so much magnanimity this is how he paid him back.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
So sad may his soul rest in perfect peace...#A.cube_ahmad@yahoo.com
Na real wah ooo! May they hunt their killers and shred them. Then RIP. Amen.
Mr awogbo don't blame ursef!!!it wasn't ur fault u tried to giv him d best!and it wasn't his fault either he tried to help!that boy and those dt killed him wil not go unpunished dey shall meet der mysterious end wit brutality too!d evil shall neva go unpunished!may his gentle soul rest in peace!IJN
Untop my money, some stupid morons go come kill me..... That ghana bagga needs to be imprisoned for life, i just pity the dad that regrets ever sending his son to ghana.....
So unfortunate, I guess there is no place to hide from trouble, it follows you anywhere. It's just unfortunate that our gov't still refuse to better this country, that's why we are victimized the world over.
nawao ooooooooooo,RIP
May God console the Parent especially the dad and may his soul R.I.P.........
Pls do not lend money to any1 cos they mite kill u for it!he thot he ws doin gud for his roomate!lend d money u can forgo dt wen its diff to recover it u cn let go!not money dts nt urs in d 1st place to spend!may evrione of dem be caught and meet der end is worse brutality.
Hummmmmm.....just a breath of hope maybe for once in dis country......am sure someday, oneday...dis country will be d best to be reckoned wit
May God protect us all...
After all this,will nigerian government do something about our schools? If they don't strike will parents look for an alternative? God help nigeria. Everybody only want to eat what they can when they become president,its so so sad
Eeya..May his soul rest in peace.
RIP to him, will be waiting for federal government response to this..
Wat a World.....Some kids re just devils, how can u kill someone bcos of his own money?? I fear for dis generation. May ur soul rest in peace son.
If u knw the rate at which ghanaians hate nigerians u wouldn't dare send ur child to ghana. I stayed in ghana for 3 yrs and they are hate nigerians with passion.
The earlier the federal government makes the Nigerian Universities conducive for the students and the lecturers the happier we shall all be. I mean, it's so disheartened reading an avoidable occurrence like this.The more they get involved in our academics dilemmas and correct them totally, the less awful news like this we shall receive. I see no reason why a child should go to school in Ghana, what is so fantastic there? I am angry that our government is wasting the youths!
May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Fg nd Asuu, blame has ßε̲̅ε̲̅n̶̲̥̅̊ apportioned to U all, nd I support.
Too bad this one they are just killing nigerians #bright bravo#
Eeya..Mr Awogbo, I feel ur pain. Dnt blame yourself for sending him to Ghana. U wanted d best for him. God wil see u thru dis phase, Amen!
Really sad. May his gentle soul rest in peace. Amen. I am studying in ghana currently and the system here is a lot better than what we have back in Nigeria. Parents who want to send their wards here should go ahead and do so but advise them on the kind of friends they keep. Its really unfortunate.
Yet to meet a Nigerian who doesn't have a bad experience living in Ghana, they treat us like trash and we celebrate them (which is not bad in itself. Such a young Child, thanks to the corruption and clueless people we have in the helms of affairs in this country. Nobody is safe, right here at home or "abroad" as a NIGERIAN. If you are in power and you abuse it, remember, it will always come back home to you. RIP dear...my heart bleeds for this Country honestly.
Ngwa le nu...medicine after death
So sad.... The rate @ which pupils studying abroad now is quite scary. May his soul RIP
Sufferings are lessons
May his soul RIP.
Even in Ghana!
What a pity? R ℓ̊ P Godwin
poor boy. nigerian kids are scattered across the continent from gambia to nairobi all in the guise of good education.
Dis is indeed Vry sad! Anoda situation of a failed country. May GOD help us all. RIP!
Awwww! God! I feel so much for dis man nd he's regrets sef, RIP boi
I wouldn't blame him but Very sad but why would you have to give or borrow a student like you so much money and you expect him to pay back with ease, even an earner wouldn't want to pay back.. I feel so sad, because I have been following up with his facebook and dat of his mom. The Killers really caused big havoc into the. Ayogu family, I know the killers would be caught.. R.I.P Chukudi Goddy Drumma. Boy
What a great loss!!!Lord pls protect ur children from evil doers!
Na wa o,take hrt!rip Godwin.
Here u go again, this is all u know u useless blogger always tryna paint Ghana black. Jealousy go kill u stupid nigerians. Whether u like it or not ghana is still ghana,the most peaceful country in africa. U post negative stories the least chance u get but guess wat? We dont give a shit. U can post my comment or nah u will still see it aniway. Mongrels!
SOwie oooh
Na wa o...was thinking of going to ghana for masters. As terrible as Nigeria is, its beginning to feel like its d safest place for Nigerians.
This linda ikeja obviously has something against ghana smh. Im half gh half naija living in ghana n im an lib reader but ive realised u always interested in anything negative abt the country. Why? Theres a reason i chose to live in gh and not naija so stop trying to potray them this way the least chance u get. Its such a beautiful country with beautiful ppl. I lived in nigeria for a whyl n i wont even compare nigeria to ghana. Ppl die everywhere so dont make it look like ghanaians re intentionali killing nigerians smh. If i start talking abt the wicked things nigerians do.. I will not be able to end it today.
Are there not universities in naija? Stop blaming ghana. They are beautiful ppl.
If you don't give a shit, why vent your anger here or even blog...........Rakwa nshi(eat shit)
I schooled in university of ghana because their facilities are better than ours here in ng. I dont know where all these accusations are coming from but ghanaians are such lovely people. I made a lot of friends and i was even treated special just becos im nigerian. Stop saying stuff like that about them any chance u get. Rip to him tho
This is so sad.Are Nigerian youths now endangered specie
RIP once more
Well said to the father of the dead guy but we ghanaians will be very glad if u wicked nigerians do not send ur children here to learn or whatever reason for that matter. Nigerians are naturally wicked people. Its in ur genes. We always hear stories a horrible murder cases in ur country and as a peaceful country as ghana we wouldnt want to mix ourselves with u guys so stay in ur country let us stay in ours. Useless blog. Kwasiafo)
Ahan u dey vex seriously o. Lmao. E don pain u? You have a lot of nerve coming here to form minister of defence. Oniranu
I am an alumni of the university of cape coast and when it comes to issues like this,the school authority can be a little bit relaxed. after all said,i don't believe that Ghanaians killed this boy.i was in Ghana for 4 years and they don't have the heart for this kind of thing..proper investigation should be done to catch the culprits
Continue to rest in peace my drummer boy. Your killers will never go unpurnished in Jesus name, Amen
Let us stop acting brand new. We nigerians are our own enemies we kill our own people all the time. Smh rip to him
To be honest,with friends like the boy's roommate,no one needs an enemy...the mean attitude of humans surprise me atimes. May he rest in peace o
Ghanaians dont take intestines of a person. Clearlyhis killers are his own fellow nigerian since yall love ibtestines for rituals. May he rest in peace. We dont even have tgatfoolish cultisms inany ghanain university. I hope the police catch who the real culprits are and show the world. I bet anything his killers were fellow nigerians. Ghana police is not slack. They will be caugh and deported or better yet jailed. No matter how much the devil tries he will not succeed in tarnish our untainted reputation. We eat prayer . If u font know go ask.
I am a graduate of the University of Ghana! Spent four blissful years there and was never mistreated a lecturer or student. They are not particularly fans of Nigerians but they won't do them any harm! Let's stop acting brand new! We know it is a Nigerian that killed him!
Hmmmm...the Aluu boys were killed bcos they went to their debtor to get back their money and this again! May God help us...Is it now wrong to do good? Is it wrong to want to be of help to pple around u? I wonder why and how anybody would repay good with evil. Very sad indeed.
As a rational and compassionate human being, one tries to sympathize with you guys for some of the things that your leaders put you through. However, when you write some of these stories and cast a WHOLE NATION IN SUCH A BAD LIGHT, one begins to reflect whether or not the sympathy is misplaced? Is Ghana the only place where Nigerians have been killed? Why write like this? Or, are we eaier to bully? SMH
My dear u are right, I stayed there for 3 yrs and I knw how they hate nigerians. Before u say anything dey will call u 419. And yet dey come here and live freely, its high time we address this issue. Once u dey knw u are a nigerian ur own don finish for their hand. Useless ghanaians!!!
What happened to him could have happened somewhere else. I stay in Ghana and I know Ghanaians hate Nigerians cos we r smarter. that shouldn't stop u from coming for your masters, u just have to know your limits anywhere you find your self. there r bad people everywhere. I will recommend university of Ghana for you. God bless you.
Hummmmmm.....just a breath of hope maybe
for once in dis country......am sure someday,
oneday...dis country will be d best to be
reckoned wit
must see:-female banker who slept with customer for him to bank with her bank photos leak. (18+ only) see photo here
I strongly believes that his Nigerian friends that fled cape-coast since his murder actually knows what happened to Godwin...only time will tell because I see know reason why they will be running if their conscience is clean.well they can run but they can't hide because the wicked shall never go unpunished.
I wonder why parents send their students to any third world country for higher education on the pretext of problems with our public higher institutions: what is wrong with our local private universities? They are definitely going to expend far higher amounts on fees, travelling costs and regular maintenance in such third world countries' universities than in private universities locally. Mr. Fred Awogbo's regret for not sending his boy to Canada, is understood: Canada is a much more peaceful country, and so are many European countries. But the cost of schooling in those places cannot be compared with the cost of schooling in Ghana. Generally, my advice to parents is to let their children do their first degree programmes locally and proceed abroad for higher degrees, if they can afford it. undergraduate children are too young to be left alone in foreign lands. May God comfort all the parents who lost their children as captured in this blog.
What is thr world turning into...may GOd ve mercy on us!
Oh! what a tragedy, what a hard and bitter pills to swallow, may God console the bereaved. May his soul rest in peace.
U must be a goat. Shameless lot. you are not ashamed that even in your own yeye country, you guys will still come and borrow money from us. Even to a student. To pay back with your miserly money, u guys resort to violence and kill the poor boy. Who does that? And you have the nerve to come here and spew jargon. Train your people. They should not touch another soul of a nigerian oh. Oniranu, oloriburuku.
Ūя̲̅ comment jst made me shed tears...may his soul restin peace n take hrt dear cos you know him well n God giv Τ̲̅ђe parents Τ̲̅ђe fortitude to bear Τ̲̅ђe loss
Anonymous 5:01 u mst b very stupid 4 dt comment u ghanians r very wicked black evil pple
This is really sad... May God console his parents and may his soul rest in peace!
Hmmnn!!! The matter at hand is, is this boy who did such evil gonna be brought to book..
Because even if Nigeria had the best universities in the world, everyone would not school here for a reason or the other..
Is this case going to be swept under the carpet, because he is Nigerian??
RIP boy. If only the living will learn never to lend money it always ends in bitterness when it's pay back time. What led to the death of the ALUU 4? He who has ears let him hear.
OMG!I hope his wife won't hate him 4 going against her wish ,its very good to listen to ur wife wen sh talks..so so painful,his dad ll live wit so much regret 4 not sending his son to canadan:-(der r beta private schs in nig eg convenant university.Very pathetic mayb his roommate was a cultist bcs dey derive pleasure killing der victim nd dumping der corpse in front of university gate..:-(
@Anonymous 5:01 - kwasia+fior! U're very stupid! The truth is that most educated ghanaians re very nice and friendly but unfortuntely jes 30% of em re educated! The remaining 70% consist of cab guyz, market women and der racist police force with superior inferiority complex ish!! They hate out of envy# very soon we will shutdown the west african gas pipeline and watch how they can cope without our gas to generate constant electricity# foolish ghanaians#
It's unfortunate that the anti-Nigerian sentiments in Ghana are alarmingly high.
kwasia+fior! U're very stupid! The truth is that most educated ghanaians re very nice and friendly but unfortuntely jes 30% of em re educated! The remaining 70% consist of cab drivers like u, market women and der racist police force with superior inferiority complex ish!! hate out of envy# very soon we will shutdown the west african gas pipeline and watch how u idiots can cope without our gas to generate constant electricity# foolish ghanaians# go to school only then u will know the true value of Nigeria
Too bad
May his Soulrest in perfect peace
Sad news may his soul rest in peace pls Lord protect my sisters in Ghana schooling
I've been a reader of this blog for a while now(roughly 2yrs) and when it comes to this issue, I see soo much grateful Nigerians speaking from their heart what their experience in Ghana is,so I won't go in on Nigeria like Nigerians are going in on Ghana, including that news paper. for the deceased father to rant about his regrets for sending his son to Ghana is normal but for him to say Nigerians shouldn't send their children to school in Ghana is absurd. Whatever happened to his son is unfortunate but something that can happen everwhere,whether in Ghana Nigeria America Canada uk,just anywhere. So painting Ghana black to wipe his tears is surely not the way forward, everybody knows Ghana is the most peaceful country in the west. And are u guys aware that 2 universities from Ghana made it to the top 10 best universities in Africa last year?? University of Ghana(9th place) central university(3rd place)..While unilag placed 6th(the only Nigerian uni that made it to the list),so I'm sure it goes beyond the peace in Ghana. His statement really wasn't necessary. I've also had Nigerians in every school I went to. I remember one girl from SS ****** Egbuka(first name withheld),we teased each other a lot but I can tell u Egbuka was the happiest foreigner in a Ghanaian school. She wanted to learn and speak twi, krobo and other Ghanaian languages so bad..she tried with the twi tho lol(that's where we teased her a lot) but to us she was just another student amongst us,we didn't view her different or nigerian or anything of that sort,so if u had bad experience in Ghana as a student, don't make it seem like that's how Ghanaians are cos it's something that happens everywhere,it's not always cookies and cream. I'm disappointed that this happened in Ghana tho,such a senseless death,I pray his soul rest in peace.
Yes I'm Ghanaian and oh, this is the spelling of Ghanaian<<< and not ghanian. Thanks
Sorry Aseshi university not central
Please try and speak intelligently...I say this because it is a report on something that happened, she did not make it up. A family lost a son, a child. A young promising man was killed. If it happened in the Antarctic, it would still hurt AND it should look bad for any country where such happens, Nigeria, Ghana and the Antarctic included. In addition, I am also half n half, grew up in Nigeria went to school in Ghana but still get "discriminated" against once they hear my accent(not everyone though) so I can relate to Nigerians who feel mistreated in Ghana. Get some compassion ok.
Ghana may b a peaceful country, but as a Nigerian schooling in Ghana, I have no clue why the Ghanaians are particularly hostile towards Nigerians. There is a lot of segregation and a weird kind of "racism" going on here. I seriously have not seen anything like this before, I can't wait to end my stay here and I sincerely hope nothing brings me to such an environment ever again.
RIP to the young man.God Bless your soul.
@Anon 6.36.. ..i taya oooo! ....i really wonder why any parent will send their child to school in ghana #bb confused face#........with all them plenty private universities in naija naadays??????? and funny enough the school fees in Ghana are unbelievable exorbitant....
If you can pay 5k dollars/quid....why not kukuma send them to the states or UK???? Amin its quite vexing to me why anyone will pay such outrageous sums as tuition fees in a third world country like Ghana....RIP to the deceased........its just Plain Sad!
ON 2 The Next!
Honestly ℓ̊ thought ghana was good till ℓ̊ came here...d way dey want to charge nigerians excess money...mehn they hate us...bt u have to endure cos nigeria is so messed up...some pple write jamb lyk 6times yet no admission den u try and grad bt no job..and ghana is d only cheap alternative....anyway RIP boy....Ghanians are so wicked
When it comes to delicate matters like this i usually keep quiet, especially when it comes to Nigerians being killed in a foreign land.
It so sad that a bright and innocent young man's life was cut short as a result of man's wicked nature. Pray is parents find peace and not blame themselves for his demise.
Am a Nigerian and currently school in Ghana. I know for a fact that Ghana is a very peaceful country in terms of fighting, robbery, accidents, cult activities e.t.c. and Nigeria cant compare to them in this aspect. Ghanaians dislike Nigerians because they feel we are too aggresive,not honest,indecent(especially for girls),too smart and basically because of the bad things they hear about Nigerians.But not all of them though(those who are close to Nigerians), but a huge majority dislike Nigerians. And who can really blame them. How can you as a Nigerian be in a foreign land and behave in a bad manner that speaks ill of your people back at home. Internet frauds and scams here and there, murder cases, and all sorts.
Its such a sad and painful thing, that the people who voted for(Mostly won thru cheating, evil grin) have failed us woefully. The system is so messed up. Just imagine, i left Nigeria to start my first semester in Ghana(beginning of ASUU strike) and after finishing my first semester exams and got back home the strike was still on. Lecturers demand sex or money from student, sale of handouts and compulsory purchase(failure to do so=mark reduction or a full f), overcrowded classes, unconducive learning environments, cultism. Nigeria is a real fucked up country. I weep for what we've become. I lost hope for any change, cos its getting worse instead of better. But still i go always pray for you(in Nosa's voice).
Ghana at this moment isn't my favorite place, cos stealing is on the rise(Someone stole my laptop, but thank God it was found, and also thanks to a smart friend and CCTV), frequent light off, water scarcity(why people nor go get personal borehole, buggles my mind), and my friend was robbed of his phone and laptop(they->Ghanaian guys were poking him with knifes so he had no option). My school has become an harvesting ground for laptops, guys from Nkrumah circle(Ghanaian version of computer village) will come to my school(Sikkim Manipal uni) library to steal students laptop. But thank God for CCTV.
Ah,this is very painful! So sad. Nigerians,what we are looking for in Sokoto(state) is in our Sokoto(pocket). A word is enough...
Linda dont know if you will still see this but on d same day a Nigerian boy known as Ovie Eyovwe also died that same evening by a hit and run acciden,still in the same Ghana
Linda dont know if you will still see this but on d same day a Nigerian boy known as Ovie Eyovwe also died that same evening by a hit and run acciden,still in the same Ghana
Shut up you little bitch! I also schooled there and who told you they don't have the heart?? At a point in time they were stabbing people to get their phones. I was lucky one night, on my way back from the mosque, I was attacked. It was just God that saved me. I dragged it with this stranger and was able to escape! So please you people are black devil! I know a lot about ghanians cos I was there for 6years. You bastards! Warning: Never trust a ghanian! They are hypocrites.
So sad rip
We Nigerians should not be sentimental here,dis is not about Ghana or the skool.1 he borrowed his. Roommate a huge some 2) he has always told him he was gonna. Report him to his dad 3) he was killed a night. Before he was supposed to. Come to Nigeria 4) he was tied both hands and legs.. So this simply implies the guy he borrowed money too paid some people to excute the action.. And I am very sure the nigga would be Nigerian.. Not been liked or loved by everyone is a normal thing, even in Nigeria here some people are so tribalistic. In there ways. So stop blaming the Ghanians.. May God console Godwin Family and also Make him Rest in Perfect Peace...
RIP sir!
That's not true..shut ur stinking mouth..mtsweeeeew
U re seriously trying to be prince charming just bcos he doesn't cme her anymore
they should not forget that there are plenty Ghanians in Nigeria...............hmmmmm
D rate @ which Nigerians r dying in other countries is alarming..wat's happening??
What kind of thing is this? I just don't understand the kind of misunderstanding people have that would lead to death. Life is a precious thing God gave to us and people just kill as if the person will wake up next week or the following day. It's so unfair, whatever it is, i believe it can be resolved without losing a life. God is really merciful, years ago when we hear someone was murdered, we find it strange (out of this world ) but nowadays, its like its now a hobby/daily thing that people do. All ye murderers should know they have to give account to God on that fateful day! May God comfort the family of the boy
nawa oo so sorry for the lost, pls we shld try and stop this killings everywhere weather u be Nigeria or Ghanaian.
Enough preaching,we should reciprocate to this ghanainas b4 it becomes a trend for them.not one but 4 already.All these black shirts of ghana.cross myway and you ll understand.
Nawahoooo may his soul rest in peace. Ghanaians re evil nd dey envy nigerians d only tin in ghana is to be very careful nd shine ur eyes nd be wise nd worst of all av a ghana roomate or frnd. Schooled in ghana nd being here for 4yrs.
R.I.P brother.
Your comments I would say is a proof that Ghanaians do not like Nigerians. If you are following the case closely, the Ghanaian police are try to en- rope innocent Nigerians into this act. This justifies the comments made by you all. If our government are living up to expectation they should be out there to defend their citizen. They abandon them into the hands of these cruel Ghana BNI to determine their fate.
This is outrageous, it's a big time failure from our government, our Embassy is sleeping and their citizen is been wrongly accused for a crime they do not have hand in. This can only happen to Nigerian citizens except he/ she is the son or daughter of a senator, governor, minister, former president, Vice President ,house of Reps. etc otherwise you will get rotten. Nigeria we have to stop and do things right and value and give equal right to all our citizens irrespective of tribe, religion or class. United we stand, divided we fall.
What is happening is an eye opener, parents should with draw their children from these schools and send them home to our private universities. Do not wait, there is no immunity. What is going on could happen to anyone. Like the father is full of regrets, it's a lesson for all parents that have their children schooling in Ghana
When it happens, you are on your own, no help from your country. As an individual how do you want to fight a country If they decide to go against you........?????
Nigeria is a failed state be warned
What is happening is an eye opener, parents should with draw their children from these schools and send them home to our private universities. Do not wait, there is no immunity. What is going on could happen to anyone. Like the father is full of regrets, it's a lesson for all parents that have their children schooling in Ghana
When it happens, you are on your own, no help from your country. As an individual how do you want to fight a country If they decide to go against you........?????
Nigeria is a failed state be warned
Ghanaians are evil people QED
The only reason why Ghanaians would be hostile to Nigerians is because when Ghanaians came to Nigeria in the 80's, you also mistreated and killed us. Anyways this death was due to money ad it is quite unfortunate people could reduce themselves to killing for paper. But truth be told if u know your Nigerian and you don't respect Ghanaians do not come to our country because you will be insulted and teased constantly. Nigerians are not smarter than Ghanaians. If anything we both have the same intellect. SO ALL THOSE ARGUING PLS SHUT UP. Jus say R.I.P and move on from the page. Thank you
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