I see she got her name wrong...lol. The world knows her name. Anyway, Dencia goes further to say that Lupita is condemning bleaching but hanging out with Rihanna. Is Rihanna a bleacher? See what Dencia posted on her instagram after the cut...
The Media has told their version about how the Lupita Dencia ish started & claimed it was Dencia when I didn't know this woman until she mentioned me & I can Authoritatively tell u she lied about the letter,someone who works in her Camp reached out to me & told me the was no letter & the story was made up after I said I didn't know who she was.I know u guys are like why I'm I still on it but I was really disappointed when I was told she lied,I was really hoping the's a letter,the person in her camp who reached out doesn't wanna go public but the person said it Infront of me & 2 other people.They read about me,I am doing charity work,building and orphanage and she has nothing charitable going on so standing for a cause she can't even ever fight n Tryna come 4 me is total BS,u wanna talk bleaching but u are smiling ur eyes off in pictures with Rihanna?smh make up ur mind on a cause n fight for it woman by the time I turn 31 which is 6yrs from now,come back let's talk. I rest my case & done with this topic!!!
1 – 200 of 234 Newer› Newest»Even if there was never a letter, bleaching is not good, anyone who is bleaching is indirectly being a racist
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Riri isn't bleaching like you,just tryin hard to justify your self sorry madam dencia...
Lol ode ni dencia yi
Denica is so pained..is she saying she's jst 25..she really went on a research on lupita..The funny thing is lupita isn't even replyin her..rihanna isn't black na
Why is she clinging to this particular story, has Lupita been the only person to criticise the product? I guess the is the biggest favour Lupita has done to anyone in a while, mentioning Dencia's product. Dencia please for all the publicity you can get from this let Lupita be.
Lol.... Dencia,, calm down!!
Bleach,no bleach,black,white purple....who gives a Fuck?...We do,why,because people before us started it,and we've been born into it,our subconscious mind now sees colour instead of people.....Hope we brush it off,the few who have,are the Worlds best people...looking at a person and seeing them,not a colour is the most wonderful thing in the world.
Kamto Haf Tok
Hilarious writeup from Dencia.I admire her courage in being proud of what she does.The diff btw the two is clear now. Dencia is a businesswoman and Lupita is a brainychild! Shikenan
Dencia have several seats and stop using Lupita's name to stay relevant. Bye.
WAIT>>>> so dis dencia girl is just 25, no wonder she act like a child. shouldn't she be in school trying to improve on her English and writing? but then again it is acceptable now that if you have means of making money school is no longer very important.
for you age you have tried to acquire such a big business. but abeg just like you said rest for this matter wth his last untrue piece. ok bye
Ok we don Hear... Next..
.Texting And Driving Is FUN..
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Uncoordinated and incoherent speech! Dencia go back to school instead of beefing someone that doesn't even care! SMH
Oh Dencia darling... lupita hasnt got time for your rants... she is too busy looking good, collecting awards and being honoured' (thick British accent) and secondly... you no dey read bible concerning giving alms (charity) your right hand should not be aware of what ur left hand is doing... so announcing you are building orphanages... mtcheeeeeeeeew. You are just a bleached ikwi kwi (owl).
Dencia, your english is giving me menstrual pain though.
Dencia u are a fool and a liar for d records u ar 35with nothing to show for so such it up biach!
But abeg wait... other than being a (washed up video vixen) and her whitenicious cream... what is her call to fame??? Foolish geh... caman gerrout
Ok we don Hear... Next..
.Texting And Driving Is FUN..
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Drama everywhere!!! #Yawns#
Seriously!!!!! does she tink evrybdy is as shallow nd trashy as her ?d whole world knws lupita is too smart n busy to mke up such lie bout u muchless even notice uu !! Ur jst seeking 4 sympathy n a fight wit her jst to gt publicity!!! Trash !
You're kidding me right? Dear attention seeker, shut up and bleach!!! Furthermore, you clearly need some English lessons; my five year old niece should be able to help you with that.
Linda, are you kidding? Is Rihanna a bleacher? Can you compare her skin tone from her Pon de replay days to right now?
Ds dencia shud leave Lupita d helll alone!ds matter Don old joor
Hey Dencia, pls move on, I remember MJ when he was in your age bracket but I can't remember what happened when he grew older. So what's age got to do with? Get a job from vickiechima@gmail.com. Just send yes.
You are 26yrs and you look like 38?sorry for you...halt the skin bleaching does more harm than good...olowo fi owo ra iku...you look 10 yrs older than Lupita.
I go with Dencia on this. Na Lupita start dis mess,aw would she be hating on dencia,is dencia d 1st to market creams.
Make una advise lupita 2 cover her skin with Ǥõõϑ wears,nt dose trashy tinz she puts on.
Hmmmm I don't like lupita, I'm hapi 4 her success tho, but I dnt just like her, just became famous and already making enemies.. Nobody asked her if she likes her colour or not,if I'm asked to advice her, I'll tell her to focus on her carreer and mind her own business. We r only humans, we can't see poeple's heart.. Only God knows if lupita deep down inside of her is proud of her skin colour.
Lindodo, are we still on this matter? I don already taya for these people
Abegi make dem clear well jaray. Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!
This Dencia chic should really just get away.... Like, she is becoming annoying. Does it even make sense? So Lupita must have known you personally to make up stuff about your hypo-go-wipo cream?? You are not even relevant Dencia... and posterity would curse you for encouraging women to destroy their skin. Genuine or not, women should be proud of their skin color and not patronize bleaching agents like you Dencia. You thoroughly disgust me with these stupid, senseless, and idiotic tweets you have posted. If you ever got an education, it is definitely not easy to tell... Daft Barbie.
yes linda rihana is bleaching because she was not like this before
But it's true sha. When Rihanna started, she was kinda chocolate but noow she's........ Same story as Micheal J
Linda 4get all dis people wit their trouble, let's face serious business... Dis is not news or inspirational story, oh I see :-D gossip!
Lupita,focus on boosting ur profile in hollywood dan hating on Dencia.
Nna mehn,i wud lyk 2 av Dencia on my bed dan lupita oº°˚˚˚°º.
Dencia plz go bck to school. Stop fooling ur shameless self. Oh u hv bleached ur brain too.
Dencia is saying she's 25? Am 35 and I look far younger! She has over done her night job! Gosh! U need help if u are 25 and has faded already! Y not face that mad woman that called u out 1st? She would av finished u. I know lupita won't dignify u with a response. Empty skull.
And Linda chose dis pic as caption!! Evil linda,cos her legs ain't properly whitelicioused. Plus dencia is sounding dumb now,she can't even strings words 2geda coherently.
Dencia is just an idiot. She should park well and let this matter be over already.
why are u so embiterd old hag dencia,did u say u wil turn 31 in 6 yrs?omo I fear u o,see how u old like retired bitch,wonder wat ur problem is wit dis lupita girl,firstly u claimed u dnt knw her but now u av made her ur final year project,investigating her about.my dear goan die like dat Edo state widow already jere,im tired of hearing stories frm dry brains like u who has no stuffs upstairs dan to bleach and do surgeries.go and sit down,ok we have heard u alredy.its obvios d Lupita girl no gt ur time.jst leave her alone.old mama youngie.
denca, stop seeking attention...haven't you noticed she does not give a rat arse about you.....Go bleach your thoughts, since that's the only thing you are good at.
Dencia bleaching u are lying. Stop bleaching, it is not good for ur health
She shud give it a rest already!nobody is stealing her business from her so she shud stop with all this cheap talk and linda pls dnt post anytin about dis again.
Mtcheew Ekoshilooo joo..
This Dencia babe is too fake.......
This dencia,girl doesn't have sense,she is a fool
So Dencia is claiming to be 25yrs abi? Then I must have been born last week. BTW d whitenicious cream is too little that it doesn't to get to her legs b4 it's finished. Fanta face, Coke leg
she is hanging out with Rihanna and you are hanging out with your bleaching cream....lol
this dance abi dancie should rest abeg..oyibo peperempe
Dencia need as to relax. Lol. Lupita dropped this case ages ago.or never even took it up.
Dencia are u really this dumb? Extremely Artificial being. Wanna hear what Lupita has 2 say about dis!
Lmao. .omo this thing wey Lupita tuk really pain Dencia wella o..chai, but Dencia love, with the way you are going, by the time you are 31, I doubt if you'll still have skin sef
Dencia need as to relax. Lol. Lupita dropped this case ages ago.or never even took it up.
Thie thing should go and hide?shes an empty vessel...painment...
Abeg, Dencia can lyk to just shut up
Like seriously, Denica!!!
Please learn to speak & write better English by age 31 my dear.
Dencia go get a life and focus on your killer cream... Lupita is light years ahead of you.
Dencia u are such a looser and u suck... Stop hating ass hole!!! Let lupita be!! She's bigger dan u all round... And u knw what? She doesn't care if u exist @ all... So just respect ursef. And lupita... Just let her be.. Cuz if u like bleach until u become a white bedspread nobody wil notice you nor even nominate u 4 a bleaching award...
Dancia dis ur cream is bleaching ur brains too, can u imagine she's still fyting d issue... Mumu girl is Rihanna using ur cream...
Dear Dencia, pls Choke on a dick, it simply means Fuck watchu say, U're painfully stupid nd ignorant, infact ur pics shud be right beside d Word "DUMB" in d dictionary, bitch did u bleach out ur Thinking faculty wen bleaching out ur whorish body? U can enhance ur body nd skin but u can't enhance ur Dumb Skull, pls Dencia take d several seats I'm sending to u, wen u get em arrange em in a "L" shape, sit ur enhance butt on it nd take a chill pill, nt everythang Is all abt u, u really nid to Curb dis ya attention seeking attitude. Lupita is twice d woman u will nd can eva be, She got an Oscar 4 her first movie eva, nd wat did u get? Nt even a single accolade 4 ur Mumu Dry music. Keep Hating on Lupita, she will keep shining! Rubbish!
What does bleaching have 2 do with taking a pic with rihanna? She should think before talking.
This Dencia girl is so lame, for once just enjoy your money and shut up.
Dencia is not even 31 and she's already looking like this? babe you have deep issues
This babe should rest please. Enough of these attention seeking already. We are fully aware of whitenious.
Pls can dencia concentrate on her whitenicious and stop using lupita to further gain popularity
I'm fed up of listening to this bleaching dencia. She hasn't even sang any good song yet she claims to b a musician...lmao
This Dencia is just a pained child. Stop it girl.
Decia you're saying in essence that you are 25? SMH you just lied too and I'm not dissapointment, cos anything should be expected from a girl who's trying to run another girl down by calling her old and claiming youthfulness, why exactly are u telling us you're doing charitable things and Lupita isn't, do charity and become 31 ten times over you will never have an oscar, what's it with the age, maybe you should die so you don't become 31 someday, cos darling any day you're 31 some other sweet girl will be 25 and castigating you for ever agreeing with nature to turn 31.
Oh dencia! Take a chill pill.... Ur are high!
Madam bleeching dencia or wat ever u call ur self,Get Lost..U are just jealous of Lupita.
Despite all the makeup, implants and bleaching cream, dencia remains the ugliest female "celeb". That is if she is a celeb
This Dencia is just a pained child. Stop it girl.
Na wa Ooº°˚ ˚°ºo! Dis Dencia palava, al in d name of selling her product#
She is just a fucking liar..... Lupita might have mentioned her name on that letter which i find provoking but no nobody told her anything bcos that letter was really frm someone.... Make she park well jor....
Dear Dencia, pls Choke on a dick, it simply means Fuck watchu say, U're painfully stupid nd ignorant, infact ur pics shud be right beside d Word "DUMB" in d dictionary, bitch did u bleach out ur Thinking faculty wen bleaching out ur whorish body? U can enhance ur body nd skin but u can't enhance ur Dumb Skull, pls Dencia take d several seats I'm sending to u, wen u get em arrange em in a "L" shape, sit ur enhance butt on it nd take a chill pill, nt everythang Is all abt u, u really nid to Curb dis ya attention seeking attitude. Lupita is twice d woman u will nd can eva be, She got an Oscar 4 her first movie eva, she's nw a fashion icon! nd wat did u get? Nt even a single accolade 4 ur Mumu Dry music. Keep Hating on Lupita, she will keep shining! Rubbish!
Hmmmm. Dencia wanna stay relevant o n if lupita is d only way blame ha less
Ehya dencia, untop ur shine shine body ugly lupita still dey shine pass yu... I feel ur pain really....
I luv u dencia and I believe u..lupita mind ur own fvckin biz..U ar black n muscular continue dat way..stop hating on someone else..if dencia's cream bleach's pple its her biz..after all no one is asking u to buy one..........#KING
Laff my balls off!dude shut up!!rihanna does not bleach wake up from your wonderland!and please you sound very bitter and pathethic talking about Lupita and how someone from her camp called you and you sat face to face blah blah blah. Come on girl shut up already and stop making a fool of youself! You look and sound stupid defending yourself and talking about Lupita hanging with riri. I mean really??Linda is this girl really that dumb?wow I'm kind of taking aback with her lame speech...I'm over and out with this biatch! Its a wrap commenting about her stupidity!! Ps and what's that shit about turning 31 in six years?hahaha bitch puhleaze cut your self some slacks(we all know you are a hutchy mama!wake up and smell the Cappuccino!)
Elle nous casse les couilles elle bordelll yo your 15 minutes are up get with the program
Not dt I believe ur claim Dencia but somthn told me then dt Lupita might made dt up. But Dencia can lie (25 yrs?) and she's so fake. Meanwhile, raising this issue again shows u re highly disturbed which proves dt u ve finally accepted d fact dt whitenicious is a bleaching cream, cos a clear conscience fears no accusation.
Dencia or whatever your name is, Linda made you popular, I never knew you so stop making yourself relevant. And stop making people feel you are from Nigeria. You are just too dumb to be a Nigerian. You are so pained that you don't wanna give the the lupita statement a rest. I tot you are making so much money why not concentrate on that. From the way you write it's shows your IQ is damn too low. Please just stop raining insults on yourself.
Linda u sound biased pls relax .. U run a blog nt a pr company.. U people sud just rest d matter abeg
Can she do me a great favor by improving in her english next time
Your Life!
Pipu can b jelous ooo infact envy is d word,even if der was no letter,y will dat person snich abt it.I hope she was we'll paid 4 it tho rubish@ Dencia y are u angry tot u said ur cream is not a bleaching cream??
Ok ooooo... gud search Dencia. waiting for Lupital's reply.
31 yrs in 6yrs? Wow! So sorry hun but you look 39 already! I'm sure ur cream has accelerated-ageing chemicals in it! I love me some Lupita mehn!
loool! She needs help!
letter or no letter we do these things always to give a great speech. One of the secrets of giving a great speech of any kind, presentation, is to link your speech to reality, something happening somewhere "referent" writers use it, I use it when I give presentation and it doesn't fail me in fact since I started using this technique I started giving good presentation in school. It gives a speech the human quality it requires. people tend to understand it better because they can relate to it somehow. examiners are convinced you know what you are talking about because you are able to relate your presentation to a real life situation somewhere. so letter or no letter no wahala. Dancia should go and relax somewhere. Lupita gave a good presentation and what she said is not far fetch because one black girl somewhere has regained her self confidence that her black skin color is no limitation to her.
Dencia is nothing but an arrogant brat. Get dis into ur head biatch (Dencia). If lupita wntz she can bleach,but can Dencia be dark skinned again? Dencia is looking 4 nothing but cheap relevance
Dencia, how u gonn' be hating from the outside???
Stop SNOOPING around her business.
Stop USING Lupita's hard earned NAME-BRAND to sell your useless BLEACHING CREAM aka Spot Remover.
You are definitely a Liar..an Opportunist and a Wanna-be.
Get this Shit in your head and BOW DOWN.
She has forgotten you and your dead ass product and you are still on LUPITA'S case.
Ass licking,tongue lying,fake,plastic,bleached out Wanna be..Face Ya work and continue mixing bleaching cream for your Clients
By the time you are her age you are probably gonna have Skin Cancer?
Get that shit right! We know you Love Lupita..
Because you know EVERYTHING about her right down to her age!!!
Keep flossing on Lupita's Fame...Bitch!
Linda Ikeji..this comment is not for your reading benefit alone..POST IT!!!
I am really appalled at the level of mediocrity and inferiority complex that is plaguing most(not all) 'dark skinned' individuals! Yes dark skinned I choose to call them because black women are both light skinned and dark skinned(unfortunately the gross inferiority complex plaguing most Nigerian and some African black colored individuals has beclouded their sense of reasoning so they wouldn't know this or outrightly refuse to acknowlegde this Fact.) Granted people bleach or tone their skin colour (both words do not connote or perform same thing) and this is not limited to dark coloured or light(fair) coloured persons, but forcing down a particular shade of skin colour down the throat of any and indeed every African woman is a sure sign and show of Lack of Confidence on who you are. Rather advocating that people love themselves for the best qualities they possess which forms a part of who they are is confidence! I have two sisters that are born fair-yes very light skinned and an unknown black skinned stranger who do not know them from birth sees a natural image of them in picture and berates them because they are light skin(automatically assuming that they bleached) just becuse this certain individual have no confidence in who she is! The caucasians who are white(I wouldn't call them light skinned or fair because nature and God made them white) tan their skin for a more refined appearance yet I do not and have not heard any criticism from dark skinned people why they should be doing that even when some of the process employed in tanning is cancerous(oh yes those who use radiation machines)! Does this now suggest that it is ok to turn from white skin to dark skin(or a shade darker, which is equivalent to tonning) while it is an outright abomination to do the opposite? I just wonder!I am a dark skinned woman and I am confident! I tone my skin to give it an even shinny colour ,that makes me confident as well, so why should I bother if someone who is fair decides to tone or an outrightly dark skinned decides to bleach if that is what makes the subject confident as well! I think the message should be the dangers in using harmful chemical for whatever skin brightning process( I chose not to use bleaching because clearly it's become an heavily abused and misused word by my Nigerian folks). Skin brightning or skin tanning are both inimical to human health when the substance or methods used contains harmful chemicals-that should be the message people! Stop antagonizing and demonizing people just because they are different from you or you do not approve of their actions! Humans are different-that is the essnce of life! Live and let live!
*from a concerned citizen*
Dencia, how u gonn' be hating from the outside???
Stop SNOOPING around her business.
Stop USING Lupita's hard earned NAME-BRAND to sell your useless BLEACHING CREAM aka Spot Remover.
You are definitely a Liar..an Opportunist and a Wanna-be.
Get this Shit in your head and BOW DOWN.
She has forgotten you and your dead ass product and you are still on LUPITA'S case.
Ass licking,tongue lying,fake,plastic,bleached out Wanna be..Face Ya work and continue mixing bleaching cream for your Clients
By the time you are her age you are probably gonna have Skin Cancer?
Get that shit right! We know you Love Lupita..
Because you know EVERYTHING about her right down to her age!!!
Keep flossing on Lupita's Fame...Bitch!
Linda Ikeji..this comment is not for your reading benefit alone..POST IT!!!
I'm not trying to support dencia or anything but look at her, she's NOT ugly in any single way!
This girl needs to take a chill pill. I Suggest we all ignore her and her ignorance. I can't deal. mchew
Dencia give it a rest. Geez. this is effing embarrassing. I wish this chic had no link to Nigeria.
Dencia stop trying to hang on to her coattails, you no reach am Dencia, whatever angle you look at it from, be it pedigree, education, eloquence, elegance or manners.
If it wasn't Lupita you wouldn't even have bothered to respond, this cant be the first time someone has linked your cream to bleaching - a lot of the time you ignore the comments. But now you are determined to keep the "clap-back" going on even when the girl is obviously non-plussed by your ranting and ignoring you.
Obviously your PR has asked you to keep at it to provoke a response. You will only go as far as MTO and those other ratchet blogs, which might be fine for you and your people.
I don't normally comment, but this is just out of order. Even if the letter was fake (which cannot be proven by Denica) isn't the idea of reshaping our concept of beauty more important? And so what if she hangs our with a million girls using bleaching creams, that has nothing to do with the issue she is raising and shows how small minded Denica really is. Why do we Africans like in-fighting so much smh
I'm rilly getin sick, tired nd irritated as regards dis 2 ladies Lupita nd Dencia, bt d truth has 2 b said. Lupita 4 no reason had no ryt 2 call out dencia's name or product (whitenicious) even if der was actualy a letter nd Dencia on her part shld pls tk a chill pill bcz we knw u as an Artiste den all of a sudden u find success in bleachin cream nd ure no longer in d studion bt on every blog nd social media replyin 2 every tin. Dat bin said Linda make u sef free dis mata coz as far as am concernd lupita has used hard work 2 mk money, fame nd d Oscars while Dencia has used Luck 2 mk money nd fame...C-NERO-7
Denica i know you have life but do get more life. Period
Dencia, get over this already. First, u were born in 1985... That makes u 29 and not the 25 u r claiming. So u are the liar here.I know u well in Cameroon. You got nothing on Lupita and u two are on the same league. Secondly, I wrote better English at 12 years. And I wasn't even living in England or America. So age has little or nothing to do with certain achievements. Can u compare urself with Rihanna who is ur age mate and colleague? Dumb girl. Gosh, go get a degree girl.you need it else u will continue to be an embarrassment to yourself...
Bullshit,the only am concern is what she said "by the time I turn 31 which is 6yrs from now" so she is 25yrs now? f**k shit
And for those making the argument that in future the next generation would have to go to the museum to see what an Black woman looks like is clearly uneducated and lacking in wisdom! I suppose you do not know that the term black woman connotes a race not skin colour! Black woman is an alias for African woman and please know this- African women have both light skin and dark skin.. You youngsters and Nigerians should really get enlightened. It is not a enough to acquire a certificate given to you after you must have been indoctrinated( not taught)!expand your horizon,the views about ideas and issues isn't streamlined it is vast! Get enlightened pls!
Dencia take several seats pls
Dencia take A̶̲̅ seat nd chill.
Let's just wait before we pass judgement, no one knows the true story here Dencia may be right or wrong Lupita may also be right or wrong but the only FACT is Lupita didn't have to call out Dencia in her speech like that cause Dencia is definitely not the only producer of bleaching cream.
Dencia take several seats at the back and just get ur life!! before opening ur mouth to speak out shit or should i sy using ur hand to type shit! i mean c'mon is lupita she wouldnt stoop that low to try to make a nobody relevant so please shift!!
Seriously,wetin concern rihanna for dis matter na .
d thng dey pain am like very seriously. She is nt against u dencia,she is jus saying she was able to inspire some one by being herself. She also mentioned dt alek wek inspired her. Dat said,there's no way anybody can 'authortatively' say wether she got a letter or not,except u can open all her google,yahoo,aol,bbm,wht app etc pages......but I wonder if she will let u have d password. Oya dencia or dancia rest d matter. I really want to believe dt u are jus doing dis to publicize ur product,but e b like e dey pain u.
I had a talk with my wife this morning about the new TV sensation 12 years a slave and I digressed a bit. I told her that I might not get to watch that film in the nearest future partly because I can differentiate acting from truelife story.My point is I have no iota of doubt that Lupita made up the letter story, she is an accidental star, she stumbled into fame, men that know what it takes to get to the top dont pull others down while they get there. she has no substance just a juvenile wallowing in ecstasy. Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackson to name a few talk about racism, black movement, and all em pep talks when it comes to originality of ghe black people and being yourself, they do and I love it but never have I heard them attack directly an individual or a product which is exactly what Lupita did and thats a huge minus on her part. she can encourage, eulogise, advise or praise fhe black woman pointing out her uniqueness, but she decided to read a proverbial letter which to me is one of the demons she had to fight with and maybe still fighting. long story short she shouldn't have mentioned Dencia. PERIOD!
someone tell me how talking about her charitable works and age compensates for her stupidity. Dear Dencia, whatever you are and whatever you are doing right now will never come close to Lupita being the first female African to win an Oscar for best female supporting role. And Lupita, you know what to do right? Keep ignoring Dencia as you always have. You're at the top of your game and Dencia is nothing close to your league.
Oh My! Dencia is 25yrs?!I find that very hard to believe cos she looks 32 and dear lupita looks 25...enough with dencia's pathetic story please,I Dislike her alotttttttt....
im sorry but dencia is just a foolish cow
So now you did not know Lupita (never heard of her before) then suddenly you know somebody in her camp that loves Dencia so much to want to reach out to her? Dencia GET A LIFE!
Nairobi, Kenya
Saw this comment somewhere with regards to the whole Dencia/Lupita furore and it made me ponder. It does somewhat ring true.
"So it is OK for white people to tan etc. to look darker but not ok the other way around. I think that is just plain racist. Be whatever shade of whatever colour you want people"
By the way, I am a dark skinned beautiful black woman and will not have it any other way but really, to each their own.
Wow and u look so much older than lupita, get d gist bleaching make one looks 10yrs older than their actual age. It showing on u. And u will neva get to where she is now. Sicko
Ok, Dencia we don hear.....sey u want to sell ur products ni? Just stop ranting about like a drunk dog and pls....for d love of God, leave Lupita alone....na she do u??? Haba!
Richard was here #in tee bag's voice#
Dencia shut up and go to sleep...yu ar soooooo senseless
Am so so so disappionted wit dencia english writting, 2bad.........my five yrs old daughter can write better than her.
Poor Dencia..how can you be plastic.. ugly..and bleached out at the same damn time?
Thought you claimed you do not know Lupita Nyongo'o..LIAR!
Please leave her alone.She is raking in her $$$ and has worn more designer clothes this award season than you will ever wear in your Lifetime.
She took a picture with Rihanna? So?
Rihanna is very talented and worth over $90m.When you make that kind of money in your lifetime..comeback and talk...Sadly however; WHITENICIOUS would never give you that kind of money.
I mean..who names a product WHITENICIOUS??? WHO???
That is the only reason your product gets negative publicity because there are sooo many bleaching creams out there..The sheer absurdity and Stupidity of your Product name makes it stand out..and in a VERY BAD way.
1000 likes for your comment..
This mata sef tire me. All ℓ̊ know is until blame transfer stops, character building doesn't start.
Please who is Dencia?....the only place i hear about her is on LIB *BBM confused smiley* Lupita rocks #TrueAfricanwoman#
Denicia quit ur yapping alrdy ur not relevant Nupita is go back 2 ur business of sellin ur toxic cream and leave d professionals 2 win oscars and golden globes
Dencia old woman claiming 26yrs! By d time ur 31 as u claimed in 6yrs time I hope u v not melted away n won't b battle with skin cancer or try n stay alive with umbrella just d way michael jackson couldn't walk in d day light witout an umbrella over his head. What a pity I can see what lupita said really got to u, truth is bitter.
Beyonce and Rihanna are chief bleachers no doubt. so linda if u dnt know Rihanna bleaches how wud u see d one under ur very nose??? u know wat i mean
Kai this chic is here again. Linda please Dencia has nothing to say, stop posting her rubbish.
I do not understand what she is talking about.
Like Lupita will bother with her.
Seriously who is this Dencia apart from bleach cream maker. I honestly don't know her.
WoOOw! Glad to be back to lindaway's blog.... Hehehe, where them bloglord? Bona hi...
Dencia u re trying too hard. Just relax. And Linda's right, the world knows Lupita's name so stop pretending not knowing who she is. P.S: Beyonce, Lupita, Nicki, Kim, Kelly and many others are all above 30, u claim 2 be 25 yet u look older than dis ladies, so stop trippin'.
Dencia's so desperate she thinks that any publicity is better than no publicity at all. She's lying about Riri bleaching and Lupita's letter. All the old videos show Riri has always been light. She hasn't gone from dark to ghostly like Dencia.
Did you ever see the video of Dencia placing numerous objects in her mouth to show her blow job capabilities? That's how gutter she is. She will and has done everything for fame and failed. Now her strategy is to ride off the fumes of the legitimately famous.
LOL. Bleaching will never be good. Just look at Dencia's feet. :(
I respect and indeed admire Lupita Nyogos recent achievements. However basing her achievement on her skin colour (as she Luipita is indirectly and inadvertently implying through her speeches) I find utterly rediculous. This somewhat disparages her success. Is she suggesting that the only thing that brought her to the pinacle of acting career is her skin colour? Has she no substance? Her constant rhetoric about her skin colour implies that she lacks the major ingredient crucial in her line of career (acting brillance) and this I know is false because I think she is a brilliant actress! I think is about time she dropped this rhetorics about dark and proud,embracing your black skin bla bla and start enforcing the fact that she earned her success by absolute brilliance and hardwork in an industry filled with myriad of fine, brillant and celebrated individuals- this will earn her better respect in the industry. She was done no favours because she had the appearnce of the character she played, she earned it. I am positive there are a thousand and one dark skinned lowcut persons that coulda filled that role! Lupita should stop already! Sooner or later she would only be seen as befitting for roles that only needs her physical appearance rather than her acting brillance if she doesnt stop with the dark skin sermons! That is condescending to me as a black woman! We have substance pls!
Oh dear!!!!! This is so melodramatic! I just can't deal! Dencia, in as much as u hurt!!! You should stop blowing tantrums!!!Lupita's somwhr in france on vacay! Why buh urself over someone that doesn't knw u exist!!! @ least u got to watch the oscar and u saw her with the award!!!
I mean Lupita went to YALE, Dencia you finish secondary school?
Who cares who said wat to who n how. Dancia abeggy go milk a cow or better still go suck a lemon.... If u like start bleaching animals too. And wetin come concern u wit Rihanna again... U r just a lame girl seeking attention... Lupita doesn't give a **** abt u.
People love Sensationalism...How does tanning one's Skin and Bleaching relate???
I mean..where is the intrinsic relativity?
When people bleach..what is the motive about it or for it?
The point here is that the BLACK RACE is trailed with so much Negativity and Subjugated to Hatred and Racism by the White Race.
One of the reasons why we were subjected to slave trade.
And now a BLEACHED OUT black woman makes a Product called WHITENICIOUS and many misguided young ladies are rushing to buy it...to become like the White Race that HATES Us soooo much?
That is the message here.
Please Stop Justifying One Wrong With Another..Let It All Be appreciated in its own merit.
this Dencia is really stupid
#Butthurtbit*chalert#@Dencia,give it Α̲̅ rest girl Α̲̅πϑ focus on bleaching out U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ future,Α̲̅πϑ others who wanna bleach out theirs!! Lupita is way out of U̶̲̥̅̊я̩̥̊ league..besides Ђ☺ώ U̶̲̥̅̊ be hating from outside?
Rihanna is №†̥ bleaching!
Wait first dis dencia babe, are u just dumb or u think we are all stupid? How will someone from Lupita's camp reach out to u becos u r who? Who knows u? Abeg shut dat ur bleached mouth and take a seat...Attention seeker..if u r really 25 den u r in trouble..and wait why evn bring Rihanna into dis, has she been buying cream from u? Seems like u dont know ur level again..dont evn let her hear of u..idiot..Go do ur biz and leave Lupita alone cos she aint got ur time, she is busy recieving awards unlike u recieving other things inbetween ur legs...asshole.
Dencia please leave Lupita alone! She is just too big for you! You can't compete with her! You are just too fake! DENCIA GO AWAY!!!!!
25years ♍Ɣ fat ass! Dencia U̶̲̥̅̊ look like Α̲̅ 40yr old retired stripper! Dumb ass.
U just made me laugh. Nice
Who is fighting with this one before...why all d lashing of words...she should please take a chill pill abeg.
Myopic u, Lupita covers up more than ur Dencia. Inferiority forced her to go n make research about d source of d letter. SMH......... bleached fowl
Dencia d attention seeker shut d fuck up....u gat nothing on Lupita...Olodo Dencia leave Lupita alone...bleaching is bad...d world knows Lupita and she has won oscars and pls who are u again?
People are here dissing Dencia forgeting about the bigger picture. Lupita is from Kenya right? Which country in Africa is most hated by other African countries?? Its Nigeria! Lupita doesn't know Dencia aint a full Nigerian shez more popular in Nigeria, don't you guys know shez indirectly saying Nigerian female artist and actress aint got no brains what the do its just bleach their skin?? Is this not the same Lupita on mtv BASE suga?? Now if omotola, Genny, Rita & Co go for an audition in hollywood don't you guys think Dencia won't come up during the audition?? Lupita is indirectly calling nollywood talentless industry.....you will say am being myopic but then sit down and LOOK at the bigger picture. This will affect our actresses internationally maybe am just thinking outside the box as usual
Oh please, this hoe needs to rub that her bleaching cream and completely vanish. What's her own self. B*tch go away please. You're still looking for cheap publicity. Please Lupita shouldn't even try and address this ratchett, washed up attention seeker. She's just continuing to make herself look stupid. As I've said before, she needs to go keep selling her bleaching cream to the many gorillas (or is it baboons) in that her country. Biko, go suck on an ice cube or something. You're boring us! Mchewww
Please, what a stupid argument you posted there. So unintelligent and dense. Like Lupita gives a f*ck about Dencia when she's wining and dining with the likes of Oprah. F*ck outta here with that stupidity.
Who is Dencia again? Leave Lupita alone!!
Dencia is still miss the point.............lack of understanding is a sickness
Abeg joor, i am tired of all the hype about this lupita babe, i watched the movie and any other actress could have done what she did, people should give it a rest.....Yeezus
Lupita didn't pick on Dencia for no reason, she mentioned the name from the letter she received. Dencia should get over it, Lupita isn't doing any wrong by asking ladies not to bleach their skin. Men like light skinned ladies, fine, but don't you also know men do not like the ones with bleached skin? Dencia looked more beautiful with the colour of her former skin, i wonder what makes ladies choose to bleach their skin, it's pathetic. Lastly, you do not know Lupita? oh wow, one of the new prides of Africa and you do not know her? Well, whether you know her or not, it really DOESN'T MATTER. *drops mic*
Anon 12:29, I'm from Kenya but your reasoning, really?? This is between Lupita and Dencia rather about Dencia. You are putting words in Lupita's mouth and I think you are generalizing. Between I watch nollywood from morning to evening and there is absolutely no reason for you to drag other Nigerian artists that are so loved around African into this. Dencia is just a cow!
The diff btw her face and feet in dat pics..whitenicious didn't reach dat part.fanta face coke leg
She wants rihanna to reply??? Seriously? Even the lupita ghan sef hasn't. Let it go. Plus stop trying so hard to tell us you are 25 cos am dead sure you don't believe yourself when you say it
Where are you from? Rihanna is mixed race. Black and Irish. Google is your friend. She just got out of the sunny Barbados island during pon de replay era. Till date, whenever she visit Barbados and get back to LA she's darker in complexion and her complexion is lighter when she's in Europe because LA is sunny too but you can't compare with the carribean sun...
Still on this old mata?abeg drop am joor...funny writeup..lol.
Lol... Rihanna na half caste ode...
haha see gobe anyways i neva hated lupita i liked her courage but calling denicia's name at her presentation was very wrong and uncalled for i like denicia she aint giving any damn thing #teamdenicia-rocks ppl shud leave denicia alone if u are obsessed about being black or fair or white then u have a very big problem, black,white,fair, and brown are all beautiful it depends on the way u see ur self
You people need to read between the lines. In Lupita's speech; she didn't say her colour made her more successful. She's simply reaching out to other young girls like Dencia some years back, who feel the need to bleach their skin. it's simple, and y r women the only ones who feel the need to bleach their skin? Men, if u like light skin so much, y don't you also bleach your skin? Some ladies will bleach and start having multi-colour skin before they even turn fourty? You must be retarded if you think you need to be light skin to be beautiful. Genevieve is dark, Kate Henshaw is dark, Agbani Darego is dark, Tyra Banks.....do i keep mentioning??? Nobody should make you feel less than you already are, Light skin girls are beautiful no doubt, but dark skin girls are also beautiful. If you're bleaching your skin because your man likes light skin, dump the dude cus he wnt b dere wen ur skin be looking like a rainbow nd cheating on ya!
i dislike Dencia.....
Your comment doesn't make sense, are you sleep walking? Smh
She has won an oscar not oscars.. Olodo u mah who are you? Sha am black buh i gotta say girls with bkack skin r the most insecure people, they just assume that everyone that is light bleaches am glad am not that dumb!
She is seeking cheap popularity,
@"Texting and driving is fun" ... Yea its fun for you... But not for your loved ones as they watch your lifeless body at the morgue! Think Olodo like you;
My dear u said it all. Never knew the kind dencia till now, she really need to go back to uni and maybe study english language... couldnt comprehend the shit she was saying! Dencia pls stop famzyn with lupita's name... its like a local govt chairman in naija using obama's name to say shits...its v laughable! A word is enof for a bleacher!
*pause* Who is Dencia? Very soon she'll start attacking Rihanna, nd probably Beyonce and all the others.
Hahahaha.. easy! Pls dont murder the poor bleacher!
Even if she made it up, should you be making bleaching cream?
Stupid comment
Love you plenty homo
Why you all taking beach as big deal. Lupita looked for trouble ok
The only sensible comment so far
Shut up! You people worship lupita! Wat has she given u goat? Lupita dis lupita dat! If. Dencia bleach na ur body she u? Oloshi y dont u tell lupita 2 employ? May God punish u! Idiot!
And you are bleaching your face too. Ewu
U just need to take some rat poison... lupita doesn't know u exist so y u hating? Smh!
Lmao...omg really
Nawa 4 u dencia sha oh...wen lupita talked abt colour n bleaching,did she specifically call whitenicious?confused*
Miss Jade said...
Its hilarious knowing how pained Dencia is! Damn!
Bow down bitch, u ar still getting it wrong and pls dont drag riri into ur sorry ass mess!
Somebody give Dencia a seat, she is just talking jazz! Whether there is a letter or not, bleaching is unAfrican lady, stop promoting it, especially in these times when we are fast losing our identity.
How you take know
The dumbest person ever since Lib started.
Your comment is giving me life! The most sensible comment I've read here.
Dencia is missing the big picture. Letter or no letter, what she is doing and promoting is pitiful. Encouraging people to hate their skin tone just because she hates her. A self-evaluation needs to be done on her part.
Rihanna is definitely a bleacher
Chaiiiii!ikwi ikwii,lmao!a good replica she is.wow!perfect description
This desease abi na dencia is a big time fool sha. Even at 31 Lupita look more younger than her.
See Dencia's skin like that of all these Yaba/Oyingbo- i no go carry last MAMA skin, wey don bleach the life span of their ground children finish.
Her skin is too old to be that of a 25yr lady o jare
Dencia go get a life or suck on a lemon! Lupita is done with this you still nagging about it! Move on! ha!
Dencia you really need to grow up
And if you are really just 25 then your skin damage is only just beginning. There's no telling what it ll look like 10 or twenty years down the line after using this your whitenicious.
You shouldn't be selling something that hasn't been researched.
Lupita is way way out of your league.......Lunching with Oprah and things.
There is a way that seems right to a man........
I think the bleach has gone to this lady's head.
Point of correction Dencia! Lupita never said she was fighting any course.
Then we don't care whether there was a letter or not, even pastors make up stories to drive home their points.
I know you so much want to be known and written about, don't try to achieve that by clinging to this little drama.
Yes but u ll like to have lupita as ur wife not dencia.
Why is there so much hatred on Dencia? what did she ever do wrong to you? people are even wishing her death. there's no difference between you guys and ALUU 4 mobs, the Ejigbo women torturers and the boko haramist. SHAME ON YOU GUYS.
Anon 11.08am i'm very sure u're one very bleached dirty girl,Dencia's sister.Badoo of ajegunle pls shut dat dirty hole u call a mouth
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