do many Nigerian leaders ‘change’ once in office? Will the present
generation of Nigerians do any better than its predecessors? Was Occupy
Nigeria indeed a failure? Do we need a ‘Nigerian Dream’? Is ‘One
Nigeria’ really worth it? These are some of the difficult questions
raised in this thought provoking collection of essays on the paradox
that is Nigeria.
The book hits stores from May 2014.
Ooops this is a must read! The content sound scintillating
Kudos to Mr chude, nice one
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Looks like the book will be interesting...
Fab writer,will read
operating officer for Kachifo, the company publishing the man??
omg!lecturer mistakenly left camera on while having s*x with female student leaks&xposed
Why is it that libers always insult and rain abuses on ur fellow human being,linda is making her cool moni and u guys are busy arguing and fighting over wrong comments or blonder and even going to d extent of raining curses on ppl's parents which is so very wrong,evry1 has rite to say whatever pleases dem whc is nobody's bizness.drop ur comments and stop judging others so u won't b judge.linda u need to look into dis,not all comments shud b published mbok..
Nice attempt, sir, but the beautiful ones are not yet born.
This is one of not so many Nigerian youth that I know is not misguided, most of the rest are totally misguided, sleepy, go frenzy with anything entertainment and are celeb freaks, are not socially conscious, jobless and dont have a tiny clue what the future holds for them, please y'all better wake up to start constructive talk on how to come together to fight for your future coz dis old bastards are not ready to release it cheaply to you, enough of just roaming the streets jobless and going to places ure not sure of, WAKE UP, our gullible nature was fully demonstrated at the different stadia during the NIS employment scam test, the youths were exthorted,slapped, beaten,gated, pushed, kicked, left in the sun to dry, embarrased, disgraced and shown to the whole world to see on t.v and then some were also killed, why? Bcos of some scammers in government that wanted to make cool money...just how much more can nigerian youth take
Linda out of Nigeria hw can we get it?
I mean we that re nt in 9ja...
Please it should be on amazon before the day of release... because now I have extra cash to pay up front.
Proud to be an ex-may....*singing...chude chude chude chude chude...sure some ex-mays know d campaign song
I don hear. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Great cover ... And yes we the turning point generation Amen *Nkey*
Its gonna be interesting
Books doesnt interest me again untill is been acted like a movie... But niceone man....
Nice. Very nice.
A̅m waiting.
Kudos to Chude.... We worked in the same company during our NYSC days... He learnt a lot from Corp. Affairs... Correct man Chude....
Lousy u!terrible grammar n spellings.ughhh
Oh can't wait,we are indeed the turning point Generation.
I'm a year older than Chude, yet I call him mentor. One of my most loved and most respected nigerian youth. I'm proud of u friend. Hehe.. U'all aint seen any yet. This is just the beginning. Watch Out! 'Evergreen.
Nonsense gay guy, banged me at bolingo in abuja and didnt pay
This looks like a book to read. Would love to review this on www.bukrepublik.com when it is out
Novel Story woww
I love
I love
I love
I love
kudos ...
Nigerian youths, we need to wakeup!
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