Daily Mail reports that the British-born men began shouting 'Allahu Akbar' and 'You (Britain) and America will never be safe' during their sentencing at the court in Central London today. They were bundled out of the courtroom by several security guards following their violent outburst and the judge was forced to sentence them in their absence.
The men were bundled out of the court room...
Dey shud av sentenced dem to death
Good riddance! Dunno why Brits don't have the death sentence
May God bless the judge that passed this sentence
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Good for them
What a waste... Mschwww
Chai! who did this to these boys?who brain washed them ah!
They should have died by hanging. Stupid Muslim people. Hell will never be far from them.
They're lucky they didn't commit that offense in a country that goes on with the death penalty
They got what they deserve...... See the second one face like a completely madman........ Dope sentence by the judge..
Ugh, c dia heads sef
Brain washed fools, muslims n their evil mind, may de rot in jail
***CURRENTLY IN JUPITER***May there soul rest in perfect pieces...... and may the soul of the man they killed R.I.P.... Amen.....
They're lucky they didn't commit that offense in a country that goes on with the death penalty
Allahu akbar indeed... Na allah send una mk una kill person?
Wow! But what they did was really heartless.
Nice one they deserve to be jailed #bright bravo#
they should just kill them! why waste hard earned tax payers money to keep these two beast alive
Justice has been served, COLD. Naija justice system take note.
evil begat evil
ok, no comment. Next pls
The Animals shouldn't have been allowed to live!!! ......this is one of the failings of the Western Judiciary system........Life imprisonment should be reserved for those who have realized the errors of their ways and are TRULY REPENTANT!!!!!!!
These fools should have been shot to death....let them move on to Aljannah Firdaus!...... That's why i love Naija.....An eye for an eye!(in this case i support that) ....the banker guy who killed his wife and was sentenced to death is someone who should have been given life imprisonment......but then Different strokes for different folks.....
The fools were looking for an easy escape to a heaven with 77 virgins and a sea of sweet wine....dem go dey vex say dem still dey earth sef!
#Delusion of life#
ON 2 The Next!
Haaaa y that nah? Thank God they already gave them their sentence.....
Una don chop??
They should have fried them! They do not deserve to breathe the same air as us.
Yoruba people re turning in2 something else,if dem knw stab der wife dem go kill people,useless people na wa o
Is it just me or does the first guy look like Emeka Enyiocha?
It is well.
Serves them right
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
YaaaaaaaaaaaaY! Nice one.
Good ruling..
Serves him rite mtchew next!
It is well
It is well.
It is well.
Later some people would say religion of peace! Aniwhere u find tis people u find violence an mahem! The shld have killed this boys brutally
I dint expect less, but trust me dat boy will bé happy dat he is suffering for 'his creator' dats if he dsnt even commit suicide in jail.
Giving us Nigerians a bad name.dont see any religion in this but two illiterates that allowed themselves to be manipulated.
'Ndi ara'. Madmen!!
I trust my naija police men...them go carry dem go kill one nite..come back say "dey died of untraceable sources" oyinbo police una get time o..abby
Bastard fanatics spoiln' 9ja image abroad. C how they ended dia future , disappointed dia families. They shld ve bn condemd 2 death by lethal injecton or hanging, remorseless criiminals!
Both are Named Michael and they r shouting Allahu Akbar! Insanity meets confusion!
Dats good for them disgraceful children! Spits!
Serves them rite , animals in human form,bunch of brainwashed lunatics whom just killed a soul violating d sanctity of human as written in d holy quran ,I pray they get raped in jail till their anuses starts dripping of poo
Bastards! Wish dey were sentenced 2 death by hanging.
And thus ends their life's journey... still wonder what pushed them to hack someone to death in public n broad daylight.... God have mercy on us all
Animals!!!!! D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ could hv sentenced dem Ï„̅o death sef....beasts in human form
These men are not normal in the head!!! Gosh! It's not everyone that you see on the streets that is normal ooo. See d guy in d 2nd pic looking like an ape.
Killing all in the name of religion. Though Britain and America have also committed lots of covert and overt atrocities over the years, its no justification to kill an innocent man.
Let's be realistic here plzzz, They r both named micheal nd they were shouting 'Allahu Akbar' ??? ... Is dat supposed 2 b a last minute repentance or they r tryin 2 mess wv our heads nd cause religious crisis? Letz open our eyes plz.
That's good news.
Useless Men!did the Quran say murder?I don't undastnd its high time Muslim Leaders begin to Preach about Peace cos al ds killings is soo wrong it doesn't justify anytin!sme pple jst took a portion of a passage used it to brainwash dem even d educated ones it amazes me d way dey reason @times!I condemn any religion dt preaches abt Killing be it Muslim or Christian or Hindu or wateva religion u claim!
See their faces. They should just bundle them and drop them in the middle of the atlantic ocean let the allah they're fighting for come and safe them. Idiots!
See their ugly faces. Stupid pple. You will have to wait much longer before you go and meet ur 72 virgins. See the mouth wey them dey use shout allah akhbomb.
I wonder wot kind of spirit lives in dis guys. Thank God for d speedy judgdement.
May their souls RIP
This should serve as a note of warning to potential terrorists.
C hw cute gz. Jst wasted their lyf....wel I dnt blame u poor pple..jst do anytin ur tld to do as long as it pays
Ndi ara....go and rot in jail
Serves them rite, mtchew next pls....
I thought they would be sentenced to death...hissss
It serves dem right.
Linda dis one wey U̶̲̥̅̊ come D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ use cartoon animation as pix S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ hmmmmmm
Good for them and this should serve has lesson to others
Good for them and this should serve has lesson for other
Why d sketch?no real pics?or dey r scared their people will come after the policemen who bundled dem tru pics recognition?
dem neva start dier jail term bearbear don scater dier face if dem cum start nko mhewwwwww #THAT AKWA IBOM BOY
What a heinous crime,their must be a boko harm blood mix up
shouting 'Allahu Akbar' and 'You (Britain) and America
will never be safe' I.e God is Great ? What does the greatness of God have to do with Murder
Dis boys don't knw wat dey ar doin.
He who kill by the sword......
People are here dying to be in UK and some people are there misbehaving I pity there parents..
Good 4 dem,bastard children ..
The sketch is funny though. sentence well served
This serves them better.
I see wolverine.....hmm!
Ofe mmanu ppl una dey cause wahala oh lol
Bloody vile cowards.. They will rot in jail, crazy religion that has brainwashed and damaged these two young men should be called into question.
This is how justice will show face to all this boko haram animal too,they are heartless. Killing innocent children abduting young girls all in the name of Allah #MTEEW# GOD is watching o.pls linda post my comment
Look at their scary faces.
They should be locked up where they can never see a human face ever again
Am very happy
Jail is even too small
Hmmmmm,I dnt even knw wht to say,devil pplem
Which RIP?! They will burn in the everlasting pit of hell!! May their souls know NO PEACE!!!
Gud for dem
I don't need d judge to tell me anything looking at dis guys faces u sure do kn they are killers, bastards
This people will just goan brain wash more people in d prison nah...maybe that's part of their plan too...only God knows!
They shud have just killed dem jeje or make dem put mercy killing sef
Hahahahaha animalistic biafran ?
What a stupid question ! Which world are you from ?
Hahahahahahaha @ Allah akhbomb lol
Honestly, what is life imprisonment? When u kill, u shld be killed too, mtchewww.
@insanity meets confusion, it's not a funny situation, but I lmao @ds comment.
I can't remember michael being an islamic name.let the whole world keep perpetuating evil in the name of islam.islam has being perfected by Allah and nothing on earth can tarnish its image. I won't be suprise the so called bokoharam aren't muslim and am very sure they are not.
4ni em....
My thoughts exactly
Good. See their ugly faces, dry ugly dirty lips. Mshew
Wow, this is serious.
why does the first guy look so much like our Emeka Enyiocha. I hope no be ur runaway brother o. ###silly me####
No rope for that side? Eeeey which kind life imprisonment? This is supposed to be death imprisonment if there's anything like that.. Useless ppl!
Blood clatt, all you can say here is that this is a yoruba problem, okies, we dont use our mothers and wives for money rituals like you igbo's
This is how justice will show face 2 all this boko haram animal too,that they ve the gut to be killing innocent children,abducting our. Young girls all dis in the of Allah is dis same Allah dat will judge you wicked animals
Freaking hell? Warped judiciary system. You slit an innocent man's throat and get life imprisonment? Just life? I think they should be bathed in acid and petrol and then set on fire
Immediate hanging would have been better, life imprisonment na long story (born again child says so)
Where was this same widespread condemnation for Arowolo who gutted his wife so gruesomely he makes these two look like learners? I guess it's easy to coddle and pity the homegrown and only judge harshly when the killers are living far and away. #doublestandardmuch?
At least two of d fools are gone to hell. Next..
Why should we? In the bible it says you shouldn't kill, so killing someone coz dey killed someone else..is going against the bible and we are a christian country
You're such a fool anonymous 9:51pm! U igbos re d worst in killing beings, dnt u stil ave a community in ur useless igbo land dat stil kill visitors for supper! May thunder fire dat ur stupid useless mouth! Animal
And may God forgive u
Ada obi n chinny baby u guys nid to understnd British criminal system na. Na sketch tins
Stupid u, aje okuta mamumi! Ode, dey dere dey say ofe mmanu! See as he be like hiv patient! Mtchew! Some of u igbos think like idiots!
BEASTS! I pray an inmate stabs the two of you to death in prison.
Ndi yorubaa oo.
biko we are tired of ur killings
Abioooo, it should hv been death.
Yay!gay will multiply.ama fk his ass. Gay rocks
Religion of Peace indeed, while all over the world they cause violence.
Yea! Am gay
first of all,im a muslim n yoruba.ds guyz didnt represent us well @ all.as 4 d judgement,it serves dem wright.if it were 2 b in anoda clime,na death straight...so all u mumu folowas who r bn indoctrinated anyhow,bware...n af a retink coz God judgement is bigger dan ds.
Lastly,i suport d judgement 101%
Heavily brain-washed and indoctrinated bastards...Religion of pieces. .
See their faces. Clueless brainwashed fools. Victims of Islamic twisted lies. Oloshi. They should be on death row. They got lucky.
Na so una come take waste una yeye life abi? Hear this: the 77 virgins don finish, no need to dey worry una selves again oooo! Make una get sense!!!!
God abeg o!!
na hang d judge for hang dis two idiot, dey are lucky am not d judge
i don't get why you guys don't think before you comment. Am a Muslim and a proud one, i wasn't brought up to kill and didn't read it in the Quran. i was taught to believe it a sin to kill your fellow human being. media go around spreading rumors about killings because of 77 virgin shit and all u guys can say is rubbish about my religion. do you even know this guys mind, who knows if they do all dis killing shit to spoil my religion. y'all need to get you fact straight and stop including innocent people on what they no nothing about.
i don't get why you guys don't think before you comment. Am a Muslim and a proud one, i wasn't brought up to kill and didn't read it in the Quran. i was taught to believe it a sin to kill your fellow human being. media go around spreading rumors about killings because of 77 virgin shit and all u guys can say is rubbish about my religion. do you even know this guys mind, who knows if they do all dis killing shit to spoil my religion. y'all need to get you fact straight and stop including innocent people on what they no nothing about.
Muhammad was a warrior nah..so what do u expect of his followers? Hmm wuna no see as evry of islam land na so-so trouble-trouble?evry 1 wants his own share of virgins wt big eye n slave girls of muhammad in paradise lol.
ANIMALS.... There families must be so ashamed
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