Rajee Narinesingh, 46, was born a man. He decided he wanted a different life and identity and turned himself to a woman. He didn't like what he looked like as a woman and decided to have plastic surgery done. She didn't have enough money to go to 'dem Beverly Hills 90210 doctors and decided to do what she could afford. The black market plastic surgeon she paid to do the surgery injected 'cement' like filler into her cheeks, lips, breasts and
buttocks leaving her face looking
deformed. Lol. God forgive me for laughing but it's too funny.
The fake doctor who carried out the operation, Oneal Ron Morris, 32, was jailed for a year in January 2014, nine years after she carried out the surgery, after admitting one count of practicing healthcare without a licence.
Thankfully for Rajee, after her predicament was made public, a doctor offered to fix her face. Continue..
Fake surgeon, Oneal Ron Morris, who is also transgender, seen above at her trial.
Rajee says she's ready to date again after the botched surgery was fixed.
"For years I was too ashamed and embarrassed to face dating.Now I'm feeling more confident and with a good bit of makeup I can achieve somewhat of an exotic look. Recently this guy said that being with me is like being with a sexy dragon. I didn't know whether to slap him or kiss him." She said
Rajee is given monthly softening injections and laser therapy by doctors at Cosmetic Reconstructive Surgery in Miami and this has helped reduce the size of the bulge on her face.
Rajee explained why she did the surgery back in 2005.

"The last thing I wanted was to look like a man in a dress. I wanted to be a beautiful woman. If you really want to live your authentic self as a woman you need to do some sort of face and body reconstruction. So I made the choice to get injections done. In our community it is called 'pumping'."
"When it finally came to the day, I was more excited than nervous
because I was finally going to be the woman I had always wanted to be. There was a room that she had set up where she did a lot of medical procedures. It appeared to be pretty sterile. It was like an extra bedroom that
she had turned into a clinical area and I would go in and pay the money.
"I got injections in my face and my hips and my buttocks and initially I was fine. But then the nightmare started. It first felt like a huge boil on the side of my face and then it kept getting bigger and bigger as the day went along.
"It got really painful and then suddenly green pus exploded out of my
face and onto the mirror. It was green and yellow and mixed with blood.
It was terrible. Sometimes I wake up in bed in the middle of the night and I ask myself: 'What have you done?'
"My message to anyone that would consider doing what I did is don't
do it. Do not do it. You could die or you could end up like me:
spent years in solitude suffering from post-traumatic stress, depression
and agoraphobia until two years ago when her predicament was made public and a plastic surgeon offered to help her for free.

Hehehehehehehe I laughed till I swallowed toothpick.
She looks like one Idoma masquerade.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
hahahahahahahaha Who be FOOL?
Lmao...forgive me but dis is really weird,of all things cement...kai! Oyibo people harsh sha
Ozu di ndu. Tufiakwagi
Plastic surgery gone bad.
OMGosh!!! What a heck was that??
~~ Emy Brass ~~
i laff well well. wats this for goodness sake.
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Nonsense, mtchewww.
Dis one na psycho, money miss road
HotNaija Gossips
Dis man, may d LORD forgive u.for wat u have done.
She looks disgusting,but why would a man alter his looks ? D shit still beats me.her life tho
Lord have mercy!!!
Eeeeewwwww......so disgusting. That's wat happens wen ur not contented with what u hv...... AruEfEn
Excuse me? This is totally appalling and to be frank these Westerners are turning this world into something else! Christ!
Wat the hell???!!!! Still ugly...can't see the difference tho...too ugly
Lord have mercy!
Wonders will never end from fake lawyer to fake surgeon, soon we will see fake human being also
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This is what happens when you try to 'fix' what God gave you. Lol
I NO FIT TALK.........HM!
Who are u advising?no talk to ur self foolish man-woman.
suddenly green pus exploded out of my face and onto the mirror. It was green and yellow and mixed with blood.
pic/video:benin couple recorded a se'xtape of them doing it and watching edo movie
Surgery gone bad
Hmmm speechless!!!
Abeg linda show me where I fit get dis done,I wan tranform 2 man I don't like my self bieng a woman hahaha lol.cosmos.
Hahahahahahahahahahah,I just can't stop laughing @this. Linda dear why can't these people be ok with the way God created them huh??? I just don't get it. Sorry to say this but I think it severs her right, tho may God forgive me took. Lol.!!!
Y are we not satisfy with d way God created us
Very,very,very,very ugly,disgusting,dirty,irritating woman or man,TUFIAKWA
Hehehehehe!so she thinks she looks less of a man now abi?dem nr do her booby well too o.she forgot to tell us that.but we can see clearly!
God!!! Can't believe Pple like this still leave... Na wa oo
It was all in vain. God sure has a sense of humour.
She should go n die,she's already a living corpse
Na God catch u,wat on heaven's sake will make u change ur gender.she looks xo 'absurd'.XTY
A word is enuf for d wise!!!! Bt wait oo d surgeon wants to kill her partner in crime abi? Lol
Wtf! I almost threw up wat I was eating! The length people go to do som crazy stuffs ehn! Hian!
Who's she tryna impress by doing a plastic surgery?. That is what you get by tryna tell God he didn't create you well the way you wanted. #Godknowsbest.
~~ Emy Brass ~~
The face is not something to play with. Im happy for her, and hope she finds love
Well thank God, she realised her mistake, & wish she hadn't go for that. Be warned people.!
Looooooooooooooool. he'll pumping enter grave. So he never no anything
Wetin person no go see n hear for dis world, if u c one kind trouble eh, u go jst call ur self saint. Hmmm! Things u read dis days re so scary.
Nawa. O
Na waoo, no be small tin..linlin,make. She u post up a pic for us when he gets a new face.
May God help us
You think God is stupid.. Mumu
God catch you.
Well, I don't pity it, becauSe God knew what he did when he made it a man. Now it haS ruined it's own body.
Linda I ve watched dis lady back then in 2013 on trisha's Show dat is if u know what I mean
Lmao. He/she looks horrible. So he was born a man and wanted to transform to a woman? Well serves him right. I don't feel sorry for anyone who go under the knife to change their body form for what ever reason however I'm proud of her message to those planning to do plastic surgery. Don't do it
She looks like umunoha masquerade.
~D great anonymous!
If na this one be the only date for this world, I go forget date and look up to weeks, lol
Wat kind of doctor is this,he wanted 2 do a remix of the Festac head ni she's lucky it wasn't Dangote's cement dat dry instantly hmm this woman would have been a statue by now.
Hahahahahahahahaha. Beauty at its peak!
Hmmmmmm wonders shall never cease to end in this world..first it was the dimple ish and now this........olo maje oooo
You have not seen anything..you are lucky u r stil breathing!.
Hmmmmm! Dis world is really coming to an end. May God have mercy on her or him.
Hahahhhhaaahahahhahaha, wonders shall never end. This is wht i call total madness.
God help us!
Just too disgusting!
I felt for his and her when I saw her on Trisha Show.
Hahahahahahaha!!! Na God want punish this one. Lol.
Hehehehehe she/ he has really suffered, that's what you get for trying to change the way God created you,posing with stone boobs can't stop laffing IGNORAMOUS
Jeez mhen, she's Amoebic
LmaO lord hav mercy it serves him right no b only cement stupid oyibo pple awys nt contended plactic surgery 4 all parts of una body ugly akpu nti.
Na wa o. Nothing person no go see or hear for this world. Thank God for her life abi na he I go say? Mvheweeeedsssssssd. Rubbish.
Hot mess. What is wrong with these people?
Na wa sha Metchew use hand destroy wentin. GOD create by himsef
Dis oyinbo pple sev...so many ways to exhibit madness
That's what U get wen U say God made a mistake! Ewu india!
Ladies, always in search of "what can I do my face"... Serves them right.
Awww....Proud to be a woman, so so proud! Thank God Æ”☺u survived it so happy for yah!
Good for her,she looks lik monster.
Noted! Now u know.
Dis lady/man looks rilly disgusting.........I must commend d fake surgeon 4 dealin wit him
Hmmmmmoooooo oke ochicho buh thank God for her life
Mad person, cnt stp laffn, dat fake doc bad o, cement......stil laffn
Chai,mgbokwu akpaku,even the masquerade in my village fine pass am.
Omg I feel sorry for her.is always good to do research before getting this kind of work done
Linda no be only u dey laugh infact i dey laugh skelewu laugh now. Eni to ba tin wa ifa, lo ma ri ofun, see as she be like wht i knw ..... Cnt stop laughing, she look retard...
This goes out especially to the ladies who like to do surgery for the hips, breast e.t.c that's what you get beware #bright bravo#
Ok nah oya wey them dey God in his infinite mercy created you a man but because you know more than you said I could have been a woman this is what any one that mocks God's creation gets. Cement face. Ada Agulu said so. Kpam.
God...things they happen o
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Lindodo, abeg laugh, this one no be sin. He/she was trying to change the way God created him/her. And for those of you contemplating plastic surgery, you heard from the horses mouth; "do not do it". We are all beautifully and wonderfully made with the image of God!
It is gud for her.lol God have mercy
Na real wah.....thank God they helped u sha!!!!!
O God help us.
God is merciful....slow to anger,because he would have eradicated all this transgender people,what will they tell God on the day of judgement. O game o
All is vanity. As for that quack doctor eh (Lemme reserve my comment)
God forbid.. Chai
@ least, it wasn't a lady that did this one.
serves her right in ABA plastic surgeon dey...nonsense
I doubt its cement. Coz if it were,dat face for don chop die! Newaiz dis new look she has still looks awful. Lmao @" u look like a sexy dragon"
And to think (s)he is actually of Indian descent. And they are almost always fine. This #LBGT movement has gone far sha oo.
She looks like new yam festival with plenty brest* person nvr die but don buried her self*
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehheheeh.... I laff in spanish... WTH is this???
she looks like jigsaw from the SAW movie
Hehehe...U'r right Bonario. And I'm sure u'r d person that always wear d masquerade mask in d village......
Hahahaha...Abasi Mbok, iyammi. Nsutoh ndisime ado'm?
U well.....roflmao
I laugh till my eyeballs drop inside the socket! What d hell is dz? Excuse me, but u shld be called 'uglishia'
Eesah 26E90A24
good for u. she shoulda given u a tail. u got wht u deserve
I nor understand this white people o,Wetin go make me wan turn my self to woman?I dey crase?How I go just sit down say I wan start to dey menstruate,start to dey carry load for chest,come go cut off my rod say na hole I wan put for there.God forbid.
Dnt knw y everyone is judging..and u dnt look like anything? Stop the hate
Hahahahahahaha....This is so funny, she looks fucking disgusting abeg, Eeewwwww! And why don't I feel sorry for these two clowns? Smh
What will you tell God on the day of judgement ? Think about your own sins. Stop feeling holier than people because of their lifestyle.
Infact am speechless,c wat he turned himself to.
it's Godz way of punishing him....but who am i to jugde?
Lol,that's a good one
trouble dey sleep inyanga go wake am up. she deserve what she got mehn!
@ bona hmmm
Our Lord is a merciful Father because sometimes our actions are so insulting to him. We rub it on His face even
Bona you dey craze o. Too funny.
I laugh in past tense.×××××××××××kai
You re truly sick to have said that. The nuts in ur head needs hammering.
Na wa Ooooo but some are crazy sha.
LAMFFAO abeg. Hobiiii
Hahahah @peperina u funny ooooh.
Ha cement???!!! Ha! So the way God created him is not good enough??? Hmm.
Laugh Don Tear My Bone 4 Here...Lord Have Mercy...Forgive us all 4 we knw not wt we're doing
Dis is a lesson 4 dose one who always run 2 plastic surgery, he/she died be 4 he/she dead, 4 all dose people who always run 2 plastic surgery, I sorry 4 u shall
Dis is a lesson 4 dose one who always run 2 plastic surgery, he/she died be 4 he/she dead, 4 all dose people who always run 2 plastic surgery, I sorry 4 u shall
That is eh,she'll forever regret this and abeg these female transgenders dey see period?
Bona i thought u like babes like this?
Thank God she is receiving treatment,this shld serve as a deterrent 2odas..... if u don't appreciate urslf no one else wl!
Oluwa ooooooo,hanhan,kilode,afi bi ebora!!!!
This is no longer Botox, this is Blocktox.
I just shake my head
Cant even finish reading it cus its annoying. Trouble de sleep yanga go wake ham. Rubbish
All this transgenders are deeply possesed people I swear down! Look at what the other one did to this one in the name of surgery.. Fear God o!
dear linda ikeji...
Pls am val less..can u bring up a forum for single to hook up
haaaahaaaaaaheeeeheeeehooooohooo. #Ochi_atogbuom.
You wanted 'pumping' and got one. Isn't al the swollen parts an evidence of good 'pumping?
Na wa oooo. Endtime indeed.
Never get into a fight with Super Hero Concreta
Just imagine this thing standing in your front nekad and with a long dick!
Hahhhahahah, I don laugh eject myself wit cement, see breast lik bag of Cement.next time wen u hear surgery in ur afterlive,u go tear Race
LORD HAVE MERCY!!!I saw her on Trisha show i didn' think it was so bad. JESUS
i cld never understand why some humans do dis and come out worse dan they were?do we never learn?has there ever been anybody who dis dat dint come to regret it over time?so we wld never learn from eachother even if its for d best?humans like personal experiences even if it wld run u down...issokay...issolight...na there we dey
Na wao!!!
they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder..... i cant say for this one even when am upside down..... lol.... dis one no be adanma masqurade na "adanjoro njo " masqurade...no offence though
Hahahahaha this is too funny
Sexy Dragon indeed hahahhahahhaha
God can have his way of dealing with we people sha...made him a guy, he wanna be a girl...well, a wogly girl he is tho
big fool
ojuju calabar.....mmanwu adamma is even much prettier....nansense
Lolzz.. Tnk God she z fine nw
Dis is funny.... Medicine after death. Lol
dis plastic surgery has now become an epidermic in d western world n rather dan try to eradicate or asleast control it as shud be done wen such occurs dey are advertising it. Dis is d heights of Moral decadence
This serves him I mean her right. People don't respect God. No one can make a single hair. Its high time we will acknowledge God ad the creator of all things naturally made
This serves him I mean her right. People don't respect God. No one can make a single hair. Its high time we will acknowledge God ad the creator of all things naturally made
That's what happens when you are not satisfied with God's creativity
you ol see y you should be contented the way you are ba....choi but dt fake doctor is wicked mehnnnn...*coughs*
heehehehe, shebi he wanted to be a woman, dat serves him right
Ok we don see all the before pictures, biko where is the after pics nah??? shebi dey don fix he/she face, so where is the picture with the new face nah??
Onpe!!!!!! But God forgive me
She still looks like a man sef
looks like Miss Piggy in Muppet babies.
Laugh wan finish me 4 this man/woman matter. See body ehhhhh
See the full picture !!!!! Nothing remain again. It's over. What??????? Is that a breast? What kind of pose is that?
This kin post comments dey even interest me pass the story. He he he. Unu welldone
Them two,plus doctor,plus patient be like twins............sef see the doctor jaw,bet h/she was injecting same cement......
one bag of cement for each boobs
I will use her face to design a masquerade in my villa...God don punisham
Exactly i am sure that "It was green and yellow and mixed with blood".
Plastic surgery brochures and business cards
Thanks for sharing...
Exactly i am sure that "It was green and yellow and mixed with blood".
Plastic surgery brochures and business cards
Thanks for sharing...
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