I’m writing to condemn the recent anti-gay bill signed into law by our President Jonathan Goodluck. This law – which contains penalties of up to 14 years in prison for anyone in a same-sex marriage or civil union, 10 years for anyone who attends a same-sex wedding, 10 years for anyone involved with an LGBT organization, and even 10 years for anyone who shows affection for someone of the same sex – should be cast out. Since the law was passed, police across Nigeria have begun arresting and torturing dozens of our fellow citizens suspected of being gay. Don’t forget that in some of our states, if you are found guilty of being gay, you could be stoned to death.
First of all, this law was unnecessary. There is not space in the existing constitution for gay marriage. Our constitution is very definitive of marriage as a union between man and woman. I see the signing in of this law for what it was: a cheap shot by an under-achieving government to discriminate against people because they are different.
The president of Nigeria has a PhD, so he should understand better than most the implications of the law. Even if he couldn’t stop the senate from passing the bill, he had the power to delay signing it as a way of protecting the gay community. The President has had the Petroleum Industry Bill in front of him for years, and he and our senators have stalled on the bill calling for harsher punishment for corruption. Meanwhile, Nigeria’s senate has just sanctioned pedophilia in our constitution (girls that are as young as 9 years old can continue to be married in if they are “physically developed enough” according to their parents or prospective husbands) – so this the ban on homosexuality can hardly be a so-called “moral” issue. This is simply a move for cheap political points. Meanwhile, people’s lives hang in the balance.
Today I am writing this not as a fight for “gay rights”, I am fighting for all rights. People should be allowed to express themselves freely and this includes their sexuality. I believe all gay people should come out and organize openly. I expect that society should allow them live their lives as they please.
It’s not a cultural thing – it’s a sexual thing. I have even heard people say it’s Western culture imposed on us and if the West doesn’t recognize polygamy we should not accept homosexuality. This is the kind of scary ignorance that this kind of law will foster. (I can say for a fact that the constitution of Nigeria does not recognize polygamy. We have customary laws that are non-binding, but our secular courts and national constitution does not allow polygamy even though it’s “our culture.”)
I believe in education as the answer to any problem and I know this law does not educate positively. It just criminalizes and institutionalizes hate towards the gay community.
Here’s a call to action: I believe the gay community should come out! They need to put love above fear. I also believe that gay people in Africa not just Nigeria who are being targeted like this should put pressure on the West by claiming asylum in their countries. I think we are about to see a new wave of sexual refugees!
Love over fear should be the way forward.
-Seun Kuti
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»Not surprised it's coming from you! I
Okay. They have ur backbone now.
What is dis guy saying. He shld speak Yoruba.
Good to see we still have some Naijas with common sense
I like
~D great anonymous!
Good to see we still have some Naijas with common sense
Evrybody is entitle to his or her own opinion so seun kuti wil not be expemted but sorry dear d bill have bin signed,any1 dat its not confortable wt dis can relocate to sodom n gomora QED
Talk is cheap,when people were called to voice their opinions as it pertains this issue you and your lots were no where to be found.
Its so late already oga,
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Dis guy is attention seeker who know u sef wtf stfu if dnt have anyfin to say, I hope u won't be arrested for supporting gay ppl see ur wowo face
That is his business,gays are not born there are made
Seun I Understand you're trying to stay relevant but you're so IRRELEVANT. If I may ask how have you given back to your community since the beginning of your career.if Baba Fela was gay will you be alive to write all this.by the grace of God, Homosexuality will never be legalised in this country in Jesus name
Like seriously?? 10 years for anyone that attends a gay wedding and 10 years for anyone that shows affection to a gay person..
This is ridiculous
I don't blame u SEUN, u have wife and a child already. So why don't u be talking rubish from ur ganja mouth. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Hmmm abeg Ooooo dnt get uslf arrested----C21
Wow, he has a point. Whateva happened to the civil way of talking someone out of negative acts. Let president Jonathan ammend the law to avoid 'jungle justice'. "Sergio Frankie"
Hmmmnnnn... Smh
WhAt shall I say.
I think Seun Kuti should shut up... For what fela stood for I do not think Fela would accept gay marriage in Africa, but I also know he won't support the 14 years prison term.
This Seun Kuti of a broda TALKS too much like FFK.
Sharrrap ya mouth.
Arrant nonsense! if your parent were gay or were allowed to be one, would you have been in existence?
I beg you to channel this your boiling energy to something better and productive..Should in case you don't know, the so called gay community needs help and they cant say how. But its you and every other person in their normal state of being that should help them curb this Inculcated DEMONIC habit of theirs they call sexuality preference. NB* I don't discriminate, but homosexuality is a sin before God and Man. Period!!!
Seun i like you before, but as u dey take this Gay package serious, e be like say u sef na Gay. Forget say u don born pikin. I no trust you again and i nor go listen to your music again sef. #Obote in the highest Other.
Seun Kuti has gone mad again. Hehehehe...
i believe you sound stupid seun.....but then again, its freedom of speech. so i'm saying emphatically, u sound ignorant. your opinion isnt bad, but your facts construction is totally whacko. get a life my brother and stop trying to be relevant. you can never be FELA ANIKULAPO KUTI.
We have heard you Seun,but the majority of Nigerians,even his hardest critics supports him on this bill.Direct your anger only towards the suffering of the common man.
Guess Most His Local/International Fans Are Gay, so he should support them!!
I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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9c write up bro.....#there are plenty tasks to focus and consider 1st rather than ds gay's inslaving#
This Question Goes Out To The Gay Supporters: Would It Be A Crime If I say I Want To Marry My own Mother or Sister??
I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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oh shut up Seun Kuti
oh shut up Seun Kuti
Anyway not suprised,with the kind of house you grew up in
Leveticus 20:13
"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them."
I kw u guys wil start sayin hz gay?
I support u Seun....u really spoke my mind. Te gays needs our love not our condemnation.
I know that some foolish hypocrites will begin to attack him, people like Bonario. There should also be law banning guys from masturbating so that if Bonario is caught with his Vaseline, then prsecution sets in.
Jeez I neva knew diz guy ws 1 of d Kutis, Is he nt d1 on dat Glam Squad fashion shw?If he z,den hz gay nt bcuz of diz of he wrote here buh bcuz of d way he dress,talks n evn moves
Ghen Ghen.....Seun Kuti abia nu ozo oooo. Okay oooo, let the comments roll in. I no fit shout
I agree with you Mr Anikukapo Kuti.
Biko wat is dis one saying??? Do u hv so say sometin????
#That happy sister!
this is the result of smoking marijuana(idian hemp) please concentrate of your music career and make a life out of it and stop living in shadows.....
Seun go to hell nd don't fight for Nigerians..I donnt wanna say out wot I have on my mind bcoz I respect u a lot..pls Nigerians will fight for themselves if the police re doing the bad job..I base in America nd I can see wot is going on here due to same sex marriage that was juz pass into law by Obama..I don't pray such happen to my beloveth country even if things aren't going on well there like here..plz nobody was born as a gay or lesbians,its juz the act of moving wif bad frnds.let's say NO to these in our country..I love naija.thanks .
Thank God, we have a nigerian with a working brain,that can actually think.
@bonarios, you're a plain idiot, why those this matter pain you so much. Divorce is a sin, but people are getting them on a regularly,why are they not stoned to death or given 14 years. Rubbish
Freedom of speech my dear
GEJ keep embarrassing us with your foolishness.
Well said. GEJ is so dumb and clueless. I hate that man with passion. *I dint post my comment for morons to reply me, So don't bother calling me names* Nigeria is a nation without vision
You are educated but not exposed. Sry for you
Nice platform for big publicity as the music business is not as productive as it use to be even when he's riding on a stabilised afrobeat platform.
Great write up. Good insight.
Thanks Linda for publishing this
Pls seun kuti stop speaking nonsense..if u think u are strong come out and marry ur fellow man..if ur father did that am sure u won't be existing by now cos as u know men can't be pregnant..coming from u, am not suprised.
if u dont have anyting to say,u dis guy,just sit back,relax and continue to smoke ur indian hemp!!..stupido!
I am suspecting this guy to be one the guy people, police should arrest him for interrogation and proper medical checkup. That guy no even carry matter self. He must be a guy, I am sure about that, by their foot we shall know them.....
Oya ugly fat nigerians start insulting gay people.
small piki just dey worry this boy. are u advocating for gay right or what? just for a reminder, in case you have not woken up to the reality, male-male or female-female union in nigeria is a crime, if you like, abandon your baby mama (bcos u are not married) and your baby and practice gay, u will go to jail if caught. this is not the kind of injustice your father fought for, your father believes in african tradition and gay or lesbo is not part of that, stop talking rubbish, just play good music and make your father proud.
lmao.. Abeg let him speak d little he knows oo
By the way this man does not fully understand the meaning of pedophilia and so his argument is null and void. To me, gayism and its practices should be abolished to the bearest minimum or otherwise to nothingness.
TheOjukwu - Just Saying.
They say education is the key, but many educated nigerians are just plain useless. 14 years in prison can not cure someone's homosexuality, imprisoning gay people will not make God love nigeria at all, God will actually punish us more for sending innocent gay people to prison.
Seun your father BABA kuti would be sad in his grave that you are in support of gays. Some other story on this blog showed your father as the true african he is with women and plenty of them and not wanting t have sex with other men. Science is still to prove that gays are born the way they claim. Seun i beg let yeye rest so that you dont be a tool in this silly agenda that seems that the darkness is taking over the world. Why do a people in the minority want to lord over the rest of us if not that it is so wrong.If it was right just why the fuss? Their evil power is the use of the media to pursue this craziness.Seun rest.long live ABAMI EDA
So america and uk and many european country support gay rights, has God sent fire and brimstone to them,the answer is NO. They are flourishing, that's why all of you people go to their embassies to hustle for vIsa
This guy made a lot of sense. Thanks for standing up and fighting for the rights of the oppressed amongst us. May God bless you! Chyke.
He raises a lot of valid point, but the issue with gay rights is that the gay people are still hiding in the closet while straight people fight their battles! I think it is time they stepped out and fight for what is theirs. Yerima fought hard to make pedophillia a part of our system. Like he said the Nigerian law already stipulates what marriage is, making a law banning same sex marriage is absurd. Gay people come out and fight your fight, cos nobody will fight it for you.
This guy must be an Idiot because if his father was to be alive he will support the anti gay law.
Whether we put gay people in prison or not, nigeria is worse than sodom and gomorrah. Open newspapers particularly sunday sun newspaper and see shocking stories.
Gay gist
Talk is cheap, make them show face first!
Yes we are ready to fight for our right, we are more than a million here in Lagos alone, we are the most beautiful people on earth, Linda we are gays and our right start from ur blog, we are planing a mass protect world wide, come July 20th in Nigeria and around the world, this gay bill must be wipe out, all human right are on stand by, our surporters in music industry have started writing online and in social media against this bill, we would win.am sure with the western government behind gay Nigerian world wide.
I agree with you Mr seun kuti true son of your father..You have more sense than some so called methuselahs and you write so eloquently
Good Mr. Kuti...at least someone brave enough to speak up for justice even if it's unpopular with the majority.
Seun, u're a confussed human being just like ur father was. Idiot
Some people... I've been to 2 of hiis shows in the US and they were sold out.. So he makes a good living out of his music. Now is he wrong in pointing out the obvious? I think that Nigerian politicians have shown the greatest dishonesty with their anti-gay law. I doubt that even without any law gay people would be coming out in the nigerian context the way they are in the West just because of the social stigma and the prevalence of religion in the society. On the same topic, is it the same people who let the Mrs armored car go scot free, who failed to protect the girl child from institutionalized pedophilia who are going to pull out the morality card now?
man, this guy go and sit down jare,if your father is a philanthropist that doesn't stop guys kicking your ass, idiot
Seun Kuti has gone mad again oooooooooooooooooo...too much gbana.
Seun if him no go wet in to talk make him quiet
A revolution is about to start in nigeria,look at uganda.
U better go and change d pampers of ur crying baby ode olodo. Who do u think u are self u are not intelligent enough to write dis. Teacher teacher oo no teach me nonesense
you want them to come out and be arrested
To those that agree that Seun has common sense because he thinks gay people should come out are just from a different world.
So if you see two men kissing in public or behind closed door, you tag it as normal? then its clear all of you are not normal and lack regular sense!
The review is quite on point! Call me anywhere, anytime, I will always stand against this!!! This is human sexuality not culture. One major thing is - if you are not them or if you haven't been there, you won't understand them!!!
I think this guy is gay himself. Let him get locked up
I agree with Seun Kuti, although he and others who are not in support of the anti-gay bill, could have protested, before the bill was signed. Forget Sodom and Gomorrah, the pedophilia being practised in Nigeria is evidence, that the country is now Sodom and Gommorah, anyone that doesn't like my comment and therefore, insults me is cursed!!!Whizman.
Dis seun sef dey kolo...Always lookin for somtin to say...*mugu*
law or no law ah must bed my new catch b4 val
Wat is dis one saying na,wat rubbish is he spilling mtcheeeew trash
The review is quite on point! Call me anywhere, anytime, I will always stand against this!!! This is human sexuality not culture. One major thing is - if you are not them or if you haven't been there, you won't understand them!!!
Make dem show face now if na their papa born dem
Shot up Seun n stop seeking cheap popularity
If. U are not comfortable with the bill u can relocate to Sedom and so wen God decides to rain destruction on u it will find u in Sodom
ahhhh God must punish devil. Why dont u go and become gay. U are supporting dem God will punish u people one after the other
Is someone bi-sexual? Are you pondering what am pondering?
Anyway the only thing I want is the police to go extinct I think we have heard enough of them they keep coursing destruction things should be totally investigated not by instinct instinct is only for investigating not acting on it without investigation please president I know u have a very busy schedule but can't you do something about this dis may cause war and there is only one person who will be blamed about it make a history for you to be remembered forever
As for you k whatever u can go to hell gay will never be accepted in nigeria I don't care if they die or not or live lonely I don't but it will never be accepted plus our people hate it too much that if its changed things will start going wrong we are not americans who can approve anything whether is stupid or not
Anos 3:43 correct Dude...gay if ur nt comfy relocat 2 sodom n gomora dat place wil be cossy n comfy tnx.EBY
Make them comot for open nah....shebi nah luv above fear...makes it easier for d police to clear them off
See MUMU! Yet you fuck women and have a child through a woman, now you want to encourage gay people. FELA your father was not stupid as you are or you wont be existing now. OLODO!
am not in support of the gay relationship, but my twinge is the brutality of any suspect, Nigerians should let some people do there work.............reference from Alu
Seun, you need to be educated on the implication(s) of some of dis things.resently u posted ur baby on dis blog & i saw de smile on ur face.can u produce a baby wit a fellow man?pls go and have some sleep joo.yeye boy
I totally agree with u Seun! God bless u for coming ouut and voicing uur opinion! The ignorant ones amongst us will cuss u out of course. What a backward nation of homophobes! Y judge and persecute people based on their sexual orientation/preference
Nigerians would always be taken for a FOOL which dey are by our so called pointless leaders.... Am sure if some of u reads his article carefully,u will understand wht d young man is trying to point out..... No one was crying for GAY marraige...E.O.D
Yeah let's export all the gay people to the west. Yippee
To whom it may concern.
Whenever it comes to this "GAY" topic,d anonymous comments are always plenty.could it be that most of these readers are gay?#jstwondering#
Bia nwa Fela(Seun) biko go and rest. Wats up with u and these gay folks? Or are u one? Fuck off plsssssssssssssssssssss!
Ordinary English you can't represent here accurately and you're hating. Smh for you.
Ogbologbo niye...wo ghini korebe re...
I agree with you on government sluggishness on other more important bills and the need for gays to take up asylum in western countries. Nigeria doesn't have to live by the tenets of other or western countries.
And you should concentrate on your grammar. Its a mess
Well said.witty stand
Na wa o...don't even know how to say wat I wan to say..femi concentrate on ur weed n music..nigeria government concentrate on more important issues...gay people God is watching u in 3d...n u d people killing gay people!!!vengence is 4 d lord. Everybody in dis country should just learn to focus on things that matter the most.
Linda and report on gay and lesbians sha. Just passing by....
Abi @ Amebo.com
Well put by Seun. But unfortunately, some ignorant block heads on this blog wont see the wisdom in his words.
Ah seun! What's your business with gays now? Why not face your music career, work at getting better jor.
Wetin b ur own? Show ur own face
True talk seun
Very good.... Excellent write up. However not enough people are broad minded enough to listen to non heterosexual people if they show their faces. Nigeria is too barbaric with quite a good number of 'educated'people who wld sanction their stoning or beating. After all the university of PH Rivers boys were burnt alive in broad daylight in front of Nigerians who did 'fuck all'. 'Xcuse my French - had to cuss for emphasis so Nigerians have to be educated first... Unfortunately education in every form has never been a priority! Jonathan is a populist and a disgrace. Obviously he can never get a PhD from an American or UK university. Creative thinking or analytical thought processing takes being a great mind first . Nigeria is only as good as it's followers
Nawoo, no more gay in Nigeria period!!!
Nawooo, no more gay in Nigeria period
U com out nw it's a good 14 years, It must complete u re idiot seun instead 2 u 2 concentrate on ur music u re making unnecessary noise I can see enough marijuana what we normally call igboo is working all over u nd is making u 2 think negative thinking attention sicker dat is what u re, as a good musician sing a good song be 4 u start making noise, in my car I always play almost all nigeria artist song but I hv never com across ur music 2 buy or even 2 play y? becos ur music doesn't make sense stop bragging making noise here nd there even linda pls stop showing us dis moron whatever he call him self say pls mtcheeeeeew
Duetronomy 22:28-29 if a woman gets raped she should marry her rapist. Let us practice that one also. If you're going to obey the bible obey everything,don't take the part you like and leave the rest.obey everything. Bloody hypocrites.
I believe this guy has a point, I don't like homosexuality, But the hate is too much, people do worse things and don't get stoned to death, plus most of these gay people have been thru alotta traumatic experiences, they're been hated on alot, it's not fair, Nigeria has alotta bugging issues and gay Or lesbianism isn't particularly top of the list. They allow 9year old girls to be ravaged by crazy pedos, stop the hate, gay and lesbian people are humans, they need our love and not loathing, they need our love, and prayers, not the hate
Finally someone who has a sense of reasoning. Im not in support of being gay but no matter how you see it, their rights are being infringed upon. It's okay for the government to say gay marriages or unions are not allowed but criminalizing it is completely wrong What is the crime here? being gay?? excuse me! Im a criminology student and Crime is when the actions of an individual infringe on the rights of others. They are actions that bring harm to others. I mean, whose rights are being infringed upon?? NO ONE!! Is there any harm being done?? NO!! You're sending them to jail because they're living their lives? What is jail going to do for them? Change them? It doesn't work that way. This is their personality. Okay let's flip the coin. Supposing being gay was allowed and homosexuality was wrong, will you like to go to jail for being a homosexual?? And punishment is as much as 14yrs, that is so freaking harsh. In jail. these people are going to suffer more in the hands of the wardens and other inmates. Also, with this kind of law, there is going to be more jungle justice metted out on people, just wait and see. You'll see people being suspected of being gay being stripped by perverts. And believe me, some might not be gay. These perverts will just take advantage of the situation and its the females that will suffer it more. Sticks being put into their private parts and they'll be touching all over their body. This is Nigeria for you. There are more serious laws that can be passed and the President hastily signed this bill. Also, don't tell me about Western culture because no matter how you see it, the Western culture has already infiltrated our country and there's nothing we can do but deal with it. Please let them just live their lives, no need punishing them. It is completely unnecessary. Supposing one of these Senators children turn out to be gay, they will quickly fly them abroad for protection because they know the punishment in this country. Meanwhile those who cannot afford to go abroad will stay here, hiding their identity and living a fake life just to survive. It is totally unfair. This bill has to be re-addressed. And it's a pity the government doesn't listen to it's people. This is definitely not democracy that is being practiced.
@dj steclch you're a total idiot,people like you know incest,pedophilia,bestiality are total different from homosexuality. Use your brain,I don't need to educate you,you're a wasted fool. Idiot oshi
Be here displaying ur lack of education in ur grammar. Don't worry we understand its ur illiteracy that makes u not understand the value of equal rights and human rights. "QED"
I really respect Seun Kuti..so far he is the only one who has made sense out of FACTS and not emotional judgements...it's a pity that NIgerians are mostly follow the crowd and do not sit to educate themselves...
Thefore we will continue to be victims of the literate ...
Point of correction divorce is not a sin, and the bible permits death for gay people.. :)
Seun Kuti i am beginning to think that like Fani Kayode you are seeking unnecesary relevance.
So many stupid community of straight people on this blog, the bible is God's word, but God love keep growing day by day. Don't be surprise God wud judge u people for such hatred on gay people,
Wtf seun...I pray God will 4give u.....OLODO....u think say A/C dey for hell!!!
make monez here http://InternetDuty.com/?id=smartty
U don't make any sense!
Mr badoo with a vision, pls put it in action
I believe this is end time why will this rubbish be purplish, hell is getting loss, this gay guys should desist.
Daft argument. Gay people can and do have their own biological children
Seun or wat evertin u call ur self u r very stupid
Did he not just voice his opinion with this write-up? Or did he submit it as anonymous? So what more do you want? This guy, sometimes you make me doubt your intelligence sef
No, you shut the fuck up! Who knows you?
Seun Kuti is a disgrace. and he doesn't seem intelligent too.
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 KJV). It's nice to pick and chose innit? FOH!
Did you make them? Or you've turned into the almighty now, huh?
There are many issues to sort out here in Nigeria, for example we don't enjoy power supply and I wonder while government have so much interest in these anti gay law. I believe by now people will be mistaken for gay, well I pray may non of us be mistaken.
Err...Yerima fought hard? Really??!
Abeg help me ask them o!!! Bloody hypocrites! Yuck! Selective morality!
Let's even forget any pedophilia! The level of sexual immorality is appalling! Add on corruption, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, should I go on? Nigeria is already a cesspool of iniquity before gay this gay that! For some reason we have the favor of God, because this place is still standing....go figure!
This Seun na mumu o. No wonder Femi didn't want to acknowledge you as his brother. You are so dumb. You should have as well married a BOY like yourself and adopt children. Foolish talk from an ignoramus.
Obviously you're stupid. How does a relationship between two people of the same sex, compare to incest?
Isi ewu or seun or whatever they call,the earlier you shout your fucking mouth up the better 4 you,becos this country will not contain gay .lesbian, and we the children of God
@anon 3.44 Amen 2 ur comment it wil never woek at allllllllllllll.@chizzy
Nawa o! Y are pple ds pained coz of seun,his entitled to hs opinion,its left for u to say urs¬ reign abuses on him..By d way,think hs writeup was well thought out,I mean d imprisonment dosent make any sense,dosent change d fact that d r gay,if only d can get a rehab for gay pple¬ imprison them,forgetin d'll will still hav male inmates..I don talk my own#bitchesleader#
This is not the path/road yóur father took to becoming a LEGEND....
He tink dat he has arived.
He tinks dat he has arived.
He kooks lik one.
Seun i think you are gay!!! All you gays should move out of Nigeria ASAP!
How many gay people have come to you and said they want to get maried till date? Besides, if your mother/sister and family members agree to it, then it's your freaking choice as long as you're all of age. Now I'm not saying I like that or that I'm comfortable with it, but at the end of the day, it's you and your peoples' choice. Same way it's these gay peoples' choice. I'm straight and could not start to fathom what it is like to be gay but that doesn't mean I want them sent to jail or stoned to death like a lot of hypocrites are trying sound, yet they loot money, have extra marital affairs, have bastards all over the place with different women, molest children in the name of religion, oppress the masses and 'less privileged. Some murder, rape, rob; even the so-called police officers. And you're all here calling for the heads of gay people and their marriage when not even one has said they want to get married. Seun is making a lot of sense mehn!
Even though we all know "lesbianism αηδ homosexualisms" are not biblical αηδ societally regarded as dirty acts..Seriously,Seun Kuti really made sense αηδ it is only an intellectual tht wld reason with him.The situation is a psychological n peer-group thing,which shd only be treated via d same medium/REHABILITATION processes!
If your "beloveth" country is so beloved to you, why are you hiding in America? Why don't you go back home if you're so disturbed with what's happening in America? If you love Naija so much, why are you not living there? Why are you "base" in America, ehn?
Nigerians pls be reasonable that law is sick and should be removed, it is a violation of a fundamental human right:The right to express his or her sexual orientation.i m not saying people should be gay neither am i supporting it but being gay is not a criminal offense, even religiously and in d new testament it is frowned upon but not punishable by the laws of the land.THIS LAW JUST SHOWS THAT THE FOOLISH PRESIDENT DOESN'T EVEN REVIEW LAWS PROPERLY BEFORE IN STATING THEM...
Nigerians pls be reasonable that law is sick and should be removed, it is a violation of a fundamental human right:The right to express his or her sexual orientation.i m not saying people should be gay neither am i supporting it but being gay is not a criminal offense, even religiously and in d new testament it is frowned upon but not punishable by the laws of the land.THIS LAW JUST SHOWS THAT THE FOOLISH PRESIDENT DOESN'T EVEN REVIEW LAWS PROPERLY BEFORE IN STATING THEM...
Thank you o! God bless you joh!
Seun Kuti this story is a stale story now. it has already been pass into law.
Abeg go hug transformer so that the law can be revised.
I've read a lot of comments and I have a slightly different view.
For me, I wish the government can give freedom to the gays.
I found out after marriage that my husband is gay.
Today, we are separated; he moved out of the house to live alone; he said he can't live with a woman.
If only he was free, he would have at least married a fellow man and not disguise and trick me into marriage because of the society.........
Imagine leaving your son in care of someone like my husband thinking he is straight......
Is it not better for us to know who is gay or straight?
Is prostitution, fornication, adultery, masturbation, raping better than homosexualty in the eyes of God?
Seun, you are your father's son. We need to educate these Ignoramus Nigerians. Your message is on point and i implore all gay people to come out to defend their way of life. Once people start finding out that their own friends and family are gay, they would think more deeply about it.
This makes soo much sense in my opinion. We have more to worry about in Nigeria, so much more to worry about than some stupid gay bill. People don't have jobs, some people don't eat everyday, some people havent had electricity for the past 6months. An anti-gay bill won't change that. It's irrelevant.
Maybe Marijuana is disturbing your head. your Papa married more than 3 wife's. You are married, then some people that want to lose the Identity of humanity you want to support them. Being gay is just like committing murder or suicide. you don't even compete well in your music industry you have the effrontery to talk to Jonathan govt. if not the platform your father gave you. nobody would have known your name. You better get born gain now and repent in Jesus Christ name or no one remembers anything about you here after.
U ppl with ur stupid "gay rights activism" bullshit! 1st of all d bill is to discourage publicly, behaviourial abnormalities that we, normal nigerians that aren't readily willing to throw away our decency for cheap international recognition.
This arguement for gay rights I still can't understand what u ppl r trying to say. Leave the west with their culture n ideals n encourage them to respect ours. Shikena!!
U people are so foolish gay people are busy making money with good life, sleeping with their lovers in their home and u people are here saying what God is not please with .
Men what right are we talking about here. right to do things in the wrong way. Sexual intercourse was defined as to be btw man and woman.so if it then becomes btw man and man or woman and woman. Then society at large should frown at it. that is what has been done by Jonathan Govt. The govt would not have time for this but they saw that since some country are legalizing it we too should make our stand on it. and it is gradually cropping into our community. in fact this gay stuff is being sponsored by some useless white people. Govt of the day took a good step.
And who's Mimi?? *confuse face* trust me u won't luv to go down dat lane with me, english teacher plz u can like to tutor me since ur father is an English man.. Ode pls don't let me insult u o
#That happy sister!
I don't care if people are gay or not and frankly i don't think the senate or house of assembly gives two,they are just worried about our kids which is a sensible enough reason to pass such a bill, i understand if people are against the brutality,im too but please do not say it is right biko and comparing it to racism is an insult to the black race,its history and journey,I live Ontario and i see a lot of this gay people and i ask them about their lives and most of them started it because they were bored and before they realized they were far gone in the practice,so please do not give useless analogies like polygamy or racism..that being said ,the bible says love your neighbor as yourself but i will say the truth because im obligated to by God most that its not right.Lord have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us!
Publicity stunt....
Very unimpressive...
Mimi dear, ur grammar too is equally a mess, u re not better than d person u re criticising.
If u r nt comfortable wif it...wryt a letter 2d president... aftall obj wrote 18-page letter,ur own can u ww pages...IDIOT!
Shut up! This is a demonic act.. condemn by God and we know it.. God in heaven will b Hurt by your literacy
Anonymous gay insulting people.. stop sounding pained.. God made them.. devil has possessed ur brains.. this is the last days.. I can't wait for the coming of Christ
Well done Seun but first U don't have command of good and strong English construction to be writing so dont expose Urself. Meanwhile i will expect somebody like U to mind what U say as U know AIDS killed Fela according to Ur health minister uncle - Olukoye. Again dont think Nigerians av 4gotten story dat surround Ur birth. If U dont or U pretend not to know, U are d one child dat came out of Felas 27 wives at the same time, Ur mother played smart to beat others to it against Felas instruction dat non of them d should get pregnant so mind what U put Ur mouth to, u dont av moral right to talk on dis
I beg , enter house. You wan show yourself.
GOD BLESS YOU SEUN KUTI. Very sensible talk.
God made man n made woman n told them to go forth n multiply, homosexuals need serious deliverance from the shakles of the devil,if ur father was gay who for born you,useless n ungrateful children,dont lemme see one gay guy cat walk on d road again oo na Wetin u wan blind me..
I tell you when I see comments Nigerians write concerning homosexuality it confirms how deep our ignorance is , Nigerians think homosexuality is like weed ,achohol , cocaine or a vice and that when you start it you can stop it and it you will need an intervention to halt it just like you need an intervention to stop vices no homosexuality isn't a vice it's a sexual status if you ask any gay man if they wish they had the had the option of being straight they will all scream yes but you don't choose your sexual orientation it comes with you and there's nothing you can do about it , I also pity all the Nigerian women supporting this bill it will encourage gay men to date straight women to keep up appearance with society and you will be ruined when you find out your husband is gay SUMMARY : let's destroy the gay law but not approve it has a marriage but rather a civil partnership matter
Daft arguments oo perfect response
Instead make una leaders dey emulate someone like Mandela..the leader whey his constitution say make dem no discriminate on race ,gender, religion AND sexual orientation.....nah yeye Uganda una wan be like. Nah backwardness go finish Naija
Pls stfu and take several sits @anon7:31 if u r gay then go n ask pastor kumuyi,muoka,oyedepo,adeboye, or mfm pastor to wed u lemme see how it will work pls if u don't what to say u beta shut ur trap, gay animal
Well said. He's a great writer. Publish his editorials more frequently, Linda.
I am not in support of d brutality!cos I knw Najia law enforcement don't knw hw to interpret d Law!hw can u take suspects did u catch them in any act dt portray dey r gay!sme1's dressing shdnt mak him/her a faggot!I seriously am againt d Act gayism!pls it shdnt be compared to anytin its not only a Sin its not normal!its lik sayin u cn ve sex wit animals its jst same...the act ws signed to stop faggots frm displayin such acts on d streets, getn married etc b4 u knw it, kids wil tink its ok!cos of d acceptance in d western world it hs increased and spread widely ard and infecting othr Countries! Pls its very Destructive to engage in such act!u r destroying u body and soul!HIV ws introduced into society by Homosexuals!@least it ws high in d Homos clan!God knws wt deadly disease wil cme afta!d way Home went viral so did d Disease!gayism is a disorder!
None of this other act can be compared to this unholy act oga.agbejoro. The thing is they can never gain our support not in Nigeria not in this generation.
If the father of this guy, realises how fooolish he is to stand and speak such, na double wahala for him head......he already sounded like a GAY...since he has the gods of Fear of Love like he said....mtchewwwwwwwww!!!!!!
This "Walata" is such a moron. As are most of the posters on this forum. Barely educated and lacking exposure.
"Should in case"? See what I mean?
One of the reasons America is the greatest country on earth is that it accepts people of different orientations and backgrounds as long as they follow the law. Even morons like Sunmola Oluwatosin
Femi? Olodo
Bonario here you go once again with your foolery and illiteracy! Are you mad or what? Get it together and don't be an asswipe. he's voicing out his opinion and u're saying it's too late? you are a child and you have a very low IQ! stupid bitch!
Short that shit hole you call a mouth. How many gays have you made? Ok if you think they are made, then what process did they use to make them? and what process can you use to unmake them? Stupid idiot! Get the fuck outta here you moron!
can someone tell me why u should continue to live according to the dictates of a 4000 year old book written by a bunch of jews and which was importes by europeans as a tool to subdue and dominate us? plz think! also, why do we no longer practice 'an eye for an eye' why do we no longer consider the consumption of pork to be a sin? smh@the ignorance ad cruelty of Nigerians ... and you wonder why the country us so backward ... in case you wondered, am gay ... you homophobes can feast on a dish of broken glass!!
This is such a dumb comment. What has his mother's decision BEFORE he was born got to do with anything? Talking about Nigerians have not forgotten. Idiot like you. Do you want to hear YOUR mother's gist?
Seun, don't be silly,ok? You are yourself that the reason you are known right? Now keep off sensitive issues like this. Polygamy is not acceptable because it is practiced mainly by Africans but gay can be tolerated and next beastialism will be adored as a way of life. Complex surely run in our veins
This guy is gay and he does it in secret I pity his wife and kids . But the bill has been signed why the hell is he and his gay group bothering us. Go outside the country and do whatever but that demonic practice that has weaken other countries spiritually is not allow here u guys ve given use bad marriages, beastiality,pervert fashion we took it and worsen our country .pls leave us.
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