The Senate Defence Committee, chaired by Senator George Thompson Sekibo suspended budget hearings to pass a resolution which ordered the Nigerian Army to the North East.
Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Kenneth Minimah was ordered to provide security for all schools and health institutions in the Boko Haram affected areas to include Maiduguri and Yobe.
General Minimah thanked the Committee for its concern and said, "...it will be the last of such from the insurgents." Continue...
The resolution, introduction by Senator Ojudu from Ekiti Central, was critical of the military's failure to pick up intelligence before the attack and its slowness to respond to the attack for five hours.
Ojudu said, "The North East calls for special attention and we should not be seating down here in Abuja discussing budget while our young ones are being slaughtered in cold blood."
It ordered the army to develop a strategy to curb to the attacks of Boko Haram using all military resources, and relocate to Maiduguri temporarily.
All schools and health institutions to be provided with special security.
And the Committee of Defense invited the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to provide the Armed Forces with what it needs.
The Committee of Defence will tour the three affected states when the Senate resumes it plenary.
Source: Sahara Reporters
May God help us...
So said
Medicine after death #JC
May God help us.........
Dis is typical Nigeria
May their RIP but does he hv to disclose his strategies to the enemies?
We don hear this b4 naaaaa,when will they disharm Boko Haram?when will the senseless killing stop?when will they make mothers stop crying for the killing of their children,when will they stop the killing of parents and making children parentless? When will life and the economyin the north pick? Enogh talks,let's see actions
Thats the way to go,that was what we expected the President to do.
The tackling of this menace requires proactiveness and not just condemn the act from the comfort of your abode in a safer Abuja
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Good move!!!!!!
Igbayi la ro.....u guys better get ur piorites straigh before our tommorow gets eaten up today
Let's see if this cowards will have a hiding place. They should order air surveillance as well 24/7 and also move the entire military to the north east to kill the bastards.... May God cripple any leader that has hands in boko haram..... Amen
Exactly, afyer wasting d lives of poor innocent youths, dont know y they wont take necessary measures to tackle dis issues once and for all.
I will also suggest all member of house of rep,senators and top executive should all relocate to meduguri....maybe then they will put in more measures as dat of Abuja in this areas
The military should be investigate, because they are not more than five kilometer away from the scece of the massacre with heavy fighting machines including two APCS.
Lets hope it works dis time
Jona already told us after the Christmas Day Suleja bombing that "boko haram is a burden we must all learn to live with". I will never forget those words. Never. The blood of innocent people are on his head. He knows what to do to stop this nonsense and disheartening waste of human lives. He knows.
May the Souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God Rest in Peace. Amen.
Nooooo. Leave him. Let him concern himself with "more important" issues like child marriage, homosexuality and cyber bullying. He should continue oooo. Next will be a law against husbands and wives having an argument. Sigh
Not to lessen the moment but this is the first sensible comment you've made on LIB. Brave *clapping* Well done.
Yeah right. Wishful thinking. They'd rather die in Abuja.
Any or everything that can put paid to this menace is welcomed.
Honestly,dis boko haram God pass una
Hausa people killing their own. This is confusion in the highest order (a Kingdom divided against itself). Armed adults attacking defenceless pupils for no reason thereby destroying their posterity.
Could this be Nemesis for war crimes they committed against the Igbo people in late 60's.
These atrocities look more like judgment of God.
The only way out is if they repent, accept Jesus and seek God's forgiveness.
state of emergency straight
its a pity to see how uneducated nigerians come up here and post d mucors of their minds on a blog. Yes, we all take photos on our level, we put them up on facebook and other social sites on our own accord. How then do you expect a celeb with much fame not to post pics too, why do you criticise dem? First money is material, and vanity also.. but that doesnt answer d fact that we shouldnt acquire or seek for it. If obagoal decides to buy 10 jets, dats his business not yours. He works as much as we all do, so let him be. If you have problem with people's success, I will suggest you meet a pastor for prayers cuz ur problem has fone spiritual and u need help. And to those of you talkin about him helpin d charity, what about you?? have u given out your widow's mite?? or do you think you give as much as obagoal gives. So lets think before we post. becuz its a blog doesnt mean you shud drop lame comments. Finally, about d issue of d killed students in d north. God knows best, its a pity..RIP to dem all. The problem of this country is a mathematical sequence as it keeps compounding and multiplying like a virus, this virus is called N.I.V (i call it National Immune Virus) it has no permanent cure, buh only dosage to.prolong life.. So in this case of Nigeria, our problem will only improve but will never be solved before the end of time. This is my prophecy --a.k.a Alhaji Brake Dandasa----
No one knows
Playing to the gallery. Counter-terrorism is not just about deploying soldiers but intelligence gathering and speed of response. How did those guys get 5hrs of uninterrupted freedom?
Jonathan is the main boko haram. GCON my foot.
' We shud not b sittinq down here in abuja discussinq budqet while our younq ones r murdered in cold blood'. God bless U Sen Ojudu.
Shey na now they suppose send army come...when those killers have already massacre innocent students....this country is turning to something else gradually...Mr president not doing anything concerning this boko haram case
Pastor caught with another man’s wife in Hotel room
Ashawo caught servicing her Customer in Public
SEE what this guy and his girlfriend are doing
OMG! Girl opens beer with her breast
All we need to do is to beg our politician to stop killing us and our future cos I believe strongly that they r behind dis. Y will our Amry not stay back while the so called Boko haram are at work, they ve their family dat they r putting smile on heir face
Hmmm, It's well. who knows, the presence of the army chief may reduce tension. God help us
Talk less,more action. FG talks too much
I am ashamed and disapointed that we let our children shed their innocent blood while we watch.
Chi efoh, after the death of future leaders mtcheeeeew
I'm surprised that the senators of the affected states didn't come up to raise this issue but senators of other states. Useless bunch!
God help us
Haaaa... I saw this post at www.naijanewz.faa.im but i never knew it was true... Hmm...
If only they can fish out those bloody politicians sponsoring BH. Then we can be assured that this whole BH crap is over. These BH boys have friends in high places & that's why fighting them is not so easy. Its is well with us, God will see us thru. May d souls of d departed thru d mercy of GOD Rest In Peace, Amen. God Bless Nigeria.
finally for once a gud oder has been given, i hope its carried out accordinly. god help nigeria
The state of affairs in dis country is really making me 2 shed tears.....may d good Lord help us all!!!
lol! You wicked ooo,buh seriously that a gud one
Boko haram are being sponsord by northern politians to distablis GEJ,
Let the peace of the lord reign in this country of our in Jesus Name...God pls take control!
God help us...Amen.
Ojai says" its still so sad and painful, so painful. My neighbour here cries everyday for her son, though he was not affected, bt attends that school. The only child for that matter. Thank God for his life."
..And he won't stop at cripple alone Dey and their family will not no peace..dey won't live to enjoy their own children because their lives will also be cut short...till their 10th generations to come IJN
Linda I no want find dis comment o
#That happy sister!
Soldiers r humans also,d Govt shld knw without logistics I mean military gardgets,fighting this insurhgence wld b a falure.nd they shld make sure d soldiers gt their allowance as burdgeted form
This is what I expected the big agbada's in the senate to do long before now.If possible let the chief of army staff relocate to maiduguri,and let's wait and see if BH will carry out their deadly attacks under his very nose
All we have ever heard is " the president condemn.... and again ... He condemn .....then again he condemn " ..... will condemnation stop this massacre ? And btw did i hear someone said " thats the last of the insur ....insur wetin " I pray this stops. Sad for those kids.
I dont think life is valued much in the north ...No disrespect to any tribe ...just my observation, all this confusion , hullabaloo and brouhaha is coming from there.
God bless our land
I pray something fruitful comes out of this.
Na now una suppose dey send troops na. Well not too late sha.
Oo do they think boko harm can be as senseless as them to go back in those states fools, biko their shud be sercurity in every part of this country and they should put their eyes on the ground for this boko haram pls no town is sef anymore pls
Big big s/o to senates mehn... God help us all!
I pray dis will be d last. One thing with Nigeria is that d moment there is peace for like few months, the security measures provided in such states might relax that all is well n b4 u knw it those guys might stick again. God forbid!
May their souls rest in peace wit d Lord. And may God punish dis bokoharam accordingly. Is so painful! Well may God help us. @SHoK
One day e go better ~onahboy
May God help our country Nigeria.
Killing the boko haram members won't make any difference if their sponsors are still free and unknown. What actions is the president taking to expose the men behind the boko haram insurgents? You can only kill a snake by cutting off the head or else, you defeat the purpose and the circle of mayhem will just regroup and continue.
God help us. We need divine interventions
Where are The milliants??the bakasi boys and all that,pls come nd face this fools cald boko haram foolish pple,if they like let it be known that its one xtian that is left in d north,JONATHAN will still be the PRESIDENT in 2015,BOko haram you are wasting yur time trust me. Fools
Nigeria jagajaga.
The president,vice president,senate,house of reps,ig of police and military should all move to borno and yobe.they should remain there till boko haram is wiped out.bloody fools
The president,vice president,senate,house of reps,ig of police and military should all move to borno and yobe.they should remain there till boko haram is wiped out.bloody fools
When ever I heri about this kilings I feel bad & I ask? Are this human bings or beast God have forgiver us
Tank God o for d move or maybe they should wait till Boko attacks aso rock before dem go take strong step .
How long will the army stay there, how long? Can't they use any means to locate their hide out? I mean this BH are humans, they are not flies, they are humans that walk, move, eat for God's sake. Nigeria needs help if that's the case.
Na now their day Don break abi? RIP to d lives lost, God hv mercy!
My sister just called me and told abt another killing in Michika,adamawa state. This time a seminary school. It happened just yesterday evening!!! Oh Jesus!! Ubangiji ka temeke mu.
And the senate should also volunteer all it's security operatives to the north east to assist the military. The young ones are unprotected yet senators move around with retinue of police, SSS and military guards.
Same story errday, "we will" wen re we gonna finally end all dis??
Plenty talk all the time. May God help us in this chaos called Nigeria. Where is the essence of the emergency rule?
When all our leaders attention and resources is towards 2015. What do you expect. Because their own children are outside the country. May God forgive them.
the army cannot do this alone as they fight only on ground, we need anti air craft from the air force launching missiles from up
I don't think it is right that the strategies on how to take down Boko-haram be made a public statement. When have we ever heard on seen the C.I.A,the american police and others expose their plans?
This is no wisdom @ all.
" It will b d last of such...sounds funny,u ppl will stl fold holds hands nd anoda one will hapn nd u will stl cum out 2 assure dat it s stl d last cos una last no de ever end. Only God can save d innocent masses. Rip 2 littl innocent fellows. God will soon visit all des politicians who pretend nt knwing anytyn abt all des.
Sooo sad
Lmao kevin paul ur soo funny,
Let d real show began...... Thy Lord will be with d military men τ̲̅ȍ comb out dis blood thirsty demon called boko haram IJN
My sister just called me and told abt another killing in Michika,adamawa state. This time a seminary school. It happened just yesterday evening!!! Oh Jesus!! Ubangiji ka temeke mu.
29 died not 59
Afetr dis a committee will be raised to look into it...its very sad sha
Imagine!!! I weep for my country..yet jonathan is der acting like nothing is happening!! so so sad
Casting away the young ones by the wicked and unreasonable men called BOKO HARAM! I pray peace and calmness return in the Northern part of the country in Jesus Name.Amen!
This is pathetic! I continue to wonder if nothing can be done to stop d insurgence. God help Nigeria!
There's no disclosure here. That kind of large force can't move without everybody knowing anyway.
gej is taken the isssure of boko aram with levity.his decisions about the sect are not but faux. he must act now and fast.for how long we is barbaric act continue.
That is good,but not just schools and health centres.But churches,market areas because BOKO HARAM are everywhere
Hmmm! Its a pity. Hw defenceless children r attacked n killed. Wat was their offence? Mtcheeew
That is good,but it won't bring back the dead...Lets hope this move annihilates Boko Haram permanently,let the souls of the dead be avenged...May their spirits fight against their Killers and destroy them all
Kamto Haf Tok
God bless Senator Ojudu. The govt should find a way to stop this bloodshed than to be discussing budget.
And as for those killing in the name of religion or a selfish, stupid cause, God is watching you!
Dats a gud one
since our lilly livered president can do the needful,the senate have to take responsibilty and do it.bravo to them.
Its so sad to see that boko haram are now fufilling the meaning of their name.....God be with 9ja!!
Dis is so sad! Gosh!!!!!
Well said but what we need to say is 'Well done'.... Lin Lin post my comment oo
Scary, tired of this govt that keeps promising to do something.
oh my soul weeps for the children.God of justice,you alone can avenge the deaths of these kids.lord God ,arise and settle us once and for all.
God bless yu kelvin paul.
All the ones wey dem don send hw fr with them...... Student with bright future just quench..... May there soul R.I.P....... Amen...
I pray this army destroy the whole damn boko haram there....... heartless bagas...
Nice one senate......
its well with naija
www.trueinfo24.blogspot.com ....for more stories
Serzly God bles dis sen ojudu 4 dis resolutn, God bless his home too, nt dis our so-called president, wen young pple r dying nd u̶̲̥̅̊ r dere sacking pple nd talkin budgets! WTF
So now they know they ought to suspend the budget sitting and such all this while and years? Well, God help us and we pray for postive result now that they have made a remarkable move and making it seems as a priority. But our president needs to also take charge and command, how long shall we continue to live by the FG are on it and his administration are striving towards better security and safety? Peace God.
Good move.
God help us!
I dnt blame our leaders...their families r all abroad..so hw will they b moved into action all they do is cheap talk!!
It does not take a genius to even kn ow the proper way to tackle this insurgents. The Army is ill equipped, not motivated and everything is wrong with them. But people in Govt are still busy doing jaw jaw when innocent people are being murdered every day. God will judge oh! Even posterity will judge its own.
Amen, Amen and Amen. The blood of the innocent cry for Justice!
God bless this survivor. Rest in peace my beloved dead children. The Good Lord will accept your souls. God bless you.
Na wa ooo! Are u telling me we don't av intelligence enough to know wen dis retards would strike? It is that we don't know where their hide outs are or what......our uniform me should wake up ooo!
Richard was here!
Oga Jona just dey condemn dis boko boys act n he no condemn d $20b of nnpc...#Godgojudge
if govt. is sure that they are not away of this, why not block the borders with magnetic and electric babble wires, or even wall like Jericho so that this demons will not have a way of entry or escaping.
Exactly my thought
North as a whole and North east in particular is costing Nigeria to much while they bring absolutely nothing, they will be draining the little we have for no good reason. Since the people concerned don't want to cooperate with military, in every sense of that word "cooperate" they should carry their cross.QED.
this story will die in a week or 2 unless we all do something. lets come together n make our voices heard world over.
we all know the initial heat to stories in nigeria................alln hands must be on deck to stop these senseless killings
Wickedness of man
Н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇м̣̣̥̇̊м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇ṁ̭̥̈̅̄м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇м̣̣̥̇̊м̤̣̲̣̥̈̇м̣̣̇! Poor souls, the Government have to take a drastic measure I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ providing security to all the affected state I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ d north cos we're tiered of this kind of barbaric act by those inhuman called boko idiots... May the souls of all those who lost there life I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ d hand of boko-idiot RIP. God Bless Nigeria!
God will not come down to fight for us, that's why leaders are chosen
i think the best to end this inhuman act to weep out some state in the north.
Tearful eye! Can't digest this crab!
shey na ds one go bring the lost souls back ba....any small thing deploy soldiers dre as if these men are not human beings abi dre body na bulletproof....as far as i am concerned this will not help the situation at ol....the govt n jona kno wat to do
I hear they kill children for sports in
Nigeria now. Few days ago 43 were killed
under the watchful eyes of GEJ's
government. This is nothing but a national
tragedy yet flags were not flown in half-
mast to show a nation in grief. What kind
of a people have we become? Savages?
Are we moving forward or backward?
Even our children are now made to pay
the supreme price of our ineptitude and
bankruptcy at all spheres of life. I use to
think children were a NO GO area no
matter the issue. This is no longer the
country Tafawa Balewa and Ahmadu Bello
died for! If we can no longer protect our
children then why do we live? I can only
imagine the pains of the grieving parents!
We have no more respect for lives. Our
leaders led by confused GEJ, have
disappointed us greatly. Even security has
become an exclusive right of the new
cabal. The ruling government has no clue.
They don't understand what is hitting
them. If it were in the United States, the
whole nation would be on a red alert and
the entire state would be on lockdown
until the culprits are either arrested or
killed. But all we hear from GEJ's
government na condolences and empty
promises. All they are about is how to
share &20 billion usd! Viola Okolie, how
long will this be? How many will die next?
Are we gonna continue to watch in silence
under a DO NOTHING government while
a sect defiles our destiny? Tony Ogbe,
this is terrorism and we must call it what
it is. And that brings is to the most
important question, IS BOKO HARAM
bigger than the Nigeria government?
U r the dumbest piss of shit around. First of all, the northeast is not Hausa, but kanuri, shuwa, margi,fulani etc. Secondly, u r an ignorant buffoon and no different from the tribalistic leaders we have , we are all nigerians. Keep wishing the north bad, BH will escalate and land on ur doorstep, then I Will know GOD is punishing u for this stupid statement you made. Hisssssssss!!!!
You are just very heartless, better repent before GOD decides to punish you too and let your children be slaughtered like ram too. Then may be you can be remorseful
Dumb founded
And this man Jonah is still planning for the second term
A man that is confused like this
This is no more politics it has become witchcraft
A man that suppose to cover his face with shame and voluntarily resigned
It is better to be a poor farmer with honour than to be a president like Jonah
If Jonah happens.to be my father I would have did father him long ago
Jonan resign now .nothing is left that you can do
Let people that can do it inn
some of the senators are boko haram members
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