Six months after they got married, 46 year old Ian Cuthbert, put up raunchy fliers of his 34 year old wife Alison in her underwear all over their local town with the captions - "Married and committing adultery within days", and "Lock Up
Your Husbands" because he believed she had cheated on him.
Wow. He shouldn't do such a childish act. Life goes on. I guess dis is era of divorce and breakup. Men lets think before we leap !
Nawao he's soooo pained.
But the pix aint raunchy tho.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Aye axemen!!!
D man is crazy
Na wa dat man is wicked nd desperate
Shallow minded nigga!
This is madness, his intensions might be to embarrass her, but the whites we know might get attracted to her rather.
Lol d@ man we'll so,kk wat hs he gained na?
Nonsense!!!obsessed husband
Stupid man, ladies pls learn o,
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Mtcheew madness of an estranged husband.Too much venom beclouding his sense of reasoning
Looser move. Lol
hahahahahaa very funny. This just gave me an idea, m coming for u.
OUCH! lolz...Nigerian men & women need to learn this hehehehehe. No be small lock up your husbands
N̶̲̥̅α̩̩̩̩ wah Oo°˚˚˚°!, wetin we no go see $ hear for dis world??? Lol
Lolzz.. This is funny and crazy.. He shouldn't have done that.
Too too bad!
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Na wa o. Too bad ke
Hmmmm, guess the man really loved the woman
The way the white people's brains work amazes me every time! How petty or childish do you have to be to stoop this low?!! Lawd have mercy.
Nawah º°˚˚°ºoo this love i Ƌ̲̣̣̣̥o̲̣̥п̥̥̲̣̥'τ̲̣̣̥ understand @ all..
Iranu sha
Oyibo people funny no be small. lets know what's next
Lol. How does she know he was the one who posted the pix?
Hian. .nawa o. Anyway. .Linda I'm seriously angry with you cuz you've not been posting my comments...you almost discouraged me from commenting here. .anyway cuz I really love you, I've decided to forgive you. .water under bridge. .lol
So sad how love can turn to hate in the blink of an eye.
Jacuzzi .. Gigi boi
Breach of privacy... sue d hell outta him n mke him go broke...
Girls!! Don't trust them
It is well. But I dnt see y he has to go dis far, wot if dey eventually makeup, hw wil d wife be regain her respect?
Pained men. Na be this kain thing women dey deal with on a daily basis? How many photos did we paste even though some caught them red handed. Mtchew, that's why they die quick. Next thing is heart attack.
He's nasty! Babes shine ur eye o, learn frm odas abeg now I kneel dey beg its just not funny! Yet some folks are still snapping their nudity away for nthn... Well for ur pocket!
~D great anonymous!
Its not love. For love endureth all things. If he loved her he should have just let sleeping dogs lie. This is childish as far as I'm concerned.
some men though! he believes, not that he knows. i hope he gets really punished for this bad impression and reputation he is creating for her. i trust naija women....you never go free unless what he claims is true
Egede kpoi !
Hell has no fury like a man scorned. Lol
Egede kpoi !
Linda Ɣ☺u chop my comment?
Jealousy. .lol
Omg this so damn funny...... This man must have been really hurt...... The court should just send him to psychatrict hospital..... .....
the person that commented "Aye axemen!!!" - you are a fooool and an idiot; this generation when your mates are making money; you are forming cultism. Mumu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But his wife is so hot.... Like they say... A beautifull woman is not meant for only one man.....
Idiot like you! Go else where and do ur aye axemen!
Nonsense!the foolish childish man shd be dealt wt seriouly by the law.
sour loser
Nigga? Is he a nigga? Locos! Lol
The man shudnt ve gone dat far to put her pic with undies on net dats really absurd eventhough he cheat u why nt walk away ok face the justice
You can't make a ho a housewife.
That was so so childish.
Too Immature o jere
U dey craze?
He should go and hug transformer
@ Lucy, Love kini, is dis wot u do to dose u loveand who don't love u back anymore?
Nawa oo, it tells a lot more about the man than the woman. It's shows how childish, how vindictive and how mean he is. This is exactly why I'll always say, let no one have any access to any raunchy pictures of you, not even your husband. He can see you naked or all that but to have a picture? That's another level. The heart of man is desperately wicked and a lot of people will go to any extent to embarass you or get even for whatever reason. The funny thing is she may not even have cheated and even if she did self? Is it worth all of this? I pray she gets justice in court. This oyinbo people, they will find something to hang on his neck.
Na small stupid he be
lol, d guy dey vex o
Sick Man....weyrey dey fry chinchin for em head..
Hian ! Na so eeeee pain reach.
Retarded imbicle @anon 12:03
See how he pays back. Hahaha. So childish
Nawa ooo pls wats dis world turning into. A woman he married and claimed to love so much.God must surely judge him even if d woman did it. If it was d man d woman will easily forgive. Hmmm MEN MEN. I wish women could do without them
Laf don finish me....
But, this is preposterous
at least e no kill am
pained nigga, wetin raunchy 4 here
Horny Woman who called 911 to beg police for s*x
I'm amazed at the comments blaming the man. Do you know that their are men so pure & devoted to their marriage that any such misdeed from their wife can cause tem immeasurable distress & sorrow.
Mtshewwww wetiin raunchy here idiaaaaat woman leave u dey do like werey he shud be jailed
Defamation of xter...... Sue his pained ass
Now everybody sounded completely like what she did was right here oooo......you have to look at it from another angle, how devoted and committed was he, he must have trusted so much before getting married to her in the first place.........o ga o
Now everybody sounded completely like what she did was right here oooo......you have to look at it from another angle, how devoted and committed was he, he must have trusted so much before getting married to her in the first place.........o ga o
Cant women just zip the damn hole up for one sec.?
Even if she cheated on him, must he stoop that low to do this? He needs to grow up!
lol. marriage gone sour
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