Some people thought so and criticized Kendal for exposing her boobs forcing her older sister Khloe Kardashian to defend her. Khloe took to twitter to shut people up. See her tweets after the cut...
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Linda, na u sabi
Linda its not, she's a model and from western world not Africa
Where are the boobs??? Mtcchheeeewww
Oh my goodness!!!! Agbalumos on the runway!!!!!
As she jst turned 18 she jst explode, d kardashians ooooo nw is she showning off her cloths or her nipples
Oh whao!small boobs...
Hmmm, Oyinbo with their mum dress. See her ball like 10naira mango. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Hmmm, Oyinbo with their mumu dress. See her ball like 10naira mango. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
1st to comment: space booked!
Aunty linda lyv dis gah mbok 4God sake she's a model n na ha money she dey count....
It runs in the family...when will her own sex tape be out?
so crazy way to dress
She showed off more than her nipples
Her breast nor be like her sis own na.
So high fashion is equal to nudity lindodo? I guess being flat chested is what's in vogue now.
god dey!oopz
god dey!oopz
The chick just couldn't wait to be 18.
The girl wants to run faster than her legs! And Kris (her mum) won't care as long as it translates into dope. SMH
Its not new that's The trend this day with most ladies
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Hello !!!shes kim kardashian's sister and kris 'jendarshian"s' daughter!! wat do u xpet ?shes an Adult legally.. shes free !
Wonder shall never end
Other models younger than her do it so y is this news
The Breast sef na 'dotcom'
Oh my God this is really not cool I REP JAKES YOU (A Book of inspiration by linda Ikeji)click here
Her big sis Kim says she's always proud when she sees her live her dreams so your opinion doesn't matter. #herlife #hercareer #hermoney #instagram
Dillish and Stephen's relationship is over.
Linda wether too much or nt either way she go stil do am...dem white pipol no get shame at oll.see as d booby small like tangerine
Like I care
Where are d boobs?
Its not a new thing to their family.they r used to posin naked for d camera so she wnt be an exception.provided d pay is high,mummy kris jenner will convince her cos of her 10%.but is too wrong.dis will attract boys frm evry angle wantin 2 get a share.too much 4 a teen
I don't tink is too much for an 18years model 2show off her nipple? Abi cos she is a Jenner-Kardashian? Let her leave her dream jooor.She is 18yrs naw,n Legal!
These kardashians sef nmtchew okoro etoro eto waba ogodo iku bia oburu ya buru ogodo ya
Its her job n shez old enough.all runway models do it at one point or the other.
see as her breast dey lik 10 yr old pikin...wen kim k breast fit kill person hehehehe...*tiny boobs*vince lindzy post o u didnt post my last comment
Perky breasts. But she doesn't have that confident look on her face.
Wow..her top is so reavelling she is the only kardashian with a small boobs so far..sha her manager will be very proud of her!
Marc Jacobs......whhewwwh.Not Victorias Secrets but she's goin places already.I hope 2 see her climb d tall ladder.this chic is made for modelling
What is dis?She would have gone clothless.....#dryboobs# :--()
Linda...I saw it on IG and to think that it was on her mom's IG acnt that I saw it..I don't care if you are 18 or 50 as long as you are still under my roof...I'll teach you some discipline
Too wrong joor. Anyway her families are celebrity whores so am not surprise.
Too wrong joor. Anyway her families are celebrity whores so am not surprise.
Not her fault... It run in d family.
Too wrong joor. Anyway her families are celebrity whores so am not surprise.
Too wrong joor. Anyway her families are celebrity whores so am not surprise.
See d boobs sef!!!! Lindodo hope ur day was owk?
Yea, definitely too much but in order words, since dey are just limes waiting to blossom into ripe oranges, it's nt too much.
I'm viewing with a microscope. Where re the boobs? Arrant nonsense
Yea way 2 much
all i see is a teenage boy's chest and two lonely tiny worn out budding mounds located down under and far apart. and what's with the ghost face? she ain't gat nothing and shouldn't be tryna flaunt nothing!
Linda plzz its obvious u dnt like the kardashians , she's a model so its normal !! Its not like she bared her nipples for no reason
She is really a model, dnt like boobino either
Shows off what boobs?
Trashy! God will help this Kardashians o!
What do u expect wen lewdness is thier watchword?
So....she's a model. Its exposing but hey it comes with the territory...
See her agbalumo breasts Bonario will love this.
Too much for an 18yrs old Lindy?oh nigger pls,not enuf..i mean if an 18yrs doesnt show off,who wants to see d nipple of a 40yrs...pls more if uv got
So she's 18 now? Wow thought she's 16 why Kylie is 15.
Well they usually don't wear under garment, and its also her job... #charis
We know that already gbeborun.
Sharrap u small boy... Wetin u know??? Bow when ur elders are talking.
Not impress
This Kardashian clan, I don't expect much from them dama. She should have comd out nude na, since 'they don't get to choose' mtcheeeew
Not impressive
Come on guys.its modeling.Naomi and co had done this at fourteen.cut this family some slack.they are more grounded than most of us
Too much for an 18yrs old Lindy?oh nigger pls,not enuf..i mean if an 18yrs doesnt show off,who wants to see d nipple of a 40yrs...pls more if uv got
The Kardashians ego, it always controversial (1world♥)
Is it just me... but I thot she looked like victoria Beckham in d 1st photo...
As in eh. That's the first question that sprung to mind when I saw it. Boobs ke? Hia. Wetin person like me wey carry breast full cloth go talk?
Dope pants!
Immediately after your. ,mumu ode like u Ewu
Take it easy hater!
This small boy still dey post comment here?? Come I go wozz you oo. Nobody be ur mate for here.
When ur babe/wife does hers den she'll do her own.mum question
see her small breast
Its tru, oda models did these way younger
how is this any of your business?? its her nipple for heaven sakes!! people just keep on talking about things that are irrelevant -_-
Abi o,sharap.....lol
Indeed the world is a battle field between the good and evil,this will show the world exactly how she was brought up,will a child with the fear of God do this?..not even her tender age could restrict her..parts of the body that are suppose to be private parts and now made public..may God rescue this generation.
And her big sis was quick 2 fight for her good tho bt she should rebuke her when indoors biko
Lmaoooo,too much for an 18 years old ? when she's not 14 or 16 ? So she is meant to start when she is 30 ? This is the APPROPRIATE time, if she wants to bear her boobs out. Smh..people are forever worried about the wrongest thing...
This is what we call Egin Aka in Itsekiri Language.She nor get anything to show I beg,he be like Man Chest.
Don't worry, she is in Flavors safe hand.
Nude nude naked pics everywhere.. Is world is cumin to an ene
Shut up, over sabi.
@onyx,pls beg ur parents to let kendall adopt u so she can fatten u up.
This one go ask pple wetin my sister (Kim) do? She ll soon out run her sister's foot steps.
Her fingers looks quite different from her face.Are they not scary?
High fashion? Is that what they are calling children's nakedness these days?
Linda have you heard about the Gay men caught in portharcourt and forced to have sex in public?
Na normal tyn 4 dier family na so nt surprised
So, this small gay boy still get mouth to talk? Lol
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una no know say to wear clothe wey cover body properly ds dayz na crime.fashion dis dayz is about been nude.one sensitive part of a lady must be exposed.wat a pity.
una no know say to wear clothe wey cover body properly ds dayz na crime.fashion dis dayz is about been nude.one sensitive part of a lady must be exposed.wat a pity.
Abi o. We ar nt doing jamb lession here biko.
Abeg who get agbalumoo??e be like say I get belle and I need somthing sweetn Sour..
These are the kinda boobs you have to put all ur five fingers together b4 u touch
This same girl revealed on a national TV in 2012 dt she started having sex when she was thirteen. So walking naked on d runway aint somthg big in her eyes. And as we all kno, their family has a degree in posing nude b4 d camera and making sex tapes. D question now is when is d sextape she has already made probably wid her dad gonna be uploaded on bangbros.com??
Eesah 26E90A24
She's too young.
I found it hard to see d breast sef..... *yimu*
I can sleep in the same bed with this gel.Her body will not tickle me.
Too young how? Boobs is boobs no matter the age,we ve seen enuff boobs evrywhre besides I almost didn't notice her boobs(abaglumo) tank God for nipples or we won't notice some people's boobs.
She looks like a manniquine
Star boi aka wizkid is orgnising a. children valentine show o..hope ur mum will let u come...cos we'll close very late o...8:00pm... Greet ur aunty linda 4me ...
Lwkmd... Kai!!! Linda ikeji blog no go kill me.
Her sisters all had silicon in their breasts.
So? Kate Middleton did the same and landed Prince William. Linda find the picture and post it. Leave the girl jor. You know her mama go make sure she too land rich man.
Ok then!
Ok then!
Ok then!
I dt tink there's anything wrong wif that haters! pple jst like hating others most especially if u r doing well in life, ride on girl!!
How can u say dat about someone family? Who made u judge over them?
Fashion shows:Well dressed folks having fun watching poorly dressed folks..
She is a model and should be ready to pose for the camera. That's her job.
not too bad! for 18 o clock chick
read interesting gist and entertainment
After ona go blame GEJ! common sense is not common, ODE plenty for ds Blog. just bcos Linda criticize, ona follow.Define modeling and linda can't believe u will sound ds way.
D breast sharp sha
Ada,they had silicon cos na u put them abi.idiot
Dummy,its modeling.
We'll see how your kids turn out.
Disciplinarian.na your kids dey worwor pass.
Crystal B,you keep posting dumber and dumber stuff.are you dumb or just cursed
Thx jere
If the pay is right... for a model this isn't new let her be hypocrites
get good tools from bankfullz@yahoo.com, a trial will convince you.
Brows are raised just because she's a kardashian. we see this err'day on the run way...she's just another model.
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