His face mysteriously appeared on a woman's knee (pictured above). The pic, which was first posted on Reddit on Jan. 30th has gone viral with over 2million views so far. What no one knows for sure is if it's for real or a hoax. I chose hoax...photo-shopping at it's best. See more photos after the cut...

M strtin 2 blev dis end tym tins
either photoshop tinz or tatoo.
Oga d@s photo shop joor !!!!!no b only him face him bdy nko mtcheew nonsense
It's all lies.
End tym....illuminatti tix....first to comment
Whatever it is,,,, I care less....
If u b boss u b boss....but na 1messiah dey!!
Dis is graphic work I beg. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
I bet u kanye is gonna creat a punchline wit diz on his nxt song
If i hear
Fashion #bright bravo#
You do realize Kanye never gave credence to the funny fellow who started the so-called Yeezianity religion,right?
About the face on the broad's knee,its gotta be hoax and if it turns out to be real? Oh well,guess Kanye is some kinda god then.
Yeezus Forever!
It could ve been anybody linda. How can his face just appear? Messiah ko metisella ni.
Lol She is protected by the blood of yeezus i'm nt surprice.
Maybe tatoo cos i •̸№ gree understand dis º°˚˚°ºoo .
Photoshop or tatoo nothing more
Fools,I keep saying,there should be a limit to what we can learn from these "Yeye Oyinbo" people,
A nation that doesn't respect the Lord and His orders should have nothing to teach us!
A Nation that can't train its children In moral and upright ways,should have nothing to teach us!
I said it b4 and I am saying it again,Americans are the problem of this world,they drag other nations into their believes and jointly fight nations that don't bow to their unGodliness!
Man marry Man,
Man marry Dog.
Now Kanye,a morally Backward fool is now the thing they worship!
Make we stop to dey associate with this people,so when the wrath of the Lord come,E no go beat us join them.
How ppl take c d face when I'm stil lookin @ dat body?
Sometime ago i heard since he married kim his fame has kinda dropd..1st he dash $250,000 2 a lil kid jst for givin him some punches and now dis!..kanye is a smart guy u know..c'mon guys dats 3D tat!
If i hear... MAKE BELIEVE!!
I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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Lmao today its the knee.tomorrow it may go up to the private area and his followers will start believing in holy conception thus equating him to Jesus.I wonder how Kim is taking all this
it's gotta be a tatoo stuff.
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Hehe... Awaiting d next tale!
~D great anonymous!
Hahahahahaha!! I can't even see the resemblance. Oh well...
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! I still can't see the face. Load of bull... Please.
Kanye's ego is big enough. It's gonna go through the roof thanks to these Yeezus sightings.
Its looks like the face of satan. Evil looking face
Hypocrites Nigeria's.....Ade Baptisa, is everything accrued to end time? Ths could be photoshopped or just an image that turned out to look like Kanye's face.
I believe its †ђξ W̶̲̅oяk ☀f Photo n shop!!!
Yeezus theory of life
Messiah fire....Photoshop thins
If this is photoshop, then that's one madass photoshop!
I see a lady with a bad knee. No Kanye face whatsoever. They r probably delusional
Wetin man no go hear. Na tatoo
Who care's!!!
=))º°haha°º=a&a=aº°haha°º =)) =))º°haha°º=a&a=aº°haha°º =)) that's how my face too appeared on Tonto Dikeh's knee ....
It's irrelevant cos it ain't real....they Jus wanna make it as a big deal which it ain't....xoxo flynnrules
That must be one ma'fucking angry knee,cos we all knw that Yeezus ain't smilling @ all.. so my fellow libers beta behave whn ur close 2 dat knee.#jstkidin
And so the story goes.............. Lool! I think most americans are just looking for anything but Christ,to believe in. IMO
Who saw it first nd wat was his eyes doin there? Just askin, lol.
Olodo everytin is end time
Am nt supprised,i was expecting dis or @ least a sort of 'proof' of yeezianity.
Dis na heavy graphic work,kanye kooo kim niii.mshewwwwwww
Dis Is strange
the human eye and brain always try to create shape and form from things that are formless and shapeless. all i see is a bump on her knee.
photo shop jare
No! no!! no!!! no!!! It can't b, its photo shop,
she is proud to have kanye west pics on her kneel, mayb she have jayz pics on her boobz sef#just sayn#...we dont have to go diz crazy 4 celebrities#eyeclosed#
Few say so *via B.A.G*
Yu better bliv the end is near man and animal got married a priest officiated the ceremony all of end's time prophecy has been accomplished except for the coming of christ yu all com to jesus b4 its too late b4 the days of mercy. Expires
True ko true ni! I believe it not
All these illuminati pple self I tire, yesterday i heard there 's a new course 'to study Beyonce' don't knw d exact name but it is the study of Beyonce, just imagine. What abt great men like martin luther king jrn, nelson mandela,bill gates, steve jobs etc who ve touched d lives of pple. Rubbish!!!
I hate all this haters! Was it Kanye that started Yeezianity? Did he approve of it? No and No! So please stop all this hate and get back to your lives! It would also interest you all to know that Kanye West is a church going christian! Kindly get your facts right before writting nonsense. God bless you all
Bull shit
Its a hoax, who b kanye nah, him no reach jor!!
None ☀̤̣̈̇ƒ ma business! Next plesssss
Commenting on this blog is a waste of time and resources cos the madam @d top wount post it. Just typing .
Re dey xpecting me 2 bliv dis crap linda mbok give us anoda gist. OLUWAKATHERINE
Lmao! but I like dis dude sha............
SNOWYTE SAY S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡
Lmao...... Nw i see it very well, i was opposing it before......
linda whats dis nonsense background ur blog changes to when loaded with comments? It denies us tha clarity of the contents written
Kanye will be fucking pissed off......
Photoshop jor.
Micthwwwwwwwww rubbish
Michwwwwwwww ndi ara
Hoax, can't be.
I don't think is real o
hahahahah chai and some foolish people would believe this.
Sick set of people
It might not be photoshopping but a quirk of nature! There is a picture of Rio Ferdinand with what appears to be '5' on his abs! Which is ridiculous given his fashion line is called 5. But it is just a quirk of nature, given his body's position at the time. Same applies here.
If it is indeed Kanye (and a very big IF @ dat), it's appearing on the 'wwongest' body part, a lil distance higher would be most apt *giggles*
Went tru d comments,cudn't agree less with belinda...all I c is a lady wit a bad knee,y'al shud stop being delusional#nooffence...haven't u seen pix of animals in d cloud b4??does dat mean dt animal's in d sky??#jstsayn
my queen
Keep deceiving urself. On that day u will see the Americans will even be free from the wrath than u
LOOOL,Dont mind the site. There is no kanye tats anywhere, its just her knuckles. Check out her instagram Page mizhani_movement. I remember this picture was taken three weeks ago and she was styled by the boutique I work for. I dint see no kanye!
End time tins is real o, people of LIB.
what else would photoshop not do
some people will actually run along with this...right?..dopemus!
I can only shake my muafkn head damn sum ppl are just so dumb
That's Mizihani on Instagram she's a stripper nd she had the tattoo done. Get ur facts straight
Days of the anti Christ... I know only one messiah and its not this dude...kanye
Oh plz! Dats jst a case of wrinkled knee plus photoshop...*rolls eyes* NEXT!!!
They don get una!...appeared ko! Abi t'was planned baje!
Anon feb 1 12:16. Don't be silly, the story of the wedding was false. No such thing happened.
Oh shut up!
she is a stripper from Detroit...its not photoshopped..it just a coincidence.
ehe....girl enjoy ur 15mins fame
Abegi!!!!! Na tatoo
This isn't for real
Linda so u believe dis rubbish.
U sure.
wetin concern me with Kayne west face in her heart self..............Oga Next news jare!
This would be d last straw that would break the carmels back, I guess kanye has been seeing himself as a demigod.
It only appear om Kim's boobs.
i was wit kanye thru out d time, he neva had anytin to do wit dis.. I would c it as a mirage formed in our eyez, bcos dats isn't my dude kanyes
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