The recent suspension of the erstwhile Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria has ignited a debate on Social Media and as has become typical with many pundits, the discourse has been dominated by sentiments rather than facts.
As Sanusi has indicated that he will be challenging his suspension in court, I will not make this piece about him and recent events surrounding him. Yes, I will cite some examples of double standards as regards the approach taken by some analysts, but in my view, the matter is now best left to the courts.
What I will say however to those who are propagating the propaganda that
the President suspended Malam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi to stop him from speaking is
this: it was Sanusi’s job that was suspended, not his mouth and anyone who
knows him knows full well that he will not let anything come between him and a
Opposition politicians and fifth columnists have continued to pay the
price for underestimating President Goodluck Jonathan’s leadership abilities.
They confuse analysis for paralysis.
In the first month of the year 2014 for instance, there have been
several positive events that benefit everybody in Nigeria. Nigeria's economy
overtook South Africa's as Africa's largest economy. Not a squeak from the
opposition. Internationally renowned firm, Renaissance Capital, revealed that
Nigeria is the number one destination for Foreign Direct Investment in Africa.
Still not a squeak from the opposition. The United Nations officially certified
Nigeria free from Guinea Worm in January. Radio silence from the opposition.
But within the same month of January, the opposition have clung on to
every rumour, innuendo, gossip and careless talk that has the capacity of painting
the president in bad light. And where there is no negative rumour to spread,
not to be undone, they make one up!
A most embarrassing example of this 'opposition magic' was the news
circulated by the opposition to the effect that former military president, Gen.
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, had upbraided the President for permitting the
arrest of an APC operative who said that should the party lose elections in
2015 due to rigging (knowing the opposition, any election they lose is an
election that has been rigged) "the only alternative left to get power is
to take it by force; this is the reality on ground".
Eventually, it turned out that ex president Babangida had said no such
thing. The statement was a fabrication which was traced to the Facebook page of
the same APC official who said the taking of power by force is the only reality
on the ground.
It should now be obvious to all Nigerians that these persons are setting
the stage for a plan B should their plan A fail to materialize. The thing about
a plan A though is that you have to have one for you to even have a fighting
chance of the plan being realized, thus, an opposition that focuses on
insulting the President instead of formulating a winning plan and sharing it
with Nigerians obviously has no plans and therefore plans to fail.
And it is this lack of planning and coordination that fixates the
attention of the opposition on attacking the President instead of his policies.
Why do they do this? Those who are discerning know that the only way you can effectively
attack policies is if you have alternative policies. But where you don't have
alternative policies, you are left with no option but to go ad hominem.
The same people who were online attacking the President for allegedly
budgeting a billion Naira for feeding at the Presidential Villa (and they deliberately
suppressed the fact that hundreds of police and military officials feed at the
Presidency) are today justifying the 1.257 Billion Naira that the Central Bank
of Nigeria, CBN, under Sanusi Lamido Sanusi claimed it spent on Private Guards
and lunch for police men.
The individuals who took to Social Media to attack the Presidency’s proposed
travel budget of 2.4 billion Naira in the 2014 Appropriation Bill are today
justifying the 9.24 billion Naira spent by the CBN on training and travel expenses
for the year 2012.
Thank God the Presidency did not spend even up to 1 billion on legal
services. If it did, the hired social media hounds would have used this for
propaganda. The question should be why are they silent on the 20 billion Naira the
CBN under Sanusi claimed it spent on ‘Legal and Professional Fees’?
It is because these voices are procured. There is nothing wrong in offering
your services to politicians, but do not hide this fact and pass off yourself
as an objective and independent activist.
Alas, many in the opposition have successfully blinded the eyes of the
public to their duplicity.
I cite an elementary example of the nature of the opposition. At the
beginning of the year, I devoted the first few days of 2014 to tweeting about
the achievements of the Jonathan administration and projecting the positive
things that were already happening in Nigeria. When I tweeted, I had expected
opposition sponsored elements (and there are many on Twitter whom I have
christened Politwitters) to contradict these achievements. Not unsurprisingly,
they chose to insult. When I provided evidence that Nigeria's Per Capita Income
in 2009 (the year before President Jonathan ascended to power) was $1091 and
that this amount had improved by 70% to $1721 in 2013, what I got thrown back
at me was "na that one we go
chop?" or "how does that affect the price of Garri?"
They scoffed at the Jonathan administration's new National Automobile
Policy, saying it was laughable to imagine that Nigeria would be a car
manufacturing nation within a year. Well, Nissan has announced that their first
made in Nigeria Nissan SUV would be rolled out in April. They criticized the
President for declaring a State of Emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states,
yet their own governors found that the emergency had significantly eroded the terrorist’s
ability to launch terror attacks ensuring that there was enough peace for them
to visit Borno state.
And so, greeted with one success after the other of the President's
policies, the opposition has realized that they cannot compete with him on the
level of ideas. And what do they do?
They have carefully taken into consideration the President's personality
and have come to an awareness that he is a man that would not go negative or
attack personalities and their conclusion is that that is the only front on
which they can overwhelm him.
But they have not reckoned with the connection the President has with
ordinary Nigerians. This is a President that does not keep secrets from
Nigerians. A President that is secure enough in himself and his position to
allow them to dialogue without any boundaries.
In fact, from studying President Jonathan's style of leadership, I have
come to the conclusion that the Jonathanian key to growing one's influence is
to speak to the public in a way that makes the public want to listen to you and
listen to the masses in a way that makes the masses want to speak to you. That
is why Nigerians are excited about the impending National Conference. They know
that their President is listening. After all, he listened to them in 2010 when
they asked him not to ban the Super Eagles from international soccer
tournaments. He listened to them when they overwhelmingly asked him to run in
2011. He listened to them when they said they did not want Nigeria to succumb
to the practice of gay marriages.
The President even said it himself on his first Presidential Media Chat
that he has a great capacity to listen to people, even if they are talking
rubbish, without betraying emotion, thus communicating with his listeners that
he is giving the fullness of their being his focused attention in order to
understand them which does not mean that he agrees with them.
And you know what that does? It ignites the type of folksy connection
that the President now enjoys with Nigerians because they know that their
President seeks first to understand them before he asks them to understand him.
With President Jonathan, there is no monologue or dialogue of the deaf. With
him, Nigerians can always count on a dialogue of interested parties.
Nigerians know that their President will never threaten anybody, be they
human being, dog or baboon. Citizens of this great nation know that the man of
peace they elected to pilot their ship of state will never tell the down
trodden to 'go and die'! In fact, they know that even if they are in a war torn
nation thousands of miles away, their gentleman President will send planes to
get them out of harm’s way. They know that their President will never celebrate
his birthday with 1 billion Naira. Instead, they are certain that when they are
hungry, their President will ensure that the down trodden of society get
billions of Naira worth of grains and food staples so that they can hunger no
more. This is why the 2013 Global Hunger Index of the International Food Policy
Research Institute applauded Nigeria for her significant reduction of hunger
Nigerians further know that they have a philosopher king who reads
regularly and who has encouraged Nigerians, through his personal initiative
(The Bring Back the Book Project, launched on December 20, 2010) to read.
Readers are leaders and the President doesn't just read, he also donates books
to schools through the bring back the book project since he believes readers
become leaders because the mind is a muscle and reading is the only gymnasium
in which you can build up your mind muscle.
It is precisely this mind muscle that many of those who attack the
President with ad hominem words lack. Instead of having highly defined mind
muscles, they have built up their ego muscle. Alas, the worst possible
combination you could ever find in men is to have a weak will and a strong ego.
Unfortunately, this is the case with those who throw stones because they are
attuned to destroying rather than building.
So, let them keep insulting and casting aspersions on the person of
President Jonathan. Those who engage in these ad hominem attacks on the President only prove the truism that you
can take the man away from the gutter but you may not be able to take the
gutter away from the man.
The thing that they forget when they indulge in that type of behavior is
that as Chief MKO Abiola of blessed memory said 'even if you change the name of
honey it would still be sweet'!
And for those who wonder why the President does not ever respond to such
opposition attacks on his personality, I would also use another proverb to try
to assuage their wonderment. A man who is carrying an elephant on his head has
no need to squash an ant with his toe.
The man with confusing figures.
This Aso rock people have started their sermon again. Interesting
LMFAOOOOOOOO. I just stumbled on this nsg blog. Can't stop laughing.
No more akuko ifo about sanusi, he deserves to go
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First to comment. Too long linda I no git read.mimiiiiii
Episode 3 and the half..... Episode four on the line.....
This is definitely a nice piece,but in the eyez of ordinary nigerianz hez impact is slow.....but hopefully we will get there @Iam_Shaydee
Hmmmmm still on sanusi #bright bravo#
Took my time to finish the article and am greatly appalled and disturbed. Dude, you are doing your JOB but at the same time, you still don't get it. You think we are as dumb as you are, highlighting the 'so called good things' Jona is doing. Bunch of lies and sycophancy 'bullshit' so to say. Nigeria is in a hot mess and we are not blind to see that Jona and the rest of'em are just there to milk us dry. God won't allow y'all to succeed. Nonsense!
Shut up!!!d problem of nigeria is far from those u mentioned...Sanusis achievements is far better tahn any ministers.
its a pity. dis nation ehn.
check this amazing profit opportunity out
A wonderful write~up as usual.it was sanusi job that was suspended not his mouth n if truly Goodluck is involved he shld tell us
Hmmmm...n no comments so far!
Abeg Enough Of This Sanusi Matter Jari.. Unto The Next One!!
[Mischevious And Naughty]
>>My Comment Moderation Disabled<<
U just shot the fuckup what else will u say? u most support d master that feed u, am not xpecting anything different from this dude. mtchew....
Linda please don't give these sycophants a platform to air their disingenuous and phoney opinions! I didn't even bother reading this piece of garbage, u stopped reading after the first few lines.
I* stopped
Reno there you go again,must one belong to a political party before before he could understand or have a say as it pertains polity in Nigeria.
must you always narrow every thing to the opposition,was it the opppsition that told Nigerians to protest the partial removal of fuel subsidy?
was it the opposition that told ASUU to go on strike in protest for a favourable condition?
was it the opposition that told resident doctors to go on strike?
and the list goes on. you need to see the four walls of the classroom or a visit to the Ivory tower to know what is happening in the country.
This oppsition you are always quick to attack is one of the best thing that has happened to our democracy. could remember in the face of glaring hardship and protest from the people,a PDP chairman told us that whether we like it or not they will be in power for the next 50years.
Reno I guess it was the same opposition that ate the kerosene subsidy money and raised the alarm for the missing fund.
The only problem/headache this administration has is that Nigerians now know much better and are more interested in issues about their country more than ever.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Normal deceptive songs, no b today we start to hear am
APC usually attack the person and not policies. They haven't given us an alternative to what PDP has.
APC usually attack the person and not policies. They haven't given us an alternative to what PDP has.
This is Officially the most interesting article I've read this month. Pls Reno tell all d Jonathan haters the truth. Every hater of Jonathan sees him as what's wrong with this country, but they fail to see themselves. Can d head function when the body is not in support??? Haters of my jojo, y'all can kiss lucifer's ass...
Even a kid in Kindergarten knows Sanusi was removed because of his revelations of massive sleaze in the NNPC and Presidency. its crystal clear to the blind.
I wonder why Linda pays so much attention to this guy, we all know who he is. An article that deliberately omits any talk about the missing $20 billion dollars SLS has be shouting about and the recent revelation about the stolen 1 trillion Naira kerosene subsidy. We can see how Reno in his usual cunning self raises issues about the supposed misappropriation in CBN budget. This Sly should ask his Paymasters why the President ignored the part of the FRC report that indicts the deputy Governors of CBN also and he suprisingly appointed a fellow indicted officer in Sarah Alade to act in Sanusi's stead
Who is Lamido Sanusi? did Nigeria corrupt government do CRB on him? before appointment?
The regime identified the masterminds, so mandated its hit squad to eliminate the nine, including Sanusi.
Fresh facts have emerged as to why the government of late Sani Abacha did not kill Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), governor, Lamido Sanusi, in 1995, after he and eight other jihadists mobilized crazed extremists to behead Gideon Akaluka in jail.
Akaluka, a young Igbo trader, allegedly desecrated the Koran. He was arrested after his wife allegedly used pages of the Koran as toilet paper for her baby. After he was locked up by the police, a group of Muslim fundamentalists break into the jail, beheaded Akaluka, and paraded his bodiless head around the streets of Kano
The Zoo is fast collapsing and we will all see it, from Boko haram to Islamic jihadist turn politicians to empire of corruption, or should i say garden of Evil called Nigeria, Those who identify them self as Nigerians without i apology i proclaim you all animals,
Only animals will not question why they are been moved from one destination tot he next,
Boko haram has tankers, they might have jets you think is joke? this fight is islamic ideology you can never defeat them, you either walk away from them or accept, USA Britain and testify to this. American couldn't defeat Taliban, they walked away from Iraq.
Afghan same thing is happening you think Zoological republic nigeria will defeat terrorist like boko haram your joking, Lamido just bought them new jets to strike Delta.
Jonathan what happen to aguiyi irons might happen to you.
Reno is comparing feeding of CBN nationwide to feeding @ Asorock! He must really take Nigerians as fools! Am suprised he didn't talk about the NNPC n missing 20 billion dollars! Infact this article barely talked about Sanusi n instead went to praise singing!
Sanusi has been made a Hero by dis unconstitutional suspension. GEJ can't fight corruption cos he is deeply involved. He made a mistake suspending Sanusi, shld hv left him to complete his 3 months left.
Lastly! Does dis Reno hav any sense at all? Where in the world wld u find an opposition praising the Govt? It is their job to attack n criticize the Govt n this helps in checkmating the Govt n make dem sit up. Phewwww
achievements koh.to even think Gej administration has done any good dan harm is upsetin.i dnt blame u sha na ur own money u dey wrk for
The president doesn't respond to criticisms himself alright, isn't that why he employed you to do that for him? Reno Omokri is a two faced slimeball. I don't even support the opposition(APC) I'm an advocate for justice rather for transparency and accountability.So appalled..
Can somebody pls advise this Reno of a man to keep quite. Wetin Jona no send u na him u dey talk.
Bonario, by now you should know that, according to the Presidency, any issue raised that tends to indict the present government is from the APC, Northerners and Yorubas.. this has been the Present Governments ideology and reasoning sold and propagated to most Nigerians of Low IQ especially in the SE and SS. Any dissent to the actions of the Presidency these days is seen as an actions to bring down a South South leader or Christian by Northerners and the APC, this is beliefs sown by hired goons like Reno, Abati, Clark, Asari and their ilks.
reno omokri is just too cute..i believe thats why aunty lin like posting his ish with ease..
@ femi When People like you start viewing thngs from your own stand point and not based on setiment or political afflication things will change
Where is Bonario? Let him come and say his usual rubbish with his leprosy infested fingers! I saw when APC registerred u as their member. Very clueless party who are only interested in attacking the person of the presidency.God will disgrace u all, since u dnt want to allow jona be the president.
Its heart breaking when billions are been spent on what millions can do. It only shows. How deep the level of corruption is in Nigeria
Mr Bonario,
The PDP, and most Jonathanians and other paid and hired clowns like Reno and Okupe would tell you ASUU was used by the APC, they also say The Subsidy Protests was sponsored by the ACN, they also say Sanusi is working for the APC and their evidence would be, Sanusi attended Tinubu's birthday.
Mr. Reno, this is just an opportunity to Politik. The economy of Nigeria overtook that of South Africa in 2014? Seriously? And how did we know? Look we have gone beyond that stage when the Government Will bamboozle us with their own version of the truth. He who feels it knows it. You don't have to tell us about your developmental strides. We are Nigerians living in Nigeria. We are not blind nor stupid. Meanwhile you forgot to compare the 2013 Boko haram casualties to that of 2014 and remember we are just in February!
I pity the person that gave birth to you, because you are so bias! Y dnt just compare what he said against what the records on ground. Linda all this APC paid agents on your Blog! Hhhhhhmmmmm. I dey laugh in OBJs voice.
Psychophancy king..Nigeria economy have outgrown south Africa,investment ground nation,UN shiit..we are the Nigerians and we are not seeing anything on ground, with this Nissan scam are they going to be using MIKANO gen 2 be producing the cars,millions of graduate are still unemployed,insecurity is always on the rise this Reno should stfu we are so tired of theoretical schemes we need practical things...how about giving Nigerians electricity for a start,it shouldn't be that difficult considering the fact that our economy is now the best in Africa as you have said. And this man should learn how to summarize his hopeless epistle.
The fool has finally spoken! U re a member of APC, I know u! U have been paid to be baised on everything that concerns GEJ on this blog.
@Bonario your comment only expose ur stands on party Line, Nigeirans are more intrested now because this administrations made it possible for everyone to have access to informations. This was not possible in prevoius adminidtration, and I can assure you it will not be possible with an APC govt taking their actions now. Try seeing things from a neutral point it will improve ur understanding of nigeria politics
Saints and sinners! The funny thing is that in the Nigerian politics it's all sinners! All the pretend saints have more sins than the sinners they persecute! A lot of things are wrong with our political atmosphere, but it will change, all of it, with a step in the right direction. Maybe Jonathan is it. We will not know now.
First time to comment....@Bonario I can see u are one of d antijona
.and u r so blind to see d development we have achieved in Nigeria so far...definitely there will be ups n downs in any administration. .ur so calk APC is nt exceptation..so Mr permit me to tell u to Shut up and hv a sit..
Useless man, start parking ur belonging now because 2015 is nearer. U must be deleted with ur boss. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Reno,just the way they suspended sanusi.you will be sacked very soon,
oga reno u have come again welldone o sycophants
Hahaha dis is what I called beautiful lies both the current ruling party and the opposition party have no good intention for this country I swear, mallam SLS and GEJ are birds of the same feathers this country leaders are corrupt they are just there yarning stories I neva trust them or believe them story pls linda tell the writer he is not being so truthful Nigerians are really suffering we are living below $1 and statistics says so. We are just being fooled tbh see 2015 Is near and very soon they will start their campaign and after every every nothing will change
Thanks bonario. This reno guy looks more like a fag than a human being. Is he even a Nigerian? Amidst widespread killing in borno, he's claiming borno is now easy to visit. Reno u r a bastard and until one of ur folks is affected by ur masters bad n corrupt governance, then u would understand how bad and dumb you and your legend of the drunken master is.
Please do us a favour. Stop typing useless articles and posting on linda's blog. You are too one-dimensional and you stink of lies and deceit. Asshole
Thank you Bonario for the intelligent response to this mumu guy epistle. See Reno, the truth is your clueless Oga have failed woefully. Suspending SLS is another faux pas on his part if people like Deziane could be left untouched after all the panel indictments. When the judgement comes on your boss, you will not be left out too.. retard!
This Reno funny,you cannot seperate Sanusi from a microphone. On a serious note,Jonathan is working,but a lot needs to be done so that the masses will feel the impact of his programmesm
Everybody should ask themselves this question, if they were Goodluck will they allow Sanusi to carry on? Putting into consideration he is working with APC. Sanusi has brains but we have lot of people in Nigeria with brains that can do the job without working against Goodluck...Gbam.
Reno no one cares about Jonathan. How have these his achievements bettered the ordinary Nigerian? Tell me how it has made my life better?
All of a sudden Bonario is now an APC member because he decides to speak the truth against a senseless and thieving regime. This is how foolish most Nigerians reason..
Anyone says anything against or disagrees with the Government of GEJ is now labeled an APC member
Reno Omokri, you are carry out ur responsibilities well. But, do u hav any idea how many pple are slaughtered like animals by Boko haram daily? Why's ur president yet to fish out n prosecute the sponsors?
Have u also got an idea how much of public funds hav bn stolen blatantly under his watch?
From Sanusi to Jonathan to APC, u all dnt hav the interest of Nigerians at heart...bunch of corrupt selfseeking politicians. Keep playin politics with our funds. Some day, u'll face reality. God is nt asleep. And Yes, they wud b a revolution in Nigeria sooner than expected.
Honestly these guys dont feel our pulses and they also think we Nigerians dont have brains or we have low I.Q, Spending billions at every chance they get! when every sector of Nigeria is dead, from education, health, infracstructure, oil sector, security, civil service, e.t.c I just pray for the day Nigerian youth will wake up from their sleep and fight for their future, how long do we continue like this????????!!!! This political merger called Nigeria is unexplainable
You should take out time to Google all the achievements, before you conclude they are lies. Some people get their news strictly on Linda Ikeji Blog(no offence Linda, I think you're great and doing a good job).
It baffles me wen pple ar nt objective!there is ds saying "if u hate a Teacher of a Subject u wil also hate d subject"even if u dnt lik d Person but u hate wat he is doin even if u can actually see change!u wnt it to be so drastic to move ur dumb ass heads!let's be Objective am nt a Fan of GEJ but truth be told he hs tried no President wld tolerate al the insults bn thrown @him!he hs sme very bad pple workin for him but dt doesn't mean his aim 4 Nig is nt a gud one!he's bn crippled by pple lik u who don't even giv credit!smetimes cos of our blindness dts y we get wat we deserve Bonario and d rest mayb u cn go 2 othr Countries whr u'l see true dictatorship then u knw wat dt word truly means!giv ds Man a break u'al wat if d nxt persn is even worse off let him be @least 1st time der is Made in Nig Car!if u were in his Positions u wil do worse.....God help u al. XOXO Charmie*Linds post my comments!!!
It baffles me wen pple ar nt objective!there is ds saying "if u hate a Teacher of a Subject u wil also hate d subject"even if u dnt lik d Person but u hate wat he is doin even if u can actually see change!u wnt it to be so drastic to move ur dumb ass heads!let's be Objective am nt a Fan of GEJ but truth be told he hs tried no President wld tolerate al the insults bn thrown @him!he hs sme very bad pple workin for him but dt doesn't mean his aim 4 Nig is nt a gud one!he's bn crippled by pple lik u who don't even giv credit!smetimes cos of our blindness dts y we get wat we deserve Bonario and d rest mayb u cn go 2 othr Countries whr u'l see true dictatorship then u knw wat dt word truly means!giv ds Man a break u'al wat if d nxt persn is even worse off let him be @least 1st time der is Made in Nig Car!if u were in his Positions u wil do worse.....God help u al. XOXO Charmie*Linds post my comments!!!
Thank you. Sentiments. Stupid sentiments, everywhere. That's what kills our country. Facts speak for themselves. Intelligent people and great countries do not use sentiments, that's why they keep growing!
Reno is the most stupid and dumb adviser Nigeria has ever produced – always thinks from his anus. Stupid UK based who know nothing about this country. I don’t blame him anyway – he is just a copy of his boss.
Imagine that
1. Nigeria's economy overtook South Africa's as Africa's largest economy? Where is the effect of this to the poverty stricken citizens you claimed the voted Jonathan.
2. Internationally renowned firm, Renaissance Capital, revealed that Nigeria is the number one destination for Foreign Direct Investment in Africa? Reno, kindly mention one multinational company that come to Nigeria since 2011. The unemployment rate is at alarming rate which is mostly account for the increase rate of crime at the moment.
3. The United Nations officially certified Nigeria free from Guinea Worm in January? How could a country like Nigeria that supposed to be competing with likes of United Arab Emirate (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc that are on the same level in oil production is proud today of freeing from Guinea Worm in 2014.
4. Readers are leaders and the President doesn't just read, he also donates books to schools through the bring back the book project? Where are the books? Even dictator like Abacha had such project and it was crystal cleared to everyone through PTF. The whole government schools in Nigeria could justify that. Nigeria schools and hospitals were well equipped then with PTF stuffs. Where are your own?
5. And for those who wonder why the President does not ever respond to such opposition attacks on his personality? Dear Reno, if president can invest the time he spend to response to what people talk about him in his real job descriptions I believe he will go down in history as the best president in Nigeria but the revise is the case here.
Also if he can suspend Sanusi for financial misappropriation of 2012 while can’t he do that in the case of Stella Oduah? But he empowered Oduah’s with more fortune to start “2015 door to door campaign”.
What an incompetent government with incompetent advisers. May God help this country, we deserve better than this especially from GEJ.
Who says Jonathan is Working???? Jonathan is only Stealing.... How can you suspend a Man who tells you over N7,000,000,000,000,000,000 was stolen under your watch while you are boasting everywhere about fighting corruption
@Mrs C has ur life bn better b4 his dispensation b4! As if d othrs affected u or wil affect u even wen sme1 else cums in! Al ds freedom of Speech is getn out of hand! It didn't mak ur life btr!jst pray der is Peace!u neva knw d Value of Peace until u experience War!u al shd be mindful of wat cms out of ur Mouths!!!!Charmie says so......
@reno,did the president not say at the Davos summit that electricity's improved in Nigeria?I live in Magodo and just came back to Nigeria on monday,since I came back till now I've not enjoyed up to one hour of phcn light.It's really juvenile that instead of the president to tackle the many problems befuddling the country,he's looking for distractions.
Bonario, you've in a way applauded GEJ's regime(although that was not ur intention). He did listen to Nigerians during all the times you cited. And acted accordingly. At least in the end. That's part of what Reno's saying. GEJ LISTENS!!! How many of u had mouth to talk in previous administrations?
Bonario dis piece is 4 pple like u. Always picking holes without profaring a solution.
People will neva c gud in what GEJ is doing until a leader dat will destroy his gud works comes in. I believe in his leadership.
If u hav neva lead a group, big or small, u won't understand what GEJ is doing. E.g. Fashiola is doing maverlously well in Lagos, yet pple in some areas r calling him names. His tax policies & deportation of certain pple did not go down well with some. U can't please all.
Like u pointed out Bonario, u don't hav 2 belong 2 a party 2 understand what is going on, u can still channel ur energy in effecting change starting from ur immediate environment. Being an arm_chair critic can b gud only if it is constructive.
Let start looking at laid down structures rada dan immediate results.
Everybody is stealing money from The president to Reno Omokri to CBN governor house of rep/highest paid legalized theives in the world to PDP and APC members to our governors , police, civil servants, lecturers to private contractors/sector to bankers who fraud and inflate deals for their pockets to influencers of contracts to you that use money to get advantage, to the guys on the streets who lie and cheat on small jobs, borrow money and never return it, if i did not call your discipline please know that you are included and also a thief, Lets face it, Nigeria is a theiving nation! You are only exempted if honestly you stand for the truth in Nigeria every day on the streets and your office and speak out for it rather than look away
Thank you for dis piece. Maybe they think nigerians don't have brain. They are all sycophnas. Instead of telling d president the truth*God will have mercy on us*
frankly i dont see anything wrong if 4,900 policemen on CBN's payroll spends N1.2 Billion on feeding a year but i see something seriously wrong with 7 Persons in 1st Family spending N1.18 Billion on feeding for 1 year.
like i said b4 ol diz sanusi issue na indian film:dey have to sing b4 dey go into d main matter....ol diz pipz r jux singn...
As 4 me i support FPP(FEW POLITICAL PARTY)
Few say so*via B.A.G*
Bona! Shut up dia! The earlier u open up your narrow ass mind the better for you! Are you allergic to being objective??
Kendrick aka reno,u're so far up ur own ass it's disturbing.We go soon steal ya laptop,na dat time u go know.
My 1st Eva comment on dis blog,dude I tink u need a doctor u card carrying member of apc
The worst of it is dat all those supporting dis bastard calld Bonario are mallams, dat money dey pay u Bona will soon finish and den ur child will suffer it Ode
I took d pains to read through d article and all I could deduce ΨåS̤̈̊ Reno ΨåS̤̈̊ doing exactly d opposite of wat d opposition did.Mr Omokri,u're doing wat u're being paid to do,Nigerians jnw better!
Reno Mockery: A fool who become fool of food,His mouth will say nonsense. All our politician are the same and u called yourself a man of God. A big ocean fish swimming in aquarium. Smh
make the best out of Mc'dave investment services. You now have the chance of financial freedom at your finger tips. you dont need to be an Economist/Accountant guru, As long as you can use the internet & you have any bank account then you are good to go . see m c d a v e i n v e s t . co m for more details
Pls I dnt undastnd ds cry for PDP isn't gud APC btr!pls ws it nt Tinubu dt formed APC ?is he btr? Is he nt d godfather of Fashola but is Fashola nt btr?pls pls u wld appreciate GEJ wen APC assumes dt seat!but it wil only be in der dreams cos dey aint goin nowhr!PDP is bad yea its a Devil but its APC anybtr?I prefer d lesser of d devils........I undastnd PDP ve accepted dem but APC I see horns growing frm der heads r worse off.Xoxo Charmie
Should we then become mediocre in our thinking and expectations? Should we continue to expect less and then say oh he has tried? He has tried has become the future of a lot of Nigerians because the years of poor quality leadership has bastardized their mindsets! Nigeria is at a point where if you cannot deliver, you should not be found near government at all, if we dont expect more we will definitely always get less, Nigeria does not need rulers that will come and try for 4 to 8 years, steal enough money, waste enough resources, invest billions into planes and
Office of the wife of the president running to billions and they leave and you say they have tried, imagine if we had leaders that could account for every penny spent , imagine the development you and I will see in just 6 months, why must we settle for less after years of independence we have oil wealth but yet pay 97 Naira for a litre of oil, we pay so expensively for children school fees, pay so much for health which is not quality and u have to fly out cos we dont have the facilities here in abundance, not a single refinery here in Nigeria, our stadiums and police barracks and public schools look like shit holes until u show it on t.v then it gets attention. Unemployment figures are over the roof and this VERY STUPID RENO COMES OUT TO SAY they have achieved this and that when they barely go to the streets to see people wandering aimlessly for jobs everyday, honestly im fed up with this country after so many years
Reno oMockery: A fool who become fool of food his mouth will say nonsense, it's a shame that you called yourself a man of God and you find it hard to say the truth about the situation of this great nation. History will just justify if this is the quota you can contribute. God is watching. All of you are the same, even the so called apc. Stop allowing to be used by the people. A big ocean fish swimming in aquarium. Smh
well, am not a politician.. but please can someone tell Mr El Rufai that he should not be deceived by the followers that he has, and hes making a fool out of himself already, they are are criticising GEJ, hmm am sure by the timme APC gets there(thats if they get there) we will all be in trouble,cos them tinubu go first chop them money back.. ask the southwest govs what he did to their allocations the first 2 yrs, GEJ is trying and they should allow him do second term so that we dont get back to square one ooo.. a word is enough for the wise..
Reno the issue here is not what the public choose to hear or if Jonathan/ Sanusi are guilty or not guilty on the allegations leveled against them. The main issue is the type of governance we practice in Nigeria.
It's the same circle of people(thieves) that rule the nation hence that's y the minority are the ones facing the pain, poverty, unemployment , insecurity, homelessness, war etc.
I am just fed up of people like you(Jonathan's social media messengers)that come out trying to make the colour of mud look white or bright green(other words avoid the truth). Goodluck, late Yaradua, Obasanjo and not to name a few have damaged the system and let's just speak the truth. We need reforms.............currently there are thousands of people that launder money abroad with the help of financial institutions under Jonathan administration and am sure you can confirm this but nothing is been done.
The whole system is just bad and terminated with disease. Eg
Justice system bad,
Education system bad
Political system bad
Financial system bad
Technology system improving .
I don't need a name of a president/cabinet members I just need a personality that love to get the right things done for the interest of its people especially the ones that can't afford a meal a day or send their child to school. People need an upgrade !
Reno, So far the GEj government has achived something reasonable in Nigeria. I am a student and have done a lot of assignment concerning the Nigerian Economy. The truth is the countries GDP has increased, in Africa, Nigeria is best place for foreign direct investments with proofs from IMF. Notwithstanding that we have crisis in our country but we still manage to surpass other countries. No doubt, Mr lamido has helped to improve our banking systems,but the increase in USD in this his regime is nothing to write home about, also USD policy. Personally the dollar issue has really affected me a lot. As I study inline and I pay my tuition in USD. I think that every position has a job description, if lamido had stucked to his job description we won't be here writing all this. All should bear in mind that the president has the right to sack him, constitution or no constitution, which can always be amended by the same president. In any case sanusi might as well try his politics in his home state by helping us to control the activities of boko haram.
Obviously you've been brainwashed and blinded. Pls kindly think with your brain! Can you name the achievement? Or do you mean using 20 billion naira for legal fees? Who is CBN in court with? Nigerians? Or is the achievement beaconed on using 12 billion naira for promotional fees? What promotion? Is CBN in contest with American Federal reserve Bank? Or is the achievement on dolling out billions to friends and praise singers like you in form of goose pimple projecting contracts... The achievement is it policies that saw people loosing their Jobs in the banking sector...or opeing an anonymous account that ran into billions. I guess you do have a formal six year education? Use your brain plz.
Should I say...u love to talk...or love to write....or u love both.....However, u are not different from ur microphone sanusi?...@reno...u are just a hopeless killjoy! Work it! Am GodsBaby.........!
And ur point is???
Bonario or whatever they call you.... Reno raised cogent issues.. Why not tackle them in line with what Sanusi did and what he made people believe of him... I guess that should be the crux of the matter at the moment. Quit beating about the bush. Sanusi's job was suspended not his mouth not his opposition friends. If he's got anything evidence to show its the most apt time to lay them bare, now he's want us to believe he's. A wounded lion. While he does that may he eqrally defend the multi billions he siphoned.. Be objective my dear friend cos you don't know the half of it...!
@bonario, it shows u know wht u r sayin..the best comment so far on dis blog pertaining to dis issue.. U r educated.. Buh @tyms ur comments r off point, and off key.. Buh 4 dis I give u a thumbs up.. Nice one
God bless Jonathan, God bless Nigeria.
U all should give GEJ a break, way too much criticism!!!
Honestly some people don't do any research before talking..them just they Wait for Linda
Shut your stupid mouth!
@reno u must be very desperate to reply to Bona's comments 5 times u homosexually-inclined son of a crack whore n a thousand armed-robbers
This government has no shame. Seriously? Claiming the success of the efforts of President Jimmy Carter in helping eradicate Guinea worm as your government's success? Really? Maybe you should know that Nigerians (at least some of us)are not as dumb as your distorted mind imagines. Olu, ATL
Anon 12.49pm, 1.32pm and 2.12pm r the same person. U really need to stop being so desperate, Reno.
In any case,sanusi might as well try his politisc in his home state by helping us control the activities of Boko Haram.
So Reno typed and posted on Linda's blog. Ummmmm. They sure had you in mind when they invented the word "stupid".
So anybody who is willing to speak up against Jona's govt is now in APC? You guys r such idiots!
Abegi enough is enough oooo.....please pack your bag and baggages go....your wife and children are waiting for you
Pastor Caught in Adultery with his Friend’s Wife
A Lady caught her Man “In the Act” with another girl and Turned the world upside Down.
Ashawo caught servicing her Customer in Public
OMG! Girl opens beer with her breast
Nice piece #teamjonathan
Jonathan's administration will go down as the most corrupt in Nigeria's history. U pardoned Alams. Then u sacked a whistle blower. It is obvious where ur heart is. Thieves and bastards!
Fuck you and your family Reno. I was expecting you to bark, you DOG!
All I have to say is that Nigeria have no future for our unborn children for the next 50years.
Essential matter this!!!
It's like you are a newly released militant and you're commenting multiple times so your Ogas can see your loyalty and reward you accordingly. Don't be fooled, when katakata bursts, your head go first enter am.That your Oga Jona loses the election like he should does not mean chaos.
Seriously I don't what is wrong wit president he is so unpreditable, but will still have to give jona time instead of apporting blames on him
Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊и̣̣̣̣̥ may call it a sermon bt one thing I applaud GEJ administration i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅ FREEDOM OF SPEECH he allowed all Nigerians to enjoy. During Obj regime hw dare anyone talk ill of his policies talk more of insulting hm even when Edris sang Nig jaga jaga obj went as far as insulting hs father on national tv. Or are we to mention hs senseless bulling n killing, wat happened to Bola Ige and others? Bt here a humble man allowing Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊и̣̣̣̣̥ and I to voice our opinion. These evil men that formed APC driving force i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅ only to overtrow pdp n doesn't ve the interest of Nigerians @ hrt. 2015 say NO to those politicains that tinks Nig i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅ their birth right IBB, Buhari, Tinubu, Atiku n co.GEJ history will remember Y̶̲̥̅̊o̶̲̥̅̊и̣̣̣̣̥ for dt
The problem of Nigeria is too big, many can see but blind to d truth , APC ralying to climb power but nigerians will never look back and see what they have done and doing in their respective states they are governing, they will climb power and introduce lasm to pursue good citizen on our roads claiming they are creating jobs for masses and CBD in market square to pursue our innocent. and hustling to survive old men and women, I fink dey said 1 Nigeria but d so call APC governor dat said Lagos is not for everybody people should go to their state , a party dat passes budget under 1 hour , a party dat 1 man speak for every body , APC is south west party not Nigeria party , a party dat Oba ( king) and one body have say and pick who to b , if u are not loyal to Oba or him u can't go any where, Nigerians want instant miracle and dey don't have faith ow will it work, d last meeting dey held in London about who to b next Governor in Lagos state while Fashola is still on seat journalist pretended as if dey are not aware , i wonder where king is involve in chosen who to b next governor in state they are d same people fighting against Mr president dat is not working, its lugubrious and ignominy dat people dat don't suppose to talk will b watching their mouth in public, Buari will b talking , Tinubu will b talking lets play back their history while they were in d office. They should find some where to sit and practice their Agbero system of government they are practicing in their state, I don't blame anybody talking our talk goes a long way and they help. People should create time to find out Mr president achievement don't stay in or house and allowing urself to b dechieved by some journalist dat working for their pocket .jonah remain d best if u like take it or leave it .
Hehehe! Oga Jona biko increase his salary for this noise he just made! Nonsense...!!
Able PM Cameron...what is our current state of affairs here? !
“When I first heard of the action of the CBN governor, I was surprised. I asked whether Yobe and Borno states were not part of Nigeria, as these attacks took place there first. This action by the CBN governor is an act of terrorism; in fact, he is a terrorist.”
- Goni Lawan, a representative from Yobe State
“There is no logic in what he is doing. It just shows there is no control even from the system. I am aware that he is probably gunning for the Emirate of Kano, and wants to give the Bayeros a run for their money, but should that be at the expense of Nigerians and their money?” - Pat Utomi, a professor of Economics.
"I wondered whether the CBN had become a donor agency or a charity organisation" -, Femi Gbajabiamila, minority leader, House of Representatives
"Using public funds to assist victims of bomb blast is illegal as it is outside the mandate of CBN. The management of the CBN must not be allowed to waste public funds under the pretext of carrying out CSR that is outside the ambit of the law. The CBN had usurped the functions of the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA, which is supposed to provide assistance to victims of disasters. - " Femi Falana, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN,
Linda, I will send you a picture of this so called Reno KISSING another man in Spain! Useless boy!
He should have said those in aso rock benefitted from whatever accomplishments he is talking about. This is what he is paid for. Reno, abati, labaran maku's salary should be declared. Idiots like their master.
I don't live in Nigeria but I noticed dat my family and friends' cry for financial help is much more now dan in previous regimes. It is either that they r lazy or dat d government's impact on the lives of d average Nigerian is abysmal. I think d latter seems to be d case. And 4 d record I'm a card carrying member of d Liberal Party of Canada.
Does this twerp expect no opposition's comment at all. I ask him, Reno, what do you understand by the word opposition? Where in this world have u seen a head of state who gets accolades every time. When u have the time to get ur head out of ur arse, do u watch proceedings in UK and US parliament. Really? Mr adviser.
Olodo. And you have the nerve to comment. Useless somebody
Keep doing the great job Reno Omokri. I AM A BIG FAN OF YOURS.
Ur actually d dude paid to attack honest opinions. D question i have, for u mr anonymous, why wasn't sanusi suspended since; until he opened d cancerworm of fraud in NNPC b4 he was suspended. even a layman wudnt nid to consult my village oracle to knw d reason for his suspension. #Goddey
Hmmm........the day Sanusi left the office my brother got a job with CBN......I'm rili confused now??
Linda, pls check out the New York Times article on this issue.
If Linda now allows her blog to be a political platform for Reno and his group. I tink we sud stop reading. Dey r openly using fowl languages on fellow LIBers.. #decorum plz
This man sure dosnt get it dat Nigerians ar no longer as dull as dey think. We ar now wise, we now knw it wen our so calld leaders lie to cover thr messes. *Liars!!!
Silly people...we are all here watching you all dance naked at the "village square"...no light for months now,we pay through our nose to send our children to school,mothers have turned "doctors" and "nurses" cos of high medical bills yet all we hear is billions missing and misappropriated...all you in power that have turned yourselves to thieves stealing what iS meant for all,acquaring possessions without remorse...think deep cos you can only sleep in a room,drive in a car even wear a wristwatch at a time...all na vanity @death you won't take a bad kobo to your grave!!
You can rant from here till eternity defending your Ogogoro Master, but as long as the $20 Billion NNPC unremitted funds & the Kerosene Subsidy Fraud are still not resolved, then none of your claims against Sanusi will ever hold water.
Why should we go after a thief with N38 Billion and not the other who stole 20 Billion in Hard Currency?
Why don't you get us an official response to the heist of $20 Billion at the NNPC instead of hedging your useless views & propaganda?
Keep telling us that the sky is Green when we can all clearly see that it's Blue - Fucking Schmuck!
I agree with u
For the person who asked of a multinational company that has invested in Nigeria, am proud to tell you that General Electrics(GE) has. So has Wilmar. Am also "prouder" to say that they are both in Cross River State.
Bonario spoke my mind in this
A key prayer point for this year is for all our politicians including Reno to sleep peacefully and wake up peacefully on the other side to see their maker! Too many Nigerians have already died from bad hospitals, unemployment, poverty, accidents due to bad roads especially lagos ibadan expressway due to government irresponsibility, generator fumes have killed many families when there was lack of power supply,a lot of new babies and their mothers have gone to early graves due to poor health infracstructure, accident has claimed many lives on our expressway bcos there were no good street lights, many innocent lives have been cut short in the north bcos of poor security and politicizing and insensitivity of government at the early stage that boko haram started, emergency victims have died bcos there were lack of facilities at our hospitals, the unseriousness of govt over its agencies has lead to many plane crashes and loss of lives, the list goes on and on, they dont realize that when they steal or encourage stealing , it ultimately leads to loss of lives so they are all then guilty of murder before God. So its only better for them all to go,
I tell u if that happens, Nigeria's problems are at least 80% solved!
A CBN governor that spoke more than a. Chairman of a political party. The man made a mess of that office please, more like an activist than a banker. A governor that juggled figures,a CBN governor that made donations on behalf of who? How do u throw stones whilst living in a glass house? He should go to court and disgrace himself further ......
Pulss, nigeria belongs to everybody.Sanusi is not the only competent man to head cbn.He should bow for fresh minds to head the cbn.If he was from another region will it cause so much hanky panky?
IQ indeed, yours is so low!
The problem with some Nigerians is that they rather insult people than engage in intellectual discuss. Every post is used as a medium of hates. Politicians will always use propaganda to win favour and left once they get what they want.
----JBayo say so---
This dude lacks ethics of PR. Firstly,he is personalizing this issue with proverbs or riddle if you like,this not allowed.This the most unintelligent piece I ever come across.Where is this dude trained? he is simply kissing the president's ass.All he is written about is a bleeding lie.
All you supporters of Jonathan, may your lives be as wrecked as Jonathan has wrecked Nigeria. When fuel prices were increased, we were promised better lives with the excess. Where is the money today? 20 billion is missing, was it stolen by Sanusi? Sanusi may have his issues but it's nothing compared to Jonathan's looting, recklessness and cluelessness
@ Reno, you should be happy that we now have a vibrant opposition in the country that serve as check to the government of the day. Gone are the days when one party will control 30 states and the the. Next party to that will have 3 states. Gone are the days when one party will have 90 percent of the members of national assembly but now Nigerians now have a voice and choice to choose, I think it calls for celebration because it will bring good governance. As far as this administration is concerned, some questions need an urgent answer, this administration has been in power for close to six years and yet no food, no water, accomodation is a mirage, no light and the inflation rate is galloping, people are dying everyday on our roads because of bad roads, employers of labour find it difficult to retain workers because of high overhead cost. And someone is now saying people should not talk, this is crazy.Reno should tell us the thriving sector in nigeria. Is it health, that even when president has headache he will be flown abroad, is it education when strikehave taken over, is it petroleum when over 20 billion dollars cannot be accounted for because of high level corruption? Mr. Spokeman, nigerians are wise and pls tell your boss to have a rethink. Power is from God and anyone that has the opprtunity to be a leader should remember that where is Yaradua and Abacha today?
Its quite unfortunate that curuption has hited this country for long, that even with the imence effort of our president, its still very hard for the illitrate ones like Bonario and co to see that good things are happen. Bonario, may your children never see or appreciate your effort. Linda, you are totally baise, forget the so-call money you think you're making, the worst you can never think off await you. Hypocrite!
@reno o.may God run your life and generation as Gej is running nigeria
These are facts! Abeg make all of them go kpeme joor! Presido Goodluck Jonathan for 2015! Bcos of him, I go vote dis time
This guy is so daft......he's not intelligent in his speech @ all........
Gbam! Gbamer!! Gbamest!!!
@ anonymous 12:12 Lazy dull head, dats why u couldn't pass jamb, Mmtttcheeeeew # too long u no fit read.#
The 27 Financial Infractions of Sanusi Lamido Sanusi at favourafolabi.wordpress.com
@Veronica Williams nd Holy guy u guys ar sooo on point. U jst took d words outa my mouth. I dont care wat party anybody is,all i care abt is my country nd a leader dat really cares abt its citizens. If Jonathan is really innocent in all these he shld ensure dey findout wher all dat money went. Wat is d effect of our economy bein d best in africa if our unemployement rate didnt reduce. Pls wat is reno sayin?
Ds is def omojuwa!!! So, cos thr opinions are contrary 2 yhrs u call dem names? Mtcheeewwww... Dts y u blocked me on twitter na cos em alwaiz attacking u. activist my ass!!!
chiksky or whatever you call yourself. Since you can't type anything without swearing, keep your dirty views to yourself
chiksky or whatever you call yourself. Since you can't type anything without swearing, keep your dirty views to yourself
Linda I want to ask a question,why is it that Sanusi started ranting about missing 2o billion after he was accussed by the federal govt of donating money to some islamic groups? Who is sponsoring jihad inthe north?,nigerians shine ur eyes ooo.
thanks God for the internet if we had internet in the 80s nigerian wouldnt be as bad as it is now (babagida and abacha and arm robber politicians for no destroy the country)
now back to you mr mouthpiece for jonu....how much is jonu paying you to sell your soul?
u r a fucking retard. y r u attacking his personality instead of countering d issues he raised with ur own facts
I seriously do NOT see the need for us to insult each other and someone like Reno or GEJ with swear words. What is happening to us? Nigeria did not suddenly get bad under GEJ. The system has been broken down from previous administrations. ASUU went on strike, but did their demands stem from GEJ's tenure? NO. we should support our president and caution with objectivity.
ode stella oduah has been sacked
Waiting for ur comment on Sanusi's alleged financial recklessness
u must be d dumbest sheep to think d presidency comprises only d president's family
I like reno's writing style even though i don't agree wit all of wht he says,unlike that abati dat always feels compelled to jumble wht he terms as big words togeda. U can always tell an abati style even if u don't have a brain.
Ode send am na
U dont need to announce it, if u hv it post it
a thief is a thief and must be held accountable. there is no lesser thief
Thumbs up GEJ
If u say he's lieing, pls counter his claims with ur facts
I dnt comment on dis blog bt I thnk I ve to 2day.i jst observed dt an anonymous ve been rplyin al those dt say the truth abt GEJ.i dnt knw who u ar bt I dnt thnk everybody cn b wrong at d same time.y nt b sensible by allowing plp give their opinion on this issue instead of insulting evry1.mayb u ar part of GEJ family I dnt knw bt believe it or nt dt ur brother called Goodluck is leaving 2015.He hs nt done anythg 4 dis country so he hs to go.Fool tackle me agn as usual.waiting jobless anonymous
Ofcourse he has to be removed, so as not to expose them the more, am sure GEJ and his corrupt fellows had a secret meeting b4 dis suspension things, of course nobody wants to be exposed, expecially when it comes to the issue of the"national cake" sanusi is lucky he was just suspended, not that he was shut up 4eva, nevertheless I remain optimistic, even as heat rashes don turn to designer for my body, e go beta sha !!
Ofcourse he has to be removed, so as not to expose them the more, am sure GEJ and his corrupt fellows had a secret meeting b4 dis suspension things, of course nobody wants to be exposed, expecially when it comes to the issue of the"national cake" sanusi is lucky he was just suspended, not that he was shut up 4eva, nevertheless I remain optimistic, even as heat rashes don turn to designer for my body, e go beta sha !!
this is complete madness. How can someone compare the budget and expense of the entire CBN with about 30 branches across the country with the president and a handful of delegates. Who ever wrote this is just dumb and stupid. He should ask how much Firstbank or UBA spends on travels and training their staff not to talk of the CBN
@ Bonario God bless you.I promise you, u will start talking from a Samsung Gear soon. Reno, Nigerians are wiser now, that is why u need to write this long porous epistle to explain why your Oga has failed... Jonathan should learn to do things right enough of the looting. Politicians enough. we have had it up to here with you people. Reno, pls come to my house and sleep in darkness let mosquito bite you Till dawn you will see the difference between living in Aso Rock and Ketu. When you travel don't you like what you see there? the good roads, train that are fast and works well, Good health care, beautiful airport? etc Reno can your wife give birth to a child in Nigeria? Reno, tell Jonathan to treat this Nigerians that has given him shoes well. we only ask for basic amenities, water, light, road, effective schools, Reasonable minimum wage thats all....beesteeze
@anon 12.40. They just couldn't wait for Sanusi's Tenure to expire in June!!! He had to be sacked ASAP! .....SLS blew the whistle on them, thats why! ...There was a need for immediate Cover up!
Anyways To Reno in Pastor Fatoyinbo'svoice. " Read My Lips, We Nigerians are Consulting To come out in 2015 Elections with a ROBUST REPLY!" lol
ON 2 the Next!
Whether Sanusi deserved to go or not will b settled in court. My question remains WHERE IS OUR MONEY? I'm tired of $20b, N1trillion, N255million, etc. These amount are not disappearing on paper only o!
As e never better for u obviously, e no go ever better. Amen. Yellow monkey.
Beautiful, ur comment is really beautiful...thanks 4 having good brain.people just join to talk against people without doind their own critical analysis....
With the reply of Anon 2.12pm, I have no doubts that govt.agents are here. That response was obviously shot from the presidency. In regards the bone of contention the presidency should also highlight on SLS' s achievements & leave us the masses to pass judgement. He without sin should RENO the first stone.
so according to Reno, sanusi spent excessively for lunch too....so nothing wrong in the government's financial excesses for meals and travel expenses............una dey craze
LWKM..like you so know this dude wella..
Eyyah! How did u excape 4rm ward D? I am calling ur doctor
Mallams will 4ever be better than your demonic pastors, anoufia
Reno shouldn't have d guts to come up with such nonsense...m not a member of apc or whatever I am a Nigerian n I have seen changes in the banking sector of nigeria...sanusi might be a thief n a bad person but he has impacted visible changes in our economy..what has Jonathan done.. Is he feeding d whole if d universe wf such amount abi each army has 59 mouths n 100 stomachs..what rubbish...sanusi might have stolen our money but we have seen results n I cannot say that for Jonathan n who d hell begged him to run again...we r not stupid Reno
Anon 7.03 pm. Haha! You can't even spell and use proper English. Who's the ignorant, bush and unschooled one here? Idiot the joke is on you.
@ gozie 12:41 u made a comment I v been sleeping ova 4 mnts nw"wat happened to Ironsi myt happen to GEJ if he is nt careful".Pls Reno if u r readin tk a message to GEJ dat he shud be ware of d islamist. Extremists he surrounds himself wit,cos history has a funny way of repeating itsef.As for sanusi d guy is a jerk who mingled ethical professionalism wit politics to d detriment of Nigerians.
It is clear that this RENO is speaking from his RENAL CAVITY..if you just really defend your OGA, do it sensibly such that even a Wole Soyinka will want to Think Twice about Sanusi.
All you have done is to praise sing the administration. We all know why SLS was suspended...He was over-exposing the FUNDS BEEN SET ASIDE TO BRIBE NIGERIANS FOR THE ELECTIONS IN 2015..
The one thing I like about the stupidity of this administration is that first this idiot called Reno, is telling us that the international community is also APC cos Financial Times expressly captured this incident of suspension in light of an on-going multi billion dollar oil theft.
Second, in their stupidity they are yet to realize that Nigeria has stylish become a dual party of PDP vs APC, which makes rigging in 2015 very hard. I thank God for their stupidity for in it will come the victory of the ppl.
The budget shows appropriation of N54bn to Niger Delta militants, why then shouldn't we all carry Guns, if that's what it takes to get paid.
Benny oo... This Nigerians and books shaa
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