From a female LIB reader. Kinda funny...
I'm a 19 year woman that has been in a relationship for 8 months with my boo, who is 34 years old. Every time my boo and I have a heated argument, I usually slap him and then he would apologize to me, we'll then have make up sex. It's really the best time to have sex, make sense tinz. But 2 days ago he and I had our regular fights at his friends party because he was trying to collect one stupid girl's number. So while we were arguing, I slapped him in front of his friends and this guy didn't do anything till we got home.
As I'm writing to you now, I'm at a local hospital close to my parents house because this bastard boy tied me to his kitchen door and flogged me with wire, because of a slap that used to make us have the best sex.
Libers this bastard man reads this blog, he as a matter of fact introduced me to it. Anyways he has been begging since yesterday. Should I forgive him or just fashy him. Heard once a beater always and forever a beater. advice me please because my parents have never flogged me with wire before.
1 – 200 of 1091 Newer› Newest»You are obviously a fool
U be Ewu..
U r a very stupid girl u got what u deserve,
This girl foolish sha.
my dear friend , u said it urself
'once a beater forever a beater' so if u love ur life WALK OUT
Why will u even slap a man? Did ur mum ever slap ur Popsy in d presence of his friends? U thought it was gonna be a wild sex afterwards huh, sorry Boo.
U re a Big fool!
you are mad.... advise yourself on wat to do
Once a slapper, always a slapper... one day, u will slap him infront of his siblings and expect a kiss.. ewu gambia
one simple comment; regular slap, regular sex, regular flogging.
both of u need to change.
read more interesting stories
my dear friend,usaid it ur self 'once a beater, forever a beater" so if u love ur life kindly WALK OUT
Hahahahahahahahahaha after he floged you with wire, did he add pepper to it?? Forgive Him Jari afterall na Love!! TAMPER MERCY WITH JOHNSON!!
I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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19 years ehn? Ok.
Am sure you slapped him for sex and got a beating instead. Me thinks the flogging would have even led to wonderful sex. Stupid girl.
First of all,u r very STUPID!!! ur 19yrs n dating a 34yr old guy !shudnt u b in sch ?fighting 4 ur future ? !!even talking bout sex like its bean !!!nd u slap him ?wtf !!y shud u slap anoda person in d 1st place?? dats assault! U r very irresponsible! i dnt support domestic violence but hoe u deserved d beating!!! e 4 use military koboko join !!idiot stupid girl !imagin !!!nxt biko
I hardly comment here, But u r a STUPID GIRL...y didn't he flog u with electric pole....u alws slap him,can u imagine? Ohoho linda y do u like to post idiotic stories. Foolish poster. Next time kick n slap him den u ll see ur self at military hospital yaba oponu
I'm still laughing @ this teenager. You slap a full grown ass man in front of his homies and expect him to thank you and roll out a red carpet in your honour. Maybe he also thought you could make up with even greater sex than usual. Rubbish.
dis gehl, ur very rude sHa, 34 year OLD grown man na hin ur dey slap any how, better change ur ways, before it is TOO LATE *IN OBJ 'S WORDS :)
E no flog u reach sef ..y wuld u slap him in the 1st place??? #smh
You are funny and annoying. . If u need an advice, go and apologise for slapping him like a child.. and think abt wht u really want frm him.. once a player, always a player... stupid girl.
U. R just insane. Once a slapper, always a slapper
Oh boy c beating oh.no b u find trouble.just like e 5.4 going to slap my hubby wey b 6.5 147kg.lol.no b trouble I find so .babe na u wake sleeping lion.#runnneverlookback.
d guy no flog u well...
You are a fool, all the while you have been dishing out slaps you didn't know ba, well deserved beating.
You deserved it.
Y did u slap him. U deserved what u got but using wire is way too bad. He went too far using dat. If u were him. I will quit d relationship if u don't work on ur anger
From what u wrote, u`ve been asaulting your man reglarly. At your age, u lack manner. Your man just taught u d lesson your parent did not teach u. It serves u right.
like seriously. u shld just stay away from relationship. for record purpose u deserve more beaten. smh ....lol
No Dear, u dont leave him. What abt the hot make up sex? Atleast, its an enjoyable part of the regular drama. He used wire to flog u may be bcos of the high grade slap. Reduce the slap strenght next so that he wont use wire. Jisie ike, its love tinz.
You slapped him, and he flogged you with Wire i think thats fair enough
Why on earth will u slap him.sorry d yu deserve it becuz it was a disgrace to his man hood:p
Haba jus listen to ursef slappin a 34yrs old man wo his enough to b ur Uncle dats very bad of U.My advice is quit d relatnship cos if it continue lyk dis U guys will end up killin urselves
Y did u slap him. U deserved what u got but using wire is way too bad. He went too far using dat. If u were him. I will quit d relationship if u don't work on ur anger
Please for God's sake, Linda stop playing with our intelligence. A 19 year old is having sex and proud to say it, then you slapped your boyfriend in public? Are you retarded? And the guy wants you back? The guy must be a moroon too. He should have flogged you to coma.
Linda stop postin all these stupid mails, abeg!
Laugh wan kill me die,,,d babe does not have respect so he just gave her some home training..
you are so silly how will you slap a 34 year old man dont u have respect for him. he is far older than you and you are supposed to face your studies now. please note that the best thing you can do is let him go and never ever slap a man again
If you can be bold enough to slap your boyfriend, then you should be bold enough to ........mouth sealed
Hahhahahahaha!!!!! See this stupid child!!! Beater ke? U r d one abusing him andd u r not ashamed of urslf. U better leave him cs he may 4give him bt u've lost out in d race 2 bbe his wife.
Why should you slap a guy, is it because he normally keeps quiet and beside that he is older than you so show him respect #bright bravo#
Lol...so funny. ure a beater as well ma dear. u and ur bf need help. afterall....he learnt from d best.
Na u cause am na, why you go dey slap sm1 old enough to be ur daddy bcos u are dating him, he was pampering u bcos you are young. U pushed him to d wall. U shldnt have slaped him in public na. Anyway! D guy no dey @ fault. If u can stop slapping him, he is not mad he can't beat u for o reason.
Seriously i can't stop laughing
why would you slap your bf in the public and still xpecting hot s*x afterwards.
Lmao... scape goat..that man shd beat u more and more
Why slap him in the first place? Maybe you slapping him in front of his friends embarrassed him or even hurt his ego? It wasn't right for you to slap and it wasn't right for him to flog you. If you still want to be with him. Talk it out..no slap = no flogging so think about it. All the best!x
He hv no right 2 flog u or anyone wit wire bt i tink he was so mad becau u embarres him in presence of his frds and d gal bt follow ur hrt if he try it again den leave him 4 good becau he wndnt change
Yes, once a beater is always a beater that is why you slap him everyday. right? My dear park well joor, you are not the victim here!
Violence in relationships must be condemned in all ramifications. How does one explain that an 19 year old girl is slapping a man of 34? Aluu!!!
Your boy friend is a nice guy. I can't tolerate domestic violence in my house.
Your father!!!
I can't help but laugh so hard, he no even flog u well
you are so silly how will you slap a 34 year old man dont u have respect for him. he is far older than you and you are supposed to face your studies now. please note that the best thing you can do is let him go and never ever slap a man again
You don't hav any right wat so ever to slap Ur Boo. Weda in d secret place or open place. Talk of U slapping him infront of His friends. There is no humiliation to a young man greater dan dat. My candid advice is dat U should forgive him; don't slap him again. Try oda ways of inducing best sex with him oda dan slapping and making up with sex....
In d 1st place, u shd never slap a man, cos u'll bring out the beast in him 1 day. Thank God u've seen for urself. Embarrassing him in d presence of his friends is very bad of u n immature. If u don't want to be flogged n probably humiliated publicly 1 day, desist from such Barbaric act. Makeup sex can come after an argument not after physical violence. Sex shdnt be d dictator in ur relationship. Be guided.
U are a very foolish girl u don't respect ur man enough u slapped him in front of his friends are you his mother or who are u,well u lucky that's all u got lick ur wounds and go home girl
In as much as I hate domestic violence against women, you deserve what you got, infact, I wish he broke your knee-caps. Shior!
Jes sayin....
Did you really think you could keep slapping him forever #ode
Am sowi 2 say dis buh u be mumu.we'll chaa tnk ur God u hv a gud bf.
Serves u right foolish girl
You no dey fear..34/19..dis guy fit born u sef, u taught he wld giv u sex as usual..na wire u chop beta goan face ur book..omo oshi
Lol. am not an advocate of violence but am not sort of saying serves you right. Why in God's name will u slap a human being forGod'sakes Haba. He is more human to have taken u home instead of embarrassing u in public as u did. Good sex or not you earn respect not force it. An African man woman prefers fake respect in public than total respect at home. What ever u do at home to each other away from the public eye is or affair but when u take it to the public ...... The public will pass d sentence. Hope UV all learnt from your mistakes. Cheers. Be strong.
Hmmmm my dear girl please get a life!!! get education, skill or a trade you are too young for this. oh am very sure you keep slapping him for the make up sex abi?.... #walks away#
So stupid aw can u always slap ur man nd b proud of it 2 d extent dat u did it in front of his frnds...a 19 year old gal dating a 34 year old man r u so dumb ? Make up sex ko ! Can c u do it cos of d sex
U re stupid,I wish d guy removes ur teeth,why wil u slap a man? Anyway u re a small girl @19. #princess#
First of all, you're following(not dating oh) someone who is 15 (fifteen) years older than you which to me its not a wise decision. But according to the law, you're an adult so make your own decision. I'm here to enjoy Linda's blog and not to give someone an advice.
TheOjukwu - Just Saying.
U sed ur parents has never flogged u with a wire before. Av u ever slapped dem? Anyway, u got wat u deserved.
You are a retard!........ and you are happy sharing this here...........that means if you mistakenly marry him you will use weapon on him. you perpetrate domestic violence and later blame men...... he should have poured pepper on your eyes.............ntoorrrrnnn
lol so u were waiting for him to beat u so u can use the phrase "once a beater is always a beater". So u want to keep abusing him (domestic violence). In ur mind u were cool slapping him even in public? Lol
Pple may tell u to do this or dat but the point is what do u think iz best 4 u to handle the situation coz u both beat eachoda but one iz more.do what u think is right and note...once a beater iz not alwayz and 4eva a beater.
Oloshi...wen u dey slap am unno knw...Onkpe
you're jux dumb
at ur age dis is wat ure doing? aint u meant to be in a university or sometin? u need jesus... go back to him na...EWU
U r a stupid girl to hav slapped a man old enof to be ur father. And to think that u ve doing dat since d inception of d relationship. Well both of u must be birds of a feather
Yeah, good justice.
Oloshi smal geh like u..y u sef dey slap am...Onkpe mehn
Hahahaha he tied you to the kitchen door. Kinky things
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)). =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)). Serves u right. U raise ur hand to hit a man. Fear no catch u. U one die. Grow up pls. Atleast d flog wud mk u ve a rethink next time. Mitcheeeew
You sef! You are also a beater! Silly gal! He should flog you more n more. He is the only one that can make you happy. You better stay there.
Men are egoistic, You shouldn't have slapped him in front of his friends..!
Why would you slap someone? what he did was very wrong too! why would anyone slap someone? even if you leave him slapping someone is so wrong!
I no fit laugh!
Once a beater,always a beater. Who are you referring to.
Do you mean you or him?
When ya dating ur uncle nko...why won't he flog u. Age gap too much. He sees u as a kid plus u slapped him in front of his friends for goodness sakes. Killed his ego. Never so dat to a guy. Biko carry ur 2 legs nd run my friend!! Is it until he uses koboko?? Or till he kills u?? He obviously doesn’t respect u. P.S: A relationship shldnt just be abt sex
Why would you slap your boyfriend in a public ? It shows how arrogant and aggressive you are, as for me, you guys should setttle .
My Dear,
Both of you are not serious.
1. You are doing wrong by slapping him even for the first time.
2. Ignoring the slap and had sex is not the solution to any problem. As a man, he needs to solve problems not fixing them.
From, your little story, I don't both of you make a "BEST RELATIONSHIP"
If I were your boyfriend,I would'nt have waited for us to get home,I would have given the beating of your life at the party. How could you hurt a man's pride by slapping him in the prescence simply because he collected a lady's number.Do you know whether it was for a business ? If you ever reconcile with him,please don't ever pull that stunt again.
Lmao.......him no beat u well.....u dey slap am, na ur pikin? If u check the age difference, him first erection fit born ur mate ...
O' girl you dey craze OO, that perfect gentle man suppose beat you more so that you will learn to respect ur senior. You need deliverane if u must fight ur guy in order to get wild sex from him. I am a Lady like you i cant imagine myself do that to a man "I dey craze"? Learn to love with humility okay. Nkem.
1. You are 19 years old having sex with a 34 year old guy. Infact the both of you have a problem.
2. you must be without manners and respect to think that the best way to get sex is to slap your bf. the 15years wey him take senior u no matter abi.
3.slapping him in front of his friends.... let me ask you, is dat suppose to show u have power or that he doesnt sense?
4. He tied u and flogged you. I guys since you are his bitch he can treat you like one.
5. U better give ur life to christ and follow boys who r ur mate unless u would become older dan ur age.
NB: did i just write this shit?
You are lucky he didn't use a rod, I wonder why he is begging you cos you are ill mannered and still suffering from juvenile delinquency
Very good.How can you be slapping a grown man. I see him as a perfect Gentleman. Next time ,you will think twice before raising your hand.
It is very wrong for u to slap ur bf, but it is also very very wrong for him to have beaten u, not to even talk of beaten u with a wire, you need to not only leave that kinda of guy alone, u also need to sue him
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You're a clown,18 and dating 34 then you slap your fathers age mate bcoz you want to have sex nmtchew he no flog you well,small pikin still dey worry you,yeye geh idiat
You are a fool. Once a beater always a beater, once a slapper nko? In short you are a Bastard without home training and respect for your elders. Slapping a man 25 years older than you? Omo alaileko.
The stupid man must be a gbewudani for chopping slaps for so long.
Did you say hes begging? Pls send his contact,he needs more slaps
first of all, he is too old for you
secondly, you asked for it.. you have been physically abusing the man since
dont know which advice you want from us
Hahahahahaha! U're a monkey...EvE
Wat a stupid child!
Infact I blame dat man 4 dating u.
If I was him, I wud hav used a stick made of thorns 2 thrash u ryt in front of his friends!!
Foolish gir!
Grow d fUCK up!
Billie jean
YOU ARE A STANDARD BASTARD!!! You made this up.
Dump his sorry ass. But you sef you for no slap am for hin friends front na. Or maybe he was high. DUMP HIM!!! U try ohh 19(u) 34(him) hahahaahha#lipsealed#
Personally I'd flog u with barb wire! Hisses.U dnt have a problem hitting him right..thatz how it feelz to be on the receiving end
This is Funny and plain stupid. How can u regularly slap the dude? She is just a child who wants to grow up faster than normal.
You r a vry stupid nd useless human being for dating some1 dats 15yrs older dan u also for alwaz slapping him.He didn't flog u well cos if he did u won't ave energy to email Linda.Pls stil stay wit him cos I know u r a thief nd u've nt seen anytin.Silly monkey oshi
He has not even started. What do u expect, when u embarrassed him in public? Mtcweeeeeeessss
No.1 u r a fool for dating a 34 year old guy and No 2 if u go back it will neva stop.
U re not serious at all...how can u slap him In front of his friends or in plublic bcoz of make up sex...u re very silly, u dnt evn have respect for him..dats very bad, how can u slap ur bf any time u guyz av argument....dat serves u right, next time u wunt raise ur filthy hands on a guy. Rubbish!!!
This girl needs a shrink fast!!! Something isn't right with her brain. Why on earth was her boyfriend taking all dat abuse till it got to the extent of him lashing out in such a violent way?
Lol. You shouldn't av slapped him in front of his friends na. Anyways I think you should forgive him cos he may have lost control afta d embarrassment he hasn't done it b4 na
Slapping a man within the confines of your home is forgive able! But slapping him outside in the presence of friends and strangers! That's another thing all together! In as much as u deserve the beatings and even more! U should bail cos the next time he would kill you and hide ur body inside dustbin
He didnt flog you well. You should have used rod sef. Why do you keep slapping him. Is that the way to go about it? Dim wit
Did parents teach to hit a man? U should work on ur conduct
Nollywood in action....
Better 4give him bcus ℓ̊ wanna know d end of dis film*still laughing*
~ALATISHE say so~
Hahahhahahahahhhahhaaha.So funny. Lwkmd. I cnt stop laughing
Am 20 and I don't slap my 31yrs old boo. At 19 u dey slap 34 (ur uncle!)... Y wouldn't he av beaten u? U slapped him in front of his frnds!!! He luvs u frm wt I c.. Tk him bk and dump his *ss if hhe does it again.
You are an IDIOT.19 yrs and 34,u slapped him and he flogged,u want to beg him.Is he your GOD?Untill you die in that relationship then you know what to do when you are inside the grave.Meanwhile you are young for any useless relationship,you better focus on your future and stop having sex with a 34 year stupid idiot
am a woman nd am tellin u dat u deserve more of dat wire,I tink u r temperamental hw would u feel if he does same 2u weneva u ve argument abi cus same em na man xo e must always chop ur slap babe he has feelins lik u,well u can fashy him cus u nt jux d only gal in d world 4 him dem plenty o,wat happened 2 rubbin minds instead of slap if I may ask sef,u no crius atall.mtchew.XTY
I laugh in spanish. First how could u slap ur bf in a public place,don't u know is an embrassment to him. So I didn't blame d guy 4 giving u big wire on ur bombom. D two of u re at fault but run 4 ur life bcos u av create beating 4 ursef
LMAO!!! Serves you right
Linda I am disappointed in u for posting this. Is this supposed to be some kinda joke ?
I think u r very stupid! Oshisco tinz
Woman you should go and check ur self, and you should be asking for forgiveness. God forbid my woman should slap me right in front of my friends. Am not justifying the fact that he woped your ass, he went to far but on the other hand you have a big problem that needs to be corrected. You better be happy he is begging cos he loves you if not your sorry stupid ass would be in his history book. Yeye
Better leave dat retard now
Woman you should go and check ur self, and you should be asking for forgiveness. God forbid my woman should slap me right in front of my friends. Am not justifying the fact that he woped your ass, he went to far but on the other hand you have a big problem that needs to be corrected. You better be happy he is begging cos he loves you if not your sorry stupid ass would be in his history book. Yeye
U better carry ur two left legs and apologies to him...wot rubbish, u re jes 19 for crying out load...u practicing wot u watch in movies abi...I pity u! Dnt try dat rubbish again...its bad
Aboki,dts wt u are,d only advice I have for u,is dt u can go ahead nd forgive him cuz its obvious u luv d "make up sex" tin..obele nwa 19yrs..be ready for better floggin nxt time u raise ur hands on him
He did not flog you well e for tear your pant
,idiot na your type they beat there husband for market.goat
Small gal like you wetin u dey do wit ur senior broda, d flogging just de start....mtchewww
U alwayz slap him, d guy no complain. He beat u nw na d whole world dey hear..... Ur a very stupid gurl #shikena
idiot girl!,na fan belt or koboko ur manfriend suppose take beat u.
u slap him whenever u guys have issue...mmtchw,n u did that in the presence of his friends??
This is the most hilarious post ever.... silly girl.
You deserve it hoe!!! He is obviously knows you and you've slapped him but infront of his friends? At a party? With probably the whole club watching? How is going to live that down! Its one thing to disrespect your man but to do it in public takes the cake.
19, 34. goodLuck.
1st of all,d age difference is too much,kilode? Secondly,y on earth will u slap a man nt to talk of slapping him in public?na u cause am o,it shows u cannot control ur temper n if he doesn't Caution u,u'll probably slap him on ur wedding day in front of ur in-laws...d choice is urs to make,coz it seems u enjoy d make up sex n with all u wrote it shows d man is a gentle man coz it was nt his first slap 4rm u.gudluck to u o!
So Sowie to say dis ..U ARE Soo STUPID......slapping a guy dats 1..2@ age 19 u are dating a 34yrs old...u ad bera face ur studies ....na koboko e suppose u.I soo like dat guy....
NOTE; U ARe a GIRL not a Woman...
It's a man's duty 2 respect a woman, but d woman gotta gv him reasons to do so. In yr case, u jes gave him a reason 2 give u d trashing of a lifetime. Imagine, how can u slap yr BF, a man who is almost twice yr age in d public? Not dt I'm trying 2 justify wht he did but u overstepped yr bounds
Eesah 26E90A24
Serves u right! Mumu de.... Lmao... Best sex ever kill u.. U and your boo are so foolish... Hissss
U sound so much like Lepa shandy.
You are 19 slapping a 34 years old man and you still have the effrontery to call him bastard.
I can't date your type or imma sharing the same prison room with Rev King
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Ur just 19 already in a relationship avin sex wit a MAN of 34, u con even bold de slap d MAN, haaaaaa!!! Useless man, u no slap am reach... And U(small ashawo) by d tym ur 25 ur underworld go don open mouth like basket. Mtchheeeewwww, stupid pple
Dear LIB writer....if you're really 19yrs old and you're slapping ur bf abi man friend in public over "a stupid girls digits" becos afterwards he will beg u then screw u.....then you derserve more than floggin with wire...your entire psychological makeup needs to be re-wired...what a world!!
The guy should dump you dearie.
ROTFLMAO..this story is hilarious!! But seriously girl, I would advise you to runnnn. Cos he'll do it again.
NB: Stop slapping guys or insulting them in public. You're a lady and there are better ways to do things
Lmao!!! Thanks Linda I really needed dis.
Why in the first instance are you at 19 dating a man who should be married with 3 kids? Is he a peadophile? Or are you a runs or aristo girl and in it for the money? I am certain you just finished secondary school and max you are in year 1 or 2.
You don't need the grief because I promise you he will beat you again and again. Tell him where to get off and look for a guy more your age to experience life with. My man has never beat me and we are 7 years and counting.
Every one I know who their man beats will beg them then beat them again. He is a bastard and way too old for you. In fact he is an abaya!!!
Once a slapper is always and forever a slapper. You got what you deserve.
Ur just 19 already in a relationship avin sex wit a MAN of 34, u con even bold de slap d MAN, haaaaaa!!! Useless man, u no slap am reach... And U(small ashawo) by d tym ur 25 ur underworld go don open mouth like basket. Mtchheeeewwww, stupid pple
LMAO... This is really funny, I guess ur boo came back to his senses when he tied u up and flogged u with wire... And now that he's been begging u.. Guess he has gone back to his senseless mode... But on a more serious note?? How can u slap ur so called boo... And he wld still apologize to u... He should be called the Mumucious boo ever liveth! Oshisko!
U be champion for slapping. Sote u con slap am in front of e friends. Na wetin u bargain for na im u get! U don learn ur lesson never to slap again! If u like urself, nor go back to ur boy friend again. U don hear!!! A word is enough for the wise!
U don mad finish,u slap ur b.f for public,shey u don dy enjoy 'slaping him' nd d 'apology sex',babe abeg park well. Linda hw dis take b our business
Lmao... I don't believe this post... but if it's real, then girl you got served... u had it coming. imagine a 19 yr old girl slapping a 35 yr old man.. u no dey fear? Ur mama never even born that girl we go try slap a nigga. Even to ridicule him in front of his friends?
He won't beat u next time..he would. Definetly kill you and run away. You need to distance yourself from that guy...Move to another part of town.' Cos he holds and knows your mumu button for now...Tell the story...Don't be the "body that was deposited in the mortuary"
You are very very stupid by asking such a useless question.why shud u slap a man simply bcos he is trying to get a fone numba?is he ur husband?evn if he is,u av no rite wat so ever to slap him in public...by de way ar u addicted to slap? U deserv more dan u got.sensless dog.u want to make up wt sex,is slap a new way of inviting a man to bed.asshole
First of all you are a beater too. You admitted that you are the one always initiating the slaps. Domestic violence is a no no for both men and women. If u don't want to be beaten, please don't hit or slap anyone. Good luck
Linda is dis4real! I cnt stop laffin. Ur b4 has always bn flogging u jst d@ dis tym he changed what he uses in flogging u. Mumu's of a feather flock 2geda
I dont believe dis is true, but if it is den I SMH for kids of nowadyas....
So you've been slapping him since and you think that's okay? That's called domestic violence! You slap him and then he apologises? I think both of you have mental problem. The guy is crazy too for tying you up and flogging you. WTF?! Both of you need to go your separate ways.
Babes Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣ Ɣ☺ΰ seriously askin Ƒ̐δя̣̣ advice? Pls dump his lazy ass.
My advice is that you should leave him...n if you want him to hurt you more,go for him.
U are a very useless nonentity. U slap a man dats almost twice ur age and expect him to just shine his teeth and jump into bed with u? Make up sex my achin foot. Am a girl and doesn't support ur raising ur hand to a man, no matter d provocation. U have no basis for dis ur righteous indignation Biko.
Mtcheeeewww run along child... Nexxxxt!!!
Girl. U r young. So I will xcuz ur stupidity. D tin is 1)d age diff is much 2)hw can u disrespect ur man by slappin him in public. 3) dis is clearly an abusive r/ship. If its ur tin stay, if its not my dear run. Just sayin...D Curious1
Why wil u slap a man? U deserve d beating.but wait oo,what are doing with a man of 34yrs.na serious generational gap oo
Lmaooooooo na wa o....bastard boy y u con flog @jazi babe na..lol lib commentors biko make una gv her advice..lol...ode, my own z ,shebi u no say u go miss dat best makeup sex?.."Lol ..but na just small wakeup call d bastard boy bin gv u na...lol
Girl. U r young. So I will xcuz ur stupidity. D tin is 1)d age diff is much 2)hw can u disrespect ur man by slappin him in public. 3) dis is clearly an abusive r/ship. If its ur tin stay, if its not my dear run. Just sayin...D Curious1
U ow old???, datin ow old??? U slap him often??? Den av best sex, really dats cool, everyday is nt christmas, enjoy d best floggin 2.
What's a 19 year old doing with a 34 year old man, anyways?
Mmmmmm what can i say u had it coming u should grow up, i salute the guys patients but e for nor flog u loo
See this girl ooo....you still have the mouth to ask maybe you should forgice him instead of running for your life....this your boyfriend he is goat
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Goodness me!!!! Your really a foolish child. Am so against domestic violence. But. How. Dare you slap a grown man? And what kind of child abuse is T̲̣̣̥hĩ̷̊s? 34/19? Go read ur books please. And nobody use the word Fashy again
U are a big fool.
Ewu! Gambia! You are the beater not him. Otondo waybill!.
U are wrong for slapping him in the presence of his friends. Lol, pls that was really silly, u can do anything with him in d bedroom not in public.
U Y u de always slap am? U de learn marshal Arts for en face? D guy Don try, u get luck sef. Go back he loves u
hahahahaha u are dumb as f*ck! why slap ur man first, and now in front of his friends? you got what u deserved! be mature and stop with the slapping! ur destroying ur relationship! guys want a peaceful house to live in! if u continue he is gonna replace u with someone calm and mature!
Why on earth should u slap a man.No man is small not to talk of this one dat gave u gap.I blame him for not addressing that behaviour of yours frm onset.Very soon u will slap him b4 his parents.My dear,go $ work on urself....He's a fool to beg!!! Beg 4 wat?????? More slaps??? He should look for his type which is not YOU.....
Reprot d case to u parent or d police, if u knw wat u did/ doing wit ur uncle is right! Usless bitch... my advice to u, once ur better go back to him and have makeup sex as usual, make sence tins#wink...
Him don pamper U rotten. So U slap am INFRONT OF HIS FRIENDS? IN PUBLIC? U con come here dey claim "once a beater, always a beater".
foolish pikin.
U lucky say him no treat Ur f**up right there in the party.
U deserve it,ur not even ashemed 2say u slapped him in front of his frnds.ur so. Mad u know
U are a useless over indulged brat! U had the guts to slap a man in public and u call it JUST? U started the domestic abuse in the first place and now u cry wolf?
U need to remain in your father's house for more training,i blame the man for coming down to your level in the first place,see finish!Children of today ehnnnn...mshewwww
Him don pamper U rotten. So U slap am INFRONT OF HIS FRIENDS? IN PUBLIC? U con come here dey claim "once a beater, always a beater".
foolish pikin.
U lucky say him no treat Ur f**up right there in the party.
dis stupid grl , after all the slappin . u nw put icing on top am by slappin him in front of his frds. U re a spoilt brat n u deserve wot u got. #againstslappingmeninpublic
why u slap am for public, u been dey look for sex for public? He always ask for forgiveness when u slap him so nw he has beaten u, so u ask for forgiveness this time, remember he is a gud guy on bed. Lol
This girl is just a big mumu....15yrs age difference?..na wah o! what children of these days do...smh.
First to do no dey pain....once a slapper always a slapper...u no see age difference ni
Smh because he's a man and shouldn't hit you doesn't give you the audacity to hit him. I'm guessing it's a fair game here. You usually hit him, and now he's hit you back. You caused him to hit you so don't say the phrase "ones a beater, always a beater"
Why slap a man in front of his friends? Daz disrespect in the highest order. U call for the beating
Chai...some people needs to be given a Hi-five in the face with a chair.
Mumu, Idiot...stay there dey ask. At 34 he beats u (a teenage now)...... Be sure u will get more flogging with iron.....wire will be too soft for u soon. He's ur senior with more than a decade...slapping him was all wrong.
But come to think of it......at 34 he is dating a 19 year old gurl ... The guy is somewhat useless. He will use you, open that place very wide, leave marks on ur body and finally crown it with dumping U......and if he mistakenly marrys u.....your second name will be SORRY.........keep asking sigh
smh fr girls of nowadays with their chicken brain. accept his apology na make he turn u into punching bag. mumu...stupid question...linda i beg bring better story jare.
Smh because he's a man and shouldn't hit you doesn't give you the audacity to hit him. I'm guessing it's a fair game here. You usually hit him, and now he's hit you back. You caused him to hit you so don't say the phrase "ones a beater, always a beater"
U re just a child. Next time its koboko. How can u slap a grown man and expect make up sex.
Hahahahahahaha.....he just showed u he's ur daddy. 19yrs and 34yrs...learn to respect ur elders little girl. I can't stop laffing.
Thunda fire u, he shuld have flogged u 2 coma.
Him don pamper U rotten. So U slap am INFRONT OF HIS FRIENDS? IN PUBLIC? U con come here dey claim "once a beater, always a beater".
foolish pikin.
U lucky say him no treat Ur f**up right there in the party.
Abeg go fuck ur boo as usual wats our biz wit u and ur sugar daddy? Husbad nd wife matter dem no de put mouth
is this a joke???
U slap him on the regs which now became a turn on for you.. why were u not turned on when he beat u back.. He shld take a sledge hammer to your knees next time... Piss taker!!
U dey craze o,y u go slap man? Abi u forgot say niaja be dis goat.
smh fr girls of nowadays with their chicken brain. accept his apology na make he turn u into punching bag. mumu...stupid question...linda i beg bring better story jare.
U're lucky!If na me wey u slap eh!!!???U go enter coma 4 5years!!Nonsense!!!!
Am so angry at u. At 19, u ve been receiving slaps and now wire flogging. The old fool is exploiting u, whn do u think it will stop? Do urself a big favour and run for ur dear life. Face ur studies, u re too young for this rubbish u called a relationship.
U Y u de always slap am? U de learn marshal Arts for en face? D guy Don try, u get luck sef. Go back he loves u
Lol.. I'm 19 too & not about that life. Why's ur boyfriend 34 anyways?
U really sick upstairs my dear, slapping a guy is suicidal. Anyways, I don't approve a man hitting a woman. Go your desperate ways, cos the next time he gonna use live wire
U sound so immature..what r u doing wt a 34yr old man at 19? So u njoy slapping him nd he shud keep quite nd look at u ryt? Serves u right! Nxt tym u want hot sex,just argue nd leave it at dt!!! @xclucivexter!
If he beg u again he is a bastard, he shld even put pepper in ur eyes cos u lack home training or dey don't even train u @all if u don't knw u r useless.sorry my dear may God increase ur pain
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