Dear LIB readers: I think I have been molested by a doctor.. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 13 February 2014

Dear LIB readers: I think I have been molested by a doctor..

From a female LIB reader
For two days now,I've been feeling angry and abused, so I'm sharing  my experience with your readers for their opinions.
Two days ago I went to a  hospital close to my house to check for breast lumps. It was my first time and I was very uncomfortable when the doctor started touching my breasts. I decided to close my eyes and put my mind on other things.
But then, when I felt he was taking longer time than I anticipated, I opened my eyes only to discover he had an erection! All the while he's been fondling my breasts! I felt so embarrassed. He didn't say a word as I dressed up and left his office.
I still feel angry and raped. That's sexual molestation, right? Shouldn't I have confronted him right there and then?


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Toronto Finest said...

Dumb you should have gone for a female dr

Unknown said...

You ought to have gone with a friend. Never leave yourself in a position where you can be taken advantage of.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jaybeyblu said...

Rotfl!!! Abeg, dude had a natural reaction. Lucky he didn't start sucking it or try to rape u! Okay, jokes aside...U shud look consumer protection board equivalent in medicine, cos that is so unprofessional. Lord knows what he will do to another person

few said...

buh u enjoyed it na...#4gt abt it life goes on...

Few say so *via B.A.G*

sharkslord said...

My dear, doctors are human, so its nomal for him to get an erection. Dnt wuri its well.

Unknown said...

Hehhehehehehehhe, did he suck it?he's a doctor ok. Ha can defend himself.

Anonymous said...

so what do we want us to say? Since you close your eyes, why your things is being played with...

Unknown said...

Lol.... He af feel u up finish.... u shuda confronted him tho

Unknown said...

Wat took ur eyes to his penis. U were probably enjoyingd romance. So y complain?

Anonymous said...

You shld ave slapped him...buh u shld confront him cos he might b thinking u enjoyed it #justsaying#

Anonymous said...

Its very unethical and umproffessional for a male doctor to examine a female without the presence of a nurse or doctor third party viz a should question him as he knows that is the practice.I am a doctor and very sure of this.

Unknown said...

Hehhehhehehehehehehe, did he suck it? he's a doctor ok, he can defend himself

Anonymous said...

Short of words!.....

Unknown said...

Doctors fondling breasts during a cancer test is normal,how do u expet him 2 knw if u got lumps if e doesnt fondle it ?? And having an erection - doctors r human !!its perfectly normal,which man wudnt gt hot down dere while fondling boobs ?u weren't molested ma'am, he was jst doing his job...

Anonymous said...

1st of all, it means U R av lovely breasts*lol*.....But on a serius note, doctors of nowadays R so fucked up, my GF went 2 C a doc sumtym ago bcos of some uncomfortable feelns she gets weneva she pees, d doctor said he had 2 examine her, he literally fingered her as examination & askd 2 av sex wit her.....She did jst as U did but told d nurse @ d reception dat dey av a vry useless doctor.....Oga Ade

Anonymous said...

You have missed it since you refused to take any action immediately. First to comment....hehehe #just let go#

Adorable Jewel said...

Are you a virgin???

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. You can try counselling and if it will make you feel better, report to the hospital authorities as this may not be the first time the doc is doing such.


Bonita Bislam said...

Doctors too are humans now.As long as he didn't force you then I don't see how its molestation.Put your self in his shoes,a hunk comes to you all sexy. With 6packs (as Linda always stress),tell me you won't feel something down there especially if he's the sexiest you've ever seen!

Unknown said...

Taa, na konji dey worry you, were u expecting him to torch your head b4 when you went for a lump ish?? can you imagine this girl! small breast wey doctor grab na him u dey raise alarm for rape? abeg go sleep

Unknown said...

Sexual molestation kò, he was doing his job jari. He was Massaging your breast to see if there's a Lump, If he gets an Erection in the process, IT IS ALLOWED!! #MYOPENION!!

I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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Meks Constantine said... like say ur boobs too set na. Lwkmd. I come dey wish say I be dat doctor o :D

Well it's has happened. Forget it and move on....some folks are just pervs and dia's notin u can do about it

Alloy Chikezie said...

that might be sexual molestation, but thank God you were not drugged, it could have been worst

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Anonymous said...

Don't you think he is also embarrassed that a patient made him hard which isn't professional.

Anonymous said...

Well u should av buh since u left...neways dont go back der.

t-gold said...

you shouldn't have left d hospital without rendering your disapproval,he might think u re cool with it.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahhaha! Linda ikeji's blog be crackin me up! I av been laughing all day... Babes na dier way! I swear to God the same thing happened to me..there re perverts amongest is well! Posh april

LilkoyeBlog said...

Lol sorry dear. Some docs are like that. Serious unprofessionalism

freda said...

You should have confronted him immediately.what rubbish

Anonymous said...

It's rather unfortunate, but I'll suggest women go for breasts check with a comapanion, because a female doctor may also take advantage of patients.

Anonymous said...

Abeg make I hear word.. you don't k w the difference when someone's performing a check up and squeezing u.. are you a learner..

Anonymous said...

Um, that is definitely not rape but it can be argued that it is sexual abuse. You should report him, so he doesn't do it to someone else. Sorry you went through that. I would never understand why they have male doctors handling things like that.

Anonymous said...

What makes you sure it was an erection u saw.your mind could have played tricks on u since u sound already biased from d outset.anyway shit happens so just move on cos u cant produce any evidence to buttress your assertions, and next time insist such examination is carried out in d presence of a female chaperon
......gee d piranha

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm wonder shall never sieze for dis obodo naija,to u yong lady how do u know dat d clinician who was doing his job had an erection while examing ur breast,beside physical examination of breast lump can also be done by u while standing naked at ur mirrior and are u sure u were not up to something toward d clinician since u said dat d hospital is close to ur house...infact we shud bemindful of wot we think abt some innocent people who are this respectable Proffesion,I don't think dat is molestation or rape as u call it but u are jst making out issue out of nothing

fred said...

Body nor be wood, d man sef get na human being...m...well u should have confronted him

PrtHarcourt Runs Girl exposed

Anonymous said...

Y did u close ya eyes probably u were enjoying d touching urself too

Anonymous said...

Well, if you are sure you saw an erection and you were not imagining it because of what you were already thinking of, then you were molested. You should have accused him there and then. If you go back now to accuse him, you will look like a fool and he may even use it against you, except you have an evidence. It is one of those shitty things we have to stand up for as females. I am a female Doctor and I had a male patient who had erection while I was attending to him so I feel your pain. Make sure you learn something out of this- 1) if you can request for a female Doctor when you have certain issues 2) You know one less Dr not to trust and 3) If you have a female child, shine your eyes!

Anonymous said...

Yay! First to comment...

Anonymous said...

Pele I'm sure when he saw ur eyes closed I'm sure he felt u were enjoyin it Pele. Next time open up ur eyes & keep a 'dude get ur hands of my breast face.

Anonymous said...

Konji na bastard!

Unknown said...

Wallahi na lie. U didn't take your mind anywhere you were enjoying it and probably asking for with your silence.

Anonymous said...

First he just palpated u to get d lump and it's location.did he suck your nipples? NO! So wetin ur eye find go him prick? Na u go abuse am o! What's bad sef if he fucks u on da examination couch? Wen u were moaning while being examined. ASAWO bastard!

Anonymous said...

So was getting you pissed off they won't have touch your breast #bright bravo#

Anonymous said...

Looooool! Y on earth dint u̶̲̥̅̊ go for a proper scan or x-ray? Buh u̶̲̥̅̊ sef talk true, u̶̲̥̅̊ enjoy am abi? Lmaooooooo

Anonymous said...

Its better u left without saying a word! No need battling with words with a good for notin Doc. He is less of a man.

Anonymous said...

That's unethical of him,its not ur fault u should not be angry.its also good that u left his office without creating a scene.however I advice u to look for a good hospital and register with them,also try to develop a personal relationship with ur doctor that way u will feel safe during hospital visits.its important especially for females

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's Office Assault... U should have confronted Him. Go again tomorrow and confront Him...


max mara said...

That doc obviously, has challenges however, I doubt it's a case u can win in court... the lines r grey...

Anonymous said...

Didn't you see hospitals that female medical practitioners operate before takin your Lumped B**bs to a Male doc? Mtcheew! It was just fondling and you're complaining. Eeerm Linda Nxt biko!

Anonymous said...

Ur silents ll kill him more. He useless. Good 4 notin Doc.

Anonymous said...

How did u know dat he erected? I beg go back let him examin u well.

OMG!WOMAN said...

Lol, it could be annoying, but just let it go, people deal with bigger issues every day.

diamondblinqZ said...

Since u didn't confront him riqht there and then I think its late. + closinq ur eyes qave him the impression that u were enjoyin it. Sorry thouqh


Comot joor u enjoyed it talk tru. Lool

Anonymous said...

My dear we don suffer for this world o. Na so i go for body massage and d dude was rubbing my whole body and i freed him cus i was having serious backpain,Oh boy half way dis dude was having this serious erection, hmmmmmm i no fit shout i closed my eyes cus i was enjoying d touch and nxt thing d dick was rubbing my foot, OMG i got dressed and shouted both the guy and d manager and drove out without paying anything lol. But sha my breast dey another level o, very big, fresh and full lol. So babe's u Shuld ve acted there,theres nothing u can do now inugo

Sunnybriggs said...

Wow! That's some sick dude I'll say.

Anonymous said...

Luk @ u,didn't u enjoy it as well.

Romeo Without Juliet said...

Chie he lacks self control.Sori dear jst let go na Devil cause am Lol.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine?
Wasn't it you who took yourself to the so-called doctor?
Smh. Some people sha

Unknown said...

Walking away was d best option. It could hav been more embarassing if sumoda person(s) was/were aware of it. Dia is a stigma 2 such tins. Imagine, "dats d woman doctor A fondled her breast". Dats were u liv, remember.
U hav no proof or witness, hence, don't confront him. Next tym go were there is track record of ur case (breast check) or insist on seeing a female doc.
While u were groaning in anger, anoda woman would hav fallen 4 it. Dat shows dat u hav a very high moral standard. Odas don't, dear victim.
U can still tell ur friends 2 beware of him.
4giv so u may hav peace!

quebecois said...

Why do you have to wait till people advice you of what to do?, You have to confront him immediately otherwise he will denied and there won't be any proof at all, He will do the same things to other ladies as you. And you will end up living with such pain and guilt for the rest of your life. This is call sexual harassment.

Unknown said...

First to comment!

quebecois said...

Why do you have to wait till people advice you of what to do?, You have to confront him immediately otherwise he will denied and there won't be any proof at all, He will do the same things to other ladies as you. And you will end up living with such pain and guilt for the rest of your life. This is call sexual harassment.

GISTMEE said...

Sorry dear, u were molested, Go report :)

Anonymous said...

Am also a medical Doc.If truly he had an erection,u shuld av confronted him.Breast examination shuldn't be more dan 4mins max.

Anonymous said...

i think he got carryed away becus u closed ur eyes he tot u where enjoying it.

Unknown said...

No be you find wahala! upon say you see am,you go wake am lol. Anyway,don't go to a private hospital for stuffs like that.

AnnMarie said...

Breast examination usually takes time but for the erection, that's a very stupid doctor

Anonymous said...

Oh wat a mess! U shld hav confront him immediately u saw dt he had an erection but dear u just hav to let go off ur mind...chidinma

Anonymous said...

Lol tooooo funny. Nuffin happened jor u sef rest.

Anonymous said...

You are a wicked sister, please allow the doctor to enjoy the breast while it last.

Anonymous said...

haaa i cant laf oo.guess ur breast must quit juicy.abeg send us pics mk we see d booby sef

Anonymous said...

yes you should have at that moment! or better yet report him to his Superiorz. its unprofessional. And next time opt for a female doctor for issues like this. But at least report this doctor! Ebuka!

Unknown said...

No be you find wahala! upon say you see am,you go wake am lol. Anyway,don't go to a private hospital for stuffs like that.

Anonymous said...

Yea I think you were actually molested because it happened to me when I was in secondary school & was ignorant of all he did until I told my mum who was a nurse but from a different hospital.I told her not to confront him cos it was embarrassing.

Bravehart said...

What sort of question is this,...?

The last time I checked linda, reads these. Things before she post them.
Anyway, if u must know, been molested as u ve claimed is just so funny, because u were awake and u enjoyed everybit of the so called molestation. Stop asking naughty questions


Jay said...

Dis is serious but funny too,some docs can be funny sha.sometin worse happened to a friend of mine.

Anonymous said...

Sorry ooo madam,wat did xpect b4?pls u no get talk ok...if u don't knw d guy is doin is job ok..mumu like u...wwbwb

Unknown said...

Yes you should have confronted him. Next time ask for a female doctor or insist on a nurse to be present during such examinations(preferably a female nurse). Sorry about your experience. You can also seek legal if you feel like you want to sue him.

Unknown said...

The Dr is not a wood. Erection is normal. just take it as one of those things.

Anonymous said...

sorry bout dat but why would u let a male doc do a lump check???lucky u he wasnt as sensitive as me bcos I d"d be jerking off wen u open or eyes.

hens said...

Babe, I think you should ve still asked him about what you went there for instead of leaving angrily.
Am not always comfortable showing a Male doctor my breast or pussy.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!!! What a story. Pls whoever posted this here, this's not a porn site.

Anonymous said...

This story doesn't add up completely! When u said u closed ur eyes, it simply indicated u were enjoying d touch, nd u opened ur eyes straight to his erection showed u anticipated it.
Esther Orhoro - Festac Town

Unknown said...

Sorry about your experience. Next time insist on a female doctor or that a nurse be present in the room(preferably a female nurse). And if you feel like you want to sue him, walk into a law office and speak to them about your rights.

Anonymous said...

relax joor, wat did u expect? he's human na

Anonymous said...

At proper clinis or hospitals, there is ALWAYS a female Nurse present when there is a breast Exam to be done. Next time when you go elsewhere and there is no female present don't be shy to ask for one.

Chichi said...

Abeg, he is a Doctor, he has to fondle and feel for lumps. Its not like his hand went past ur breast to some other part of ur body. Also na hin DICK direction u take ur eye go as soon as you open am, maybe he had an erection b4 but u did not notice, maybe he is just constantly erect? May be his penis is just that big that you think it is erect? Anyways i don't see a problem here next time carry urself go meet female Doctor.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Another short erotic story from Linda. Guys must be cumming, right ??

Anonymous said...

what man in his right mind will feel boobs and not fantasize about it. i dont want to be alone with such a man. b4 he bust my ass.

don markkyony said...

Hehehehehe....who dem go put sugar for e mouth wey go spit am no b human being...abeg free d guy man joor

matylda said...

U should have confronted him b4 leaving his office! Buh d deed has been done!

Anonymous said...

you are sick, after repairs enjoying his touch, u r here complaining,,,, go and take many seats joor

Anonymous said...

I have been to the hospital to check that as well, but my doctor called a female doctor to check it for me. Next time when u go for such tell ur doctor to call a woman to check u. Kalas

hens said...

Male doctors do shit to patients. I remembered when a frd told me about a doctor who pleaded to suck her 1st before he can carryout an abortion for her.... Haaa

Anonymous said...

Hahhahahahaha! U for gv am Correct slap.

Anonymous said...

It has happened already, u can do nothing about it. But next time when visiting a male Doctor, go with ur boy friend, or husband if u're married.
Most doctors drug their female patients and rape them. Women shld b more careful. These are signs of end time

Anonymous said...

It has happened already, u can do nothing about it. But next time when visiting a male Doctor, go with ur boy friend, or husband if u're married.
Most doctors drug their female patients and rape them. Women shld b more careful. These are signs of end time

Unknown said...

haba, probably he felt a lump which was playing hard to get... the erection, that's pathetic. ontop breast exam? rubbish!!! if he used both hands at once, then he was probably fondling ur mammaries, breast exam is a one handed thingy

Anonymous said...

The breast touching dey sweet u Ω̴̩̩̩̥α, wen he dun sweet u finish Ω̴̩̩̩̥α now u wan talk? * I laugh in Edo* Hv several sit my dear

Anonymous said...

Wat wz d problem again?

Anonymous said...

why didnt u???dat is nt part of his job

peoray said...

funny.....shld av gone to an aged doc

Unknown said...

haba, probably he felt a lump which was playing hard to get... the erection, that's pathetic. ontop breast exam? rubbish!!! if he used both hands at once, then he was probably fondling ur mammaries, breast exam is a one handed thingy

haters-slayer said...

medicine after death,you should have reacted back then,y complaning?he was doing his job.

Anonymous said...

Yes u shd have made a noise n embarrassed him. No doc shd examine a lady without a chaperone. I apologise that u went through such a nast experience.

Anonymous said...

Now you are asking? Isn't it rather too late

Anonymous said...

Well you may have an arguement for molestation but that can hardly count nor stand in court. The evidence is not empirically recorded.

Anonymous said...

So funny

haters-slayer said...

medicine after death,you should have reacted back then,y complaning?he was doing his job.

Anonymous said...

Free d doc abeg,body no b firewood OÂş°˚˚˚°Âşo

Anonymous said...

Maybe the guy couldn't control his body's reaction, besides a doctor should always have a chaperone when examining bodies of the opposite sex it's to prevent litigation ish, they always teach us this in school, a breast examination even done by a female would look like you whr been fondled, esp when expressing for nipple discharge one sign of breast pathology. Nothwithstanding, not defending the chap some docs are sick ppl.

Unknown said... probably enjoyed it thats why u ddnt ur comin here to ask stupid questions

Anonymous said...

Are u sure of wat u are saying u would have confront him there

Anonymous said...

So funny

ary said...

I have often wonder how doctors manage that; look at private parts of beautiful ladies all day without any emotions. Now I know. He could lose his license if you reported him.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahahah..... Doctors na their gain na..... U wan become doctor ? Abeg go pack jor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1st of all,,,u shd ave asked 4 chaperon,,,n after d whole thing,,,did he tell u his findings?????and 2 others anytime doctor of opposite sex is 2 examine you,pls ask 4 chaperon of ur sex,,its ur rite,,,others shd not be discouraged breast cancer is real,rampant n kills everyday,ave ur breast examined,,its important,,,take ur mind of it pls,,

isaac damon said...

Its part of d advantages of bin a doctor..™°°°°°°°°°°

Mz.Ebony said...

U should av confronted him immediately.

Anonymous said...

Gobe !

Debbie Chelsea said...


Anonymous said...

Next time say you will be more comfortable with a nurse in the room. Also shine your eyes well well and don't close them least the doctor imagines you are enjoying the experience . Lastly learn how to check yourself so you can tell the difference between fondling and checking for lumps there is a difference.

eje said...

No be ur fault na,if he had told u u had breast cancer u wouldn't have seen his erection.oshisco.u tink say doctor body na firewood abi?why u no check lump urself?rubbish talk!abeg comot jor

Anonymous said...

dont wory, he is timide

@BOBO_EDO said...

Buhahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha... Somebody hold me now..m buhahahahahahah... My dear u offered yourself as a living sacrifice... Pele.. Buhahahaha


Ochuko Tonukari said...

I hope you enjoy it too? Well, joke apart, that is really unprofessional...But how can you really tell that the process followed by the physician was not the right one? Are you a doctor also? Well, personally, i would have excused the doctor if not for the erection. But come, you did not tell us how you were able to notice the erection...

NMA said...

Gerrout jor,lik u weren't enjoying it,next post pls

Anonymous said...

you are a big fool, do you know the doctor is a human being, so you expect him to touch your breast without feeling anything... LMAO

Anonymous said...

You caused it,Y wld u allow him 2 rough handle ur oranges ,u wld ve confronted him right away.anyways d deed has been done

Anonymous said...

you are a big fool, dont you know the doctor is a human being, so you expect him to touch your breast without feeling anything... LMAO

Anonymous said...

if the doctor examined your breast without a chaperone(female assistant)around, then i think you have a case.that is improper and your feelings are justified. i also know that some lumps are difficult to palpate, and this might be why he took some time.

fake idiot said...

Yes!so dat dis time around he can suck it very well b4 giving u a very hard nd hut doggy style fuck in his office

Anonymous said...

Lol, it's not that serious, it's actually a compliment

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

focus your mind on the real issue. You came there to check for breast cancer. The test for breast cancer is very invasive. Doctors are going to touch and squeeze to make sure there is no lump growing there.

How do you know a man has a erection most especially when he is wearing the white doctors gown. Abegi... concentrate your mind on real issues

Unknown said...

Mtcheew! You would have slapped the Motherfucker!! SHM

Harnikky said...

Wow ! That's a bad one! Ć‹̲̣̣̣̥o̲̣̥Đż̥̥̲̣̥'Ď„̲̣̣̥ go there again, go to ur normal doctor Ć”☺u can trust.

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to teach him his job?having an erection do you know if he memorised his last affairs with his wife or girl?since you lack trust why didn't you chose a female doctor for such an embarrasing visit,,and for your info such allegation only work here in the usa,in naija i'm sorry you are on your own hahaha,prince talk so.

shannaro said...

How filthy I'm sorry you had to experience that. If you wish to, you could try confronting him I don't think there's a point on your own though I guess this is the best way to find solace if you are not going to take further action.Raise hell in his office(make it extra loud and record it we never know) then change your doctor. If you are willing to go further,you could try find out about other female patients' experiences with him to add weight to yours and then decide whether to report him to the relevant authorities or have Linda write up a nice revealing post for you. If you do decide to do anything always cover your back these people can flip the script on a victim so fast. Best of luck

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha sorri but u must ve enjoyed it too 4 u nt to notice! Well let it slide nxt time be more conscious!

Unknown said...

First of all in what country did this happen? Then we can advice you on what to do next lolz

prince presh said...

In medical examinations such as this one,there is supposed to be a female nurse acting as a chaperone to avoid accusations like this from patients.That's the only mistake the doctor made. There is no where in Hippocratic oath that said a doctor should not have an erection.By the way what carried your eyes to the doctor's trousers.

Anonymous said...

My dear u shud have confronted him,its an act contrary 2 medical ethics. U wudve @ least showed him. U knew wot was goin on.

ms k said...

Why didn't u confront him? Crying over spill milk.

Anonymous said...

You are a kangaroo, init? Perhaps you may perish with that lump.

Anonymous said...

Mumu like u ode oshi tell me u did not enjoy d tourch hahahahaha doctor yo ifa la rare niyen Oooo.

Anonymous said...

U shlda slapped him.

Ez said...

I have really felt this way before. when you lost a chance of confronting someone right there and then. No worries, just go meet him and caution the stupid medico, just talk to him and clear your mind. Doctors are known for such nasty acts, its not new sha. I have a friend who was fingered in the name of looking for her appendix.

Unknown said...

My country doctors, Am still laughing I beg, I ll come back to coment latter. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Daniel ugande said...

well, am sorry it turned out dat way. Personally, i dnt lyk d idea of male doctors examing female patients. They hv blood in them. Just my thots...

marvelous ikechi said...

confront d doctor and let him know his job is to care and not molest people

Anonymous said...

Hehehe.. E no easy ooo!(in psquare voice tone) doctor body no be fire wood naw. Same thing with pastor sef. But talk true,if u dint really enjoy it,u shd av told him u felt uncomfortable immediately.

Anonymous said...

Definitely report the doctor! Please. He must have done it before and has gotten away with it.
Please do women a favor and report him.

Anonymous said...

To check for lumps he has to thoroughly check your breasts, its standard procedure. The erection part, he is human could happen to anyone.

Anonymous said...

LMAO.....Y sud Hav cOnFroNteD Him nAAaaa oR MaY Be u SelF EnJaiiiii Am..No LiE mAdAm hArassEd...DaJaX

Anonymous said...

So as d guy ws nw aroused wt shud e hv done abi u think dey teach people nt to get aroused in school?

Anonymous said...

Yup you should have. Otherwise, think, he would do that to a minor. Always engage your doctors while they are treating you in a conversation. Its your body, you have the right to know what he is doing and what anything he does means. Never be embarrased to speak your mind, especially if you feel you're being taken advantage off, such as this case. If you're totally uncomfortable, ask that a female co-worker of his be present when he is checking you for lumps. Now, you cant prove he did it, its your word against his. Erections dont last to serve as witness. I would have landed him a dirty stinking slap and cursed him out on my way out so others will know the type of doctor that he is. Otherwise, bring your husband or boyfriend with you on visits like that. Thats a shame... some doctors

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think she shuld report to the superioz

Anonymous said...

You are crazt and a liar. That is molestation and it is wrong and unethical. You understand this right?

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, I never commented on your blog but I am really upset by some of the comments made. The percentage of women with breast cancer is high and many women die due to lack of awareness or fear.

Instead of comending the lady for going to the doctor to have the lump in her breast checked and ensuring that the doctor who has taken a oath to be prosecuted. Some illeterates are laughing. What a shame.

kclub said...


Anonymous said...

why are people so mean to doctors? If an erection happens to take place while he examines breast what is a crime about it. You saw it because you were looking for it. Men can get erection without any stimulation at all so stop taking credit for an erection you did not cause. A sensitive female like you should request a chaperon when your breast is to be examined, That is the ideal thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you need some spanking. This sounds like child talk. It is wrong to get an erection while checking your patients. Absolutely unprofessional and unethical. Silly kid with your silly comment.

Zenki brown said...

Just take ĹŞŃŹ̲̅ mind off †Ń’Îľ incident. Nxt time, request for ​A̶̲̅ female doctor.

The blogbaby said...

Its funny. #laffing. But d fact is dat d doctor is an human being too. He didn't use d erection on u so just pretend u didn't see it.

Amarachukwu. said...

So what will u do now? Just forget it.

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, so sorry about that. Things like that can be very irritating and angering in retrospect. However, I feel that he might have got the wrong message when you close your eyes. Nonetheless, I am not justifying his actions. He is a Doctor and should have acted professionally, and for that, he was wrong. But unfortunately, this has happened to you. Just forgive him and move on. Carrying this burden will do nothing but weigh you down. I'm not sure going to confront him might improve matters, but if you feel like you need to for closure, go ahead. But be prepared to forgive him even if you never see him again or he is never apologetic. Remember, forgiveness is for you, not him. x

Anonymous said...

Obalende, you are a disgusting perverted jerk. It is people like you that deter women from going for their normal check ups for fear of being molested and no one thinks its wrong. It is a punishable offense what the doctor did. Plain and simple.

Unknown said...

In my opinion,"what message were u trying to sending to the poor male doctor with blood going through his veins by closing your eyes during the breast examination?nevertheless when ever u go to a male doctor for some physical examination, insist on a chaperone. That's how it's done

Unknown said...

In my opinion,"what message were u trying to sending to the poor male doctor with blood going through his veins by closing your eyes during the breast examination?nevertheless when ever u go to a male doctor for some physical examination, insist on a chaperone. That's how it's done

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Which kind useless question be dis?!...omoko

Uloma said...

Its unethical for a doctor to examine a patient witout a chaperone buh in our enviroment,dts nt a routine....we jst av to make do wif wat's obtainable here.... But still,dt doctor is guilty!

Derah O said...

my dear u were not molested. on a normal day a doctor shud be able to control his emotions.......but wot can we say the guy had to heed to natures call and its unfortunate that u were put in such a position...but pls dont feel molested oo.the guy was jus doing his job...jus that he got excited while doing it..

CHRIS( IKOYI) said...

Are you sure you were not enjoying it while it lasted? You must have been in cloud 7 and this explains why it took you so long to understand that the Doctor was playing piano with your boobs.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm! I seem to like tis aspect of doctoring. It is late 4 me to bcome a doctor? I wil b 68 dis june

NONY said...


Anonymous said...

How can erection be investigated now by the medical board? The doctor must have preempted u liking the whole thing bcos u shut ur eyes.

Anonymous said...

theres nothing funny here! why would a doctor stoop so low...just let it slide and next time please stick to the female doctors...hoping there are no lesbians amongst them...God Help Us!!!

tola said...

@ few haha, very funny. You are a very big fool. I'm very sure u are one of those mentally derailed men who take advantage of young girls. Idiot. May God punish you. People like you make me sick. I pray someone takes advantage of your lil sis or daughter like that. Linda love pls post my comment o... Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Onyx I didn't expect u to comment for the nxt 1yr nt after ur chicken legs pics hahaha

Rotimi Kamson, Vienna VA said...

Badoo....a doc is a doc. It is (or at least it should be) part of his training not to get stimulated by something he supposedly sees everyday. But just like the monkeys we are..we accept it. My honest opinion...I blame our women for the shit they take which essentially allows these animals to get away with anything. if u are fondled by your medical have apparently been molested and need to report the incident to the hospital authorities and then the police. And if they do nothing..u escalate it! We have social media now..rapists..molesters..pervs should never go Scott free in this day and age. Put his full name on LIB!!!!!! Along with the name of the hospital where he works. When they start loosing business they'll be sure to fire his bitchass. Remember "the only things that happen are those which we ALLOW to happen". Someone gets a hardon while examining you and u're here crying to LIB readers??? Ok wait lemme put on my cape and matching red boots and i'll come get you. You better get your fucking ass up and go make that sonovabitch's life a living he'll!!!!! Go NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hmm u must be hot were is or clinic so I can CME 4 regular check ups

Anonymous said...

Godwin, Godwin, Godwin Onyx, hw many times I call u? U re still on LIB right? No worry, u go soon run away like PC, no matter how shameless u claim 2 be. Wit ur stupid n childish comment! Hw can doctor hav an election while examining his patient? U no well with ds ur yeye comment.

Rotimi Kamson, Vienna VA said...

@ sharkslord...when the white man calls us is people like you that actually reiterate that impression they have of us. That being said..I have absolutely nothin else to say to you. See u when ur relative gets molested.

Anonymous said...

There are so many psychopaths in Nigeria and @ cintetic is one of them. Some of you just think with your ass and everything that comes out of your mouth is shit. I can't believe you called that romance. Illiterate, disgusting human being.

Anonymous said...

Well the doctor is only human. It's only an erection. How does dat affect you. Moreover d lady was busy closing her eyes smhhhh. With lesbianism on d increase, a female doctor being a lesbian might also b having d fun of her life.

Anonymous said...

Do u want to press charges?

Are you gonna claim rape?
Come to think of it, he didn't have sexual intercourse let alone against your will.

Are you gonna claim sexual molestation?
Did he touch any other part of your body besides the breast?
Did he ask you directly or subtly or suggest in any way that you should touch him?
Did he try asking you anything intimate about your man or sexual life which could suggest a sexual interest in you.

Does he have female nursing staff? Where they in the room during the examination?
Do you have any witness(es)?

Dearie,I would ask you to let it fly,next time request for a female examiner or a female nurse to be present.
Sorry though for everything.

Anonymous said...

Please forgive him,he is also human but next time go with a friend and warn your other friends to be weary of him,just let it pass today,next time take action.He must also have been embarrassed!Omo i hope say no lump dey sha.God help and heal you if there is.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he couldn't just help it as he was trying to help you. He was really and sincerely checking for the Brest lump before his lump began to respond to the breast. Lol

Unknown said...

Oh shut up, wat do u expect, after all it's a man, even your father would av an erection, if u didn't enjoy it you would av reported to the police not disturb LIBers

Anonymous said...

What other things was she thinking about with her eyes closed...

Anonymous said...

Shame on all of you who are blaming her for this, you have mothers abi? Let them fondle your mother and then you can congratulate the doctor for being human.

My dear go back and confront him, you might get closure. However, he might not react the way you want cuz Nigeria is a country where things like these are your fault. BUT I urge that you fight back in your way or you may stay feeling used and belittled because you did not stand up for yourself. You don't have to fight back physically, there are laws against this. You could even create a trap for the pervert.

Unknown said...

i'm sure he didnt mean it, probably got lost somewhere while checking the breasts, he is human na.....but what where u looking for below his pants

Anonymous said...

Lol...Same-thing happened to me when I went for a smear test..The doctor had full erection plus he had his instrument inside me for long.

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