Insiders claim Chris Brown has been reaching out to Rihanna since completing his 90-day stint in rehab and her camp is terrified the volatile couple may reunite...
From Page Six
“Chris started texting Rihanna on her birthday [Feb. 20], and the two have been sending each other a flurry of texts ever since,” said a source close to the singers.
“Rihanna didn’t write back right away . . . but later that night she started getting sentimental and texted back, ‘thank you,’ and asked how he was,” our source added. “Since then, the two haven’t stopped texting each other and friends are freaked out that she’s going to start dating him again.”Dear Rihanna please stick with Drake. He's cuter, more calm, older, less violent etc *sigh*. Continue to see photos of Rihanna and Drake out together on Tuesday night in Paris...
Sigh! Not again.... Although, to be fair. She did say on oprah that she'll love brezzy 4eva.
True love never dies. I guess Drake should step back. He's d devil behind d split .
Wen i said drake was her side guy and Chris brown was d pain guy,LIB warriors blasted me as usual... linda she doesn't lov drake,es jst a shoulder she falls on and dick she rides wen breezy aint available.. chris own her heart...
She loves that guy! *dont tell me U re sorry cus U re not..baby wen U sorry, i knw U will call........bt its over Now!" Let go rihanna!
She's confused! I tink gettin pregnant 4 either of dem will help her decide in tym... #silly me#
I'm beginin to feel Chris can't jst move on without my Riri! He shud jst stop playing on her intelligence! Arrrggghh!
Not again! Riri pls say no n stop d texting i beg. Prefer drake o o cb na small boi with confuse spirit. Lili riri will disappoint us o. I c her back in cb's arms lol.
Thr is dis guy I love so much, he jst proposed marriage to me nd I said "yes" bcos I love him bt the prob here is dat I am 21 nd hez 36...m nt sure my parents are gonna like dis idea, bt m so in love with him, nd I knw he loves me more nd hez very ready to get married to me, pls libers wot shud I do???????
Pls honest ansas pls..
Tnx in anticipation
Riri & Breezy's craze level is a perfect match. I had dt ex dt we kept making up until I got married. I can relate. I was never abused tho.
Linda excuse u? Drake is older fine,less violent ok, but cuter? Better go to an eye clinic. Drake with dat him kpomo mouth #nonsense#
Dis kyn Love Rihanna has for Chris, don't get it.....bera knw wat u doin Riri,
Once loved is always loved
Riri plz leave Chris alone, Drake seems a bera guy, jst let Chris go
Rihanna should leave Chris already.
Trust me exchanging text messages with ex rekindles many stuffs.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
linda Onise face ur work ooooooooooooooo.
Ur amebo nor be here
Linda mind yasef oo! Ma comments no dey show again......for WETIN? #plus# how can u even say drake is cuter? #noletmevexo#
na she sabi
ME & U
Drake is more mature, and sensible compared to Chris, Riri plz let Chris go abet
Linda! Hmmmm! Marriage counsellor/blogger of life. Pls free the chic, she will do only what she wants to do.
Dear Rihanna, Pls let Drake "take care of u".
Dey love each other and always will do.... There is this chemistry they both share that neither drake nor karrueche understands... They deseve each other no doubt....
ha nawawo,so the punches wey she@rihanna collect never do am.okay na the next wan na smack down superman chris go give am.
Gud for Riri n CB + Linda Plz stop Postin dat EdDreamz comments on ur Blog!! His English is Terrible n his comments doesn't correlate wt d Topic,Very Senseless n Daft!! He's Prolly a School Drop out or he shud rather go bk 2 Primary School and Learn how to write Good English. LIB MISFIT !!!! Annoyin comments wt Wrong spellings. Hian!!!!
Hmmmm! aproko
So all that tattoo that rihanna did will finally be cleaned or what.... Make them comback abeg so that them go be the second strongest couple....
more clam lol .i beg too much of story stealin don de make linda confuse.
more clam indeed
the guy carry loaded gun for trouser why she no go text am.... hehehehe
Chris the better choice than drake, the devil you know is better then the angel you don't know. Heyyy they r texting againnnn lool, this two can't get enough of eachother......love in the air. Drake lay low
She can't help it,she finds CB more exciting
chris brown is just d right guy for you,at least he wants to come back for good...all what drake is doing is just being fake
Make Chris Brown just marry Riri n the other girl then make Riri marry Chris Brown n d Drake guy, problem solved! What's with all these back n forth. Mumu people. They can't even make their minds up. Hian!
Linda correct yourself
As for Rihanna if it's not cris brown it's not the same thing as Chris brown.drake can try all he want
Lawd! Can't wait 4 dis two 2 get bk 2geda *luv lav*
Fake gist....and even though rihanna isn't good 4 breezy and vice versa,drake isn't cuter...MBOK!
RIRI pls ur all grown up now, u n Drake look good 2geda, let karreuche deal wit chris's unstable nature.
Walahiii i don tire for dis girl matter!!! She no go ever hear word,,, and fly way no de hear word de follow deadbody enter grave... ¤Su•cre®
I beg lindodo, make we free dis people. Their story now is season film. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Dear Linda...knt u see rihanna is happier weneva shez with CB...kan u eva leave a man ur hrt truly yearns 4...4 anoda jst kz hez calm..older bla bla bla...onli one man has rihanna's medicine n we all knw hu it iz....my boy Drizzy...she'll onli hav a fling wit u n dump ur ass...shez CB certified
Whtever...its her choice to make.
Chris brown will be an asshole if he dumps kara whtever
LIESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! People need to leave this girl alone. She's spotted with Drake and now the Chris Brown lies are everywhere. Chris Brown is with Kaosisochukwu! Why can't Rihanna hang with a person of the opposite sex without someone saying she's sleeping with the person. Can't she just want to hang out? Her crime is her being in Paris for Fashion week and hanging with a friend. If Rihanna is with someone, she'll say it!#TeamRiri #Navy
Smh with these two sha! Riri can't you just get him off ya head?
They are beautiful like diamonds in the sky...
I love Chris brown and Drake. Rihanna i think you should open your eyes and don't make mistake again. I dON'T KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT BOTH OF THEM BUT YOU GOTTA BE WISE.
They'll definitely come back. Trust Riri.
For the record, Chris brown is way cuter dan drake..he is just too violent.so rihana should respect herself and stick wit drake.
Riri is a masochist,we all know dat.JAY.
These two love birds cnt just stop loving each other dat is love for u but let dem act matured and know wat is good for dem abeg
Yeahhh!!! I think sop two, drake is cute calmer and less violent compare to CB
Linda,don't worry your preety head.Ruhanna can't leave that dude alone.His dick is too big to ignore.Rihanna likes big dick...just like u.hehehe
Tell her Lindz
~D great anonymous!
babes better stick to drake......for all the obvious right reasons
Errr, point of correction linda. Drake is not cuter than chris brown. Chris is waaaaaaayyyyy more handsome than drake. Drake looks like a teddybear that went wrong in the factory. Plus first to comment hehe
babe you better stick to drake
Linda u n ur cohorts (owners of blogs, reporters, media people) are indeed d downfall of celebs. So because a man n a woman hangs out regularly means they are dating? Na wa 4 Una o! Make Una try mind Una level of gossip. Has she come out 2 admit that she is dating Drake? Drake is cuter, older, not violent bla bla bla. And u think every relationship is centred on d fact that the guy is cute or rich? Abeg make all of Una park well, mtchewwww.
what the heck is wrong with them?
Do not click HERE
rihanna ....drake prefect
Irrelevant news...Such a shame people av to put up with reading all this bull crap about rihanna n two grown ass men. *smh*
This two pple don't know wat is doing them.
Lindus she will go back to him if he pushes.every girl get a particular guy wey dey turn her to mumu.na chris b be her own.MUGU
Riri pls strict wit drake pls.
First 2 comment
...they are just friends....
.....I look forward to a Drake and Rihanna wedding, seriously!....
Drake cuter than who Linda ?? Your definition of cute sef
Linda, you nor know say when man penis sweet, e hard for woman to leave am.
Linda there is nothing you or any one else can do about it, if you read my past comments, i told every one that Rihanna and Chris Brown love each other and always will. Drake is just to pass time and Chris is using is it karaoke abi nah wetin be that her name? to pass time, Chris and Rihanna have no control over what is happening, it is called love.
Linda how sure are you? Anyway I love riri and drake der look cute together not dat chris brown dat phsychotic chris brown dat is kiling himself with drugs
Confused rihanna ( ˘˘̯)
She must miss that Chris Brown Dxxk
What you people don't get is that Chris and Rihanna are hatched from the same egg.
Linda hope u don't mean cuter than Chris brown ooooo???
#Don Funky#
Ok Rihanna, just listen and listen real good...I got mad love for you, infact I started loving CB cuz of you. I forgave you when you went back to him, though it took every bit of strength in me, , but I still excused your stupidity and I've remained a loyal fan..but lemme be very clear to you, that you will not just lose the little respect I have for you. .but most importantly, you will definitely lose me as a fan if you ever think of going back to that woman beater..let alone actualising it..*phew* I don tell you finish o
Na dem sabi ooooo!!!
Drake give them The opportunity,they are both psyco.
Linda Drake is No where cuter than CB.
Drake should let Rihanna go...she wants a real bad boy that will slap her around...she doesn't want no respect...
Drake is a rap artist but he is one of the most level headed chilled guy...it's a shame that RIRI can't see that and appreciate him...I suspect that once Drakes had enuf he will shut that door on her....he s no fool..
Linda.Sit down.You won't understand.
I have an ex.We love each other so much but for some reasons,we just can't be.
My fiance is a better man.
Yes,my ex was more exciting(maybe cos I loved him).My fiance is richer,more focused,more hardworking,more generous,more determined to make me happy.He is kind.has a bigger d***,n loves me like mad but I just can't return the same exact sentiments.
Normally,I should love my fiance more because he's a better person than my arrogant ex.Yet I know in my heart I still love my ex.he's in my dreams many nights.When I was with him,I used to feel the urge 2 have sex evryday but now,I hardly feel that urge even though my fiance is technically a better lover.
I'm afraid what I feel for this man is more like brotherly love but I'll still marry him.
I'm not even in contact with my ex but from what I observed,the dude is forcing himself to pass through one relationship n the other.Hez been unstable.
We aint even talking to each other but when his name is mentioned,there's this familiar thump in my heart.
So,I believe the saying that for some people,love comes once in a lifetime.Anything b4 it was play,anything after it is management.
This may be the same predicament Rihanna is in.She's not a fool.she knows Drake is better for her but her heart can't let CB go...
With Drake she feels loved n calm(no competition) but with CB,its like a burning fire.
I will be mad if Riri and Breezy get back.
Rihanna freakin make ur mind alrdy u kant eat ur cake & have it.its eitha drake or chris simple
Chris Brown is the only dude who knows how to hit Rihanna's G-spot.
That's why Rihanna finds it difficult to leave him and keeps coming back to him for some hot shagging.
Wen two of u love ursef nut can stop it bcoz he burn like flame of fire dat can neva be stop...Riri can die for Chris dat is de fact..Steadyman Say So.....
drake dont love rihanna. and chris looks way better than chris. chris is more talented
Make dis 2 go hide abeg we tired of dem news.
Make dis 2 go hide abeg we tired of dem news.
Seriously, there is nothing special about Drake. He is ugly, self centred. How do u explain him complaining about a dead man being on the cover of a magazine instead of him? FYI, Chris went back to Karrueche cos Rihanna was sleeping with every Dick, Tom and Harry whilst professing love for Chris. It's funny how people pounce at Kim K any given moment & never comment about Rihanna being "Miss Round the Way" AND even themselves not being saints for that matter. Never throw stones if u live in a glass house, cos everybody is a sinner on earth, the difference is that some are very good at hiding their shit.
This two wants rihana I prefer chris brown. #bright bravo#
Ok. Read♤
They've already said it. It ain't nobody's business.
Mayb she likes being beaten........bt I think Riri n Breezy are not over each other yet!
Rihanna nd chrisbrown will always have a thing 4 eachoda even if dey get married to oda pple.
cuter? Linda r u drunk?
Leave this guys alone na...LOL
news from nigeria nollywood
Love love love.. Rihanna maybe confused
Riri stick 2 drake pls!!!!!!!!!crys out......
Linlin leave my breezy alone o. He is cuter than Drake. I want them bak together again. Their love aint over. She knows it.
Uhhmm Linda"Rihanna please stick to Drake",...Him be glue?...You want 9ja to change,yet you no get hope say one teenager can?....She should follow her heart shaa...cuz if you ask me,make she date A$AP Rocky
Kamto Haf Tok
They gat som F-in problem
Na dere cross ohhhhhh
dat is what I call true luv
Lindodo RiRi loves only Chris if u ask me!!!! Lindodo hope u'av eaten!
Linda u don't post my comment, for my own money. Na wa oooh. Any way riri pls stick wit Drake pls
Sally p said I totally understand how rihanna feels.even if she knows that chris is no good for her she can't help it.the heart wants wot it wants.I just pray drake loves her enuf to help her get over chris
Hmmmmmm she should better forget About chris brown o
Hmmmmmmm! Linda na wa oh...when are you going stop following this pple that don't even have a clue of what they want Huh?
Next pls*
Where's our grammerian now? I mean PC!
Jeez! Dis child should be reading for Jamb or waec or something!!!
I pity U̶̲̥̅̊r life U̶̲̥̅̊ dis little spoilt brat
Ur story has neither head nor tail. #dry#
Love is like a war,easy to start but very hard to End,each and everyone of us know who we Love ooooo i wish i know who dey Ride Linda Like Range spot evogue
which kind love be dis biko, all na wash
Man forces girlfriend to drink CONC ACID
In 2014, we are telling a 26 year old the ex we want her to go to? She is mature enuf to know wat she wants. Pple should stop comparing the two guys. It is annoying. I am sure they both have qualities that she wants in a man but obviously one has it more than the other.
I pity U̶̲̥̅̊r life U̶̲̥̅̊ dis little spoilt brat
So Drake and Karrueche are puns in this game of chess.
As crazy as what u said sounds...I cnt help but agree with you.
I guess d drake stunt is working
Watched that interview, she actually said Breezy is the love of her life. It'd be hard keeping them off eachother.
She knows what's best for her
My husband is 47 and I'm 33 we are just fine. Happy and loving it if you have any doubts sha pls don't do it but I tell you matured guys are great they already know what they want
She don't mess wit white bois...she nids a jay 2 create a second black power couple
This ur lyrics book is fake
If anonymous 6:28 doesn't av sense, y shuld u onyinye Gloria talk senselessly as well. Do u tnk everybody must be as stupidly old as u were wen in school or y so fast to judge or luk down on som1?SMH
Publicity stunt for Chris browns new album that is coming out,after the promo they will break up again.
Publicity stunt for Chris brown's new album that is coming out. Rihanna stays helping Chris browns career
My dr o!!! Ask her! I wonda how drake is cuter dan breezy! Linda no well na
Linda what if chris brown does it better? *winks*
She's still in love wit Chris. Gnomic Pretex
Lmfao its simply drakes turn. All these celebs have a way of taking turns hahahahhaha funny life they live. Wish them luck ooo
D only problem we wen v is, we no go folw man wey love us,na d one wey go beat us n break our heart we go dey follow
Drake, cuter? Wetin na, Linda!?
95% girls loves the guyz that beat them up and have say over them.. Than a guy that ways follow and obey what she want without say no... CB is a guy that is hard on rihanna... She's rich.... That totally means she's always the boss.... Riri is a Boss to DK cause... Since he is the one madly in love with her he will always follow every word she says.... And do everything possible to make her happy..... CB in the other hand is riri's boss... He can order her around...., make her cry... And even beat her up.... That always make rihanna go high in love with him... Cause he is the boss.... I have asked question.... Done my home work.... About.... Relationship violent..... Close to 95% ladies love violent....
Hey kido!!! Ur mid term break is over!!! Time for bed...
@onyinye! U are a hypocrite.....u r prolly more bitchy than riri.....been noticing ur comment on dis blog! U nid 2 learn how 2 talk
Why are you rooting for Drake.. like he is going to turn them to Jay and Bey.. Drake isn't foolish enuff not to know his place.. He will use and dump as usual, but bcos of image might stay a lil longer..
Chris Brown can't handle a babe that he can't trust, and that is where Rihanna will never meet up
linda 4 real? stick 2 drake? I prefer brizzy and riri jawe
She was talking 2 onyx u see u mtsheeew
With drake,she dresses decently,therefore,I vote for drake
If it's true den I'm dissapointed....she doesn't need breezy! he should chill out abeggy!....
Thank u..nothin lik ist love!!morover chris is a changed man nw
Really oyinye what is your problem? If you don't understand English, then get off this blog and learn some. You are too rude and your comments show your level of stupidity.
Dear Suzanne, pray about it and tell your patents all the same. They just might agree. Wish you luck.
Onyiye must u comment why do u lik getting people angry wif dat ur ugly face lik faeces, u ar jst 1 low class bitch if u av no answer to her question den liv her . U wnt 2 b noticed abiii ewu notice me will nt kill u wif dat ur weavon lik sponge
Taiwo esther1
Onyxx u ryt..bt drake suits her well...bt who cn contend with the one who owns d hrt all d best jare #drinks garri
Loooooooool!Puleezzzz!!Is it rocket science? Cant you all see it? They love each other! Always and forever.....move through other guys and girls, they will always come back for each other. WHy? they have a connection, it cant be brushed off or defined,I'm sure they dont understand it themselves neither can we...it is just what it is! So am I surprised? No, i will and will always be.
I am there now, still deeply in love with my first love 22 years after we first met.....i'm married to someone else, have been for 14years, love my hubby ,kind,giving,beautiful soul. But the heart will always seek its own........Unexplainable!!! No matter how you stifle love mmhn, it will have a way of seeking out its own!
Na wah for this man that has been moving from one planet to another.
Pls rihanan stay wit drake he wil make u happy n u wil nva regret it...
Na tafia dey worry all of una when dey advice Riri on who to hava a relationship with. Seriously!
Una don sort out una own relationship problem?
Crazy idea. Getting pregnant would complicate issues. Let's say she does get pregnant for either men, the other man might care less about it and claim her baby.
Exchanging texts with an EX that is your kryptonite is the beginning of your doom
Wow maybe c-breezy n riri are born for each other and dis one na serious hrt brk for karreuche n drake ahhh lol na look I dey look oh
@ Anon...February 28, 2014 at 1:12 AM that's very deep.
See eh, sometimes you have to let go of something you want for something you need. Chris hurts her and no woman should endure that amount of hurt for even a moment of happiness. If she gives it time, she will be able to live Drake as much or almost.
Riri is too crazy. who would want to kip her as his babe?
I just tire for this people!!!
Rihanna should leave Chris already.
Trust me exchanging text messages with ex rekindles many stuffs.
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