He's not changing his identity, he's just going through a mid-life crisis and is addicted to plastic surgery. He is struggling to re-gain his youth" Sources close to the 64 year reality star told TMZSee more photos after the cut...

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He's not changing his identity, he's just going through a mid-life crisis and is addicted to plastic surgery. He is struggling to re-gain his youth" Sources close to the 64 year reality star told TMZSee more photos after the cut...
Ppl should let him be pls!
This man is SICK!
#Biafran Slayer#
Good for him
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e fit am wella.........make he flex, sorry she :)
popular Pastor Caught in the act with church member
What is wrong with all these oyibos? They are just insulting God. Make God no vex for una like Sodom and gomorra.
This is called return to innocence.
He's looking for his youth which Kris wittingly stole from him.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
He's simply trying to look good,don't see anything wrong with that.
Bruce is a sick man I tell u.
He should rest abeg n nt kıll hımself
I feel sorry for him
Bruce is definately going 2 end lyk Micheal Jackson. Haba he should just accept dat he is getting Old 4 once and forget going under the knive.
Mid life crisis indeed... Sorry for his life
Am 90 percent sure this guy is a gay #bright bravo#
His boobs tho, lol. He luks so weird esp 2nd to d last pic, like a nagging wife. Whtever hapnd to inseparable unions???
God help us ooo, wat is he turning to, may he want to fry his self sha
whites though... smh.
Sannu KRUCE KENNER. He'd shave off the B&J like his adam's apple and make it a K.Am sure dat wud be his new name since hez a desperate Kardashian wanna be.
struggling to regain his youth... pesin wey get grown up adults... something is wrong with this family I wish America will banish them lol from America.
This pple wont jes stop trying 2 be a woman. I jes hope he doesn't get worse like d one in d previous post. Wonder y some pple do think dt God didn't do a good job creating them. *spits*
Eesah 26E90A24
What the crap is wrong with the man!
See how he is looking like Kendall
Men grow boobs as they age. Stop making a fuss!
Hez on his way to hell
I really pity Bruce. Living wit the Kardashians for a long time has turned him into a woman.
Linda go and sleepppppp....me I want to bt can't cos of my infant..abi u will come and nurse him for me..lol
Ahn ahn, how can they say he has removed his Adams Apple, meanwhile the picture clearly shows him with an Adams Apple? #confusion
removed his Adams Apple, meanwhile the picture clearly shows him with an Adams Apple? #confusion
Ewu boronu
He's a plastic man..disgusting fella
Living in a house of pretty girls did something to Bruce. Does he want to look like Kim or Kourtney?
Now we're beginning to see why Kris Left him. She'd had enough of his mid-life crises. How can a 64yrd old be fighting for his youth? Na wa o. S
Hmmmm,,,,,,, God help us.
Its gud for him aslong as he lyk it dat way
@ this age? who will date him, after he turns?
What else can we expect from a person whose balls were chopped of by kris Jenner
It's more like midwife crisis. Don't understand why he is going through all this change! Unless he is secretly gay.
A man is said to b addicted to surgery ok na.
nice share
He looks like a BAD BITCH.
Hmmm let's hope it's just some mid life crisis... no matter what he does he ll never be prettier than Kris Jenner. LoooL
Shame on u sir
He's suffering from kris jenner syndrome. Omase o
Baba God... the lack of Jesus in our lives is causing confusion.
Some people may disagree but I don't care.
Sometimes, I feel like saying soon we'll know the truth but my sincere prayer is we all come to the knowledge of truth b4 its too late.
This is really funny
He/she is, looks, feels & smells confused...*sigh*
...looks like he needs some attention, before he ends up a habitual Drag Queen
What is mid-life about 64 years?
Lobatan o! It is well in Jesus name!
God help him! That's what you do when u have a bucket load of money and nothing to do with it.
Dats one funny thing about d whites. They have time for rubbish. Much Ado about nothing!!!!!!
Looking too artificial.......gosh.....
Na wa o
Hmmm!!!that's good for him
Really looking like a woman,Endtime.
Honestly speaking I find dis story vry difficult to beliieve, y iss he tryn to be a woman nw, wen Actualy ders never any report or any rumour dat he is guy through his life, y did he suddenly decied to turn himself to a woman nw at hiis age, bt if @ all its true den I honestly think he has a psychological problem, or wat dey say, midlife crisis
I think i agree with the source
If it make's him happy.
Odikewgwu, Kimora
nd e uses foundation n powder,looks like an idiot
hell is awaiting some people..hmm
Dis is a lesson 4 dose one who always run 2 plastic surgery, he/she died be 4 he/she dead, 4 all dose people who always run 2 plastic surgery, I sorry 4 u shall
Dis is worst dan a mid life crisis
Dis is worst dan a mid life crisis
AND pls is he close to regainin his youthful look?a typical yoruba man's behaviour.wantin to be who he is not.*SPITS* DARREL
Dis is a lesson 4 dose one who always run 2 plastic surgery, he/she died be 4 he/she dead, 4 all dose people who always run 2 plastic surgery, I sorry 4 u shall
Does feminine looks make u younger? We shall see wt time. @Onyxx Godwin, its so annoying to find out that he's such a kid. And I was thinking I comment wt mature minds. Besides, wat gave u the liver to send in those pics? U wantd to prove d LIBers that abused u wrong nd prove dt u re hot? Well, u just provd them right. U re too skinny for anyone's liking. Accept urself d way u re. Linda, stop sending in pics of ur popular commentators if they re stil kids. It disappoints som ppl lik me, cos we look out for their comments
AND pls is he close to regainin his youthful look?a typical yoruba man's behaviour.wantin to be who he is not.*SPITS* DARREL
AND pls is he close to regainin his youthful look?a typical yoruba man's behaviour.wantin to be who he is not.*SPITS* DARREL
To regain his what?hahaha western people could be confused ehh,can they make a 64yr old 24?let them spare the trash and accept that he want to change his gender.
AND pls is he close to regainin his youthful look?a typical yoruba man's behaviour.wantin to be who he is not.*SPITS* DARREL
Just wanted to b d 1st to comment.... This guys case is just silly..... Infact, d Kardashians case is just a crap load of silly
Let him cut his hair...seriously with this is look now there is no big different btw him and a old lady.
Mid-life crisis at 64!,dude,u r gay.
Hmmnn... He's really looking more like a female.
U pipo shud leave dis man aloine o
Bruce but why na?u beginnning 2 luk lik Micheal jackson must confess?dis new luk of urs gt as e be#babykinsway
The truth will be out soon
I am beginning to really love this new linda....ur level of professionalism is now high...I luv d fact that u deleted the omotola daughter post very fast...u are now very sensitive to things....I use to hate u b4 but now I love you
*sighs*.....drama drama everywhere!
Well... I don't wanna believe that he wants to become a transexual at this His old age. I hope its just a bloody co-incidence bc reporters gossip alot
Na U̶̲̥̅̊ get Ūя̲̅ body
He's loosing it abi?c d last pic he reminds mi of micheal jackson.
He's loosing it abi?c d last pic he reminds mi of micheal jackson.
Hmmmmmm! Look what kris jenner has done to this man Lol....He' s so confused now#Poor thaing
Pls you guys should live bruce alone.
This papa go rest nah. Haba.
After now dem go say him get cancer*SMH*
Bruce, no matter how hard u try, u d still grow old
The guy is becoming gay.Midlife crisis occurs when a man is in his mid 50's.
D man is sick! Mtswwwww!!! He is gng to be a very ugly woman. Mtswwww! Why did I even waste my time to comment
He looks like a better version of Micheal Jackson in the last photo. Hehheeeheee
Na wa ooo oyibo peole and their weird acts hmmmmmmm grown man like dis dey fool say na addiction try it here in africa one hot slap you will start acting ur age idiot!!
Hmmm,this ppl sef!!!
Nawa o! Old age, boredom, crises, it seems he's even had more work done done on his face, give it poppa, aging is a grace, every grows old.
Oyinbo na wa ooo
Crazy guy.Too much can cause madness! If to say he's broke,he wouldn't even think of any surgery
I really feel bad for him. I think he is just an unfoetunate victim of a controlling and dominating woman, and momager... Kris Jenner. If you ever watched their show, you will discover he was never in charge and couldnt stand up to his wife. She took and the decision and bossed him around. This guy was gradually emasculated over the 23 years of marriage. He was a man till he married Kris. Sorry for him though. My advice get your acts together and reset your destiny.
His hair though......
N here comes d haters n dumb commenters tearing him down *rolls eyes*
Linda biko leave this man alone. He doesn't in anyway look like a woman. U just dey find story
A suggestion - Maybe he should change his glasses to a more feminine and sexy one. Copy that!
This man no fine kobo
You can't try God...u think u have the power to make ursef abi....na monkey you go change to last last
sick old dude.....Momelo...says
sorry Bruce, ifeel for u. old age syndrome tinz.
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Haha..the next micheal jackson only freakier
He looks so frail and weak. SMH mid life crisis ko, old life crisis ni.
Looks more like a lady though
Is he wearing foundation? Urgh!
He looks like Severus snape!loolz!
This dude here done gone CRAZY!!!Is this what happens when you leave the Kardahian household? ewwww
mid-life? more like end life crisis. hes too old for this shit.
Jobless family...dem lyk attention lyk fly lyks shit....i beg make park well...if he lyks he shuld do a surgery dat will turn him into a cow
Dese oyibo pple sef.....lack f hunger is their problem.mtchewww
Life, there's no winning. The young are in a hurry to grow up; the grown wana turn back the hands of time. God help us all.
Whatever he wants †☺ do with his life the choice į̸̸̨§ his!!
Mid-life crisis!
Ok na, weldone...
whtevr it is he's going tru, i pray d Good Lord c him tru.....
Call mi #Beau.Ti.Ful
This is way too funny, which one be mid life crises. D guy wan resemble Kim by all means hehehe
Dead guy
All these rubbish is caused by excess money. Every day we pray to God for money, is this kind of nonsense that delays peoples blessing. Cause God knows that once we have small cash madness would come.
wow,i belief evry one has d right to do watever tothemselves, after all its their body and life
geeez this paapa needs help...krs don destabilize in emotions chai LOVE
I think like been in the news for the wrong reason
Dis her/he boobs don sag oo.
Nah to inject Portland Elephant cement remain o
ewwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i'm gonna puke ...... too much surgery ... he no wan gree old abi ....... in a few yrs he would reap the ugly rewards... be looking like an ape soon
The tinz ppl do coz of excess money! If he were2b in one remote part of benue state wld he b trying2regain his youth? Sad coz i liked dis man,i admired his patience in dealing with d@ witchyKris
He luks so sad *sigh
People should really lay off Bruce!!! Must his life be destroyed all because of the Kardashians!! Jezebels !!! SMH .. He is just going through a mid-life crisis and he is also just unfit (hence the boobs) He has always had those finger nails and his sagging neck is hiding his adams apple - He is somebody's father please let him be
It's his life. He's free to do whatever makes him comfy. I guess he's going through a hard time and trying hard to get a new chic. Lol
Knife ode.
you all should leave ds man o...atleast hes breathing cool air now..*winks*
Bonario.youth?he was well into his fortys when he met and married Kris.and thanks to her assertiveness,he stayed relevant,decades after he won a medal.ir you think its cos he's the only medal winner around.wey Dem Carl Lewis and co.
Thx dear.you are enlightened
Lolz english for this blog, they will not kill person with gbagaun, under d knive
Why do humans perfectly created by God desire to change demselves?! End time tnz abi?
Mid-life crisi at 64? ZeeZee you sound like a member of his family
its cos his wife has been the husband/man in the marriage he decided to change poor man
i pray he shd leave for ever nd ever, ode oshi who wants 2 remain young 4eva when time reach u go hear am. ***mtcheww***
if e like make him dye e hear pink that one concern am...
Is it at this age he wants to start doing this? Na wa oh!
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