Beyonce's half-brother living on food stamps | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 15 February 2014

Beyonce's half-brother living on food stamps

Beyonce has a 4-year-old half brother (pictured extreme right) who she has never met. She doesn't even acknowledge him. Beyonce's dad had a baby with another woman, Alexsandra Wright, while still married to Beyonce's mum so there's a lot of bad blood there. Apart from dropping him as her manager, Beyonce also put him off her payroll.

Alexandra tells TMZ that Mathew Knowles owes her $32k in back child support and because he's not giving her any money, she's destitute and has to use food stamps to survive. She and her son Nixon make ends meet with $300 from her state issued EBT card which she showed TMZ as evidence.

You can see that after the cut. But let me ask, if you were Beyonce, would you not try to help your half brother? I don't blame Beyonce at all, I understand her reservations with all 'dem baby mama drama but that's your blood, would you not try to help or at least acknowledge him? And he's so cute..


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Anonymous said...

Enough of Beyonce and her family issues.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oo...wahala dey....aunty linda if u like use my comment soak garri*for ur pocket*

Alloy Chikezie said...

Even people that are not one's half brother like friends and other relationship, one help not to talk of one's half brother

Your comment will be visible after approval

candygirl said...

Bey can be a mean bitch sometimes,I mean come on!fight with your dad,baby mama but that poor child is innocent,he didn't ask to be born did he!...oh well she's queen bey after all.

Unknown said...

If I were Beyonce I will help my half brother by trying to get him a better handiwork so he can cater for himself

mimi said...

That's too bad,the child is innocent.if she(queen bee)don't wanna have anything to do wit her dad and nixon mum,that's so understandable.

Unknown said...

Eyaaa, sad.

Anonymous said...

She's not obligated to help out. Also, the boy was conceived with another woman while still married to her dad was still married to her mum. Mr. Knowles should take care of his responsibility!

Anonymous said...

Its painful, but woman! How did u go from $32k to ummm 300 bucks. Weren't u saving for rainy day? Now look what u are making thaat innocent child go through. I blame u "baby mama" are u a junkie too? Beyonce should mend d fences with Family cos they come first.

Anonymous said...

@annoymous 7.17pm, na waa 4 U̶̲̥̅̊ ooooo....."Use my comment soak garri for U̶̲̥̅̊r comment made M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣̣̥ laugh oooo" lol....
Beyounce !!!!!!! 4 Christsake , na U̶̲̥̅̊r brother oo!...Sydney

Unknown said...

Men!!!! Make una fear God o

Anonymous said...

She should go and get a job.. They're so lazy over there.nonsense.

Anonymous said...

If I were Beyoncé I wud not give a dime. The woman got what she deserves. She should take Matthew Knowles to court and make him take care of his responsibilities. Raro

Anonymous said...

Beyonce has no obligation towards that innocent child, why would Alexandra have a child for a married guy? Is it because he is Mathew Knowles? The babe no try, jus feel 4 the young lad

Anonymous said...

You would not if you were in her shoes. You don't know what it is like..

judy sexy said...

y is it dat u dnt post my comments. Am I nt allowed to speak?

Anonymous said...

Drunk in looooove

Anonymous said...

Linda, why is the woman talking to tmz? Na tmz give am belle? Why does she need Beyonce's help? Na Beyonce give her belle? The woman has laid her bed, now she should lie on it, getting pregnant for someone's husband makes u end up like this, sey now she has broken up a family and she wants to be pitied, eh yah, she better go and get a job because if Beyonce could cut off from her dad cs of this woman, I don't see her getting any help, she will only end up infuriating Beyonce the more with all this sob stories she is telling gossip sites

Anonymous said...

Beyonce's father should take care of his son!

Anonymous said...

Though the dad made a huge mistake, she should atleast HELP! look beyond the hatred!!!!

jing ming ify said...

If I were Beyonce I won't even help at all. It will be a lesson to all those ladies/opportunist looking for who to rip off from. Let him go sort his issue at least she is married with a child. So she gat responsibility as well. Half brother or no half brother, This western world is different, everyone shld fend for themselves. That's what the Americans call individualism.

Unknown said...

Must she rely on food stamp or the state fund to raise her child, beyonce has her own child and shes worked hard for her own money. This woman shld go and work and raise her own child. Havnt she hrd of multitasking?.

Anonymous said...

Linda,easier said than done.IF Beyonce wasn't rich,would Alexandra acknowledge her.?doubt it.
When you go off having an affair with someone elses husband,this is part of what you get.granted,she didn't do it all alone,but I guess the cheating bastard has gotten his due.
He didn't do any work.Beyonce and her mom did everything yet they paid him managerial fees.
Don't know about you and while I know the boy is innocent,I would not betray my mother by acknowledging talk less of paying for anything.
She should show the food stamp,was that why she had the affair?so Beyonce can foot the bills.
Linda,if that's so,then every female will try to get pregnant for your dad or brothers since you are Linda chopping life ikeji.

Anonymous said...

Na wa kids everywhere.. Men learn to zip up Ur pants pls

Anonymous said...

Personally, for the mere fact that she's a star and the lad is cute doesn't mean she's entitled to his affairs. Her father technically cheated and she is NOT responsible for the products of his sin, regardless of its cuteness.


pwitie B said...

I understand d whole anger tingy she wil reconsider she's nt a bad person cute kid btw

Unknown said...

D woman is gtin wat she deserves !!i mean ,she knew mattew was married but still put her head inside destroying beyonces family!! she thot all was rosy 4 Matthew financially cos he's beyonce dad !!d sad part z its d little boy dats suffering for his mother's irresponsibility!!! beyonce shud help d kid but nt d mom !!nxt time her toto no go scratch am go married man prick !rubbish !

Anonymous said...

I wil help d boy biko, he aint to blame for his mum n dad's mess..he desrvz a better life.

Anonymous said...

Personally, for the mere fact that she's a star and the lad is cute doesn't mean she's entitled to his affairs. Her father technically cheated and she is NOT responsible for the products of his sin, regardless of its cuteness.


Anonymous said...

I will definately help d boy but neva d mother, if she get bless thro me helpg d moda no wahala but will call all d wise pple to tell me hw i can help d boy without d mum benefitg,i hate children sufferg cos of d sin of d parent

Bonita Bislam said...

Linda it depends on the behaviourt of the child and his mum o! U don't expect me to take care of them if they disrespect or dislike me.Besides,people of nowadays are very ungrateful

ary said...

I think it is all about loyalty to her mom, if she helped the other woman; cos that's what she'd be doing, she'd be betraying her mother. But I think they should figure out a way of helping the kid.

Babyface Assassin said...

So with all the money the man made off his daughter, he can't take care of the innocent child?
So not nice.
Beyonce biko zienu, even if na anonymously, make u try help the pikin. Tankio!

vampire lestat said...

And that's what she should be thinking about abi, she's got a family of her own.If you can't take care of a child don't have one.

Visages Parfait said...

I know a lot of people will talk trash now because she is a celeb,but truth be told,we don't know the whole story,plus the betrayal they must have felt as their dad cheated on their mum and even has a child to show for it,that naturally will hurt any normal person let's just let her be. If I were in her celeb shoes,I honestly don't know if I'll acknowlege him too,it'll take the grace of God

Anonymous said...

Abegi....y is d woman hollering...shebi she knew beyonces dad was still she wanting attention...she bera go and look after her son.I just feel sorry for d son cos he is at d receiving end.madam shut up and suit up...d carters and knowles won't help u out and u can't blame dem

Anonymous said...

Stories like this are just silly. I dont mean to be heartless, but WHY should Beyonce help her half-brother who has TWO healthy parents. the mother should go get a job, instead of using her son as a way to get money from the media or Beyonce.
As for the father, he should pay his child support bills.
This whole issue has nothing to do with Beyonce.

Anonymous said...

Aunty Bey abeg help dat lil man its not his fault. He was not there when your dad and his mom did what they did. And whether you like it or nt he is ur blood. And u are lucky u are nt in his shoes. Pls Bey help abeg. Jay Z say somefin nah!!! haba!!!

Anonymous said...

Beyouce pls acknowledge him as ur blood, blOod is thicker than water pls@mercy

Anonymous said...

She should at least help him. And that is not enough for her to put her father off her payroll. Am sure that is what solange will also do.

Didiola said...

Thats her fathers business not hers. I dnt blame Beyonce at all, we dnt know the whole story here. Why can't the lady get a job sef? Bet she was hoping that being associated with the Knowles is her ticket to a fab life.

Kronik said...

her father shud handle his biz...why have a child you cant take care of? the woman no dey go find work? beyonce no dey there when dem dey enter one side

alvin olufisayo said...

Am positive beyonze will have a rethink much later.

Anonymous said...

Dts deir life. Let's cut fame aside, she knew he was married nd old enuf; yet she had an affair nd even a child. Wht was she expecting frm a man dt can abandon his home??? Abegi..dnt blame Beyonce.


graciella said...

Hez rili cute...

Anonymous said...

why should she? if she wasnt a famous person with money she wouldnt too, so i dont see why she should. hes not her son.

Anonymous said...

My dear,it won't will go on a borning spree expecting the women to pick up their mess.
Who did she have an affair with?Mr Knowles.NOT don't even try to pin anything on the poor girl.
She works hard for her money.

Unknown said...

Guess u didn't tink abt dat wen u were busy straffin d married man....u av 2 reap d fruit of ur labour cuz u helpd bring d bad blood

Unknown said...


Sexy SEO

Anonymous said...

The woman who slept and had a child with another woman's husband should bear the consequences. And Linda trust me, if you were in B's shoes who would not acknowledge him either. Why not ask Tina Knowles to pay too?

Unknown said...

Women and all sorts of nonsense. Well, we"ve got to accept it as part of life. Beyonce should accept him for the sake of Illuminatti since she doesn't believe in God.

Anonymous said...

Like it happened with tiger woods,the day Beyonce pays ten dollars is the day every American woman will claim they have a baby for the man.

Unknown said...

Too much noise about Beyoncé, can't we get constructive news haba

Anonymous said...

Linda is step brother, half brother is used when they share same mum but different fathers. That said, it's easier to acknowledge half siblings than step siblings? Chyachebe

May said...

Beyonce can do better na!

Anonymous said...

I won't pay a dime.ut will be a slap to my mom.Alexandra should face the man she had an affair with.goodluck to her

Anonymous said...

Aunty Linlin, why don't you answer the question first before asking us?

Gracee Love said...

Its a pity, Beyonce no try at all

Unknown said...

I understand hw beyounce feels abt d'child,bt now d'child s'in need,she ve to help d littl boy! Men! Men!can 1 woman eva b enough?

Unknown said...

Beyonce my beloved, I kn u have a beautiful heart pls, take ur brother he will always be ur blood. It will nt cost u anything or take anything from u. I kn u will do that my beauty

Anonymous said...

Hehehehe......dats what u deserve for going out wt a Married Man n wrecking someones home.
If I was Bey, I might still be boiling wt, I wouldn't care.
D stupid Woman is a serious Famzer for telling TMZ about her struggles. Why didn't she consult TMZ before spreading her legs for a married Man.....Karma is a Bitch!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Its her moNey nd she can do watever she likes wiv it.....

O~Intuition! said...

As far as I'm concerned the child has a primary caregiver who is alive and well - Beyonce's Father.... He even has a Mother!

So what's with putting Beyonce in the Picture

Vandasky said...

Sometimes things happen that one can't control. I understand how Beyonce feels however one needs to be mature about certain things. Let her reach out to her Bro. It is still one blood that flows through. Hands in my pocket strolling away.

Unknown said...

Since its made public, i believe beyonce would do something for the boy, then if it were me, i prolly would Do Even More..

I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
>>Comment Moderation Disabled<<

Anonymous said...

dont know what to say but uniuyo post utme past questions and answers de here

Anonymous said...

Let Alexandra work instead of being a gold digger. Beyonce wasn't there when she slept with Oko oloko

Anonymous said...

Taa gbafuo linda, food stamp is okay, 300 dollars is okay. The lazy woman should go and work. When she was opening leg she felt his sperm will turn into gold. Beyonce didn't get her preg neither is she the father Bitch puleeeeez

Anonymous said...

Helllllllzzzzzz No!!!! He is her Dad's problem he ain't hers so why shld she care????

Lyndy said...

It will be very hard to help them cos that's wat the greedy baby mama was gunning for wen she got pregnant for Mathew; to partake in Beyonce's wealth through her dad. It serves them right. I guess they didn't expect her reaction towards her dad. They re only seeking for pity wen they say its d boy dts livin on food stamps nd not the mother


Na wa o

Anonymous said...

Unlike the African society, the westerners don't take infidelity lightly. The man betrayed the family's trust so of course Beyonce should be angry. It's not like here in Nigeria that you even see a man's children visiting and being sooo friendly with their fathers mistresses. White kids feel their parents pain. When a parent cheats on his/her partner you've cheated on the entire family. That woman deserves all she's getting and she can die of hunger and after she dies she's going straight to he'll if she doesn't repent. Useless home wrecker. She's there claiming rights as if she didn't know that the man was married before she went ahead to bare a child for him. Beyonce doesn't owe her shit. After all she wasn't there when the mistress and her dad were fucking so why do you wanna include her now. Useless gold digger. She never see anything sef idiot

Anonymous said...

No wahala my dear! Linda I will do the same. If she was a normal girl next door nko?

Anonymous said...

I can relate with what beyonce must be thinking,aint easy at all to accept. ... My comment too use am do shoe pad for your oversized courtshoe...Tintini

Anonymous said...

Make she show her torn pant sef.what did she Beyonce will pick the fathers goof

Anonymous said...

Linda, you have tons of money now, help them? The lady knew fully well that he was a married man and her father can not be broke she should chase him for child support

Anonymous said...

Abeg, weytin concern B 4 ds mata, wen d papa n woman de do activity, dm put d result to be 4 B schedule as cartaker or wat?. Mk d papa go take responsibilty jor.

Unknown said...

Na wa for ds Linda aswear, she doesn't post most of my comments... maybe she uses 'em to eat eba... Don't blame Bey for ignoring d boy... Wetin make d mama open yansh when she sef nor get work for hand to take feed pickin?

ChikkieLovesMich said...

God knows I won't, Ms Write knew Mr knowles was married when she was 'doing' him,#to each his own

Anonymous said...

Na wa oh

Samira said... help whatsoever. The heifer broke up her parents marriage...He and she made their bed, they better lie on it. Karma's a bitch...she thought he had gravy train, forgetting that his daughter was actually the DRIVER!!!! #Nomercyforbitches

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Abeg she is hlp her broda,d boi is an innocent child who knws nurtin so she shuld nt tke out d wrngs of her dad on d poor li2 boi

Anonymous said...

You be MUMU.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Can't her randy father support his son? The baby mama is dumb

Anonymous said...

Beyonce should forgive her dad n d baby mama, n over look wat must hav happen in d past, after all she is rich, her hussy is rich. She should jus help dem.


Anonymous said...

Na true i no knw wetin dey worry dis linda self...#bullshit...

last baby said...

This is really bad. Why is the woman complaining? Before she started going out with another woman husband does she not know the consequences. That is good for her for going out with a married man. But Dear Beyonce pls consider the innocent boy pls is ur blood. Pls remember that blood is thicker than water. Is not the poor innocent bou's fault pls help him

pey said...

beyonce is just a step sis nd nt d father they should leave her alone nd stop puttin money wahala on her head if i was beyonce i would do worse cos dat hoe brot an end to a happy fam, wat does he need a son for, beyonce already made 'knowles' name a brand. Go and drag matthew madam

Anonymous said...

Linda the truth is that fucking Babamama got pregnant for this man in the 1st place so she can tap in into d Beyonce payroll but am glad Bey was wise enuf to avoid her completely by even cutting the dad off......So now d babymama is disappointed cos she for the half brother,he sure will enjoy Beyonce when the time is right.....maybe when he is 18 .......but for now,it is what it is....can't blame no body!

Anonymous said...

Mtschw how's that Beyoncé problem nonsense

Anonymous said...

Not d boys fault dat d dad cheated to gv bring him in2 dis world. Qin B shuld acknowledge d fact dat his blood is somwher suffering..broda is broda, weather mad or dead. Blud is thick..Qin B u aint tryin on dis 1..u may cut ur dad off but help d innocent ur broda.. FCT Mayor

Anonymous said...

Illuminatti money, wut do u expect?

Anonymous said...

Lında u no c tıwa savage fuckup post o.cos she ıs ur frıend abı?so dıssapoınted ın her.

Anonymous said...

I get ur point Linda. She should @ least help out regardless of d bad blood feelings.

Anonymous said...

After she don open leg for married man then born pikin finish probably thinking something was in there for her she jam food stamps instead rubbish gud for her beyonce owes she and the child nothing not even quarter of a cent

Anonymous said...

I usually dislike all dese sob stories dat dnt make much sense. Is dis lady claiming dat cos she has a child with beyonce's father and he doesn't give her child support, she can't find work? Dere r lot of single mothers that go thru worse but still r able 2 cater for themselves and deir children or @ least try. Won't she have eaten if dere ws no baby or baby daddy? Dis lady shld shut up and get a job and stop looking 4 handouts.

Anonymous said...

Please they need to stop dragging Beyoncé's name in the mud. When the dad was running around with the girl did he consult Beyoncé, or was there an agreement for Beyoncé to foot their bills...... Abegi jor...
Blame Mathew for not using protection

Anonymous said...

Beyonce Too 0like Scandal

ohhh said...

Linda stop asking stupid questions.

All these randy men that bring counfusion into their homes and expect the children to take care of their mess!!!

Leave Byonce and her siblings out of this.

So when the Wright woman was fooling around with another woman's husband and other children' father she was banking on the man's children to take care of her shit?

Lazy ass woman, let her go and work. Child support my black ass. So Byonce should pay the child support?

Anonymous said...

I can understand Bey, but the lil cutie is innocent.

Anonymous said...

Next time try not to knack person papa n husband.. make hungry finish u

Anonymous said...

The little boy is still her brother and she should try to help but who are we to judge?

Anonymous said...

Well B is not to be blamed shall... But since water don pass garri she fit assist shall but it is not a must ooo because the cheat I mean the woman Mathew had affair with knew abt B mum and everything that family is not just a family they are known. It is up to b to decide lol they are not Africans.

Anonymous said...

The mother of the child is "lazy" let her get a job and stop looking for men to live up on! She got herself preggy! So that the man wld pay child support, which is could be as high as 30% of the man's income. Bloody "Akata"

matylda said...

Hmmmmmm......wahala! make she just try help d her blood

Gbabe said...


Anonymous said...

I don't really blame Beyonce for staying away from her dad and all, what did he expect from her after knowingly destroying the family that she had for a long tym. but I think that the child here is innocent he did nt have a hand in his conception cos u don't choose ur parents since d only person dat u can choose is ur spouse which one must do wisely. For d baby mama she deserves it for intruding and stealing someone's husband n destroying d marriage of a fellow woman.Beyonce should pls help her brother cos whether she likes it on nt d deed has being done and fingers will aways point and say" Dat is beyonce's brother", and people will aways wonder that how can she say dat she loves her fans and yet Can't even show love to her blood brother . No its nt right she should do something.

Anonymous said...

Na dem sabi

niffyt said...

What sort of dumb question u asking. Why would she,ask if she asked Beyonce for help

Unknown said...

Nope i wouldnt oo d stupid woman knew wat she was getting into before getting pregnant for a married man.... she shld take care of her child herself.i support beyonce wella

Anonymous said...

Mk una jst 4gt ha abeg

Anonymous said...

Mk una jst 4gt ha abeg

Anonymous said...

well not really i wouldn't help because as you said theres bad blood and it is his cross for him to carry not mine unless he asks for help , and i belive he hasn't asked for help from beyonce so its really not her fault and none of her business

dhobiz said...

Beyonce sometimes acts like a child like it's not the boys fault as least even if small something nawa o

emike said...

Help them for what?did she send her dad to go get another woman pregnant?how is it her business!

Anonymous said...

men.....dats sad

Anonymous said...

Why did baby mama have an affair with Bey's father when he was married? She thot it was her own golden ticket for survival and she succeeded in breaking a home..
Honestly Bey doesn't owe nobody and not the 4 yr's not her responsibility ..her ad is not a handicap..e should get a job to care for his son...both him and d any mama were old enough to understand that sex without protection may lead to a child...and they both did it...they should go and work ...many f us don't ave the Beyonces of this world as family and yet we are surviving...

OMG!WOMAN said...

Saves her right, devil incanate, Limda don't blame Bey, some stranger coming in to destroy ur home can be really annoying, I could only help the boy, just the boy, he's so cute.

Unknown said...

Maybe the dad hasn't really discussed with her.. She's human too so is natural if there's resentment #Mr Lucky

DTF said...

Nope... baby mama's need to go out and find a job and stop depending on child support. that's so irresponsible of her. I hate the system that created child support. Makes the women useless

Anonymous said...

The guy look like him papa !
Beyonce no down-grade yourself ooo.... Do something.

Anonymous said...

If I were beyonce I would not give the woman any money! And I will not contact her! But I will give my father money o!

Unknown said...

Serves the lady right...

Anonymous said...

And linda who told u dat beyonce didn't have know dat she has a half brother.. Why are u so biased? Gosh its irritating abeg

Zenki brown said...

She's suppose to care for him. Be angry wit ur dad bt nt dat lil guy

Anonymous said...

Let the gold digger get a job. Her plan to be a Knowles has backfired.

Anonymous said...

That's very bad of Beyonce, she should help, for God's sake, that's her brother

Anonymous said...

I think she can't still help the poor little boy, he wasn't the one who asked to be born,and he wasn't d one who offended her,so from her inner church mind, she can still do sometin after all he is still her blood, wether she accept it or not

Anonymous said...

He's just a kid! Whatever reservations she has should be directed towards his mum n her father not the kid. Oh well, it's her money, she can do whatever she wants with it.

Anonymous said...

Is his father dead?
What if Beyonce was not rich and famous?
Why not ask Tina knowles for help too?
Is Beyonce suppose to clean her fathers mess?

Well.... the father should fix the problems and leave Beyonce outta this.

Anonymous said...

No, she is not obligated to help the woman who helped destroy her parent's marriage. The woman is a destitute because she is fine with being one. She can get a job and be able to earn and income and provide for her child, with or without Mr. Knowles, or Beyonce. If Beyonce were not Beyonce wouldn't she survive?


Nneka said...

Am putting myself in her shoes. My sister,its hard ooo. Bt
There is no harm in helping d small boi. Not his fault dat his mum cheated.

Unknown said...

na wa ooo; where U dey always get ur tori from self?

Unknown said...

D baby Mama is to blame,y shud Bey do anytin?when u know u can't afford 2 live well y did she get pregnant?and dnt tell me bey's dad dnt ve money,all d moni his made 4rm destiny's child nd beyonce shud come thru.Linda no vex me oo,

lovlyivon said...

Reasons I dnt like commenting on foreign celebrities here on dis blog is cos they dnt read LIB neither do they no tht it exist so who then re we giving advises to? To the air I guess
Il reserve my comment on these issues cos it's foreign

And Who Approves Linda

Da-zi said...

Linda na wah to you...which kain question be this? Its not the little boy's fault but then, he's not Bey's responsibility. His mom had her eyes open when she went to sleep with a married man...thinking the cash flow will continue but then, life na bitch, babe vex, cut her papa she's crying wolf. Don't pity them both, just the poor boy caught in the whole mess...

bravest hrt said...

Dats sad. Buu she might av her personal risons dou

Ammy Becky said...

Helping dem would b d right thing to do but it takes a certain kind of person to do dat
Someone who has a forgiving heart nd sinxe she serves d devil she might as well act like him

win said...

Pure infidelity on Mathew Knowles part. Beyonce is not to be blamed for being angry but her anger should not be transferred to the poor innocent boy. The boy is still her blood no matter how she looks@ it. Let her help the little boy cos life has a way of being funny. He could be her saving grace at a point in her life and when she least expects. One good turn deserves another.

Dfashionmonger said...

Tell her to go to school and get a job...

Anonymous said...

Linda,do not try to force your opinion on us and prejudice us against her.You do not know the facts.

Anonymous said...

She shud pls help bcos of dat boi no matter hw little. Dat boi is innocent n payin for wat he doesnt abt.
~ Younique~

Anonymous said...

She no get family? If her son is not Bey half brother what would she has done?

Omolara said...

It a famiy issue, she must have her reason but d father shu have talk 2 her

Anonymous said...

I have never liked this beyonce and this act has finally put her off,I will never be her FAN.

#mr Coded Pen

saucekidd said...

Maybe its beyonce's decision thou....(Funny world at times)...........

Nedum said...

Na only beyonce the man born?? Abegy jare

candyfloss said...

Beyonce should not let the innocent child suffer na...he's her blood after all is said and done...helping him won't kill her.

Anonymous said...

It's her money let B do what she wants with it! Why shld she have to pay for her Dad's infidelity? Cute or not the man shld provide for his kid!

Lucid Media for your general printing.08038566677 said...

Well, probably she will reconsider her stance when the fury goes down.

Anonymous said...

so if my dad cheats on my mom with another woman, and the woman gets pregnant, while my dad is still married to my mum, and they fall into financial difficulties, therefore the child should become my responsibility??????? my dad and the woman that got pregnant for a married man should both have known better...beyonce or not..i go lock up look straight...

Anonymous said...

big deal she's on food stamp she thought by having a child for mr knowls she would be financially secure. Beyoncé is not obligated to help her father he knew what he was getting into .

can you imagine that happening in Nigerian a owing child support that would be the day

Anonymous said...

There are two sides to a story linda.....

Anonymous said...

It's not beyonce's fault, y shd she av to pay. Meanwhile d lady shd get off her butt and get a job abeg instead of lukn for cheap popularity

Nnodim said...

I am sorry to say it: Queen B appears to me like somebody who is ashamed of her pedigree. Her type does not excite me.

Julius said...

Ohoowoo! I see

read interesting gist and entertainment

Apple said...

What has that got to do with Beyonce?

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm it well.

FAVCOOL said...

Lily y is it dat u always swallow my comments, well if u like u publish it if u don,t lyk swallow as usual.

Anonymous said...

Acknowledge which bastard
Linda don't say dat o plz she works freaking hard for her money
Since her dad was man enough to sleep around i guess he should be able to pay his bills

Anonymous said...

Why should she? Its not her dam baby! By the way the father isn't broke ooo plus that child is the result of her father's fornication!!! He's in his fifties, let him get his own shit together

('-_-) IMPRESSION said...

I think Bey should rise above her father's betrayal and help the boy. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind, revenge should be left for God

hur said...

To be honest, I don't see why beyonce's father isn't taking care of his child after all he's the one that put the lady in that situation and brought the boy to this world. I don't see why beyonce has to be brought into this issue. Even though she acknowledges the boy as her brother, taking care of the boy and his mother isn't her responsibility, Its matthew knowles's. After all matthew isn't sick or has a stroke dat wld prevent him from working and taking care of his family.

Anonymous said...

This is bad..asin uncalled for..I mean beyounce this is ur blood here....n linda I hope today my comment wunt b invisible today oo..

Anonymous said...

The child is not Beyonce's, he's Matthew and they're not "blood". Also, Matthew Knowles is far from broke so the reason for not paying child support is between baby mama and Matthew. Absolutely nothing to do with Beyonce.

Anonymous said...

Its not the lil boy's fault, its no one's fault who brings you into the world, rich or poor, married or single. We r born into d world n when d world knows who brings us its same time we do. There ain't no need for ill treatment or letting down ppl bcos of how they were brought to earth. Beyonce can like not take care of the boy, I pray someone else does, what if she was d one? Mtche...w

Unknown said...

With time, she wld

Unknown said...

It's hurts but the boy is innocent of the whole thing. God'll touch her some day amen.

Unknown said...

That's her business. One thing is sure, nothing last forever. Post my comment o!

Anonymous said...

If they didn't have Beyonce how will they survive? Pls that's what you get for sleeping with a married man!

Anonymous said...

Linsweet pls its nt really Beyonces respnsibility its the mOther whO bore the child n the father so its her chOice 2 help. This shuld be a lesOn 2 the wrld. Dnt wait 4 ur brOther, sister, uncle, fatherM wrk hard n be smebdy. Me sha I'm nt in her shoes bt I lve kids 2 much I might nt hv d heart 2 ignre the cute baby----C21

Omolara said...

It a famiy issue, she must have her reason but d father shu have talk 2 her

Anonymous said...

Linda what do you mean by 'will you not try to help your brother if it were you?' Imagine that your father, the one you built a house for before christmas is supposed to be happily married to your mother and sneaks behind to have an affair that produces a child. You will burn that your 'christmas house' down my dear.

Anonymous said...

If I was I wouldn't as well. Why is the new baby mama moaning. She knew he was married and still went ahead to have a kid with him, hoping that she will get a piece of Beyoncé. She should take up her issue with Beyoncé's dad she has a daughter to take care of. Every child should be able to take care of their child. If you know you can't don't have kids. Simple

Anonymous said...

Why should she? Is she d baby's father? N why can't d mother Look for a bloody job! Hiss!

beckz said...

Will forgive and accept my brother, it wouldn't take anyfin from me

Anonymous said...

What kind of rubbish is that, when he was being infaithful did he not know he had to work to take care of his baby mama and his son. Useless man. Please leave Beyoncé alone.

Amarachukwu said...

Na wa oooo,wahala

Anonymous said...

Oh Men d truth is I will help, is not d childs fault mbok..... I will even help d mother. Am bor to change lives. I hate seeing pple suffer

Amarachukwu said...

Na wa ooooo,wahala dey.

Anonymous said...

N Lin I 4got 2 add. Pls always tell the full story. That woman broke Beyonces family. She was having an affair with a married man who was still married 2 Beyonces mum so if u think its easy 2 b so forgiving then wait ur turn. This is what u get 4 screwing randy married men whO won't stll lve u u live on fOod stamps bt I still feel 4 the lil boy bt its a shitty wrld Cos many Other kids are suffering----C21

prince presh said...

Mtscheeeeew,help koh,help ni.Beyonce is very right not to help them.Her dad is a yeye man

Anonymous said...

I won't! And let this be a lesson to all this babe's that goes after people's husbands no body will acknowledge u or ur bastards! Have u ever thought of how heartbreaking it was for Beyonce's mom? Abegi wtf.

Anonymous said...

Its the father`s responsibility and not Beyonce`s. GLORIA

Anonymous said...

Mathew Knowles is a sex addict and dats wat his promiscuity caused d lil boy.. Ion blame beyonce, The man shoulda known better.. Serves Dem all RIGHT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Sandra Wright, Work and provide for your child instead of trying to shame someone (whose family you coincidentally contributed to unsettling) into supporting you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Leakages that comes with fame. She can manage them. This is not the last of such.

Anonymous said...

When the man was having a side kick behind his wife's back he never thought of child support and the baby drama or was he doing it for Beyonce

Bosun said...

Hmn....nawa Ooo...ah! Dis is very dicey....hmn...well as nigerians we wld acknowledge d child cos we are loving bur dem ova dere dy take cheating 2 d extreme...asin 2 d extreme!

Anonymous said...

Oh Please! how is this kid Beyonces responsibility?

Anonymous said...

Eeyah, buh would do something 4 d lil boy if not anything buh 4 God's sake

Unknown said...

I undastnd wat beyonce is doin bt @ some point jes try n help cuz he's stl small n can't help himself n d mum 2 can't help....even solange sud try n help out 2

Bestman said...

She should St least be mature and acknowledge her half brother even if she does not want to give him money.Money is not everything.He is already her brother and there is nothing she can do about it.

Mzz_Mary said...

She is jes mad @ d moment
She will still calm down nd come to terms wiff d truth

Anonymous said...

Dat was so unfair of her,blood is blood no matter what

Anonymous said...

I don't blame her at all. Linda if u no post my comment na me and you oh.

Anonymous said...

Wat d fuck linda??u crazy.was beyonce there when d bitch opened her legs for mattew?d fuck is wrong wit yall.bey has worked very hard for her money.dat baby mama should go and work to fed her child.rubbish

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