It's a long interview so I'll only type out where she talked about what really happened. Excepts below
How did the incidence of January 12 2014 happen. It was reported that you were caught in the dining room of a house in Magodo, and the owner of the house met you there with suspicion that you are there for the wrong reasons. Can you shed more light on the story?
That day I wanted to take my clothes to dry-cleaners. Meanwhile my younger sister had told me earlier that she was not feeling fine. I now planned to go her place after dropping my clothes. I told my friend whom I was putting up with in Ketu that I wanted to go to Bariga to see my sister. That day I also wanted to go to church but I didnt know what happened to me. I just decided to forget about church. As I wanted to board a bus to Bariga, something told me to cross to the other side of the road and take keke NAPEP going to Magodo. That was how I boarded the keke going to Magodo with my bag, clothes and four keys on me. On getting to Magodo, I saw a house and went there straight. I didn't see any gateman there. I opened the door because it wasnt locked. I entered the house and slept off in the dining room. That's all I knew till one man just woke me up.
He started interrogating me, asking me a lot of questions which I could not answer. He didn't accuse me of coming to rob or steal anything but he only wanted to know who i was looking for. But I didn't know what to say because everything was like a mystery to me. He said i should go first. As I wanted to step out, he instructed the security men there not to allow me move an inch. They were all shouting Thief! Thief!!.
Immediately he picked his phone and called his brother, telling him he met a strange woman in the house when he came back from church and when he was leaving the house, he locked the door. So he was suprised when he found me in their dining room. How did she enter? He started saying a lot of things, I was trying to explain to them that I didnt use any key to open the door, I just entered and sat on the dining table and that was how i slept off. I told them i was also confused, I couldnt explain how I got to their place. That was the time i began to realize i was at the wrong place. Then when the owner of the house came, he also started interrogating me, he said i should confess the person that sent me. He asked weather I was sent to kill him. He thought I came with fetish things, and I said no. He said I should just confess. He even said maybe I was sent to kill his wife. He never accused me of stealing. As he was saying all of this, I was pleading, telling them i wanted to give my clothes to the drycleaners. They asked of the person's name and I told them Bisi. And they checked my phone and found her number. When they called her to find out, she told them she didnt say Magodo but Maryland. That was how they said I was not saying the truth, that i didn't want to expose the person that sent me. Before I knew it, one guy just hit me in the head with a club. That's all I knew.
By the time I regained consciousness, they had invited my friend. When she came, she was shocked to see me in that state. She was screaming. Those people now concluded that they would take me to the police station but before then, they took me to a private hospital to get me treated. When we got to the police station,they started drilling me and I explained the way I explained to them at the house. They asked the owner of the house if I stole anything, he said no but the way they found me in the house was suspicious. He said maybe I was sent by somebody on a diabolical mission. Their pastor also came and I explained the whole thing to him also, he prayed for me. He said my problem is spiritual. He said God wanted to deliver me that's why I came to that house that day. But now, my problem is over. That's how I was asked to go.Yetunde who says she is currently in a relationship said despite all the embarrassment this has caused her, her man has remained by her side all through.
Thank God Aluu minded mob weren't around that day,it would av been a different story.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Somehow I still believe this Yetunde has the tendency of being light fingered.I sense the story is cock and bull
Chai !! this kain spiritual wahala no pure at all . Abeg find healing In Jesus Name. Chai !!
And for all those people who dont waste time to break peoples heads. May your heads be broken ! nonsense
serious investigation needs to be carried out to knw who is saying the truth.
Are u sure he's on ur side? Hmmmm, cos d hrt of man can b deceptive. Right now, a man shudnt b ur headache. Go for deliverance. Go down on ur knees and call God to help u. Embark on midnight praying nd fasting. If really ur case is spiritual, d prayer dt pastor said is nt enough to deliver u. Its a very serious issue so u better get serious wt it. Look at d embarrassment it has caused u. May God see u thru, Amen
Congratulobia Yetunde
I de laff
Eeeyaaah, God wil perfect al dt concerns u IJN, AMEN. PELE
Hmmmmm.... Truth neva come out.
Madam two options: go for a serious deliverance or a psyche eval. This wey do you no be ordinary
Sis l fit believe say na spiritual,but ur story does does nt add up.First no gateman n d door was open or did u say u open it wit ur set of keys?We dey for u sha.
Lost of words......Is she making this up or is she truly possessed(child you need jesus, )POISON IVY
*yawns* story story!..Well,ThankGod yhu r delıvered!
She has four different keys n her bag wot 4?
Hmmmmm na wah o stories that touch
This is really strange. This should be called yollywood scene. #NewsBlist
Tb Joshua! ur attention z needed here....
hmmmstranger than fiction!..thank God she has been delivered....I can just imagine the things going through the owner of the house's head....
Serious issue
Eya 4rm diz stori I tink shez telin d truth... Gosh! I cnt bliv I mizd d grammys 2tymz in a role *sad face*
tell the owner of the house to come out and clear the air thats the only way out he or should come out and prove ur innocent. many are in this kind of problem ur but is known bcus u are an actress. may God almighty deliver u becus ko easy to convince pple.
Eyaaa...just pray she's fully delivered..its an attack...
Na wa ooooh!!!strange things happen in life...
If it is true, God will deliver her very soon. She should be more prayerful. God bless her man. Some men are realy God sent. My man stood by me when I had some challenges spiritually. I was scared he would leave. Thank God for him. $£.
Funny..thank God for ur life
She might be having alzheimer's disease at it's early stage. just saying, check with your doctor girl.... First timer, pls print.
The Lord will deliver you o - amen.
Even a monogolistic person will know this is cooked up story. Let's call a spade a spade. Yo a thief!
May God help her
so hot naija
Hmmmmm, Its not ordinary, let d wicked liv foreva 4gtn they wil die one day. No wonder d bible says the hrt of men is desperately wicked. Nawa o. Jst to bring ur felow human bein down?
Pls aunty linda,I was just dischrged from hospital days ago n I hav exams. Dis thursday,n I all I hav on me is 45k n my schoolfee is 65k pls can u help wit 20k,ideveloped ulcer n hav spent all my money, n d worst of all is dah my mum is sick she has stroke n is paralysed nd my dads late, n. Witout my fees can't take exams,I know u ve seen worse. Cases dan me buh just believe me,if things weren't dat bad wnt keep bothering u,onuzurike oluomachi,zenithbank,2080309233,I wil always testify,ur a kind being!
I believe strongly that it is spiritual.
If Nollywood BADBOY could visit SCOAN, how much more you.
GO there my dear for deliverance.
It's well wit u dear, God will deliver u totally IJN.
Thanks God for dat oooooo
Pathetic story.
Hello Miss Linda,*deep sighs* I had a similar thought the first time I read about her case. hmmmmm... really pity her. whatever that is greater than our capability and ability will never come to our dwelling. What a deeper life we live! I pray God heal you.
So When ix Odunfa Caucus Lifting d suspension
thank God for you...some people can be so quick to raise hands faa;if to say she die nko! smh...by d way, the last statement got me saying awwwww.....wat a man!
hmmmmm. hmmmm.
Bcos of d bisi!! Number I beliv her
U really need serious prayer my dear. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Lmfao!! She saw the door open and then went in but she didn't open it with a key? Same thing to me!
I pray the Lord deliver u totally, because we heard this was not the first incident or are you on drug?
She should still keep praying and always seek God. She was lucky she wasn't killed. God has a purpose 4 keeping her alive.
Na lie joor....i remember Ilesa days when i picked this girl and we agreed on 6k. Because she see flat screen and A/C and home theater for my house, na so she form loving.....second day like dis, she charged me 25k. She was about to call neighbors when i gave in.
God haff catch you...
All I know is that the embarrassment lashed on to this lady was too much.no one deserves it even if she stole.
As for that stellademococus or whatever she callas herself and blog,God will pay her for the way she wrote this story.is it the lady today it might be stella tmoro.
Pls sister,just give ur life to Christ.Every other blessing will come after.
I comment my reserve!
Meanwhile Read my 18+ Gidt HERE!!! ADULT!!!
I think this story is the TRUTH. God will surely vindicate you....ur career will also rise again IJN.
this are symptoms of bipolar disease!she should seek medical help.its unfortunate its happening around this parts!
No be small what a man oh.
I reserve my comment.thou shall not judge
There is no truth in this statement, all lies.i pray God delivers u sha.This girl is a thief and I know that God will continue to expose you if you refuse to stop and repent.
Nigerians will always take laws in their hand. Why hit her wif a club, even if she's a thief. Som pple are just naturally wicked and irresponsible. Thank God for ur life dear. Its well
Yetunde ! My candid advice for you is to surrender your life to JESUS CHRIST so that you can be totally set free from this bondage you find yourself. Confess your sin and be more committed to the work of GOD, i assure you, you will laugh last. Kudos to the man that stood by you,if truly is your bone of your bone & flesh of your flesh, he will be with you till the end !
Naija! Why must everything be spiritual now eh? Is that how they would have killed this woman? This woman's story sounds like that of a terribly confused person. Perhaps she has a mental condition or even dementia? People with dementia don't usually know what they are doing. My advise for her is to go see a Psychiatrist. Perhaps they can diagnose you. My advise to her people is they shouldn't let her out on her own until the find out what is really wrong with her.
Hmmmm thank God for your life
Hmmmm May God help you o
let the young woman seek medical help.this are symptoms of bipolar disease!
The man that hit her with a club is a beast....some people are just animals so quick to act. am sure it's pple like him that are capable of atrocities like the aluu4 incident....like his better than her..." he without sin cast the ist stone""". As for her let her really seek for GOD'S face. This is her second encounter may GOD not allow her encounter such again....
What a strange story, her problem is really spiritual she needs help. she could also be having memory problems, confusion and forgetfulness are early signs of amnesia. may God help her
Its the problem with US, even headache is a spiritual attack. Seek medical help also Yetunde
May God save us from African jazz dat ws diabolical control of ones mind meant to cause harm tank God u survied it, i pray ur enemies ll neva succeed over u an dear be prayerful and careful with pple around u who nos where dat came 4rm dey might still av orda plans
I believe her story because i have been a victim of such an episode before.Thank God she made it through. imagine if she was a man? they would have set him on fire before asking questions. God save Nigeria and its people.
I don't knw sha but I believe her story. Pls her family she take her for check up she might ve mental problems. It is well dear. 9ja n jungle justice.
She needs serious prayers.
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Am not believing this shit untill those people that caught her explain there part
Sorry d keys wat ar dey for? dats d only part i am nt clear with
yetunde thank God they did not kill you.this is the secound time this will happen to u. Please before another thing happen to u,may be there will nt be a way of escape for u.my sister just surrender ur life to Jesus christ totally.
Honey your lucky! But all I have to tell you is beware of friends
@Anon 1.26 why must everything anyone does, end with.. Why are you judging me/him/her?? Are you better than me/him/her??
I'm so damn sure, you have issues..
The man that beat the woman with a club and the woman that went into a house all by herself, all have issues. They are just demonstrating themselves differently, but it doesn't all end with someone judging someone.
Most people that fear judgement are always guilty of something they know they shouldn't be doing.
You should indeed thank God- as Bonario said Aluu minded mob werent around that day
If that's how it really happened then I must say she needs deliverance, entering someone house, when u don't know the owners, and sleeping off, without realising wat u are doing, and later regaining consciousness? That's spiritual
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Naija for life. When will we recognize mental illness in this country. Nobody is doing her. She's likely mentally ill. Where r the doctors in the house?
Why is dt bonario is d first to comment on dis article.u re also d first to comment in d first article of her,hope u guys re nt related sha.ALL IS WELL saiz ZEE
Everything in Nigeria must be spiritually inclined.
You all should be running your mouth.this has happened to my blood sister and its a spiritual problem/curse.my sister was delivered and has been free since.
No one really believes this right?
do we say she needs medical attention now or spiritual? it is well o
Stupid boy...is the man of God your mate.Begira like you
She needs medical attention and prolly deliverance as well.
The fact of the matter is THERE IS NOW A DISTURBING PATTERN regarding this woman yetunde being caught for stealing. IN FEB 2013 SHE WAS CAUGHT again with a multitude of keys in her possession. Prior to that there is an account that she stole a woman's phone from her bag. YETUNDE you are getting more notorious by the day to the extent that on the sight of you people will now hold their bag tighter to them. No amount of writing or trying to "clear your name" on Nigerian blogs will deliver you. I WRITE AS AN MFM MINISTER - GO FOR DELIVERANCE PERIOD! O TIN JALE JU! ABI!!! Bonario is correct an audience the like of ALUU 4 WOULD SEEN YOU DISMEMBERED ON THE STREETS OF LAGOS. FROM YOUR STORY I DEDUCE AT LEAST 2 SPIRITS INSIDE YOU. FIRST THE SPIRIT OF STEALING. SECOND THE SPIRIT OF LYING. THE THIRD ONE MAY BE "AFOWOFA" OR "SHISHESHISHE" AKA A DO MA DO BODY. ANOTHER ONE COULD BE ANCESTRAL CURSE OF EVIL TRANSMISSION. GO FOR DELIVERANCE! PREFERABKY AT MOUNTAIN OF FIRE!
Na wao e fit be say na weed she smoke oooo d tin con dey control her like dat. Thank God u were nt killed..
Am teLling u
Wait!!!! Are U people even reading this her story well at all?? How was she able to open that door if she didn't have the key,or U are telling me that any key can open any door??
I believe that she clearly knew what she was doing..
Nigerians are truly uncivilised. It's like we never saw the light of civilisation. My God, after reading comments am so speechless. Now that's how ALUU 4 got killed. Third world people thinking everything is about spiritual things and jazz. No wonder we are where we are today. It's a shame that countries whose majority don't have religion are doing way better than us... All we know how to do is fight the devil, KILL THE DEVIL! when actually the devil lives in our hearts. Our people (AFRICA IN GENERAL) are being slowed down by own belief system. We have exaggerated religion so much that we no longer have the free will to think independent of religion or traditional views. MY GOD! And we are supposed to be smart people (my ass). If this story is actually true how about suspecting psychiatric disorders. A lot of them can manifest this way. I am ashamed of my country. No wonder ALUU 4 was killed. We are barbaric in thinking and acting. @Lalaini your the only reasonable person here. It's a shame.
I kinda believe her story!!! She's lucky she didn't end up in a bad area with mean area boys. Twudda been a diff story!!! God Help u girl
Her case (if true) is similar to that of Robert Downey Jr.(Tho his, was under the influence). Downey enter a lady house, to her baby room and lay on her baby's crib and slept off. The lady found him ask him some questions and called the police. Naija and their babaric ways! thank God she wasn't linched... Probably she has mental disorder. Winona Ryder (hollywood A-lister) shoplifted but it was due to the prescribed painkillers for her fracture left her in a state of “confusion”(in her words). Sometimes we need "see" beyond 'jazz'... As she claim she didn't steal anything from that house, she need to visit the 'shrink'
She needs to see a psychiatrist too she maybe suffering from a dissociative disorder or some kind of amnesia
Hmmmm...wonders shall neva end
Her story sounds so much unbelievable..... So, something just told her on the road to go to the place. But y did she hold the keys? Was it the same thing that had told her to pick the keys????? The same thing also opened the door for her.
She should thank God that she was not killed, as I was personally scarred when I saw the pix with blood all over her. She must repent of such aimless life and embrace Jesus Christ as her personal Lord/ Saviour, and stop trying to exonerate herself with fake stories.
Some of you who blame the house owners, should also relax, as most of you might have done the worst, if you were to return home and see a strange person like thatinside ur house, especially if you had gone through some adverse experiences.
I don't believe this gal at all.
-Linda Oya
I don't believe this gal at all.
-Linda Oya
It is 'lost for words'..
things like this happen. Usually, its used as a tool to rob the victims, sleep with them, rituals or whatever. This is d first iv heard but its pretty similar to other real instances where u can b brainwashed into a zombie.
Thank ur stars dat there is no MOB aluu as bonario 3310 said
I don't know what to believe anymore.
Look @ it dis way: a guy picked her, took her 2 dat house. She pressed de entrace key on a soap, made a copy & went dia 2 steal. On getting in she found out dat d bed rooms(her target) were locked. On trying 2 leave she tot she will b noticed, she faked d sleep. D guy dat hit her recognised her & tried 2 stop her from letting d real house 2 why she chose dat house. Case closed. May b she stated 2 surprise d bobo. I am just guessing, so no attack me o oh! Ogamba Chux
WTH!!! Nigerians are the biggest hypocrites in the whole wide universe & I am disgusted to the core of my spirit of most of these over zealous religious blabber commented here! please you all should spare the world your demented theories of jazz & recommendation for spiritual deliverance & see the reality here...
the poor woman is suffering from mental issues.
I don't expect much from a backward barbaric third world country like Nigeria when mental health patients are still a struggle to treat in the US. with all these religious mongers in Nigeria they are still the ones who take bribes, ask for Christmas money, drive recklessly through round abouts, cut into queues, throw their toll gate tickets out the window as soon as they receive it, park in the middle of the road to buy recharge card....
i feel sorry for the Nigerian youth who have access to the internet but only use it gossip & say the dumbest shit I have ever heard off when they could have simply searched Google on the symptoms described by this lady. & then they will give these illiterates business grants to set up boutiques & sponsor their musical & dance career because that is all their fish brain can handle.....mscheeeeew
Ogama chux, u speak my mind about her targeting that house to rob. This girl is a thief and all this story about spiritual problem is damage control. If she is having a spiritual problem, why did she pick a ho use in magodo to steal from. Why nt enter a face me I slap me house. Doing the same thing twice shows she is an unrepented thief and to complete it all a liar. Are story did nt add up go her lawyer's statement concerning the matter. I also believe she and her people have gone to beg the owner of the house and those have decided nt to come public about the matter. Useless girl not contented with what she has.
WTH!!! Nigerians are the biggest hypocrites in the whole wide universe & I am disgusted to the core of my spirit of most of these over zealous religious blabber commented here! please you all should spare the world your demented theories of jazz & recommendation for spiritual deliverance & see the reality here...
the poor woman is suffering from mental issues.
I don't expect much from a backward barbaric third world country like Nigeria when mental health patients are still a struggle to treat in the US. with all these religious mongers in Nigeria they are still the ones who take bribes, ask for Christmas money, drive recklessly through round abouts, cut into queues, throw their toll gate tickets out the window as soon as they receive it, park in the middle of the road to buy recharge card....
i feel sorry for the Nigerian youths who have access to the internet but only use it to gossip & say the dumbest shit I have ever heard off when they could have simply searched Google on the symptoms described by this lady. & then they will give these illiterates business grants to set up boutiques & sponsor their musical & dance career because that is all their fish brain can handle.....mscheeeeew
This Yetunde girl is always in d news for d wrong reasons, d other time was wen she was arrested. May God deliver her completely
Dis is just mental illness.go get help cos ur case can be managed with pills.
Mental illness you ALL are saying...did you read that story well?the man locked his house and left for church....how did she get into his house,,HOW?she had extra keys..wanted to go get something..i suppose the holy spirit arrested her....so she got arrested diabolically and she slept off...thats what i think though...
She probably has an early onset of Alzhiemers. Not everything is spiritual. She need to be mentally assesed.
This is not even the 2nd time she will be doing this,its just that God is exposing her.Linda pls ask her about the Gold jewellery she stole b4 th first time she was exposed to the world,ask her of the money in envelope she stole at a party when they sprayed celebrant the envelope containing only God knows how much. All this spiritual attack she is claiming is a just cover up.my advice for her is just to repent if not,the next one might be brutal.when her friend got to the scene,her first utterance is Yetunde u are still doing this thing.meaning no be today she don dey do am.No spiritual attack is disturbing her,she just choose one man stealing as her own career ni.
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