This will definitely get a ban from NBC, but I'm sure Maheeda doesn't care. The new music video was shot today somewhere in Ikeja for one of her songs titled 'Naija Bad Girl'. She's practically naked in some scenes in this video. Unbelievable! See more photos after the cut...18+ please o...
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 289 of 289Hmmmm to her.. new anonymous
Na wha oooo.end time
Hum baddest girl dat eva liveth.kolomental
Matan shatan
omo ale ni eleyi ooo omo kor omo.......linda u most post
God!!! I'd like to do this Maheeda
What a sexy bitch
Most of you must have sent nude pictures to ur bf/gf /sugar Dad/mum.. So quit all these you trash talk...
If she was seeking attention she def has all of you's attention... And mine too
PlUs she has nice ass...
Maybe be this is d New gospel..
*drops Mic*
Keep bangin' em Sis! Hot Heeda!!! Haters sleep.
Linda, if u don't post anything about this girl will it reduce traffic? or stop people from paying for ads? I really don't understand u, seriously... smh for u and the lady.
Maheeda show us evrytin nah,or u don't want us 2 buy ur video?wale j
Maheeda show us evrytin nah,or u don't want us 2 buy ur video?wale j
This is a very shameful act being exhibited by an adult....i dont consider her as a "gospel" artiste.... Change ur ways maheeda
I wonder wat dis world is turning out 2 be....pple celebrating immorality & nudity...Change ur wayz maheeda!!!
Nice job. Fashy hypos. Link me up for a scene in porn movie to be shot soon in Las Vegas . Pay is good. More than u can make in 10 videos.
She really need help.smbody help!!!she is crazy if u ask me.dis isnt normal at al.
it takes God's grace for her to leave such a life, after being a prostitute for years, i mean years. She needs deliverance.
Why didn't she show us her hole? Would hv been better than the tatoo. Again why did she have to hide her sagged boobs? Atleast, hole n boobs would have conviced everyone sey she serious about biz. #GospelSinger #MaheedaOnyeAra.
There is something to this Maheeda's nudity, pls, lindi nwa dig out d truth. There mit b a catch sumwey. I bliv so.
This girl is a must fuck. She's got a very great body. I can't imagine how sweet her pussy will be.
Maheeda again? Smh..... flips hair n walks away #
Shut up, y'all. She's 31 and has such a great body. Some of you in your early 20's don't even compare.
Na within conscience me with overload.Next pls....
Likes to meet women . and pls I dnt mean daddy's girl. I like my babes spelt as B.A.D........ 32d74d3f. Das my pin.
Ewooooo abeg is she a porn star or a gospel artist.
practicing madness....rubbish
Mehn wats wrong with that girl. looking for cheap popularity. she is not even getting it.
When prodtitutes Start singing in. Nigeria?pls take her to yaba oooooo she nid urgent attention and again dose guys you saw her with 4 don sex am finish ooo
And thank God again toto dike don get sister
D omoluabi material in dis gal is not enuf 2 d hanky o, which kind pikin be dis?
Y'all should fucking leave dis chick alone mehn....if na Nicki y'all will b drooling.I luv dis chick and her hustle for those dat dnt go suck on a fucking magnum either way she's more popular than most of u will Eva b
Maheeda put me out of this misery and show me everything for once! As in #openthelesgslikeyouwannadothething# Whatever that is worth doing, is worth doing well. You are not serious yet till I see your boobs, and the G-spot! Till then, you don't move me one bit! And don't forget to thank Linda for helping you get there FREE OF CHARGE... SOMY
Like seriously ? why do you say bad things about maheeda? Dont get me wrong, i dont fancy her kinda lifestyle but its her choice! How many of you havent watched a porn movie? Save your breadth for another bitch u holier than thou!
If maheeda releases this video song, am so pretty sure 98% of the bad tongued broke ass chick and nigz would go rushing to watch it .... Just saying.
Abeg na she sabi jare, open am well make we see jor
hmmmmmmm shes just so funny,confused n stupid,if she wanna do porn..she shud hit it straight! If she wanna be a prostitude..senetors dem dey! She shud stop wastin d pic on blogs
Am nt surprice .becos she dey form lady gaga and soon dem go go church with am as new generation things
Linda your headline is what makes pple click on this post,secondly she isn't baring all so pple keep waiting becaus she knows if she does its the end of the guessing game .
Luv to know ur church ohhh maheeda bcos I want to be a member
maheeda,ur parents wud rily be proud of,i bet ur kids too if u eventually av any.u are disgrace to womanhood.
Oh God! Have mercy on her soul 4 she do not know what she do..#SMH
Just passin by#
Dicks love her!!
Dicks love her!!
Honestly, I don't think she is sexy rather II think she is trying tooo hard to get cheap popularity so either u give her or ignore her. Me go just ignore her for her sake she better have the tallent to stay in business
hmmm evil spirit, u will wrought in hell dnt worry. bt I thought she is a gospel artist? na wah o. the director must av filled his eyes with all that yomy yomy, I can imagine.
Linda u are the only issue here, the moment u urself stop advertising her, she will quit all this rubbish, she knows u pay her a lot of attention, or maybe she's ur friend.I know u are close to God, pls for his sake stop promoting immorality thur ur blog.thx
Isn't she supposed to be a gospel artist or something...?
@ Anonymous 11:32, if u are in support of this whole Maheeda drug controlled behaviour. Then maybe the prayer we should start praying for you is "may you born a child like Maheeda". Pls say amen to the house
she got nice thighs though.....very inviting
What is maheeda? Isn't dat d name of one Indian car called mahindra
You think you're popular or you're holding attention. Ask people that gave done one thing or the other , posterity is not their friend, they're still paying for it. What explanation wil you give to your generation for this total shame and disrespect to your whole linage
this is errand nonsense, all these because of money!asewo na bastard.
this is another devil advocate.Asewo bastard.
Linda .... i ask again, isnt there a way to comment on people's comment? make it happen plssss! It will really draw people's attention and ppl will keep coming back to check their comments and even "libfight" (tweet fight) lol .... just sayin
Shey d demon leave b4...LMAO
D manager,Producer n Director r all sick even d Girl shuld go 4 Blue Film, so she wll let pple kwn her Talent.RUBBISH.
Craze dey worry this evil.
ewo oo many nigerians are hipocrats o... like they dont do worst ...carry go joo nwa di hot
ewo oo many nigerians are hypocrats oo... like they dont do worst...n 4 christ sake if u no like d pics y u open am i no see 18+ ye pple
Some videos deserve to be banned before they are released.
NBC take note.
She go good for fuck
I be feel say she be gospel singer,naija bad girl na gospel song??? The girl don dey craze she jst dey use christainity dey cover face
Na wa for children of nowadays. This girl is deranged. If she is married I weep for her "supportive" husband.
Hahaha .wonder what the camera guy would be thinking...smh
i love this gal.. babe carry on
This girl is losing it. Someone please help her.
pastors una wrk done come as she need deliverance.
Sentiment will someday kill Nigerians. The body belongs to her, and she has the right to expose it the way she wants.. if u can't take it then cover your eyes. If it had beyonce and Miley Cyrus exposing V sides,it would have been appreciated.. It's never madness as perceived by shallow minds.. It simply cal'd entertainment...
And let the cool money start rolling in!!!!!!
Rubbish next pls
This is pure madness..she better go for deliverance b4 its too late..mscheeew
Turn to JESUS for direction in life you are lost
How person go dey shoot video with naked body....hahaha
Evritym I c dis woman II get so angry. If she misses her days of prostitution let her return to it. I tot she is married. She is a disgrace and she keeps telling us ant wanting to show forth her sexuality. What sexuality? This is just an opportunity to show us her ugly and disgusting body. This is not America. This is Niger. She is not lady gaga or Rihanna or kimye.... Pls tell her to over up or go to ...........
God for punish des girl and all her crew member, bastard.
Na wa o!
Pls How do I ensure that no kid ever sees the video before she becomes a so called "role model". Bad 4 d eyes!!!!!!
Dis girl is been control by some forces of darkness.... End time
I sure say this Girl dey use Cocain,nor be odenary Eyes she dey so.
Maheeda should check into rehab.
And u call this a gospel singer?
This being is no longer a human being,take note lIB.
i swear the girl don dey craze,she really needs deliverance.
i swear the girl don dey craze,she really needs deliverance.
Shey she's a gospel singer?? Lmfao! Oh! Chim
she deserves an estate in hell
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