Rihanna is nominated in two categories at the Grammys; Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for Stay with Mikky Ekko and Best Urban Contemporary Album for her album 'Unapologetic'. The Grammys will hold tomorrow January 26th in LA. More pics when you continue...

Badt Girl RiRi, can i shift that sexy dress of yours to the LEFT a lil bit?? Cant seem to find network on ma phone, guess i'll find it there chiling!!
Linda,theirs notin rockable bt dis dress,rihanna cld hv don better.
Those legs, those thighs...wow!
Not bad. So used to their half naked attire. #Mr Lucky
I can't get over the tatoos.lol
Wow..... Hot mama....
This mama looks bangable.....
Yah but not in our clime. #absolutely
Stunning dress. Don't like the hair and make up though.
Crack head riri!!!!!!!
Oh please!!!! This is just a bath robe.
Riri girl looking beautiful
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Shoe, makeup and hair...hell Yeah! Dress...hell NOooOooOoo!
Its riri so I lov lov lov such a fashionista........only haters would hate#itsthierjob
God I love this girl.shes just too sleek.#rolemodel# BTW lindodo I'm first to comment if you like chop am *rollseyes*
Bad girl riri!!!!
Why she get rashes for her lap? Ewwww. Georg though.
Nice cloth on wrinkled skin.
Her tatoos are dirty !!!!
The Grammys will hold tomorrow
January 26th in LA.....na copy nd paste u obviously do without editin
A cry for help
I believe she no longer wants to wear clothes,always nake,na wire o
Looks like a Housecoat ,Rihanna doesn't just go well again
Badt gal Riri,always naked
Just wished that you were my wife..... You look like a queen...
It Looks good on her.. but I don't like it...
Hmmm... There is sometin abt this babe that i dont lyk.... Cant figure it out.... U fine sha
Yeah, me likey: cute
D@s ma badt grl riri,always lukin gud
I don't like
Her hand just make the dress ugly...
Dis is kul linda u suppose 2 dey wear tinz like dis 4 me ur hussy 2 be @adamsgibby
I love her dress sense, always making sense
Rihana the badest girl of the century. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
I'm underwhelmed, Linda.
I wish to date this girl for 1hour.
And then she can be...........
She is not comfortable,watch the pics closely and see for ursef
She looks so razz these days, lik she's got no class, judgin frm her tatoos, show of boobs nd all-what-nots. Anyway sha, I refuse to say endtime. Its her own tim dt wil end soon. She had bettr check into rehab cos somth seems so off abt her
she is naked das all I see
Riri is undoubtedly without rival in this smoking dress.She looks beautiful
Hot babe
Dis gal na witch, at times she go fine, at times she go wowo.
Hot babe
And all of you will open your big gutter and abuse maheeda...
I prefer minaj
Seriously??? She's as comfortable as u can b in a jalabia....dats badgirl Riri!!!
I love her
God her beauty is fading. A fine woman doesnt need to reveal to impress no. It looks cheap. This is who genevive copied during that award. I was so dissapointed. Genny pls dont copy again u look good
Bayelsa Man! Which girl will you not wish to date?! Tell me o Tamunotarila, when you don't know how to keep your zippers up. *lols*
Olodo! Wat do u want to date in her... Rubbish, fake wanna be
Rubbish... Is dis a dress or rag?
95% sure she's not on panta.
She ugly
Linda I no gbadu dis dress o...looks like what patra would wear not pretty riri.I go call fashion police o.
I love her
She too like fresh air to de touch her, na her problem be that.
Pls there's nothing stunning about this dress. This is an overkill plus its not classy, u don't reveal ur cleavage and thigh @ the same time
@ annom 1:08, the event was just xterday how could Genny have copied. But seriously this show of shame by women in the name of fashion is uncalled for. Riri is a very beautiful girl but she is killing herself slowly. Pray she gets hold of herself b/4 its too late for her.
Bad girl riri always naked,, like her tho. First to comment
I lov lov lov riri........watever she wears does not matter.....d dress is lovely btw
The dress on her is a no for me, her hair is ok and her make up. But her beauty is fading sha.
This gal tho..mtcheww ah jus taya for dis gal..!!!
Very ugly bathrobe even d babe sef looks useless in dat so called rag. Rihanna u can do better,u dnt nid to reveal so much b4 getting attention.
Was more shocking when J.Lo wore that dress in the 2000 Grammy award show with Puffy, unoriginal!
Dis is madness,
Is obvious dat she has low self esteem, I really expected something more dignifying from her. Go for rehab dearie coz in my opinion ds aint dress sense.
Linda,if I see this girl naked ....Honestly my dick will not wake up..Why ? All what she needed to expose to me privately has given been given to me even before I urge for it. So my dick will just remain calm if I see her in naked.
Beautiful dress..me likey
Lol,guy u r lost. D first two pix is hawt!..me likey
I don't just get the dress, looks like an oversized house coat.
I wish she can just clean off all the tatoo on ha , then she will be hot ..
Roflmao @ "Can't seem to find network on ma phone,"
Roflmao @ "Can't seem to find network on ma phone,"
Something is wrong about the whole look. It look very attractive and fine, but then on d other hand, something ain't just right about it. Its not the half nude, I tink its d hair and makeup. Then that tattoo on her other hand, doesn't seem nice with d dress. But she is aiit.
Woow, she looks beautiful in her dress. But I don't like her tatoo...
Nice color bt looks mor like a bathrobe ..wish it was more sleeker without the wrist folded!! And dose tatoos just aint sexy!!! Eeeeewwww....sydney!
This Girl go kill Man....God see laps and those sweet breast
It's such a shame that Riri no longer looks as pretty as she used to look. It is true that sad inside manifests on the outside.
me love but kinda too revealing but its not a bad option for Rihanna
pls visit www.trendyrammy.com
Rock what?!!linda abeg ooo..I love rihanna..but this dress is a no-no...!!!
You say stunning, I say what tha f*ck?!! Looks like she just threw a yellow material over herself and held them together with pins at vital places. But I must admit, it suits her badt girl persona
Me Likey
1 million like
Ogbanje precisely......*wink
Georg? Must you comment? Fool! Its gorg fried mango chips like you. Na David u go see.
U right!
Lovely colour,ugly make/hair. Looking razz with all the tattoos
Hair n make is a no for me, her dress nice
but we still saw it all like 3 days ago na!
Love her gown but can't wear it.Rock it bad girl.
Youvr very correct. Right now,she wowo.
Beautiful but too open as usual.
she looks old and washed out. too much smoking
FYI Linda..
extremely impressive or attractive.
synonyms:remarkable, extraordinary, staggering, incredible, impressive, outstanding, amazing, astonishing, marvellous, phenomenal, splendid, imposing, breathtaking, thrilling;
informal:mind-boggling, mind-blowing, out of this world, fabulous, fab, super, fantastic,
beautiful, handsome, attractive, lovely, good-looking, comely, pretty, sexy;
sensational, radiant, ravishing, striking, dazzling, wonderful, marvellous, magnificent, glorious, breathtaking, captivating, bewitching, charming, alluring
My riri is a sexy biatch
Her celulite is visible too - Helurrrr *Madeas voice*
I guess Hollywood is the Sin City - If you find it hard to sin, you will find it hard to make it...
Look at all those yucky tatoos, RiRi you are beautiful still
First Beyonce, then Kim, then Ri - Yellow is for the black girls or in Kims case the Nigger lovers too lol
Ever heard of typos? Ewu Afghanistan. May you never make mistakes in your life.
Fresh air good for body joor,but I don't really like dis dress.
You call this night robe a nice dress!!!hiann smh4h
Totli agree wt yimi.. Frst rule of d decolletage. Nva xpose d chest nd legs at d same tym. Itz an overkill. Sori riri. Dunno y ur krazi bout shwn ur dry chst aniwy. Itz nat lyk u hv boobz...
If badgalriri lyk naked she is still my babygalriri n my luv
Chai c wetin Linda don cos. So u to folo wan win Linda money. Who even tel una say na every yr tin. Just showed hw jobless most of u are. Una don c maga abi . Evry post u wil comments. Big fool.
This is just more than fashionable dress. But mind and eye poision ones.
She is advertizing hell.
What else do you expect and those who thrill for it here... Am sorry oo
Sorry guys but Rihanna looks trashy here, but some of y' all worship her so as you say' she can never go wrong in my eyes' ....well, that hair, those tats and that tacky dress she has on all look trashy to me, you don't expose that much of your cleavage and your thighs@ the same damn time...
Ps, Linda the Grammys was held last night(26th), so next time dont forget to edit your copy and paste posts lol
Nice cellulite...
She lacks L♥√ع,dats wot is missin. Wn her n chris were in L♥√ع, she blossomed...therz dis spark in a person's appearance wn in love
She's just a crazy chick....does'nt fail to make an impression
Nice color!
Jennifer Lopez much?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha my thoughts exactly
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