49 year old Mary, who is a lawyer and banker, shared her experience with Punch on the challenges of being married for so long without a child and the support she got from her husband.
"When they told me I was pregnant, I screamed and cried in the hospital and everyone present rose up and gave thanks to the Lord. Since then, the story has been one testimony after another. But that was not all, when I was to put to bed, I was told there might be complications as a result of all the operations I had done. They said that might make it a very difficult and dangerous birth. Yet, the Lord saw me through. It feels great and I thank the Lord for wiping away my tears and making me a mother at last. It is a dream I have had since I married at the age of 27. Now, I am more than 49 years old, it has taken a long time but the Lord has done it for me. I have shed a lot of tears. Our story is like that of Abraham and Sarah. I am already in menopause but I told God that if He did it for Sarah and gave her womb the strength to conceive, then He would give my womb the same strength. Even when doctors in London told me in 2011 that nothing could be done, I knew that it is only Him (the Lord) that could help me. I focussed on the Lord and He did it for me." Unbelievable! Miracles do happen. Continue...
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby 23 years after marriage. Did you ever think it was going to be like this?Before I got married, my view of the marriage institution was that marriage was a sanctuary; a place where a woman could actualise her dream together with her partner. I understood very early that marriage usually gives some form of security and the expectation was that in it, one should blossom, be fruitful and multiply generally as the Bible says. That was basically how I saw marriage in my youthful age because I finally married at the age of 27 and I was still quite young.
In essence, you did not anticipate the challenge of having a baby…No, I didn’t anticipate it, the truth is that as a young child who was brought up by a very strict mother, I saw life as a bit of calculation: a sort of ‘1+1 =2 and 2+2=4.’ So if you get married, you expect that after nine months, as they say, you will have a child or children. My challenge has made me very sensitive to what parents and well wishers normally do at wedding ceremonies. During a wedding, people start talking about gathering again for a naming ceremony after nine months. They say it as a joke but that is the genesis of pressure on married women. So, if yours doesn’t happen after nine months, there is a question mark there and you begin to fret and other problems come in.
Did you have any health challenge when you were growing up that could have delayed your giving birth?Not really, it was much later in life that the health challenge came. I have been a banker since 1987 when I undertook my National Youth Service Corps. I served in a bank as a lawyer. I continued to work in the bank thereafter. Because I ended up in the banking industry, I decided to update myself in everything related to the industry.
During these trying moments in your life, did you feel that somebody somewhere was responsible for your predicament?The truth is that in the whole of the 23 years, I refused to focus on such things. I didn’t worry about who it was, what it was, where it was or how it was. I did not want to get myself involved in what would cause me anguish for the rest of my life.
You are from Cross River State while your husband is from Kogi State. Was there resistance from your parents when you initially wanted to marry Mr. Humphrey Abbah?The way we met each other was very peculiar and our marriage was also peculiar. Our families did not actually affect us. They were not there when we met and when we started courting. Our families were not so involved and when it came to the decision of marriage, we took that decision on our own but involved our families later. My husband is not somebody that you can force to do something which he doesn’t believe in. So, even when we got married, that was already established in his family . When he said this was the young lady he wanted to marry, I don’t think he had too much opposition. If there was any at all, it was very insignificant. The truth is that my father-in-law was a very lovely person; a gentleman who had a lot of respect for his son. By the time we got married, his mother was late and my parents were late too. So, his father was the focal point and the cordial relationship they had made it easy. The rest of my family and the elders gave us a little bit of tough time as you would expect in inter-cultural marriages. But it didn’t take us time to be able to woo them to our side and that was it.
At what stage did you begin to get worried?My first signal was when I was 30 years and three years in my marriage. At first, it didn’t really worry me because as a career person, I felt we should take it in our stride. I was already beginning to make waves in the banking industry and the demands of the job were already telling on me. Also in my innocence, I didn’t really feel it was an issue. But by the time I was 30 and nothing had happened, I asked myself, ‘what’s going on here?’ Then I began to be conscious of it and started making deliberate efforts to get pregnant. Before this time, there was no real effort. When the pregnancy was not forthcoming, I began to suspect that there was a real problem. But as usual, I went to the doctors, they said there was no problem and suggested that I should give myself time because I was a busy lady. But after about a year, I went back and they gave me one or two interpretations as to what could be wrong and we started tackling it from there and it came to the point that by 2011, the doctors were saying nothing could be done.
Read the full interview on PunchWhich was your first point of call, church or hospital?By 1991 when we got married, we became born again and the church had become a focal point and integral part of our lives. We were praying and fasting; good relationship with the leadership of the church had become part of our daily lives and so the church was always there for us. The church was never against consulting orthodox doctors. The only no-go area for us was to seek help outside God. So I think that was why very early in the journey of this crisis, we knew that anything outside God was not an alternative to take at all.
Wow congrats to them
God indeed Ȋ̝̊̅§ so wonderful. As long as there's life,there's hope. Congrats to dem
God is great. Am so so so happy for them. Jehovah sharp sharp has done. May his name be praised.
Wow! Dats great news I am happy for them congratulobia to them
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Wow! . All tnks to God. Happy for them
So happy for him, congratulations.
woooow! 23 good years. am so happy for them.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Praise the lord! I thank God for them. Guess they are gonna be having a really wonderful year
God's name be praised...the husband worked real hard, he mixed egg, viju chocolate, soya milk, peak milk, yoghurt nd nw drank it....d sperm had no choice than to fertilize the stubborn eggs forcefully..God bless u both.
Congrats on dat note, hope u didn't get d baby from a baby factory
Congratzzzzzzzz. God is faithful. Though it may tarry, his promises will surely come to pass. Congratulationssssss. It could only be God
wow,congratulation...God is good.
Aww! My Uncle Humphrey is on LIB! We're too happy for him!! God is too good
It is the Lords doing and its marvelous in our eyes, congrats.
Thank God am happy 4 both of you I always believe in miracle congrate madman
Blessed be the name of the Lord from whom all good and perfect gifts come. I'm so happy for the family. May her testimony open the way for others, Amen.
Awwww! Congrats to them. God is great
What a Testimony... Oluwa Please Remember Those Going through this now.. Congrats Sir.. Having a baby of your own after waitin for a while, that joy cannot be quantified..
Thank u Lord for this testimony but miine will come soonest. D deviil will be put to shame
All thanks to God and congrats to the family and the husband for the unending support, courage and strength to his woman. May d Lord continue to uphold and keep the home and the baby a blessed and fruitful one.
Chai after 23years.....omo na die oooo....so she avnt give birth since all dis while dunno sha....congrate oooo.....welcome to planet earth baby
Arab girl with the biggest back shakes N grind.
Pregnant woman and her lover caught in hotel by her husband.
Lady Uses Fuel Pump To Satisfy Herself From orgasm
Woman goes to a Public Funeral without Under Wear, see what happened Next…
WOW!This is indeed the Lord's doing. Congrats to them!!!!!
Praise be to God! Dear God I take this time to say this woman has suffered 4 both of us, may I never face this trail in marriage. Amen!
Feel like dancing with them in the church, God is faithful
Congrats to them.... I am really happy for them.
wow, that's really awesome, i'm happy for them. To God be the Glory...
Linda you better increase security on your website !!! Every time I visits your blog I get funny invitations & porn!!!!
All praise be to God! Dear God, this woman has suffered for the both of Us. May I neva experience waiting in marriage. Amen!
Yes!! God be praised!! God has put d enemies to shame!! Those that laughed at u secretly will b ashamed..the mouth of the arrogant has been shut by this miracle...the devil and his cohorts have been disgraced!! Glory!! Glory!! Glory!!
Wow! Congratulation!!! God is indeed a miracle working God.
He is still God may His name alone be Praised.HALLELUJAH.
Mighty God doing wonders, I praise you. Thank you for this couple's miracle baby.
Congratuations-for 27yrs..Mr. Abah,u get patience oooh.
With God nothing is impossible. Is a just a matter of time. Congrats to u madam. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
God is really an able God..... 23 yrs of marriage..... As in, they could have like 5 children.....
I'm so happy for him and his family. This man blessed me with either a hundred thousand or three hundred thousand naira when I was to travel out of the country, without really knowing who I was. God Almighty will continue what he has started in his life. God bless him and his family.
Congrats to the Former Minister.
May God show up for all of us in areas we are being frustrated lyk he did 4 Mrs. Abah... AMEN
Indeed miraculous!!! A news that gave me reason to smile today!
Jes sayin...
God be praised
~~Success Has No Limitation~~
Congrats to dem
Wow !!!ehyaaa !!soo Happy ooo !!!
Thank the Great mighty God, Our Lord is wonderful
To God be the glory. God never fails. Mighty one of Israel. Congratulations
Wow, miracle working God.
We serve a God of possibilities. His ways are beyond human comprehension. May His name only be exalted above all other names in the mighty name of JESUS!
Congratulations on ur bundle of joy...May God's name be praised..
God is an awesome wonder! Wow! I subscribe to your miracle. Congratulations sir.
God of impossibilities
God of impossibilities
God of impossibilities
God is indeed faithful n he works in a mistirious way
congratulations...i pray for those who are stil lookin up to God for se miracle,dat it wil be perfected IJN
Yes ooo. They are my people. This is an awesome testimony about what God can do. He does it at His own time. It's just that the impatience of human beings won't let us witness God's work in all its glory! He didn't just give them a baby, He blessed them with a very healthy BOY!!! Kai! God is great!
And may this be a point of contact to other women and families seeking the fruit of the womb. Amen! Just be patient in the Lord. He will do it. He never fails.
God is too faithful to fail. Congrat mr nd mrs Abah. God bless Ūя̲̅ family.
Wow!!!!!.....I'm so happy for u both....God is indeed great!
My God is still changing lives! So happy for dem......Calista
Awesome God!
almost crying so happy for them, may God keep them and their baby.
i am waiting on God for a miracle so i tap from ur blessings...the God that did it for u wil do mine.IJN..amem
Strong Man! My wife only waited for a year and few months and i was almost running out of patience! Here is a man that waited 23yrs! Inspiring... I pray they livellong enough to see the child through school until the child can stand on his own and make them real proud!
I'm so hapy 4 u,Glory be to God He is worthy of ur praise keep on serving Him,He will do it again and again 4 u
Wow!!!!! A big congratulobia to them! God is truly great!! Now that baby will be treated like a egg.
Congatulation madam God will keep u and ur baby am so happy for u
Hmmnn when all men step out he will step in thank God for God they were not ashamed. I connect my self to this testimony in every areas of my life
OLUWASHINDARA and would forever...AbimbolaP
Congrats to them. May the lord keep the baby. Our God is mighty nd able to do all things.
God indeed works Wonders.
Tnk GoD 4 u lyf its really a miracle and pls blessed my friends 2 wit friut of womb
Wow Glory be to God,dis shows us dat no matter what we shuld b patient nd that God's time is the best.Congrats to them
Agbanilagbatan ooo ese baba truly our God is a good God,congrats 2d ABBAH family
God is good
Wow! Thank God for her, 23yrs is no joke
Awesome GOD,we give YOU praise.
Father in Heaven, na so so miracle like this u go dey give me. E no easy. Teach me patience and humilty and show me like You have done 4 dis couple dat u r God.
May God bless d child and make him bigger dan his contemporaries. Ur story is so touching,it move me wit tears.
Though it tarry's it will come to past
Congrat to dem
my father,my father,over do GOD tank u o...!
Glory be to God. Biko Linda, with baby factories in every other compound in Nigeria now we need to see swollen belly pictures before we belief anything. All local and international celebs post their belly pics now for the avoidance of doubts so the madam should pls post hers else keep the miracle story private.
My God is a wonderrrrr to all the wooden and tinkered stuffs men call god! He doesn't work with the numbers called years! He is master of the Universe! Congratulations Sir and May! Plz apply Proverb 22:6
WOW! And who says there's no God?! Only fools of course; father u said whatever we ask for in your name, we shall receive; thank u for dis bundle of Joy to Mr & Mrs Humphrey Abbah, may your name alone be glorified for u maketh ALL things perfect in your time. Dis baby shall be ike d tree planted by d river side, NO evil eye will see her, she will live to fulfill her purpose on earth and for us who waits upon u, bless us soon as well so we may rejoice and drink from d wine of happiness Amen!
Thank God for his mercy. Is it a boy or a girl
Oluwa is massively involved
God is indeed great...congrats 2 d Abahs
With God nothing and I mean absolutely nothing is impossible.
God you are so wonderful,thank you Jesus!
post my comment aunty
Hallelujah! I rejoice with the entire Abah's family. It is indeed the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our eyes. God has reminded us again that delay isn't a denial, when He says it that settles it. He's such a faithful, righteous, wonderful, everlasting, glorious God. This blessing of theirs shall remain permanent and be a source of joy to their family and world and will never be a victim of the evil ones in Jesus name, Amen.
Even though it is, can't U be grateful to God for His work. Idiot of U.
God is good,and will forever be good,awesome God thank u for what u have done in dere lives.
Hmmm. I use this as a point of contact to whosoever that is barren or lukin up to God for a partner, the Lord wil ans ur prayer and make u fruitful IJN
We want Dna
Wow! God is good
God is NEVER late! Congratulations 2 the Abbah family.
Hallelujah! That sounds exactly lyk the Jesus i kno. The one who cures cancer or hiv lyk its just a mere headache. The one who changes a story from one direction 2 a complete u-turn. God is indeed gud. Everybody has 2 hav a taste of his amzing love and power
Heheheheehehe bros where u come get dis ur fertility recipe frm.
Its the Lord's doing... He's a God of perfection! Really happy for them...
When it's ur time to shine, no amount of darkness can eve make that light go off. I use her as a point of contact to so many people lookin to hear the cry of a child in their homes,the almighty redeemer that remained faithful, will do it for them, they will cry no more, or be ashamed for God has already started working on their joy , it's time for rainbows to overtake the thunderstorms in their lives. Amen
Shut up n stop being daft pls @MeetdrealEvans. Congrats Mrs Abah, God bless d new born.
A loud congratuatns 2 mr &mrs Humphrey Abah.my God is a living God
Am really inspired ve been married for a year and no sign of getting pregnant...a lot of subtle pressure already from people and in lawz.may God that did urs do mine at his own time " amen"
Awesome God,none shall be barren in d land,Glory to God,Congrat ma
Awesome God. Delay is not denial. Time is in His hands. Anyone out there waiting on The Lord please be encouraged!
praise the lord He is worth i just want to encourage sister Ini Edo that the lord that did it for this woman will do it for her and she and Sister Stephani too they should not give up their miracle babies is on the way provided they abstain from bad thing and all the other nollywood ladies expect babies make una dey go church o make una no snatch anoda woman husband o God bless ya all
my Jehovah over Do has done it again! Jahovah jump protocol ! Jehovah undefeatable !my God of impossiblity i bless Your name Lord for this family ,is only You who can do this ,recieve all the glory Lord!You are worthy to be praise ! i will serve You for ever! Jess1
So api for her. It's d lord doing
miracle baby
praise the lord!
I worked with Mary at FBN Merchant Bankers Limited. She was in credit dept. Highly disciplined and very hardworking woman. She always puts all best into whatever she does. I am happy for you, congrats!!! With her resourcefulness, I knew she would one day have her own baby, but wasnt sure of when. I saw this coming and i am happy to read about the good news, made my day!!!!
God is God and he never change. He's d God of yesterday, today and 4ever. Woman, am so happy 4 U̶̲̥̅̊. God gave U̶̲̥̅̊ a rare gam as a husband. Whc oda man will wait, understand and support his wife dis way? May God bless and lift him. This also should be a lesson 2 other men out there; congratulations once more to the family. Welcome miracle baby
God is just great!!!
Omini potent God....omini presence God .....omini science God...You Never change. ....
Is this man not one of the pastors in C.O.D he was a pastore under pastor Escor Ekanem abi? God be praised for your lives ma and sir, may the good LORD do same for my all my aunties and every woman looking unto God for such blessings in JESUS name Amen o. 70,000 children from God still manifesting.*singing this kin God o I never see your type o, dis kin God o blessed ne your holy name.
The love of god was really in their marriage for her husband to stick with her through all of that. Alleluyah!
There's nothing this God cannot do. I'm believing him also for Mine.
A big congratulation to dem
With God, Anything Is Possible!
Praise b 2 Jesus
God is God thank u jesus
May God be praised!!!
Glory be 2 God almighty, congrats 2 them it's well in jesus name Amen... dat is y u re call jehova dat is y u re call jehova what he say he will do dat is what he will do dat is y u re call jehova jehova is ur name jehova is ur name AAA mighty worrior strong in battle jehova is ur name ,tank u Lord.
In everyone's life there is a storm but to those who believe in God will weather any storm.A very big congrats to u Mr and Mrs Abah and may this child open more doors of miracle for u,this year is indeed a year of too much blessing,its manifesting already and I tap from this miracle...Jesus is Lord...DM
God is still faithful..End of story!
God is forever faithful.
He is an awesome God, May his name be praise forever. Congrats
When God says Yes, it is final
We thank you oh Lord for your faithfullness. Thank you for the strength you gave them all these years!
Glory! Exceeding grace... Strange works.welcm miracle baby n congrats to the parentS.God is God.
A big congratulation to u madam and I pray dt d good lord who made dis possible will keep d baby for u IJN amen. Lord I pray dt as u remembered dis woman and blessed her dt u will remember me too in my own predicament and see me tru in JESUS NAME AMEN
Papa do it for me too. Ever faithful god
There is nothing impossible for God(the all-hearing) I am very happy for them. Oh lord,please bless me with twins very soon.
I tap into this blessing, May the same anointing locate all of us that are waiting on God for a miracle this year In Jesus name Amen!
Praise d Lord.i use her testimony as a point of contact 4 my own miracle baby.
Hallelujah!!!! The lesson to learn is to always trust God like this couple did. His ways are not our ways. at the end of the day God's plans for us are those of good and not of evil. Praise be to the Lord
I tap into dis blessing o God of wonders..... Bt mine will be soon ad my frnds 2 IJN amen....
Congrats to the new couple. The Lord does not disappoint those who put their trust in him.
Strange works and strange act of God, our God ΐś too much
Hmmm God is great. My Aunt in her 50s also put to bed on Monday. May God grant these parents longlife to share in the joy of their children as they grow and achieve Greatness. Amen.
God is wonderful but this was definitely with the help of ASSISTED REPRODUCTION, egg donors and etc. PS: The problem could have been with the man.
God is indeed ever faithful, let all glory be returned to you.Holy God I want this miracle for all those that I know that are waiting on you for this kind of miracle. Oh, Lord I want this kind of miracle too but first I want your will and promise of husband for me, only you can do it and I know you have done it , Amen! All honour to your Holy name.
Oluwa seun....i tap into this miracle.
The Lord is indeed faithful, let His only name be glorified. I am using this as a point of contact to all those I know that want this miracle, let it be testimonies for them this year.I want this miracle too but first I want your will and promise of a husband, Amen.Let all honour and glory be unto your Holy name!
Glory to God. And kudos for your song faith.
Who are de fooling? Of coz not me. Babyfactory or Surrogate tins.
I believe in miracles. Big congrats to them
Thank u JESUS!!!
How awesome is our God! May His name be praised now and forever more - testimonies like this inspire me
Oh lord...23yrs...aww Congratz,God bless
Aunty, I dey celebrate with you but I hope you no allow gateman chook you small ooo hehe. I kid... carry on!
God still answers prayers . Please dance to #DONJAZZY SURULERE!
Wow!! God is awesome and is to be praised!!! 23years and in menopause!!!! Glory to God!!
Jehovah reigns, he reigns he reins
you are lifted up above other gods
God is real people!!!
Are we sure this miracle wasn't helped by modern science, an egg donation or insemination perhaps? The baby looks quite differently from his parents. Could be because God and the doctors worked together hand in hand.
glory be to God and congratulation to u and ur family
Thank God for them. It is not easy bt wit God all things are possible
God is ever so faithful. His ways are definitely not our ways and he makes things beautiful in his own time. Almighty God, please bless my brother and his wife who have been waiting on you for over fifteen years now. We t
TRUST in you. May this child bring enormous joy to the family.
Thank you JESUS.
God is wonderful. He is indeed mighty and this is miraculous. May God cause all of us to rejoice as this woman did.
Imagine! "I was almost running out of patience.." If you were the one with a problem, would you be happy to hear such a statement?!
Na IVF she do.
How do you know bout the list of what to use. Abi u be one of those herbalist doctor
The people you named. Have they complain to you.
Just mind your own business.
There is IVF
God u re awesome,Thank you for bringing joy into this home.may ur name alone be praised. Congrats Madam the lord will keep u n ur husband,no evil will befall u,rejoice in the lord.
Happy for his wife as the man has already fathered two kids outside wedlock.he has a lady camped at wuse 2 Abuja who works at nig immigration.bought her a brand new passat when she got pregnant.she had a baby for him in 2012.im happy for his wife as she went through hell for those 23 years
Lol, it's bcos of all the porn sites you've been visiting on your device haha
Yup! Definitely IVF
A very big Congrats!I join my faith with urs! That al expectant mothers shall be blessed wit a baby this year and der shall be no delay in Jesus Name!AMEN!!! Charmie
If na IVF nko? Wetin concern u?
Fuck..... u ar a complete Idiot.
Haaa....my cousins colleague at Nig Immigration service has a baby girl for this man.He helped the baby mama get the job......he is about to be exposed!
Haaa....my cousins colleague at Nig Immigration service has a baby girl for this man.He helped the baby mama get the job......he is about to be exposed!
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