Rev. Jide Macaulay recently penned an emotional article about being rejected by his father (pictured above with him) when he came out as a homosexual in 1994 and his acceptance of his lifestyle many years later. See the article after the cut...

Towards Full Acceptance - By Rowland Jide Macaulay
I am writing this article to share my story with people who want to reconcile sexuality, faith, and family. It is a sequel to “My Father, My Faith and My Sexuality: The Dialogue” (in Q-zine’s first issue). Readers of that article will understand how much I have looked forward to visiting Nigeria again after years of estrangement. That long-postponed visit finally took place in January 2011, after a three year absence. This is the experience I want to share with you now.
Some background first. I came out as gay in 1994 after a troubled heterosexual life. My coming out was a disaster of, you might say, Biblical proportions. I was hated and denounced on mainly religious grounds, called a sinner, a defiler, an abomination, etc.
When my family found out I was gay, many of my siblings stopped speaking with me. My mother was the only one who comforted me. With my father, it was three years of hell. I had to face the fact that I could lose him. I wondered, as a person of faith, what my “heavenly Father” would do if my earthly father could react with such hatred.
Many people at the House Of Rainbow Fellowship in Nigeria (and a few more outside Nigeria) have met my Dad. He is a wonderful, typical Yoruba man, but when my “gay church” hit the headlines in 2008, he was caught unawares in a Nigerian media frenzy that nearly crippled his reputation as a high-profile pioneer of African Theology.
I believed that I was wonderfully made, created in the image of God. My only answer was prayer and more prayer. “My Father, My Faith and My Sexuality: The Dialogue” gives an account of the long healing process between my father and me, culminating in our reconciliation at a conference on faith and sexualities in South Africa in November 2009.
By 2011 we were ready to see each other in Nigeria again. As we sat down for lunch on Victoria Island in Lagos at the beginning of the year, my father announced, “I am pleased that I am having lunch with my gay son.” Even though I knew we were father and son again, I almost fell out of my chair. This is what we all need to hear as we struggle with our relationships, especially with parents and families. If we are not loved at home, we can never find love abroad. But my experience shows that even if being LGBTI is poorly understood in Nigeria, one day those who reject us will accept and celebrate us.
As far as I can remember, I have always been gay, but my first awareness of it was at about the age of seven. I was interested in being female. All the roles girls played were of great interest to me. I wanted a boy to cuddle me in games such as Father/Mother or Husband/Wife. I had no names to describe these feelings, but they were deeply rooted in my understanding and feelings.
At 14, I experienced my first same-sex love, but with my upbringing, I could only react with confusion, guilt and personal rejection, feelings that followed me well into adulthood. Growing up in the 1980s in Nigeria, there were no visible gay role models to provide assurance or comfort.
Still, I am grateful for my upbringing in a traditional African Christian family with no shortage either of love or strict parenting. My only heartache was my sexuality, which, sadly, I could not share with anyone in my family or religious community. I was forced to carry the burden alone for most of my young adult life.
In the mid 1980s, I went to the United Kingdom and plunged into a new environment with a strange culture, but I made my home in the Nigerian expat community. With strong Nigerian social customs, ethics, traditions and religious focus, it was like a replica of Nigeria. Except, of course, that we were in the UK, surrounded by a much more diverse approach to both private and public lives that I could not ignore. I was a very confused young man. I spent most of my time praying for healing and deliverance from my homosexual feelings, yet the more I prayed the more confused I became.
In 1987, I met the woman who was to become my wife and bear me a son. In all this obscurity, I decided that I should marry this woman I had fallen in love with. I hoped my gayness would be cured when I married, and so in 1991 I stood at the marriage registry taking my wedding vows. I had no one to talk with. I could not approach the Nigerian community on such a delicate and, as I thought, shameful matter.
Marriage, even fatherhood, needless to say, did not dissipate my feelings for other men. Nothing changed. I had only managed to join the hierarchy of married Africans. I had promised to satisfy, honour and cherish my wife, but married life soon became a nightmare. It took just three years before the relationship broke down. I hated myself more than anyone hated me. I had done what no one should ever do.
My life felt like a bad dream and a plague on society, but all I could do was leave my community and religion behind and go in search of who I was, all the while with responsibility for a young life I had helped to create. At the time of my divorce, my son was just two years old.
The bitterest part was that the church and the religious community I had cherished and adored were the first to ostracise me. Indeed, the bitterness was too foul to swallow. This was the beginning of a love-hate relationship with Nigeria, Nigerians and the church. My family’s discovery of my sexuality came later and was the worst of all, when both my father and my son turned against me.
As a person of faith, my focus was always reconciliation, first with God and then with the people who mattered most to me. It took me several years to come out to my close family members, friends and colleagues. Each step bears its own mark of pain and anguish. I was psychotic at one point. It was difficult for me to trust anyone. I was ill-treated from one African Christian community to another whenever it was discovered that I was gay.
Yet I knew I was a “child of the living God.” The more strongly I held on to this belief, the more I walked towards my healing. I also found a Christian community, the Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) movement, that accepted and welcomed LGBTI people of faith. It was a joyful experience, and I revelled in this new community, but outside of it I still had to deal with discrimination, not only because of my sexual orientation but also due to racism.
However, my faith only grew stronger, and I had no intention of giving up. I knew there were many people like me, in Africa as well as in Europe. I went for further theological training with the MCC, and in 2006 I founded the House Of Rainbow Fellowship in my native country, the first Christian denomination to welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and intersex people in a country hostile to all of these.
I spent the next two years in Nigeria building the House of Rainbow and, by September 2008, we were thriving. Indeed, we became a household name, but for all the wrong reasons!
The hatred and insecurity these harmless initiatives created were intense. Some of us were threatened with death, and many of our members suffered rejection and violence. Some fled the country abroad. My home was vandalised, and my entire family were threatened for my actions. Leading religious leaders and politicians spoke of me with hatred and incredible malice. But we had grown a movement of LGBTI Christians in a hostile nation, and there was no going back.
At the same time, I got more involved with my father’s organisation, spent more time with him and introduced as many of our LGBTI members to him as I could, so that he got to meet many LGBTI people. I became part of his daily life again, and he was my mentor and advisor on many issues, my first port of call when it came to challenging conservative theological rhetoric and getting political advice. I spent invaluable time with him, learning from his wisdom.
I also seized this opportunity to raise the issue of homosexuality and the church and to search for answers to the religious community’s exclusion of LGBTI people. I studied theological texts that spoke to the issues. I laboured intensely, debating these matters with my father, whom I respect dearly and consider a great thinker.
However, in 2008 I was forced to flee Nigeria. My father was the first to tell me it was time to leave the hostility behind. He even promised to clear up any mess I had to leave behind. I was amazed he was willing to help me in my dark moment.
Our long dialogue paid off further when he agreed to attend the conference in South Africa that I wrote about in the last issue of Q-zine. At the conference, to my amazement again, he revealed a new openness to the inclusion of LGBTI people in the church.
But I had been forced to return to England shrouded with hatred, feeling cheated out of my mission. Back in the UK, I embarked on a long journey to raise and address issues of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It is no longer a Nigerian battle but one for the entire African continent, and I believe our persistence will pay off in the end.
On returning back to the UK, I also focused on rebuilding relationships with my family. It has not been easy, but with the grace of God, I have been making progress.
I have a son who is now a grown man. For years he struggled to understand why his father was gay. The numerous headlines and snide remarks from the church and the Nigerian community did not help. He was desperate to understand, but he was surrounded by people sending messages of gloom and doom.
Just before his 18th birthday, he told me he was ashamed I was gay and regretted any connection with me, that he was not proud to mention me or tell people we are related.
This hurt me deeply, but whatever my son thought about me, I knew that to deny my gayness was to deny God. As a person of faith, I have to believe God will never give anyone a burden they cannot bear, yet my son’s statement made me almost lose patience with God. Nevertheless I have managed to stay firm in my spirituality and prayers. I believe my “investment” in faith must one day pay off, so I have rededicated myself to bringing the gospel of inclusion to everyone.
In 2011, my son agreed to spend the Easter weekend with me. It was the first time we had seen each other in months, though we had spoken over the phone and I had written him a few letters, working towards understanding and reconciliation.
At our Easter reunion he told me that he and his partner had discussed my sexuality and that he no longer had a problem with it. I have pondered what caused the sudden change of heart and must admit I was a little confused about it and the prospect of reconciliation after all this time. It was a shock that the most precious people in the world, my father and son, now both accepted me as a gay man, but what a wonderful shock!
All I am sure of now is that it is never wise to allow the insecurity of our families to cause us to be estranged from them. Deep down, we will always be part of these families, and everyone knows that. Never give up on yourself or your family. Reconciliation is possible. We just have to be willing to pay the price towards full acceptance.
1 – 200 of 317 Newer› Newest»*stories dat touch*
Gay church? This man is frm pit of Hell!!!
Nonsense inspiration.Continue to justify your being gay with sentimental ideas.
So how would this Reverend Rolland have felt if he grew up having 2 fathers who bang themselves every night while he is asleep in the next room. Someone gave him a life, a mother who was married to his father so yes his father should be ashamed of him
Who has time to read all that??? Oluwa ku suuru... Pastor indeed! bastard#TecnoN3#ics
God Is Love!
Love Is Love!
Your mother u say, was the only one who comforted u. Now u wanna marry a man and adopt a child and deny him the chance of having the same motherly love u had. stupid idiat
This is toh toh long! I will read it tomorrow. For now, I wanna sleep. Goodnight!
I cant believe he mentioned a mother's love in his article this man is so shameless
Too long. Can't read.
May God punish you for this,so you are trying to tell us that God is support for ur madness.You must be sick,we Nigerian would never get to understand crazy people like you...
Gays...too dramatic.. N they call women drama queens*scoffs* my advice meet shrinks or therapists or pschologists b4 u tag urself *gay*
All this Nigerian Self-made,Self titled Pastors,Reverend etc..
You all come abroad,claim to be pastors n reverend that & dat and expect us to bow to
Stories dat touch d heart....mtcheeeeew! Is he sure he reads d bible he is holding? I don't think so! Mr gay pastor d bible abhors homosexuality!much as i don't want 2 judge u need 2 really seek 4 forgiveness!ur level of immorality is so high!practicing homosexuality in d house of God!totally revolting & sickening!
Hmm ... True talk but still homosexuality is a big sin and God frowns deeply at it and as a pastor you should know better
Guess he was born that what we should be made to understand?
What really is behind gay practice is still a mystery
Post a Comment
Only God alone is Reverend.Fact.
To deny your gayness is to deny God? R u fucking kidding me?
Linda say the truth. Its not about people's love in arguing about issues like this. Its more about the love you have in uploading such posts
Only God alone is Reverend.Fact.
F*** u bro
They reconciled with you cos they didnt have a choice not that they lik u being gay
He shd go nd drink chilled water!
I hope you are enjoying ur pampers
This guy is sick
i dont give a damn @ wat diz guy has got to explain. he needs help cos crap hath possessd him
A gay pastor! It is well *smiles*
Happy he finally found peace. Who are we to judge another human?...
No tym to read all the tory.... So wt he is saying now is dt gays should be accepted...jona abeg stop the law make we hear word bt any lesbo dt crosses my part I swear she gon wish she was imprisoned 4 14 yrs cos na confirm gbege I go give her
Gayness is a spirit on it own. It sounds like a mental illness to me. May God heal u .
Mad man!!! G0D help u...
Antichrist.. Run Run RuN!
YawnnNnNnnnns, I had to skip some lines. Gay peeps, make una carry una wahala goooooo biko
Mr fag we r all sinners buh being gay aint right if u lyk tok frm nw til thy kingdom com#readdbibleurholdinsotytshikena#
his son is gay too?!ah swing both ways(which is fun)buh nt even a million dollar would make me come out as any shit...
Xo u trying 2 tell us God helped u in making ur fada nd son 2 accept u again. I spit on ur grave. May u burn in hell. Chai d devil must be proud of u
Is Homosexuality a Civil Rights Issue?
Homosexuality is not a civil rights issue. I am black. I became a lesbian. They are not the same.
I did not choose the color of my skin. I did choose to enter a lesbian relationship and to live a homosexual lifestyle for 14 years. I also chose to leave that lifestyle, but I cannot choose to stop being black. There is a difference. The color of my skin is an immutable quality of my being while my lesbianism was a deliberate series of actions resulting in a lifestyle choice.
It is a mockery to everything the black community suffered and the rights we fought for to claim that homosexuality is a civil rights issue. There is simply no comparison. Gays and lesbians have never been forced to ride at the back of the bus or to eat at separate restaurants. They didn’t attend separate schools. They have never been made slaves or been considered by law as less than human. The African-American church needs to stand up for itself on this issue, because even though I am a former lesbian, as an African-American I am insulted that the homosexual community would even attempt to compare gay rights to civil rights.
...Janet Boynes
God Bless you Jide!!! people should learn to pay more attention to things they do not understand. He is an amazing man and such an inspiration. Remove his gayness He is just like everyone, who just wants to live and be loved, accepted for his differences and allowed to do good to his fellow humans.
Mora Fucka.
Must he have sex? Why not lead a celebate life since you are not married.or is fornication not a sin esp for a so~called pastor? Why not copy rev fathers and just serve God and leave sex? Many lay men in church ,do not prioritised.Yes, some abstain sex cos the body is after all the temple! so sharrap!
Sowie bro...they are alota ya kind over here...fighting gay feeling is like revisting WW2..
Pls he should go n take several seats. May God have mercy. False prophets of d end Times
Hmmmm na wa ooO wat else cn I sai...
Linda so u expect me to read all dis fo.I give less consign abt dis guy cos he needs rehab asap...m
What part in your bubble tought about been gay is okay with God I want to know
MTeChew!!! Dis zz big TRash
Lmao @ ade
Lmao @ ade
U gays should stay in a country that accepts you and forget about converting us.
pastor make i chop your nash na. idiot
Anti Christ.......Gays are the RED dragons they are like servant to the DEVIL, and pls stop holding the BIBLE because you're reading it up side down......666 will be ur reword!
Rev u dey put inside guy nyash or den put inside your own...LMAO
You are Mad
So linda,na me go settle down read dis long tin wey dis nongrata write abi???.....u try!
This guy no well abeg, God don truly suffer in the hands men he created, linda abeg leave dis guy wit him wahala oh!
Which kain nonsense be dis nau?
Go and chop shit! Yet u forget that God frowns at sodomy am very sure we don't serve the same God
Dirty Dε̲γ̲ dis man brain!!!
This is abomination. Outright disobedience to God's word. What a pity
bastard. rot in jail
Stories dat touch d armpit
Hello,did u say,u prayed and d feeling didn't go,well,I got news for u,I was 7 too wen I started geti attracted to female,it comes and go,bt d day,I made up my mind,abt being a lesbian,I prayed earnestly,repented,cried unto God to deliver me,here I am today,trust me,free,no attraction to any woman,the thot disgust me now a lot,so pastor,guess ur mind is nt made up,its want u want..Shikena,God is a merciful God,get close to Him indeed and c His power of deliverance!
May God 4gv u 4 ur ignorance n confusion.
Akuko mbe na umu anumanu...May God just help us. BECKY
Jide u r a fool.....that's all
Honestly l like your response
Hate it when people try mix religion and sexuality.. Don't force your sexuality on a religion that doesn't accept you. Why not try start your own religion? Sexuality and religion are the problem of this world. western world dropped religion and accepted sexuality, but people like this in are trying to mix both. Never going to work bro....
I really don't have anything to discuss with you cuz unlike other people, I know your homosexual problem is highly demonic! But this idea of relating Christianity with homosexuality is giving me great concern. I am only left to wonder if you read that bible you're carrying. Romans 1:18 decalares that the wrath of God is revealed against ALL unrighteousness of men. verse 27 And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust toward one another; men with men working that which seem unseemly...who knowing the judgement of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death....Its like i should cut the hand you used to carry that sacred message of God.
Lol....f*** him again pls.
Lol......f*** him again pls
There's a difference between loving people and accepting what is wrong.
Just as God, Christians are enjoined to love everyone but please be sure to call a spade a spade. Homosexuality is NOT acceptable by God. If you are practicing that, ask God to heal you and save you..He can and He will.
Yes we know that every sin is sin, but you have to first of all acknowledge that it is a sin.
If you choose to continue to live the lifestyle that God clearly opposes, then by all means continue but DON'T FORCE THE SOCIETY, THE CHURCH TO SUPPORT YOU.
Please follow my's a Christian blog, just click my name.
So after reading all theological texts regarding sodomy, he still went ahead n opened a LGBTI church for what purpose I wonder. It's obvious he's being sponsored by western europeans n americans. He's jus a nigerian hustler. He's GAY for PAY
Linda dis story long o,shey na ontop gay mata,make e parkwell:(
Absurd, abnormal, against nature, against humanity, immoral, insanity, unGodly. Words to describe sodomity & homosexuals #NewsBlist
Touching...hope ur son's partner aint a man too and by the way what was ur religious community preaching about...I dnt see y a group of homosexuals can't jux pray to their God in their homes if the church aint comfy for u.u say u a xtian buh u keep ignoring soddom and gomorah abi werrin. I am a muslim so 4gv ma ignorance.nyways what xactly re u sayin dar its good to fuck sumone of d same sex or what sef. If u ve made peace wit urself and family y dnt u shut the fuck up and let us be,ok we av heard u but must we accept it! It is the trutj dat no man is holy buh dnt go justifying ur sins abeg. Linda nxt pls. Enuf with this gay crap. Poshapril says so
I don't get it how do u f**k d same sex..ewww digusting..
I mentioned that this spirit is powerful. That is because it is a spirit under the leadership of Jezebel. Kevin Kleint, in his e-mail "My 7 years working for the Elijah list" spoke of homosexuality operating under certain ministries he was visiting when he was at the Elijah List. The spirit of homosexuality is alive in the "false prophetic movement" because Jezebel runs it. "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" (1 Samuel 15:23). Because homosexuality is in its essence lawlessness and rebellion, it is also a worker of witchcraft.
Great write up! Props to his father and son for accepting him and loving him.
Hmmmm God is our helper. ...end time things
Pls sir, according to Roman 1 vrs 18-32 , what is ur standing
Gay gay everywhere am tired jared.
Ur miserable followers in ur church,dem don see avenue to go dey meet dier fellow perverts abi. Thunder fire dat ur church. I dey speak english b4 abi I dey vex. Fuckin miserable first class pervert. Bastard ! Posh april still says soi
Lols...ade baptista's reply cracked me up real good. But what does LGBTI mean?
Lollsss,pity story,deres diff btwn rty n wrng,Dis is way wrng,lols.linda U ehnn ur so naughty
I a curious to know if your son is also gay. If he is; I am deeply disappointed.
The truth is, I felt sorry for all the discrimination and hatred meted out to you. I wondered if its the same discrimination that underlies racism. I guess the two are similar.
But my brother, I think and I know that your sexuality is an aberration. A SIN. I am sorry to say,It is not of God, Period! You need to pray and seek deliverance. Belief me.
Homosexuality is not part of our culture, please do not waste your life trying to spread the curse in Africa. I love you but you need deliverance. God loves you even more.
All the best.
Am speechless
We don hear
Seriously Gay Pastor...
Beast in land
Funny world!
You have a son you soo much cherish through a woman,I laugh so hard at your stupidity.
May God help you!
Trash trash trash
Gay god! Funny enough, Dude is a pastor, preaching about gay trash, in the house of gays, would u call that a church. Guess all his church members are all gays and far gone gay crazy. This man deserve to be in another Planet next to the sun where he will get fried!
People forget that God/the bible has changed its position on a number of issues:
polygamy - (old testament, numerous accounts;
pre & extra marital sex/ keeping of mistresses (Abraham, King Solomon);
incest - (Adam&Eve's offspring, Abraham(Sara was his half sister), Noah, Lot etc;
child sacrifices (Abraham, Jephthah, Jesus);
stoning of prostitutes/ as a means of death in OT, Jesus befriends them in NT.
God has even changed how he communicates from grand miracles in OT,and direct appearances, mediation via priest and animal sacrifices etc now substituted for Salvation via his son Jesus. Now direct or indirect appearance, everything is via faith.
So why do you think his position on matters cant and aren't still changing and evolving post the compilation of the Bible?
Pls sir, according to Roman 1vrs 18-32, wat is ur stand abt d passage
Lmaoo. U don kolo o. Anyway I empathise with u brov, but no matter how articulate u put this shit, it is still gross am sorry. I hope that ur son hasn't verged along ur line sha, with his sudden acceptance of things?.
Anyhow, for this same act sodom and gomora was leveled under God's directives. I mean the same God in whom u find solace for the act. Hey. Who am I to judge? Happy gaying
I am just curious to know if your son is also gay. If he is, I am deeply disappointed. Although I feel for you on all the hatred and discrimination you must have experienced. I sometimes think the same hatred underlies racism.
But my brother, your sexuality is an aberration and I believe you need deliverance. Homosexuality is a sin and an abomination against God. Again, it is not part of the African culture. Please and please do not waste your life trying to spread this curse on Africa. You will not PREVAIL in Jesus Name.
I love you but God loves you more.
All the best.
U sure need deliverance #ASAP#
Ok first of all let me start by saying am a Catholic and am also a Nigerian....then let me say if we say the two things that two consenting adults decide to do behind close doors that do not harm in any way anybody is a sin why take judgement in our hands since sin is a spiritual matter between an individual and his God. I really don't care about gay rights and gay marriage but I do believe that gay matter was kept in the shadow ever since and nobody paid any emphasis on it but since it is made illegal and everybody is arguing here and there ...believe me very soon it will will be legal should just have been left in the shadows
To each his own , Lord purge and heal the land.
The spirit of abortion is murder and is clearly seen by the church as evil, but the spirit of homosexuality goes one step further to try and keep children from ever being born at all. It is the final insult by satan to God's plan for mankind.
don't ever put God and gay in the same sentence, cause you aint called by God... enough with with gay rubbish na
Yeah Ade, f*** him. What else would you like to say to him over the internet?
I rily understand W̶̲̥̅̊Ђɑ̤̥̈̊†̥ you guys are going thru...cos I can imagine if it was boy to girl relationship that was banned..soo me go der sneak to do something wit ma bf?? Nawa ˚ooº°˚˚°Âºoo wunt make sense so dats why I understand...but M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ only concern is that this homosexuality was the main thin dat destroyed sodom and as far as God is against it is against it too
Where is my comment
Too much message....Tired of reading!
Please can someone explain this to me..Pastor letter is kind of funny..."denyin gay is like denying God" dis folk is funny..good write up.. Advice : don't come back to Nigeria just stay we're u are, may be someday your brain would be well oriented...I am sure by now u make use of diapers Pastor...pastor can you defend urself with words from the bible and not ur foolish tot or corrupted one...ur article is kind of provoking...a pastor gay do u read ur bible ?
"I knew that to deny my gayness was to deny God" na wa sha! End time is near!
Thunder fire u and dat devil infested mouth you use to mention God. All d jagons u wrote here u never mentioned a portion of d bible that encouraged your evil sexuality. Whatever u people do or try to dominate, Gays wil never be accepted in our african society and u can shove dat into your dick ass
If this is not foolishness let me know why mtcheew! Fuck you gay idiot
Linda I think u need help on this gay issue,u are better check into rehab....H1
This man is coursed God is watching,it's Man for woman not man for man brother u sucks
"I knew that to deny my gayness was to deny God" na wa sha! end-time is near!
Please can someone explain this to me..Pastor letter is kind of funny..."denyin gay is like denying God" dis folk is funny..good write up.. Advice : don't come back to Nigeria just stay we're u are, may be someday your brain would be well oriented...I am sure by now u make use of diapers Pastor...pastor can you defend urself with words from the bible and not ur foolish tot or corrupted one...ur article is kind of provoking...a pastor gay do u read ur bible ?
Wetin make me read dis rubbish?na ur problem,na u sabi.
Hell is waiting for you and your likes! God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve.
Come back to nigeria pls Pastor...Mek dey fuck ur style up...if you believe say God support ur gay life show 9ja...I promise u luxury in kirikiri.
Ewu hausa..u nid serious fastin nd layin of hands..
Come back to nigeria pls Pastor...Mek dey fuck ur style up...if you believe say God support ur gay life show 9ja...I promise u luxury in kirikiri.
â„“oâ„“ ...Gist. 8-|
@annmarie its better to have gay parents that to have no parents at all. Oya you go to orphanage and many nigerians adopt kids in a year,the number is 20.If I where an orphan I rather have gay parents that would love me and care for me,than have no parents at all. How is he going to deny the orphan child motherly love when the orphan has no parents at all. Sharrap idot.nigerians are useless set of slaves.
"I knew that to deny my gayness was to deny God".....what an insult on God!!! Did God create you to be gay or you made the decision to be one? How do you gays do these things cef? I mean sha**ing....don't they mix their d**k up, is that yours? Is that mine? WOW!!! I dey vex mehn!!!
gay people are sent from God to clean up your mess you useless straight people,having unwanted kids and dumbing them in the trash. The gays will now adopt them,care for them educate them and you nigerian animals are many people adopt in you know anybody that knows anybody that has adopted a child from an orphanage before. Rubbish
JESUS was all for acceptance.
Why are people so homophobic???
God is love, homosexuals are just confused they are the generation of sodom, let us continue to pray for their deliverance. Pls don't despise or hate them, show love to them.
@ize where did you copy and paste this shit from cause I know your nigerian brain is not high enough to write something like this. don't be such an idiot you black whore,nobody chooses to be gay,gay people are being persecuted,hanged,whipped,shot at,laughed at,called names and bullied which has lead to a lot of suicides in teenagers,fired from their jobs,expelled from schools,unthinkable medical experiments have been practised on gay people to try to cure their homosexuality so what are you saying.some people also belive that being gay is contagious so they don't touch gay people a perfect example is a boy in my school. Its almost the same its a civil rights issue,equality is important whether gay or straight,black or white. so shut your slave're an ugly black whore.
@anonymous 11:47pm you're a liar,keep deceiving your self. You are going to live a life a unhappiness,an un-authentic life,I pity will have a life of regret cause once a gay is always a where born that way.
So this Rev's Yansh is being f***ked... Nawa ooo.
LIBers, this happened in my street today. I am sharing this for people to be careful the way they act towards others especially when it has to do with this gay stuff.
I have a friend who is a core homophobia. He was so happy about the new anti-gay bill. Many times we discussed about it, he would vow to deal with any fool that would come to ask him for gay relationship, in fact, he said that 14 years stipulated for offenders was too small, say for him, death penalty should have been the best option. Today, the unimaginable happend in our street. A friend of this same my friend went to their house to see him, unfortunately he was not at home. The only person at home was his 16 year old younger brother. The friend who came decided to stay and wait for him as his number was not going through, along the line the friend fell asleep on the cushion in the parlor, could u believe that the 16 year old boy went to where he was sleeping and started to unzip his jean, when the guy woke up, the 16 year of boy started begging him for was terrible, then the guy started to beat him, immediately we came in, ie I and my friend and we asked what was happening, then the guy told us everything. My friend was embarrassed and felt like burying himself in shame. He asked the brother when he started such and who taught him, the brother told him that it's been long and that no one taught him that.
Finally I left their house, then my friend caled me and begged me to keep the whole thing a top secret. I jokingly told him that I would suggest that he brought out his brother to be sent to 14 years or be stoned to death. I advised him to mind how he mock others as what he finds irritating about others may still be existing under his nose.
This gay of a thing, the way I see it, it's as natural as been straight.
The most annoying thing is that he is mentioning God in his messy life....Wetin Baba God nor go see or hear from man?...HE IS JUST A PERFECT GENTLEMAN!!!
God created ADAM and EVE
not ADAM and STEVE
or ADA and EVE....:)
I saw this "thing" once in cambridge some yearrs back with his feminine sling bag. he is being paid by the church of england to propagate homosexuality in Nigeria. the guy na mega huzzler and has a child.
Linda atleast this will show u the quality of follwers u have and their sense of judgement and analysis. It is high time u had 2 seperate blogs. One for lighter followers and entertainment and another for issues such as this. And making effort to edit read all the comments and to know which qualifies to be pasted in the two blogs we give ur forum a better credit
Nonsense! You cannot justify evil to be good! Repent or hell fire will be waiting for you.
"WATEVER"! Who told you dat "GAY MATTERS" was kept in the shadow? Dnt say wat u dnt know. Maybe u are of dem. Innocent children are been forced into this "UNGODLY" practices on a daily by the so called rich gays who are enticing them with money. We are not condeming anyone, neither are we judging anyone but we can't accept "GAY" practices here. Let them go to wherE the practice is accepted.
LISA, LONDON, guess you know the bible way too much, read Romans 1:27. Dats not OT. SaY the truth and put the devil to shame. Who even ordained him as a GAy pastor? The church accepted him to see if he can repent nnot that dey are in support of his evil practices. Any church, Pastor, man or woman dat is in support of Gay practices is from the pit of hell. God loves you , so repent now before is too late. Likewise all of us dat dislike these practices, remember dat God also dislike Sin, so repent now of those little sin you are involve in, ask God for forgiveness and mercy, so dat on the last u will not be in desame position or place with this man if he refuse to repent. MaY God help us in Jesus name. Amen.
Oh well! Good for you
U are not a reverend not sorry to say u re an agent of devil frm d pit of hell no matter d explanations u av to giv justifies ur action and blasphemy in the bible one of the major reasons God destroyed sodom and gomora was men sleeping wit men and women sleeping wit women I dnt understand wot u preach to ur congregation plzzzz stop dis now while u still have time to give ur life to christ repent cos d end is very near
F**K dis Nigga mehn!
Looooooooooooool. Gay pastor look @ dis beast call him self Gay pastor I sorry 4 ur member most of them has been wearing panpers nw rite? ur life is useless already d demons in u is biger dan d one who is in d world LooooooooOooooool I want die 4 laugh oooooooh 4some pple comment here, don't com 2 nigeria again oooh our hungry police men will pick u up sharply 14years u never see son Looooooooooooooool seriously u need help u need mountain of fire pastors 2 deliver u with fasting nd prayer run run run go nw don't look back.
You are from the pits of hell. If you were not so illiterate, you would understand that it's a church that welcomes gays, not a church to the god of gays, who you probably think is Elton John
Can't force myslf2read dis long piece of crap!
So conflicting.
Live your miserable lie and you will forever be pressed when you were others love their truth.
Be ashamed of yourself, if you condemn this man, the condemnation that awaits you will be manifold. What you fail to realize is that you are insignificant in the larger scheme of things, yours is to be a slave to ignorance and that had robbed you of compassion, and in being incompassionate, you don't greatly differ from a beast of burden... Shit, eat, mate, sleep and eventually die living nothing of importance behind as a legacy, except stupid uneducated remarks on this blog.
Whilst those who are compassionate, bless those around them. Bring peace, find happiness and share in joy.
Let me tell you this.... Not a curse, but be sure that your life will be full of gloom, woe and sadness, because you are a wretched wicked soulless non entity, you are the worst type of human being, a disgrace to humanity and mankind.
Be sad, including others who think like this wretched lowlife. Until you raise yourselves up from the cesspit of wickedness disguised as self righteousness, your hands will be the architect of your own demise and undoing.
You had the opportunity to use your heart, instead you point with your finger mockingly at someone who has suffered beyond your miniscule comprehension not realising 4 fingers are pointing at you.
It's good to speak your mind, but wise to run the information past your brain before you utter nonsense.
All your end timez have arrived. Especially this cow who wrote this comment, I've come to prophecy to you, all your days are marked for side serious turmoil and you have all caused it by your own doing.
The world won't end because of gays or the downtrodden, but for every wicked pain out there, your tribulations have come. You haven't seen anything yet. THERE IS NO LONGER ANY HOPE FOR YOU.
*Goodluck* to you all.
Where's your own father little child?
You're so basic... To know any kind of love is greater that not knowing any at all, your father and mother probably had you by accident.
Bearing false witness... Did he say he was practicing being gay in the church? Because you practice being retarded in your life, it doesn't mean others can't separate their way of life appropriately
Have you seen this god's face that you seem to be an authority on. He's probably frowning that you're on the Internet chatting rubbish instead of reading your own bible.... Go and hug a pulpit.
To deny your life is to deny God... In other words, you say god you made a mistake, you bring him to the level of mere mortals and disregard his all knowingness.... Better to live, than to die complaining about things you have to control over.
Okereke, because you wear shirt with button, it doesnt mean you are now an academic... Keep your comments to yourself, talking about possession.... You are watching too many village films, a man is talking about real life and your contribution with your special needs grammar is possession.... By that comment you disqualify yourself from any rational discussion. Evidently you didn't go to school.
Go and read a proper book and then when you are finished, maybe you can afford to have a clue about life.
all this long talk does not change anything. The BIBLE is against gay marriage so anyone doing anything outside of the BIBLE is sinning. I am TIRED of all these ppl and their lies. God is against GAY MARRiage....there should have been ADAM and STEVE in the begining and I wonder wether you all would exist.....NONSENSE!
See, the biggest hypocrites shout loudest, heffer showing yansh like the backside of a horse is shouting antichrist... Unclechrist ni.
Jide and Linda, Thank you. Jide, you are an inspiring person. My heart goes out to you. What is your crime? Honesty. Being honest to your nature. Gay is natural, natural, natural. Throughout the animal world, throughout human history, it has existed. Anyone who truly believes in the Almighty creator would not persecute gays. It is tantamount to racial discrimination, on a par with the atrocities that Hitler committed against Jews and other groups. Nigerians, ronu. Think, get educated. Incidentally, some of the greatest minds ever have shown a gay orientation. They include the greatest genius ever, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Thomas Gray, Tchaikovsky, John Maynard Keynes the father of modern Economics and even Alan Turing who invented the system for the modern computer without which we wouldn't be communicating now. Nigeria would criminalize many brilliant people because of this foolish, futile, distracting and destructive law. Horrible.
First you are an occultist from your first picture with a bead on your hand. Secondly, your claim as been a pastor is a lie from the pit of hell unless as you created your own church you also created a new bible for your followers. You are just lying to your self your soul is hell bound unless you repent.
Now lets analyse thing from biblical arena
King James version of the bible says this and I quote
Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,(Read it further)
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
Romans 1:24-27 - Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: (Read More...)
Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. (Read More...)
Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
First you are an occultist from your first picture with a bead on your hand. Secondly, your claim as been a pastor is a lie from the pit of hell unless as you created your own church you also created a new bible for your followers. You are just lying to your self your soul is hell bound unless you repent.
Now lets analyse thing from biblical arena
King James version of the bible says this and I quote
Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,(Read it further)
Leviticus 20:13 - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
Romans 1:24-27 - Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: (Read More...)
Mark 10:6-9 - But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. (Read More...)
Genesis 2:24 - Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
A word is enough for the wise. You are one of the end time pastors the bible is referring to.
You're a liar, you're using reverse psychology to try to prove a point by subjectively orchestrating and falsifying a narrative. You're not intelligent enough. You're not gay, or lesbian, the only truth in this statement is that you are black.
You've plagiarized someone's writing, edited it to counteract what was originally said in places and tried to usurp it.
By all accounts you're a genius, most likely male, prone to thievery and deceit, a psychological profile of sociopath, verging on psychopath... A pathological liar, who's going to meet someone who will retaliate to your psychological passive aggressiveness and deal with you severely.
You are very sick. Smart, but extremely damaged.
Being gay is not about sex, sexual attraction is just a manifestation of the emotional desires. So if he gay, be can be celibate. Because a person is gay, it doesn't mean that they are forever morivated by a desire to lick lollipops, because you're fat it doesn't mean you live in Mr bigs
The part that said you should finish school. This isn't a question and answer session. If you're looking for answers to and ask your pastor
You're all marked by the beast. Your anger at those who haven't harmed you already shows you are damned if I were you I'd start looking for peace.
Are you not doing the same?
Probably how your parents feel giving birth to a retard like you.
Linda, If you believe being homosexual, gay or lesbian is God's plan, will, destiny and creation for some people, then it is ok for you to continue to post otherwise I plead with you to stop using this medium to propagate this way of life to younger generation whose decisions, thoughts, beliefs and values are influenced by the things they read,hear and see.
I hope you understand my point.
People don't understand God's ways. So many were attracted to women including me but once I read the word of God and knew it was an abomination, ooooo I switched off, I asked God for help and he did.
Prayer, especially that of requesting. You first have to forgive all, be absorbed of your sin and in that cleanness beg God, ask the angels and saints and mother Mary to pray for you. You will surely see changes.
You were and still are weak, that's why you gave in.
I just hope people won't go and kidnap your father and ask him to start calling the names of the gaay people you introduced him to. Anything is possible in naija
Mind you, to be a priest, you must be sexually ok. They don't accept a guy who is gay or impotent. You must be able to have feelings for the opposite sex.
Hell is yr calling pastor
I just hope people won't go and kidnap your father and ask him to start calling the names of the gaay people you introduced him to. Anything is possible in naija
Bastard u all will be perish...any gay dat try me na death.
Only the woman can tell what she did to produce this bastard. Elder Macualay, your wife has a deep secret only a DNA can reveal.
Linda pls stop postin stuffs like dis, rememba the wrath of God.
touch my ass,this man is devil cum to life.
Yea! Stories that touch! Can u imagine? Sorry excuse.
Its high time you opened your inner eye to see that the devil is on your case. Using you to convince others that you are of God. Its part of the devil's master plan. Repent!
Gay Okafor, is touching abi?
Pastor gay, better drop the holy bible before thunder strikes your dread head.
This man is in bondage. Show me in the Bible where God approved of gay. Satan has got you to serve him as an instrument to destroy others. Your story is all foolishness. You are not able to justify the reason why you are gay. You can see you have no freedom. The only person that can give you this freedom is Jesus Christ. You belong to a cult and should stop referring to it as a Church. It is not yet late for you to come out and accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour.
This man is in bondage. Show me in the Bible where God approved of gay. Satan has got you to serve him as an instrument to destroy others. Your story is all foolishness. You are not able to justify the reason why you are gay. You can see you have no freedom. The only person that can give you this freedom is Jesus Christ. You belong to a cult and should stop referring to it as a Church. It is not yet late for you to come out and accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour.
I don't know wat 2 tell dis pple who think dey r wiser than God, God did not create Adam n Steve nor did He create Ada n Eve.
You know, it hurts me when I see people judging others! The bible says do not judge! It also says d@ He created man in His Own image. These gay pple are human beings too with feelings, they are God's creations as well. Why do we av to make them feel like they re worth nothing? I'd love to believe its not their fault they re gay! U don't just wake up one morning and decide to be gay! Why don't we just leave them to God to judge or deliver and stop dis insults! Most of us are into worse things than these! Some of u sleep with different men\women on daily basis nd yet u open u mouth to judge sum1 else! I'm not gay but I'm not God either, nd d bible says He looked @ everything he created nd saw that it was good. They re God's creations too, don't let dem feel less dan dey re worth. Only love would change them! Thank you
end time is truly near.....what a shame when i ready or see same gender romancing....just odd...damn
Accepting you as gay does not mean they accept your gay actions, its because they love you as Christ admonished us to. If God did not love us He would not have sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us. God loves and accept us amidst our sins. He loves us but He detests our sins. If I were to be your son, I will accept you, and love you, but I will continue to admonish you to change, because the bible frown against homosexuality, and all those involved in it needs to accept that they have sinned and repent.
Accepting you as gay does not mean they accept your gay actions, its because they love you as Christ admonished us to. If God did not love us He would not have sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us. God loves and accept us amidst our sins. He loves us but He detests our sins. If I were to be your son, I will accept you, and love you, but I will continue to admonish you to change, because the bible frown against homosexuality, and all those involved in it needs to accept that they have sinned and repent.
Pls,can he quote any passage from the bible that accepts homosexuality.....then I'll b convinced tht he is a man of God.
excuse me bro!!! If God Instructed us to go forth and multiply,how are we supposed to do that if we go about marryn peeps dat r same sex with us. Justify THAT nd mayb i will listen to dis crap u're tryn 2 sell.
But wait oooo, this gay and lesbian thing mmm na God understand and only him knows the mystery behind it!
I can't judge anyone,we have all ered and have flaws one or two,;
Jide U are not a pastor of God
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